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Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 11:44 pm
by lyndy1
#33 Roswell/Charmed Crossover

Couple: Liz/Chris

Rating: Teen/Mature/or Adult

The Elders discovered a phrophecy implying that Liz Parker and Chris Halliwell would have children stronger than Wyatt and the Charmed Ones. Some of the Elders thought like Gideon, that a child with alot of power was bound to go evil. They manipulated a cupid to make Chris fall in love with Bianca and Liz with Max so that the phrophecized children would not be born even though they are supposed to be a great force of good.

Chris/Bianca and Liz/Max each had a child, but something went wrong with the children. Both of them seemed predestined towards evil. Joining forces together, they literally destroyed the entire world.

A group of Whitelighters that survive the destruction find the phrophecy about Chris and Liz and decide to do something about it.


* They decide that since the Elders no longer follow the rules and interfere in destiny that they should have been removed so they send a group of Whitelighters to the past to fix the future.

* Liz could be a witch, witch/demon or anything else that you can think of.

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 12:06 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
#34 Scientists and Transgenics Taken by SnowyOwl-17

Couple: Alec/Liz

Rating: Teen/Mature/or Adult

Summary: Alec is a transgenic, Liz is a new Manticore scientist. It is against the rules to have relations with a transgenic let alone fall in love with one but in this matter Liz doesn't follow the rules very well.



-Liz killing someone to save Alec

-Alec meeting Rachel/another transgenic could have been sent or Alec doesn't fall for can basically do whatever they want with this story line.

-Liz becomes pregnant by Alec.

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 4:52 pm
by Queen Fee
# 35 Roswell/SN


Imagine Max went to Antar in Control, Maria went to NY and Isabel left with Jesse leaving Liz, Michael and Kyle who move away to college together and have formed a sibling like bond.

One night Liz is threatened by a stranger in an alley when she is walking home but is rescued by Dean Winchester who is in town with his brother Sam investigating a tip off by a cop friend of their father's about a murder involving a silver hand print. Liz and Dean become friends and fall for each other. Michael is wary of Dean at first because of his interest in Liz and they clash as they both have the same temperament.

Liz, Michael and Kyle don't know about the murder but somehow find out about it and decide to run which makes Sam and Dean suspicious and they follow them, what will happen for Liz and Dean when he discovers the truth and who was the murderer? Its up to you (I have a few ideas about who it could be, if your interested, PM me! :D

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 10:45 pm
by Ellie
Sounds awesome Fee! Hope someone takes this one, you'll let me know right?


Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 5:20 pm
by Queen Fee
Hi guys. Ok i know that i posted #35 but i've decided to take it myself cos i can't get the idea out of my head. I'll post it on the taken board with a link when i post it soon. I hope this is ok? Thanks.x

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 12:01 am
by Amelia
#36 Late Night Lovin'

Liz/Conan O'Brien

Rating: Teen/Mature/or Adult

Summary: Liz goes to the Big Apple. While there she meets Zan who works for O'Brien (a comedian) and love is in the air. You get to choose what Liz is doing in New York, how she meets Zan, and how the progress from there. I would prefer if Liz the only Roswellian in the story. However, you can decide what you think would be best for the story. The dupes meet Liz and take her under their wing. Have fun with it!

Must: *Have jokes!!!!!!!! :lol:
*Late Night with Conan O'Brien
*Conans' sidekick--Max
*Happy ending

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 12:30 am
by Amelia
#37 Breakfast at TIFFANY"S (Roswell style)

Couples: Liz/ ? Varjak (who looks like Rath or maybe Zan-think bad boy)

Rating: Teen/Mature/or Adult

"Liz Parker" is a deliciously eccentric New York City playgirl determined to marry a millionaire. But her next door neighbor makes that hard to accomplish. He is an actor (or something that's hard to get some decent money) who is "sponsored" by a wealthy Tess Harding (who is married to Max). I want the original Chinese dude to be in the fic, you know the one that lives in the same apartment as Liz. As well as the Prince that Liz would almost marry (who looks like Kyle). Basically, I want the plot to be full of fun, comedy, and romance.

-Have the song "Moon River"
-Be a romantic comedy
-Max and Tess's boy-toy meeting
-Day of doing things they have never done (ex. Shoplifting)
-A nameless animal that one of the main characters take under their wing, but never names of course


Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 8:21 am
by Kzinti_Killer
I've thrown these challenges up several times in the past, and no one ever took one (Well, someone did take one for a little while, but gave it up.) so they're all up for grabs.

My conditions are few, but they aren't negotiable. The Roswell side of things has to be season one conventional couples. No wiggle room on this. You can bend them and stress them all you like, but do not break or kill them. No slash or UC please. Likewise, the aliens must be aliens and the humans must be humans. Also, angst is acceptable, provided you clean it up to give the readers a happy ending. You can hang your hook anywhere in season one or season two (unless otherwise specified)…CC pairings allowing, but season three of Roswell never happened. Are we square? Okay, here goes.

#38 Roswell/West Wing: This one is simple. President Bartlet's staff gets their hands on copies of the Special Unit's records. The President is torn between wonder at the truth that aliens *do* exist, and horror at what the Special Unit has been doing, both to them and our own citizens. Step it off no later than "Max In The City". Any Wing romance is to be Josh/Donna, Sam/Ainsley, Toby/Andy, Charlie/Zoe, or CJ/Danny (I'm flexible on CJ..if you can find a way to save Simon.)

Tell us the story.

#39 Roswell/Tremors: This one is tongue in cheek. Just for laughs. I don't honestly expect anyone to pick it up, but I thought that it would be a scream if someone did. You can step it off in Tremors after either the first movie, or the second movie. (I'd prefer the first, but I'm not fussy.) The third movie I can do without. Ditto on the series (shudder for Michael Gross).

Make us laugh.

#40 Roswell/Farscape: Step this one off in season two. Right after TEOTW. Liz talks Michael into showing her the Granolith. For reasons I will leave you to contrive, it activates, sucks her in, and deposits her in the Uncharted Territories where, after managing to survive for some months, she's picked up by Moya and her merry crew. Aeryn takes her under her wing and turns her into sort of a mini-me. After some adventures, they manage to find a way to Earth...say after a year.

In the interim Kyle broke down and told Max that Liz set up that night in her room. Which leads Max to wonder how she knew that he was coming. Which leads to...whatever...just have him learn the truth, tell the others and have them all remain faithful to Liz. Tess...hmm...people hate her so much. I'd prefer her cleaned up and paired with Kyle, but it's your choice. Tess cleans up her act. Or Liz comes home, kicks her ass, and then she cleans up her act.

Requirement...happy ending for John and Aeryn. Either he goes, or she stays, but I *want* a fluffy bunny ending for those two.

#41 Roswell/Back To The Future: Another one played for laughs. Use your long as you play by my rules.

#42 Roswell/Prey: (If anyone remembers "Prey") Is the new species of human really all that superior when stacked up against alien/human hybrids....or against humans *healed* and enhanced by alien human hybrids? Lets have Sloan find out.

That's about it for now. There are no size requirements, short or long. I like long stories, but you're the ones agreeing to put your sweat into this. So it's your choice as to exactly how much sweat that will be.


Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 12:35 pm
Oh my goodness. If I didn't have so much on my plate right now, that Tremors one would sooooo be mine. When I get some of my stories finished, I'm going to come back. If it's still available, then it's on! LOL.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 12:21 am
by Kzinti_Killer
ISLANDGIRL5 wrote:Oh my goodness. If I didn't have so much on my plate right now, that Tremors one would sooooo be mine. When I get some of my stories finishsed, I'm going to come back. If it's still available, then it's on! LOL.
You're welcome too it any time. Hmmm, the Skins eaten by Graboids? ;-) The Special Unit runs shrieking from Shriekers?


I'm adding another challenge that I just thought of today. The same rules as the others, CC couples, no UC or Slash, the aliens are aliens and the humans are humans, a happy ending, and I'll even set up the hook.

#43 Roswell/Firefly: Lets imagine that in season one the Special Unit didn't fold up and quit. They found Nasedo out and took him down. But not before he showed the kids the Granolith and explained how it worked. Further suppose that it's capacity wasn't limited to just the four podsters. Under pressure from the Unit, they have a choice. Fight or run. They reveal the truth to their families and offer them a choice, to stay, or go with them. Everyone elects to go. They decide to run into time. Into the future. They emerge on a wrecked and abandoned Earth, then depart again following humanity outwards. They find the Alliance worlds right about the time that the show Firefly would have begun, and quietly set up shop on one of the outer colonies, trying to blend in and stay out of sight. What happens then is up to you, but this one has the feel of having an epic sized story in it.

Pairings on the Firefly side of things: Mal/Inara, Simon/Kaylee, Wash/Zoe, and yes Wash better be alive and kickin'. For that matter, so should Book. Damn Joss anyway.
