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Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 11:18 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

"Yeah I know." He assures me with a gentle smile. Then he pops the million dollar question, "What's wrong?" I visably tense up and Liz takes that as her cue to exit. “You two talk, I’m going back to bed” She gets up and leaves before I can lodge a formal protest. I know this is exactly what we need ,but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't the least bit scared. What if this is where we break up for the final time? Can I be strong enough to handle it?

Raising my eyes to meet his unabashedly I let it all go. "I miss you." I admit softly fearful of his reaction. "I miss us. The way we used to be." Tucking a stray hair behind my ear I continue, "We were Hurricane Deluca and Stonewall Guerin forces to be reckoned with. The only thing that affected them were each other." My sight line goes to our joined hands when I suddenly get nervous. "I miss fighting with you. We had such passion for one another."

Bringing my eyes back up to meet his eyes I reply my lips quivering, "We used to possess this fire that would both ignite and burn my senses and now... I can't even feel you anymore. Before I knew what was happening the powerfulinferno that had once consumed my every waking moment had disappeared." Not wanting to be misunderstood I speak up. "I'm not blaming you. I know it's my fault. I shouldn't have left you that night, but I was scared. I was afraid of the intensity of my feelings toward you. I knew that if I didn't get out then I'd be consumed by the caous. I just... I want the fire back." :wink:

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 6:09 am
by StormWolfstone

Shoots over, classes over, meetings over with agent. Looking at my watch, I sigh. This day and evening went on a great deal longer then I'd planned and now I only hoped I'd manage to get some sleep before having to do it over again. The good thing was that tomorrow I didn't have any classes, but I do have a few shoots plus I'm supposed to set up for a fashion show that I've been asked to model in.

Only reason I agreed was because of the money I am going to make from it. I am looking forward to all these checks coming in because they certainly pay all my bills including my schooling. I wonder whether Maria has to work tomorrow, maybe she and I could have a shopping outing. I have to get something for a meeting next week. My agent said that this meeting could be a part in my career that could make me even bigger then I had been.

Getting into my car, I begin driving home and decide to simply shut my phone off. I think I'm completely done with everything that I need it for and if somethings wrong at home, I'll know soon enough because that's exactly where I'm heading. I have every intention of getting home and hitting the sack. I'm feeling drained, my exams were horrible today.

The only good thing is that I already know I've passed. But, they were a long drawn out process today in every class. I'm glad the weekend is drawing near so I can get some down time. This running from shoots to classes, then on to meetings or fittings is beginning to wear me down. Especially since I haven't even been getting the sleep that I need to get.

When I should be sleeping, I mostly lay in bed and think about Jesse, wishing that he was beside me or dreamwalk him. Maybe if he moved on it would be better... maybe then I could get over him...

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 5:33 pm
by POM
Dreamer_Dreaming wrote:*Liz*

I lay there trying to fall asleep but I couldn’t I was wide awake and there really anything I could do. I am stressed out. I think the reason I’m getting those night mares every night is because it all have to do me being stressed the first place. My body telling me something, hell even my dreams so why do I not think it is important even tell Max or the others? Why? I really don’t know maybe I don’t want to believe that something real is out there is coming at us. We just left Roswell from the FBI.

“Liz. Baby, is everything okay?” Max said in a hushed tone and start stroking my arm. Whenever he did that it always made me feel better and at the moment it was starting make me feel better, well just a little.

“Liz?” he called out to me as he kissed the back of my shoulder. I close my eyes taking in the feeling of his lips on my bare skin. It’s been first time I felt real contact from Max in months. I turn change my position around so I could look at Max.

“I’m just really stressed and I haven’t actually seen you in months. All we do is work and I’m really missing you a lot lately.” I said, I move closer to Max and rest my head on his chest and listen to his heart.

“It’s killing us.” I said out loud.

“It’s killing us.”

Her words rang in my ears and I knew what she meant...I knew it was killing her and me...but we hand no other choice it was either that are living out on the streets to be exposed. All I ever wanted was to protect Liz, she's my everything--but I didn't want to lose her. She was the glue that held us together. I'm not talking not just about me, but everyone in our group.

"I know Liz." I whispered as I kissed her forehead.

I held her closer to me...I didn't want to let her go--almost afraid of what might happen If I did.

I touched her cheek and tucked a piece of her hair out of her beautiful face, and looked into her doe eyes that seemed to lose there spark, spark of life, and I couldn't help but feel somewhat responsible for that.

"I'm sorry Liz--I'm sorry...I feel like I let you down...I-I never wanted any of this to happen. You are my love--you are my life and without you I am nothing. I promise everything will work out in the end. I'm going to quit my night shift job and stay with the job at the hopsital--it pays more anyway. We'll make it work...we have to." I promised to her, and I didn't want to see her this unhappy again.

with that I moved closer to her and kissed her sweet lips--and remembered of what made me fall in love with her, all the little things that drove me crazy and up the wall while she had no clue.

"I love you Liz...I will always love you..." I whispered to her as I kissed her once more.

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 7:08 pm
by Dreamer_Dreaming

“I know Liz.” He said kissing my forehead as I look up at him. Max held me closer as I held onto him just as tight. I really do miss him so much. I miss the way he holds me at night as we just talk, I miss the feeling of his lips, and I miss his touch. When we first got married and everything was so exciting and so new. It made it feel so special, but then again we had to get jobs right away. When we were got the jobs and we would stay up to tell each other how our day was. And on some nights we would make sweet loving love in missing each other throught our days of absent.

Now that I work three shifts and Max works two jobs we don’t see each other at all. We don’t even eat breakfast together like any normal husband and wife would. We just get up and hurry off to work, which isn’t healthy. I been losing a lot of weight from that including stressed I been feeling.

I felt Max’s hand holding my cheek as he move piece hair out of my face so I could see better. I smile lightly; the smallest jesters can always make a person so loving and beautiful. That is why I love Max so much.

"I'm sorry Liz--I'm sorry...I feel like I let you down...I-I never wanted any of this to happen. You are my love--you are my life and without you I am nothing. I promise everything will work out in the end. I'm going to quit my night shift job and stay with the job at the hospital--it pays more anyway. We'll make it work...we have to." He said to me.

Max didn’t let me down. It just that I feel like were growing farther away from each other that all and that scarys the hell out of me. I don’t want to lose him, he the only thing I got. He only thing I look forward sleeping next to at night and seeing when I walk up. He is my world and soul.

I felt Max’s lips on mine as I kisses him back, taking in the feeling as our tongue dance together I close my eyes.

"I love you Liz...I will always love you..." he whisper to me and once again he kisses my lips. I kiss back and place my hand over his bare chest.. I whisper between kisses, “I miss you so much that all I want to do is make love to you” I said kissing his lips and making the kiss deeper.

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 5:37 pm
by CalLen

I stare into Maria’s magnetic eyes. They are so beautiful. Sometimes I realize I don’t pay attention to the little things that I should. I am just not that kind of guy. I can tell that our ‘quick and painless’ conversation I had dreamed of, would sure not be this one, "I miss you." Maria’s eyes look as if in any moment she would burst into tears. I am not sure where this is going, "I miss us. The way we used to be." I am still more confused than ever. What way we used to be. We used to fight all the time and I thought that this was better. "We were Hurricane Deluca and Stonewall Guerin forces to be reckoned with. The only thing that affected them were each other." She continues and I realize I should just pretend like I understand so I grab her hand squeezing it tightly, "I miss fighting with you. We had such passion for one another." WHAT?! My whole head is one big ball of confusion. "We used to possess this fire that would both ignite and burn my senses and now... I can't even feel you anymore. Before I knew what was happening the powerful inferno that had once consumed my every waking moment had disappeared." Huh? "I'm not blaming you. I know it's my fault. I shouldn't have left you that night, but I was scared. I was afraid of the intensity of my feelings toward you. I knew that if I didn't get out then I'd be consumed by the chaos. I just... I want the fire back." “What I know it is not my fault. I did nothing to bring this on I can’t help that you are feeling this way. I can’t tear myself into four people to make sure everyone in this house is accommodated!” I take my hand from hers rising from the couch and start to pace. How could she possibly say it is not my fault which in girl language means that it is your fault because you didn’t do something to prevent it. I am so frustrated right now. I have only had a few hours of sleep and I have consumed a few shots of alcohol and right now I see that none of this is my fault.

I look into the kitchen that is right behind the couch. All of a sudden I see a girl. A girl I remember all to well. I recognize her, yet I can’t quite remember who she is. She’s beautiful. I stare for a moment. She looks at me and I look at her. Just as quickly as she arrived she was gone. Poof into thin air. I must be going crazy. I didn’t think there was that I had that much alcohol. This lack of sleep must be getting to me. I look back down at Maria whose eyes had gone wide and tears filled them to the brim. I know I shouldn’t have yelled at her. I sit back down looking straight ahead in silence.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 12:55 am
by FaithfulAngel24

“What I know it is not my fault. I did nothing to bring this on I can’t help that you are feeling this way. I can’t tear myself into four people to make sure everyone in this house is accommodated!” He screams and it is just as I feared. Tearing his hand from mine he rises from the couch and begins to pace the room frantically. Maybe I shouldn't have told him the truth. Maybe it was all better off unsaid.

His sight drifts over to the kitchen so I turn to see what he's staring at. Vast empty space. Huh? What's wrong with him? As quickly as he had begun his trance like state he came back to me. He's Michael again just sleeper and smelling of some rather strong hard liquer. What happened to my lover? I should have just kept it inside. No! He needed to hear my feelings. I won't be punished for something I can't control. The anger rises in my chest and I hold onto it for this is the first time I've felt truly alive in months.

He stares ahead and remains slient so I mimic his actions by rising and pacing the room not even trying to supress the fury that is building. "I never said it was your fault. I believe I specifically stated that that I didn't blame you, but I don't know why I'm surprised you didn't hear it. You never really listen to me!" I growl as tears spill forth from my eyes. I don't wipe tham away. I'm not ashamed. "No one ever asked you to take care of everyone. We are all adults here. We are all making it fine on our own." I spout feeling my face heat rapidly.

Throwing my hands up in the air I continue my rant, "I really do love you. God knows I do ,and only he knows why, but I can't do this anymore. I won't sacrafice anymore for a man who doesn't care the slightest bit about me. You are not a General anymore Michael. You are a talented and strong man who has many people who care about him. You have family and friends ,and you had me, but I guess that wasn't enough. I wasn't enough." Looking at my feet I stare for a minute at my lime green toenail polish. I painted them that color ,because one time he told me he liked it. What have I become?

My voice drops dramatically to barely over a whisper,"I obviously don't make you happy anymore ,and you deserve someone that does. I make enough at The Casino to get an apartment for myself. I'm moving out tomorrow. " With that I storm out of the living room down the hall and into the bedroom I share with Izzy. Slamming the door I plop down on the bed feeling entirely drained ,but glad that I got everything out in the open.

What happens next? I don't have a clue ,but whatever it is I'll face it head on. I won't lose anymore of myself in this in this aliem/ human relations melodrama. Maybe Michael and I will get over our issues. Maybe we won't ,but that doesn't change the fact that I'll always love him. After all he'll always be the only boy I let crawl in my bedroom window.


Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 5:40 am
by POM
Dreamer_Dreaming wrote:*Liz*

“I know Liz.” He said kissing my forehead as I look up at him. Max held me closer as I held onto him just as tight. I really do miss him so much. I miss the way he holds me at night as we just talk, I miss the feeling of his lips, and I miss his touch. When we first got married and everything was so exciting and so new. It made it feel so special, but then again we had to get jobs right away. When we were got the jobs and we would stay up to tell each other how our day was. And on some nights we would make sweet loving love in missing each other throught our days of absent.

Now that I work three shifts and Max works two jobs we don’t see each other at all. We don’t even eat breakfast together like any normal husband and wife would. We just get up and hurry off to work, which isn’t healthy. I been losing a lot of weight from that including stressed I been feeling.

I felt Max’s hand holding my cheek as he move piece hair out of my face so I could see better. I smile lightly; the smallest jesters can always make a person so loving and beautiful. That is why I love Max so much.

"I'm sorry Liz--I'm sorry...I feel like I let you down...I-I never wanted any of this to happen. You are my love--you are my life and without you I am nothing. I promise everything will work out in the end. I'm going to quit my night shift job and stay with the job at the hospital--it pays more anyway. We'll make it work...we have to." He said to me.

Max didn’t let me down. It just that I feel like were growing farther away from each other that all and that scarys the hell out of me. I don’t want to lose him, he the only thing I got. He only thing I look forward sleeping next to at night and seeing when I walk up. He is my world and soul.

I felt Max’s lips on mine as I kisses him back, taking in the feeling as our tongue dance together I close my eyes.

"I love you Liz...I will always love you..." he whisper to me and once again he kisses my lips. I kiss back and place my hand over his bare chest.. I whisper between kisses, “I miss you so much that all I want to do is make love to you” I said kissing his lips and making the kiss deeper.

"Make love to me...hmm...I think that can be arranged." I smiled as I kissed her ever so lightly and pulled her into a tight embrace where I never wanted to let her go she was my love, my life, my everything, and I couldn't imagine how my life would've been like without her.

It didn't take lone before all our clothes were tossed to the ground, I enjoyed it even more because we were newlyweds and this would only be like the third time that we actually did make love. So, I already knew it was something special but wanted it to be more.

I snapped my figers as the various candles around the room lite, lighting the room with an illuminess glow, which she was even more breathtaking.

"You're so beautiful...I love you so much." I whispered to her as my hand roamed over her body and my lips followed the temptation.

I slowly entered her, and started to moan her name as she mimicked my actions--and tried to keep our voices down so we wouldn't wake up the whole house hold.

"Oh, god Liz..." I moaned ever so slightly as she ran her fingers through my hair and started to call out my name.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 6:26 pm
by CalLen

"I never said it was your fault. I believe I specifically stated that that I didn't blame you, but I don't know why I'm surprised you didn't hear it. You never really listen to me!" she starts to cry. Oh great I think to myself. Not this again please. Why has my Maria become so emotional? It seems like every time I turn around she is crying. "No one ever asked you to take care of everyone. We are all adults here. We are all making it fine on our own." What is this? I was going to apologize for yelling at her, but now she is yelling at me for no reason. "I really do love you. God knows I do, and only he knows why, but I can't do this anymore. I won't sacrifice anymore for a man who doesn't care the slightest bit about me. You are not a General anymore Michael. You are a talented and strong man who has many people who care about him. You have family and friends, and you had me, but I guess that wasn't enough. I wasn't enough." How can she stand there and tell me that I don’t love her. She has no right to question my love. She looks at the floor and I pull her chin up to look at me. I wanted her to finish so I could say what I wanted. ,"I obviously don't make you happy anymore, and you deserve someone that does. I make enough at The Casino to get an apartment for myself. I'm moving out tomorrow." She whispers before turning and stomping off to her room. I stand silent for a moment before chasing after her. I sling the door to her room open looking at Maria. “Oh no. You can’t just lay all of this on me and then walk out. This is ridiculous. You are like having a bi-polar child. One minute you want one thing and the next you want another. I am trying to help me and my family survive. To live a life I have always wanted. I have to work and worry about Max and Isabel and make sure you are happy and that you know I care about you. HOW DARE YOU say that I don’t care about you. You don’t get to end this when you are the reason things are this way. I guess we can’t be together since FYI to me ‘ I don’t love you’. If you want something MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MIND!” I know I must have woken everyone in the house up. I look around before walking out of the room and into the kitchen where I look for vodka. I have never been so mad in my entire life. As I reach for my glass and it shatters. “Damn it!” I say. Recently when I am angry I tend to blow things up.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 7:05 pm
by Dreamer_Dreaming

"Make love to me...hmm...I think that can be arranged." Max said smiling at me. He kisses me lightly and held me into his arms, he held me so tight and so close it felt like he was afraid to, like I was this baby that needed to be protected from the world. I kiss Max back as I look up at him.

I don’t how Max and I ever drifted apart so quickly, but I do hope we can be close again. We have to. No I take that back. We need to. We need to make things right again for us to be happy, doesn’t that count for something.

Max and I start taking our clothes off as we through them to the floor as I looked at Max’s nude body. This only the 3rd time I saw him nude since we been married and it still makes me blush. I notice Max’s uses his powers to light the candles and I smile at that. I guess he wants make this night/morning special as well.

“You're so beautiful...I love you so much." He whispers to me and I smile at that. “I love you too” I respond back as he ran his hands over my body following by his lips. Oh God. That tickles.

As soon as I look up at Max I feel him inside of me. He moans out my name as he rides me. Oh God. Yes. Max and I try not make a sound, we don’t know if the others are sleeping or not and if they are. I assure you I don’t want them to hear us making love to each other.

“Oh, god Liz..." he moans out my name. I ran my fingers through his hair. “Yes Max….ah Max…” I said as quiet as I can be.

Last time Max and I had sex was when everyone was out looking for jobs and Max and I were at home, alone. We were bored and trying to find something to do. So yeah imagine that two newly wed couple celebrating their marriage. Let’s just say it wasn’t rated PG 13.

I pulled my hands away from Max’s hair and wrap my arms around his strong manly shoulders and bring him more closely to me. I felt Max inside me where it felt so good to share the man I love the love I have for him. “Hmmm” I moan softly loving feeling I am feeling..

If I didn’t know any better I’ll say we were making a baby. :wink:

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 7:22 pm
by Loxyanissa14

I hear crying and roll on to my side to see the clock. The bright red letters read 3:50 am, a few minutes later I hear Liz’s door open and faint foot steps heading down the hall. I groan and then place a pillow over my head.

The house is arranged so that Liz and Max’s room is beside mine and Michael’ and then Maria and Isabel’s room is across the hall from ours, so every noise in the house can be heard from any room at any time. I hear the door open and pray the noise will die down. I have to be at work at 6:00.

When I finally feel myself drifting to sleep again the shouting starts. I recognize the voices as Maria and Michael. I add another pillow to my ears. This helps to drive out the sounds. Finally the sleep comes again but as soon as it finds me I awake with new sounds.

I take the pillows away from my ears and sit up to hear better. By this time I’m regretting this move. The walls in this house must be paper thin as I listen to the throaty groans made not only by Liz but Max too. I slowly begin to bang my head against the wall. This house is driving me insane.

I lift my covers, taking them and my pillow across the hall to Izzy’s room. I make sure not to wake her as I plop my self on the floor by her bed. I slowly drift away to the sound of Isabel’s breathing, only to be awaken again when Maria storms into the room with Michael close on her heels.