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Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 8:28 am
by FaithfulAngel24
OOC: Sorry :oops: I completely forgot I had Kyle :lol:


I make my way to the classroom and immediately sit down right next to Liz just as the class is starting. The teacher flashes me a warm smile as I settle into my seat and I widen my grin significantly. Sometimes it’s good to be a star athlete . It’s just common knowledge that the teachers treat you better.

“Good morning beautiful.” I whisper to the stunning brunette beside me.

“I really hope you did your homework because Coach had me doing sprints yesterday and I was too exhausted when I got home.” I give her that charming look of mine that drives most of the female population at West Roswell wild before asking,

“Mind if I share your book?” She is looking rather gorgeous today. I wonder if I can steal a kiss in the eraser room in between classes. :D

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 8:35 am
by madroswellfan
I watch as Kyle comes in and flashes that smile of his to the teacher. Kyle can always get away with anything

“Good morning beautiful.”
I smile as Kyle whispers in my ear. THis is my attentive, romantic... and well... rather attractive boyfriend. I blush at his sweet words and duck my head down slightly.

“I really hope you did your homework because Coach had me doing sprints yesterday and I was too exhausted when I got home.”
He gives me that charming look of his and I have to try not to grin.

“Mind if I share your book?” I good naturedly roll my eyes at him and scoot my book over so he can see. I give him a flirty smile before going to my backpack and pulling out the homework. "This is my copy..." I say before sliding the copy thats underneath towards him, "And this is my best attempt at your handwriting and trying to make sure it doesn't look like you copied me."

I flash him a smile back before looking down at the work and murmuring, "I think I deserve some praise and some kisses for that."

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 9:09 am
by FaithfulAngel24
OOC: Great post Mad! :D


The intelligent bombshell before me rolls her eyes in that adorable way that she does and inches her book over so that I can look on. Although to be honest the last thing on my mind is paying attention my studies. Instead I am devoted to observing that stunning smile of hers. She reaches into her book bag and pulls out a piece of paper. It seems like a perfectly natural gesture but there’s something behind her knowing grin that leaves me captivated. What trick does she have up her sleeve?

"This is my copy..." She states with an easy going expression. Her copy? There’s more then one? I narrow my eyebrows in confusion at her and she answers all my unasked questions by sliding a paper out from under hers.

"And this is my best attempt at your handwriting and trying to make sure it doesn't look like you copied me." Good Buddha. I’ve met the woman of my dreams. Someone pinch me. Wait! No don’t. If this is a dream I never want to wake up.

She bats her eyelashes at me provocatively and I find myself entranced my the movement. "I think I deserve some praise and some kisses for that." She whispers her voice filled with something I’d like to explore further.

“You are the sexiest…smartest… and most intriguing woman I have ever met.” I admit huskily. “I can’t wait to get you alone so I can thank you properly.” I admit while flashing her a look that makes promises of all the good times to come. :D

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 9:18 am
by madroswellfan
(ooc: :D Thanks and so was yours :D)

“You are the sexiest…smartest… and most intriguing woman I have ever met.” I know I'm blushing again and so I duck my head down so the teacher doesn't notice/ “I can’t wait to get you alone so I can thank you properly.”

Fortunitely neither Michael or Alex are in this class. If they were... imagine the trouble I might be in right now. But Max is in this class. Max, the brooding guy with the nice eyes. The guy that as Kyle says these nice things to me, I have a picture in my mind of Max saying them to me.

I know I'm a bad person. But... Its not like I've agreed with any of them that I was just going out with them. Infact we're not even officially boyfriends and girlfriends. We're techincally just dating.

Of couse I know that none of them see me as that.
"Oh really?" I lean in and whisper slightly, "What did you have in mind, oh romantic one?"

If he wants to go in the erasor room or something, we may have a problem. I try to avoid going in there... just in case word gets out. Because if one of the others hears about it... then... lets just say things wouldn't be going so smoothly for me anymore. High school is for dating, having fun and studying. Thats all I'm doing. Nothing wrong with that...

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 9:39 am
by littleroswell

Before Tess gets a chance to answer me, I see a guy in a letter jacket come in and sit next to Liz. He flashes a smile at the teacher and then one at Liz. I watch them interact for a few minutes. I can't seem to take my eyes off of Liz anyway. They seem pretty...cozy. I frown as I watch them seemingly flirt and wonder if maybe my earlier assumption about Alex was wrong...but neither he or Liz corrected me on it when I called her his girlfriend. I admit to being a bit confused but I guess it's not really any of my business.

I try to concentrate on the teacher or Tess or anything that will take my mind off of the mysterious and beautiful brunette sitting a few rows in front of me. I pull out my pencil and start tapping it on the desktop. I probably have some real catching up to do since we moved after the start of the school year. I sigh at the thought. I'm a good student but advanced classes are hard enough without being behind.

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 9:40 am
by madroswellfan
(ooc: Great Max post!)

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 9:47 am
by littleroswell
Occ: Merci beaucoup! LOL! :D

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 6:46 pm
by madroswellfan
bumping! We've lost our Max - anyone wanna take? Does anyone still wanna play this??

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 12:49 pm
by madroswellfan
Unless someone notifies my soon, Im going to close this one down. :( I really like this tho.. please check in if you wanna continue!!!