A Baby Story (AU, ?C Teen) *Need Kyle, Isabel, Michael*

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Post by FallenMagic »

~*~* Kyle ~*~*

With Tess in my arms, all seems right at the moment. I can almost pretend that we’re much more than friends, that we’re just a young couple enjoying a moment of privacy. Almost…

Tess murmurs something against me, something I couldn’t really make out. “…was you…” I hear.

“Did you say something?” I ask, pulling away slightly.

Tess stiffens in my arms and pulls away. She looks at the floor, at the lamp down the street, anywhere but me. Her arms around wrapped protectively around her, like she’s trying to ward people of her.

“Tess?” I ask, now curious as to what she said. “What did you say?”

“Nothing…” she says softly first then clears her throat and looks up and says with much more conviction. “It was nothing…”

Yet I can almost hear the catch in her voice and her eyes…there is so much pain in them. I frown but don’t say anything. I know I heard something.

I could have sworn she said…but no, it couldn’t be. I’ve got to stop hearing things! I scold myself.

Deciding to stop looking for something that can never be, I shrug. “Okay.” I tell her and she seems relieved.

We stare at each other and I realize that I don’t know what to say to her right now. Now that my anger has settled…I don’t know how to start talking to her. We can’t go back to the way we were because everything is so different and I don’t know how to start this new beginning.

It is a new beginning for us. I recognized and reluctantly accepted.

“So…” I begin.

“Yeah, so…” Tess echoes, clearly not sure what to say either.

I back up a step and gesture towards the park. “I think I’ll leave now…” I say and Tess jerks her head to look at me. “I just need to be alone for a while right now…to think you know…” I give her an unsure look. “You’ll be okay?” I ask. Because of course I’m not going to leave if she needs me to support her inside.

~*~* End Kyle ~*~*

Okay that sucked! JBehrsGurl, does Liz want to be alone after MAx gets around to spilling or would she stand Kyle's company? I think he needs to talk to someone! Your choice :)
<center>There are endings and beginnings and then there are Crossroads; and, somehow, in the end all that's left are Pieces Of A Dream</center>
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Post by isabelle »


“No,” I tell her, firmly and without any room for argument. “This is not a thirty second issue, and I am not following your arbitrary rules.” I move between her and the stairs up to her family’s apartment. I hate feeling like I’m trapping her, but I have no choice. I reach out, getting a hold of each of her arms, holding her firmly and looking in her eyes. “I need you to listen!”

She starts to object, but I cut her off. “No, Liz. Listen. Please.”

She stills, staring at me in disbelief. I hold her that way for probably four or five seconds, calming myself before I go on. I’d been prepared to tell her that I understood that she wasn’t in love with me anymore, and I would try to accept that. But instead, she tells me she does love me. She loves me, and I love her, yet she persists on staying apart. Insists that I follow this ‘destiny.’ It’s beyond me why it’s so important to her that I go with Tess, when she sees clearly that Michael and Isabel have no intention of repeating the past. But there’s no point in arguing it. Not when she’s already won. Tess and I are having a baby. She and I are in it together now, while Liz and I are apart. Just like she wants.

“Liz,” I say. My voice is calm again and I relax my grip on her arms, although I don’t let go. “Something’s happened. It’s not what I wanted. I’ve already told you what I want.” You. I want you! “But I messed up, Liz. Again. You were – No. It's not your fault.” I’m not going to blame this on her. No matter what had happened, or how I felt, I was the one who did this.

For a brief instant, I wonder if this is what she meant when she was babbling about Kyle, and me making her do something. Did I ‘make her’ sleep with Kyle by insisting that I loved her, even ‘though she’s just confessed that she loves me, too? She slept with Kyle to make me stop, and that’s why it’s my fault? That still doesn’t seem quite right, but I can’t puzzle it out right now.

I try again. “It was just one time. I never meant for it to happen. I just…” No, I scold myself again. No blame, no excuses. It happened. We have to go forward.

“Liz, … Tess is pregnant.”

JBehrsgurl, please don't let her run off yet. Max will block her way if he has to, but I want one more post before she bails. Please?
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Post by JBehrsGurl »

isabelle this is getting good! lol! I wont have her bail, not when things are just starting to get good! Lol –also I just HAVE to quote that once scene when Max told Liz about Tess in the show cuz that was classic and I LOVED it!


“Liz, … Tess is pregnant.”

She’s… wha?

“Wow, that sucks. Teenage pregnancy is so common these days, so who’s kid is it?” I ask, suddenly this is all so very interesting. Then it dawns of me…

“It was just one time. I never meant for it to happen. I just…”

Oh. Ooh. OoOoOoh!

My knees buckle down I go like a timbered tree. Max catches my arms before I could fall, he gently sets me down to the floor. I guess it never really occurred to me the repercussions of Max’s future self’s favor. My god, this wasn’t in the plans was it!? It’s not fair! It’s completely not fair!

“I-I trusted you, I gave you everything. I jumped off bridges for you, I broke laws for you, I risked getting shot for you, I trusted you! And you go off-- God, with Tess-- God, I saved myself for you!” I scream, “How could you DO this to me?! HOW-“ And now I’m slamming my fists into his chest, I’m crying like a baby. I’m an even bigger mess than before.

“Liz I never meant-“

“Shut up!” I scream louder, “You never mean anything Max! You never meant to bring me into a life of such chaos, you never meant to make me fear for my life, to run from the law, to lie, cheat and steal! You never meant for ANY of that!” I shove him again, “You never meant to hurt me and you never meant to get Tess pregnant. But look at us now Max. Look at us now! I saved myself for you and-“

I stop, sobs erupting through my soul, I slump down to the floor again and bury my face in my hands. It’s not supposed to be like this. I know its what happens when Destiny takes over but he never said I would have to sit back and watch. I always thought I’d be long gone by the time something like this happened. It’s like theres a huge cruel joke being played on me and everyone’s laughing. Pointing at the stupid girl who sold her soul to the devil.

“Just… just get out Max… Please just go… Just stop hurting me so much…” I whisper. My face still hidden in my shaking hands. I never knew a broken heart could be so painful.
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Post by ATigerLilyAngel »


I nod to Kyle. I'm not okay though, but I can't for the life of me tell him I'm not okay. It would just be wrong on so many levels. I'd ruin what small semblence of normal I had worked so ahrd to get. And I couldn't do that. Selfishly. or maybe unselfishly, I don't even know anymore ebcuase I know I want Kyle. But that's really a mute point now. "I'll see you at home," I say softly afraid to speak loudly that my voice will betray how I'm really feeling. he nods and starts to walk away and as I watch his back retreat I feel the tears well in my eyes again.

COuld this whole thing be anymore screwed up? I don't think so, unless you're about to tell me I'm on candid camera or something.

I wlak back into the Crashdown and I hear Liz yelling and then breaking down into sobs. And that's all my fault too. I've cause far too many tears in just one night. And I feel terrible. Guilty even. If I never had to ehar cries like that coming from anyone, especially someone who didn't deserve to cry them I'd give the baby back, I'd never tamper with their love. But it's too late for all of that too.

I feel the glare of the others on me as I move into the cafe. I consider turning around and walking home, I really do. But then I hear Liz again and I know this is tkaing it's toll on Max. He'll ened someoen to be there for him when it's all over. So I sit down in a booth, despite all the ahteful looks I recieve and wait. Wait for her ehart tos top shattering in the back room, and Max to reappear with his just as broken.
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Post by isabelle »


I feel like my whole chest has been torn open and some huge weight is crushing my shoulders. I think I would almost rather be back with Pierce than to hurt her like this. Oh, God! What was I thinking?

"I'm sorry, Liz. I'm so sorry." I reach out and wrap my arms around her again as we sit on the floor together. She struggles, but I hold her tight as she cries. How could I have done this to her? I love her so much. And I've ruined everything.

At least this reaction makes sense. All that stuff she said before about wanting me to be with Tess, was obviously lies. I just can't imagine why she was doing it, if she felt this way. Why she broke my heart. Why she slept with Kyle.

... I saved myself for you...

Oh god, she didn't.

When it happened, I kept believing that it wasn't true. That it couldn't have happened, dispite what I had seen with my own eyes. But she kept telling me it did, everytime I asked. Until I started to believe her words, not my heart.

Why did she lie to me? Why?

"I'm so sorry. I wish it never happened, Liz. I wish it so much." I'm not ready to be a father to anyone, and I would rather die than see Liz hurt this way. Especially not for ME to hurt her. But it's too late. Far too late.
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Post by FallenMagic »

~*~* Kyle ~*~*

“I’ll see you at home.” Tess says.

I nod slowly, in a way relived that I can leave. I turn around and begin to walk away. I am tempted to turn back and give Tess one last hug or maybe tell her I care, but I don’t want to lead either one of us on. So I keep walking.

I have no intention of going home. Going there would only serve to crop up memories I’d prefer not to relive right now. Memories of Tess and me. I wonder how the others took the news? How Liz did.

Liz…I suddenly stop. Shit, she’s going to be devastated!

I consider going back to the Crash Down but then I pause. Maybe it would be better to go to her after everyone has left. I know that’s when she’ll need someone to talk to her the most, after everything has settled down. I never thought I’d see a day when Liz and I would have so much in common. Bu now we do, no thanks to the aliens.

~*~* End Kyle ~*~*
<center>There are endings and beginnings and then there are Crossroads; and, somehow, in the end all that's left are Pieces Of A Dream</center>
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Post by JBehrsGurl »



Why does it have to hurt so bad? Why does everything in life have to be so damn cliche? I mean was I really going to think that Max wouldnt eventually ACTUALLY go to Tess? She's his damn desitny for gods sake!

"I have to go now." I mumble and slip past him, "I..." I turn back to face him, "Good..." I shake my head and turn for the stairs.

I have no idea what's going on inside my head, it's like a blurry mess. NO single coherent thought is working, I can't even honestly tell you how I'm going to be acle to make it all the way to my room. maybe I'll just shill down here for a while. I think maybe that might be a good idea. But then I see Max staring at me and I lose all resolve. My legs buckle once again and I'm forced to knees. I went down like a sack of potatoes, I'm not going to faint, I know that. It's that...

I've just lost all feeling within my soul....
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Post by isabelle »


Liz pulls away and starts heading for the stairs. I don't know what else to say, what to do. Everything's wrong, and it's all my fault. The pain in her eyes is more than I can bear, but I watch her anyway because I can't look at anything else.

She turns and starts to say something, then falls again. "Liz!" I call out as I step forward and catch her once more.

She hasn't fainted, and I can tell with a touch that there's nothing wrong with her physically. But that doesn't mean that she hasn't been more deeply wounded than anyone should ever be. Especially not Liz. Keeping my arms around her, I gently lower Liz so she's sitting on the step.

"Oh God, Liz. I'm so sorry," I repeat, pathetically. There's nothing else to say. No way to fix what we had. It's been shattered well beyond any possibility of repair, I know. I bury my face in her neck, taking in the scent of her hair, one last time. "I love you, Liz. I wanted you to be my destiny. I wanted that so much." I'll always love you.

She'll hate me now, and she'll have every right. I feel as if someone-else has died. The dream I've carried since third grade is gone forever.
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Post by isabelle »

Sorry, I couldn’t resist. If you don’t like it, JBehrsgurl, I’ll take it out.


“Max, no,” Liz says, in a strangely calm voice that seems to come from far away.

Of course, she says no. She doesn’t want to hear it. Who can blame her? I hold her close a moment longer, as I try to calm myself. It’s done. It’s over. I can see that. I can also see that Liz is too wobbly to walk right now. I don’t want to see her fall, again.

“Let me… let me help you upstairs,” I tell her. I lift her up, and carry her to her bedroom. She leans against me limply, neither pulling away, nor holding on. And she doesn’t speak. Afterall, there seems to be nothing more to say. Thankfully, I don’t encounter either of her parents as I walk through her apartment. I lay her gently on her bed, trying not to see Kyle there in my mind’s eye. I don’t want to revisit that day, ever again.

Liz doesn’t look at me. Her eyes are focused on some nowhere point over my shoulder. I lean forward and kiss her quickly on the forehead. “Bye, Liz,” I tell her, softly, and turn to go. I love you.
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Post by JBehrsGurl »


I hate how freaking cliche this all is, me with a broken heart and him with a important destiny. I can truthfully say as of right this moment that I wish he hadn't healed me that day in the Crashdown. What girl would WANT to go through this?

SCREW that better to have loved... shit. That's a bunch of bullshit excuses to make you get over someone. There's NO getting over Max Evans. And there never will be, you can't erase somethings that's burned into your soul. You can't just forget love that passionate, feelings that intimate, emotions that... strong.

I let him carry my upstairs to my room, excess dead weight in his sculptured strong arms. I hear him talking but I don't listen, I can't listen. Because I know what he'll say, I know what I'll feel and I know what I'll do. I'll breakdown, even more than I am, I'll just... Break.

Maybe I should break, just fucking let out all these deep dark secrets, just tell him how I really feel. DESTINY SUCKS!

"Max wait." My voice betrays me and yelps out before he exits the room.

"Liz? What is it? Are you okay?" He asks concerned, worry written all over his fine featured face. I can feel tears welling in my eyes, and my heart in my throat.

"I..." I close my eyes. It's now or never. "I... didn't s-"

"Liz? Liz is that you?" I hear my mother coming up the stairs.

"I better go..." Max looks at the door nervously.

"No Max wait!" I pull at his shirt collar, but the sounds of my mothers vastly approaching footsteps seems to frighten him even more. And suddenly...

I'm holding on to air.

"Who were you talking to up here sweetie?" My mom smiles as she enters my haven.

I glance at my wind blown curtains and stare at nothingness, "No one mom... No one at all..."

I could really use a friend about now...

Ooc: LOVED the Max parts isabelle!!!
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