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Post by KarenEvans »


I listen to his tirade with my back to him until he's finished and then I turn back and go stand in front of him,"First of all,you can go to hell,which I am quite sure you are in any case,they'll welcome one of their own with open arms I guess."

I point at the sheets in Liz's table "As for the sheets,you can pick them up yourself you lazy lump of corruption.Put those five digits to some good use for a change...they are used to pick things up in case you have forgotten."

"Lastly,there is nothing I would like better than to be out of your life and to have you out of mine for good,so...PISS OFF YOURSELF,ASSHOLE!" I say the last part loudly on purpose,looking at Liz on my way out I apologise,"Sorry about this Liz." and I walk out of there,feeling drained
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Post by Buffsteraddict »


I watch as Isabel walks into the my office. Both her and Max immeidately start arguing. I seriously had no idea that those two we're related.

"The chants." Isabel says handing them over to me.

"You know NOTHING about my life, sister. NOTHING" Max yells. "So why dont you just fuck off for once. Or were you planning on crowing over me? And by the way have you conveniently forgotten to give me my sheet? So that you can find me later in the day and crow over how Im here. Well Im quite happy thank you very much, so do me a favour and piss out of my perfect life"

"First of all,you can go to hell,which I am quite sure you are in any case,they'll welcome one of their own with open arms I guess.As for the sheets,you can pick them up yourself you lazy lump of corruption.Put those five digits to some good use for a change...they are used to pick things up in case you have forgotten. Lastly,there is nothing I would like better than to be out of your life and to have you out of mine for good,so...PISS OFF YOURSELF,ASSHOLE!" Isabel retorts angrily before turning to me and aplogozising, "Sorry about this Liz."

I watch as she turns on her heels and leaves the room.

"Wow," I say once she's gone and the door's shut. I look down and pic up the chants that she left for me. "What is this," I mutter to myself, looking down at the lyrics that are printed on the paper. "Oh right," I say, looking back at Max, momentarily forgetting that he's sitting across from me. "Well, this is akward." I say, "I swear Max, I had no idea that you guy's we're related."
Last edited by Buffsteraddict on Wed Apr 12, 2006 2:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Post by POM »


"Firstly its Mr Ramirez. And secondly, any time you want a one on one session, my rooms always open. Im happy to talk about what ever you want to help you get better."

' least I was close.' I smirked as we watched him leave, and Tess pulled me aside.


"I thought you didn't like him?" Now I was confused--all I've ever heard was pure hatred from Serenas parting sessions with Jesse, and now this--did she really like him.


"Calm down--It's just sexual frusteration, I need a good fuck to last me another three months. Besides what's it going to hurt?" I shurgged off as I made my way to the breakfast line.


I followed her and picked up a tray.

"The problem is that it's not allowed--we aren't suppose to have sex with the staff or other members, we've both been here long enough to know that." I wasn't the one to follow rules, but this was my third time here...I thought hopefully, I could get out on good behavior. What it could happen.


"I'm tired of the stupid rules--the only reason why people make rules is because they are bound to break them--and that's what I plan to do. From this day on I'm going to seduce Jesse Ramirez, it'll be fun to see him squirm." I laughed a bit as I served some food, but at the corner of my eye I could see someone standing in the lounge area, that was across the hall.

"Looks like we have someone new." Ah...fresh meat--the doctors love that.


"Where...I don't--" I poked my head in her direction and almost freaked out.

"Oh my god... Ser do you know who that is?" I shrieked but didn't mean to.


"Seeing as though I don't really care--but you'll probably kick me if I don't ask so who is it?" I rolled my eyes as she tried to catch her breath.


"It's Kyle Valenti--OMG...." I stopped my excitment, and realized why he was here--but didn't want to face the truth. I know he wasn't here for a visit or to visit me.

" Wonder what he's doing here?"


"Why do you think he's here? I know it's not have a boxed lunch--and chat with ex drug users." I rolled my eyes at my dim wit room mate.

Walking to the table and setting down our trays.


"Whatever I'm going to say Hi." It looked like she didn't care--so I walked steadily down the hallway and I couldn't believe I was so close to him.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry to bother you...but aren't you Kyle Valenti?" I smiled and tossled my hair as he looked my way.
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Post by Buffsteraddict »


I'm seconds away from leaving this place when all of a sudden a see a short, blonde-haired, and may I add very hot, girl come up to me,

"Excuse me, I'm sorry to bother you...but aren't you Kyle Valenti?"

I do my best to smile up at her even though I really don't feel like smiling right now.

"Yeah, that's me." I say with a small nod. "And you are?"
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Post by madroswellfan »

"First of all,you can go to hell,which I am quite sure you are in any case,they'll welcome one of their own with open arms I guess.As for the sheets,you can pick them up yourself you lazy lump of corruption.Put those five digits to some good use for a change...they are used to pick things up in case you have forgotten. Lastly,there is nothing I would like better than to be out of your life and to have you out of mine for good,so...PISS OFF YOURSELF,ASSHOLE!"

She turns to Liz "Sorry about this Liz." And with that she turns and leaves the room.

"Wow, What is this,"
She says as she looks at the lyrics.
"Oh right, Well, this is akward. I swear Max, I had no idea that you guy's we're related."

I roll my eyes and snatch my sheet from her desk. "Sure you didn't. I believe that as much as you lot or anyone else gives a damn about me"
And with that I jump out of my seat and storm out of the room. I of cours have NO idea where Im going, but I want away from these stupid women.

I head to the gift shop and ask for ciggies.
"Not allowed"

I sigh as I walk around not sure what to do with my self. Where is everyone? ;)
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Post by KarenEvans »


Aaarggghhhh!He just makes my blood boil.I feel like ripping all his perfect wavy brown hair out by the roots.Asshole!!What is his problem anyway?Whenever I see him he attacks me verbally.Talk about an inferiority complex...he's got the mother of all inferiority complexes.

I march down the corridors handing out sheets,patient are looking at me with surprised expressions on theirs faces...yeah well if they had a sibling like Max Evans they wouldn't look so surprised.

I spot one of the staff,Michael standing alone so I go up to him,"Hey's your copy of the chants."
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Post by madroswellfan »

"Hey's your copy of the chants."
I turn around and see Isabel. "Oh hey Isabel, God I cant believe hes making us do this" I say as I scan read the words. "Have you met the new guy yet? I caught him on the front steps drinking vodka!" I say. I shake my head sadly. "He's in for a rough ride."
I look up and see the look on her face, "Isabel? Whats wrong?" I ask.

"YOU ARE FUCKING KIDDING ME!" I hear a male yell from the direction of the gift shop. "Oh great" I mutter. "What on Earth is his problem!"
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Post by KarenEvans »


I sigh and lean against the wall next to Michael,"Met him...I've had the priviledge of living with him for seventeen years." I inform him angrily

"Mr.You Are Fucking Kidding my brother!" I state in embarrassment "He'll be a real challenge for Liz.I don't envy her one bit."

"This day is turning out to be really great...first the stupid chanting idea,then my brother and now we have to participate in the chanting along with the patients...Jesse has lost his freaking mind."
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Post by madroswellfan »

"This day is turning out to be really great...first the stupid chanting idea,then my brother and now we have to participate in the chanting along with the patients...Jesse has lost his freaking mind."

I sigh. "Im sorry Isabel. On mr drinks-a-lot....well....was he always this bad? Maybe you've just got to work on him?" I suggest. "You never know...I mean...Ive seen less likely things happen in this place."

"And Jesse? If you don't like it why not say something to him? I mean....he's your boyfriend. Surely you have some swing over him?" I ask. "At least you have more than the rest of us"
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Post by Buffsteraddict »


"Sure you didn't. I believe that as much as you lot or anyone else gives a damn about me"

And with that he gets up from his chair and quickly storms out of the room.

I let out a small sighed and get up from my chair. I have to go after him.

I get out of the room and head down the hall when all of a sudden I hear a loud yell,


I follow the voice all the way to the gift shop and find him arguing with the salesman.

"What are you doing?" I ask loudly, making him turn around. "Come on, I'm telling you the truth, I had no idea that Isabel was your sister. Just come back to the office so we can talk about this."
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