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Post by isabelle »


I have to raise an eyebrow at Liz's description of her parents' work. My dad works incredibly long hours, too, and he's certainly described the law office as a 'horrible environment,' although I know they're horrible in very different ways.

She talks about long hikes that she takes since she doesn't have a bike and describes her quiet interests as 'boring.'

"I don't know about that," I say thoughtfully. "Sometimes being what we are seems like more than enough excitement. It's nice to do the normal stuff, too. Like cookies and cocoa," I add with a grin. Of course, as I think about it, sometimes the rush of doing stuff that we can do seems to give us a greater need for thrills -- Maria and Michael, for example, seem to act that way all the time, although I can't deny that I've felt it on occassion, too.

"I do like being able to help people," I say, without really realizing that I'd voiced my thoughts aloud.


"Well, I'm not really hungry, cause I don't like to eat before know, change," he says quietly. He hardly needed to add that last word. It's still strange to think that he can't control his changes part of the time -- at the full moon, no less. I definately have to ask the proffessor about keeping him company. So far, he seems like a pretty cool guy to hang out with. "But I guess I could go for something to drink. What about you?"

"A drink sounds great," I say feeling all bubbly inside. Tonight is a night for having fun. To forget all about the math class I missed and the homework that I haven't done. I'm not sure I'd have gotten it done anyway and this is way nicer.

I lead Jess over to the bar, although it's location is perfectly obvious. "I'll have a beer," I tell the guy there before turning back to Jess. "How about you?"

"Can I see your ID?" the bartender asks me. Crap. I was hoping to get away with it. I pull out my fake driver's license, hoping it'll pass.

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Post by KatnotKath »


I smile as Max seems voices the thought that maybe we have enough excitement in our lives and it's nice to do normal stuff. I actually think he's hit right on it there. With everything that I can do, it's nice sometimes to be able to just go out, and maybe for a few hours when I'm outside almost feel as though I was just normal...

I can sit up in one of the big branches, or even just on the ground underneath, and I don't have to think about telekinesis or mind control. I can just sit there, do my writing and enjoy the views just like any other person.

It's one of the times when I feel as though I can really write what I feel too - I don't have to hide myself as I do sometimes at school, or pretend to be something I'm not. I don't have to be able to pretend that being away from home doesn't bother me, and sometimes I just sit there and remember...

As he mentiones cookies and coca, Max grins and I can't help smiling back. "Yeah, I guess you're right..." I respond softly, taking another bite of my cookie and then reaching for my drink, cradelling it between my hands as I look over as Max speaks again.

"I do like being able to help people" He says, and it seems almost as though he's talking to himself. I nod slightly. "Well you certainly helped me today..." I comment softly, trying not to think about the fact that unlike his, my powers can pretty much only be used to do harm. What good can I do with mind control, or telekinesis for that matter? - I suppose I can use the latter to move heavy things, or help tidy up, but its not exactly on the same scale as being able to heal...

And the mind control...well...I've often wondered if there would be a way to permenantly cap that, to prevent me ever using it again... I've said that others are scared of me because of it, but can I truely blame them when, if I'm honest, I would have to admit that I scare myself sometimes when I'm using it...

Biting my lip, I shake my head and sigh, looking over at Max again. "D-do you ever wish that you were just normal, that you couldn't do the things that you can...?" I ask hesitantly in a soft voice.
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


"A drink sounds great," Maria says, and she leads me over to the bar like I couldn't see the glowing sign that said beer, hanging over the counter with a bartender and a whole lot of bottles of alcohol. I don't say anything though, since the leading involves her continuing to hold my hand, which I'm okay with.

"I'll have a beer, How about you?" She asks, but before I can say anything, the bartender turns to her. "Can I see your ID?" A beer? Well, I guess that was what I was going to ask for but, no she's being carded. Great. I watch as she hands over a license, that is more than likely fake, and wait for his response. Thankfully, he nods and hands it back, giving her what she's asked for. This girl's got spunk, that's for sure. I know a lot of girls that would have caved and changed their minds, ordering a soda or something.

"I'll take a beer too," I say to the guy, handing over my false yet flawless license and some money for the drinks. He looks at it for a second too long, and then gets me my drink too, and I pull her away, to sit at this little table in a different corner.

"Nice," I say in reference to the whole fake license thing.
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Post by isabelle »


I'm so pleased when my fake ID passes, but I try hard to remain calm, like it was no big deal. It seems to work and the fellow accepts Jess' ID, too. I'm sure his is just as 'real' a mine was -- not at all.

He ushers me aside and we sit in a noisy corner together. I'm looking forward to dancing with this one, but we'll wait until we won't spill our drinks, I'm imagining.

"Nice," he says, gesturing with his beer, obviously referencing our little deception at the bar.

I grin at him and then shrug. Sometimes I feel like my whole identity is fake. Afterall, I'm not just pretending to be of legal age. I'm here in the bar pretending that I'm a normal girl. That I can't turn into a lioness at will. That I don't know a dozen other people with abilities that are just as startling -- starting with the guy sitting across the table from me. The werewolf.

"Hey, it's what we do," I say, raising my beer bottle and touching it to his in a mock-salute. I take a long sip and grin at him again. "This back-water place isn't all bad," I tell him. In fact, I'd say it's gotten a lot better just since he showed up this afternoon.


Liz comments that I helped her today and I want to turn away and deny it. I wasn't trying to fish for compliments or thanks. I was just thinking aloud. Being able to do what we do isn't always bad.

"D-do you ever wish that you were just normal, that you couldn't do the things that you can...?" she asks.

"Of course," I say. My voice is low, almost wistful. Then we could live like regular people. We wouldn't have to worry about hiding our abilities all the time. Wouldn't have to worry about what other people would think if they discovered us. It would make things so much more simple. We could be ... free.

But I push the feelings aside because it's not something I can change.

"Other times, I wish I could do so much more and that I didn't have to hide. Every day I hear about people who are hurt or killed, people that maybe I could have helped." I shake my head, not sure exactly what sort of point I'm making, or if I'm making any point at all. A lot of time, I don't want to be different at all, then much of the rest of the time, I wish I could be everywhere at once, using my healing abilities. Sometimes I read about murderers and rapists who go unpunished and I want to use my darker powers, too, but usually those feeling are hidden so deep that even I don't see them.

"You must feel the same way," I say, lifting my eyes from the cocoa cup in my lap to look Liz in the eyes. "... Like last week when those two kids died in that fire because they were too afraid to jump into the net. If you were there, you could have used your TK to grab them, or if they were too heavy or scared, you could have used your mind-control to make them jump and then they'd have been saved."

Last edited by isabelle on Sat Jul 22, 2006 6:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: sorry for the delay Isabelle, hope this works


As Max speaks about everything that he wishes he could do, if only he didn't have to hide, I can see the pain in his yes and can't help wondering exactly what he's thinking. I want to tell him that there are people that he does help, and that hard as it is he can't help everyone, but I'm not sure it would really help, and instead I stay quiet...

"You must feel the same way..."

He looks up from the cocoa cup, and my first impulse is to deny it. What can I do, how could I make a difference...? And then he continues on to mention something that was in the paper last week, talking about how I could have helped them had I been there...

I bite down on my lip, chewing nervously as I look down at the cup, continuing to cradel it in my hands. "Would they? Could I have really done that?" I question softly without looking back at him." I don't know that I could have done either of those things, whether I have enough control, or strength in my powers, and even if I were able, whether I would have got the chance...? Even if I truely believed that I could help, it wouldn't change the opinion of others. They'd soon come up with some explanation for what I was doing which ignored the fact of having saved someone... I can think about the possibilities sometimes but...

I swallow and shake my head. "More likely someone would have thought I had something to do with the fire in the first place don't you think?" I question in a tight voice, curling my fingers into a tight fist. "Do you really think that I would have got within ten yards if they realised what I was, or that people would have thought I was trying to help them...?"
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »


"Sure you could have done it," I say confidently. Does she really doubt it? I've seen what she can do. Sure, she always seems rather tentative about it, but she's not weak. She must be even more afraid of her own powers than I am.

"Yeah, people would freak if they knew you were doing something, but your powers have the advantage of operating at a distance. Nobody would need to know you were doing anything. If people knew what I could do, I'd probably be tossed in jail just because I could kill someone, even if I've never done it." I shake my head sadly. Liz and everyone-else in this school is in the same boat. We'd all be feared and persecuted if anyone knew just how 'different' we are.

"But you can help people secretly once you learn what Eric is trying to teach all of us. Being different isn't all bad," I say gently, reaching out to put my hand on her knee for re-assurance. Suddenly I realize that the gesture could be read a different way and I slowly remove it. It would be nice if I could touch her in that other way but she barely knows me. I'm sure she doesn't want that....
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: really not sure about this one, hope it's okay though and sorry for the delay


"Sure you could have done it,"

Max responds, and he sounds so confident. I only wish I could be that confident about my abilities myself...instead of constantly feeling as though I'm fighting to try stay above the water... I just feel so out of my depth I guess... "Thanks for the confidence..."

As Max goes on to point out that I can at least work from a distance, something that he doesn't have the liberty of, telling me that I'll be able to help epople secretly, and even going as far as to say that being different isn't so bad I look down and shrug. "I guess..." Biting down on my lip, I swallow. "I guess that I worry that people will know what I can do just from looking at me - like I've got a sign on my back or something... Afterall, it's not like it's only those that are normal that are scared either is it - shapeshifters, people who can go invisible, guys with super strength, they're all here, and they're scared of what I can do. I m-"

I break off as Max places his hand on my knee, suprised by the gesture, but not, as might be expected uncomfortable... In fact, I have to say I feel as comfortable right now as I have been in a long time, just sat here, talking...with him...

But then he removes his hand, reminding me that he didn't mean anything by it and I feel my cheeks grow warm with embaressment as I realise that I would have sounded mighty silly had he been able to hear what I was just thinking. Afterall, we're not like that are we? We're just friends, nothing more...

"I'm sorry Max, you don't need to listen to me going on like this, I just sometimes..." I shake my head and bury my face in my hands as my cheeks continue to burn with embaressment.
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »


"Hey, it's okay," I tell Liz as she suddenly starts to act all embarrassed at our conversation. "There's nothing wrong with feeling that way. I think everyone feels that way, sometimes. And with people like us -- " I gesture broadly ending in a little helpless twist of the wrist "-- it's a lot more complicated."

I feel my thoughts wander off to a distant nowhere, leading me to thoughts of all the things that seem harder -- but I cut it off as soon as I recognise it. No more than a second, I think. I know those 'things' would still be complicated if we were normal, but at least we wouldn't have the extra twists and turns to be worried about.

"... especially being friends," I say, hoping Liz didn't notice the lapse. "It's so much harder to let anyone really see who you are when you're always afraid of what they'd think..."

She knows my powers and I know hers and yet, I know I can't tell her what I'm feeling for her. It's not what she wants. She just wants a friend and I have to be that. It's probably for the best, anyway...
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: sorry for the delay, hope this works


Max assures me that it's okay, but that doesn't make me feel any less of an idiot I've got to say and I can't help noting that he uses the word 'friends'... He's not exactly talking about us now I don't think, more in general, but I've got to keep telling myself that's what we are - friends... Nothing more!

He goes on, saying how hard it is to let someone see the real you when you're worried about what they'll think and I bite down on my lip, nodding slightly. "Yeah, I guess..." I shrug slightly and reach again for my cocoa the remainder of which has by this point gone stone cold it seems. "Yuck!" I pull a face and set it down, shaking my head as I stand and grab the tin he brought up. "I'm gonna go wash this out and make some want another cup?" I question quickly, grateful I suppose for the excuse to get out of the room a minute, to try and give myself a break and keep me from saying something that would compeltely mess things up.

Just keep it nice and simple, friendly... That's all he wants and that's all you are! And that's enough! Haven't I always said all I wanted was someone to talk to without feeling as though I still had to hide myself? Well isn't that what he is? He understands like no one else can, and that's great...

It's just that he's so sweet, and I like him...

But nothing's going to happen! I push the thought to the back of my mind and continue to linger at the door while I wait for his reply. "I-if you want to put some music on while I'm gone, my CD players there..." I suggest awkwardly, feeling that I need to say something and motioning towards the item which stands on on top of my chest of drawers. "You don't have to though, it was just a thought..."
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »

*bumping for a Jess Post*


"I'm gonna go wash this out and make some want another cup?" Liz asks. It's clear her cocoa has gone cold. So has mine, now that I notice. I guess I wasn't paying any attention to that.

"Yeah, thanks," I say starting to stand up.

"I-if you want to put some music on while I'm gone, my CD players there..." "You don't have to though, it was just a thought..."

'While she's gone,' I think, slowly sitting down again. I was going to walk with her, continue our conversation, but it sounds like she wants to be alone. Maybe I'm pushing her too far. Am I crowding her? Does she want to finish this up? No, she just said she was getting more cocoa, so I guess she doesn't mind continuing ... but maybe she needs a break?

"All right," I say slowly, handing her my cup. "Thanks." I wish I knew what she was thinking.
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