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Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 4:52 pm
by ~Ruby~

My mouth drops when Kyle says that Alex does have a crush on me and then it drops even lower when he says that Liz and Max knew about it. God, I would have thought that someone would have clued me in on this whole thing before Kyle opened his big stupid mouth.

“Uh huh, okay you’re hungry but you can’t say something like that and then expect me to let it drop, okay. What do you mean Liz and Max know? Am I the only one that didn’t know about Alex’s crush?”

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 6:19 pm
by isabelle
OOC -- You bet your *ss Max, Tess, and Liz won't like that Kyle told Isabel. heehee Alex won't either. How did Kyle find out they were trying to get the stargazers together?

I'm still waiting for a Liz to respond to my last post. ....

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 12:56 am
by Sternbetrachter

“Uh huh, okay you’re hungry but you can’t say something like that and then expect me to let it drop, okay. What do you mean Liz and Max know? Am I the only one that didn’t know about Alex’s crush?”

Okay, maybe I was a bit too blunt with the whole thing but ... I'm hungry!

"I am certain that Michael doesn't know and Maria probably not either." I say with a shrug. Seeing Isabel's shocked expression, I add, "Relax isabel, from your expression I take it that this caught you totally by surprise so I don't think that Alex tried to hit on you so far. He probably knows that he's only a friend for you and that's, I guess, why he went out with Ashley tonight - to get his mind off of you, so he wouldn't risk your friendship or make things go back to how they in the beginning between the two of you."

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 12:57 am
by Sternbetrachter
isabelle wrote:OOC -- You bet your *ss Max, Tess, and Liz won't like that Kyle told Isabel. heehee Alex won't either. How did Kyle find out they were trying to get the stargazers together?

I'm still waiting for a Liz to respond to my last post. ....
he was in the car with Max and Tess when they were discussing it once

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 5:29 pm
by ~Ruby~
Borrowed Kyle for a little bit, hope that that is okay with you, Trude!


“Relax? How can I relax?” I snap, wanting to smack Kyle over the head. How can he act so causally? Doesn’t he have any idea what this means? “You said that Alex has feelings for me. Don’t you realize that that changes our friendship completely? We’re not talking about the weather here. This is big important stuff. Stuff that I should have been made aware of.”

“Yeah and Max, Tess and Liz were trying to make you aware of it subtly.” Kyle says between a mouthful of food. “They’ve been trying to hook you and Alex up pretty much from the beginning.”

My jaw drops open again. He cannot be serious. There is no way that Liz would do that to me. God, this is unreal. I can’t believe that this is happening especially tonight of all nights. I run my hand through my hair in frustration. This really is the worse date that I have ever been on.

Reaching into my purse, I fumble for some cash before chucking it onto the table. I can’t be here right now. I need to think, by myself. “I have to go. That’s for my share of the meal. You can take a cab back to the house.”

Before Kyle can protest I storm out and head to my car. I still can’t believe what he said. I can’t even believe that he would tell me that stuff but Brightside, at least someone was willing to be honest with me instead of trying to do whatever the others were trying to do.

Getting into my car, I start it up and quickly switch the radio on so that music is blaring out at a deafening rate. I need something to stop me thinking. I can’t think about Alex at the moment. I just want my mind to go blank. I just want to forgot that tonight ever happened. I fiddle with the dial until something that matches my mood comes on. I really can’t deal with any of that love song bullshit.

Stupid Kyle with his stupid big mouth and his stupid lame date ideas. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Ugh, I just can’t get over it. And I don’t know what I should do. I hate feeling confused and I’ve never felt as confused as I do now.

I wish it was raining, driving in the rain always makes me feel so much better because it give me hope that it will all end like the rain. The drive back to the house is over much too soon and I sit in the car, just staring at the house. I don’t want to go in there, I want to go home back to New York.

But I am not a coward. I don’t run from my problem but I might hide from them for a while. Getting out of my car, I let myself into the house and head straight upstairs with a word to anyone and climb under the covers on my bed still fully dressed with heels to boot.

Like I said, sometimes I like to hide from my problems for a while.

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 5:52 pm
by Sternbetrachter

I can't believe she just left me! I'm sure she'll come back soon ... yeah ... I already thought that 10 minutes ago. Sighing, I get up and wak outside. Should I call the others and tell them that I am stranded? And whom should I call? Michael would never let me live that one down, Tess and the others won't be happy when they learn that I accidently told Isabel about Alex's feelings.

Seeing a taxi a few meters away, I wonder if I should take it but then again, maybe the others should be warned that Isabel knows so they are prepared when she comes to the house. But maybe she isn't directly driving home and they didn't get to talk to her yet. Of course they'd wonder where she is and why I'm home alone.

Taking my cell phone out, I briefly consider who to call before dialing the number, hoping the person on the other end is in a good mood and willing to pick me up quickly without trying to kill me when they learned what I did.

"Hey, it's Kyle. Just wanted to ask if Isabel is already home."

okay, Kyle can call Liz or Max, I'm not really sure so ... whoever wants to talk to him, I guess - and feel free to borrow Kyle for the phone talk :)

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 3:08 am
by Sugarplum7
I'm sorry this took so long. I've just been really busy at work this week. Things have been really hectic. This is all happening before Kyle's call, so whoever takes Kyle's call is up to you, Iz.

<center>~*~ ~*~ ~*~ Liz ~*~ ~*~ ~*~</center>

The sheets are covered with rows and columns of cookie dough a lot faster than I had thought, and wordlessly, Max picks up the trays and places them in the oven. “I don’t want anyone to have a bad time,” he says, breaking the silence between us. “Do you think Alex is really interested in that girl? What was her name? Stacy?”

I shake my head lightly. I guess that shows how much he actually listens to what I say. I had just said her name a matter of minutes ago. “It’s Ashley,” I say quietly as I move my spoon through the cookie dough still left in the bowl. “And I don’t know. He might be. I think he’s trying to figure that out.” I watch as I idly move the spoon through the dough, trying to form thoughts on the subject. “All I care about is whether or not she makes him happy.”

I put my spoon down and lean back against the counter. I cross my arms in front of my chest and turn to look at him. “They can’t be forced together. It has to be something both of them want, or else what’s the point? Alex deserves something more than just pining. If he finds that with Ashley, I won't be the one to stop it.”

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 10:05 am
by isabelle

Ooo-kaay. So now all the talk is about Alex and Ashley. No more mention of that kiss. I sigh internally, realizing that it really wasn't actually going to happen anyway. I know Liz doesn't really feel that friendly towards me ...

Alex and Ashley. That actually sounds pretty cute together. Not that cute names are a requirement for a relationship. What if they do get serious? I guess the Alex/Isabel connections team is out of business. It's been such a good way to have an excuse to talk to Liz. Well, I guess I'd have to come up with other things then, won't I? We're still friends, afterall...

"You're right. Everyone should be able to be with someone who they really love and who loves them back," I tell Liz. I wish that person could be Liz for me. I guess it's all shaky concidering that we're only here together for a couple months and then presumably she and I will be on opposite sides of the country again. Still, every time I look at her, I can't help thinking that she's the most perfect girl I've ever met... But it's also exactly the reason I'm going to be breaking up with Tess. It's not fair to her for me to be with her when my heart isn't in it.

"But I do think we've succeeded in getting Isabel to see him as a normal person, not a reject from the psyche ward, so that's still a victory. It's good if everyone can be friends." I say.


Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 11:51 am
by Sternbetrachter

"I'm really sorry, Alex."

Tearing my eyes away from Isabel's car, I look back at Ashley who just parked in front of the house, "Hey, it's okay. It's not your fault that Melinda got sick and you have to do her morning shift tomorrow."

I wonder why Isabel and Kyle are already back, maybe their date didn't go as planned! Which might be great and ... no, of course it wouldn't be great if Isabel had a bad date. If that is the reason why they are back at all. It would probably be good to know the facts before I start daydreaming.

"So, I guess I'll see you Tuesday."

"Huh? Oh yeah, of course, that is if you still want to go." I reply, caught by surprise by Ash's words. Since she has to work early tomorrow, we're going to the movies on Tuesday and not like today as we'd planned. We just went to a café and talked the last few hours so .. Tuesday's the big movie night.

"Of course I want to, Alex. It's a date."

"Cool." I grin. She is a great girl and if Isabel got along well with Kyle then it is certainly time for me to move on. *If* she got along with Kyle, if not ...

"Okay, then drive home safely and I'll see you at work on Monday." I tell Ashley with a smile before I get out of the car. As I watch her drive away, I realize that I probably should have kissed her, at least that would explain the weird look she gave me when I waved her off. Too late for that now, I guess.

Walking inside, I hear noises from the kitchen and head in that direction, spotting Max and Liz ... making cookies! Gotta love those two!

"Hey honeys, I'm back!"

isabelle, sugar, hope it is okay for you that I brought Alex back .. he can take Kyle's call too, I guess

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 6:27 pm
by ~Ruby~