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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 11:28 am
by killjoy

AU All Human
Any Rating Is Fine.
M/L,M/M,A/I and K/T

Max Evans and Liz Parker are two young adults who share an apartment and have been best friends as far back as anyone can recall.Which is a shock seeing how opposite they are of each other.

Max is a down to earth neat freak.The kind of guy who has a savings account,the one who always makes sure all the bills are paid on time and is ALWAYS planning for the 'future'

Liz on the other hand is one of those free spirit type people.She has no worries about bouncing from job to job,has her head in the clouds and where Max plans for the future she lives for the moment.

But all they changes on one sad day.....seems both Liz and Max are godparents to a small child(age is up too you but not a teenager).How Max and Liz know the child parent's is up too you.But sadly the parents are killed and now Max and Liz have to take in the child and raise him/her.

Will their two different outlooks on life prevent them from working good as parents....or...will it work and help bring them closer together now that they are parents.

The child's parents are not either Michael/Maria,Kyle/Tess or Alex/Isabel....but can be anyone else you want it too be.

Seeing how this is a dreamer fic I have to say.....NO evil or bitchy Tess after Max

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 10:27 am
by Zanity
#322 Trapped in Heaven M/L AU w/ Aliens

Max Evans and Liz Parker are both royalty from different planets. The planets do know about each other but they are not friendly with each other. They not at war but there is bad blood over a war in the past that both worlds blame on the other. Both Max and Liz are the perfect son/daughter. They do everything that's expected of them because they are the heirs to the thrones. When their upcoming nuptials are announced Liz to Kyle Valenti and Max to Tess Harding it's the last straw. They are both tired of doing their duty while their younger siblings/friends get to go out and play. While neither particularly has a problem with the marriage that was chosen for them (both of them loving their intendeds after a fashion) they would have preferred a choice in the matter.

Earth is a backwater world. They haven't unlocked the secret of their latent powers yet. And they haven't discovered interstellar travel yet. As such they are off limits to official first contact. But it is a favorite place to visit by people who want to get away for a while. It's like when people on Earth go to a lake or an island somewhere that doesn't have electricity or cellphone reception because they want to be unreachable on vacation. The inhabitants of Earth are also the subjects of many pranks by college kids... shapeshift or project an image of a creature that's green and slimy.... kidnap someone with no credibility for an hour or two and let them go... draw shapes in crops with their powers...

Anyway Max and Liz both independently decide to spend some time on Earth to get away from the pressures of being royalty. Only their shuttles crash into each other and their communications systems are wiped out. They are both stuck on Earth. They decide to make the most of the situation and finding out they have much in common they first become friends, then lovers, then get married the human way. Stranded here without any responsibilities of the court or anyone but themselves to worry about they find themselves trapped in heaven and neither caring.

But what happens when eventually (years later... I'm thinking around 10) their past finally catches up with them??? Will they go back? If they do Will they honor their previous engagements or their new Marriage. Or will they decide to stay on Earth and Live their lives here. And how will their families and fiances react to whatever decision they make.

Dreamer Ending is a must but a little angst is allowed.

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 8:57 pm
by Michelle17
killjoy wrote:253#

AU Without Aliens
M/L,M/M,A/I and K/T
Any Rating Is Fine.

At the young age of 12 Liz Parker was kidnapped on her way home from school.The kidnapper locked her in a tiny completly dark closet for days as he/she tried to ransom Liz.Lucky for Liz,Jim Valenti found a clue that lead him to where Liz was being held and he rescued her.But the little girl had been traumitzed by what had happened.

What happens to the kidnapper....caught,escaped....I'm going to leave that to you.

It's now four years later and Liz is now 16 and she's still not over the ordeal she went through. Still scared and jumpy Liz lives her life in her 'safe' zones Areas and places she feels safe at or being with people that she feels safe and secure with.If she's not in these places or with someone she trust she has sever panic attacks.

Places Liz feels safe at....The Crashdown and her home above,Jim's office at the Sheriff's station,Jim and Kyle's house and Alex or Maria's house..

People that Liz feels safe with enough to travel outside her safe zones with.....Jim is number one(seeing how he was the one to rescue her)....her parents,Kyle,Maria and Alex.Liz's school was nice enough to fix it that in each of her classes either Kyle,Maria,Alex,or all of them is in her classes with her.At school they go with her everywhere.

I was thinking that now due to her being locked up in that small dark closet Liz has a phobia over darkness and small places.

Liz is living life balanced on a thread.She may get better she may fall off the deep end.But right now it's a balancing act.

But things change when a new group of people move into town....Max,Isabel,Tess and Michael.They can all be Evans and brothers and sisters...or Michael and Tess can live with the Evans as foster doesn't matter how it works but all four kids live with one another and move to town at the sametime.They also all start Roswell High.

I was thinking that the Crashdown cook suddenly quits on the Parkers.Needing a job Michael tries to get hired.The Parkers aren't sure of this for they know Liz won't be comfortable with a new stranger working in one of her 'safe' zones.But sadly they have no chose and hire him.Liz is jumpy and nervous around Michael and poor Michael has no clue what's wrong with Liz.I see him shaking his head and muttering "what the hell is up with that crazy chick?" Maria of course hears him and that sets the two off on their bickering path.

Max comes to visit Michael at his new job one day and is totally smitten with Liz the second he sees her and she waits on him.He comes in everyday after school and slowly he builds a trust up with Liz.Jeff and Kyle(who acts like a big brother to Liz) doesn't like this.But when Nancy sees the smiles on Liz's face,how happy her daughter gets and how she comes out of her nervous shell when Max is around...well Nancy puts her foot down and has a talking too with Jeff and Kyle.

Hi KillJoy

Can have this one

Thank's Courtney

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 5:51 pm
by SpiderGirl
#323 - Hate Me.

AU w/o A M/L

An idea from the song Hate Me by Blue October. Max is a good kid, he goes to college and meets Tess; she's a drug dealer and they start going out and he eventually becomes hooked on cocaine. He goes off the rails and gets kicked out of school; he overdoses on Tess's supply and she dumps him. Max gets sent to a generic rehab centre. He meets Liz there, she's one of the counsellors at the centre and helps him get back on track. They have a brief fling; he gets the wrong impression and thinks that she doesn't want anything to do with him. He becomes bitter towards her and starts self harming.
Liz tries to mend the growing casm between them by asking him out on a date; he starts an argument, looses his temper and almost hits her. He sees that his life is slipping down a dark path again and he feels that all his hard work getting clean was for nothing. In a moment of panic he runs back to Tess and buys drugs from her and ODs again. Liz comes to him at the hospital and he tells her that he's going to go away to another clinic so he won't hurt her. She begs him to stay but he leaves anyway. It's up to whoever takes this how the story ends.



Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:04 am
by chanks_girl
killjoy wrote:134#Rock and Roll Love

AU No Alien

Coupling-M/L,M/M,A/I and K/T

Any rating is fine.Although naughty is better

Max,Isabel,Michael and Tess are college students from well to do families.One night on a lark they check out the hot bar on the 'other side of the tracks' that has become very popular with a lot of their classmates.

There much to their surprise they see that the popular house band is made up of four of their fellow college students.

Liz Parker (bass player) At fourteen she was forced to go live with an aunt and uncle she hardly knew when her parents were killed in a hold up at their restaurant.Ran away when her drunken uncle attempted to rape her.Lived on the street all alone until she met Alex.She loves him like a brother and is the only person she trust other than Jim and Amy Valenti,Sean Deluca and her fellow bandmates.

Liz is NOT the hopeless romantic we knew on the show who believes in soulmates.She's cold,cynical on life and strongly believes the 'life sucks and than you die' mentality.

Alex Whitman(lead guitarist)-Also a former runaway street kid.Alex grew up in a strict military family home.Even though he has great respect for the military and his families service in it Alex knew it wasn't for him.This caused problems between him and his strict father.After many beatings fifteen year old Alex hit the road where he later met up with Liz.Alex came to love Liz like a sister.Is very protective of her and looked out for her while they were living together on the streets.

Alex is not the nice guy we all know and love.He smokes,Marlboro Reds in a box,has a few tattoos and a few piercing (where they are is up to you).But most of all when he meets Isabel he is not the gentlemen to her we all know and love.

Kyle Valenti (drums)-Likes to drink his beer and party all night.A bit of a party hound but nothing majorly bad.Had issues with women dealing over the fact that his mom abandoned him and his dad when he was six.Lost some of that when his dad married Amy Deluca and brought her and his new sister into his life.But still has no desire to get serious or let a woman into his heart and get power over him.So he has a new gal on his arm all the time.But it's not hard for him to do seeing how women are throwing themselves at him left and right.As far as Kyle is concerned being in a band ROCKS!

Maria Deluca-(lead singer) Much like Liz she has issues with the men in her life.Her father left her when she was young and every man after has basically used her or made her feel worthless.It wasn't until she got a new dad and stepbrother,not to mention Alex her first true male friend, did she start to come out of her shell.Maria puts up a some what fake/true tough act to men who see her on stage.But deep down she just wants to find a guy and be loved by him,like her mom did with Jim.

Jim and Amy Valenti-The mixed matched couple of all time! Mr Law and Order and Ms.Hippy herself.But they've been in love and married for years.They've not only combined thier family but have also adopted their childrens best friends/bandmates as their own also.


Isabel and Max have the big time hots for Alex and Liz! But at first it's not returned,much to their frustration!

Alex's has a blonde groupie named Leana.The slut likes to hang all over Alex,Isabel doesn't like it!

Sean and Liz have had a friends with benifits thing going on since the first time they met years ago.Sean is a tad older than Liz.They like their sex with no strings attached deal.They care for each other but not in the BIG love type of way.Max dosen't like it!

Sean is a good guy in this so no bashing

Either Max,Isabel,Michael or Tess(or ALL of them) takes their bandmate counterpart home to meet their family.Lets just say it's not pleasant.

Isabel wears a skimpy red dress to the club when she finds out it's Alex's favorite color.

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 1:40 pm
by trulov

The tragedy of Alexzander and Elizabeth.

Taken by RosDude. Moved to taken thread. ... start=170l

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 4:53 pm
by RosDude
trulov wrote:#324

The tragedy of Alexzander and Elizabeth.

I almost did this myself - but didn't have the time. Here goes:

The language should be fairy-tale-ish. Maybe Shakespearian - hence the title. THis is my theory on the whole Kivar/Zan/Vilondra history.

Antar is a farming planet. THe skins live underground - hated feared - haven't access to husks yet, they only come out at night. The shape shifters and all technology hover is space above the planet - to prevent nuclear wars, etc...all the damage that technology can bring. The royals and people know about the shape shifters and skins.

Diane and Phillip are king and queen - their names can be changed. Only royals have powers. After being marraiage, which must be blessed by the Granolith's priests - and after having sex/children - their spouses also develop powers.

The story begins with Queen Diane traveling to her close friend's house. There she discovers her friend has been beaten to death by her husband. THe Queen takes her friend's son - Kivar - and swears to raise him as her own. Kivar is six, and Diane's other children are Zan (Alexzander) who's 5/6 and Vilondra - 7/8.

Years pass and the children grow. Zan and Kivar look at each other as brothers and friends. B/c Zan is heir to the throne, he doesn't have many friends. Both boys are handsome and educated. Vilondra never really sees Kivar as a brother. And when she is 16 and he is 15, he saves her from...something. Robbers, a wild animal, a fierce storm - whatever. After that, Vilondra has a huge crush on Kivar.

When the royals are in their early 20's Civil War breaks out on Antar. The skins uprise - with the new technology of husks. Some Antarians and shape shifter support them. The planet is split in two (Figuratively). Kivar is sent off to the Southern Region to lead his men in battle. Unhappily, Zan remains in the capital city - away from the fighting - b/c he is the heir.

Kivar meets a fiesty young woman - Beth - the daughter of a small time lord. Only her father and Kivar call her Beth. Her dearest friend's and servants, Maria and ALex, call her Liz. Over time, they become fast friends. Eventually, Kivar falls in love with her. He rights his brother Zan, telling him all about Beth and asks for advice. Kivar, nervous and shy, works up the courage to tell Beth how he feels and ask her to marry him. Before she can answer - and tell him she cares for him as only a friend - a messenger comes to take Kivar the huge battle that rages at that very moment. Kivar promises with love, to return to his dear Beth and wants her answer then - after the war. he promises to write as does she.

More time passes. Liz's father passes away and she, Maria and Alex travel to another town to give their aid in the hospital tent. To help with the King's wounded men.

Nearby, another battle is fought. Unknown to his father, Zan takes the horse and shield of a common soldier and is struck unconscious in the fight. He is taken to the medical tent where Liz works and she nurses him back to health. No one knows he is the crown prince.

Then, skin soldiers show up, looking for the prince. Zan sneaks away, but Liz insists on coming with him b/c his powers are not yet fully restored. He tells her who he really is.

They travel together, for several days through the forrest, making their way back to the capital. They fall in love. Once back at the castle, Zan's parents are relieved he is well. At a formal dinner Zan plans to ask LIz for her hand, but just before he does - Kivar returns. He and Liz are overjoyed to see each other and that's when Zan realizes that his Liz is his dear brother's Beth. He thinks Liz loves Kivar and instead asks Lady Ava to marry him.

Later that night, in the garden, Liz is brokeh hearted. But she explains to Kivar that she cannot marry him. That she loves him only as a friend. Zan over hears this.

Lis leaves to return to her childhood home. Her father's home. Zan accompanies her. He explains the misundertanding and pledges his undying love for her. They are married at Liz's home and blessed by the priest. Zan spends 3 days with Liz and she becomes preganat. Then word comes that his father the king is ill. He must return home to heal him. Liz wants to come, but Zan thinks she should stay so he can break the news of their marriage to his brother, kivar.

On the way to the capital, Zan takes the backroads, never knowing that Kivar is on the main road to Liz's. He is broken, drunk and angry. When Liz tells him of her marriage, in one moment of anger, he strikes her. She hits her head on a table - it is a fatal injury - if Zan cannot heal it.

Kivar cares for Liz, while they wait for Zan to return. He truly loves her and is truly sorry. She forgives him.

ALex is sent to retrieve ZAn. But b/c he is busy with the king - trying to heal him - no one will let him see the prince.

Four days pass.

Zan's father is dying. With each healing, the king only gets slightly better, before falling ill again. There is nothing more Zan can do. Finally ALex breaks into the castle and finds Zan and tells him of Liz's injury. They race down the path to the road, only to stop when Kivar and Maria approach in a carriage. Liz is in the back. In a coffin. Dead.

Kivar in enraged - blaming Zan for not coming to save her. Zan sees the bruise on Liz's head and Kivar confesses to striking her. Zan is furious and calls Kivar a murderer. THey both blame each other for losing the woman they loved.

THe king dies and Zan becomes king. He has Kivar arrested and put in the dungeon to await execution. Zan, Maria, and Alex hold a small private funeral for Liz and her unborn child.

Vilondra makes Kivar escape. He joins up with the skins, and in his grief induced hatred of his brother leads them in their campaign.

Years pass. For an alliance, Zan marries lady Ava. But never sleeps with her - never loves her. he tells her to take a lover - that he will only ever be husband to one woman. In his grief, Zan loses the war.

He and kivar meet on a snowy field for a final battle. Zan is winning, but then he sees Liz calling to him from the woods. He is distracted and Kivar kills him. Looking upon his dead brother, kivar feels no victory - only more rage. He orders the rest of the family executed - Ava, Rath, Vilondra. All except Diane.

DIane and a trusted shape shifter meet in space, on a ship, behind Kivar's back. They made the pods. Diane is only sorry that Liz was already dead to long to send her to earth with her son. because she can't, she sends Ava instead. Diane hopes somehow her son will find his true love once more.

The last chapter should be a letter - written from Liz to Zan, after their marriage, after he left. WHen her powers of sight, from her pregnancy, first began. SHe tells him of a premonition she had. Of dark days to come. But of seeing the two of them together - in another time, another place. She sees them being married, in front of family and friends and white petal thrown in the air. ANd then it could end, like seven decades to the day the letter was written, Max Evans and Liz Parker were married - and the joining of two souls was at last, complete.

Or something like that.

I know its a biggie - but his is my theory on how it all began.

I would LOVE to do this one.



Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 6:07 am
by chanks_girl
xmag wrote:# 208

AU fic with aliens. CC, A/I, M/M, M/L, T/Mr Hollywood guy

Summary : Tess isn't evil. No Max and Tess. Instead of going to Sweden, Alex went to London where he stayed for a few years. It was there that he was "discovered" with his group. He is now a world known rock star, dating the most beautiful women on Earth, touring with his group.

Isabel and Tess started their own PR company in San Francisco. Tess decides that they need a "coup", so she "mindwarps" her way to Alex (I mean by that that she uses her powers to approach Alex who is surrounded by journalists, body guards, people working for him, not that she mindwarps him), in order to make him a business proposition. Alex, even though he is wary of people who always want something from him, doesn't want to let down a friend so he accepts to go to SF and discuss this with Tess and her partner.

BUT Isabel is taken by surprise by Tess's latest coup and is having a hard time dealing with this new Alex, who is stalked by the medias, who has groupies throwing themselves at him in the street, who is dating actresses from Hollywood and top models. In fact, she is jealous and not used to this role reversal. She'll have to overcome her own temper and to conquer Alex.

Tess will meet one of Alex's best friend, a famous actor who is in his 30's. The ex-queen of Antar is quite disturbed in front of this guy, to the point of being a blushing and clumsy idiot, who bickers with the guy she is attracted to.

Michael and Maria are living in the artistic comunity of San Francisco. They are living together. Their storyline is up to you.

Max and Liz have decided to get married and to move to San Francisco to be closer to their friends.

Kyle, much to everyone's surprise, has become a shaolin priest. He has found his calling in martial arts, yoga, helping others. He is the tower of strength of the group, the one everyone goes to to talk, confide, or ask advices. He is single.

Must have :

- Michael and Maria finding Tess's love story with Mr Hollywood guy quite funny, and keep giving advices to Tess, because they are exactly like Tess and Mr Hollywood guy

- Alex inviting Maria to sing with his group, during a repetition, in an empty concert hall, and asking her if she wants him to introduce her to producers because she is talented. Maria answering no, that she is happy with her life and he is the first to know that there is a Deluca-Guerin baby on the way,

- Liz adopting a dog who is a little terror,

- Alex still being a close friend to Liz and Maria.

PS : check out Nibbles's fic "Gold diggers", on the AU board without alien. I would like each couple to have a storyline, like in her fic, even if there's a stronger focus on Alex and Isabel and Tess and her Hollywood guy,

TAKEN by ME aka chanks_girl

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 7:50 pm
by Behrsgirl77
killjoy wrote:321# TAKEN BY ME

AU All Human
Any Rating Is Fine.
M/L,M/M,A/I and K/T

Max Evans and Liz Parker are two young adults who share an apartment and have been best friends as far back as anyone can recall.Which is a shock seeing how opposite they are of each other.

Max is a down to earth neat freak.The kind of guy who has a savings account,the one who always makes sure all the bills are paid on time and is ALWAYS planning for the 'future'

Liz on the other hand is one of those free spirit type people.She has no worries about bouncing from job to job,has her head in the clouds and where Max plans for the future she lives for the moment.

But all they changes on one sad day.....seems both Liz and Max are godparents to a small child(age is up too you but not a teenager).How Max and Liz know the child parent's is up too you.But sadly the parents are killed and now Max and Liz have to take in the child and raise him/her.

Will their two different outlooks on life prevent them from working good as parents....or...will it work and help bring them closer together now that they are parents.

The child's parents are not either Michael/Maria,Kyle/Tess or Alex/Isabel....but can be anyone else you want it too be.

Seeing how this is a dreamer fic I have to say.....NO evil or bitchy Tess after Max

Well, seeing as I haven't really written anything new in a while (Unbreakable is still unfinished with Itzstacie but she is having some personal issues right now so that will be on the back burner for a few more weeks.

I was going to stop writing after Unbreakable was finished but I saw this challenge and thought it would be fun. Even though I'm a bit rusty in the creative side of things, I'd love to give it a shot if no one else has taken this one.



Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 11:01 am
by killjoy
AU All Human
M/L,K/T,M/M and A/I
Any Rating is FIne

This is set in college or high school..which one is up too you.

Max and Liz have been best friends for years.Although there is a betting pool going on about when the two will get together Max and Liz have no feelings toward each other,other than friendship.

But that all changes when Tess comes to the school.Seems Max falls head over heels in lust for the hot blonde.But where Max has never had any trouble getting any woman he wants strangly Tess has no desire for him and shoots him down every time.

So in a last ditch effort Max turns to his always faithful fall back Liz.He talks Liz into helping him find a way to get Tess to like him.It's during this time that Liz realizes she's in love with Max.So while on one hand acting like she's helping Max get Tess she's also running around trying to sabatoge their work on the sly.Plus when Liz finds out the reason Tess keeps shooting Max down is for the fact she likes Kyle,Liz goes out of her way to try to get Kyle/Tess hooked up.

Will Liz be able to hook Tess and Kyle up in order to stop Max's feeling? Will she be able to get Max to see her as girlfriend material instead of best bud? What happens if Max finds out that this whole time Liz has been working against him where Tess is concerned?

Must Haves

Tess is not the bad guy/girl in this story who is trying to break up M/ fact Tess is not interested in Max at all.

Liz getting etiher Alex,Maria,Michael or all of them to help her in her wacky plans.

Someone in the story has a sever fear of heights that comes into play during the story.

Jim/Amy .....romance or marriage...shown or just mentioned in the shoot me I love them as a couple.