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Post by StormWolfstone »

~Elder Torin~

“Lythar sounds like a utopia.” I vaguely hear our Queen murmur before looking back at me. “What do we have to offer them? Their technology is superior to ours and they have discovered a way to prolong their lives. They bring a lot more to the table then us but there must be something that they need from us otherwise this meeting wouldn‘t be taking place.”

“I know that this alliance would be a great thing for Matai but apart of me worries that something will go wrong and I don’t want to put our people at risk.”

"May I make a suggestion, my queen?" I begin, looking at her carefully as she stares out the window. "If Lythar is willing to speak alliance, from my knowledge of her people, I wouldn't discount the possibility that they only desire one thing in the alliance but will give many things. The other elders believe that meeting with their representative would be a wise move. I myself would like to meet this representative and let them know about Mara and Colt, so that their families can be made aware of what happened to them."

I may not have seen this young woman as being Queen material at first, but I have been greatly pleased by the changes that I have seen in her. She has indeed become a fine Queen and it was for this reason I felt the need to help ease her mind. "My Queen, you are indeed wise to be thinking so clearly. It is simply the knowledge that they could aid our people in being protected that would truly make consideration a must. I request permission to transmit this cubes information to the Lythar dignitaries."
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by ~Ruby~ »


As I stare out of the window, I feel a familiar knot of longing in my stomach. The people below go about their daily lives unaware of the trouble that lurks in the future, unaware of how much it costs to rule Matai. Sometimes it feels like I’ve lost myself completely. All I’m is Queen Tess. I’m not longer just Tess. Sometimes it feels like I’ve lost my heart and soul to Matai.

May I make a suggestion, my queen?” I hear Elder Torin asks from behind me. I nod but don’t turn around to face her. “If Lythar is willing to speak alliance, from my knowledge of her people, I wouldn't discount the possibility that they only desire one thing in the alliance but will give many things. The other elders believe that meeting with their representative would be a wise move. I myself would like to meet this representative and let them know about Mara and Colt, so that their families can be made aware of what happened to them.”

I nod again as I chew over her words. Perhaps Lythar will only desire one thing from this alliance but what worries me the most is the fact that I don’t know exactly what that one thing is. Of course, I won’t know until the meeting what they desire and I fully intend on getting all of the facts from them.

Both Max and the elders have decided that this meeting would be a wise move and I have great faith in my husband. He is a great leader and I know that he would never do anything to jeopardize our people. And the elders are the wisest beings alive in Matai. I must trust in their words.

"My Queen, you are indeed wise to be thinking so clearly. It is simply the knowledge that they could aid our people in being protected that would truly make consideration a must. I request permission to transmit this cubes information to the Lythar dignitaries."

“Oh yes, of course, of course. You must do it immediately. How awful for their families not to know what happened to their loved ones. Please extend to them mine and the King’s deepest sympathies and an invitation to the family to come to Matai and visit the bury place. Even if an alliance is not formed, the family should still be given the chance to say goodbye to the couple or perhaps take them back to Lythar, whatever the family wishes.”

I try and imagine what life would be without Max, Isabel and my father but the thought is too painful to bear. I think that the not knowing would be worse. Not knowing would leave room for doubt and hope.

“I will leave you now to send out the information.” I state, turning away from the window. “Thank you for your time. The information you have shared with me has been very valuable and useful.”
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Post by Anna-Liisa »

I'll post for Kyle (and Percy with him) now and later this evening Travis.
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Post by Anna-Liisa »

Kyle (With some Percy)

"Who will you have at the meeting? And, do you know if King Max also recieved the same message? I mean, Your Magesty, that I can't help but wonder if there should be some sort of rules set up for the meeting and all. Would you like me to inform the center head about your decision. I was actually with him when he was called in..." Maria says and I smile gently. She stops as she realizes she's talking a lot again. I don't really mind her talking much, it's actually quite relaxing.

"I am going take Percy with me at least. And I was wondering if Liz, Alex and you, would like to join me", I tell her and scratch my head. "And I can read their minds - if I can - to see if they really are here with peaceful meaning", I continue and sigh. "And yes, I would like you to inform that I will accept their arriving."

I am about to answer the question about Matai, when Liz takes my hand. I immediately feel her emotions and shiver a bit. I try to keep them out and look at my sister. "It's, a de...Dem...Dema?" 'Diplomatic', I hear Percy's thoughts. Oh yeah. "Diplomatic meeting. Ah, I should've listened to the instructions when I was nineteen. That's why I need you to be there, Liz, Maria..." And just then Alex arrives. "And you too, Alex", I add with a smile. "I want you three to be with me when I go to the meeting." I take my hand away from Liz and turn around to meet Percy's eyes.

"Percy, I need you to get Travis. I think he's at the nearest town. I need him to send a message to Matai, to ask if they got the same message we did. Can you do that for me?" I ask from my servant and he nods. "Of course, sir. I'll be right back", he says, bows and leaves silently. I smile and look at Liz again.

"With we will know if Max is going to accept the meeting if they got the same message", I say.
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Post by Anna-Liisa »


I am used to entertain children with my powers. I am used to see them smile no matter what has happened. But right now, all I see is misery. All the children look sad no matter what I do. It makes me feel depressed as well, but I try to help the citizens to repair the damage the attack 'caused. It doesn't bring back the dead, but it helps the people who are alive. Curse those war loving Ralin people! Why do they need to attack us when we don't want to harm them? They've caused so much pain in one attack I swear they'd get a lesson from me if I'd see them. But then again, I only knew how to move objects. They'd probably crush me like a bug.

I look at a child who seems to be lost and pick him up when he looks at me. "Hey you, are you lost?" I ask and he nods. "Who are you looking for?" the boy tells me that his parents are supposed to be helping with the rebuilding. I look around and promise to help him find them. I let him down and he takes my hand as we start looking for his parents. "What do the look like?" I ask and he explains that his father already has grey hair, even if he's still young, and his mother is a blonde woman - both of them are tall, according to him. I start looking around to see if there is a pair like that and immediately see a couple matching the descriptions - plus they look extremely worried, like they're looking for something. I smile at the boy and walk to his parents with him. "Ma'am, sir, I think this is what you're looking for", I say and the little boy runs to his parents. I smile and turn around.

"Thank you kindly, we were looking for Thomas eveywhere", the woman says. "How can we...?" she stars, but I raise my hand to stop her.
"The only thanks I need is you three reunited again. Now Thomas", I say and look at the boy. "Don't wander around. You might get lost again", I add and smile at him. Thomas nods and I leave with final goodbyes.

It feels good to help everyone somehow. Just to be there and do something good for the citizens of Natori kingdom. I let out a sigh as I start to walk back to the palace. I don't get far though, since King's servant almost runs into me.

"Percy, wow, calm down. Where's the fire?" I ask.

* * * *


When King Kyle asks me to go and get Travis, I feel a little bit relaxed. I need to get some fresh air because the atmoshphere before Duchess, Princess and the Duke came in was quite... well. It was a really good one, but it made me feel all blushy. And I'm not supposed to blush in front of others. It would show my feelings towards the King too clearly. What feelings? I wave my hand in front of my face and walk through the palace and outside. What excatly are my feelings? That thought just comes in sometimes. I think I like girls... but with Ky--King it's different. Maybe I like boys and girls? Yeah that has to be it. But is that possible? Hmm. Oh no, I can't get these thoughs now. I need to find messenger Travis. I start to run towards the village, but I almost hit Travis on the way. I sigh in relief.

"Percy, wow, calm down. Where's the fire?" Travis asks and looks rather amused.
"It's not a funny matter, Travis. King Kyle needs you to send a message to the king of Matai. Now hurry and follow me", I tell him and turn around.

All this running makes me dizzy. I sigh and mess my hair with my hand. This time I don't walk so fast, but I'm still over my normal speed. King Kyle needs Travis and I need to get him for Him. But I think that that Kyle wants some time to talk with his sister and their friends... About the diplomatic relationships with Lythar. At least I helped him remember the right word. That's something, isn't it? I look at Travis.

"Let's not go in yet. King's talking to Princess, Duke and Duchess", I tell him and stop. We would go in once someone comes out. The best way to manage this.
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Post by StormWolfstone »

~Elder Torin~

“Oh yes, of course, of course. You must do it immediately. How awful for their families not to know what happened to their loved ones. Please extend to them mine and the King’s deepest sympathies and an invitation to the family to come to Matai and visit the bury place. Even if an alliance is not formed, the family should still be given the chance to say goodbye to the couple or perhaps take them back to Lythar, whatever the family wishes.” Our Queen replies and I give a nod though she isn't looking my way.

“I will leave you now to send out the information.” She says then, turning to look my way. "Thank you for your time. The information you have shared with me has been very valuable and useful.”

Dropping into a bow as much as my old body would allow, I nod. "You are most welcome, My Queen. I am happy to help as much as I can." After a moment, I straightened and left the room, knowing that the sooner the message was delivered the better.


"I am going take Percy with me at least. And I was wondering if Liz, Alex and you, would like to join me", Kyle replies to me and I simply nod. The chance to meet with this other race that obviously had great technology was something I wouldn't want to pass up. "And I can read their minds - if I can - to see if they really are here with peaceful meaning", Kyle continues and I can see he is a bit concerned. "And yes, I would like you to inform that I will accept their arriving."

I give a nod, waiting to hear if there is anything else. He looks at his sister, "It's, a de...Dem...Dema? "Diplomatic meeting. Ah, I should've listened to the instructions when I was nineteen. That's why I need you to be there, Liz, Maria..." Alex's arrival isn't missed by our king and my friend, "And you too, Alex." He smiles as he adds, "I want you three to be with me when I go to the meeting."

I wait until he has sent Percy to get the messanger before listening as he looks at his sister, "With we will know if Max is going to accept the meeting if they got the same message."

"Alright, I'll go to Lord Rico and have him get me in the center so I can send the message to these Lytharians. Are there any forms of conditions you want to set on the meeting so I can let them know?" I ask Kyle as I think of how exciting it will be to actually meet aliens face to face. I mean we'd had the message from Ralin but we never met any of them face to face.


Max shakes his head before he speaks, "I'm not sure. This could be a good thing for us. We can advance our techology and protection but then, allowing them access to what they want could allow them to find our weaknesses." After several long moments my brother calls Joaquin back over and tells him, "Tell them that I will meet with them but they are only allowed one guard to come with them. We shall meet and speak before I decide whether to allow them to stay and further our talks."

Joaquin nods and bows and I watch him leave before I look back at my brother who's looking at me, "I want to hear what they have to say in person. A video tell me nothing of who they are." I nod, thinking he's making the right decision. I'd like to hear what they have to say face to face as well. I also can't help but wonder how they'll look. Will they be anything like how we look?

“This is all rather sudden,” Tess says and I can tell that she is concerned, of course, she's probably also upset a bit that Max didn't talk it over with her first. I myself think that it was best the decision be made as it was. The sooner we meet with these people, the better.

“Perhaps we should send word to the elders. They might know more about Lythar and its people. We should be as prepared as possible for this meeting.” Tess continues and I agree, it's a good thought. Who knows whether there was contact at some point in the past.

Max agrees, "Go tell them that we will be having a visitor. Find anything we have in our databanks then let me know what you find. I'll be looking over these files they sent. If things don't match, I'll know they are lying to us."

"I'll also contact King Kyle and make sure he got the message." Max then looks toward me, "With the recent problems with Khivar, I want to be careful."

"I understand that, Max." I tell him and then watch as Tess leaves. After a few moments I look at my brother, "I think you made the right decision. If they aren't willing to meet you with only one guard then it shows that they might not be seeking an alliance as much as they might claim. I'm behind you on this completely."
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by Fehr'sBear »

ooc: just working on a way to get selene in. I'll have a post up soon.
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Post by Anna-Liisa »

I'll wait for Alex and Liz before posting.
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Post by magikhands »


"I think you made the right decision. If they aren't willing to meet you with only one guard then it shows that they might not be seeking an alliance as much as they might claim. I'm behind you on this completely."

"Thank you Isabel. You don't know what it means to have your support." I say to her with a smile. All our lives I've always been able to depend on her. My sister, my best friend and confidant. "Now, I guess we wait and see what Kyle says."
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