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Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 5:25 pm
by KatnotKath

Teresa says that she wants to talk, smiling softly, but somehow the smile doesn't seem to reach her eyes and I bite down on my lip even as I loosen my grip on the door. sounds so simple, and it should be, just... It's not...

"Really talk..."

I watch as my sister backs up and then sits down on the bed, standing in the doorway now but still not coming closer as I wait to see what she will do or say, trying to read the expression on her face as she sits there.

There was a time when I would have sworn I knew exactly what she was thinking, and she the same with me... We used to joke that we could read one another like a book, but that was before...

And now? Now I look at her and I don't have a clue...

It hurts, to realise what we've lost, but as she begins to speak, I listen patiently and as she finishes, admitting that she and Trevor kissed, and looks up, for a moment it's almost like we've gone back in time.

I give a small smile as I step forward, nodding as I motion towards the bed, silently asking if I can sit down, taking a seat next to her just as I used to when we were younger and reaching out to take her hand in mine, easing it away from her other gently as I nod my head again. "You make a good couple..."

This said, I know it's my turn for confessions, although it's going to sound mostly like I'm copying her words since it's all very similar... I wonder briefly what to say about Max, considering that she was there this evening when he... But I guess I'll just have to deal with that as and when, for the moment I need to try and salvage something with my sister...

Swallowing, I look back up at her, hesitating a moment before speaking again. "Max and I did a little more than talking too..." I admit softly, unable to keep from thinking of the connection I felt with him and the flashes... "It was...amazing... We talked, and we kissed..." I pause briefly, reaching up to run a hand through my hair, pushing it back from my face to meet her gaze. "I love him Teresa..." My admission comes in little more than a whisper.

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:23 am
by isabelle

I frown as Michael mentions Trevor's 'stunt.' That was so unexpected. We really do need to talk to him and find out the truth. Everything in me is saying that he's like us and he's known about us for a while. He hadn't seemed at all surprised at my powers. But I still need to confirm it. There are other possibilites.

Before I can respond to that, however, Michael is leaning against the counter and watching me closely as he slowly says, "So. You and Liz. You talked, huh? You an item finally?"

I'm tempted to say 'no.' Or at least, 'I don't know.' We talked. We kissed. I think we connected. I think we're a couple, but I'm not really ready to talk about it. Just the sound of her names fills me with a warm glow and makes me wonder what she's doing right now. Still, Michael is my brother and I don't want to lie.

"Yeah, I think we are," I say, feeling my face grow warm. I hope he can't see that. I'm guessing he's thinking about Maria and starting something with her. If she knows and hasn't gone running screaming, then maybe this will really work out. She's not normal either. Maybe she and Michael can find common ground just like me and Liz did.

"But what about Trevor?" I ask, my voice dropping a notch, not knowing how close by he is. "We need to talk to him, about what he did," I say.


Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 11:30 pm
by magikhands
Sorry it took so computer didn't give me the updates and I've been so busy lately that I didn't check for any :oops:


"You make a good couple..." Liz says after I tell her about kissing Trevor. I wish it was that simple. Yes, there's an obvious attraction between us, there always has been, but who Trevor is makes the entire situation more complicated. He's not a hybrid like Michael. He's pure Antarian. And what will happen when Michael finds out the truth? I just know that the stress will kill me before some...evil thing that Cameron was telling us about.

"Max and I did a little more than talking too...It was...amazing... We talked, and we kissed..." She paused and pushed her hair away from her face. She's nervous when she does that. "I love him Teresa..."

I reach out and take her hand. "I know. I've known that for a long time." I tell her and smile and silently praying that it all works out well for her. Maybe one of us will be happy.

"You said that you and Max talked." I start a little hesitantly. I'm not sure how she'll take my next question but I need to know what Max told Liz. If she knows about Max...maybe, just maybe I can confide in her about Trevor. And that will be our road to the closeness we once shared.

"Did he talk about his...ability? I mean, did he explain to you how he could do what he did?"

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 11:41 pm
by magikhands

I refrain from making comment about Max's blush when he admits to being with Liz now. I'm glad. Maybe now he'll stop all the brooding now that he's with her. It's got to improve his moodiness to. I can only hope.

"But what about Trevor? We need to talk to him, about what he did."

I sigh and put down my drink. I know that Trevor is not nearby. I can sense him up in his room.

"I know Max. But..." I pause trying to find a way to put this without offending him. "I know you are as anxious as I am about his explanation. But I think maybe it would be best if I talked to him alone." I hold my hand up stopping the protest that were about to fly out of Max's mouth. "You are my brother Maxwell, and you know that I trust you with my life. But Trevor...out of everyone in the group, he's closest to me. We have this...I don't know how to describe it."

I didn't want to use the word bond. I didn't want him to take it the wrong way. Yes, Tess, Isabel, Max, and I were all close. We had a bond together. But what Trevor and I have is different. It always had been.

"I just don't want him to feel pressured. We've never told him about us. I don't know what he's thinking of all of this tonight. I think it would be best if I confronted him first. And I promise Maxwell, first thing in the morning I'll be knocking on your door."

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 9:41 am
by StormWolfstone
I'll be working on a Kyle here asap. Been unable to think well for him but I'm going to be trying... I will also be hoping that we get someone to take him permanently because it's really not going to be easy when things get set for Cameron/Kyle if I'm writing for them both.

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 3:44 pm
by isabelle

I frown as Michael says he wants to talk to Trevor alone. I know the two of them are close, but this is something that affects all of us. I don't want to be out of the loop. I'm not sure I trust him. He's concealed himself all this time, right under our noses. Even if he does come from the same place where we do, that doesn't mean he has to be a friend.

"Michael," I say, my voice level, calm and very serious. "If he's like us, he has to have know about us all along and he never said anything. Why? Just think of the odds that he would be adopted by the same family as you. Isabel and I are together because we were found that way, but Trevor -- Somehow he managed to get into your family. That indicates planning and manipulation way beyond what we've ever done. There's something going on with him. Something we all need to know about."

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 6:09 pm
by StormWolfstone
ooc: it was never determined where they lived in this RP, since it was 'family' that had adopted Trevor three years earlier.

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 6:51 pm
by StormWolfstone

After returning to my room, I can't keep from pacing. Damned Max for showing up when I needed to talk to my brother alone. I was half tempted to go back downstairs and show him the powers of a true Antarian. He could never make it on our home planet being a half-breed without the help of the Stone's or some major training. Dammit, I shouldn't really care about how things went down. I've got my brother, but for how long?

Once I complete my mission I have to leave, go back to Antar and probably never see him again. Before tonight, I could have probably accepted not seeing others again, but having kissed Tree and felt what I did, I know I couldn't forget her. Still, she's not about to give damned about me, that's obvious so why do I care about her? What gave her the right to get angry with me with keeping secrets? At least my secrets were kept to keep other people safe. Hers were because of her own selfish feelings, her own desire not to be seen as a freak or something.

If anyone were to find out that she knows who and what I am now, if the wrong people found out, they could use it against me. They could hurt her to get to me. Does she even realize this? Others are here, seeking the stones for other reasons. Our enemies would love to use the others against me. I'm one of the last true blood warriors, it takes a specific type of Antarian to make it into the sanction where they become known as True Blood. I did everything I could, faced countless tests and trials, made it to where I am so that I could find Michael and just make certain he was alive.

The Skins and Hunters would love to find weaknesses for a True Blood, especially when we were supposed to have had all emotions suppressed during training. Most of all, they'd love to have a True Blood on their side. I was seen as the perfect killer, capable of simply doing what needed to be done without remorse, except now... now I knew emotion for what it was. If the Council ever learned of this, they'd send the other True Bloods after me to dispose of me or anyone I’m connected to. Our faction used to be made up of several hundred Warriors but now, we had been hunted and we barely had fifty or so.

Still, if the others came in full force, I wouldn't stand a chance. How would I protect them if that were to happen? Maybe I should have explained in more detail to Teresa just what the risk really was. I just didn’t need her to get frightened. Sighing, I made myself sit down on the bed and took out some of the pictures that had been taken over the years since I’d become a Guerin. It seemed strange, my name Terenevor Corick being changed to Trevor was nothing I’d expected. Then again, Michael being named as he was would be a saving grace for him. If he was put together with Rathian simply because of his name, they would know to use him to get to me.

I would never forget the last attack on me, I had a nice scar to remind me, but powers hid it from everyone, though it wouldn’t ever go completely away. There were ways, things that could keep healers from being able to completely heal a wound, something that the Noriac Warriors, my enemy was well known for. They could also do damage that couldn’t be healed. Teresa was lucky that I hadn’t opened so completely that she had seen what I went through with Noriac’s or the damage I’ve seen them do.

I was getting hungry but I was trying to give my brother time to talk with Max. However, my patience was running thin as well. I was going to talk to Michael alone. One way or the other. Max had better be ready to leave or otherwise he would end up waking hours from now with a massive headache.

Shrugging my shoulders, I looked at the clock and stood. Hell with this, I’m not waiting. Going to the stairs, I make my way down them, calling out, “Coming down, so if you’re enjoying talking about me, might be a good time to stop.” I didn’t care how cold or distanced my voice sounded. They might as well be prepared to see the warrior I was, especially depending on how people responded to what they learned.

As I entered the kitchen, I moved straight to the fridge and began getting out what I wanted to eat. I didn’t even bother to look toward the living area. Why should I? Instead, I focused on the food while calling out, "Mikey, if we're going to have the talk we need to have, you better say goodnight to your friend because soon I'm going to get some sleep and your answers will have to wait."

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 6:57 pm
by StormWolfstone

I know that Tess has her reasons for remaining silent, I don’t blame her. Everything has gone crazy and how could she actually know how to react after learning that I’m different. That I’m something more then human. Walking near her, I sigh, shaking my head as I wondered just how much things would change between us now. Since we were young, I’d always had a bit of a thing for her, but it had never seemed to be something that was returned, yet here I was just being told that I’m a freak and now I know that there would never be a chance.

“Kyle…” I hear her say and look to see that she’s stopped and turned to look at me.

“Uh... yes,” I start, seeing that she seems to want to talk about something and move over to stand beside her. Without thinking about it, I put a hand on her shoulder, wanting to show her that no matter what I was there. “Is there something wrong?” I hoped that she wasn’t freaked out by me and my changes. I really hoped that wasn’t the case.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 10:16 pm
by StormWolfstone
bumping this up since it's on the 3rd page lol