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Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 5:28 pm
by Fehr'sBear
bump. :D

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 3:43 pm
by isabelle

"Okay," I tell Liz as she insists she's still interested in chatting a bit longer. She says she's not tired but I don't want to overstay my welcome.

I pick up the mugs and step out into the hall, leading the way back to her room. "But if you do feel tired or just tired of having me around, don't be afraid to say so, okay?"

I honestly won't mind if she does want me to go. Better to leave now and still be friends than to stay too long and have her be angry. I know everyone here and they're all 'friends' but I don't have many that I feel close to. I know she'd never be any more than that, but I'd like Liz to be one of the good friends. That won't happen if I piss her off by hanging around too much.

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:16 pm
by isabelle

What a great song, I think as I start to dance with Jess. The beat is thrumming in my blood and I feel myself move with it like it's part of me. Or maybe it's Jess' arms holding me. The slightly hungry look in his eyes sends amazing thrills through my body and I smile in pure delight. Then I remember his impending change and wonder if that's what he's feeling, not me and not the music.

I try to control my reactions, but I can't seem to help it. I feel so great dancing with this boy. This wolf. He's almost a stranger but I've never felt more comfortable.

"What a great night!" I say smiling as I spin into his arms again.

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 8:24 pm
by Fehr'sBear

As we fall into a dancing routine, her body against mine, moving to the beat of the music, Maria makes eye contact briefly, and her smile is so big it radiates heat. Well, she's definitely enjoying herself.

I could say the same for me, except for that tiny inkling in the back of my head, that voice that keeps telling me no matter how much fun I'm having - I'm actually having a lot - I'm about to change, and can't stay out too much longer without endangering my life or other's.

"What a great night!" she exclaims, smiling again as she does a spin move towards me, and I grin and nod at her, not wanting to talk over the music. She's making me crazy, the way she's got all of her attention on me, and no matter how many guys are in the room. But crazy may not be good right now. My senses are on overload becauseof my impending change, and everything feels, smells, and tastes stronger. Her hands around my neck feel like they're burning into me, but in a good way, and I know that it's just because every hair on my body is standing on end. I may need to get out of here soon.

"Yeah, it is," I say loudly over the music, leaning down to whisper in her ear. Her lips brush against the side of my face, and it's like electricity. "I need to get some air for a minute though," I shout, nodding towards the door. "Wanna come?"

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 11:58 pm
by isabelle

"Of course," I grin as Jess suggests that he wants to get some air. A little private time sounds perfect to me. Holding his hand, we head outside.

I glance at Jess, wondering if his break for air is going to include a cigarette. There a few others out by the front taking a smoking break. Even if that is what he has in mind, I don't think I want to be in a group, even one that small.

Instead, I walk around the side by the parking lot and lean against the wall of the club. I can still hear the music from inside although it's a bit muted. I can feel the drumbeat through my back as it travels through the wood.

"It's so beautiful out," I say, looking up at the clear starry sky.

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 6:49 pm
by Fehr'sBear

We get outside, and immediately I gain control of my senses again. That was just too many bodies in one area, too much adrenaline for me to handle. Maria leads me to a secluded area of wall around the side, away from the people smoking and talking out front.

"It's so beautiful out," she says, glancing up at the stars as she leans against the wall. I can feel the beat of the music pumping through the ground beneath my feet, and I try anxiously to get my mind off anything that could bring the change early, including Maria standing so close.

"Yeah," I say briefly, leaning against the wall next to her. "It sure is," my eyes on her instead of the sky. God, what I wouldn't give to kiss her-

My mind on overdrive right now translates that as a thought rather than an action, and before I can do anything about it, I am kissing her. Kissing her a little more roughly than I should be, my arms on either side of her, pressing us against the wall.

Using all my mental strength, I pull away, and walk a few feet back. Damn. "Sorry." I really need to learn to control this. I probably shouldn't even be out right now.

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 9:42 pm
by isabelle

He kisses me.

Jess kisses me and it's amazing. Everything I've been imagining. So warm and and passionate. He hold me tight, kissing me hard and I press back just as hard. This is so perfect. I only met this boy a few hours ago but I wanted this and here it is happening.

Then suddenly, he pulls back, muttering, "Sorry..."

"Sorry about what?" I ask, putting hand on his shoulder and making him turn back towards me. "I liked it," I say, tilting my head slightly and giving him a coy smile. "Didn't you?"

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:20 am
by Fehr'sBear

"Sorry about what?" Maria asks, putting a hand on my shoulder. "I liked it, didn't you?" she adds, and I try hard not to shake my head. God, this girl is going to kill me, and we just met. I mean, shouldn't she be angry? I totally just like molested her, and we only met today.

But my senses get all screwed up with her so close again, and I pin her back against the wall, smiling. "Yes," I whisper, kissing her once more. It's never been this hard to control my actions, but then again, I've never been enjoying myself this much right before a change. Maybe this new school wasn't such a good idea. I probably should have just stayed in my room.

We kiss for a few minutes, but then I get this feeling, like a shock wave running through me, and it's all too familiar. I feel my eyes shifting, and then I move as fast as possible, leaning against the cold brick, my breath coming in pants. Shit. This is not good. I'm changing early. I mean, I feel back to normal now, but I almost just changed while with another person. And that could be really, really bad.

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:56 pm
by isabelle

I love the way he kisses me. So full of passion. I'm passionate, too. It feels wonderful. But suddenly, he pulls away again. He's breathing hard and it's not from the kissing. There's a look in his eyes that's more wolf than human, but it fades to a human expression bordering on fear. Something is very wrong here.

"Jess, are you okay?" I ask, gently touching his face. He said he wasn't changing until tomorrow, but I swear it looked like something was happening. "Do we need to get back to the school?"

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 3:13 pm
by Fehr'sBear

"Jess, are you okay? Do we need to get back to the school?" Maria asks, her voice full of concern and laced with fear. I try to smile at her, try not to focus on her cool hand on my overly warm cheek, and try to calm my breathing. I can't be changing early. I just started shifting and had a bit of a freak out, that's all. I'm totally and completely in control.

"No, I'm fine," I say confidently, placing my hand on hers and lifting it off my face. "I just got a bit...carried away," I say, my tone one of finality. "Why, do you think we need to go back?" I ask, checking my watch for the time. We seem alright, but I could understand if I'd freaked her out.