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Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 3:44 pm
by Fehr'sBear
Just a note: Stormwolfstone has been nice enough to take over Madroswellfan's characters, thanks Storm!! And Mad, sorry you had to leave this rp. :(

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 3:48 pm
by madroswellfan
I'm really sorry hun! I really wish I could continue, but I will try my best 2 make sure I keep reading this one! Have fun guys!

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 12:41 pm
by StormWolfstone

For some reason I really don’t like the fact that Max has decided to make the first move and head over to the others, but something keeps me in place as I decide to stay put. Somehow I feel responsible for the safety of the others just as much as I feel the need to get us all out of here safely. I hate being locked up without any idea of what we are here for or who we really are. A name. That’s all we have to go on about our identity. The fact that we feel we know each other. That’s the only thing that’s keeping us from feeling insanity I think.

I glance over toward the girl named Maria and before I can say anything I suddenly have a small image of kissing her beneath what looked like bleachers go through my mind and can’t keep from looking away with a frown. All right, what could have possibly gone through my head if I’d kissed her? Was that an actual memory?

Every once in a while a word here or there would reach us from where Max spoke to the girl. I caught something about being different, ‘special’. It seems to confuse Max as much as I’m feeling confused.

Sitting there, for some reason I reach a hand out to take Isabel’s and the other goes to Tess’ shoulder as though for some reason I’m offering comfort though something with that image made me wish that Maria was sitting where Tess was. My gaze moves to Max and I watch him talk to the girl, wondering what’s going on when another guy seems to get somehow involved in the conversation.

Just as the guy seems to move over even closer to them, Liz gets up and starts moving toward them herself, “Liz!” I call out, uncertain as to why and she turns to simply shake her head before moving slowly across the room as though she’s nervous enough to almost bolt. I shake my head and look at the others that I’m here with wondering how they’ll react to the fact that both Liz and Max have gone to try to mingle.


At first, when Max moved off, something made me feel like I was lost. I was getting used to our group just being together since we’d awakened and the idea that even one of us was separated bothered me so I watched carefully, ready to intervene at any point if I felt there was a need. Then before I knew what was happening, I saw another boy, the one that had been leaning, move over to sit next to the girl, his expression made me uneasy and yet somehow it had a familiar air to it.

Not familiar as though I knew him, but knew someone had been like that. I stood without thinking and started to take small steps toward them. Part of me was wondering if this was a good idea or if I should simply leave the room and go back to the room I’d taken since being here but the other part told me to keep moving. “Liz!” I heard Michael’s voice and simply turned back for a moment and shook my head. I wasn’t going to just sit here and do nothing, there had to be something that could be done, and I was going to find out as much as I could in order to determine the best logical action.

As I turned back and continued walking I suddenly saw the girl Max talking to seeming to be floating in the air and I couldn’t keep from being shocked at such a sight. Still, it seems to spur my decision and I speed up my steps until I’m at Max’s side, nibbling on my lower lip as I tried to decide if I should introduce myself.

Looking at the girl I wondered if that was what she’d meant when I’d vaguely heard the comments about being special. Glancing warily at the boy that had joined them, the one the girl had called grumpy and I think I heard his name was Phillip. I wonder what his story is. I mean, I don’t expect them to trust us or be open but there was something else, I’m almost certain of it. Was he angry with us?

I look away from him because the last thing I want right now is a confrontation. I want answers.


"No, it's not too early, you're just lazy," Eliza remarks and I’m attempting to bury my head under my arm as she’s piling my sheets at the bottom of the bed. The air in the room brushes over me and I can’t keep from groaning. I know she can’t see me during the day, but it still doesn’t keep me from feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Besides, there's something going on in the Rec room with the newbies, and I want you to take me down there so you can tell me what's happening.” She adds and I sigh, looking at her as I brought myself to a sitting position on the bed and sigh yet again.

“Alright, let me get dressed, scamp.” I grumble, the last a teasing word.

"Come on!" She exclaims and I close my eyes with another grumble before I slide my legs over the edge of the bed on the opposite side from where she sits.

“Eliza, chill. I’m moving… I’m moving.” Yawning I stand and move to the closet that was made for me here. Eliza is my best friend here, the one I spend most of my time with and it has been that way since I arrived here four years ago. I realized just how different things were when I accidentally ended up becoming invisible without even trying to. However, Eliza was still able to ‘feel’ me there she’d said and she’d helped talk me back into visibility.

Dressing rather quickly, I wore a pair of black shorts with a black muscle shirt. Slipping socks on and then reaching for sneakers I nodded to myself as I ran a comb though my hair. “Alright, Eliza I’m ready.” I tell her as I move over to the bed and place a hand on her shoulder lightly. “Your eyes are in order now.” I tease, though I still feel tired but I couldn’t deny her. It always felt different to me when I saw things then when I was explaining them to her.


“Focus now! The time must be halted in a specific section.” The voice says for the fifth time in I’m not sure how many hours.

“Tired… so tired.” I can’t keep myself from muttering. I had to find a way, had to make myself do what I was being told to do. I could feel myself weakening, I wanted to sleep, I needed to sleep. “Please?”

Ten years now. I’ve been in this place for so long I don’t remember anything about the outside world. I wish, more then anything that the constant tests would stop. The torture would end. It’s always the same though. When they come for me, I have no way to stop them and end up being taken to the steel room, wires and other things connected to me.

They draw blood from me, run scans, and place this collar type thing around my neck. Each time they’ve had me in there, they’ve made me use my talent and most of the time when I’m done they would wait for me to regain only a small amount of energy before they would make me do it again until I’d simply pass out and find myself back in my room when I awoke.

“That’s enough! We’ve tested him more so then we have. Take him back to the others now.” I hear another voice say and feel gratitude. I haven’t been allowed to sleep. I’m almost certain it’s been nearly through the night, as soon as sundown came about.

I know that it might sound weak, but as soon as they used whatever method it was that got me back into my room and I was released, I didn’t want to be alone. I needed to be with the others. I could already hear the voices lifted from the Rec room and without further thought, I slid myself off of the bed, crawling weakly across the floor to the door of my room.

Once there, it took several moments for me to pull myself up, but I did, opening the door and using the wall, sliding along it in a lean. I knew we had the new people here and I didn’t want to appear weak, but I also couldn’t stand the idea of being alone right now. I was weak and as weak as I was there would be no protection for me if they came again. But, they never came for us when we were in the groups, always taking us when we were alone. I didn’t want to be alone.

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 1:26 pm
by OnDragonflyWings

I've heard bits of the conversation taking place between Max and the other girl. I'm sure we all have. Special? Could we really be special? The idea seemed eeirily familiar. Like it resonated some kind of truth. But what? They couldn't mean like getting straight A's or something. it had to be more special than that.

I felt Micahel's hand rest on my shoulder and I turned to look at him and the others for the first time since Max had walked away. I smiled slightly at him. I wasn't sure who he was, but I did feel a connection. Maybe we were family.

When Micahel said Liz's name my eyes rose up to watch her walk across the floor. I wasn't sure why, but something inside me screamed that this was wrong. That I didn't like it. That if anyone followed Max, it should be me. Why me? It didn't make sense.

My whole body was tense as I watched her approach him. And then I felt a twinge of fear as the girl floated. She floated! Flew! Whatever. It felt dangerous. I felt suspicious. Suspicious of what? Why? Not to mention how was she flying? Did she mean we were special like that? And if we were we could probably get out of here easy. If only we knew what our powers were. If we had any. Everyone here didn't have powers did they?

We needed a plan. We needed a way to remember. A way to find out if we had powers. And for some reason I instinctively looked to Max for that.

I looked back at the hovering girl, narrowing my eyes. I didn't trust her. And I didn't like ehr that close to Max.


I slowly lowered myself to the ground when I saw another girl approaching. Liz they said ehr name was. it sounded like they were trying to stop her and I couldn't help but wonder why. I felt the ground solid under my feet again. There was always a moment of sadness when that happened.

"Hey," I greeted Liz, again holding my hand out to shake with her,"I'm Rebecca." I almost introduce everyone else, but they've stayed quiet so far, except for Phillip. he'd introduce himself if he wanted to. And he probably didn't want to.

I look at Liz and Max, and then their other friends, wodnering if they have powers. Wondering what they could possibly be.

And why is the curly blonde giving me the death look?

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 1:58 pm
by StormWolfstone

"Hey," the girl greeted me as she landed and I watched as she held out her hand. I didn't hesitate in taking it, it was polite and I wasn't going to let my fear about this place cause problems. "I'm Rebecca."

"I'm Liz... nice to meet you, Rebecca." I say as I look around a bit, "How did you do that?" I'm instantly wondering if there is something that can be done to explain how it happened and for some reason I can't help but wonder if I was called the brain or something of the sort.

I shook my head after a moment as I gave a slight smile, "Nevermind, I'm certain you'd rather not deal with an explanation like that. I vaguely heard something while we were sitting there about scientists wanting to test us and recreate something? If I was hearing things correctly that is..." I didn't hide my confusion, somehow I was confused about the situation, but not about the possibility of covering science.

I would have said more but movement caught my attention from near the hallway that led to our rooms. A boy that seemed weak, exhausted and in pain was using the wall to guide himself into the room. There was something about his expression as he glanced around that said, 'don't approach me' and I could tell it wasn't directed at the others, but at me and my friends.

I look at Rebecca, "Is he going to be alright?" I motioned toward the boy as I questioned this.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:26 pm
by OnDragonflyWings

I shrug a little when Liz asks how I managed to fly. I don't really know how I do it, or why I can. I just focus and feel myself rise up. Levitation I guess. But still I don't really ahve a rhyme or reason or strategy for it.

I'm about to answer her when I see Dominic struggle in. And man does he look bad. Really bad. It's moments like this where it makes your blood run cold just to be here.

"Nick," I say urgently, curiously. I wonder myself if he'll be okay, as I hurry over to him. I wonder what happened to him. What horrible things they did to him this time. But most times we don't really talk about that. We pretty much all know what happenes in those white rooms.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 7:07 am
by isabelle

I watch the girl fly with a sense of amazement. I've never seen anything like it except in my dreams ... dreams I can't even remember but somehow I know I had them. Maybe I've even tried to fly but I don't think I can. Whatever makes me 'special', it's not that.

Liz approaches and I hide the smile that I feel. It feels good having her nearby although I also feel protective -- like I want to be sure she isn't hurt. Of course, they're all my friends. Maybe I feel the same about all of them? I'm not sure about that.

She introduces herself to Rebecca and asks the question that I didn't even know how to put into words. I was almost afraid to ask, afraid that even my question would give something away about me. ... That makes no sense.

But before Rebecca answers, a boy staggers in, nearly falling. I get to my feet, but don't approach him. I can see he doesn't want strangers near him. In his face I see pain, fear, desperation and it cuts through me. It's everything I'm afraid of.

I put a hand on Liz's shoulder, trying to assure her, as I watch Rebecca and Phillip move over to help him. It's obvious she didn't plan this, but I can't help but wonder if she would have answered Liz or not. That group seems to be as keen on their secrets as I am. She called the hurt one Nick. I file that name hoping that whatever has stolen our memories won't make us forget.


I growl under my breath as Rebecca takes off. I can't believe she's doing this. I wanna grab her out of the air, but it's too late. What's done is done. One of the other newbies comes to join Max and immediately starts questioning Becca. I scowl at her but she doesn't seem to care. Liz, she's called. Rebecca introduces herself but not me, which suits me fine.

Suddenly, the door behind us opens and I tense. The scientists don't usually grab us in group. This room is almost 'safe.' But it doesn't stop me from being wary. Turning, I see Dominick come in, looking like Hell. Immediately, the problem of the newbies doesn't matter. I hurry to Dominick's side and grab his arm.

"Gotcha," I tell him as I help him to stand and move him into the nearest chair. When he's sitting, I relax my grip. "Okay?" I ask before I let go entirely.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 4:58 pm
by StormWolfstone

I see Becca rushing over toward me and then Phillip also came to help me. “Nick,” Rebecca’s soft voice sounded and I hated the concern I heard in her voice because normally I was stronger then this. I could see the concern on the faces of the new people too, but they didn’t concern me as much as my friends.


“Gotcha.” Phillip takes hold of my arm and assists me over to a seat. I feel better already, knowing that I’m not alone and that I’m around those who have become friends. I look between Rebecca and Phillip as I try to settle in the seat, “Okay?” Phillip asks and I nod, weakly but as best as I can.

“Thanks.” I said simply, “I’ll be okay now…”

“Is… everyone in… here?” I questioned, I wanted to sleep and yet I didn’t. If I let myself sleep then I’d miss the chance to find out what was going on. I remember that in the beginning I went through their tests because they threatened my life, but by the time I began wishing they’d kill me, they had decided to threaten that if I didn’t do what I was told, they’d hurt the others. There was no way in hell I was going to risk the others.


I watched as Rebecca and the guy that had been near her rushed toward the new guy and felt concerned for how bad he looked. What was going on in this place? Just what sorts of things were the scientists looking for?

Max places a hand on my shoulder and I glance at him, giving a slight smile of reassurance while I lift my hand to cover his. I don’t know what it is that makes me feel comfortable with Max in this way, feel as though I really did know him and trust him but, I do know that I’m not about to worry on that.

I know that they probably won’t appreciate it, but I can’t keep from asking, “Is he going to be alright? Shouldn’t he be lying down?”

The boy turns weakly to look at me, his glare obvious even before he spoke, “No.” That’s all he said and I wondered which part he was saying no to or if he was meaning no to both.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 5:10 pm
by Fehr'sBear

I notice Dominic stumble into the room, looking terrible, and Iimmediately get up and go over. We stick together, no matter how much all these people annoy me. Rebecca and Phillip are already over there, and he looks a bit better once he sits.

"Dom, what'd they do this time?" I ask loudly, not really caring if the others want to be quiet about it. I mean, I know how he feels. They test me more than anyone, and there are days when I can't even open my eyes. At least he has something specific for them to test. They have no idea with me.

I go and lean next to Rebecca, glare a bit at the newbies who are staring like deer in headlights, and wait for his response.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 5:29 pm
by StormWolfstone

"Dom, what'd they do this time?" Kieran asks me as he comes over and I look at him, surprised that he’s not having more care.

“Took me just… after I went… to my room… didn’t let me… sleep. They pushed as… always.” I replied toward him, though I knew that there was so much more that could be said, but at the moment I just wanted to relax a little bit. Now that I’m sitting I don’t feel quite the same, but there is still some pain and definitely exhaustion. “This was electric shock day…” I added, not caring suddenly that the others in this place might think. I know Kieran has often gone through hell and I often wish there was something I could do to help him.

I notice the girl and guy that had seemed to be talking with Rebecca when I came in, knowing well that Phillip may have been over there, but he wasn’t talking. “What’s their story?” I decided to ask, wanting the attention taken off of me and place somewhere else. I might fall asleep in the rec room later, but I didn’t care.