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Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 2:21 pm
by Sternbetrachter
... isabelle, the last was meant for Tess, wasn't it :?:

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 9:43 am
by isabelle
Well, yeah, but there was stuff in there for Kyle, too.

Should we skip ahead to the club if nobody's posting?

Does anyone have any idea if Bre is going to be back?

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 9:59 am
by Sternbetrachter

"I don't mind helping out,"

Figures that he'd say that, if anyone wouldn't mind working during the weekend it would be Max. And Liz too, I guess.

Isabel, Maria and Alex are already at the house, no surprise here since Isabel likes to drive fast.

"I'm sure someone will take advantage of your willingness to help out tomorrow." I say while opening the car door. "I certainly will, I think."

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 12:08 pm
by baby_bre
I am back.. Just been reading all the posts and working on a part for Maria. :) so it should be posted in like the next half hour or so.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 1:35 pm
by Sternbetrachter
repost from my latest Alex post:
"Oh, since you seem in a desperate need for a tequilla fix, I take it you won't drive tonight, Iz. What about you Ria? If you aren't driving either, you two can drive with me tonight."

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:32 pm
by baby_bre

It’s good to be done with work for the day. Not that I’m not having a blast because I am but work is still work. The drive back to the house isn’t bad but then talking to Alex and Isabel hasn’t been thus far. It’s talking to everyone else that doesn’t seem to be going so well. I have screwed so many things up already. That is why I think it’ll be a good idea to go out tonight. I’m not planning to drink even if they serve drinks, I think maybe Isabel is but I’ve been drinking way too much lately. Or it seems that way to me.

It’s funny how they say people should live life to the fullest because my friends say that’s the only sensible thing to do. My friends think that means to get drunk, party, do stupid things and then go home and regret it the next morning. Unfortunately I think that’s actually a very stupid way to do things since I’ve already spent far too many nights like that. Ugh. Anyway I’m not really sure how I’m feeling at the moment, I kind of want to go sleep but then I’ll end up not being ready when everyone leaves. I also feel like getting drunk, I know stupid but honestly that’s how I feel. When I’m drunk I forget everything, like how royally I screwed up here for example.

I guess whatever happens happens. “Thanks, I’d appreciate it.” I say as my way of saying yes I’d like to ride with ya’ll.

[[sorry my post is so ick! It'll get better... :)]]

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 3:18 pm
by Sternbetrachter
nah don't worry, your post is fine :)


“Thanks, I’d appreciate it.”

I grin at Maria. "Great, your driver will be waiting for you then. After all, I know how long it takes you girls to get ready." I immediately raise my hands in defeat after that comment, "But of course, I know you lovely ladies are doing it for us lowly men, and we of course, appreciate the effort."

With that, I take a step back (just to be safe) before turning around and walking towards the house, "You coming ladies?" I ask over my shoulder just as Max's jeep arrives.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 3:28 pm
by isabelle
OOC -- Michael is still waiting on a response from Liz...


"I'm sure someone will take advantage of your willingness to help out tomorrow. I certainly will, I think." Kyle says as he gets out of the car.

My eyes go wide for a moment before narrowing slightly. I hadn't actually been inviting him to take advantage of me. "I may be too busy with other tasks, but we'll see what happens," I say, non-committally. If he just needs little help carrying stuff in or something, then I'll be happy to assist. If he expects me to be his personal go-fer, he'll be unpleasantly surprised.

I head into the house with Tess to see Alex already in conversation with Isabel and Maria. It makes me think of Liz again. She's out there with Michael. I can't say I'm worried about her, exactly. I know he won't try anything. I just wish she were here.

"Hey, everyone," I say by way of greeting.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 3:36 pm
by Sternbetrachter

"Hey roomie." I greet Max. I'm in a surprisingly good mood, probably because the weekend has arrived. Tess and Kyle are coming in right after Max, well, Tess right after Max and Kyle a few steps behind Tess. Was he just staring at her ass?


Turning my attention back to Max, I ask, "Will you drive tonight? Sorry, you probably said that earlier already but I forgot."


Walking behind Tess has its advantages, very nice advantages! I just hope she won't turn around quickly. I better raise my eyes again. Aww figures, Whitman noticed me looking. He better not say anything to Tess or Max.

Ah yes, going out tonight. I still need to decide with whom to drive and find someone who drives me back early enough so I can get up in the morning. Hmm ... Liz doesn't really strike me as a party goer, I better check if she's driving herself too.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 3:46 pm
by ~Ruby~
Nice posts everyone. :) I'll try and get something up for Izzie tomorrow.