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Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 10:57 am
by madroswellfan
"Well, Dad and I both noticed that all the little creepy crawlies around were getting more nervy, so he checked into it. Thinks a big power's growing, and he wants us to try to stop it."
Oh yay, the crawlies. Wonderul. I try my best not to sigh. I mean...there goes my nice normal education out of the window. I look up to see Dean staring at something, and I can bet you right now that its a girl.

"Hey, Sam, do you know that girl?"
See. Told you. He nods in her direction and I take a quick look.
"She go to your school?"
I shrug. "Not that I know of. But Worthingtons big and she could always go to Boston Bay. But don't you think you should be worrying about our situation rather than some blonde?"

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 12:07 pm
by Fehr'sBear

"Not that I know of. But Worthingtons big and she could always go to Boston Bay. But don't you think you should be worrying about our situation rather than some blonde?" Sam says with a shrug, being his usual, annoying self.

"She was staring over here before, that's the only reason I asked," I say, giving him my best irritated look.

"But anyways, our situation doesn't look good," I tell him, turning around and lifting up the back of my shirt enough to show him the bandaged cuts. "They're getting stronger. This was just a run of the mill, scare tourists, occasionally try to eat unsuspecting hikers kind of demon, and he got me good when I tried to kill him."

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 12:13 pm
by madroswellfan
"She was staring over here before, that's the only reason I asked," he says as he gives me that "irratated" look. I have to try very hard not to roll my eyes.

"But anyways, our situation doesn't look good," he says ashe lifts uo his shirt to show me some bandages. Ok, I cant see the actual cuts or whatever, but Dean doesnt wear bandages. He likes wearing his battle wounds...unless of course this is for effect to get me on board, which to be honest I wouldnt put past him.

"They're getting stronger. This was just a run of the mill, scare tourists, occasionally try to eat unsuspecting hikers kind of demon, and he got me good when I tried to kill him."
I sigh. "Oh no, poor Dean." I mutter. I try to take a sip of my empty coffee mug.
"Look Dean, what is it you want me to say?" I ask. "I mean... you know what I think about all this." I say gesturing. "I really dont want to be envolved. If it something huge and in Boston, fine, MAYBE I will. What else is there you want me to say about it?"

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 12:45 pm
by Fehr'sBear

Sam let's out a sigh, along with a sarcastic "Oh no, poor Dean."

I stare at him for a second, daring him to continue. SHowing him those freaking bandages wasn't so he'd feel bad for me. I mean, usually I don't need to, and I heal fast, but this time they are still bleeding. I'll probably end up getting them checked out, which I don't want to do.

"Look Dean, what is it you want me to say? I mean... you know what I think about all this. I really dont want to be envolved. If it something huge and in Boston, fine, MAYBE I will. What else is there you want me to say about it?" He asks, sounding a cross between flustered, annoyed, and angry.

"I just want you to know things are changing, and if I really need your help that you'll help me. Because I don't know if I can do this alone." I tell him, wishing that I didn't have to say that. Because I really don't want to ask for his help. "So you know what? I'm leaving now. I asked you what I wanted to ask you, and I'll see you at the party. Bye Sam."

Getting up, I throw some money and a tip on the table and walk out of the diner, flashing the waitress Lindsey a smile. Maybe she'll be at the party.

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 12:54 pm
by madroswellfan
"I just want you to know things are changing, and if I really need your help that you'll help me. Because I don't know if I can do this alone."
See. Typical. Always wanting my help and making me feel guilty. Great. Just perfect.

"So you know what? I'm leaving now. I asked you what I wanted to ask you, and I'll see you at the party. Bye Sam."
I watch him throw some money on the table and then head out of the diner. I sigh before jumping up, leaving some money and going after him. "Dean wait" I call after him. I jog to catch up with. "Look...erm...where you staying?" I ask. "I room mate...he's not in a lot and since the guy doesnt even talk to could stay in my room if you want. On the floor of course but it beats another night in the car surely?" I offer.

Somehow I KNOW Im going to regret saying that.

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 1:44 pm
by Fehr'sBear

"Dean wait" I hear, from behind, and I notics that Sam is running up behind me. Well, that actually worked in my favor. "Look...erm...where you staying?" he asks, and I'm surprised. Does he really care or is he just saying that. I'm staying at some hotel that smells like cats, and it's more than I feel like spending for another night. But I won't tell him that.

"I room mate...he's not in a lot and since the guy doesnt even talk to could stay in my room if you want. On the floor of course but it beats another night in the car surely?" I turn to him, considering this in my mind. Cat motel or college dorm room?? Hmm, I'll choose the room.

"Sure Sam, that'd be cool." I say in a neutral voice. "I've gotta get my stuff from the crappy ass motel I crashed in last night though." I answer, smiling. If I'm closer to him, it'll be easier to convince him to help.

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 1:55 pm
by madroswellfan
"Sure Sam, that'd be cool." he says as though he really couldn't care less. Oh God what have I done? Im going to share a room with my brother and jerk roommate? Oh kill me now evil thing! Maybe I should go looking for it so that I can get die quicker....

"I've gotta get my stuff from the crappy ass motel I crashed in last night though." Dean says interrupting me from my thoughts. I nod. " you want me to come with or shall I meet you at my dorm?" I ask. Sure he might want help but on the other hand if his dorm as bad as he make it sounds he may not want me to.

God I wish I could take it back now. I swear if I cant put up with my room mate how am I meant to put up with my "hits on every girl in the vicinity, kills evil things" brother. But I cant. And to be honest a slight part of me wants to be able to talk to him some more. Maybe even keep an eye on him....
But its a VERY small part.

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 2:01 pm
by Fehr'sBear

" you want me to come with or shall I meet you at my dorm?" Sam asks, and I shake my head. I don't want him to see my crappy motel room, or the mess that I made. Plus, there's bloody stuff everywhere from last night, and the last thing I want is him really worrying about me or anything.

"No, but thanks," I tell him, looking serious. "I'll meet you at your dorm room in like twenty minutes." Pulling on my jacket again, I look up. "I don't remember the room number though, what is it?"

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 2:07 pm
by madroswellfan
"No, but thanks,"
....Thanks my arse....

"I'll meet you at your dorm room in like twenty minutes. I don't remember the room number though, what is it?"

I sigh. "How can you forget it Dean. Come on its 221. Only needs a B and you could be calling be Watson" I say. "So Ill see you in twenty ok Sherlock" I joke.

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 2:19 pm
by Fehr'sBear

"How can you forget it Dean. Come on its 221. Only needs a B and you could be calling be Watson. So Ill see you in twenty ok Sherlock," Sam says, his attitude changing as he jokes around.

"Yeah, whatever bro," I tell him, slapping him on the back. "See ya soon." 221. Not hard to remember. As I walk away, i shove my hands in my pocket and think. Sam actually had a good idea for once. Now I can keep an eye on him. The only bad news is I'll have to keep all the evil stuff hidden so his roomate doesn't think we're cult members or something. But I can deal.

The walk back to the motel doesn't take long, and I quickly pack my stuff and check out. Everything I've got I throw in my car. Well, actually, I prefer to call it my life. Because that's what this car is. Getting in, I drive over to the dorm parking lot and lock up my car, then find 221 in the dorm building, which takes a few more minutes, because I stopped to ask a girl for directions, even though I didn't really need them.

Knocking on the door, I call out, "Hey, Sam! Open up."