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Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 10:11 am
by Fehr'sBear

"No. No. Nothing's wrong. Quite the opposite actually." Maria starts, smiling softly. Well then, what is she doing? Because, no offense, but a girl running off when she's about to kiss you isn't exactly a good feeling.

"I really like you." The words hit me like dead weight. Maria Deluca, major crush, likes me. I don't see a problem there. Of course, there's always a but.

"That's not good. You know my reputation. I'm sure. " She's staring at the floor now, and I just shake my head.

"Yeah, I know your reputation, but I don't care. I like you too Maria," I tell her confidently, willing her to look up again. Because I really do like her, and I don't care what people say about her. That's her personal life, and none of my business. And now that I've seen her other side, I don't believe that her reputation is entirely true.

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 7:19 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

"Yeah, I know your reputation, but I don't care. I like you too Maria," He admits and without meaning to I look up to meet his eyes. He's just so sweet and caring. I don't know what I'd do if I ever hurt him. It's just not a risk I'm willing to take. He deserves better. A chick who he can be proud of. As confident and bitchy as I like to act it's all pretty much a show. I know what I want and when I want it. That's the only truth I grasp, and most of the time I just take it.

However this time is different. I couldn't just wake up in Michael's arms and force myself to get up and leave never to call him again. He's different ,but I find it hard to believe that I've changed that much in twenty four hours. If I take him now I could lose him forever. "I just don't think it would work between us. I don't do relationships ,and Michael you 're a pretty stand up guy. I don't think I could just have a fling with you I'd get attached." Smiling sadly I continue my explaination.

"I don't want to mislead you. I can't offer more than what you see. My heart is on the mend right now. If you can be patient then maybe... I dunno. What do you think?" I run my hand threw my hair trying to sort out these conflicting emotions.

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 7:37 pm
by Fehr'sBear

"I just don't think it would work between us. I don't do relationships ,and Michael you 're a pretty stand up guy. I don't think I could just have a fling with you I'd get attached." Maria says, smiling sadly. Well, whats the matter with getting attached? A normal relationship might do her some good.

"I don't want to mislead you. I can't offer more than what you see. My heart is on the mend right now. If you can be patient then maybe... I dunno. What do you think?" She runs a hand through her her exasperatedly, and I just look at her, my face serious, no smile anymore. Because I don't want her to think I'm joking.

Rubbing my forehead briefly I nod. "You aren't misleading me. I mean, I'm patient, but if you really don't want to deal with a relationship right now, then whatever. And what's wrong with getting attached? It's not like you're leaving."

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 8:06 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

He rubs his forehead as if he's giving my question serious contemplation and I can't hlp but be reminded of how sexy he is. That one innocent gesture makes me want to throw him on my bed and have my way with him right now. Snap out of it girl! We are having a serious conversation. Sometimes I think I'm worse than a guy when it comes to my attention span. I've got a one track mind, and when Michael's around it just seems to get worse. If only he weren't so damn good looking.

"You aren't misleading me. I mean, I'm patient, but if you really don't want to deal with a relationship right now, then whatever. And what's wrong with getting attached? It's not like you're leaving." I cover my face in my hands almost out of instinct. Abruptly I shove my hands in my pockets to keep myself from hiding from him. Which is what I've done to every guy I've ever been with. Shut them out at the slighest hint that things might get intense. "No. I'm not leaving I just..." How can I put this?

"I don't do serious." My eyes roam over his exqusitely sculpted body. Licking my lips subconsciously I state, "And you are serious." I desperately rack my brain for a scenerio that could make it where I get to have Michael without worrying about if I'm going to hurt him. I find no instant solution. The distance between our bodies is just too much. "Screw it!" I exclaim for erasing the space that separated us. My lips found his immediately. After a passionate kiss that will be forever burned in my memory I pull back.

"I'm not going to promise you anything." I state wanting to be clear. "But I want to try to make this work." Placing feather light kisses all along his neck. "Do you think you'll be able to put up with a high maintence chick who has a slight fear of commitment?" I question hoping that it will not be too much to ask.

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 9:53 pm
by Fehr'sBear

"No. I'm not leaving I just...I don't do serious," She says, looking me up and down while licking her lips involuntarily. What can I say, I'm observant, and I can tell when someone's checking me out.

As I stand there, feeling slightly like a piece of meat, she lets out a "Screw it!" before erasing all space between us and placing the kiss of all kisses on my lips. So...does this mean she's changed her mind?

"I'm not going to promise you anything. But I want to try to make this work." She says, between kisses. "Do you think you'll be able to put up with a high maintence chick who has a slight fear of commitment?"

Well, if she's planning on continuing to do that, then hell yes. "I'll give it a try," I say with a wink, capturing her lips with mine once again, as I place my arms around her waist. "It would be too hard for me not to try."

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 3:48 am
by KarenEvans

Grumpily I make my way in to the empty school carrying the posters under my arm.Coach must have done this on purpose,his favourites must have whined and said that they were busy so obviously the next option was me...the team's man friday.Jerks!

I stand in front of the first display board,outside the principal's office and unroll one poster,

Swim Meet in Clovis High

Friday 3rd September,10.00 am

Students interested in being on the cheering squad should register with Coach Henderson and ask for further details.It's on a first come first serve basis.

We can only take fifteen students with us to Clovis.

Having done with that I proceed to put up the rest all over the school.Finally with the last one under my arm I head for the swimming pool.Opening the door I hear splashing as I spot someone cut through the water neatly.When the face emerges from the water to catch a breath I realise it's my own girlfriend.I wait for her to get to the end before I call out,"ISABEL."

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 7:11 am
by StormWolfstone
ooc: doing this post from work... have a little time before my shift.


Spearing through the water, I can't stop thinking about how things have moved for Alex and I. What if I ended up hurting him? What if I ended up being hurt by him? We barely know each other despite his long time friendship with Max. I know I probably shouldn't have let myself allow things to get to where they had before things were more solid. Sure, I'd been attracted to him for a long while, but no one other then Tess had ever known.

I'd even managed to hide it from both of my brothers. My brothers. God, I really messed things up between myself and Max. I know I didn't need to be as harsh as I had been and there could have been other ways to try and get through to him. I was never good at being the mushy type and now I'm worried that I might have screwed things up for good there.

What was Zan thinking? Wait, no I know what he was thinking. God. My brothers were both idiots falling for the same girl. As angry as I am with Liz for things I can see where she'd have a hard time. After all, on one hand she's got Max who is quiet, brooding, and mysterious. On the other hand she's got Zan who is just as mysterious, fun to hang out with and musically poetic.

Slicing through the water I can't help but think that the turn of events that would be coming could both be comical and yet volatile. Suddenly, as I reach then end and come up for air I hear, "ISABEL!"

Taking a moment before opening my eyes, fully aware of who the voice belonged to I smile, "Alex. Hey." Blinking the chlorine away I look up at him and pull off my swim cap. "How's everything going?" While still in the water, I lift one leg onto the side and begin stretching out before swapping to the other leg and doing the same.

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 7:44 am
by KarenEvans

"Alex.Hey.",she smiles up at me and pulls her cap off,letting her beautiful blonde hair loose.She could be a mermaid.
Sheeshh!!!Where did that crazy thought come from?Shaking my head to get that thought out I focus on her what she's saying,"How's everything going?"

"Same ol',same ol'." I reply with a grin.Running my fingers through my hair I start walking to the end where she is when she sticks one leg out of the water.Well that sure is a sight for sore eyes.Is she trying to kill me?Or make my blood run faster?

I mean sure I have seen her in her suit hundreds of time but those were times when Isabel Evans was still the unattainable beauty.So dreams of me running my fingers down those smooth legs were pretty far fetched and I had little hopes of them ever coming she is my girlfriend!

Gulping,I squat down next to where her foot rests on the edge,"How come you're here?If you'd told me you were coming in for a practice session I could have driven you."

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 7:58 am
by StormWolfstone

"Same ol',same ol'." Alex replies with a grin and I can't help but notice the expression in his eyes change as he watches me. I kind of like seeing this side of Alex. I watch him squat down near my foot and continue stretching as he asks, "How come you're here?If you'd told me you were coming in for a practice session I could have driven you."

"I hadn't planned on coming in but with everything at the house, I wanted to be out of the line of fire. Brotherly tension was the last thing I wanted to have to deal with today. So, I had some energy to burn and decided to come here to do it. I actually thought you were done for the day and had gone home to sleep since I kept you out pretty late." I can't help but give him my famous teasing smile.

Dropping my leg, I move completely up to the edge suddenly feeling mischievous. Placing my hands in the water I say quietly, "Water feels great." Then without warning I splash water up at him before turning to dive under the water. Okay, so playful Isabel Evans is yet another side no one sees, but for some reason I can't help it.

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 11:49 am
by KarenEvans

I can quite understand her need to get out of the Evans household on this particular morning.It must be a war zone.Never have there been two brother more at opposite ends of the spectrum than Zan amd Max...okay may be Michael and Rath as well.They must be at each other's throats.

Much to my dismay she finishes her stretches and her leg disappears back under the water.I can tell she is up to something,that oh so innocent look is on her face as she stands there looking up at me,hands moving through the water slowly,"Water feels great.",she says and quickly splashes me with a handful.

"Arrgghhh...Isabel Evans." I yell at her in mock dismay as she emerges from under the water in the middle of the pool "Now look what you've perfectly ironed shirt is all wet." I stand up,pulling the fabric away from my chest