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Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 12:16 pm
by isabelle
I would love to help but I posted my two characters most recently.

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 2:20 pm
by Anna-Liisa
I'll try something this weekend. Bad writer's block and I forgot most of the games I was in. Will try to catch up.

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 9:51 am
by StormWolfstone
Will be trying to post when I get home from D*C. I'm half way home now. Stopped the night with a friend so we could get some sleep.

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 12:56 pm
by Anna-Liisa

I couldn't understand it. I couldn't undertstand anything that was going on. I felt like I was standing, but at the same time I felt like falling. Two people died... just like that. And with that... everything seemed just go even more unrealistic and mean. I feel myself frightened when Medina comes closer and want to take a step back. But I don't. I can't even move when I'm afraid. Some man I am.

"Let me ask you something, Kyle. Would you like to forget the pain, betrayal and loss? I can make you forget. I can make all of you forget and then you’d never know whether there was someone out there that is to be the one to complete you," Medina says and I just stare her. There's no way I can forget everything... everything she did to me. There's no way... even if my memories would be erased, my body wouldn't forget... no. I feel Medina's hand on my shoulder and find myself staring into her eyes.

"Dear boy. I can be nice. I can be kind. And maybe, just maybe you’ll have many chances. For now though, you will have two hours to talk amongst yourselves. Know this, the mall is locked up. You can not get out. When I return in two hours, I’ll decide how many of you stay together," she says and I stare at her. Stay together...? Medina talks to others and disappears... Isabel and an other girl pass out. I feel like my legs can't hold me anymore even if I'm fine. Well, actually my hand tickless because of the recently used powers. My eyes try to find Tess - but instead they wander to see someone talking to the slave Medina brought. I look at Maria, but there's nothing I can say to her. Nothing...

I hear a weird guy talking about 'watching' and being able to make us invisible to the cameras... and Maria talking to the strange new comer.

"How do we know that this isn't still part of her game?" Maria asks the one who was talking to the slave. I look at the two. "How do we know that you are really taking us somewhere safe?"

"Maria... calm down," I say to her. But I feel like my words won't do the difference. I look at Alex... he's not... our Alex, but he's still him. Isn't he? Everything's just too complicated right at this moment. I look at the slave and the other one. "We can't trust you," I say. "We can't trust anyone but ourselves here. How do we know that you're not one of her allies who just wants to play with us?"

I feel my hand tingle harder and grab it. Great.. it's the after effects of the new powers. Electricity just reminded me about them. I sit down on the floor and hope it would go away soon... right away... but no. It took time.

- -

I hope nothing went wrong with it :oops:

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 2:05 pm
by Anna-Liisa

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 1:16 am
by StormWolfstone
I'd like to welcome OnDragonflyWings as our new Tess and Alex.

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 11:33 am
by OnDragonflyWings
OOC: Thanks for the welcome :) Here's my first posts...Hopefully they aren't in complete contradiction to what's been done with the characters already. let me know if they need to be changed. :)

Not really sure what to do with Alex, and sorry for beginning post slowness.


As Medina leaves, Isabel and two other girls hit the ground. And I'm torn as to what to do. I can't rush over to Isabel, not now, though I do consider ehr a friend, she, nor any of the others that are like the people from my reality consider me a friend.

I know what I've done. I know Alex is dead. And I don't want to make light of that situation, but I ahd no idea that the mind warps would kill him. And he was the only one, the only possibility.

I think about all that Medina has said, how we can't go home if we don't play by the rules, how our worlds could be destroyed. And I'm not entirely sure I care. If the fate of our world rested on my shoulders...well they'd all be in for a rude awakening. Max is already here. Max is the only one I really care about.

And if the attitudes of this Michael, Kyle, Liz, Isabel, and maria are of any judgement. I don't have a whole hell of a lot to go back to. Lying, covering it up, always wondering if someone knows. If they find out, they'll never forgive me. And right now I can't go to my real home, to Antar. So hanging out here seems as good as anywhere.

I feel like I should be doing something though, but I don't know what. I don't know the other two girls and I can't help those that I do know...

But I'm not gonna stand around and do nothing...

I head towards one of the groups that I don't know and offer,"DO you need any help?"

I'm not turning my back on the people I know really, I just know they wouldn't accept my help.

And I'll play by the rules. Not to go home, but to survive.


I saw Isabel hit the ground, it was like everything stopped, everything shut down. It brought back so many memories of a time when I saw my Isabel broken, utterly broken after getting ill. And then we lost our baby.

I hated that I was here, having to play some crazy game led by a crazy goddess, but that's where I was. Those were the rules. And I would do almost everything to see my friends make it through another day.

Liz alone had already lost so much that I couldn't let ehr get killed at the hands of some crazy goddess.

I was frozen for a long time before moving over to Isabel's limp body, realizing that I was third to her side, Liz and Max having already arrived and tried to heal her.

Maria was tlaking to some new comer. I couldn't focus on their words becuase I was too worried about Isabel, even if she wasn't my Isabel, it jsut all looked too familiar.

"COme on Izzie, wake up," I pleaded under my breath. She had to wake up.

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 3:05 pm
by StormWolfstone
ooc: I know this has been a long time in coming, but slowly my muse for many games is returning.

~Currently Mysterious Woman~

"How do we know that this isn't still part of her game?" One of the girls asks and I closed my eyes counting to ten calmly. I really didn’t have time to deal with convincing them to help themselves and trust me. "How do we know that you are really taking us somewhere safe?"

I open my eyes as I hear another young man speak, "Maria... calm down."

His gaze turns toward Marley and myself and I already have a feeling where this is heading. "We can't trust you. We can't trust anyone but ourselves here. How do we know that you're not one of her allies who just wants to play with us?"

Marley moves to step in front of me and I can feel her anger as she speaks to them, looking around the room. “Never! And I mean Never accuse the Lady of Light of working with the bitch goddess. She has safely been hidden from Medina for five hundred years and yet she has come out of her safety, risking being taken again if she fails to hide her energy from the Goddess in order to help save you.”

I place a hand on her shoulder gently, “Calm down, Marley.” Closing my eyes for a moment, I summon a friend in to help. When I open my eyes, he appears at my side. “Jesse, how long will the shields we have around the city keep Medina blocked?” I ask, and I’m making certain I speak loud enough for all those around to hear.

Jesse whose eyes are normally a clear blue, began concentrating and I watched as his eyes became simply orbs of white, no pupils. As he was reaching out his feelers he spoke, “At the rate they are breaking down, an hour tops. Already Medina has several of her creatures ready to come into the town the second the barriers drop. There are two routes of escape that she hasn’t covered with them yet. Nina and Rae are keeping those sections clear.” When he’d finished speaking his eyes returned to normal and he moved to lightly embrace Marley. “Let me heal you, sweeting.” He told her and I watched her nod.

I turned to look at the gathering, one by one holding the gaze of those that met mine. “You want to know why you should trust me.” She made it a statement and tossed back the hood she wore, removing her robes and looked at Bray, Pride and Lex, “Because, Mallrats were always known as the city defenders.” She turned to look at Willow and Xander, “Because Scoobies never let evil destroy their will to fight and protect humans from the things they didn’t know were out to kill them.” She then looked at the crew from Roswell, “And because, no matter how different your realities are from each other, you would still do whatever you can to help people.”

Last, she turned toward Zeus, “And Zeus, you fought not only against a group that tried repressing everyone’s rights but you race against time, knowing death could find you before your allies find a cure.” As an afterthought she commented, “Making the one set up works well, Zeus. The other girls we can take care of. Jesse can carry one and I can carry the other.”

She again let her attention spread to all of them, “You think about it like this, stay here, let Medina decide to force these girls awake which could leave them in a near catatonic state.” She winced, remembering well one of the times she’d seen that happen, “It could even kill them. Though they sleep, their spirits have traveled from this building and away from here. Their souls will not return completely until they are ready to awaken on their own.”

Marley, now healed smiled at Jesse, “Thank you. Now, can we get this collar off or do we have to wait?”

“You’ll have the chance to get that off later, Mar.” I tell her and she nods before I simply glanced around. “You have ten minutes to decide because after that, I’m going to take these ladies that are unable to decide for themselves and I will keep them safe, but if you choose not to come with us, you will be on your own. I’m not risking returning to servitude more then I already have.”

I turned to Jesse, “Take Marley back to the base and make certain the transport vehicles are waiting in the safe zone to take over. Tell Mad and Kane that we might have a large group of visitors and to have…” She paused to take a head count and consider the groupings. “Four of the larger rooms, side by side made up and ready. Then return here to help.”

Jesse nodded, wrapping his arms around Marley and a moment later vanished.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 1:24 pm
by OnDragonflyWings
OOC: Just posting something, not sure if I like it, lol. Lemme know if anyone wants anything changed. :)


As soon as all the newcomers dissppear I feel eyes on me and turn around, seeing Alex watching me. "What?" I ask him, completely confused as to why he's eyeing me.

"Do something," he says simply, his voice cold. I know he hates me. I know they all hate me. But Alex's tone, Alex speaking to me at all sends chills down my spine. Our Alex jsut died. And it was my fault. I almost want to hug him, apologize. If anyone in that group least deserved to be hurt, it was Alex. ANd I had killed him.

But I couldn't come clean because they all hated me.

"Like what?" I ask him, not quite sure what he thinks I could do anyway. Pull out my god powers and go head to head with queen of the crazy power hungry bitches. I don't think so.

And then the look on his face, clicks for me. ANd I look at him shocked. Does he really think I can mind warp Isabel into waking up, or people into not seeing the injured. Sure I could. But if Medina was telling the truth, I couldn't mind warp her, she'd still see, she'd still force Isabel awake. Isabel could still die. If mystery lady was telling the truth. There were jsut too many ifs.

"I can't," I said to him softly. I see his harsh look and I can almost hear his words. he's mad at me for things I didn't do. He's...I think, upset over his Isabel...maybe. Maybe in his world, I did that. I killed his Isabel. "It's not that I don't want to help," I explain quickly, not wanting to hear whatever mean words he might have cooked up for me. "If my powers don't work on Medina...she'll still wake Isabel up, maybe kill her..."

I look at the others,"I don't think that's a lie...I think even if we stay, we should let them take the injured..."

Maybe they weren't exactly injured, but they were incapasitated. ANd I wasn't going to risk killing one of the closest people to a friend I had back home. If we were being lied to by the new strangers, that just vanished, there were enough of us that we could go abck for them. We could rescue them. But there was no way we could rescue or save them from Medina.

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 1:43 pm
by magikhands
Hi there everyone. Image

After a lot of thought, I’ve decided that I’m going to have to resign from my character(s). Several of my original stories have been contracted through e-book publishing companies. This is a great opportunity to get my work out into the world and known as I make my way toward fulfilling my dream of being a published writer. Though the publisher does promoting, a successful author does much of the promoting themselves.

This is why I have to give up rpg-ing.Image There are only a certain amount of hours in a day and I’m finding I can’t fit everything I want to into those hours *sigh* I’m saddened by this decision, but it is a necessity.Image

I want to thank StormWolf, Isabel, AnnaLisa, and Antarprince (just to name a few) and all the others who have given me the opportunity to play in this world for a time.Image I’ve made some good friends and have learned a lot about this aspect of writing. I’m not completely leaving the Roswell world though. I’ve still got two ongoing fics that I’ve promised to finish and I try to do some reading when I get a chance.

Again, thank you for your time and friendship. This is not goodbye, but see you around

Chris…aka magikhands

Oh, and if you’d like to see my upcoming publications, release dates, contests, and news about what I’ve been up to, stop by my site The World of Rayne and my blog Erotic Times. I've even got a free read I'll be starting soon.