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Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 9:44 pm
by Behrsgirl77
Some much deserved feedback to my feedback...

Behrsgirl1230 – I know you weren’t expecting it, but hey it had to happen sometime didn’t it? Thanks!

Earth2Mama – What’s next? Oh, maybe you should just read this part! Thanks!

kay_b – Hey sweetie, how will Alexis take the next step? Well, that I’m afraid you are going to have to wait for, after this part. Thanks!

Martine – Yeah, Max couldn’t hold out. But don’t forget it had been a while and Liz is different than the other girls he’d been with. Thanks!

Kismet – Thanks, and to answer your question the man that winked at Max, was simply someone he had paid to get everything ready for the proposal. Not an important character, but the wink was to signify, him knowing what was going on.

roswell3053 – I think you’re right, Alexis will be happy WHEN she finds out. Thank you!

Aussietrueblue – First of all, thank you for your very kind words. I miss writing this fic. This part took a lot longer than I wanted mainly because I had to get things set up right. Hope you enjoy!

Timelord31 – Yes, Liz is still a little hesitant but I think Max has shown her enough times that this is the real thing. Thank you!

begonia9508 – Thank you, glad to know I can still write some romance from time to time!

frenchkiss70 – Tiph, if I could clone Max I’d send one your way, and towards Rebecca’s way! Tell her I said hi and I miss her! Thanks!

BehrObsession – Can I just say, every time I read your feedback I have to smile. Usually the first sentence of your feedback sums up your emotions. I don’t know how to describe it, but whether you’re frustrated or elated, it comes across so clearly. Ah, will Max buy the team? Or will something interfere with this? Thanks!

VeronicB – Aww, thanks! I’m glad you thought it was sweet. Sometimes I have to really try hard with this sweet, slightly romantic parts especially if I’m just not feeling that way!

Guelbebek – Yes, usually people enjoy the proposal and sex…what a great combination no? LOL Thanks!

Sweet Liz
– Exactly the 2 most important things…esp with Max and Liz! Thanks!

tijuana_lady – Jules! Girl, please, you know you’d marry him even without the speech! Thanks!

Mareli – I am always envious of Liz! Thanks!

– I think a few people would want to cause me harm if I had Liz say no. I think they have come too far, and Max is genuine with his feelings. Thanks!

– Thanks! And I’ll try not to make you wait forever for the next part, since this one is a cliffy!

Shadowlynxbehr – You make me blush! Thank you!!

paper – Ah, Serena, I know you want to know who she is, maybe this part will help a little. Thanks!

– You missed 4 parts the same way I miss them…haha! Now as far as Serena I hope to put some ease with this part about who she really is. And as far as things going off without a hitch…well….read on… Thanks!

PSW2001 – I think Alexis wants Max to be her father more than anything right now, let’s just see how this plays out, shall we? Thanks!

Lurkers…I hope you enjoy!

I know took me a while to get back into the groove of things with writing. And all I can say is that most of the next part is written so it won’t be too long until I post. You guys are so patient with me, and if you only knew what my life was like right now, you’d know how amazing that is for me ;)


Chapter 35

The very next morning found Max Evans lying quite content in his bed. The only problem was, when he rolled over to pull his fiancé into his arms, she was gone.

“Liz?” he croaked out groggily, but no response came. Pulling the sheets from around his waist, he stood and pulled on the pair of jeans that were lying haphazardly on the floor beside the bed.

It wasn’t until he turned towards their terrace window that he noticed her. The light from the early morning sky had cast a soft glow around her, and he couldn’t help the smile that formed on his lips a moment later.

Coming up behind her quietly, he wrapped his arms around her petite form and squeezed.

“Morning,” he whispered out as he felt her lean back into his warm embrace. He clasped his hands around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder.

“Can I ask you something?” she asked not looking at him. Instantly, she felt his body tense against hers.

“Of course,” he offered softly.

“How long do you want to wait to get married?” came her unexpected question, and it was received by an unexpected response.

“I don’t want to wait. Liz,” he began softly turning her around in his arms to face him. She looked beautiful, as she always did, but there was an extra gleam in her eyes that morning which made his heart race.

“I know we’ve had some rough patches, but I feel like I’ve found the person I’m supposed to be with, and I don’t want to wait. But, if you do, I can understand. We still have to talk to Alexis, and then we have to decide what to do with the house and…”

“Wait,” she cut him off, placing her hand in the air.

“What do you mean, the house? You aren’t going to get rid of it are you?” she asked, her brows creased in confusion.

“It was something I wanted to talk to you about, later. Wouldn’t you want a house of our own? One that we design and fill with our memories?” he asked with enthusiasm. He wanted Liz to be his wife, and Alexis his daughter more than anything, but still he felt like they were living his life, not their own.

“Max, that’s your house!”

“It started off that way, but I want to make new memories Liz, with you and Alexis in our home. I know the house is a bit much for your taste…don’t shake your head,” he chuckled lightly when he watched her begin to protest.

“Max, I don’t want you giving up the things you love,” she explained sincerely.

“So long as I don’t have to give up my family, then I think I can part with a house, Liz.” He smiled and pulled her flush against his body. His lips descended upon hers a moment later.

“I love you, Max. I don’t want to wait, but I do want to get everything settled with Alexis and with Serena. Max if she is your sister, then I’d like her to attend our wedding not as a guest of the groom, but as family of the groom. And I want a small wedding, on the beach someplace secluded and I want colorful flowers and…” she trailed off and began to list everything that came to her that she’d remembered from last night. Long after they had fallen asleep she had awaken, with thoughts of how she wanted to get married. She’d allowed herself to think about the fantasy for years, but now it was a reality and she wanted it to be perfect, not just for her but especially for Max. It would, after all be the first and last time they would get married.

“Baby, I’ll give you world however you want it be.” Max smiled and lifted her in his arms. “But right now, I want to make love to you as the sun rises,” came his soft request as he turned to lay her down on the bed. Taking the time to remove her robe and his jeans, he then settled beside her, kissing every piece of exposed skin he could reach. And then loved her body as he did the previous night.


“Max! Stop! You are going to be late if you keep messing around,” she reprimanded him a few hours later as he chased her around the room.

“Come on baby, stop running, I just want to kiss you.” He watched as she leapt onto the bed and jumped up and down laughing with excitement. He couldn’t believe she was his. After all this time, he still had to remind himself that the angel in front of him, wearing nothing but a white towel, was his. He vowed at that moment no one would ever take her away, he would never allow it. She belonged to him. Max wasn’t the type of man that was possessive, but this was Liz, and she was different than any woman he’d ever known. He wanted her to love him for the rest of his life. That was all, his one simple request.

“Liar! You just want to get me naked again!” she cried with a bright smile on her face and jumped off the bed into his arms.

Max caught her and pulled her towel from her body in the process, he knew she’d reprimand him, but he couldn’t have cared less.

“Max! You have to leave in about five minutes.” Even as she chided him, she kissed him soundly on the lips. She loved him more than any words could ever describe, and she was the happiest she’d ever remember being, second only to the birth of her daughter.

“I know. I just don’t want to leave you.” Max smiled down at her, after he placed her on her feet and handed her the towel to wrap back around herself.

“Max, you’re not leaving me. I’ll be at the game with everyone else.”

“I know. Liz, are you sure you want to come? You don’t have to,” he started softly, as he rubbed her cheek gently.

“Are you kidding?” she questioned and then realized his reasoning. “Max, I know I stopped watching football a long time ago, but this is different. Kyle will be playing, which should be fun to watch. And I have Lexi, Maria and Michael there with me in the stands. Oh, and let’s not forget my sexy fiancé to keep my eyes occupied for hours,” she drawled out with a click of her tongue.


“Please, Max come off it. I already told you, so you can stop pretending like you don’t know this. Just your body alone is enough…” she trailed off, running her nails lightly down his shirt clad chest.

“Enough for wh-?” his question was cut off a second later by a knock on the door. Liz quickly scurried into the bathroom while Max answered the door.

“Hey, Max.”

“Kyle, what are you doing here?” Max asked curiously, since he knew that Kyle should be at the stadium already. He eyed Kyle and noticed how taught his shoulders were, and at that moment Max moved to the side to let Kyle in.

“I needed to talk to you.”

“Okay, how about we step outside on the terrace for a minute?” Max asked, already gesturing toward the screened glass doors. Once they were outside, Max turned to Kyle, still waiting for him to explain what was wrong.

“It’s Serena. She’s here, Max.”

“Okay,” he said in a steady voice, trying to hide the trepidation he felt in knowing this new information.

“Of course I invited her, but ever since Michael’s party she’s been distant. Then, this morning she calls me and asks me to pick her up at the airport. Don’t you think that’s weird?” Kyle asked, not wanting to give Max false hopes, but he had to wonder if it had anything to do with him.

Max chose his words carefully, “I think maybe she just changed her mind and wanted to see you. You told me she needed time to think, and maybe she’d taken it and was ready to be with you.” Max noticed he was rambling, which he never did. He couldn’t help the anxiousness he felt in seeing Serena again. Maybe, he thought, she’d spoken to her parents again and they were able to shed some light on the situation.

“Yeah, see that’s what I thought at first. I mean, don’t get me wrong, she seemed really happy to see me, if you know what I mean.” Kyle winked and Max visibly grimaced at the thought. Especially since there was a great possibility that Serena was his sister, and that was just not something he wanted to hear. Ever.

“Could you move along?”

“Oh right! So, there was something about her that was different and she asked if you were going to be here. I told her of course, you’re the assistant coach, where else would you be? I didn’t want to give your hopes up or anything, because it could go any way at this point,” Kyle offered with a shrug of his shoulders.

“Kyle, you know at this point I can’t change anything, nor can I regret it. So I’ll just deal with it, when the time comes.” Max offered somewhat distant and Kyle took that to mean he was done talking to him, and that maybe it was best if he left.

“Kyle,” Max called out when he saw Kyle move towards the door once they made their way back inside the room.


“I don’t think I’ve said thank you.”

“For what?” Kyle questioned as he turned to fully face Max.

“For being someone I could trust, as much as I trust Michael. I know I haven’t always been easy on you, but I want you to know that I never thought any less of you and I didn’t do what I did to put you down. I just didn’t want you turn out like me, or rather who I used to be.” Max offered a crooked smile looking at Kyle.

“I’m going to be honest with you here, Max. I thought you were just an arrogant asshole, but for some reason, I think the reason why I stuck around was because I knew that that wasn’t who you really were. And the advice you gave me, it didn’t fall on deaf ears. I heeded all your warnings and I think because of you, I was able to avoid all the pitfalls of this sport.” Kyle nodded his head and offered a thin smile, before turning and leaving the room.

“Well, well, well, I guess someone has finally found some confidence,” Liz whispered from behind Max. Now fully dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans and a pink and white football jersey, which Max had made especially for her as well as for Alexis.

He spun on his heels to face her with a bright smile. “I thought you fell in, what took you so long?” he questioned already knowing the answer.

“I wanted to give you the time you needed with him. I’m proud of you, Max. Kyle looks up to you and I think that’s wonderful.”

“Thank you, Liz. Now, I’m going to be really late. I’m going to stop by Maria’s room to get Alexis and then bring her here,” he said, placing a kiss on her lips.

Liz watched as he left. She had purposely not mentioned Serena, even though her heart was pounding at the thought of why she had decided to come at the last minute. Nevertheless, Liz knew today was going to be a very special day. It was after all the first time she’d be watching a football game live in over five years.


“Mommy, I want a hot dog!” Alexis yelled out over the roar of the crowd. Liz turned to see her daughter, who had already swallowed more food than she’d ever seen her eat in her life. Now she wanted another hot dog?

“Lexi, you already had one, I think we need to take it easy. I don’t want you getting sick.” Liz lifted her daughter in her arms and placed her on her lap. Alexis had a matching jersey on, as well as a denim skirt she insisted on wearing.

“Hey Michael, I think she can pack even more food than you,” Maria called out to her right. Michael was so involved in the game; he’d just about missed her comment.

“Ha ha, you are just so funny. I’ll get you back…after the game. Damn it! Fumble!” he yelled out a second later.

“Ooh mommy! He said the ‘D’ word!” Alexis said as she reached over the seat to stick her hands in the popcorn Serena had in her lap.

“Lexi, I know. Bad Michael!” Liz reprimanded and then noticed her daughter leaning over the seat once again.

“What are you…Alexis stop taking Serena’s popcorn. I’m so sorry, she isn’t normally this…hungry.” Liz let out a little laugh; even though she was trying to reprimand her daughter the look on Alexis’ face was priceless.

“But mommy, she wasn’t even eating it. It was gonna go bad,” Alexis reasoned with a pout.

“It’s okay, Liz.” Serena offered with an unsteady smile.

“Thank you. But still, she should have asked you. Your manners young lady.” Liz turned to Alexis who was now drinking the soda from Maria’s cup.

“Sorry, mommy. I wanna go see Max.” Alexis pushed the curls that managed to make their way out of her ponytail away from her face, to find Max once again.

“There he is mommy!” Alexis pointed and then clapped and then began to scream for him.

Max turned around at the sound of Alexis’ voice, and he waved and smiled at her. She was simply adorable and he couldn’t wait until tonight. He and Liz had decided to tell her the great news over dinner after the game. Liz had decided she wanted Max to tell Alexis about them getting married. Max protested that it should be her, but Liz wouldn’t hear of it. And as much as Max hated Liz to take her ring off, she had promised it would be the only time she would. They didn’t want anyone knowing until the announced it, least of all Alexis. They felt she should be the first to know.

“I see him sweetie, but we have to wait until after the game. You remember Max promised to take us down there for a few minutes before we left?”

“I remember, but I wanna see him now,” she said, her lip already quivering. Alexis was in rare form, and Liz chalked it up to this all being so new and different. The crowd and the noise were unlike anything she was used to.

“Give me the little squirt,” Michael said, already standing to take Alexis back out to the concession stand. Both Liz and Maria were confused, they figured Michael wouldn’t move until the game was over, but they were wrong. Then again, they knew the power of Alexis’ quivering bottom lip on men.

“Thank you,” Liz said handing Alexis over. Maria then turned to Liz and they both snickered behind their hands.

“Serena how was your flight?” Liz asked after a few minutes. It had been a good hour and Serena had said but a few words.

“It wasn’t bad. I was just glad I made it in time to not miss the game.”

“Me too. I know Kyle was happy you came.” Liz decided to leave Max’s name out of the conversation for fear the girl would run.

“Yeah…me too,” she trailed off when she eyed Kyle running off the field. Liz watched her intently with a smile. Serena was definitely in love with Kyle.

“Kyle and Max are like brothers, you know?” Liz decided to find common ground without seeming too obvious to throw Max’s name out there to garner a reaction.

“I know. Kyle has told me so much about Max, I feel like I’ve known him forever.” Serena’s gaze moved over to Max’s. Kyle was now standing in front of him and they were talking animatedly at the moment.

“It’s uncanny isn’t it?” came Serena’s soft question. So soft that Liz had to lean closer to hear her.

“What is?”

“How much we look alike.” Liz’s eyes went wide when she saw a smile form on Serena’s lips. Was it true? Liz’s heart began thrumming in her chest. Max would be so happy! Liz wanted to run onto the field and drag him over to find out.

“Yes. Very much so.” Liz opted to act indifferent for the moment. They both turned their attention back to the game.

“Mommy look what Mike got me!” came her daughter’s voice twenty minutes later. Liz turned and saw that her daughter now had an ice cream bar. Liz groaned and threw Michael a glare.

“Hey, don’t blame me. She was nearly in tears, what was I supposed to do?” Michael shrugged handing Alexis over to Liz.

“Just say no, Michael. Just say no,” Maria said slapping his arm playfully.

The game had begun to pick up once again and everyone’s attention fell back on the field.


The crowd roared louder than Liz thought was ever possible. Max’s team had won, which she was happy for, however for her it was exhilarating to see Max in action. She wished at that moment she was able to see him play, even if just once. She never knew what she was really missing out on. Yet another thing she had to thank Max for. Later she thought she would thank him properly.

“Hey baby,” Max said as he reached the sidelines coming stand in front of Liz and Alexis.

“I’m not a baby!” Alexis said as she reached out for Max to lift her up over the side to stand with him.

“I know that, I was talking to your mother.” He smiled as he lifted Alexis in his arms and kissed her cheek before placing her on her feet beside him.

“Now, come here beautiful.” Max winked as he reached out for Liz. She went without hesitation into his arms and then safely to the ground. Michael had jumped over the side and then lifted Maria over. The only person left was Serena. She looked a little hesitant but when Max offered she nodded her head in agreement.

“Thank you,” she said softly not able to look him in the eyes. Max nodded, “No problem. I think Kyle is waiting for you.” Max said and watched as she moved past him and then stopped.

“Can we talk later?” she asked, her eyes finally meeting his.

“Sure. Kyle knows where to find me.” Max smiled as she walked towards Kyle, who was standing just a few feet away.

“Max!” He turned and looked down to see Alexis, who was tugging on his pant leg.


“Can you carry me on your shoulders?” she asked innocently.

“Of course. Let me just…”

“Hey Evans.” Max froze when the sound of the familiar voice came from behind him. His eyes narrowed in anger; then he turned to face what some would call his enemy.

“Stephens,” Max ground out, fists forming at his sides. Kyle had seen who’d just approached Max and quickly excused himself from Serena. Making his way over as hastily as possible, he knew things could get ugly between the two.

“What are you doing here? I thought this game had all it was going to see of you?” Max turned to see Kyle approaching, he stood right beside Max now. One thing they definitely had in common was their dislike for Sean Stephens.

Liz had been involved in a conversation with Maria about wanting nothing more than a good meal that didn’t consist of hot dogs and nachos that she didn’t notice the confrontation going on right behind her. She turned around a moment later and called out to Max, “Hey boys, we’re hungry and we want real food. How about we get out…”

“Oh my God!” Liz gasped aloud. It couldn’t be. It just couldn’t! She managed the few steps it took to come to Max’s side, and pulled her daughter protectively behind her.

“Hi Liz, long time no see.” Sean drawled out eyeing her up and down, which only served to fuel Max’s fury.

“Liz, you know him?” Max narrowed his eyes in confusion. Why the hell did it seem that Sean and Liz knew each other? And why had Liz pulled Alexis behind her the instant she reached her? His heart was thundering in his chest, his blood pounding in his ears.

“Liz?” Max reached out a hand to her shoulder when she didn’t answer. She finally blinked and turned to Max and looked him square in the eyes and whispered, “Jimmy.”


Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 8:16 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N – Look I’m here with an update…no need to send out the search dogs. I’m sure you all think I enjoy leaving cliffhangers, but I don’t, well at least I don’t plan the chapters that way :twisted: In any event you want to read…so read and thank you so much for the feedback! I could feel your emotions…good stuff! Hope you enjoy!!

Alex Balex
Sweet Liz
FSU/MSW-94 - Thanks for all your help sweetie!

Spacegal17 – Since you asked so nicely…I’ll take my Jason with whipped cream, you can keep the cherry ;)
Extingman – I just wanted to comment to you, since this is the first feedback you left…I think, I’ve been writing this for so long I can’t remember. I just wanted to say you have so many good questions and scenarios and the only thing I can say is you are right with some, and not with others. Yes, I realize that doesn’t help but I will answer them within the story.

Chapter 36

Confusion hung thick in the air around Max. He didn’t understand, how was it that Jimmy and Sean were one in the same, and he knew nothing about it? Surely Liz was wrong, he prayed silently.

Quickly stepping into her line of vision, he looked down and saw Alexis who looked just as confused by what was going on as he was. “Liz, what are you talking about?” he asked slowly, purposely forcing her to look at him.

“It can’t be, Max. He can’t have her!” Liz swiftly lifted Alexis in her arms and held her against her chest. Tears had already begun to brim Liz’s eyes and Alexis now looked frightened.

Kyle who had even less of an idea of how Liz and his cousin knew each other, decided he needed to try and get the situation under control.

“Sean, what are you doing here? You don’t belong here,” Kyle began determinately, as he surveyed his cousin. How was it possible that they were related, he wondered not for the first time in his life. In fact, he hadn’t seen Sean in over three years, and now to see him at a game, one of Max’s games, he knew something was going on.

“That’s my kid, not that it’s any of your business,” Sean ground out, towering over Kyle. In that instant though, it wasn’t Kyle who reacted, it was Max.

“The hell she is!” Max roared out, spinning to face Sean dead on, eye to eye. Michael jumped into action and stood to the side of Sean. He remained silent and wary of the situation, but ready and willing to jump in to the defense, if necessary. Michael knew the ramifications of this encounter would not end on this field, but hoped that whatever the outcome Alexis and Liz, as well as Max weren’t hurt or worse even, torn apart because of it.

“Max?” came Alexis’ quivery voice from behind him. Liz had tried to get Maria to take her away from the situation but it was too late, she had heard Sean’s comment.

Max’s heart stopped, his lungs froze and his body strained tightly against the instinctual reaction to attack Sean with his fists. Taking just a second to cool his features he turned to his right to see Alexis being held in Maria’s arms, Serena stood not more than an inch beside her. Alexis looked devastated, and he couldn’t blame her.

“Princess, you go with Maria and Serena, mommy and I will be right there,” Max coaxed her softly. But she simply began to cry, her lashes wet with thick tears that streamed down her tiny face and Max’s heart broke. He smiled and ushered them along, however once they were out of earshot he turned back to Sean.

Unfortunately, Liz took at that opportunity to find her voice again. She was now standing in front of Sean, her tiny hands balled into white fists. Max’s first instinct was to step in the middle, but after glancing at Kyle for a moment, he knew this was something he needed to do, but God help him if Sean so much as raised his voice to Liz.

“You didn’t want her, you signed your rights away and so you have no right to refer to her as anything!” Liz shouted into Sean’s face.

“Maybe, but she’s still mine whether you like it or not.” Sean’s eyes narrowed in challenge. And that challenge was met, with the swiftness of a leopard after its prey, her tiny fist came up and struck his jaw. Max, Kyle and Michael, stood frozen, not believing their eyes.

“Damn it! What the hell is wrong with you?” Sean said angrily as he rubbed his soar jaw.

“What you deserve you bastard! What do you want?” she asked him, her voice revealing her emotions.

Sean decided to avoid Liz’s questions and get to the heart of the matter. This was his one and only chance to get back at Max for all the shit he put him through. “I didn’t want her but you know Evans, seems like you got everything you’ve ever wanted. Maybe it’s time you learn what it feels like to want what someone else has.”

“What makes you think you even have a chance with me?” Liz asked her next question, seething with fury.

“Please, Liz. You loved me,” Sean responded with an air of arrogance that made Max want to pounce him until he could no longer move.

“I never loved you Sean. I didn’t even know what it meant; besides we already talked about this. You signed your rights away so what is there to talk about?” Liz asked, her voice deflated, she didn’t want to fight, she just wanted to leave with Max and find Alexis and talk to her.

“I changed my mind.”

“You left me pregnant!”

“I know but I’m sorry about that…”

That was enough for Max…too much bullshit was bad for the brains. Max stepped out, pulled Liz to his side and looked his enemy square in the eyes, “Sean, it’s best if you forget you even saw us and more than that forget that Liz and her daughter even exist. You’ve managed just fine for the past 5 years…” Max was abruptly cut off, which only fuel his rage.

“Evans, this is my family, why t…” In that next instant chaos ensued. Max’s fist connected with Sean’s jaw firmly, causing him to fall to ground. Max was on top of him a moment later. Liz yelled for him to stop, but it took both Kyle and Michael to pull him off.

“Damn it Evans! Get a grip! You act like you give a shit about her,” Sean groaned from his place at Max’s feet, swiping away the blood from Max’s beating.

“That is none of your damn business! I’m telling you right now Sean, you so much as think about them and I will come after you personally.” Max grabbed Liz’s shaking form, and escorted her off the field.

Michael and Kyle stayed behind to be certain Sean left quietly.


“Damn it! Why didn’t I know that Sean was Jimmy?” Max asked aloud twenty minutes later. He paced in front of the concession stand as Liz stood watching him closely.

“That was the name he used when we were to-together,” came her soft reply.

Max stopped and turned to face her, amazingly enough a smile touched the corners of his lips. She was so innocent, so beautiful and so wrong. Max knew immediately that she thought he was angry with her, but he wasn’t. He knew damn well Sean went by the name Jimmy when he first met him at training camp. Shortly thereafter, Jimmy reverted back to his birth name, Sean.

Max cradled her worried face in his hands and leaned in close, “Baby, I’m not mad at you. I’m angry with myself. I knew that Sean went by Jimmy a few years back, I should have asked you.” He kissed her lips softly, but she pulled away.

“No, I should have told you his real name. I figured it didn’t matter, and now Alexis knows, Max. What am I supposed to say to her?” Tears began to swim in her brown eyes once again, but Max wouldn’t allow it. He whispered words of reassure to her, that in the end they would work it out together.

“I love you, and there is nothing I wouldn’t do for you or Alexis. I promise you, Liz. I promise you he will not take her. I don’t care if I have to pay him every single dime I have, he will not get her.” Max knew that there was no way Sean could get custody of Alexis, and he made sure that he had the best lawyers review the agreement he’d signed. And if he had to he would drag Sean to court and make certain he went away forever. He didn’t deserve Liz or Alexis. Sean threw them away like they were nothing and he’d be hell if he ever got near them after today.

“You mean everything to me, Max. You and Alexis are my whole world, I can’t lose either of you,” she whispered out softly against his lips.

“You won’t ever baby, not ever.” He smiled and sealed their lips together. His arm came around her back, bringing her flush against his body. He wanted to claim her as his right there, but there were other pressing matters.

“Max?” she asked breathlessly, after pulling away from his searing kiss.

“Yeah?” He reached out his hand and led her out the exit, where everyone was waiting.

“What happened? I mean, why do you hate Sean so much?” She watched him closely and suddenly he began to chuckle.

“Besides the fact of what he did to you?” he asked and she nodded.

“To be honest, he was always jealous of me. He was a quarterback just like me, and I ended up being drafted first round pick, he hated it. Ever since then he has gone out of his way to be an asshole to me, but one day he took out his frustration on Michael. And yeah, I know Michael can take care of himself, but Michael is my brother, and there was no way I was going to have Sean mess with him.” Max began to explain a little further into detail, giving Liz a better idea of the situation.

“What did he do to Michael?”

“We were at a party, and Sean took the liberty of telling everyone that Michael was an orphan and other things I’d rather not repeat unless you want me to finish what I started out there with that asshole?” Max threw her a knowing smirk and continued towards the exit.

“I think it’s great that Kyle was there for you,” Liz added with a smile.

“Yeah, he should be.” Max added smugly.

“Why do you say that?”

“Because Sean is Kyle’s cousin.”

“No way!”

“Yes. But don’t mention it. He hates Sean just as much as I do.” Max’s smile died on his lips the moment he saw Alexis’s distraught face in Michael’s arms. These next few hours were going to be more difficult than either of them could imagine.


The sun began to set in the city and although Alexis had calmed down and let Max go, she was still reluctant to sit with her mother alone, for fear he would leave.

Liz placed her daughter in her lap, she watched as Max paced back and forth just a few feet from them. He looked tense and nervous, and if she didn’t know him so well then she would say he was dying for a cigarette. She retracted her last thought, and figured what he really needed was a cigarette.

Alexis watched Max closely even as her mommy began to speak. She didn’t watch the flowers or the people that walked by now and then, she only watched him.

“Honey, do you have questions about what Sean said?” Liz asked as she swallowed back the bile in her throat.

Without tearing her gaze from Max she asked, “Is he really my daddy?”

Liz’s heart broke, she knew that Alexis wanted nothing more than for Max to be her father, but in reality biologically Sean was her father and she couldn’t lie about it.

“Yes, honey. He is your father.”

“Why? I don’t know him. He doesn’t love me. Not like Max loves me mommy right?” Alexis turned, finally, to regard her mother. Her eyes were swimming with tears and uncertainty.

“No, baby. He doesn’t love you like Max does.” Liz honestly wasn’t sure what to say and not to say to her daughter. She had never prepared to tell her this way. Maybe, when she was much older, she would have told her who her father was. Even if Sean wanted nothing to do with her, it was her right to know who he was at least.

“But…I don’t want him to be my daddy.” Alexis began to cry harder this time. She only wanted Max to be her daddy and now he can’t be.

Rather then explain to her daughter that Sean was her father but didn’t even want her, had never even seen her until this very moment, she decided to let the subject drop and ask her daughter one question. The most important question she could at this moment.

“Lexis, who do you want as your daddy?” came Liz’s soft request.

“Max, mommy! I want Max to be my daddy,” Alexis smiled past her tears. Was her mommy giving her a choice?

Liz called Max over a moment later, and he was by her side the next second.

“Hi.” He was nervous and he felt sick. He was a better father, he thought, than Sean could ever be. But he knew he wasn’t Alexis’ biological father, could he compete with that, he wondered sourly.

“I think you two need to talk. I’ll be at the hotel.” Liz placed Alexis down on her feet and stood, kissing Max softly. However, before she turned away, she whispered something into Max’s ear. And although he was reluctant to share the information this way, he agreed with a nod of his head.

The second Max took a seat; Alexis jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly. Max couldn’t help the tears that gathered at the corner of his eyes. He never thought years ago he would see himself living the kind of life he was, but he was thankful for it every second of every day.

“Hey you okay?” he managed hoarsely. Alexis just nodded her head, reluctant to let him go.

“Hey, look at me.” He coaxed her softly and waited until her round brown eyes turned to him.

“Do you want to talk about what you heard?” Max wasn’t sure where to start but figured it was best to answer all her questions.

Picking at the invisible lint on his T-shirt Alexis asked her first question. “If that man was my daddy, why don’t I know him? Why isn’t he with me and mommy now?” Max’s heart sank; maybe she wanted to get to know her real father, he hadn’t thought of that.

“Did you ask your mommy?”

“No, I didn’t want to make her cry. That man made her cry,” Alexis explained as her bottom lip began to quiver once again.

And so here he was stuck in the middle of a rock and a hard place. He hated, no, detested Sean Stephens, but this precious child in his arms was a part of him, no matter how much he wanted to deny it. He had to handle her with care, regardless of his feelings towards him.

“I can’t tell you why he wasn’t around, except that it was his choice. Lexi, sometimes people do things that make no sense, even to grownups. But sometimes even though it might hurt at first, in the end it makes you feel better.” God, he was horrible at this! Liz should have stayed; he was going to mess this up.

Alexis watched him with wet eyes, trying to understand what he was saying. “So, he’s my daddy but he didn’t want me or mommy right?” Max blinked a few times, his mouth agape. He would have to tell Liz that she raised a sheer genius. How the hell did she get that out of what he was trying, poorly at that, to explain?

“Yes. I’m sorry, baby.” Max squeezed her against his chest. He kissed the top of her head and then heard her mumble something against his chest.

“Did you want to be a daddy when you were little?” Alexis’ innocent question left him sputtering for an answer.

“When I was your age? No. When I got older? No,” he said and watched the disappointment wash over her flawless features. He held her tighter then, “When I met you at the hospital, I began to feel differently. I didn’t know then what it was but now I know better because of you and your mommy. I fell in love with you the moment I saw you, princess.” He confessed gruffly, as his tears began to stream down steadily.

“You loved me for that long?” she asked, surprised by his answer.

“God yes. I started to realize that the one thing I never thought about having, was right there in front of me. You know what that was?”

“No, what?” she asked, her tears subdued to small sniffles, her eyes bright with excitement and a hit of a bright smile playing on her lips.

“A family and a daughter of my very own.” Max said as he swiped her remaining tears, as well as his own, away.

“Really? Even though, you didn’t make me?” she asked, phrasing the question the way Max explained to her how her other daddy made her. Max pulled her up, placing her feet on his thighs and kissing the tip of her nose.

“Yes. And just know that even though I didn’t make you with mommy, that I love you like I did. And I know I want to be your only daddy, forever.”

“Forever?” Her eyes gleaming, her smile brightening as her arms wrapped around Max’s neck securely.

“Forever princess. Will you let me be your daddy?” he asked, as he gently extracted her arms from around his neck. He had one final thing to tell her before heading to see Liz for dinner.

“Yes! I want you to be my daddy! I only want you to be my daddy forever and ever,” she yelled out with happiness.

“I love you Alexis.” Max kissed her cheek softly.

“I love you too!” she smiled and hugged him tighter than she ever had.

After a few minutes of silence, Max stood with her in his arms and started towards their hotel. He stopped at the threshold of the entrance to regard Alexis.

“I want you to know something, but it’s a secret.” Max had decided he didn’t want to take away from her moment, so he changed some things around to suit his needs at the moment.

“Ooh, I like secrets!” she clapped her hands and slipped back into her five year old outspokenness.

“I’m going to ask your mommy to marry me, what do you think about that?”

“You and mommy are gonna get—” Her eyes went wide like saucers and she clapped her hands.

“Mommy is gonna be so happy!”

“You can’t say anything until I ask her, okay?” he whispered out.

“Okay. I promise I won’t tell anyone.” Alexis smiled and thought how happy today was for both she and her mommy.



“Do you think your mother will say yes?” Max asked as they reached the elevator, wanting to get her opinion, even though he knew the answer to his own question.

Alexis turned in his arms, cupped his cheeks and instead of answering his question, she asked one of her own. “Max, do you know what a cheerleader is?”

Max looked a bit confused but answered nevertheless, “Yes.”

“Then you already know that mommy is your cheerleader.” Alexis smiled satisfactorily as the elevator chimed and the doors opened.


*Hope I didn't disappoint...and FYI Let Love In was also updated ;)*

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 5:15 pm
by Behrsgirl77
Well...hell...I am speechless! Seriously I didn't even know I was in the running for any Character Portrayals... :oops:


Favorite Lead Portrayal of Max Evans for Confessions of a Married Man

Favorite Supporting Portrayal of Michael Guerin for Wings of an Angel </center>

Thanks to everyone that nominated and congrats to all the nominees!!



Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 3:25 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - Yes...I'm actually back...I'm a whole year older too *lol* In any event...I wanted to drop this off and say thank you to everyone who nominated and/or voted :)


Now onto the feedback...


LairaBehr4 – Hi and Welcome! Glad you got around to reading it…it’s not short so I congratulate you on that! As far as Serena…Sean well you’ll get the answer to one of your questions in this part…as far as the other…you’ll have to wait like everyone else! Thanks

max and liz believerJo! Ha! Stop filling the screen with lies…I’m okay and that’s all I’ll accept! I’m glad you like Alexis…she’s my little creation that I like to mold with every part haha! Thank you…hope you’re doing well and not letting everything get the best of you!
sylus27Hi! It’s funny you mention the fact that I didn’t use Isabel as Max’s sister when I could have easily done that…actually the thought never came to mind. I used Isabel Whitman in the very beginning of the story, but as I sit and write this story things come to me, in fact the entire Serena story line came one day as I was writing the part. It wasn’t part of an outline it just came to me that particular day! Thanks!
ClariThanks for the bump!
Lurkers - Hope you enjoy...

Now just a little bit of everyone and one important question is answered...

Chapter 37

“Are you okay?” Serena asked softly as she watched her boyfriend pace the length of his hotel room.

“I can’t believe it. Sean is Alexis’ biological father? How did I not know?” Kyle by no means felt that Sean was Alexis’ father other than biologically, but that still left the glaring truth that had to be faced.

“I wish I had known, or said something sooner,” Liz offered softly. Her mind was still reeling over the information that Kyle and Sean were cousins.

“It’s not your fault. How could you know Sean was my cousin? I never mentioned him; hell I haven’t spoken to him in so long. And besides, it doesn’t matter, the only person that I would ever consider to be her father is Max.”

Liz closed her eyes and tried to hold back the surge of tears that threatened to spill. Max was so important to her, and Alexis was her whole world, but what if Alexis wanted to know her biological father? She couldn’t stop her, and she couldn’t deny her what is rightfully hers to know, even if Sean wanted nothing to do with her. She prayed that everything was going as well as she hoped between Max and Alexis.

Serena felt a little awkward, she had found herself in the middle of a family crisis and she wasn’t sure of her part in it. A moment later though she was reassured that she was not only wanted, but needed there as well. Kyle reached her side and wrapped his arms around her shoulders and whispered to her softly.

“I’m so glad you came,” he said sincerely and knew that she would feel a little uncomfortable with his open display of affection, so he kept it brief.

“I am too,” Liz said, offering a bright smile. The three stood in awkward silence for a few minutes until a knock on the door broke them from their reveries.

Maria and Michael entered and quickly Liz was engulfed in a hug from Maria.

“I’m so sorry this happened. That bastard! I wish Max would have torn his face off, but hey I heard you got a good hit in there. I am so proud of you,” Maria smiled brightly as she ribbed Liz gently.

“Yeah. I just wish that Alexis didn’t hear what he said. I know she has questions and God, I hope that Max can ease her worries. She has wanted him to be her father for so long, did you know that?” Liz asked to no one in particular but oddly enough Serena was the first one the answer, since she knew the least about their situation.

“I can see why.” All eyes turned towards her, and she continued on a bit more shyly.

“I know I haven’t been around Max much, but from what I can tell, you all care about him very much. And Alexis, there is a special gleam in her eyes whenever he’s around, or even when someone speaks of him. It’s easy to tell that she simply adores him and he her.”

“Isn’t that the truth,” came the soft tremble of his voice from the direction of the door. Alexis was tucked comfortably under his chin, her small arms wrapped around his neck.

“Mommy, I missed you!” Alexis said as she reached her arms out to her mother, who quickly scooped her up in her arms. Liz planted kisses all over her daughter’s face.

Max fully entered the room and everyone was cautious to avoid bombarding him with questions. Suddenly he stopped, right in front of Serena. A small smile tugging on his lips, he drew his gaze from her and over to Kyle for a minute before turning back to her.

“I think you wanted to talk to me?” he asked and awaited her response.

“I did, but we can do it later.” Serena was unable to hold his steady gaze.

“Michael, can you do me a favor?”

“Of course,” he came to stand beside his friend.

“Can you please make sure everyone gets to their rooms and dressed for dinner? Tonight is a very special night and I don’t want anything ruining it,” Max said, sliding his gaze from Serena to Liz and Alexis, who was now standing beside her mother. Alexis smiled and Max winked at her.

“No problem. Let’s go guys.” Michael ushered everyone out of the room, except for Liz, Alexis and Serena.

Max swiftly turned to Liz and whispered into her ear, telling her he needed to speak with her before dinner and that Alexis didn’t know about the engagement, yet. Liz nodded and kissed his lips softly before exiting the room, much to Alexis’ protest.


“But mommy, I wanna be with Max. I’m not hungry yet either,” Alexis reasoned as they reached their room.

“I know, but mommy wants to get dressed and don’t you want to look pretty for Max?” Liz asked, knowing a small statement about Max would turn her daughter’s complaints around.

“Yes mommy! And you have to look really, really pretty tonight.” Liz smiled with her back facing towards her daughter. She could only guess what Max had told her about tonight. So as not to spoil the surprise she pretended like she didn’t know what was going on.

“Well if I have to look, really, really pretty, then you are going to have to help me pick something out to wear.”

“Oh, I think you should wear that red dress mommy, the one you brought from home. I think Max will love it!” she beamed brightly as she reached around her mother’s legs and into the closet to feel the soft texture of the silk dress hanging there.

“That’s a perfect dress for tonight. Now, what are you going to wear?” Liz smiled down at her daughter’s cheerful face and watched as she nibbled on her bottom lip before turning and reaching into the closet to see what she could wear.

“Lexi, did you want to ask me any other questions about what happened today?” Liz asked hesitantly.

Alexis paused in her perusal of the closet, she didn’t have a pretty red dress like her mommy and she wanted to dress just like her for tonight. With a soft sigh she shrugged her shoulders and turned to face her mother, who was now kneeling in front of her.

“I talked to Max and he said he was going to be my daddy, and I’m so happy, mommy. But…”

Liz’s heart sank, she wasn’t sure if she would be able to handle what came out of her daughters mouth in the next second, but steeled herself in preparation.

“But he couldn’t tell me why my other daddy didn’t want me…was I a bad baby?” Alexis asked not to hurt her mother but just out of sheer curiosity.

Liz’s heart broke, because despite the fact that she never loved Sean, a small part of her was thankful for him coming into her life. Liz knew that without what had transpired between she and him she wouldn’t have been blessed with a beautiful and amazing daughter. That however didn’t make her hate him any less, especially for causing such confusion for her daughter.

“Honey, he never met you until today. He didn’t want me then, and he still doesn’t, do you understand?” Liz asked, strategically leaving out the fact that Sean didn’t want her either.

Alexis nodded. “Did you love him mommy, like you love Max?”

“No, I didn’t. I have never loved any man the way I love Max, baby. And I love no one more than you.” Liz smiled and cupped her daughter’s cheek in her hand.

“Do I have to see my other daddy?” Alexis asked, not wanting to prolong the conversation. In fact, she wanted to hurry up and get dressed so Max could ask her mommy to marry him.

“Not if you don’t want to,” she said holding her breath for a response.

“Good. Cause I don’t wanna see him mommy, ever. Max is my only daddy.” Alexis smiled as she leaned in and gave her mother a tight hug.

“I love you so much, baby.”

“Me too, mommy.” Alexis allowed her mother to call her a baby, for now, but only because today was a special day. Tomorrow she would make sure her mommy didn’t call her that again, cause she was a big girl now. She wondered, why she had to keep reminding everyone of that.


Serena stood frozen in place as she watched Max take a seat on one of the oak chairs across the room. Although her intent in coming to the game was to speak to him, she found herself at a loss for words.

She wasn’t sure where to begin, or rather how. Nervously, she took a few steps towards him and paused.

“I don’t bite,” he said, smiling at her panicked expression.

“I know you don’t,” she protested softly, but continued to move closer to him.

“Did you enjoy the game?” he decided this would take an eternity if he didn’t open her up a bit.

“It was great! I have to confess, I don’t enjoy watching the game on television, but live, now that’s a whole different story. I’m still learning though,” she hadn’t realized she was rambling, or that she had finally reached the chair across from him, and taken a seat.

“At least you have Kyle to explain things.”


And so the moment was filled with thick silence, neither of them knowing what the other was thinking.



“You first,” he offered.

“Thank you. I guess the best thing to do is start from where we left off.” Her eyes darted around the room for a moment before settling on his. It was as if she was staring into a mirror, how did she wait so long to tell him?

“I went home after I left your house. First flight out in fact,” she chuckled softly. “I was terrified, and confused. Everything I ever knew to be true was being questioned and I didn’t know what to do. I had already asked my parents once, and they told me that I was theirs, but after speaking with you…after seeing you, really seeing you…I realized someone was lying. Until I met you, I was lead to believe I was my parent’s only child. That my mother couldn’t conceive another after me, but that was a lie. I went to them and I told them about you…” she stood now, pacing in front of the glass table that lay in front of them.

“I even brought a picture I got from a magazine. I begged them to just tell me the truth. My mother cried, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her cry that hard in my life,” she paused, tears welling up in her eyes, her throat growing increasingly hoarse, and her heart thrumming rapidly in her chest. She was losing her battle of control; she had to tell him, to explain to him that she didn’t know.

Max watched her intently, and for the first time he took a moment to really look at her. To see what Kyle obviously saw. She was beautiful but to him it meant something completely different. She was his sister, of this he had no doubt left, and more than that, she was a piece of him…a piece of their parents and all that was left of them. He saw her defenses weakening and he stood, coming to stand right in front of her.

“Serena,” he whispered out, reaching his hand out to brush away her tears.

“I’m your sister, Max. I didn’t know…I wish…” she broke off as the tears streamed steadily down her cheeks, her shoulders shook and finally she felt like a weight had been lifted.

Max’s entire body froze, he knew it was true, but to hear it out loud was something he knew he’d never forget. Tears immediately burned the back of his eyes, and he struggled for words, but came up short. Instead, he pulled her against him and hugged her tightly.

After her tears had subsided, Max kept her close and wiped away her tears with a smile. “I can’t believe it. It’s like a dream come true and I never thought that the day Kyle brought his girlfriend over, would lead to this moment. I’m sorry that you had to find out that way and…” he trailed off as she hushed him softly.

“I’m not. Regardless of how it happened, I’m still happy, Max. You’re my brother, my flesh and blood and for so long I’ve felt like a part of me was missing but I never knew what it was. Right now though, I know the missing piece of me…was you.” She smiled and hugged him once again.

“I have something for you, back at my house. I want you to have it,” he rushed out a minute later as they pulled away.

“No. It’s yours, Max. I would…I would like to read it, but I could never keep it.” Serena looked at him with sad eyes.

“It was our mother’s and I know she would want you to have it. I know she would have loved to meet you, they both would have.” Max smiled reassuringly at his sister.

Serena grew silent, her heart and mind realizing she’d never even met her biological parents. All that was left were the pictures Max had and their mother’s diary, but other than that…there was nothing.

“I’d like to…to see them,” she said as her eyes swam with unshed tears.

Max smiled compassionately, “I’ll take you to them, when we get back. I promise.”

“Thank you, Max.”

“Serena, I think the only person we both should thank right now…is Kyle.” That remark elicited a smile from both of them. They spent the next hour discussing how Serena came to live with her parents and what she had been up to all these years.


“Max, are you okay?” Liz asked when he returned to their room to change.

“I’m better than okay, baby.” Max pulled her into his arms and kissed her softly.

“Where’s Alexis?” he murmured against her lips.

“With Michael and Maria, she was all dressed and I told her I needed time to get myself ready.” Liz giggled softly as she felt Max nuzzling her exposed neck. She still only had on her robe, and was preparing to slip on her dress when Max entered.

“Good, because I want to show you something,” he whispered as he dragged her from the middle of the room and onto the bed.

“And what’s that?” she asked softly, as he untied her robe, letting it fall open.
“How much I love you,” he said as he leaned over her, kissing her mouth heatedly. Slowly he pushed her back and settled himself on top of her. His arousal pressed into the juncture between her thighs, eliciting a soft moan from her lips. He smiled as he trailed his mouth over the soft mound of her breast and he felt her quickly work deftly at removing his jeans.

“Anxious?” he asked as he straddled her waist, pulling his shirt off with great haste.

“Very…” she smiled seductively, causing him to groan in anticipation of what was to come. Quickly he settled his knees between her opened legs, and with one smooth thrust he joined their bodies.

Liz wrapped her arms and legs around his body, as he continued to plunge swiftly into her warm body. His thrusts became frantic as he neared the edge, wanting to take her with him, he whispered to her, “Lift your hips a little more…that’s right…now give me your legs,” he reached back and hooked his arms around her trim legs, allowing him to surge deeper within her. Her entire body was exposed to his assault, her nails dug into his back, her breath rushing from her lungs, and her body ached with release. Max dug his knees into the mattress and arched his hips with quick fluid thrusts; waiting for the moment he felt her body give in to the delicious friction. With their hips pressed roughly against one another, his wish was then granted. White-hot heat crackled through every part of their bodies as they shook and trembled against one another, and gave in to that final release.

“God…” Liz panted minutes later, as he pulled her flush against him.

“I know. I love you, Liz.”

“Hmm…I love you too. Now, you want to tell me what happened?”

“How much time do we have before dinner?” Liz shook her head and pushed him back a little.

“Out with it Evans,” she said as she reached for her robe.

“No, don’t get dressed. I like you that way…hot, sticky and sweet,” he licked his lips in anticipation for what he wanted to do to her next. But her sensibility won over and she stood up putting a great distance between them.

“Are you going to tell me?” she crossed her arms and waiting.

Max threw himself dramatically on the bed, not at all modest about the fact that he was completely naked and still completely aroused.

“Serena told me, she asked her parents and they confirmed it. She’s my sister,” he said, waiting for Liz’s reaction.

“Oh my God! I knew it!” Liz squealed in delight, as she rushed back to the bed and crawled up his body.

“Now, this is exactly where I wanted you,” he said as his hands removed her robe once again.

“Max, we have to get dressed for dinner. And you still have to tell me about our engagement and about how Serena ended up where she did…and…”

“And…I think you have too much on your mind,” he said as he caressed the fullness of her breasts. He wondered if maybe it was just him, but they seemed fuller today. Nevertheless he leaned up and covered one with his mouth.

“Max,” she moaned out, digging her fingers in his silky dark hair.

“Later…please…right now I just need you,” he moaned out as she lifted herself up on her knees. Slowly, she reached for him and slid her body over his. As he claimed her lips once again, she claimed his body.


Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 1:29 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - Okay here it is...the much awaited update. Again, I apologize for the long wait. Sorry for any errors...hopefully you can overlook them ;)

Now, onto the real author's note. My mother will be in town in two weeks to be exact, and I haven't seen her in over a year :( Which means I need to get things ready in preperation for her week long visit. So that means, I will probably not update until the end of August. I'm sorry, if I could avoid it I would, and I will tell you the only two that will be updated are MTML and LLI, during this time.

I should be in full swing after this point. I will also be having a chat on Roswell Heaven, on the 18th of August, which I hope to see some of you there for.

That's about it!

Thank you for the feedback, bumps and everything else!!


Chapter 38

Dinner went as smoothly as expected, Alexis however was beyond anxious to know when Max was going to ask her mommy to marry her. It was taking too long and she was getting tired.

“Max?” Alexis asked as dessert was served. He leaned over to his left to find out what she wanted not that he couldn’t guess.

“When are you gonna do it?” she whispered out, but it was loud enough for everyone at the table, including Liz to hear. Liz held back a smile knowing how important it was to her daughter to see her happy.

“In a few minutes, I think our surprise is going to be good, what do you think?” he asked as he kissed her cheek softly, and watched as she nodded her head in agreement. It was her plan after all. Max had decided that he would include Alexis in the proposal and then she came to him with her idea, and he thought it was perfect.

“So, Serena are you headed home tomorrow?” Liz asked breaking the silence at the table. By this point she knew that everyone suspected something was going on, but in keeping with the surprise to Alexis, Liz and Max decided to keep it a secret from everyone else as well.

Deep down, Liz couldn’t wait until everyone knew. She was so happy and couldn’t wait to start her life with Max and Alexis together. Now that Max had found his sister, things were falling into place and Liz couldn’t wait to marry him. In addition to which, she couldn’t wait until Max adopted Alexis. That day she knew would be one of the most memorable of her, and her daughter’s lives. Liz could never have imagined that a man, as wonderful and caring as Max, would ever find anything remotely interesting in her, let alone fall in love with her. Somehow he did, and he accepted her daughter without hesitation and for that Liz loved him more than she ever thought possible.

“I am, but I’ll be back up this weekend. Max and I have a few things to go over,” she smiled at her brother. She couldn’t express how happy she was to finally know the truth. After her conversation with Max, she had gone to Kyle and explained everything to him.

Max returned his sisters bright smile. He couldn’t imagine being happier if he tried. Nothing, not even winning the superbowl made him half as happy as he was in the presence of his entire family. Now, all he had to do was propose to Liz again, he had to laugh at the predicament. Well, he thought, at least it would be something they would remember for the rest of their lives.

“Ooh mommy, we are gonna go on a boat ride! Are you excited?” Alexis asked, enthusiasm etched across every feature of her face. It was time, she almost let it slip at dinner, but she remembered how important it was to Max and her mommy.

Liz lifted her daughter into her arms and kissed her cheek gently. “Of course I am. It’s a beautiful night, a little chilly, but I’m sure it’s going to be very pretty.”

Michael already knew that Max had proposed and knew how important it was that everything went well with Alexis’ plan, so he took off early from dinner to make sure the arrangements were finalized and that there weren’t any problems.

Max had arranged for a sunset cruise through the New York Harbor. They had been in route for about twenty minutes and as the time passed, Alexis grew even more eager for Max to ask her mommy to marry him.

Everyone else wondered what was going on, although by that point, they could almost guess. Needless to say Serena and Maria were bursting at the seams with happiness. Kyle just stood back watching, thinking how glad he was to be around to witness the moment when, Max ‘I’ll always be a player,’ Evans, asked someone to marry him.

Liz stood admiring the picturesque view, just waiting to see what Max and her daughter had up their sleeves. She was excited, and anxious, which she thought was silly since she was already engaged. Max came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and dropping a kiss on her shoulder.

“You ready?” he whispered out, she nodded with a smile. Max turned and looked over his shoulder and motioned for Alexis to join them. She came up quickly and stood beside them.

“Close your eyes, mommy.” Liz obeyed. And then she heard it, the first of several fireworks being set off in the night sky. Without hesitation, she popped her eyes open and gasped at the colorful display of lights above her.

Alexis, tugged on the hem of her mother’s dress, and smiled up at her. She couldn’t wait…it was almost time.

A second later, several fireworks were let out, and Max urged her to look. When she did, she couldn’t help the tears that gathered in the corner of her eyes. They fireworks display, now spelled out something…made just for her.

‘Marry me Liz’

“Say yes, mommy!” Alexis bounced up and down, pulling on her mother’s dress lightly.

Liz turned to Max, watched as he smiled and kneeled down on one knee in front of her, holding out her engagement ring.

With a small laugh and a bright smile, she reached her hand out, and he slipped the ring on her finger.

“Yes, I’ll marry you.” Max stood and pulled her in for a kiss. Alexis however, bounced in between them happily.

“Yay!” Her hands clapping as she turned to face everyone, who shared in her happiness.

“Max that was the sweetest thing, I never expected that.” Liz smiled as he held her protectively in his arms.

“It was all your daughter,” he whispered out, and then added, “Lord knows coming up with one way to ask you was enough for me,” he joked and kissed her temple.

“Wait! Does this mean mommy is going to be an Evans now?” Alexis asked with a pout on her face. Liz kneeled down, along with Max to regard her.

“Yes, it does,” Liz answered.

“And when I adopt you, you are going to be an Evans as well,” Max explained, pulling her into a tight hug.

“Oh…okay…so…” Alexis paused for a moment.

“Ooh I will be Alexis Rae Evans!” She smiled brightly and jumped into Max’s arms.

“I’m so happy you asked mommy to marry you, this way she won’t be left out. Cause you’re my daddy and we would have the same last name, but mommy wouldn’t.” Alexis turned to her mother, and reached out a hand to her cheek.

“I love you mommy, and so does Max. Are you happy?” she asked in her innocent, sweet voice, which brought renewed tears to Liz’s eyes.
Tearing her gaze from her daughter, she looked up at Max and smiled.

“I’m very happy, baby.” Alexis loved that answer and dropped to her feet to explain to everyone what just happened…as if they weren’t witness to it. However, they played along for her sake, and were just as happy for Liz and Max as she was.


Later that night, after everyone had retired to their rooms, Max, Michael and Kyle decided to head downstairs to the lounge. It was their last night in the city and they needed some male bonding, as Kyle put it.

“What happened with Serena? She gave us a quick rundown but how did she end up separated from your parents and then adopted. I guess that’s the part I didn’t fully understand,” Michael asked after their drinks were served.

“What we’ve managed to gather as far as information based on what her parents told her, and what our mothers journal said; that she was taken from the hospital and then after a few months was left at an orphanage. That’s where her parents adopted her from. They said they kept it from her because they were afraid that she would want to see her biological parents and maybe that they weren’t good enough. But when Serena when she told them about being taken from the hospital, and that her biological parents were dead, they felt guilty and were sorry they didn’t tell her sooner. Not that it would have mattered,” he finished sadly.

“What a shame…they took her and didn’t even want her. She could have been with you all that time, Max,” he says with as shake of his head. Kyle’s feelings were the same; it was a lot of wasted time.

Max thought about it for a minute before he spoke. “Things work out a certain way for a reason. I’m just glad Kyle had the sense to bring her around,” he smirked and then all three men let out a laugh. Kyle excused himself a few minutes later; he wanted to spend as much time with Serena before she left.

Michael settled back against his chair and settled his beer onto the table with a loud thump. “I’m really happy for you, man. I knew one day a girl would be able to get you under control.”

“Can you believe it? I never thought, hell I couldn’t even imagine not being the way I was, that is until I met her and Alexis. They just made my life make sense, even when I was trying to figure things out.

“I’m happy for you. Liz and Alexis are great for you.”

“Yeah, she is,” Max nodded in agreement.

“I’m glad you’ll be marrying her and making an honest woman of her, she deserves it,” Michael joked, and it earned him a kick in the leg.

“So do you, Max.” Michael offered sincerely.

Max turned quite for a few minutes in thought. Michael noticed immediately when his best friend turned serious.

“Michael can I talk to you about something?”

“Of course.”

“It’s about the Saints.”

“What about them?”

“The more time I spend with Liz and Alexis, I realize how much I’m missing out on and soon things will get busy and I might not have that much time with them, and I’ll regret it. I know I will,” he tried to convey his fears to his friend. It was something he had been thinking about since he’d met up with Sean and found out his true identity. He knew how quickly the things he loved could be taken away, and he wanted to spend as much time with them as possible.

“What are you saying?”

“I want to wash my hands of the whole thing.”

Michael was taken by surprise. “You mean…no coaching…what about buying the team, well the majority vote that is?” Michael was trying to wrap his mind around the idea of Max not being involved with football. It was his life since as long as he could remember.

“All of it. I want to be done with football, Michael. I’ve gotten everything I wanted and more because of it, I think its time I find something else to do with myself. I’ll never play again, not like I used to anyway. If I can’t have that, then I don’t want any of it.” Max had obviously made his mind up and he just needed someone to back him up and tell him that it was okay to let go of that dream in exchange for another, even better one.

“I can respect that.”

“What I want now, is a family with Liz, Alexis, Serena and you. I know I don’t say it enough but I’m so lucky to have you in my life, Michael.” Max knew that Michael hated getting sentimental but in this case it was necessary.


“So after the season…”

“That’s it.”

“Then what?” he asked. His curiosity getting the best of him, after all he knew Max, and that meant he had some kind of plan.

“I was thinking a normal job.”


“Yeah, how would you like some help?” He offered his friend a sly grin.

“You serious?” Michael asked completely surprised. He had wanted Max to work with him for a long time. Something they could do together, accomplish together, but Max was always too busy, which he completely understood.

“Very. This way I can stay close to home and I can still feel like I’m doing something useful.” Max stated with a shake of his head.

“What did Liz say?” he asked and noticed the blanched look on his friend’s face and he deduced quickly, “You haven’t spoken to her.”

“No, I wanted to talk to you first because I don’t want to spring something new on her again. This time I want to be sure it’s the right thing.” Max had struggled with not telling her the moment he made his decision, but he wanted to be sure that it was his final decision.

“And is it?”

“It is.” His voice was definite, there was no other answer.


When Max joined Liz in their room, she was already half asleep. A small smile played on his lips as she tried to rouse herself and push herself up against the headboard.

“Did you have a good talk?” she asked over a yawn.

“I did. What are you still doing up?” he asked as he kissed her lips, coming to lie beside her.

“I was actually just thinking.”

“About what?” he asked, pulling her against him, nuzzling his neck in her silky hair.

“I was just thinking, I have no job and I don’t want what happened last time, when I was just filling out the paperwork to occur again,” she started hesitantly.

“I know, baby,” he offered, stroking her arm gently.

“But, I was thinking that maybe I could finish school.”

“If that’s what you want, then that’s what you’ll do. Liz, I want you to be happy and if going back to school is going to do that for you, then that’s what I want.” He rolled her over to lay on top of him, wrapping his arms snuggly around her.

“I love you Max. I’m so thankful you were patient with me and didn’t give up on me,” she said with a bright smile on her face.

“Never,” he vowed.

“So…what aren’t you telling me?” she asked after a moment, she knew there was something on this mind but he had yet to be forthcoming with the information.

“Liz, I wanted to talk to you but I don’t want you getting upset. So much has happened so quickly and I…”

“Just tell me,” she interrupted softly. She wondered what it had to do with.

“I don’t want to coach anymore,” he rushed out, looking away from her.

“I know you said that,” she assured him patiently, reaching out and brushing his hair away from his forehead, something she loved to do when they laid in bed together.

“I don’t want to be involved with football, except maybe as a spectator,” he finished meekly, hoping she wouldn’t be disappointed.

“What are you saying?” she questioned, rearing her head back to regard him.

“The only thing I want is to be with you and Alexis. I want to be home at a normal hour and I want to have my weekends free.” Max reached up and brushed her hair away from her shoulders, and kissed her neck gently.

“So when you say you don’t want to be involved…you really mean it? Are you sure?” she asked, not knowing if he was doing it more for her and Alexis’ sake or his own. She hoped it was the latter.

“I’m sure. I’m going to work with Michael. It’s something I’ve wanted to do, especially when he was starting out but I never had time. Are you mad?” he was quick to question.

“At you? Never,” she teased, placing a kiss on his chest. His hands moved stealthily down her slim body, however as he reached below her slip he was reminded of something.


“Yes,” she nuzzled against his chest, deeper, trying to wrap herself around his warmth.

“Uhm …do your breasts always get…puffy?” he stammered out. Since when did he stammer?

“Puffy?” she blushed in mortification, what was he talking about?

“Yeah like swollen…I don’t know they just feel bigger.” He shrugged his shoulders uncertainly. Liz laughed, realizing that he never shared any kind of true intimacy with a woman. She lifted his hand to her breast and explained, “There are two causes for that; one would be when I’m pregnant and the other is when I’m getting my period.” She blushed at the last part; she never had to explain to a man about the changes in her body.

“Oh,” he let out an uncertain laugh as he buried his head in her hair, completely and utterly mortified with embarrassment for the first time in his life.

Liz just smiled at how innocent he truly was.


Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 4:57 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - I'm back! Are you all surprised? I'm sure you are...but I have an update and the next one is not far behind it either. In any event, I want to thank all of you for your feedback, bumps, PM's and e-mails with regards to this story.

Hope you enjoy this part...oh and I updated Making The Magic Last today as well...I'm on a roll (finally)



Chapter 39

It was a bright morning that found Max and his sister standing in the place where both their parents were buried years ago. Serena stood frozen in place, as she watched Max place flowers between both tombstones.

Max had promised to take her and he kept that promise the day they returned from their trip. Serena was leaving for the airport in a few short hours, she had a job and a life to return to in Boston. It would never be the same, this trip and this moment would forever change her life and she wasn’t sure what to make of that.

Turning to her brother…her brother, it was a strange notion, since after all for as long as she could remember, she was an only child, she smiled. How amazing was it to find another person on this earth that not only looked just like you, but also was a part of you in a way that no other person could be? She couldn’t help but look to Max with pride in her eyes, and love in her heart. He was an amazing man.

Serena now knew of his past and even without trying knew about his past from articles, interviews and the like. There was no way for Max to avoid his past, nor did he try. She concluded that Liz and Alexis had a major impact on him in that department. They loved him without question; one would have to be blind to not see it.

On their plane ride back, Max had filled her in on the happenings, or rather the high and low moments of his life thus far, and she realized that he was simply lost. And as he had said, a certain five year old saved him.

Although Max contributed his current status to Alexis, he also is quick to explain that Liz was the one person in his life, besides Michael, that accepted him and didn’t ask or expect more. Which, as he elaborated, made him want to try harder. It made him want to be a better person and for once in his life he felt like he had a purpose.

Serena was glad to have him in her life. She had even asked if Max wouldn’t mind meeting her parents. Awkward as it may seem, they were a big part of her life, and her life now included him and his family.

“You okay?” came his soft question.

“I’m fine. How often do you come here?” she asked hesitantly. Max turned and stared down at the damp earth for a moment before answering, “Not as often as I should.”


“It’s too hard. I feel like everyday I forget them more and more. I remember their faces, but a part of me knows it’s because I have a picture, not because I’m recalling it from my memory.” He turned to face her, seeking understanding or possibly it was a resolution he wasn’t prepared to face. His parents were a distant memory and having his sister here made him want his parents back. He wanted them to meet their daughter, even if it were just once. To be a family in a way he had not experienced. But what did that mean? He loved Liz, and Alexis and wanted to start a family with them, he wanted more than his next breath. Still, it didn’t stop the feeling that resonated deep inside of his soul, he wanted his parents for just a little while longer. It wouldn’t be enough, and he knew it, it would never be long enough, for either of them.

“I wish I met them, even if I didn’t know who they were, you know?” Serena said quietly coming to stand beside her brother. For the first time in her life she felt a deep ache, which started in the pit of her stomach and quickly spread throughout her chest. It was uncomfortable and binding, it made her want to scream out with pain. How she could feel the loss of seeing her birth parents’ grave, having never met them, was incomprehensible.

Max couldn’t help the small smile that touched the corner of his lips; they both had similar thoughts, which only served to remind him that she was real. And even though their parents were gone, they had each other now and they always would. He lifted his arm and wrapped it around her shoulder for comfort. Serena turned her head to the left and smiled at him, with tears in her eyes. What she saw amazed her it was unyielding understanding. He was the one person in the world that understood her, more so even than Kyle. Max knew what it was like to have a hole in your heart that could never quite be filled, a longing that will never be satisfied. Together, they could heal, but never forget. Together, they would start their own set of memories, beginning today.

“Did I ever tell you that I watched every single one of your games?” she asked with a twinkle in her eye, as they walked back to his car.

“Really? No, don’t think you have.” Max thought best not to ask any questions of his own as to why she did, or why she was sharing the information with him now.

“Don’t you want to know why?” she asked with a teasing in her voice and a twitch of her lips.

“No, I –”

“I thought you were the cutest football player around,” she offered with a bright smile and a click of her tongue.

“Oh God! Serena, did you really need to share? I think I’m going to be sick! You’re my sister! You should not…ever think of me in that way…” he choked out mortifyingly.

“Please! I would have had to be blind, besides I didn’t know you were my brother at the time,” she persisted sensibly.

“Yes! But now you do, so I don’t want to hear another word of this, especially around Kyle.” Max groaned as he fetched his keys from his pocket. The blush rose on his cheeks, as Serena continued to tease him.

“I’m sorry. I promise, but I just wanted to say how great you looked in…”

“Ah! Stop!” Max covered his ears and began chanting for her to stop talking. When he felt the moment was safe he pulled his hands away and managed a quick glance at her. They both stood staring at one another, and then burst out laughing simultaneously.

“Don’t you dare tell Liz, she’ll probably get jealous.” Max said as he pulled the car onto the highway.

“She has nothing to be jealous of. You look at her as though the sun sets and rises with her.”

“It does, for me.” Had he said that aloud? He turned quickly and groaned instantly when he saw the look of approval on her face.

“So tell me brother, was it love at first sight? Or did it take a while for her to warm up to your manly charms?” she asked as she settled against her seat more comfortably. The trip back to Max’s would take over two hours and in that amount of time, she would learn all there is to know about her brother’s fiancé.

<center> ****</center>

“Mommy, can I go with Mike to the store?” Alexis asked as she bounced into the kitchen. Liz was finishing up dinner for everyone. She was making a family dinner, the first one she had ever tried to prepare and she was nervous that it would come out terrible. She wanted to make a good impression on Max’s sister but she felt herself coming up short.

“Of course. Michael, do you think you could run to the liquor store and get some wine?” Liz asked without turning around to face him.


“Yes, red or white, whichever.” She waved her hand in the air nonchalantly.

“Uhm…Liz?” came his hesitant voice.

“What’s wrong?” She finally turned around to face him and saw the look of horror on his face.

“I don’t buy wine.”

“What do you mean?”

“I am a beer drinker, Liz…so is Max. I don’t drink or buy wine or wine coolers. You know that nonsense women try to pass off as alcohol?” he explained.

Liz wiped her hands on the front of her apron and stepped closer to him. “I see. Well I could always go, and you could stay here and finish dinner. How does that sound?” Liz smiled sweetly, although the threat remained hanging in the air. Michael rather starve than cook and they both knew it.

“Ooh Mike I can help you cook! I make good brownies and cake!” Alexis tugged on his leg, only serving to help her mother’s mission.

“N-No that’s okay. I’ll get the wine. You stay and finish up. It smells great by the way,” he offered backing out of the room, while lifting Alexis in his arms.

“Hmm…that’s what I thought.” Liz turned on her heels to regard the chicken she needed to place in the oven for a few minutes.

A few moments passed when she heard the doorbell ring. Thinking it might be Michael; she went to the door and without preamble opened it up, only to find a lost looking Kyle.

“Hi Liz.”

“Kyle, you’re early.” She smiled and waved him inside as she excused herself and asked him to follow her into the kitchen.

“What brings you by? You know Max and Serena aren’t here right?” Liz asked as she turned the oven up a few degrees, and then turned to take a seat on the stool in front of the counter.

“I wanted to talk to you for a minute, if that’s okay.” Kyle avoided eye contact at all costs. He was afraid he would just burst out what he wanted to discuss.

“Of course,” she smiled warmly, which helped ease him into the conversation he was struggling to begin.

“It’s about…Sean…I mean…not technically but…”

“Spit it out Kyle, you’re killing me here,” she teased, although her heart was thrumming roughly in her chest. Why would he want to discuss his cousin?

He cleared his throat and then looked up to face Liz. “I know you want nothing to do with him, and that he wants nothing to do with Alexis…but I-I was wondering how you felt about me,” Kyle’s voice softened as he waited for her response.
Liz thought carefully of her choice of words before proceeding. “Kyle, you are not Sean and I don’t think of you as his cousin. I think of you as someone that has been there for Max, even when he was too stubborn to accept your help. And I am happy that my daughter will have a uncle like you in her life.” Liz smiled and reached out a hand to his, squeezing it gently.

“Are you sure?”

Liz nodded her head in affirmation, “I am positive just like I know Max is as well. I would never hold against you what he did.”

“Ah Liz, one more thing.” Kyle knew he should quit while he was ahead but treaded lightly nevertheless.


“I know that both you and Max want your privacy and with Sean signing away his rights, how would you feel about my parents meeting her?”

“No,” came a sharp voice from the doorway.

“Max!” Liz looked up and saw the hardness of his face. She herself was going to give a similar answer but he beat her to it.

“What’s going on?” Max asked entering the room more fully, with Serena trailing closely behind him. She sensed an argument in the making, she wasn’t sure why or how her senses became so sharp, but they did. She could feel the anger roll off of her brother in waves.

“Max, Kyle just wanted to know if he could be a part of Alexis’ life. We already discussed this.”

“Is that all? Because to me it sounded like he was asking a little more.”

“Max, calm down. You are jumping to conclusions.” Serena offered and Liz stood back watching, realizing that there was now another woman in Max’s life that would get to share special things with him…things she wouldn’t.

Max grumbled out an apology, he knew his nerves were on edge after visiting his parents. He just wanted to be alone with Liz for a few minutes to get his head together.

“No, it’s okay. My fault. I just thought it would be nice for her to meet them,” Kyle shrugged his shoulders realizing he had overstepped his boundaries.

“Kyle,” Liz began sympathetically. “I know you mean well, and I understand your feelings, but right now she has been through so much. I’m afraid she won’t understand the implications of meeting your family, when she’s older I will. I would never keep her family from her, but I don’t trust Sean. And I’m sorry Kyle, but I don’t know your family enough to entrust them with her.”

“What if we compromise?” Max offered as he moved to Liz and wrapped his arms around her waist.

“What’s that?” she looked up and smiled softly into his face.

“She can meet them, but they can’t know who she really is to them. If we can agree on that, then I don’t see a problem.”

“Reasonable enough. I would never break your trust. And after seeing what Sean is capable of, I would never endanger her.” Kyle offered sincerely, letting out a shaking breath.

Max stepped forward and placed a hand on Kyle’s shoulder, letting him know everything was all right. For just a moment, Max felt threatened with the thought of losing his place with Alexis…how shallow of him he scoffed to himself.

Serena stepped forward ushering Kyle into the living room, leaving Max and Liz alone.

“I missed you,” he dipped his head and sealed their lips. Liz leaned up on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“I missed you too. Are you okay?” Liz asked as he moved to settle on the stool, taking her in his lap.

“I’m sorry about before. I was just a little jealous. I didn’t want anyone staking claim to her, stupid right?” he grumbled out as he plucked at the neckline of her shirt.

“Not stupid. Sweet. How did it go today?” Max wrapped his arms tighter around his fiancé and settled his head in the crook of her neck. He hated leaving Liz today. He’d insisted she join he and Serena, but she refused him steadfastly. Saying that he needed to do it with his sister, they would have their day soon. Despite her brave front, Max knew her better than to accept her words at face value. A part of her was jealous and wanted to be a part of the moment, but she had sacrificed her feelings for his. For that he loved her even deeper, if possible.

“It was good…really good.” He left the response simple, later when they were truly alone he would talk to her about his feelings.

“What have you been up to? It smells great in here,” he nuzzled her neck and helped her stand to check on dinner.

“Cooking up a storm! I sent Michael to the store, and before he left you should have seen his face,” she giggled as she maneuvered around his groping hands.

“Why?” he questioned as he pinned her against the counter, his hands roaming her body freely.

“I sent him to get wine,” she offered with a peck on his cheek.

“Damn! I’m sorry I missed that. He swore he would rather shave his hair off then ever buy a woman’s drink, as he put it.”

“I know! But it was either that or finish cooking dinner, and we all know that he would rather buy wine than cook.” Liz smiled brightly. Max wanted her, and his eyes surveyed the room quickly. Without a second thought, he lifted her in his arms and carried her to the adjacent room.

“Max! Put me down!” She squeaked out as he hauled her from the kitchen. Oh God, what Kyle and Serena must think!

“I’ll put you down in a second, baby.” Reaching his destination, he closed the door with a kick of his foot and settled Liz on a nearby chair. The room was used for storage. In fact it only had but a few extra chairs from the formal dining room in it.

“What are you doing?” she asked breathlessly, as she watched him lock the door and begin to strip off his shirt.

“Max, we can’t…not right now…”

“Now,” he growled, tossing his shirt to the side and working deftly at the button and zipper of his jeans.

“I’m not doing this with them in the next room,” she hissed out, even as the delicious ache to have him crept up her spine.

“You will…and you’ll love it,” he smirked and kneeled naked before her. He removed her apron, then her shirt and finally her jeans.

“Max…” Liz protested weakly.

“Shh…you can moan my name in a minute,” he teased as he began to ease off her underwear.

“Mommy! I’m back!” And then the sound of Max’s deflated sigh heaved heavily around them.

“Sorry, sweetheart, but we can’t do this. Maybe later.” She stood and began dressing with a sigh of relief. What if someone heard them? Or God forbid Alexis of all people heard them.

Liz reached down and grabbed Max’s clothes, offering them to him with a frown, which he didn’t believe for a second. Of course, she had wanted him to make love to her, but not with an audience right outside the door.

“Not maybe later, baby…it will be later and nothing is going to stop me from having you.” Max grinned mischievously at her, and began dressing with haste.

Liz couldn’t help the chill of pleasure that warmed her body in that moment. She took one last look behind her just to be sure he was presentable before opening the door.

“What were you doing in there?” Alexis asked her eyes screwed together in confusion.

“We were a…looking for something.” Liz offered with a deep crimson blush, that everyone present understood, except for her daughter…thankfully.

“Princess, how about we go watch some television before dinner?” Max moved around Liz and lifted Alexis in his arms. Liz let a sigh of relief escape passed her lips, but froze the moment her eyes locked with her fiancés, and he mouthed, ‘later’ to her.

All previous thoughts of jealousy and competition for his affection, flew out the window as a warm blush washed over her.


Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 5:54 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - After 4 hours of writing non-stop which is a hard task for me...this update is done! This is really a part one of two...the day will continue in the next update.

It only took me two weeks...I am getting better aren't I :oops:

Anyway, thank you all for the feedback and bumps, e-mails and PM's ;) They encourage me more than you know. I love writing and try and improve with each chapter or so I hope ;)

Itzstacie - For her help (choo choo) *lol* And for her readthrough!
Queen Fee

Alien_Friend – YAY! I’m so glad to see you caught up. Seriously that was a lot of chapters and I appreciate the time you took to read through it. I can only hope you enjoy the rest! Thanks!
Mariael311 – Kinky? Hee hee!
max and liz believer – Welcome back sweetie! You said you would like more of Max not being able to keep his hands off Liz…well read on girlie!
Isabelle! – Wow! One sitting? That’s pretty good…and I’m humbled by the fact that you took the time to do so. I’m happy to hear you are enjoying it! Thank you!
Shadowlynxbehr – Its later!

Chapter 40

She rolled over onto her side; reluctant to move from the comfortable place she’d found to nestle warmly into the sheets. It couldn’t be morning, more than that though, she couldn’t believe how incredibly tired she was.

Today was a big and very busy day, she needed to get moving on the day ahead. She didn’t move. Instead she cuddled closer into her pillow and smiled when she felt, warm familiar hands slide around her waist.

Every morning waking this way, was like a present she still didn’t feel she deserved. How had she managed to change so quickly? A little over a year ago she would have never accepted the help of a stranger, let alone one she came to find out was a football player. How mistaken could one woman be, she thought with a soft chuckle. Max was everything and because of him she was a completely different person.

Some days she stared at herself in the mirror and wondered where that tough, untrusting girl had gone. Then she would absently trace the ring, which served as a reminder that no matter what, she would never have to face anything alone again. More importantly though, she was loved unconditionally and she knew it in her heart and soul. Max managed to fill the space in her heart, which she’d sworn would never be left vulnerable to another man. The love she had was only for her daughter, that was all she needed.

How wrong she’d been, yet again. Max was exactly what she’d told him he was, an angel. That was the only explanation, what other could there be for a man to find her and her daughter and save them?

She had decided after they returned from New York a few weeks ago, that she would let go of the questions that would seem to go unanswered, unsatisfied. Instead, she decided to focus her attention on her family, what with addition of Serena, was growing by the day. And yet again, she had only one person to thank for that. Her fiancé.

“Are you ever going to move?” he murmured against her temple, pulling her flush against his front. Lying on his side he felt the feel of her soft curves mold against his taught muscled physique, and instantly his body came alive. What else was new, he wondered, as he kissed her cheek, while running his hand over her abdomen.

“It’s too nice right here. What time is it?” she asked over a yawn.

“We have about an hour before we absolutely must leave this bed, because Alexis will be bounding down the hallway around that time for breakfast.” Max leaned over her and kissed her lips softly. He noticed how tired she still looked, he wondered if maybe she didn’t sleep well.

“I know. I can’t believe she’s a year older today. It doesn’t seem like its been that long. She’s already her own little person and so opinionated, I’m not sure I’ll be able to handle it when she gets even older.” A touch of sadness became evident in her voice, and Max caught on quickly. He held her tighter; as he spoke he began to gently trace circles on her hip.

“She’s remarkable because of you. And as she gets older I’m sure she will be just as strong as you are now. Although I’m not sure I’ll be able to handle her dating,” he trailed off in a shudder. Alexis dating? Never, not while he was still alive, he thought possessively. He knew guys better than anyone, and the games they played, he wouldn’t…

“Max, calm down she has a long way until then. She’s only six,” Liz giggled softly, pulling his hand up to her lips placing a kiss on the inside of his palm.

“You’re right. I think I might get gray hairs thinking about it until then though.” When Liz burst out laughing, Max couldn’t help but pull her head gently towards his, kissing her ardently on the lips. He couldn’t quite figure out what her secret was, why he walked around aroused all day with just the thought of her. No one affected him so powerfully, and then he realized no one else mattered before Liz came along. She was made for him, to save him from himself and he was so thankful to her.

“Are you tired baby?” he asked, even as he began skimming her slip up over her hips. His right hand roamed her body, gently cupping the soft weight of her breast, rolling the nipple between his index and forefinger. He repeated the same pattern, until both peeks her taut and straining against the thin material. Her lips parted, soft moans of pleasure escaped and he smiled nuzzling his face against the soft skin of her neck.

“Hmm…I am tired…” she didn’t sound convincing enough to him, and with that he lifted one of her legs over his, wedging one of his strong thighs between hers, settling the heavy weight between his legs at her entrance.

“I love you,” he whispered, as he thrust fully inside of her body. She moaned out, lifting her arm to touch any part of him, to connect with him, but he wouldn’t allow it. “Let me love you,” he murmured as he leaned over, his body sliding in and out of her body rhythmically, as he took her tight nipple into his mouth, sucking and licking the puckered flesh until a moan escaped past her lips. Her body grew tight beneath his, his body was wound so tight, and he feared he wouldn’t be able to hold out for her.

She did that to him, every time with her was like the first. Like he was a seventeen year old pubescent being stripped of his virginity, he was always strung so tightly with her. Then again, he had managed to figure out why, in that instant as a matter of fact. It was simply because Liz exuded innocence. Baby or no baby, Liz appeared innocent and that turned him on more than he wanted to admit.

Their eyes locked, lips parted, breaths panting, their bodies joined as intimately as possible. In other words it was perfect.

“Liz…” he groaned, trying to fight the tightness of his body straining to wait, but in that same instant he felt her back arch and he let go and basked in their joint pleasure.

Slipping from her body, he pulled her on top of him and kissed her puffy lips softly. “Awake now?” he teased.

“No, now I just want to sleep more. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I slept enough last night.” A blushing smile touched her lips in thought of the night before, where they hadn’t even managed to make it up to the game room before he had her undressed and panting against the door.

Max wrapped an arm around her waist, and lifted the other to push her hair away from her face. She did look exhausted.

“Do you feel sick? Maybe you’re coming down with something and it’s slowly creepy up on you,” he reasoned pulling them into a sitting position, his back resting on the headboard, and her nestled in his lap.

“I don’t know. Maybe, but I can’t shake it.” Liz shrugged her shoulders and cuddled closer to his warm body. Everything ached, and not in that delicious way it was moment ago.


“Mommy! Max! It’s time to get up!” came the voice from down the hall. They could hear her slam her bedroom door closed. Max and Liz quickly gathered themselves and dressed, knowing she would be knocking to come in.

Liz’s face was flushed as she quickly pulled her hair up in a loose ponytail. Max couldn’t help but smile. “I can’t wait to marry you.” He told her honestly and she smiled brightly.

“Me either, handsome.”

“What happened to sexy?” he asked feigning being hurt. Liz thought he looked adorable, she was so lucky to find someone with such exceptional qualities, and a having the sexiest body she’d ever seen didn’t hurt either, she thought with a smirk.

“Oh don’t worry, sweetheart, even when you’re fifty, you’ll still be sexy.” She threw herself into his arms a moment later.

“I guess you had a good morning?” he leaned down and kissed her lips, just as they heard a knock on the door.

“Very good,” she winked and stepped out of his embrace to open the door.

“Happy birthday!” Liz said as lifted her daughter into her arms, peppering her face with kisses. Max stood back and gave mother and daughter a moment to themselves. Today, they had a birthday party planned for later in the afternoon, but this morning would be for Liz and Alexis alone, he wanted it that way.

Six years ago, she was alone and giving birth, this was a special day and they deserved their time. Liz had insisted she wanted him to be a part of it, but he declined reverently.

Liz placed her daughter on the floor, and as soon as she did, her daughter lunged at Max. “Happy birthday, princess.” Max kissed her cheeks and threw her in the air.

“You know how old I am today?” she asked as he lifted her over his head, her ruthless curls blocking her vision partially.

“Nope! How old, princess?”

“Six! I’m a really big girl now, right?” she asked as he settled her against his chest. Liz came up in back of her, pushing her curls back and binding them with a clip she had pulled from her nightstand.

“Yes, a big girl.” They both agreed with a smile.

“Now can I have my breakfast?” she asked as Max placed her on her slipper-clad feet.

“Sounds good. What do you want?” Liz asked as Alexis placed her tiny hand in her palm.

Looking behind her, she smiled up at Max and said, “Max’s square pancakes.”


“Are you sure you have everything under control?” Liz asked for the third time in the span of twenty minutes. Did she think he was an amateur? He could handle setting up a party for a few kids.

“Yes, now go and have a good time.” He kissed her lips before Alexis entered the room with her outfit for the afternoon. She had insisted she had one for later as well, a special dress for her party. It would be her very first one and to be honest Max had wanted to fly everyone to Disneyland, but Liz rebuked that suggestion instantaneously.

“Why not,” he’d asked a few weeks ago.

“Because that would be spoiling her and calling attention to her.” Liz had answered rationally.

“Yes, but everyone already knows me around here and everyone she goes to school with knows me. Hell, I drop her off at school more than three times a week since she always insists on eating a healthy breakfast before school, which means she’s stalling.” He’d laughed softly shaking his head.

“I know, Max. But she’s never had this, so we can do the party this year and we’ll talk about next year.” She wouldn’t relent and so he had to improvise. Except now he wondered if it was as good now of an idea as it was then.

“Call me if you…”

“I know, Liz. Now just spend some time with your daughter and I’ll take care of getting the place ready for the party.” He smiled cheekily and blew her a kiss for good measure as she closed the door behind her. Alexis was already in the garage because she just couldn’t wait any longer.

As soon as he saw her drive away, he called for reinforcements. Pulling his cell phone from his back pocket he dialed Michael first, and then Serena, who had flown out for the day only. She had originally not been able to make it, but Max insisted on buying her ticket so she couldn’t refuse.

Thirty minutes later, Max, Michael, Maria, Serena and Kyle were in the kitchen trying to decide what room to have it in.

“Why didn’t Liz tell you?” Michael asked annoyed, because he hadn’t a clue as to how to throw a kids party.

“No, because I told her I could do it myself,” Max grumbled out. Serena and Maria simply looked at each other once and then burst out laughing.

“You guys are pathetic,” Serena announced through her fit of giggles.

“Hey! I am not pathetic, at least that’s not what you told me…” The remainder of Kyle’s words were muffled by Serena’s hand over his mouth. Max was seething; he did not want to know what Kyle was doing to his sister!

“Alright can we all just focus for a minute? This party starts in two hours, and by that time, one of these rooms needs to be decorated. Now, Max tell me did Liz make the food or are you having it catered?” she asked and Max scratched the back of his ear nervously.

“What? Tell me you don’t know,” she waited and he nodded his head uncomfortably.

“Nice, Max. Wow, you know I’m glad you never pursued a career in…”

“Yes, I know. Now, how about we just look and see, I think Liz mentioned something before she left, but I was otherwise occupied,” Max blushed and ducked his head as he headed for the fridge.

“Oh that’s secret code,” Michael joked and Kyle just stifled a laugh behind his hand.

“Code? For what?” Serena asked from across the room.

“It means Max was too busy ogling Liz’s goodies to pay attention to what was coming out of her mouth.”

“I was not!” he defended himself weakly.

“Oh, ahem…okay well did you find the food?” Serena asked, blushing just as her bother was.

“Oh God! I can’t believe it, I never realized until this moment how alike you both are.” Maria said, as she entered the room with a bags filled with the decorations Liz had place in the living room, with a big note to Maria stuck on one of them.

Max and Serena surveyed one another and just smiled. “I found the food, by the way,” Max said and Maria stepped past them all to see how clearly labeled the items were, but when she closed the fridge she started to laugh.

“What’s so funny?” Michael asked from behind her.

“Look,” she said pointing to a note Liz had apparently left them all.

Max removed it and read it aloud…

“Max, don’t be mad. I trust you more than anyone, but this is all new to you. And Michael, Maria, Serena and Kyle, don’t take offense but look at it as an opportunity to learn something new…with a little assistance.” His eyes narrowed, what a little sneak she was. He continued to read on.

“Maria, I hope you got the note I left for you near the decorations in the living room.

Now let’s get to a few suggestions, you don’t have to use them…but if you don’t then this will take longer than the allotted time you have.”

“Nice to know she’s just giving us suggestions. How dare she not think we could handle setting up one six year old birthday party?” Michael folded his arms over his chest and Kyle mirrored his stance with a nod of his head in agreement. Max just rolled his eyes and went back to the note.

“First things first, I was thinking maybe we could have the party in the game room upstairs. The food should be served in the side room off the kitchen.” Max blushed crimson at the thought of that room. God, what had almost taken place a few weeks ago. How he’d wanted to finish it, and he did in their bedroom, but he promised her next time they wouldn’t stop.

“I already cleared the room up and the tables and chairs are all in there, you just need to set them up and decorate the room. The game room, well I’ll leave that to your best judgment. Oh and don’t forget the entertainment. And if I forget to mention, you guys are the best!

Love, Liz.”

“What entertainment?” Serena asked, and Max lifted his head and smiled. The one thing he knew about was the entertainment.

“It’s a surprise for Alexis, but we had a train ride set up outside. They set up the entire yard with this train ride, through little mazes and doors; they have cartoon characters dressed up as well. It’s the coolest thing!” Max seemed more enthusiastic about the train ride than a six year old would surely be.

They all stood watching him as he continued on for the next twenty minutes explaining how the ride would actually work. Michael leaned against the counter and smiled at his best friend, brother. All this time he knew how important both Alexis and Liz were, but seeing his face, his enthusiasm, Michael finally understood what it was like to watch the amazing metamorphosis of a man becoming a father.

Seeing Max with Alexis was like watching father and daughter. However, Michael knew Max during his ups and downs and was with him through it all, but this was different. Max was a different person, still caring and loving, but he was someone more amazing than he could have imagined his friend becoming.

He had always looked up to Max, wanted to live up to his expectations, because Max demanded nothing less than your best in anything. He expected as such from Michael, in all of his years. Max went in head first into everything, or maybe it was heart first, either way, Michael knew Max’s determination to fail at nothing.

Which is why, he knew that despite Max’s fears, and they were deep seeded fears of failing as a father and husband, ones he would never voice aloud, that Max would do and could do nothing but succeed in both, extraordinarily.


Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 4:31 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - Look I'm back!! I told you I was making a serious effort to update on a regular basis :) Its only be 7 days! Anyways, it took me close to 8 hours to get this part done so I hope its worth it because it is a long update.

I have to thank La'Shon for getting me focused to get this part done! Love you girl! I get so easily distracted which is part of the reason I can't get updating sooner *lol* And now that its getting to be Halloween...the damned candy corn is going to keep me sick for the month *lol*


LairaBehr4 - Yup I was occupied with thoughts of Ashton all wet! *lol* (That and I had to do my hair :P )
max and liz believer
Queen Fee

Ellie - Why are you never on Yahoo when I am *lol*
Lurkers *waves* Hope you enjoy!

The birthday party is over...but the day isn't :twisted: Hope you all enjoy!

Chapter 41

“Mommy, I don’t like that one.” Alexis crinkled her button nose up at her mother. She wanted to look really pretty and it was taking too long to find a dress for her birthday party.

“Honey, what’s wrong with this one?” Liz asked, trying to be extra patient with her daughter. It seemed that lately she’d been a bit pickier about her clothing and hair, she wondered why.

“I don’t like the color,” she shrugged and turned around to look up at all the racks of dresses in front of her.

“Right. Okay, well we need to pick a dress because the party is going to start soon and I still have to give you your present,” Liz explained while pulling another three dresses off the rack.

“I want to wear green,” Alexis announced over her shoulder. She wondered if Tommy would like that color better than the blue one her mommy had picked out.

“Green it is!” Liz moved quickly sweeping up all the green dresses she could find and ushered her daughter into the dressing room, before she could change her mind.

Almost an hour later they had managed to leave the store with two dresses, because her daughter just couldn’t pick one and Liz was running low on patience. What was wrong with her, she was just irritable, which wasn’t like her in the least. She chalked it up to this cold or flu she was trying to fight off.

“Can I feed the ducks, mommy?” Liz looked down at her daughter from the park bench she was seated at, and offered her a smile, “Of course, but feed them and come right back.”

“You’re gonna watch me right?” she asked knowingly.

“Don’t I always?”

“Yup!” Liz watched her daughter skip off to the small pond nearby. She leaned back and crossed her legs, squinting her eyes against the bright afternoon sun. A soft breeze blew and she closed her eyes, soaking it in. A moment later she reached into her purse and pulled out a white box, which contained her daughters birthday present. A small smile formed at the corners of her mouth thinking about her conversation with Max over her buying Alexis a present.

“Max, I want to buy her something myself. And since I don’t have a job right now…”

“I don’t understand. Is it not good enough?” he flinched visibly. This was going all wrong.

“Is what not good enough?” she asked but knew damn well what he was referring to. His money.

“You know what I’m talking about, Liz. The money.” She knew he hated talking about it. They had made a promise never to let it come between them, and what had she done? Inadvertently referred to it when buying Alexis’ birthday present.

“Max, you know I don’t care about the money. Its just I want to get her something…”

“And you didn’t want to use my money to do it?” She didn’t know how to answer but thankfully Max did. He stepped closer, tilting her chin up so that their eyes could meet.

“I love you. And whatever is mine is yours…but I don’t look at it that way, you know I don’t,” he started but she began to interrupt.


“Wait. I’m almost finished, and I think you know how this ends,” he said softly, leaning down to kiss her lips gently. When he straightened he once again reassured her fears, “Its not my money, or your money. It’s ours. Liz everything that I have is yours, you need only ask for it. I would never deny you anything, or Alexis for that matter. So please take this card, buy the whole store out if you want, because no matter what, it will still be from you because you bought it for her with your own money.”

She had kissed him breathless after his statement. It wasn’t that she doubted him, it was that she was afraid this was some fairytale she was living and she was just waiting for something bad to happen. Things didn’t normally go this well for her, so she felt the need to give herself a reality check every now and again.

After all, she didn’t have to work and she was signed up to start classes starting the winter semester and he was paying for it. Again, she had to correct herself and not look at it that way. He did it because he loved her, and they were going to be a family. A bright smile formed on her lips, she had a family and importantly so did her daughter.

Her daughter had a father that loved her, and would do anything for her. How could she ask for more? She couldn’t, and wouldn’t.

“Mommy look!” her daughter called out as she teetered on the edge of the pond. A second later, before Liz had a chance to react, she fell in.

“Lexi!” Liz raced to her daughter, thanking the heavens above that the water was shallow. Her daughter had taken swimming lessons but she wasn’t that acclimated with the water as of yet.

“I’m okay mommy, but the water is freezing.” Alexis wrapped her tiny arms around hersefl as her mother lifted her from the cold water.

Liz quickly wrapped her arms around her daughter and walked quickly back to the bench she’d just vacated, scooped up her purse and made a hasty retreat for her car. As soon as her daughter was locked in place, she turned on the heat and pulled onto the main street.

“Honey, do you feel better?” Liz asked, not taking her eyes from the road. She knew her daughter was fine, but freezing nevertheless.

“Yes, I feel better. I’m sorry mommy. I got too close, but I just wanted to pet the duck,” Alexis’s bottom lip trembled as she explained her reasoning for accidentally falling in the pond.

“I know you did. But you have to be careful. No more getting close to the water, okay? Promise me.”

“I promise mommy. I smell funny now,” she scrunched up her nose as she raised her hand to her nose and took a whiff.

Liz giggled behind her hand before explaining the reasoning for the smell. “Eww, mommy, they do poopie in that water?” Alexis asked abashedly.


“Oh mommy, hurry so I can take a bath!” Alexis crumpled up her face disgustingly urging her mother to get her home in enough time to get ready for the party so she didn’t smell for her friends. Liz smiled but did as she was asked.


“No, Max!” Alexis ran passed Max and up the stairs the moment he walked into the foyer to find a soaked Alexis and giggling Liz.

“What happened?” he asked, reaching for his fiancé, and then leaned in to kiss her, but a pungent scent stopped him.

“What is that smell?” he asked, leaning back a bit, but not loosening his hold on her.

“That’s the smell of Alexis falling into the pond with the ducks. She got to close and fell right in. She’s upstairs probably stripping off her clothes to take a bath,” she giggled out.

“She’s okay though?” he asked, eyeing the stairs warily.

“Max, she’s fine. The water wasn’t even waist deep for her. But I made her promise not to get too close again.” He seemed satisfied with that answer, and kissed her softly.

“I’m going to bring these bags upstairs,” she started to pull away but Max held firm.

“No, not until you tell me why you left the note. Did you not think me capable of handling one birthday party?” he feigned being hurt.

Straightening a bit, Liz knew this conversation was coming. “Max, I was only trying to help. I didn’t think…”

“That I could do it?” he asked, pulling away and crossing his arms over his chest.

“No,” she shook her head and tried again, “I know you could, I just thought with a limited time schedule that a little help wouldn’t hurt.” She finally met his gaze and saw a flicker of amusement. Damn it, he was toying with her! Well, she could play his game.

“Help? You practically did it all. All we had to do was organize what you left us, like we were incompetent or something,” he trailed off, dropping his arms to his sides.

“I had no doubt that Serena and Maria were competent, it was you, Michael and Kyle that I was worried about.” She continued on brazenly.

“What?! I am fully capable of doing…Wait you’re messing with me aren’t you?” he asked with a knowing look.

“Nope! I’m simply playing the same game you are baby. Now, if you will. I have to go bathe our daughter,” Liz didn’t give him a moment to respond; instead she dashed up the stairs.

Our daughter

The words did not escape him, nor their meaning. He couldn’t wait until tonight.


Alexis was now completely clean and Liz was putting on her dress. She had chosen a silky emerald green, knee length dress with a tiny flat bow that tied at her waist. It was simple but elegant as Liz explained to her daughter.

Her hair was the last to get done, since the curls wouldn’t stay put. “I wish my hair was longer mommy. I don’t want curly hair. I want hair like yours,” Alexis said pouting as her mother drew a brush over her hair.

“I know you do. And I told you, your hair can be long, but we have to keep it clean and untangled.” Liz finally pulled the entire length into a ponytail, while she searched for the clips she was putting in her daughter hair.

A few more twists and curls, Alexis hair was pulled up in a ponytail, with green sparkling pins scattered around it. The bottom was left free, but Liz decided to twirl it around her finger and add a sparkle pin at the base to keep it down a little.

“You look beautiful, baby.”

“Do I, mommy?” Alexis asked, walking over to her mirror and spinning around. She did look pretty.

“So beautiful. Now, can I give you your present before I send you downstairs, so I can get ready?” Liz asked, walking over to the bed and search for her purse amongst the bags of clothing and shoes on the bed.

“Yup!” Alexis skipped to the bed to stand in front of her seated mother. Liz pulled out a long white box and opened it up on her lap. Her daughter’s eye lit up and she reached out her hand to remove the item from the box.

“It’s so pretty mommy. Is it really mine?” Alexis asked with awe in her voice, and Liz had to fight back her tears. How many birthdays had come and gone where Liz could only get her a doll or worse yet, nothing at all? Not that her daughter ever complained, at times she was too small for it, but it didn’t matter to Liz. This was her daughter…her and Max’s daughter and Liz wanted to make up for all those years.

“It’s yours. Now let me put it on.” Liz reached into the box, to pull out the platinum chain with a tiny cross hanging from it. It was extravagant for her age, but when she saw it, she had wanted it for her. She would just be sure her daughter would tuck it into her undershirt before she left for school.

“There you go.” Liz smiled and watched as her daughter ran back to her mirror to stare at her present.

“Thank you mommy!” Alexis ran to her mother and gave her a hug and a kiss. Pulling away Alexis tilted her head up to ask her mother a question. “Mommy, God is everywhere right?” she asked innocently.


“So God does things right?”

“Right in different ways.” Liz didn’t want to get too technical with things. Keeping her answers simple was best.

She nodded then continued, “So God brought Max to you, right?” her eyes so innocent but Liz didn’t understand the question.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean he was sick and hurt and I found him, but then he found you…right mommy?”

“Yes sweetie, he did.” Liz still wasn’t quite sure she understood, but it appeared that her daughter wasn’t done yet.

“So God brought him to you to make you feel better too right? Cause you were always so sad mommy…when I got sick…” Alexis trailed off when she saw her mother crying. She didn’t want to upset her.

“Yes, I guess you’re right baby.” Liz managed a small smile, but then her daughter reached out and grabbed her left hand and squeezed it and said, “Max gave you that pretty ring because he loves you mommy…forever.” With a quick kiss Alexis backed up and told her mother she was going to show Max her present.

“When the hell did she get so grown?” Liz asked herself in the solitude of her daughter’s bedroom. Without realizing it she sat there for a few minutes, her right hand drifted over the fingers on her left, and when she felt the cool metal, she smiled happily with tears in her eyes.

Max would love her forever just as she would him.


The party was in full swing, and Max thought now that things were finally running their course, he would have a minute with Liz, but he was sadly mistaken. He’d never realized how much attention and work went into a child’s party. Instead he resigned himself to a corner on the back porch.

He could only imagine if it took this much energy in planning a party for twenty hungry and hyper kids, what planning an entire wedding for several adults would take. Not to mention moving. He shuddered at the thought of the work involved in that.

Max and her were going to look at houses next week. She’d convinced him to try out a used house first, just to see and get some ideas. He said he would for her, but he still wanted to build their house. He tried to explain that he wanted to help build it because it would be theirs forever, it would be a part of their history as well. While she acknowledged that he made an excellent point, she still asked him to give it a try.

Regardless, they were breaking ground next week. That was a detail she didn’t need to know about yet. He just hoped she wasn’t too upset. However, he did take what she’d said into consideration. “Moderation Max.” That’s what she’d told him and he was adhering to it.

However, he knew her better than she knew herself, which meant once she got her hands on the floor plans of the house, she would be making some not so moderate adjustments.

So lost in his thoughts, he hadn’t realized he was no longer alone.

“Enjoying yourself? Or is that a pout I see because Liz wouldn’t let you ride on the train?” Michael joked, taking a seat beside him.

“Both,” Max said with a laugh.

“You know Max, I’m really proud of you.”


“Yes, I know don’t get all sappy and trust me I won’t, but you really have changed. I loved you like a brother before and that hasn’t changed…but I just knew one day you would realize that there was a different world out here to live in and I’m glad you’ve joined it.” Michael avoided a direct gaze, he and Max might have been close but they didn’t have discussions like that in public or even in private, often.

“Yeah…I have.” He smiled and then eyed his friend suspiciously.

“What about you? You and Maria…what’s going on there?”

Michael shrugged his shoulders. “Well we date, but she’s busy. But over the past few months it’s gotten serious. I just don’t know what she wants. She works sixteen-hour shifts and by that time she’s beat and I can understand that…but,” his rambling interrupted.

”Do you love her?”

”What? No…I mean…It’s too soon.”

“Why is it too soon?” Max pressed.

“I just told you why. We hardly see each other.” Michael was grasping for words.

“But you talk on the phone when you don’t right? I know you do, because Liz told me,” Max answered his own question.

“So you and Liz talk about me and Maria?” he questioned surprisingly.

“Well, Liz doesn’t have any friends and she considers Maria one and Serena now as well too.” Max began to try and explain that he and Liz don’t make it a habit of talking about them, but there is still general concern.

“Right…so what does Liz think?” Michael couldn’t hide his anxiousness. Maybe Max would be able to shed some light on the situation.

Max laughed, “She thinks you guys are a perfect fit but that you do need more time together to get to know each other. So what are you going to do to change that?”

“Look at this…Max ‘I’ll be a player forever Evans’ is giving relationship advice?” he quipped lightly.

“Don’t be an ass. What are you going to do?”

“I don’t know.” He was at a loss. If he knew the answer to that question, he wouldn’t be having this conversation.

“What about surprising her in the middle of the day…you know she probably works through her lunch, why don’t you stop by and bring her lunch…sit with her…see how her day is going,” Max offered off the top of his head. He was scanning the crowd for a glimpse of Liz.

“Oh God!” Michael stood dramatically. Max followed suit. “What?”

“You’ve turned sensitive.” They laugh and finally Alexis bounced over to them and climbed up onto Max’s lap to show him one of her presents, her present from Tommy.

Max was taken aback that Tommy, cooties Tommy, would be invited to the party. Liz had explained that after Max’s pep talk with her, he hadn’t bothered her. In fact he told her he thinks she’s pretty. To which Max went off the deep end.

“What?! Pretty, he’s too young to think that…isn’t he?” Max paced the living room just over an hour ago.

“Max, calm down he’s six.”

“Yes but…”

“But nothing.”

“Fine, but I’m keeping my eyes on him.” He vowed as she simply laughed leaving him alone in the room.

“Do you like it Max?” Alexis repeated her question.

“Yes, it’s really nice.” It was a charm bracelet. Max rolled his eyes. The boy was smooth, for a six year old.

“Why don't you go show Maria? Take Michael with you too.” Max smiled up and watched Michael reach out and lift Alexis off her feet, in search of Maria.

After their departure, Max’s eyes scanned the crowd of kids and zeroed in on one in particular. Tommy. Ha! When Tommy was old enough, Max would snap him in half for hurting Alexis’ feelings.

The nerve of him too, to ask for his autograph and call him, Mr. Evans. He scoffed. The kid was cute, but dangerous. Especially since Alexis was smiling like a fool around him. He didn’t like it, not one bit.

“Why are you giving the evil eye to a six year old?” His sister came to stand beside him, leaning against the rail her eyes follow and zone in on his target.

“I’m not. I was just thinking.”

“Of ways to terrify a six year old?”

Max shrugged and then laughed softly. “Maybe, but he deserves it for hurting Alexis’ feelings and telling her she had cooties.” Max defended himself weakly.

“You know I’ve heard stories about you.”

“All bad I assume,” he concluded.

She nodded. “That you’re great with your fans but you’re an ass to many.”

“Yes, but those are ones I don’t like.” They laugh as his eyes finally find Liz. She turns towards him, as if she can sense his gaze and smiles at him lovingly.

“I see you with Liz and Alexis and I would think, if I didn’t know you, that you were a great father. Now that I know you better I know you are a great father and will be a great husband.” She offered with a sense of pride just bursting to be set free.

Max smiled at her, lifted his arm around her shoulders and whispered in to her ear. “I have a secret, what to know what it is?” he said.

“What?” she asked in a hushed whisper, looking around to make sure no one was around.

“We’re giving Alexis her present tonight, her adoption papers. As of last week, I was officially named as her father.” Max smiled, he couldn’t contain his happiness.

“Max, that’s so wonderful! Congratulations!” Serena smiled and hugged her brother tightly.

“She is going to be so happy.”

“I know!” Max said brightly.

“Is she taking your name?” Serena asked after a moment. Max nodded happily, “She will, we just want her approval before the papers get proceed. She’s already said she did, but she’s a child and we want to make sure she doesn’t change her mind.” If she did, his heart would be touched with a bit of sadness, but he would get over it, because she was his no matter what.

Serena placed her hand on his shoulder and squeezed it reassuringly, “she won’t.”

They stood in silence while the kids rode on the train for the third time, Max was still jealous and vowed that before it was dismantled he would ride in it.

“Max, I actually wanted to talk to you about something, maybe later?” she hesitated.

“Now is as good a time as any.”

“Well, it’s about Kyle.” Max stiffened a little, he was over the confrontation but it still irked him that Kyle went to Liz. Especially knowing that Sean was still lingering in the shadows, of that Max had no doubt.

“He’s sorry about asking Liz about Alexis seeing his family.”

“I know that. I’m just afraid of things getting out of control,” he confessed, the sun was setting and the chill in the air was bitingly cold. Liz would be moving the party back inside shortly.

“Why?” she asked.

“Things are going so well and I don’t want anything or anyone ruining that. I know Liz and I could survive it but if anyone hurt Alexis…” That was something he couldn’t take nor would he tolerate.

“I understand that but I’ve met them. They are really great and Kyle explained that they didn’t raise Sean, but when his father died of a heart attack when he was sixteen, he went to live there. Kyle and he never got along…Sean never tried and bullied him…put him down and told him he would never make a career as a football player being as short as he was.”

“That’s insane, Kyle is a great athlete and has proven himself time and time again. He just needed a little extra push…” Max began to defend him getting agitated that anyone would say that.

“I know that. And he thanks you for that lesson.” Serena didn’t add anything further, instead she simply walked away allowing her brother to make up his mind.

<center>**** </center>

“Did you make a wish honey?” Liz asked after her daughter took and absorbingly long time to blow out her birthday candles.

“I did mommy. I made a wish but I can’t tell you. It’s a secret,” she whispered out.

“Can I have two pieces of cake?” she asked and Max came up long side her to answer. “I think you should have one tonight, and then tomorrow…we can share a piece together, while we take a train ride.” He kissed her cheek and set her down on the chair for her piece.

“Why did I know you weren’t going to take no for an answer with that train?”

Max turned to Liz with a bright smile. “I don’t know, maybe because you know me too well,” then he leaned in and whispered into her ear, “Don’t worry you and I will be going for a ride on it tonight.” He winked and licked the frosting off his finger before turning his attention back on the cake in front of him that he needed to cut.

Liz’s body grew stiff with anticipation. But then, something else washed over her and she quickly excused herself from the room.

Max watched her concerned and called out to Maria to take over the duties. He went after her with burning concern. Was she sick? Did she eat too much? No, in fact she hadn’t eaten very much. Maybe that was the problem.

“Liz!” he called out for her, but she didn’t answer. He strode down the hallway in search of her to no avail. Where the hell was she? She did go up the stairs didn’t she?

“Max?” came Alexis’ concerned voice from the bottom of the stairs. It echoed so softly that he almost missed it up all the flights, but it was unmistakably hers.

Rather than continuing to look, he figured Liz was probably still downstairs and went down to find her.

In another part of the house, Liz stood in the bathroom, rinsing her mouth and face. Her body covered in goose bumps, and her breathing completely irregular. She needed to calm down and fast. If Max saw her like this, he would insist on taking her to the hospital, which was completely unnecessary. She was perfectly fine…well technically that is. How could it be though, she had taken the proper measures.

“Get yourself together, Liz.” She scolded herself and then proceeded to run a brush through her hair and rinse her mouth out with mouthwash and pull her nerves together to face him.

Everything would be okay.


“You ready for your present princess?” Max asked as he placed Alexis on her bed, while Liz took a seat on the opposite side of them. He knew something was going on with her, she had come back after a few minutes, but she had seemed unsettled and he didn’t like it. He would find out what was wrong as soon as they were done with Alexis.

“I’m ready!” she said over a yawn.

“Honey, sit up a little. We wanted to give you this present together because it’s extra special,” Liz said as she reached out her hand to Max. She loved him more than she ever thought possible, but everyday he amazed her and now things were going to change once again. But she had faith that it would be all right.

“My birthday was already special, mommy. I had the train and my friends and everything!” she said excitedly.

“I know, but this is very special.” Max reached out and handed her a piece of paper, they thought best not to give her the entire package of papers, considering she was only getting the concept of reading down.

“What is it?” she eyed the paper, then looked from Max to Liz in question.

“That, sweetheart, says that Max is your daddy.” It took a moment to set it, but once it did, it was all he had expected and more.

“You’re my daddy now? For real?”

“Yes,” he was getting choked up. It was one of the happiest days of his life, and he hoped hers as well.

“No one can take me away?” she asked hesitantly thinking of her other daddy.

Max quickly reached out and pulled her into his lap. He placed kisses on her forehead and hugged her close. “Never. No one will ever take you away. You’re my baby girl and you’ll always be, no matter what.” He promised and held back his tears when she veered back and he got a glimpse of the tears streaming down her downy cheeks.

“You’re my daddy.” She stated, letting the words roll off her tongue. And then she smiled and lunged at him, and cried.

Max looked over her tiny shoulder at Liz, who was also crying like a baby. He reached out his hand to hers and squeezed it tightly. The small motion alerted Alexis that they weren’t alone, not that she’d forget her mother, of course.

She turned in Max’s arms to face her mother. “I love you, mommy.”

“I love you too, baby.” Liz reached out and Alexis crawled into her lap. Liz cried until she didn’t think she had any tears left in her.

“This is the best birthday ever. Now maybe my wish will come true too.” She smiled as she kissed Max goodnight.

“Love you, daddy.” She smiled and then turned to her mother to tell her the same. The force of those words blew Max away. How easily she fell into calling him that and how easily he would fall into calling her his daughter.

After closing her door, Max took Liz in hand to their room. “I thought we were going for a train ride?” she asked, avoiding the conversation he wanted to have.

“After we talk, I’ll decide if we take a train ride.” He said, determination set in his features. She sighed.

Closing the door behind him, he watched her move to the balcony. “Why won’t you tell me what’s wrong?” he asked softly. He was frustrated that she was keeping something from him.

“Nothing is wrong, Max.”

“So now you lie to me?” he asked angrily. Although his voice did not raise in volume, it still spoke volumes of his irritation.

She was lying, what could she say? It wasn’t the right time. She needed time to think, to confirm, to…

“Liz? What’s wrong?” his voice softened and he now stood directly behind her. His breath falling softly against her cheek, his front pressed against her back.

“This is really hard.”

“What is? You know you can tell me anything. Are you sick?” the last word took great effort to say. If it was something normal he knew he wouldn’t feel this uneasy about it and Liz definitely wouldn’t have a problem telling him.

“I’m not sick, at least not how you think.” She swallowed thickly. The last time she’d had a similar conversation, it didn’t go over well. Her eyes caught his in the darkness, the moonlight shone through the sheer cream curtain. This was Max. And he loved her, and he would be happy.

“Then what?” he asked again, noticing the internal battle that seemed to be raging on inside of her.


“I’m…” she hesitated again, but reached out for him and he quickly moved closer, tilting her chin up to face him.

“Whatever it is, you know I’ll be here, right?” he had to ask.

“I know.” She began to cry, silent tears.

“Then baby, tell me what’s –”

“I’m pregnant!”


Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 9:15 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - Back with the update finally. I have been typing literally for hours...and because of Sandra's (Bixie) big push for me to get myself together and write this part...its done!! Love you girlie!

I know you must think...write it quicker Tanya, yeah I know. Sometimes I feel like I'll just disppoint you guys and I've spent so long writing this story and I'm trying my very best to do it the justice it and you deserve, so if my updates take a little longer, just know its because I'm too busy worrying :roll:

Now, thank you to all of you reading...leaving feedback, PM's e-mails etc. It means so much to me, and since you are tired of reading this...I'm giving you the update :) I will however give my thank you's in my next update :D

Big hug to La'Shon for giving this a quick read through!!

Chapter 42

“Max, did you hear me?” she asked again. After her outburst, Max hadn’t moved, in fact he was frozen in place. Not one single emotion even flickered in his eyes, and she started to wonder if maybe he wasn’t taking her seriously.

Snapping back to reality, he shook his head and blinked a few times. “Did you just say…what I thought you said?” he asked, his voice filled with awe.

Liz only nodded, and waited once again for his reaction. Fortunately, she didn’t have to wait long at all. In that next instant, Max lifted her in his arms and tilted his head back to regard her.

“You have the real puffy breasts!” he smiled up at her, and she couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

“Yes, I have the real ones, whatever that means,” she giggled as he pulled her down and peppered her face with kisses.

“It means that I knew something was different than the last time.” He blushed profusely. Thinking of how he cupped her breasts while she was sleeping last night and realized they felt different, bigger even. He then shook his head; he was such a guy.

“Oh, that’s right! But…” He still hadn’t commented if he was happy about the announcement or not.

“God, Liz. I don’t think its possible for you to make me any happier.” He leaned over and scooped her up in his arms, crossing the short distance, and placed her on the bed. He kneeled in front of her, scooting between her legs and stared into her teary eyes.

“So, you’re happy, right?” she asked cautiously.

“Do I not look happy?” he asked, moving his hand cautiously, and placing his palm underneath her belly button.

“Yes. You have to know that I haven’t confirmed it with a doctor or anything, so I could be wrong.” Liz stated softly. She could be wrong, and then the smile and look of happiness on her fiancés face would fall, and her heart would ache.

“You don’t need a test. Your body is different, I know it is.” He avoided all eye contact, for fear of her knowing exactly what he’d done to her during her sleep filled nights.

Liz’s eyes narrowed, and she dragged his hand away. “My body can’t be that different, it’s only been a month. I’m not showing or anything,” she reached down and realized that what she thought was simply bloating, was something more. How was that possible?

“Liz, what’s wrong?” Max asked as she moved away from the bed and walked straight to the mirror. She lifted up her shirt and pulled her skirt down, what was she doing, he wondered. He strolled up behind her and watched as she skimmed her hands over her stomach and then observed the look of surprise on her face.

Max placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her around to face him. He needed to know what was going on. Lifting his hands to cup her cheeks, he called her name softly, trying to get her attention.

“Talk to me, are you okay?” he asked feeling a little worried over her demeanor.

“I’m…I can’t be, Max.” She shook her head profusely.

“Can’t be what?”

“I can’t be more than a month. I only missed one cycle, not two; at least I don’t think so. God, I don’t know!” she let out a frustrated sigh and relished in the feel of his tight, warm arms around her.

“Baby, don’t worry about it. It doesn’t matter how far along you are, we’re going to have a baby!” the excitement burst from his lips and he couldn’t stop smiling over it.

Liz finally pulled herself together enough to rejoice in the moment. She and Max had created a child together. Regardless of how it happened, it was happening and she was ecstatic and nervous at the same time.

Max managed to settle her back on their bed with him, pulling her up his body, as he rested his back against the headboard. He ran his fingers through her hair, pulling the pins out as he went. He could understand her apprehension, for several reasons. They hadn’t planned it for one, but they weren’t married, and he had hoped she wasn’t upset over that fact. The other factor was, even though he knew she knew he was nothing like Sean, the stigma from the experience it etched in her brain.

“Did you make an appointment for the doctor yet?” he asked. She shifted under his hand and looked up, resting her chin on his chest.

“Not yet. I was going to in the morning, I’m sure they can get me in first thing.” She smiled, a smile that didn’t reach her eyes, and he noticed.

“I’m going with you.” He stated, expecting a protest, but he received none.

“Liz, what’s wrong? Are you not happy? I know its sudden, and we’re not married and…” she halted his words with a kiss.

“I’m so happy, Max. I think I’m just overwhelmed right now. I figured I would have more time to decide how to tell you, with today being Alexis’ birthday, its just…wow!” she giggled and buried her head against his neck. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her forehead, and decided to take her mind off of things.

“You know what I was thinking?”


“How we are going to have to make the house bigger now. We don’t have a choice,” he knew this conversation would keep her going for hours. She was tired, he could tell, but her mind was working overtime with thoughts.

“Bigger? Max, I thought we spoke of moderation? We don’t need a house as big as this one. Besides, wasting your money on houses with rooms that no one ever steps foot in, is just crazy. We don’t need anything bigger than your average sized home,” she continued to reason with him for the next twenty minutes. He, however, simply nodded politely, and smiled, and of course nodded when he felt necessary. That however was not appeasing her.

“I want to see the blue prints you and Michael came up with.” She huffed, kneeling on the bed beside him, and then straddling his waist with her arms crossed.

“Stop that,” he grumbled as she settled more comfortably on his chest. Scooting her round bottom higher against his chest. God, he needed to hold onto his restraint, what was left of it anyway.

“Stop what? I’m serious, Max. I’m sure you have a house that’s like ten-thousand square feet, and a six car garage and all sorts of unnecessary items.” She playfully slapped his chest, her hair falling over her shoulders.

She was obviously trying to kill him. First he didn’t get his train ride and now his sexy fiancé was rubbing up against him with only a thin piece of material she passed off as underwear, between them. His hands immediately went to her trim waist and squeezed her gently, trying to get her to stop her damn wiggling.

“Max, are you listening to me?” she asked breathlessly, she’d just felt what Max’s problem was. The distinct feel of his erection poking against her backside gave her every indication of what was on his mind, and it wasn’t houses.

Was it hot in the room suddenly, or was it him? He groaned inwardly, this was too much for any man to withstand. His hands immediately skimmed underneath her shirt, tugging it off, and tossing it to the floor.

“Damn,” he growled when he caught sight of her undergarments. Did she always have to look so innocent? It was more than his body could take.
Deciding to play along, she slid down a little and wiggled her bottom against him, harder. She laughed inwardly when he physically removed her from his lap, at least tried to anyway.

“What are you doing?” she asked, sounding and looking hurt.

“Liz, I love you, and I want you,” he shook his head, “But we can’t do this right now.”

“Why? And what are you growling about?” she asked innocently, batting her eyelashes. Knowing it only turned him on more.

“I’m growling because you wear those bras and underwear,” he pointed at them with a frown. She bit her lip to hide her laugh.

“What’s wrong with them? I thought you liked them.”

“I do! That’s the problem.” He gaped at her as she reached behind her back to undo the clasp of her bra.

“Stop Liz, seriously.” He sat up straighter and dug his fingers in his hair.

“Don’t you want me?” she whispered out, as she let her hand drop from the clasp, and instead she decided to crawl back over his body.

“More than air,” he muttered, trying not to look at her.

“Well, I don’t see the problem.” Her hair brushed against his chest, and he sucked in a deep breath.

“The problem,” he began saying through clenched teeth, “Is that you are pregnant!” Finally, he’d said it now they could go to bed, and he could take the coldest shower of his life.

Liz pulled back immediately, “What are you saying? That since I’m pregnant you aren’t going to make love to me anymore?” she asked, not hiding the fact that she was upset.

Max immediately sat up reaching for her, but she pulled away. This was not how this night was supposed to turn out.

“I’m just saying that until we talk to the doctor, I think we should wait.”


“Why?” he asked, mouth agape. Liz was never demanding when it came to sex, she was soft-spoken about it, but now…well this was different and to be honest he didn’t know what the hell to do.

“Yes, why?”

“Maybe its not safe…or…”

“Or you don’t want me.” She spoke bluntly and then removed herself from the bed, and searched for her shirt.

“Wait, Liz…that’s not what I’m saying.” He was standing now, and he quickly removed the remainder of his clothing. “I think you can tell that’s not what I mean at all.”

Liz turned and immediately saw his state of undress. She blushed.

“Now that you know how I feel, I’m really being serious, because as much as I want you, you and the baby mean more to me.” He gentled his words and caressed her cheek gently.

Liz reached out her hands and trailed her fingers down the well-sculpted muscles in his arms, and back up around his shoulders.

“I love you, and we should wait. Especially since there’s something off about everything.”

“Good, now let me get you naked, so I can at least hold you as close as possible without actually making love to you.” He leaned in and kissed her lips, whispering that after tomorrow all bets were off and he would have her.

To which, she had no complaints.


“Are you telling me, you haven’t told Liz yet?” Michael asked with more than just a hint of anger in his voice.

“No, I didn’t think it was important.” Max defended back weakly. He knew he should have told Liz ages ago, but it truly didn’t seem important.

“Not important? You’re going to marry her, and you aren’t going to tell her exactly how you made all your money? You have to tell her, even I know that much.” Michael ran a hand through his already tousled hair. He was on edge over his conversation with Maria earlier.

“I don’t see why I have to. I mean she knows I have a lot of money, and I already mentioned that I had endorsements and some investments in thing…and I’m sure I mentioned some property I owned.” Max reasoned, so he was taking the coward’s way out, but he didn’t want to scare Liz off. She was already so hung up on his money, knowing how much he really had; well he didn’t want to know how she would react.

He knew he should have gone to the doctor’s office with her this morning. She had however insisted they were only going to confirm it, so he needn’t be there. So now he was stuck dealing with Michael and his opinions.

He was sexually frustrated and on edge about finding out the results of the pregnant test, even though he was sure Liz was in fact pregnant. Knowing that a doctor confirmed it would make it all the more real. And now he also had to keep the secret from his best friend and sister. He and Liz had decided it was best to wait a few months before announcing it, just in case. Well, he didn’t want to think about the just in case. He wouldn’t be able to handle it if something happened to Liz or their baby.

Sighing in frustration he delved back into the conversation at hand. “I know I should have told her. But do you understand that it doesn’t matter how much I have, or how much I give away…”

“Donate! You donate it Max, and you have investments in companies all over the world that you’re a silent partner for. Don’t you think she should know? Doesn’t she ever wonder how it is that a football player has enough money to buy a damn team?!” Michael’s frustration grew, Max lied to Liz, well not exactly, he told himself. He kept this part of himself a secret from her, which wasn’t fair. And he knew that Liz wouldn’t care how much money Max had, so why did Max care so much?

“Damn it, Michael just let it be. Liz doesn’t need to know!” His voice raised in frustration, filtering through his office door and into the hallway…where Liz was standing.

She paused outside the door, what was he talking about, she wondered. She’d rushed right over from the doctor’s office, bringing with her some sandwiches for lunch. She and Max needed to finalize the floor plan of the house before they broke ground next week. Max had sprung that up to her this morning over breakfast. Finally she had agreed it would be nice to have a house of their very own, made just the way they wanted.

But what was Max not telling her? She leaned in closer to the door, saw that it was cracked open and peeked inside. Max was sitting behind his desk, and Michael was pacing in front of it. Liz smiled a little; Max had grown accustomed to his new job fairly quickly.

“She’s going to find out, and when she does…”

“She’s not. Besides, its not a big deal.”

“It’s obviously a big deal because you didn’t tell her.”

“Look, I understand what you’re saying, but she doesn’t need to know.”

“She does. She’s going to be your wife! And I can’t for the life of me understand why you think it would matter to her.”

“Let it go Mike,” he muttered.

“No. Not until you tell me why, Max its not…”

“Yes it is! Don’t you get it? She’ll know how much money I really have, and she’s going to get scared by it.”

“Scared? What are you talking about?” Michael dropped into the chair behind him, as Liz opened the door a little wider.

“You don’t know Liz. She likes things in moderation. I had to convince her that we needed a bigger house, not because we really need one but because I want her to have one. I feel like, I can’t spoil her the way I want because it’s too much for her and Michael if she knew, I mean really knew how much it costs to buy a football team, we would be living in a shack tomorrow.” From the look on Michael’s face, Max knew he didn’t understand.

He half sat on his desk and crossed his arms. Liz’s heart began to beat rapidly against her rib cage. Was Max really so much richer than she even thought? Was it even possible?

And was she really like that? Did she not let him spoil her? Of course she did…didn’t she? He bought her a car and jewelry, which was enough for her.

“Max, Liz doesn’t need spoiling…”

“She does. She’s gone so long without, that it breaks my heart that she won’t want anything more that I give her. She accepts the basics when I can give her so much more. I love that about her, but it frustrates me all the same. I want to show her the world and all she wants is me.” Max settled heavily against the desk and looked down to the ground.

“What’s so wrong with you?” came her soft voice from the now open door.

Both men’s heads immediately snapped towards her direction, and they both equally looked as uncomfortable.

“Liz! When did you get here?” Max asked, striding across the room to greet her, but she snaked around him. She placed the bag of sandwiches on his desk along with her purse and turned to face him.

She noticed immediately Michael’s quick retreat.

“So, answer the question, Max.”

“Liz, its not what you think.”

“No? Did you or did you not keep the truth from me?” she asked, trying to hide her frustration. Not with him, but with herself. He wanted to show her the world, he wanted to spoil her and she knew he was right, that any offering would be refused.

“I did and I’m not sorry.”


“I’m not. Liz, I never lied to you about anything. I’ve told you, and answered any question you’ve ever had but how much money I have doesn’t matter.”

“It does.”


“I said it does, Max. It matters because you’re upset about it. So tell me, why don’t I know how much money you really have?” she asked, taking a seat behind his desk. She rested her back against his thick black leather chair.

“Because you don’t.”

“Tell me why, Max,” she urged him on softly, knowing how upset he was over the situation.


“Please…tell me…” Finally he turned to her, his face showing how distraught he was and how sorry he wasn’t for not telling her.

“Because, I figured you already knew I had a lot of money, the bottom line doesn’t matter. I wanted to give you the wedding of your dreams, the home of your dreams, the family that you and I both never had. The kind of life, I’ve worked my whole life to get and you don’t want any part of it.”

“That’s not true, Max.”

“It’s not?” he questioned knowingly. He wanted to know about the pregnancy not have this meaningless conversation with her. Damn Michael for interfering.

“You know what? Liz it doesn’t matter. I’ll just tell you how much, well an estimate anyway and we can go on from there. I love you, you make me so incredibly happy and you’ve already given me one beautiful child and I can’t wait to have so many more with you.” He moved closer, coming around the desk to kneel in front of her.

“I don’t want to know,” she whispered out.

“What?” he asked, brows etched in confusion.

“I don’t. It doesn’t matter, you’re right. And I’m not upset that you didn’t tell me, because it wasn’t important. You’ve never lied to me Max and if you felt I needed to know this, then you would have told me. But I need to tell you something, because I need you to understand,” she reached out for his hand, squeezing it gently.

“I never thought I’d find someone to love me, let alone love me with a child. Max its not easy for me to accept things, because you’re right I never had. I want more for our children, and because of you they will have that. And because of you they will be loved far greater with two parents than they would with just one, but I need you to understand that I never meant to hurt your feelings,” she paused to swipe the tears from her eyes.


“Let me finish. The truth is I want all the things you want to give me. I do. I just don’t know how to accept them. I know you know that I don’t care about the money, because I don’t. But I know that you’ve earned it, and it seems that you do a great deal with the money don’t you?” she asked, since she’d only overheard part of the conversation.

He nodded, “Yes. I donate a lot of the money to various charities, and…”

“And I want to be a part of that. Max, I meant what I said before.”

“About what?”

“I want you to spoil me, and I want to spoil you back. I think we deserve it and you maybe after a while I’ll get used to it and you’d wish I went back to my old self.” She smiled teasingly at him.

“I love you and I’ll do whatever you want.”

“Well then, from this day forward I want you to do what you want for me. But just know I’ll be doing the same.” She stood and wrapped her arms around him, sealing her lips to his.

“I wouldn’t want it any other way.” He parted her lips, sliding his tongue roughly inside of her sweet mouth, tasting and savoring it with each stroke.

“Max?” she mumbled against his lips.


“About the test.” He withdrew immediately and panted for air.


“I’m pregnant but…”

“But what?”

“Max, we have to go for an ultrasound tomorrow.” His stomach dropped to his feet, what was wrong?

“The doctor thinks I’m further along then I say, which I already suspected and she wants to make sure everything is okay.”

“Liz…” he cupped her face between his hands, his eyes searching hers for an answer. Something that would tell him nothing was wrong.

“It will be all right, Max.” She smiled, but again the smile never reached her eyes, and in that moment he wondered if everything would truly be all right.


Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 9:25 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - And so its 10pm and I would have been here sooner but I had some things to take care of, as I do everyday now but the update is here!

In any event...I am honestly trying to move this story along, but with each part it seems like I can't do it well. So hopefully you stick with me here I promise it will get going with the next part :wink:

Thank you all for the feedback, encouragement and comments. I appreciate it so much!

I have to say a big thank you to La'Shon (Lala) who makes me smile and helps me so much in so many ways! And this part would have been here sooner if not for Tiffany :twisted: who had me sitting for a half hour thinking of Jason without a shirt...and pants!

Finally, I am having a chat on Roswell Heaven tomorrow at 8:30PM EST...we will be discussing Let Love In, and well that's your chance to ask me questions about anything you'd like! If you can make it, it would be great!

Chapter 43


That one word hung thick with anticipation in the air surrounding them. Max had been a nervous wreck all night. He hadn’t slept, hadn’t eaten, all he could do was worry that something might be wrong with Liz. The thought, the slightest hint that something could be wrong with her and their child, brought him to his knees.

Now though, the doctor had confirmed that Liz was pregnant with twins. Twins! He couldn’t quite wrap his mind around it. Of course he knew the possibility existed, but never could he have fathomed that it would have been on the first go around.

He watched as the doctor gave Liz explicit directions and handed her prescriptions, but he hadn’t said a word. After the doctor announced the news he had turned to Liz and smiled into her tear filled gaze. He didn’t think he could be happier. Alexis was his daughter and now they were going to welcome two new children. It was almost enough for him to panic.

Yes, that’s what he was currently feeling as Liz began getting dressed. He blinked and noticed that the doctor had already left, how long had he been standing there soundless? His head was spinning with thoughts; would he be a good father. No, that wasn’t quite right, he knew he could be but Alexis was older. He’d never taken care of a baby, let alone two at the same time. What if he couldn’t do it? What if it was physically impossible for him to keep track of two small children and one older at the same time?

Suddenly it felt as though all the air in the room had been sucked out, leaving him gasping and perspiring profusely trying to drag much needed oxygen into his starved lungs.

“Max? Are you okay?” Liz asked worriedly. She had finished dressing and reached out to grip his arm. His eyes were searching the room. He looked panicked. She shook him roughly, and that seemed to rouse his attention.

“What? Oh, you’re ready? Let’s go,” he rushed out, ushering her out of the room.

“What’s wrong? Are you not happy?”

“What? No, of course I am.” He smiled weakly and it did not escape her attention that he seemed completely distracted. Maybe Max didn’t want two babies at once, that couldn’t be it. He was so happy just yesterday; the number couldn’t have made a difference.

Warily Liz stood at the nurse’s desk making her next appointment, while Max paced the waiting room. Luckily there was only one other woman seated, in wait of her name to be called.

“Your first one?” came the amused voice from beside him. Max turned, somewhat startled, when did she get here?

He offered a weak smile and a nod to the petite blond woman, round with child seated not more than a foot away from him.

“Twins.” He offered when she grew silent, smiling, but silent.

“That’s fantastic!” she offered and then said, “I’m working on my third, I think this will be the last one. Of course if it were up to my husband, we would have twenty.” She chuckled, but it sounded far more robust than he would have thought she was capable of. The sound of it was so contagious that he joined in her mirth and took a seat beside her.

“We already have one…but…she’s well…I’m not…” How could he explain to a complete stranger that Alexis was his daughter in everyway except biologically?

The woman reached out her hand and placed it on his arm. Smiling reassuringly at him she said, “Family is made up of so many things, the how and the why doesn’t really matter, now does it?” Her eyes seemed to twinkle. How odd, he thought.

Max stared into her crystal blue eyes with a mixture of surprise and awe. Somehow she just knew and then he realized…

“You know who I am don’t you?”

“I’m afraid so, but as far as I know you are just a man I met at the doctors office the day he found out he was having twins.” She smiled and then placed her hands over her protruding belly, clasping them together; she looked to him once again.

“Your secret is safe with me. I believe your business is exactly that, besides your fiancé has enough to worry about, I would presume.” She winked and Max couldn’t help but laugh. Liz put up with a lot, especially since he obviously couldn’t go anywhere without being noticed.

“Thank you, we both thank you. So tell me, are you a fan or your husband?” he asked seeing that Liz was taking an exceptionally long time speaking with the nurse and the doctor, he wanted to stroll over and find out what was going on, but maybe it was something she’d rather not have him present for. So he gave her space.

“Oh dear, me of course! My husband thinks you are one of the best quarterbacks that there ever was, and thought it a tragedy that you weren’t able to return. However, can I just say Mr. Evans, I don’t watch football anymore,” she finished with a crimson blush. Max couldn’t help but shake his head, his shoulders shaking with amusement. This was a first.

“You shouldn’t give up on the game completely. Soon people will forget me, and move on to the next ‘superstar’.” He added with a hint of sorrow, but quickly recovered, relaxing against the chair with his hands folded behind his head.

“Do you still watch?” she asked hesitantly.

“I don’t,” he responded quickly.

“Such a shame,” she said with a shake of her head.

“What is?” He was curious now.

“Well, you say I shouldn’t give up on the game, yet you did. And you loved it at one time, did you not?”

“I did, but it’s different not being able to do something I’ve wanted to do my whole life. It’s worse than sitting on the sidelines.”

“Why’s that?” she asked, seemingly more interested in getting to the heart of the matter than any gossip. He decided not to focus on that too closely.

He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “On the field, I felt like I belonged somewhere. I felt a part of something great. And the day of the accident, it felt like everything I’d worked so hard for was just ripped away. I had no choice, no say.”

“And now? How do you feel now that time has passed? The same way or different?”

He pondered it for a moment before answering. “I feel like the luckiest man in the world.”

“Yet, you can’t watch any longer?”


“You still haven’t answered the question Mr. Evans.”

“Max, you can call me, Max.”

“Well then, Max, tell me why don’t you watch?”

“Because he still loves the game too much not to belong to it. Don’t you?” came Liz’s soft voice from beside him. He quickly stood, surveying her face for her a hint of what she was thinking. And then a soft smile tugged on the corners of her lips.

“Exactly,” was his quick response, he was too busy trying to pull her into his arms and kiss her.

“Mrs. Vallerand,” came the nurse’s voice. The woman he was talking to slowly rose from her chair, and he quickly offered his assistance.

“It was very nice speaking with you Max, and you Ms. Parker, it was a pleasure.”

“You too,” they both said, but Max added a thank you.

“No, thank you.” She turned to face him, and then smiled.

“For what?” he asked, holding Liz’s hand in his, as she pressed herself against his side. She was exhausted, he could clearly tell.

“For keeping my faith in you alive.” When Max appeared confused, she elaborated better.

“Sometimes people aren’t who we think they are, and sometimes they can disappoint or surprise us. And sometimes the one person in the world we wanted to meet, turns out to be better than we could have even imagined.”

Both Max and Liz were speechless. That had to be one of the best compliments he’d ever received from a fan.

“That was interesting.” Liz added a moment later with a bright smile.

“Yes, it was,” Max responded in somewhat of a daze.

“What are you thinking about?” she asked when they reached the car.

“I was just wondering if anything in my life would be normal again.”


“Yes, or more like predicable.”

“What’s so great about normal?” Liz asked with a giggle as Max helped her into the passenger’s side of the car.

“Yeah, you’re right. Life is pretty damn perfect being completely unpredictable. I love you, Liz.” He leaned in and captured her lips in a soft kiss, running his hands through her hair and cupping the back of her neck, his tongue swept in her mouth roughly, as if he were trying to devour her.

Pulling away panting for air, Liz blinked a few times to remove the sexual fog left in the wake of his kisses. “Max, you’ve been kind of quiet since the doctor told us the news. Are you okay about it?”

“Okay? Liz, I can’t even describe how happy I am. And I can’t wait to go into work later and make the changes to the plans.”

“Max, the house is big enough don’t you think?”

“Of course not! Liz, we are going to have three children. They need their own rooms and bathrooms and…”

“Max, infants don’t use bathrooms. They have diapers for that,” Liz retorted with a shake of her head. She obviously had her work cut out for her, if Max thought babies used bathrooms.

Max couldn’t help but roll his eyes. “I know that, but when they get older they will. Did you think I didn’t know that?”

“No,” she tried to stifle a laugh.

“Oh God! You did, didn’t you?” he asked in shock. So what if she was partially right? Because while he knew they didn’t use bathrooms, he had no idea what else they didn’t do.

“Max, I’m glad you’re happy.” Liz smiled and reached in her purse for some crackers. Max quickly noticed and reached out and placed a hand on her knee. “I’ll get you home soon. Did you want me to stay?” he asked even though there was much work that needed to be done back at the office. It was a strange transition, but he had something to throw himself into, and forget about all the ‘what ifs’ that would continue to plague his sleeping hours.

“Do you think Alexis will be happy?” Liz asked, somewhat worried about how her daughter would take it. Even though Max was now legally her father, it was still going to be a different transition. Not to mention the fact that for so long she’d been an only child.

Max pondered that for a moment before answering. “I think at first she’ll be happy, then maybe she’ll be unsure of things, because with you and I taking care of two babies, she might feel left out. But we will just have to make sure we include her in everything, so she feels like she’s a part of it all.” Max answered, having already worked out the best course of action to insure that Alexis would be just as happy to have siblings.

Liz smiled, Max had thoroughly thought about the situation. “Perfect!”

After a few moments, there was one thought that passed through his mind and he couldn’t help but ask.



“I know you’re happy, I do. But are you upset with me at all?”

“For what?” she turned slightly in her seat to regard him. Why would he even think that, she wondered.

He sighed heavily, while turning onto the highway. “I guess, because you had all these plans for school and you have to put that on hold…again. I mean…I should have…”

Liz reached out her hand to him, placing it on his lap and shook her head, her face etched in confusion.

“You’re right. I have to put my plans for school on hold, but I want this Max and I don’t regret that it happened. Yes, it’s sooner than we expected, but we knew the risks. Don’t ever think I would be upset with you for them, because the only thing that matters to me is you and Lexi and these babies.” She seemed sincere but he knew she had dreams and staying home and having baby after baby was probably not part of it, at least not yet.

“What about the wedding? What about what you want to do with the rest of your life, Liz? I took that away.” It was true, on top of everything else filtering through his mind, the fact that he put her in a situation that maybe she just didn’t want yet, bothered him. He knew she wanted to get married, and then have more children, in that order.

“Took that…Max, I’m a grown woman I can make my own decisions and sleeping with you knowing that I could end up pregnant, birth control or not, was still my decision. And the wedding…it can wait.” She grew silent, and then he knew without a doubt it did bother her. She would be a mother of one, with two on the way and she still wasn’t married.

Well, that was something he could remedy.

“I don’t want to upset you baby, I just want to know that you’re happy. That’s all that matters, and I will marry you Liz.” He reached out and grabbed her hand, kissing the back of it and then placed it over his heart.

“I know you will, Max.” He knew deep down that Liz knew he was never leaving her, but at times when she seemed to drift off to another time and place, he felt the need to just reassure her of what she already knew in her heart.

He turned to face her, giving her a knowing smile. “Forever, Liz, it’s you and me.”

Now, all he needed to do was plan a wedding and get a house built in eight months. It was time for his money to do the talking.


*Tiny little line taken from Blind Date*

And a big fat chocolate chip cookie to whoever can guess what romance novel Mrs. Vallerand was from or at least from what author. What could I say, I was searching for a last name and turned to the stack of books in the room and bam!
