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Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 12:53 pm
by StormWolfstone

Tess moves herself closer to me and I simply hold her, "Oh Kyle," I can hear her sniffle and I want nothing more then to take her tears away for her, "I'm so glad your here, I don't know what happened. I mean I do, I wasn't hurt or anything I'm fine but it’s just. Well, I remembered something that I didn't want to, that I must have pushed back in my mind till now."

She takes hold of my free hand and I feel her rubbing her thumbs against my own. It isn’t often that Tess reaches out for comfort so I know that whatever it was that happened was something that affected her strongly. I see the tears slide free from her eyes and with the hand that was smoothing her hair, I reach down to lightly wipe the tears away, wanting to take whatever had bothered her and wipe it away just as easily, but I knew better then to think I could.

"It isn't important though, not really." She says this after giving a chuckle that I can tell is forced and I shift, drawing her even closer so I can cradle her.

“Will you tell me about it, Tess?” I ask her softly, looking at her with concern. I wouldn’t force her to tell me what had happened, but I did want to know if there was anyway that I could help. I loved her and I wanted to help ease her mind in anyway I can. “Maybe sharing the memory would help lessen the strength that it has over you.” I add, kissing her forehead and I cup her cheek gently.

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 8:14 pm
by StormWolfstone

"That was really good you know," I hear a male voice say from beside me and turn to look at a rather good looking stranger. And I know he's a stranger because he sure as hell didn't grow up here in Roswell. I would have known him. "The band are good but... you were amazing..."

I can't stop from smiling when I see the blush on his cheeks as he seems to kind of stammer, " you get that all the time... people randomly coming up to you and saying, 'Hey your brilliant.'"

"Thanks... it's not really everyday when someone says it with the sincerity you show. Most simply say things because... well, they just say it as though it's expected." I reply and turn slightly so that I'm facing him more, "I'm Maria... welcome to Roswell... hope you don't find it to be... boring or too mediocre like some have been known to."

A hand falls on my shoulders and I tense for only a moment before hearing the familiar voice of Jim. "Thanks for coming and joining us again, Maria. It's so good to have you home for a while."

"Thanks, Jim. I'll have to make it a habit. By the way, don't forget to meet me in the recording studio on Wednesday. We have to record that song we wrote last time I was here." I smile at Jim who beams proudly as he assures me he will and then walks off as he sees someone that wanted his time.

I can't keep from shaking my head and smiling at the fact that Jim was still so excited about music. I always enjoyed coming back and singing with him. Even if it was only an every once in a while thing. "Sorry about that," I say to the guy that was next to me.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 5:57 pm
by StormWolfstone

"I was just going up to meet one of the speakers and I don't know what triggered it but I got a memory, flash sort of thing," Tess begins, looking at me and I squeeze her lightly, wanting to assure her that it was alright.

"I must have been around 14 or so and Nacedo wanted me to practice my powers in public so he took me to the zoo, I refused and he left. I thought I was free of him for the day and it was so, well it was kind of amazing while it lasted." I see her scowl and know that the next part was the part where things bothered her.

"I met a family while I was along there and we spent the day together, kind of like I was part of their family. It was normal, and I had a lot of fun. I was already dreaming of escaping Nacedo and just being adopted into their little family. But it was a lie, and I didn't even figure it out myself." I note that she doesn't continue and I kiss her forehead before I cup her face with my hands, looking into her eyes.

"You don't have to continue if you don't want to, Tess. Just know that I'm here and I love you. Nacedo can't hurt you anymore. He can't effect your life anymore." I kissed her lips briefly and then drew back so that I was just sliding my arms back around her and drawing her against me, wanting to give her comfort.

It always amazes me how much I really do love her and want nothing more then to protect her.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:01 pm
by FaithfulAngel24
Can someone talk to Ava? LOL

She's lonely... :wink:

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:12 pm
by RiaRath101
Occ Want Rath to come back?

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:15 pm
by FaithfulAngel24
That would be wonderful!!! Thanks RiaRath101 :wink:

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:39 pm
by RiaRath101

Looking around again, I make sure no one is watching and use my powers to lite the cig. Taking a puff, I breathe in deeply letting the taste tease my senses. Strolling down the street, I continue to smoke the cig knowing Ava would be telling me the things gonna kill me. Not much could kill me these days. Tossing the cig, I continued walking down the street wondering what I could do until Ava was finished working. Sighing, I decided that since there was nothing really to do I might as well head back to the club.

Turning around, I started walking back to the club which took longer than I thought. Must have walked longer than I thought, I thought while walking back into the club. Pulling the door open, I walk inside and make my way to the table I was at before. Seeing Ava at the bar, I sighed wanting more than anything just to get the pizza and go back to the crib with her. I knew we needed the money but that didn’t make me stop wanting her.

Watching her, I let my mind wander to what I wanted to do to her later. Feeling my leather pants get tight I growled in frustration. I hated to wait for anything but she was worth the wait. Best piece I had in a long time. I liked how with her I could be myself which was important to me, There were not many b'tches that I could just be me with.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:36 am
by FaithfulAngel24

Once I reach the bar I feel a pair of eyes baring into my back. In one swift motion I scoop up the order and turn to see who’s staring at my ass. To be honest I don’t have to look to know who it is. I can always feel him when he’s nearby. Call it pure animal instinct. There’s something about the way my blood heats up when he’s close. As if my body is anticipating the night to come. I decide to give him a reason to watch. Strutting my stuff across the bar to some customers. I ask to the fellows.

“Welcome to Deception.” Flashing my sexiest smile I sneak a peek at Rath. “What’ll it be?’ The poor men look as if they’ve never seen a woman in a leather skirt before.

“I’ll have a screaming orgasm.” The brave man to the left recites with a cocky grin. He may have had one but I guarantee he’s never give one. “Anything else?” I question the other men who just stare in awe. Now seriously when you come into a place like this you know what your getting into. So why do they seem so surprised?

“I’ll uh…have a beer.” The short one on the right stammers. Poor guy he really should get out more. “It’ll be my pleasure.” I admonish before moving away.

“Oh no darling the pleasure is most certainly all mine.” The ass calls after me. Damn if I didn’t get such good tips I’d quit right here and now. Lucky for me I only have five more minutes on the job. Instead of going to the bar to grab their drinks I head over to see Rath.

“You just get back?” I ask my voice low and sultry. I can’t wait to blow this joint and go home with him. We’ve got some unfinished business to attend to.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 1:50 pm
by RiaRath101

Watching Ava strut across the room from the bar to a couple of customers, I know she is completely aware that I am there. She gives the men her sexiest smile and sneaks a peek at me. I hear her giving them her normal welcome to the club and then ask what they want. Hearing the man ask, “I’ll have a screaming orgasm.” I know he is implying that he wants one from her which has me smirking knowing that I will be giving and receiving the screaming orgasm that scurf wishes he could get with her.

The other man acts like he has never even gotten a little somethin’ somethin’ when Ava asked, “Anything else?” It seems like the man takes forever answering and finally stutters, “I’ll uh...have a beer.” I snicker wondering if his dick has seen more than his hand. I admire her ass as she walks away and growl in annoyance when I hear, “Oh no darling the pleasure is most certainly all mine.”

I am tempted to go over to their table and tell him not to speak to her like that. Ava heading my way instead of the bar causing me to smirk. I watch her intently letting my eyes roam over her body which only seems to make my pants even tighter. She reaches the table asking in a low and sultry voice, “You just get back.” I nod my head yes knowing she is thinking the same thing I am about blowing this join and going home.

Looking into her blow eyes, I raise my eyebrows suggestively and said, “Ya ready for that screamin orgasm.” Knowing I have her complete attention, I slip my tongue out of my mouth. I slowly ran my tongue along my bottom lip while thinking about how I planned to use my tongue to taste her after her shift was over. Playing with my piercing, I hoped that she would be off the clock soon.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 3:48 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

Rath’s penetrating stare seems to bare right into the core of me. His mischievous smirk is framed by his trademark eyebrow raise. I pretend that the small gesture doesn’t have an affect on me. Although we both now that it does. The commander seems to now exactly what to do to get me all riled up.

“Ya ready for that screamin orgasm.” He purrs suggestively. My self control falters when he slides his tongue out of his mouth. Talented is a word that doesn’t even begin to describe him. Just the thought of what he’s going to do to me makes me wet. I’ve got to get off soon before I quite literally get off in front of customers.

“My question iz are yous ready for me?” We both know how this game is played. Whoever begs first is the slave and tonight I am going to have him pleading for me to touch him. “Iz off in five. Think you can hold off that long?” I let my gaze linger in naughty places I’m going to taste later. :D