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Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 10:33 pm
by StormWolfstone

Before I know what's happening, I feel lips upon mine and even not being able to see, I know that it's Talan who is kissing me. I find myself responding without thought, my hands slowly unclenching as I feel my heart begin to race for other reasons. Okay, I admit to myself that for a time I've had a thing for Talan, but he'd always been like a brother and I hadn't been willing to go and ruin that.

But, at the moment as the pain in my arms began to ebb ever so slowly, I find myself not caring. Without moving my hands from the ground, afraid that something was going to happen that would cause him harm, I continue kissing him and even deepen it, letting my tongue mingle with his.

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 10:48 pm
by Fehr'sBear

When Danni reacts to the kiss, I finally realize what I've just done. I mean, deep down I guess I always had feelings for Danni, but I knew she just sort of saw me as a protective brother type, and I'd never really mentioned the feelings to her before. As she deepens the kiss, it occurs to me that she may have felt the same way.

I open my eyes for a minute, breaking away from Danni, and notice that the fire is definitely less, and her hands look as though they were never on fire. Taking one of her hands in mine, I abandon all thought about anything else and kiss her again. You know, technically I'm just 'helping' her focus. "It's working Danni," I mutter into her lips, not letting go of her hand. "It's working."

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 11:10 pm
by magikhands

This has got to be what heaven is like. Nothing else could ever dampen this moment in time. Or at least I thought so.

The music stopped abruptly and screams sounded around us. I break away from Christina in time to see the stage begin to shake.

"BRE!" I scream for my sister who is trying to make it off the stage before it crumbles. Then sparks and flames shoot from the wires and equipment and I curse. The building was old but not our equipment.

Taking hold of Christina's hand, I pull her toward the stage. I call out to Sabrina but with the adrinaline pumping so rapidly in my system, I don't know if our connection is still there. I can see Tyler pushing through people trying hard to get to the stage, he was closer than us but the fear of the fire has everyone panicking.

"Hold on tight." I yell to Christina over my shoulder. I feel the burning in my arms again. It spreads through my body swiftly, this time not as painful. I glance back and see the hand holding Christina's shifting colors. It moves up my arm and even see it going into her hand covering her as well. Within seconds the only colors reflected are the ones around us, even the flicker of the flames. It's like looking at a mirror.

"Holy fuck." I mummble but keep pushing through the crowd trying to reach Sabrina who looks unsteady on her feet.

"Get her Tyler...get her..." I start chanting softly. 'Get to Tyler Bre.' I tell her, hoping she can hear me

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 11:43 pm
by Fehr'sBear

I'm in a dream world, entranced by the feelings overcoming me when suddenly the smell of smoke assaults my nose. Erik breaks away, and I open my eyes to see flames licking the stage as people try to get out. "BRE!" Erik shouts, and I grasp his hand tightly, following him towards the stage. I watch silently, unable to speak as Sabrina tries to get down, and as Ty pushes his way towards her. In the meantime Erik tells me to hold on tight and I do, following him closer, trying to stay with him in all the chaos.

Then I look down at the arm I'm holding and see Erik's skin changing again, this time reflecting the flames. He looks freaked, and I just squeeze his hand even tighter, making my way towards Tyler and the stage. "Get her Tyler...get her..." I hear Erik mumble, and I watch, still unable to yell out to my brother, praying he'll get her down.


I'm watching Sabrina perform when flames suddenly tear up the wall. I hear her brother call out to her, and then push my way through the crowd.

"Sabrina!" I call, stopping once I feel the heat of the flames. "Are you alright?" I yell up to her, trying to find a safe way to get to her. There isn't much I can do, but I motion towards a spot that doesn't look like it's about to collapse. "Try to get over here!" I call, before turning to Erik.

"Get Christina out of here!"

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 11:43 pm
by magikhands

Eileen and I are lying in bed. Her naked body snuggled close to mine. I'm finally drifting off to sleep. Though my wife and I have had a very good night, the best in a while, I still can't stop feeling as if something was going to happen.

The phone ringing startles me from the uneasy doze. I reach over and answer it.

"Dad, there's a fire out here. I'm going to make sure certain people get out." James' voice sounds over the phone. Before I can say anything else, the line goes dead.

"Shit!" I mutter jumping out of bed and reaching for my jeans. Eileen wakes and I calmly tell her that there's been trouble out at the party. I don't have time to go into specifics so I rush out of the house buttoning my shirt.

Once I get into my SUV I called the Office and had deputies and fire dispatched. My next call was to Max. As soon as he answered the phone I knew something wasn't right.

"There's a fire at the party." I say knowing that his girls were there too. "Did Liz see something?"

"She's had this sense that something's not right. That something was going to happen." Max said.

"She's right. And I've been feeling the same all day. James just called. I'm on my way out."

"Kyle...Liz says that the kids...that they may have powers. I don't know what exactly is going on, but they may expose themselves."

This is a shock to me. We've been so careful at watching the kids. All of them. Searching for any signs of abilities but we've never seen so much as a hint of any.

"Thanks. I'll keep an eye and ear out." I say about to hang up.

"Call Isabel and Tess. They need to know. I'll call Michael as Liz and I leave. We'll meet you out there."

I want to argue. I'm sure the others will be out the door as soon as they hear. The last thing we need is something to draw attention to us all but then again...their power could be helpful. When the six of us merge our powers, it can be quite powerful.

The line goes dead and start dialing Isabel's number.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 12:04 am
by magikhands

"Get Christina out of here!" Tyler yells just as we reach him.

"We've got to help Sebrina." With all that's going on, he's yet to realize my arms were reflecting the colors around us. I start coughing when a plan comes to me.

"Don't let go." I tell Christina who hasn't let up on her grip on my hand. I turn back to Tyler. Get ready to get her. Before he could say anything, I step closer to the stage, the flames threatening to lick at my skin but I ignored them. Nothing would stop me from getting to my sister.

I reached out with my free hand and touched the crumbling stage. I closed my eyes and concentrated hard. I reached out toward Bre, encouraging her to come toward Tyler while trying to hold the stage together long enough so she could reach us.

"Get her!" I ordered Tyler, sweat pouring from my forehead, and feeling the strain of using my powers like never before.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 12:08 am
by maxandliz4ever1357
ooc: Whoa... a lot has happened! I'll have to catch up, so I'll be back with a post later.
ooc: just a note..... other then having possibly seen Danni.... there wouldn't be anyway that Liz would know that there were new people in town, since there was never a conversation between Amy and Liz about the new people.... please don't assume that something can be said without first contacting the people involved.
I'm sorry. I was thinking of it as Liz's powers were telling her there were new people in town. She doesn't know who they are... I thought I made that clear. She just got a feeling that there were. If that goes against a rule, I'll change it. I didn't see it as character movement, so I didn't think to ask permission.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 12:16 am
by Fehr'sBear

"Don't let go." Erik says to me, and I grasp his hand as tight as possible, my knuckles turning whte from the effort.

I watch as he grips the edge of the stage, my eyes wide as flames threaten to burn his skin, and stare as he motions to my brother to get Sabrina. All this is happening so fast; I hardly know what to do - run? or help?


"Get her!" Erik orders me, as he attempts in some otherworldly way to hold the stage together. Not even thinking about it, I climb up on stage and grab Sabrina, half lifting her as I jump off the stage, ignoring the flames. I head for the door, yelling back to Erik.

"Get my sister out now!"

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 12:30 am
by magikhands

My vision starts to blur and smoke fills my lungs making it difficult to breath but I see that Tyler has Bre. He's taking her out in his arms and he yells at me to get Christina out.

Only when I let go of the stage my legs collapse and I fall to the floor, just as the stage does. The excertion I put out in holding the stage together drained me.

"Chris...get...out." I manage to croak out between coughing. I saved my sister but I'm afraid that doing so has left me to perrish.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 12:37 am
by StormWolfstone

Talan breaks the kiss and seems to simply look at me before taking one of my hands in his and then kisses me again. Muttering against my lips about it working. At that moment, it took me a bit to realize what he meant because my focus was more on how it felt to be kissing him. Then, I lifted my other hand and placed it behind his neck and let myself simply fall into the kiss for a few more minutes before drawing back myself. "Let's get out of here, head back to the hotel before any attention is drawn to us. You drive my bike, I don't think I can." I tell him even as I lean forward and kiss him briefly again before drawing back.

"We can... talk when we get back to the hotel. I'll tell Lia and Jake what's going on." With a sigh, I kiss him again even as I send a telepathic message to my siblings about the plan.

We're already on our way to the truck. We'll meet you both back there. I hear Jake reply and can tell he isn't very happy with me.

"Let's go." I tell Talan, drawing back breathlessly.