Destiny Awaits (AU, CC, Mature/Adult) Thread #1

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Post by POM »

Fehr'sBear wrote:wow, um sorry I haven't posted in a bit. How should I join in?
Umm... vilandra is suppose to be in the garden--and the scene that umm.. Rath shares with mary-- you can catch them, and start a fight with Rath...seeing it's what those two characters do best!! **They are in love with other people.** Remember that Vilandra is cousins with AVA!! :) **

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Post by madroswellfan »

The poor girl, shes had such a difficult life. I just want to hug her and hold her. But firstly, I doubt she want me to, and secondly I've had this really weird feeling in my stomach ever since she said she would come to my garden. I wish so much that I could though. She had missed a single tear on her pretty cheek, so I brushed it away for her. Her skin was so soft. I smiled at her.
"Me? I like music and dancing, and the arts. But everyone knows what I like, its always in the media. But I love playing the piano and singing. I know, it sounds really silly, but it's just one of those things were you can escape your own head and concentrate on the music. Its much easier to display emotions that way too. What about you Elizabeth, what do you love?" I said slowly without realising it getting nearer to her.

Post by POM »

When he reached up to wipe away my tear, I felt a tingling sensation that shocked my entire body. I had to hold in my emotions, because I felt as if I was going to take his hand in mine and kiss it. I flushed a little by my thoughts. I was suprised by his answers, it was not what I was expecting him to say at all. And when he referred the question back to me...I didn't know what to really say. "Well, I love everything that you could possibly think of... I love to dance, paint, write, Ride horses, Swimming, Running and ect. You know things of that nature. I like to think of myself as a free spirit!!" I told him with a smile on my face. Then without any thought put into this at all--I stood up and asked him. "Will you dance with me?" I put out my hand in his direction, He was hesitate at firlst. "C'mon we are the only ones in here!" I smiled at him when he took my hand. And when are bodies where moving together in one motion. I felt at home, I knew he was my home. "Well, Zan--there are no lies here, you are an excellent dancer!" I smile at him. My left hand plays with the back of his hair, as he moves me closure to him--I'm not sure that anything could bring me down from this cloud nine.
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Post by madroswellfan »

I think I'm going to explode. With either joy, happiness or just because all I want to do right now is be closer to her...much closer. She said I was a good dancer. Well, I should be after the billions of dancing lesson my mother make me take. It was "training for picking the future queen". God I wish she would be my Queen, she could rule me anyday! And she asked me to dance! Not the other way around! She was being forward....and I liked it. Normally girls either made me chase them, or made it no fun at all. But with Liz it was just magical. She called herself a "free spirit"...well she certainly was that. And now she was playing with my hair. I was having to be careful I didn't moan with pleasure. I moved her closer to me, feeling her petite body close to mine. It was like a perfect dream. Her hair was infront of her ears, so I brushed it back for her. But I didn't move my hand away. Instead I lightly brushed my thumb across her cheek. I couldn't tell if this was effecting her, but I could feel shivers running up and down my spine, just because I was thinking and touching her.

Post by POM »


When he touched my cheek, I couldn't controll myself any longer...I felt myself going over the edge. and right then and there--I kissed him, after a few moments of pure bliss I pulled away. "Oh.. um..I--I'm sorry! Zan please forgive me, I don't know what came over me--" I face was flushed as I ran outside into the garden. I looked back and saw that Zan was following me. I said to myself--"Oh..great job Liz, Look what you've gotten yourself into now."
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Post by madroswellfan »

For a moment I just stood there in awe, thinking about the most amazing moment of my life, when she touched my lips. And then I realised if I didn't run after her then there may not be any more of those moments ever again! I had to now, now I had the sweet taste of her all I could think of was "need more"
I ran after her. She had sped off in to the garden.
"LIZ!" I shouted. She stopped, and half turned towards me, but couldn't even look me in the eye. Did a girl as beautiful as her want to kiss me?
I walked up to her. She was shaking. "Probably in fright!" my mind told me but my heart said "Shut up! She likes you! She kissed you! Go and show her you like her to you idiot!"
I stood directly in front of her, but she stil wouldn't look at me. She opened her mouth to speak, but I decided to take matters into my own hands.
I quickly pressed my lips against hers hungrily, her open mouth immediately deepening the kiss.
It was magical.
Eventually, I pulled away and looked at her, hoping she could see that I liked her. She stared at me. I thought to myself "Shes gonna bolt. Shes gonna tell the papers that you kissed her and manhandled her. Great move King Zan!"

Post by POM »


After he let me go, on that last kiss--I was dissapointed that it had to end...I tried to catch my breath. The akward silence was killing the both of us, I laughed a little bit before saying something. " Look at us, we are like Teenagers--" I smiled at him. " But I don't care. You know that I saw you two years ago, on the eve of your coranation of recieving the crown. There was a huge parade passing through town, Everyone was suppose to bow when you passed--and not make eye contact with you at all. But I didn't do anything--I just stood there, at just the site of you--at that moment I had hoped that I would become your wife. I mean every Antarian girl did, Why am I do be any different. Mary used to make fun of me, and my wishful dreams--saying that they would never come true. On that day you noticed me...out of the crowd--the only one who didn't do what they were suppose to, and I had hoped that you still did--but I guess that I am just foolish--and still holding on to those childish dreams. No matter what I had going on in my life, I knew that I could always Day dream and gaze at the stars in the midnight hour--and everything would be fine." I turned in his direction and smiled. I walked towards him, "The one thing that I want from you is respect--and that's all I want as of right now. And who knows...maybe more, when the time is right." Only inches away from his face, I reach up and put my arms around his neck and kiss him more passionate, and seductivly than the two kisses combined. I knew that my heart was taken me to someplace I've only dreamed of, and the best has yet to come.
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Post by madroswellfan »

I knew I had seen her before. I remebered now. Her hair wa shorter back then but I can still see her perfectly in my mind. When I had saw her back then I thought wow, shes amazing. And I was right.
I felt like I was on fire. This perfect girl kissing me with such passion. Such lust.
I hadn't been kissed like this since...
I broke away from Liz hit by the horibble memories. She looked confused and scared, like I had no respect for her and this was all some kind of game to me. The fact is, it wasn't my was someone else's.
I knew I had to say something. But what? The moment had been ruined by my past. And now I couldn't get it out of my head.
His laugh.
Her pain.
Hesitantly I said, not looking at her "I do respect you Elizabeth....perhaps we should...head back inside for dinner?"

Post by POM »


"You look like someone just died--did I do something to upset you? I didn't mean to be so forward, I've just so used to be independent...and now I have to control what I say or do--in every waking moment! Am I being too Forward?" I ask him. Before he takes my hand to lead me back inside, I wave my hand over my face and my clothes--and I am dresses back into my simple blue dress, and my face is clean--my hair is straight. "This is what I am...just a poor girl from the city, this is the nicest outfit that I own--I knew that trying to be something that I was wasn't was going to be trouble. Mary warned me--but I didn't listen. I know you respect me, but I don't mean it that way--I mean truthfully and undoubtably. I don't want you to look down upon me, and think of me as this charity case that you can just throw around. I didn't come from much--but I will trade my parents to be alive for this any day. Dreams are just Dreams--and I'm not sure if mine will ever come true." I just looked at him, and said "I'm letting you see the real me--so that you can see the girl behind the glass that covers me." He smiles at me, as he takes my hand in his and leads me back to the dinning area. "Looks like we are the only ones eating tonight..." I smirk. "Do you think they will understand if we start without them?" I ask him.
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Post by madroswellfan »

"Well, if they don't like it that's their problem I am the King after all!" I said jokily, but somehow missing the mark. We sat down and promtly the servants brought in the food. I didn't know what to say to her. One minute we were kissing and the next I was sitting here thinking about the horrors of my past. I couldn't let it happen again, I don't think I could survive that. So I would have to watch carefully my actions and make sure I don't let him find out I like her. Or otherwise....I shuddered. I couldn't believe that this could happen. That now Id tasted paradise and now I could never do it again for fear or what may become of her. I had to protect her from the horrors of my mind. I must protect. We began to eat in silence. I could see her looking at me every now and again, but I just couldn't look back...I didn't know if I could control myself.