What Real Life's Like Thread 3 (CC TEEN) TESS OPEN

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Post by ~Ruby~ »


"Craig from my departement said that he saw our big boss coming out from the ladies toilet earlier this morning with his secretary right behind him. Isn't the guy married with kids?"

"Ugh! Men are such pigs." I mutter darkly as I pull out of the parking lot. Why can't they ever be happy with what they have? Why do they always have to have something on the side?

"Amen to that," Maria agrees. She glaring at the van infront of us and I don't have to guess who she is talking about. Poor Maria. She screwed things up with Michael and can't seem to fix them. Although I don't know why she would want to. Michael has turned out to be quite the man whore.
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


"Ugh! Men are such pigs." "Amen to that,"

Oh God! I'm in a car with two women who got hurt by men recently and I start talking about cheating guys. Lonnie was right, I do not know when to not say anything.

Okay, I'll just say something cool now.

"Yeah, I love you two girls too!" I mutter quietly before glancing out the window with a sigh. It's not really like someone pushed the two at the two jerks Jake and Michael, it's their own fault when they don't appreciate the nice guys.

Hm, actually I don't think that statement counts as cool and funny ... I better change the topic quickly.

"Isabel, did you get the call you were waiting for yesterday?"
Colin Hanks
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Post by ~Ruby~ »

Sorry so short. :(


"Call?" I repeat, my mind going completely blank. Gah, that is really bad when you can't remember what you were doing yesterday. I must be going crazy.
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


Now I'm a bit panicked, Isabel did say she was waiting for a call yesterday, didn't she? Or was it someone else? Or was it not yesterday? Should I really start listening more instead of secretly staring at her? Am I going crazy? Didn't I already ask myself this earlier today?

"Uh yeah, you mentioned you were waiting for a call from ... uh ... Kathleen, or Katherine? That was when I was trying to explain the dishwasher to you." Then I frown, "Please, don't tell me you made that up so you didn't have to do the washing."
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Post by ~Ruby~ »


Busted! Crap, I completely forgot about that little white lie. Gah, how embarrassing. You see, this is why I don’t lie. Its mess but yesterday it was for a good cause because Isabel Anderson and dishwashers don’t mix.

“Oh that phone call. Yeah, I spoke to Kathryn.” I say truthfully. I did speak to Kathryn yesterday. I just didn’t wait for her to call me. I called her. “Everything seems to be okay at home. Kathryn said that she is utterly lost without me, which was nice. She asked if she could come visit but I nipped that idea in the bud straight away. Pfft, I can’t believe that you thought I was trying to get out of learning how to use the dishwasher.”
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


“Oh that phone call. Yeah, I spoke to Kathryn. Everything seems to be okay at home. Kathryn said that she is utterly lost without me, which was nice. She asked if she could come visit but I nipped that idea in the bud straight away.

Ah, so we won't get to meet the mysterious Kathryn - best friend and advisor of Isabel Anderson? Too bad, the girl sounds like an interesting character. But on the other hand, at least I can be sure that if Kathryn never meets me, she can never not like me and not tell Isabel that I'm not good enough for her! Iz would probably listen to her!

Unless ... oh my ... do they maybe talk about me on the phone? Not only me but all of the people in the house which also includes *me*! Luckily, Isabel continues talking before I can start panicking about this.

Pfft, I can’t believe that you thought I was trying to get out of learning how to use the dishwasher.”

I narrow my eyes at that, thinking that her voice sounds a bit too high, "If you say so, then I of course believe you." I tell her with a big grin, "I'd be honored to explain the workings and mysteries of dishwashers to you today then - unless ... you are waiting for another call, that is."

I have a feeling that Iz might be too busy for that tonight.
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Post by ~Ruby~ »


Oh rubbish. Why is he so determined to make me learn how to use a dishwasher? At least this time I don’t have to pretend to be busy.

“I don’t think we will have time. I mean, once I’ve gotten dressed and everything, it will be time to go to the club.” I say, smiling. “You can teach me some other time though.”

Some other time being in the not so near future or even in this lifetime. There are so things I won’t change about myself.

“You’re still coming tonight, aren’t you?” I ask, hoping that he is. Things are starting to feel normal again.
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


“I don’t think we will have time. I mean, once I’ve gotten dressed and everything, it will be time to go to the club.” “You can teach me some other time though.”

"Of course." I reply with a chuckle, deciding to just tease her a tiny bit more. "Since you want me to teach you, I will."

“You’re still coming tonight, aren’t you?”

Does she actually sound anxious, like she's worried I'll say no? Yeah right, and pigs are flying.

"Yeah probably, unless something manages to screw my plans in the next two hours or so." Which I can't see happening since my life's boring as hell here in Miami. "I'm not really in the mood for our usual club and I don't know what else to do sooooo ... sorry, I'll continue bothering you for a bit longer Ms. Anderson."
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


"Yeah. Tomorrow should be a bit easier than a regular work day for me and Tess anyway. What do you have to do at the event?"

Max replies while Tess remains silent. Hm, is she angry at me or just tired? She can't still be mad because of the whole Alex-Isabel thing, can she?

What did Max ask again? Ah yes, what I have to do tomorrow, at work ... on a Saturday. Working during the weekend should be illegal.

"I'm mostly in charge of the equipment with some other guys. When something breaks down, we either have to fix it immediately or get something else that's functioning instead. Also making sure that there is enough food and drinks the whole time. Nothing exciting. Will you guys be there tomorrow sometime?"
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Post by ~Ruby~ »

Hmm, is it time to recast Tess again? DestinyAwaits hasn't been online since June.
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