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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 2:46 pm
by nibbles2


Liz Parker is the sweetest, kindest, loveliest person you could ever meet. Everybody loves her. She never loses her temper, is patient with everybody and always friendly and obliging.

She's been dating her boyfriend Max since they were twelve and are the perfect couple. When they graduate from college, Max proposes and Liz accepts.

Then over night she becomes Bridezilla. She's mean, bossy, selfish, demanding and scary. She treats Max like an accessory to her wedding. She treats her maid of honor, Maria, like her personal gopher. She fires Isabel as her wedding planner when Isabel stands up for Max. She fights with everybody and alienates all her friends and family. Even Max is having doubts about marrying her.

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 3:06 pm
by nibbles2

Liz, Maria, Isabel and Tess are cheerleaders.

One of the guys joins the team. You pick who.

He loses a bet or wants to get closer to one of the girls or needs to join a team for some reason and it's the only one he can get a place on.

At first he hates being on the team. The other guys give him a really hard time about it. But after a while, they realise that he has an inside track with the hottest girls in school. He uses his influence with the girls to help out the guys he likes and to ruin the chances of the guys he dislikes.

Must be CC.

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 4:38 pm
by Michelle17

Au w/o
Liz/Max and thers

Liz Parker is 25 year old highschool and she teach's english creative writing. Liz is a super genious and graduated school very earily and her best friend is Maria. Liz Parker has a dark secret(the Author can decide what it is.) Max Evans is in highschool in Liz class, he feels this unbelieveable connection to her. Max is a loner and he is a dark engima that no one can figure out. Max does everything to try and seduce Liz. He fines her more intresting than the class. Max one day embasses Liz. Liz and Max have to over come a lot be togther.

Rating: Mature/Adult
Happy Ending

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 9:34 am
by killjoy
316#TAKEN BY HUNTER :mrgreen:

AU All Human
Any Rating Is Fine.....but this really needs to be ADULT

Liz is off going to college out of state.And just like on the show her parents own and runs a small family type resturant.They' re middle class living paycheck to paycheck with most of their money going to paying Liz's way through school.But trouble comes when the family restaurant hits a bad spot....could be anything....bad sales,a fire that takes a lot of money to fix,busted pipes....anything you want it too be.But the main thing is that this takes up a lot of money that normally would have went to Liz and her college fund.

Now Liz is in a tough spot,short on money she's desperate to find something that pays well,preferably a job.But no job pays what she needs.That is when she finds an add,an add that is willing to pay a LOT of money for someone willing to be a nude model for a well known famous painter.The person is too show up at the painter's studio to see if they are to be picked.Now normally Liz would NEVER do this but Liz being Liz will make almost any sacrifice to stay in college.

Max Evans is the painter that is looking for the model.Max comes from a wealthily family and has made large sums of money on his own with his paintings.But his latest painting is giving him a fit! He knows what he wants to paint,can see it in his head but can't find the right model for it.Girls after girls come in but each are rejected by Max because he finds flaw after flaw with each one......even if the flaws are all in his head.

"What was wrong with the last one i sent in?"

"Her eyes were spaced to far apart"

"ohhh for the love of...."

Now enter Liz trying out for the spot of model.Very nervous and NOT at all used to be naked in front of some strange man.


Just one the same one I have to put in all my dreamer challenges...NO evil or bitchy Tess.

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 3:58 pm
by nibbles2
# 317

Michael and Liz are journalists at a magazine and best friends too. They co write a he-said/she-said type feature every month where they write a male / female take on a particular topic.

Their editor has just forwarded them a link to website (or something to that effect) It was set up by a girl that dated Max for a while until she found out that he was sleeping with lots of of girls at the same time. Dozens of girls have logged on and posted stories about how badly Max treated them. He charms them into bed, uses them for a while until he gets bored and then dumps them, all the while dating other girls at the same time.

They pack their bags and head for Max's hometown. Liz wants to interview the girls that have slept with Max. She wants to understand why they sleep with him. His reputation preceeds him. Everybody knows what he's like. There's even a website!! Yet Max still manages to get a different girl whenever he wants.

Michael wants to interview Max. How does he get all these girls? What's his secret?

When Max meets Liz he's determined to bed her and she's just as determined not to be another notch on his bedpost.

Meanwhile Michael meets Maria, the one girl who Max hasn't managed to bed despite years of trying.

Must be CC

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 8:01 pm
by azure

All Human
Any Rating Is Fine but mature could be good

Liz and Max are not from the same place. They meet and Max invite Liz to stay at his house if she wants to visit the city (the city of your choice).
One day Liz decide to visit Max ... She stay at his house but Max don’t alway seems to like having Liz there.

You can choose one of the options below or combine them:

This is Max birthday and his friends want to make a surprise for him. They ask Liz to bring him to the mall or some other place while they prepare the party.
Max gets impatient because Lis has to buy time before bringing him back... Max says some hurtful things and when Liz brings Max back for the surprise instead of going in as well she leaves some other place.
Max and Liz have a fight and Max tells liz he wish he could have 48 hours w/o seeing her. She is hurt and leave for that amount of time ... Max is worry.
This is Max birthday and some friends want to make a party. They ask Liz for help in the kitchen ... When Max arrived he ask why Liz is there ... she hears it and leaves after finishing the dinner.
When they eat there is an extra seat and Max find out that it was Liz place but she left ... he feels bad.

The day Liz has to leave, Max was supposed to bring her to the airport but he forgot ... He comes back and she already left ....Make the end like you wish

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 8:36 pm
by killjoy
319#Taken by Lena7
All Human

Ok first off let me say that there is NO bad guy/girl in this story.

Now.....Kyle and Liz dated all through high school and were childhood sweethearts.But sadly upon graduation that all ended.Liz got a scholorship to a school far away and Kyle was stuck in town.The two talked it out and both knew that long distance relationships never work.So the two broke up....but on good terms,they both went their seperate ways but still see each other now as the best of friends.

It's a few years later and now Liz is dating Max.She met him at school or something like that.She is now bringing him home to meet her family and friends.Tess moved to town not long after Liz left and met Kyle the two have been dating and a couple ever since.

Now here's the drama.

Like I said Liz and Kyle still see each other as good friends so when Liz and Max get to town the two are huggy and happy too see each other.For them it's just old friends stuff but Max and Tess start to get a tad jealous over how close the two act.Liz and Kyle don't notice their partners discomfort for to them they're just spending time with an old friend.

Some kind of party where Max and Tess end up at the bar and comment on how close Liz and Kyle still act.Both know what the other is thinking and hinting around about.

Finally at some point Tess talks to Kyle and Max talks to Liz and points out how the two have been acting and how it makes them feel seeing the person they love acting like that with someone else.

Both Max and Tess getting the evil green eyed jealous monster attack.

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 7:48 am
by spacegirl23
nibbles2 wrote:#280

Liz is an aspriring writer. She's taking writing classes or she's at college but she takes a class on screenwriting. Foran assignment, she adapts an old story she wrote into a script. Then to her horror, she leaves it behind in a cafe one day. When she goes back to get it, it's gone.

Then a few days later she sees a flyer pinned to the notice board saying that it's been found. She contacts the number on the note and is shocked when the person who turns up to return it is none other than Michael Guerin - a hot shot director who's been making big waves in Hollywood with a huge blockbuster. He loved her script and wants to make it into a movie.

Although, it's a small budget and an indie movie there's a lot of a-list actors who want to work with Michael.

He casts Max and Maria as the leads in the movie.

Must be CC.
Hey nibbles2,

I would love to work on this. Has anyone volunteered to write this? :D

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 12:03 pm
by nibbles2
spacegirl23 wrote:
nibbles2 wrote:#280

Liz is an aspriring writer. She's taking writing classes or she's at college but she takes a class on screenwriting. Foran assignment, she adapts an old story she wrote into a script. Then to her horror, she leaves it behind in a cafe one day. When she goes back to get it, it's gone.

Then a few days later she sees a flyer pinned to the notice board saying that it's been found. She contacts the number on the note and is shocked when the person who turns up to return it is none other than Michael Guerin - a hot shot director who's been making big waves in Hollywood with a huge blockbuster. He loved her script and wants to make it into a movie.

Although, it's a small budget and an indie movie there's a lot of a-list actors who want to work with Michael.

He casts Max and Maria as the leads in the movie.

Must be CC.
Hey nibbles2,

I would love to work on this. Has anyone volunteered to write this? :D
it's yours

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 10:36 pm
by killjoy
All Human
any Rating Is Fine

Max Evans has everything going his way.....a great job,great friends and best of all a great girl.A girl so great he's bought the ring and is just about to ask her to marry him....but than that's when everything falls apart on him.

For some reason Max goes to the doctor and it's found out that he's and why is up too you....but the main factor is that Max CAN'T have kids.Which is a major factor because Max knows that Liz's biggest dream is to get married,have lots of kids and be a mom with a big happy family.

So now Max knows he can't give her that.....and Max being Max pulls out the hero complex card....he's going to fall on his sword and let Liz go.He slowly starts to distance himself from her without telling why.He starts being cold to her in hopes she'll break up with him,move on and start a happy life with someone else.

Now poor Liz doesen't have a clue what's going on.One minute she and Max are in love,the next he's almost out of her life.

So Liz and the others start to try and find out what's going on with Max.And Max of course just wants for Liz to break up with him and get it over with.....but Liz will find out what's going on with Max.....and than what?

MUST HAVES....only one
No evil Tess