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Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:28 am
by isabelle

"You just got here too?" Michael asks. Seeing as I just walked in the door, that's kinda obvious, but I guess he's asking what took me so long.

"I drove Liz home. We talked a bit," I say as I open up the bottle and take a sip of the Snapple. I raise an eyebrow at Michael then. As much as I want to know about Trevor, I'm also interested in Michael and Maria. They'd disappeared for quite a while after Maria ran off. "Is everything okay? You and Maria looked kinda ... cosy," I say.

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 10:42 am
by KatnotKath
OOC: sorry for the delay, and hope this isn't too much - tell me if you think it should be changed.


"Trevor eh...?" I can't help smiling as my sister says he brought her home but that smile drops from my face quickly as she seems to dry and draw my attention away from that, directing the conversation back at the fact that Max brought me home which, much as I love having the opportunity to talk about him, kinda hurts...

"Oh yeah, Max brought me back... We just needed to work out a few things you know..." My tone is falsely cheerful, but it's as though she doesn't want to talk to me about what's going on with her, and not for the first time today I feel as though I'm missing a big part of my sister... Swallowing, I shake my head and turn away, not wanting her to see the hurt in my eyes as I say this next. "I get it, you don't want to talk about Trevor... So, I guess I should probably be heading to bed - big day ahead an all you know...?"

I shrug awkwardly and bite down on my lip as I head towards the bathroom, walking inside before she can say anything more and locking the door behind me as the tears begin to stream down my face, silent, but many in number. When did we grow so far apart...? When did we stop being the first port of call for one another whenever something happened in our lives? When did we stop sharing everything...?

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 9:42 pm
by magikhands

"I drove Liz home. We talked a bit." He says as he takes a drink. "Is everything okay? You and Maria looked kinda ... cosy,"

I shrug my shoulders. I've never been a feely, sharing person, even with Max and Isabel. "We... talked and worked some things out." I wasn't about to go into too many details. He didn't need to know what we did together, but I did need to tell him that I told her about us.

"Listen Max." I looked around and saw that Trevor had retreated, probably up to his room. Guess I'll take care of this before we corner my brother. I scratched at my brow but couldn't really think of any smooth way of telling Max what I did. Here it goes... "I told Maria about us."

I met Max's eyes. I refuse to feel bad about it. The time I spent with Maria had been the best I'd ever spent. I promised her no more secrets and that included me telling the others that she knows about us. So I kept my eyes locked on Max's and waited for his reaction to my words.

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 9:51 pm
by magikhands

"I get it, you don't want to talk about Trevor... So, I guess I should probably be heading to bed - big day ahead an all you know...?"

Well crap! I could see that Liz was trying to hide her hurt from me. Why did I have to do that to her? I should have told her about Trevor... or at least opened up to her a little about how I feel about him instead of shifting the conversation.

Before I could try to make things better she gets up and heads to the bathroom. I hear the lock click and the sound made my heart ache.

"Shit." I whisper to myself as I stare at the door. How did this happen? How could sisters who were so close at one time become so different? Where did my best friend go? Where had her best friend gone?

Sadly I knew the answer to those questions. Secrets. Secrets can ruin relationships. Isn't that what I was trying to tell Trevor earlier? Why I had such a fit and told him that he needed to tell Michael who he was? But if I told Liz about Trevor, how could he ever trust me again? It appears as if I'm damned if I do, and damned if I don't. Doesn't life just suck?

I get up and go to the bathroom door and knock softly. "Lizzie." No one answers me. "Lizzie, please. Open up. I can't stand this any more." I felt a tear trail my cheek and realize that this has been coming for some time now. I miss my sister. And though I have feelings for Trevor, I can't lose my best friend over this.

"Let's talk." I say one more time hoping that she will open the door. I don't know what I'll say yet, but I'm sure that I'll find something to say. If only she will open the door.

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 7:51 am
by isabelle

"Listen Max," Michael says, sounding serious. I'm not sure when I've ever seen him look quite this way. He scratches his brow, watching me before he goes on. "... I told Maria about us."

"You did, eh?" I say, thoughtfully, lowering my bottle of Snapple and meeting Michael's eyes. I can't exactly be upset about it. It really did seem to be the right time to share since we'd discovered their big secrets. But the big difference is the last word. 'us.'

"I told Liz about me, too. Although I didn't mention the rest of you," I tell him. It wasn't even that I was trying to keep the rest of it secret. It just hadn't actually come up. I also know that Liz is really smart. I doubt she'll have any trouble figuring out that I'm not the only one although Tess, Isabel and Michael didn't announce their abilities like I did. Of course, Trevor did -- but we didn't even know about him. He has to be like us...

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 7:09 pm
by KatnotKath
OOC: sorry for the delay, hope this is okay



Teresa knocks on the door, but I can't answer, not at the moment... Tears are streaming down my face and I just can't...I can't do this and go through it all again and end up in the same place.

My sister isn't one to let up though, and as I hear her knock again, pleading with me to open up, I can 'hear' the tears in her voice.

G*D how did this end up so compeltely and utterly messed up? How did things go so far wrong? What had changed so much?

As the questions run through my head, Teresa calls out again, saying to talk, and my head rocks back against the door. Talk about what? About how I can't tell her everything about what Max and I spoke about and she doesn't want to talk about Trevor? Talk about the fact that I feel almost as though my twin sister is a stranger at the moment, at the very time when I need her so much?

Biting down on my lip I swallow, running a hand through my head as I push back from the door and turn to look at myself in the mirror. What a mess! My make-up has run and my eyes look all dark underneath as though I've gone a week without sleep... It's not from mascara either, it's just everything...

Drawing in a ragged breath, I think back to the things I saw when Max kissed me that last time and before I can think about it again, I turn and open the door, hugging the edge nervously as I look out at my sister in silence.

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 11:36 am
by isabelle

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 2:14 pm
by magikhands

"I told Liz about me, too. Although I didn't mention the rest of you," Max says.

I shrug my shoulders and refuse to look away. "She would have figured it out even if I hadn't told her. Especially after the stunt that you ... and Trevor pulled tonight. I'm sure that Liz and the others will realize it also."

I lean agaisnt the counter. "So. You and Liz. You talked, huh? You an item finally?" I raise a brow in question. I've known that Max has pined for Liz for as long as I can remember. And now... well if Maria and I can finally get together, surely he and Liz can now.

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 2:24 pm
by magikhands

It felt like an eternity before Liz finally opened the door. She hugged the door edge like it would crumble if she let go. Or maybe she would crumble. The pain of guilt tore at my heart seeing her this way.

"Let's talk." I say trying to give her an assuring smile but know it wasn't quite working. "Really talk." I back up a step and sit down with my back against the end of the bed. I take a deep breath still not sure where to start. How do I confide in her without telling Trevor or the other's secrets?

"Trevor and I spoke. He was cool about my abilities. He didn't shun away from me. And we..." I looked down at my hands that were tightly twined together. My knuckles were white. Consciously I loosened my grip. "We kissed." I look up to my sister's face and wait.

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 10:00 am
by StormWolfstone
Will be trying to post when I get home from D*C. I'm half way home now. Stopped the night with a friend so we could get some sleep.