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Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 1:47 pm
by KarenEvans
Bumping :)

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 2:41 am
by StormWolfstone
I am making this note on many boards. Those I am members of because I'm not certain that some of the creators have had the chance to be on and see this as well as my own games. There has been a new ruling made. If you are in a Mature or Adult rated game, you have to check in ... 04&start=0

Only 17 years of age or older are by ruling allowed to be in games with those two ratings. For my games, I will be checking this thread regularly and if I don't see a name on that list within two weeks of a player in my game, characters will be reassigned. If for some reason you have not been on the boards within that matter of time but you do get added to the list, you can PM me to let me know. However, as of right now in my games which will be listed below, a person can not post until they are on that list and if they post without being on the list, it will be reported to Mods. Players in my games have until July 8th to either have checked in on that thread and be posting, or to inform me that you are under 17 and will need to give up your characters.

My games are as follows: Pirate's Bounty, Masquerade, Future's Visitation, Preternatural Curses, Choosing Grounds, Sons and Daughters, Roswell Magick Legacy, Matches Made In Heaven, Crossing Distances, Roswell Next Generation (used to be Anna-Liisa's), Dormroom Diaries (used to be Lizzie_Parker_17's), , Shadowed Dawn.

I co-run the following: The Fifth, Darkened Doorways, World Of Change

Games I'm In: Destined Mates, Soul Mates by Madroswellfan, Three's a Party by Madroswellfan, A new day...every day by Madroswellfan, Land of Hope, by Anna-Liisa, Change of Heart by Anna-Liisa, Happily Ever After by Buffsteraddict, Where the Stars Don't Shine by Isabelle, A Baby Story by Isabelle, The Missing Piece by katnotkath, Fleeing Roswell by AlexEvans, Sacrifice by Anna-Liisa, Deny My Heart and Dangerous Intensions by Zanssoulmate08, Age of Ulyssa by isabelle (formerly by emmylala), Deceptive Appearances by Katnotkath, Second Generation by Zanssoulmate08,

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 4:40 am
by Zansgirl

"What is with everyone today!!! I mean first the song, and now Maria's pushing me off my table?! Why won't anyone tell me what the hell's going on!!" Liz yells and I just keep looking down at the hamburger I just flipped.

"FINE!" She yells and I close my eyes, trying to rid the tears that are just threatening to spill. "Im taking my break! "Tell Dad Ive gone to look at the other Christmas lights!" She says and walks out the back door.

Jeff walks into the kitchen, "Liz went on her break." I tell him and finish the two orders. "Hey, mind taking over the grill while I help Maria out?" I ask and he nods his head.

I can see Jeff face is worn and tired, "Jeff..." I say and he looks at me, "Your not the only one. It's hard on all of us. If you ever need to know I'm here." I tell him and he nods, "Thanks Kyle."

I walk out and set the orders on the table. I walk over to Maria and whisper, "This just keep getting harder every year."

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 3:40 pm
by madroswellfan

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 4:50 pm
by madroswellfan
bump! anyone there?

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:48 am
by KarenEvans
I'm still here.

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:00 pm
by StormWolfstone

I can’t believe how impatient my sister and our friends are. Fine, let them go ahead and get something to eat. I’ll meet with the landlord and if they end up not liking the place we’ll be renting, then they can blame themselves. It’s not as though they had paid attention to the fact that I had stated the need to meet with the landlord before getting something to eat. I sigh, watching them go across the street to the restaurant which I can already see the lights about and wonder what the hell is going on. With a shake of my head, I make my way to the apartment and knock on the door, the man that opens it smiles, “You must be Max.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Come on in and take a look around. If you like it, it’s yours. You may want to be certain that whoever takes the room with the balcony and fire escape is a calm person but also capable of taking care of themselves. Not so much because of trouble, but sometimes late night Christmas songs play rather loudly and if someone isn’t calm they could say something to cause a major upset in this town.” I know for some reason I should ask about that, but at the moment I’m too busy glancing around the apartment. It wasn’t bad and I would definitely take the room he’d mentioned. “So, what do you think?”

“We’ll take it.” I say, reaching into my pocket and pulling out the amount I’d discussed with the man over the phone plus enough to pay for a second months rent. That way I wouldn’t have to worry too much right away. Tess, Michael, Iz and I would all have to get jobs in order to pay for things, but I didn’t see that being a problem at least on my end. I went over the lease and signed it before being handed the keys. “Thanks.”

“No problem, Welcome to Roswell. Christmas all the time.” The man said and left, somehow I wasn’t sure I wanted to know what he meant by that.

Shaking my head, I went down to the car and grabbed some of my things, carrying them back up to the apartment, making certain to begin unpacking right away, that way it would be obvious which room I’d taken. So it helped that it was the largest. I could definitely get used to using a big bed with a woman beneath me again. After effectively unpacking three boxes, I decide to lock the door behind me and go to join the others, but instead I see a brunette that looks like she’s crying and I’m blown away by her beauty as she begins walking away from the restaurant.

Catching up to her, I ask her quietly, “Are you alright?”

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 3:59 pm
by madroswellfan
I'm walking away from the Crashdown, but everything...everything seems different. The shops that were open yesterday are shut down. And Im pretty sure that street lamp wasn't there... Oh God what's going on and why won't anyone tell me?! Tears are streaming down my cheeks but I'm absolutely powerless to stop them.

“Are you alright?”

I practically jump in surprise. I hadn't heard anyone coming. I look round and see a absolutlely gorgeous man. I immediately feel stupid and I can't help but wonder why a man like that what would want to talk to me... and why he seemed so concerned.

"Oh um...I'm...I'm..."

I look round at the buildings and I just stop. I haven't a clue where I'm gonna go... well I do, I just... I don't know where I want to go right now.

"You know what, I'm not fine" I mutter. I wrap my arms around myself and look at my feet. I shut my eyes and try to take deep breaths. When I feel slightly calmer and look up. I give the guy a VERY faint smile and mutter, "I'm fine...sorry to waste your time..."

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 9:52 am
by madroswellfan

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 10:16 am
by StormWolfstone
Will be trying to post when I get home from D*C. I'm half way home now. Stopped the night with a friend so we could get some sleep.