What Real Life's Like Thread 3 (CC TEEN) TESS OPEN

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Post by Sternbetrachter »

yeah, she's been MIA - we could certainly try re-casting her, hoping that a Tess lover helps us out :)
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Post by isabelle »


"Yeah, we'll all be there," I tell Kyle. "I guess it's part of the publicity that the station expects to get from having us there. Fortunately, we don't have to do the announcements," I say. I don't know anything about motocross -- well nothing but the little bit I've read up on during this past week. I would totally suck as a sportscaster for the event.

I see Liz turn towards the dealership and I'm about to follow when Tess speaks up. "Where are you going?"

"Um. Just following Michael to the dealership and then we're heading for the club," I say, remembering at the last minute to use Michael's name, not Liz's. Wasn't that the plan?

"We have to go home first. I have to get changed," she says.

"Oh. right," I say. Of course she and the other girls have to get changed. A nice two hour delay, I bet. Hmm. I guess I should get changed, too. I continue straight down the street, glancing in the rear-view mirror at the van. I'm sure that Liz will want to get changed, too. I hope Michael doesn't delay her too much. Hmm. I guess I should get changed, too.

Once I'm back on course, I try to remember where I was in my conversation with Kyle. "I think we're supposed to mingle and meet everyone," I say, hoping I'm right. I was beginning to get the idea that there was actually going to be a panel for questions and answers but nobody's actually said that.
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Post by isabelle »


I watch in the rear-view and I see Max put on his turnsignal before Fairway. I start to growl under my breath but after I make the turn, he seems to change his mind, going straight instead. Good. I'm still pissed off at him, anyway.

I pull into the lot at the dealership and stop the car. Opening the door, I turn back to Liz. She hadn't answered my question and I don't have any idea what's on her mind. "You sticking around or heading home with the rest of them?"
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Post by Sugarplum7 »

Sorry this took so long to get up. Things have been slightly busy with November just around the corner. I hope it's okay. It's just a little something I typed up before I leave work.

<center>~*~ ~*~ ~*~ Liz ~*~ ~*~ ~*~</center>

Michael takes the keys and I get into the passenger seat, not really thinking about anything in particular. That’s a lie. I’m lying to myself. I’m still trying to figure out what it was that caused Max to tense up around me. Was it something I said? Something I did? I don’t know anything anymore. I thought that everything was good. Well, not good in the strictest sense of the word, but okay, at least. Now I don’t know what happened. I guess I can try to stay away from him if he’s so uncomfortable around me. It’s not like there’s a shortage of people that I can talk to. And there’s always Alex. I wonder if Alex knows what happened. Max might’ve told him. Right? That, of course, is taking a bit of a leap since I didn’t tell Izzy that I like Max in the first place.

Everything is just so tangled. Max is almost always aggravated by something Michael’s done. Things are strained between Maria and Michael. And he’s always bringing different girls back to the house so often that I don’t even bother trying to remember their names anymore. Izzy and Alex are slowly getting back to where they were before Kyle decided to tell Izzy that Alex liked her. And now Max is tense around me. At least Tess and Kyle seem to be just about as normal as they always were.

“You sticking around or heading home with the rest of them?”

I turn to Michael, not really hearing his question. It takes me a moment to actually process what he said. I shrug. “I can stay if you’d like the company, or I can head back home if you want to do this on your own. It doesn’t really matter.”
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Post by isabelle »


Do I want her to stick around? I had planned on this being a private thing. My own personal surprise for everyone. But somehow it doesn't seem all that bad to have Liz here. She's been pretty normal -- well, almost normal anyway. She's not into me and that's definately not normal, but it's kinda relaxing to be with her because of that.

On the other hand, maybe I don't need anyone around when I'm talking about finances with the salespeople here.

"Nah. You head on home. You probably have a lot of girly things to do before we all go out tonight, anyway," I tell her.
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


"I think we're supposed to mingle and meet everyone,"

"Yeah, probably. Just make sure that no one sees you so you won't be buggered into working." I tell Max, thinking that *I* also might try to get one of the others to help me. "But I honestly just know what the guys told me I have to do, maybe you'll get instructions tomorrow."
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Post by ~Ruby~ »


"Yeah probably, unless something manages to screw my plans in the next two hours or so. I'm not really in the mood for our usual club and I don't know what else to do sooooo ... sorry, I'll continue bothering you for a bit longer Ms. Anderson."

“Oh no, the torture.” I laugh. “Whatever shall I do?”

I pull into the driveway of the house. I can’t believe that we are home already. Time always seems to go so quickly when I’m with Alex. Its fun and easy to be around him. Unless I’m thinking about you know what then its fun but a little awkward and uncomfortable.

I wish I could get past the whole Alex has feelings for me thing. I wish I knew if I had feelings for him that went beyond friendship. I’m so confused.

“Welcome back to the mad house,” I joke as I get out of the car. I still can’t refer to the house as home. It doesn’t feel like home. It feels like a hotel.
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


“Whatever shall I do?”

I actually have a few ideas of what Isabel could do to me but ... they all don't fall into the friendship category so I just smile at her instead before looking out the window. Hey, I made her laugh, laugh with me more than at me like it was in the beginning. That's more than I thought possible then so I just enjoy that feeling of friendship between us, knowing there'll never be more.

“Welcome back to the mad house,”

"Why Iz, one could start to think you aren't too fond of a big place with jacuzzi, pool table, four bedrooms, swimming pool and about 23.000 cameras." I comment as I get out of the tiny car. Yes, tiny! I still don't get why I, the one with the longest legs had to sit in the back but I know better than to ask the girls that.

"Okay, we still have a bit time till we leave I guess," I say, waiting for Isabel to confirm that before going on, "whatever shall I do then - sleep, eat, watch tv, swim, eat, read, play my bass - get your mind out of the gutter here, Anderson!"

I know Isabel's mind wasn't in the gutter but ... teasing people is such fun!

"Oh, since you seem in a desperate need for a tequilla fix, I take it you won't drive tonight, Iz. What about you Ria? If you aren't driving either, you two can drive with me tonight."
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Post by isabelle »


"Yeah, probably. Just make sure that no one sees you so you won't be buggered into working." Kyle says. I hide my smile at that. We are working. Every minute of every day the camera is on us. Well, except when we're sleeping. Even when we're relaxing, we're 'working' on the show, but I know what he means.

"But I honestly just know what the guys told me I have to do, maybe you'll get instructions tomorrow." he adds.

"I don't mind helping out," I say. My job at the station is mostly to talk and run the music and the commercials. They won't be asking me to do the broadcasting but I suppose there might be an interview or something with all of us. After all, we're on live internet feed now so I guess we're celebreties of a sort -- something Michael has been taking full advantage off.

I turn down our street and am not surprised to see that Isabel has gotten here already. "Here you go," I tell Tess, sure that she'll be wanting to get ready.
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