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Post by AntarPrince04 »

:lol: No they aren't together, but gotta start them at some point don't we. Or you can wait untill you see Michael and Max again, makes no differance to me
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Post by magikhands »

k...I'll figure something out today (after I do my volunteer time at the kids' school *sigh*)
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Post by AntarPrince04 »

I do believe dear that the key word is Volunteer dear. Why pray-tell did you do such a thing when it wasn't required? heh
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Post by isabelle »


I'm not really sure what to do or even what to think. It's as if my mind is frozen. The things I felt and didn't feel when I touched her. Knowing she's gone. I don't know how to process all that. It's a relief that Michael takes charge and drags me out of there, taking my keys and starting up the jeep.

I don't say anything as he drives off. I find myself staring at my bloody hand. Her blood. The only thing I'll ever have of her. I don't want to just wipe it off but I can't keep it. Biting my lip, I pass my other hand over it and the blood disappears, transformed into air and it's gone. I close my eyes and my hand, leaning back against the seat, just thinking about Liz and all the years I've watched her. All the dreams that I had that never would have come true anyway, but now are irrevokably over.

After a few minutes, I open my eyes and I see that Michael has left town. He's not heading to my house or to his. He's driving up into the hills. "Where are you going?" I ask him.
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Post by AntarPrince04 »


We drove for what seemed like hours to me in complete silence, but I know it couldn't have been more than a few minutes. It doesn't take that long to reach the edge of town and by defult the reservior.

I shot a glance over at Max to make sure he was okay, which okay, was stupid in retrospect. Max was a smart guy; and Liz and he weren't even together at this point in time, so it wasn't like I expected him to do anything drastic - yet. It was more that I was waiting for the fist to come flying at my face, so it was more...preservation on my part. I knew that in all probability he would hit me. Hell, he'd probably wanna kick my ass from one side of the reservior to the other. After all, I was the one that held him back and I'm far from stupid - dispite Hanks accusations to the contrary. I'd just rather it not happen while I was driving...

"Where are you going?" Max asked me, drawing my attention. His voice sounded dull and tight with grief. Anger Management, I thought to myself, but I wasn't thick enough to say it out loud.

I stayed quiet for a bit and contined driving. "Here....", I said as I pulled to a stop in front of the shore of the resevior. I shut the jeep off and sat back in silence. My first thought was to say something - to comfort him in some way, but I didn't. Max was always quiet, letting me be the first to broach a subject when I had a problem. I thought it better to follow that example this time round.
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Post by AntarPrince04 »

Im afriad kyles all thats left to be paired up with. Unless you and Magikhands wanna Slash Tess and Isabel, which believe me I have very little issue with because then I can Slash alex with Kyle, and Everybody knows I prefer Slash over Het anyday. hee

As to where to bring tess into the game, anywhere is fine. Just don't interupt Max and Michael lol
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Post by Anna-Liisa »

Hey! Kyle's a good fellow :P It's an honor to be paired up with him.

I'm wondering where I should place Kyle. Probably some basketball practice or something like that- I was thinking.
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Post by isabelle »


Michael doesn't answer at first, just continuing to drive. I'm begining to feel pretty pissed off at his silence. A minute or two after that, it's clear he's heading for the reservoir. "Here," he announces as he stops the car.

"Fine!" I say, somewhat harshly as I get out of the jeep and slam the door. "What the hell are we doing here?"

I want to ask other things. I want to shout about other things. But I'm trying to keep things in control ...
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Post by Zanssoulmate08 »


Wexler and Highman go running out of the building seconds after a shot goes off, and I sigh in disgust. Five more minutes and my backup would have been here to take those bastards down, "H and W are heading west on Citris, suspected of mansslaughter as well as origional charges." I bark into my radio, "Notify local authorities that gunshots were heard at the Crashdown Cafe and keep your eyes open!"

I step out of the black mercedes and head for the restaurant when two teenage boys come flying out, one with dark, and one with lighter brown hair. I make a mental note to check into them judging by their leaving the scene of a crime and watch them drive away.

The first thing I notice when I walk in is chaos. A waitress is lying dead on the floor while another is hysterical, and holding the body in her arms. I scan my surroundings carefully before my eyes land on several empty bottles of Tabasco sauce. Looks like things have gotten a bit more interesting in this sleepy little town.

Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom,
Man made up a story, said that I should believe him.
Go and tell your white knight that he’s handsome in hindsight,
But I don’t want the next best thing.
So I sing, I hold my head down, and I break these walls ’round me.
Can’t take no more of your fairytale love.
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Post by AntarPrince04 »


"Fine!", He snaps and gets out of the jeep, slamming the door behind him. "What the hell are we doing here?" Dispite the gravity of the situation I quirk a brow in amusement. Max never swears and it sounds...oddly cute coming from him.

I push the thought away and follow suite getting out of the jeep. I pocket the keys on a whim and circle the jeep to stand at the front, leaning casually against the hood in view of the water. "I thought it best not to cause a scene", I tell him. I know it's rather blunt, but I never have sugar coated things like Max tends to do. There's no point in it.
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