The Martyr of Antar-COMPLETED

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Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the martyr of antar

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 316

When they arrived at the end of the trail, Running Deer made a U turn so they could stop right in front of the bushes. She got down and before anyone could go to help her, she expertly pulled the branches aside to disclose the entrance of a cave big enough for the two vehicles to drive inside. She waved them in and they parked side by side on the right. The stream ran inside on the left and disappeared into the pool. Running Deer pulled the branches back to cover the cave but stayed inside. From the van, they could see her walk towards them.

- She’s coming over! - Maria said, worriedly.

- It’s ok. Michael says it’s ok. - Liz reassured them.

When the woman climbed into the van, her colour was back to normal, having paled considerably after the jolt of hearing her name in her native tongue by Michael.

- You are nasedos, right? - She asked softly, as if afraid to say it.

- What? No, we had nothing to do with him…- Kyle started heatedly.

- No Kyle, you’ve got it wrong. The word “nasedo” in her native tongue means “visitor”, right? - Liz nodded at Running Deer and she nodded back.

- Just like “Anasazi” also means “ancient enemy”, not because they were the ancient enemies, but because they were the targets of those travellers who kept coming from the sky to take aways our people. Somehow, they focused on that region, around the area where the four states meet today, so most of the local tribes stayed away, but the Anasazi wouldn’t, out of respect for their ancestors who were buried there. They tried protecting themselves making shelters on the rocky cliffs with towers to be able to see them coming, but it was no use. They took them all away in the end. My grandfather told me the story he had been told by his father, like all the generations before. It has been kept secret, specially from the snooping archaelogists who would lock us all up in a nuthouse for the rest of our lives if we dared confide it to them. It is never mentioned, even among our people for fear of the consequences. -

- Why are you trusting us with this valuable information? - Jim asked her.

- Because you are a different kind of nasedos. Our enemies are also yours. Some of you are part human, I’m not sure how… and he has noble blood. - She said, gazing at Michael. - You’ve protected some of our people, in your original planet, wherever that is. I am grateful. Let me help you with him. -

- Shouldn’t you hide your jeep? What if someone comes? - Max wondered.

- No one comes without my knowing. Didn’t you hear my dogs howling when you came in? - She said.

- We thought they were coyotes…- Liz answered for all of them, getting it through her empathy. - Because we couldn’t see them. -

- I’ve trained them to stay out of sight and give just that impression, for their safety. So don’t worry, they’ll let us know the second anyone even steps into the reservation. - Running Deer assured them. - We need to take him to the water for the healing. -

Because of the way Michael was lying across the back of the van with two seats in front of him, it was going to be very hard to get him out without his participation. Isabel and Maria were shaking him and calling his name but they just got him to moan and squirm.

- Please, let me try. - Liz asked gently.

Maria and Isabel moved aside and let Liz take their place.

Running Deer watched with curiosity and then gasped.

- She’s an empath! - She whispered mostly to herself.

Liz felt Michael was blocking her out, so she needed a physical connection to get him to let her in. She knelt on the floor and raised his t-shirt, placing her hands on his back and her lips between them. She whispered his name against his skin a few times and felt him responding, slowly letting her in. She was astounded by what she saw: Rath-Michael stood stark naked in a strange room with a thin wiry jet black man as tall as him. A flaxen haired, dark eyed girl, whom she recognized as Vilandra, stood beside him too, helping him don his invisible armour. A third person, a smallish man standing on a stool, stood behind him lending a hand, obviously the armourer. The shiny golden helmet with the blue crest lay on the bed. He was already wearing the black knee high boots. As the small man climbed off the stool and stood back, Vilandra was lost in his embrace tilting her head back to receive his kiss. The black man looked on, thoughtful. He bowed retreating from the room.

“I shall have the stallion ready, Rath-Michael.” - He said familiarly, as he turned past the door and left.

“You shouldn’t go, Rath-Michael.” Zan’s voice rang in Liz’s ears as he entered the room, frowning at his young cousin.

“No Rath-Michael, please, you’re still not fully recovered from those two…” She struggled to find the adequate description to the two businessmen who had unlawfully enjoyed the boy’s forced sexual favours two nights ago.

“If you insist on fighting I shall be forced to inform my father and yours what has been happening with those two.” Zan threatened.

“You will do no such thing, because I will deny it. We need their shields and swords or we’ll be lost! You know that!” He said angrily.

“Rath-Michael, you’re still hurting, you could be seriously wounded, please, don’t go, listen to Zan and to me!” She begged, but he just scoffed and shook his head.

“I have to go!” He was adamant as he peeled her arms from his waist and headed for the door.

Vilandra sat on the bed and covered her face with her hands, weeping piteously. Zan sat beside her, going very pale.

Rath-Michael went straight to the courtyard and his father received him in his arms, kissing him as tradition called for, before he mounted. He was about to ride out of the citadel when Vilandra came running out of the castle screaming his name, and he rode up to meet her. Bending towards his left, he pulled her to him and kissed her.

- I’ll be back. - He promised solemnly.

Vilandra was left trembling and weeping as he joined the army which was waiting for him outside the gates. They marched until darkness stopped them and were forced to camp. Rath-Michael lay in Geehan’s arms but he only slept, still too sore. His personal servant and friend made sure he rested to keep easing the pain as much as possible for the battle. Next day, Geehan caught him wincing a couple of times though he kept insisting he was fine, but he couldn’t fool the black man. He hugged the boy tight, almost sure he was going to his death. When they reached the battlefield, Rath-Michael’s heart sank. They were easily outnumbered 3 to 1, but that didn’t stop him.
He charged with his usual fire, trusting his invulnerable surefooted steed, and driving the enemy out of their minds. Though they knew his tactics, they had no way of knowing, once he was five yards away from them and riding full speed, what he would do next. He was unpredictable, he could cut to either side, riding down everyone in his path, or he could simply circle the enemy formation to turn into their lines anytime and anywhere he chose, in a straight line, slanting, circling or zigzagging according to his mood. Whatever he did meant a heavy loss to those opposing him. This time however, he couldn’t make up his mind and when they were expecting him to swerve, he didn’t and just rode straight ahead, taking out most of the leaders that had concentrated in the middle of the vanguard, convinced it was the safest place to be. The effect was equally devastating, but the few leaders that were left, managed to rally their troops to meet the Antares and make their superior number be felt. They had easily gone down to almost 2 to 1 by the time Rath-Michael rode back to the front in erratic wide circles. He leapt off his horse sending him back to Geehan, and threw himself into the thick of the fighting. By the time they were sure of a victory, and knowing he had sustained two flesh wounds which had only served to spur him on, a fresh army of enemies appeared out of nowhere and they had to keep it up. Then the cowardly archers hidden in the hills on their right let go their shafts and many Antares fell instantly dead to their poison. Rath-Michael felt their bite on three places but the one on his thigh was giving him the worst time, limiting his mobility. When he saw another army of ‘skins’ show up, he knew they were lost, but to his surprise, more than half of them started fighting on his side. By the time he was able to claim his victory, he could barely stand. Geehan rushed with the stallion, and had to pull the arrow out and bind the wound tightly to contain the bleeding before he gave him a leg up, so he could check out the battlefield for the losses. His only consolation was that his men had died so fast from the poison that they didn’t know what hit them, dead before they touched the ground. Luck he did not have, as he felt the pain each of his men hadn’t, in his own body, at the sight of their corpses staring blindly up to heaven. The leader of the rebel ‘skins’, who had contributed to the Antares victory, marched back beside Rath-Michael’s horse, on the right side, opposite Geehan who marched on the left, ready to receive his boy when he dismounted.

“Join us, Prince Rath-Michael, and be the rightful king. With you in the lead we can save the planet. This is just an example of what we can do. Our ranks are growing with each passing day, but they want a Royal King, not an unworthy replacement. Please, my lord, it’s in your hands!” The rebel ‘skin’ leader whom they would meet on Earth in the shape of Courtney, begged him. “We can only obey you, no one else!”

“Then it’s impossible, I’m pledged to my king, his mother is my mother’s sister, we’re family and his sister is my true love. How could I betray him? No, there is no way I’ll do that! It wouldn’t be me! Fight with us, under our king, and you will be rewarded as our elite army.” Rath-Michael answered.

The ‘skin’ scoffed and shook his head in dismay and frustration. He was unable to utter a word, bowing respectfully to Rath-Michael and turning back to his army. The wail that rose from them as they heard the Royal warrior’s decision, made the whole Antares army turn to them in surprise. They watched their rescuers turn and march away and this time their eyes locked on Rath-Michael. He met their stares unblinking and they accepted their fate, whatever it was that their leader had decided on. They nodded unanimously and went on marching home. It was Rath-Michael’s last battle, and he knew he had really been defeated. The victory wasn’t his but belonged to the secret group of ‘skins’ who had made it happen. The pain in his soul was such that it triggered the one of his physical wounds to such degree that he fell over his horse’s neck, almost passing out. Geehan was having a hard time keeping Rath-Michael on the horse, using both his hands on him until he was forced to take the decision of camping down right away, and the healers did what they could to make him comfortable. They could only break the arrows as close to his body as possible to minimize the jolting until his healer could take the barbs out of him. Geehan lay beside him and the boy mechanically eased himself over him, almost unconscious and delirious, so the man could hold him in his arms. He could only manage fitful catnaps, moaning and writhing and burning with fever. The healers administered drugs every hour, afraid he wouldn’t make it, as a messenger raced to Antar to explain the desperate situation. Ramthis went out of his mind on getting the news and sent a transport to bring the boy home as soon as possible, due to his life threatening situation. Then he went to inform the rest of the family, watching Wyteeah, Vilandra and Zan turn death pale. They sat huddled together in absolute silence on the back terrace, where Ramthis had ordered the craft to land, and Rath-Michael was carried down on a stretcher to be put in Zan’s hands. The healing was excruciating because the connection was imperative and the boy suffered the torture burying his face in Vilandra’s breasts. Still, and in spite of Zan’s skill, he needed drugs administered three times a day to control the fever caused by the pain, and his recovery was slow, keeping him in bed for almost two weeks. A week later, Khivar made their nightmares come true.

Liz pulled away from Michael and shook her head violently, not willing to see it happen all over again. Then the silence made her open her eyes. She was dreading having to tell them what she had seen, but to her surprise, they all had their hands on Michael, even Running Deer was touching him, and her eyes were wide as saucers.

- Did that really happen? - She asked in a shaky voice, her hand still on Michael’s shoulder.

- I’m afraid so, in another time and another world. - Liz’s voice was just as shaky.

- It’s not that I don’t believe, but it’s incredible to really see it! - The way she was looking at them had changed. Before, she was just playing along, now she was there with them. - To me, the ‘nasedos’ were just legends, but to see live ones, is just awesome. He’s different though, right? -

- He’s Royal blood, the last of his line. - Max answered looking at Michael with such love in his eyes that it made Running Deer shiver.

Max’s eyes ran all over Michael’s body and the park ranger suspected what she had taken for love was just that but with a very heavy touch of lust. His hand was kneading the boy’s thigh, high up which definitely confirmed her thoughts. She noticed the other girls didn’t seem to mind at all. Then why should she?
Michael shuddered and moaned so Liz leant over him again and kissed his back, whispering very gently against him:

- Michael, could you please get up? We need to get you off the van to make you feel better…please, love? - She turned her face and rubbed her cheek on him.

Michael took a deep breath ending in a sigh and started pushing up. Liz waved them all out of the way and with her hands guiding him, she eased him backwards between the seats carefully turning him around.

- Watch it, we’re still in the van, don’t straighten up yet! - She turned along with him so she was still behind him, his ass pushing into her stomach as he crouched to fit.

Running Deer could see he was a tall boy, taller than the rest, strongly built, with long legs and a handsome face. Very nice to look at.

And then he opened his eyes and Running Deer gasped. They were the colour of honey, flecked with deep blue streaks. She had never seen eyes like that before but she had heard the legends of a powerful warrior from the stars that had that trait, was this boy him? They said he was very young, but this was just a boy, what, 18? 19 at the most? Amazing! No matter what happened to her after this, her life had been worth it! The boy locked his unique eyes on hers and for the first time in her life, she felt her legs about to give. She had to look down, it was too much for her.

- I’m Running Deer, the ranger in charge of the Mescalero Reservation. - Her voice was barely above a whisper.

- Thanks for helping us. - His voice sounded deep and husky, as if he had just woken up, which she suspected he had.

- Michael, are you alright? - Isabel asked him, as Maria took hold of his arm and pressed it against her body.

Running Deer could feel this familiarity between the warrior and the taller of the girls who had just spoken, and couldn’t help staring at them. She could swear they were a couple, but the way the other two girls and the dark haired guy with the ears touched him, had her thinking. She could tell the shorter males were father and son, and the loving feelings of the older one towards the young warrior were totally fatherly, in spite of having no blood ties. The son’s were as lusty as the other one’s, too, with awe and jealousy at the same time. Quite an interesting group.

- I feel weird. Not that good, really. I think I’m running a fever…it hurts…I need to lie down. - Michael was actually dragging himself with the help of those around him.

- He’s suffering the pain of the wounds from his other life, which is possessing him. He needs to be relieved from them, through the healing. - Running Deer assured them, and helped them ease Michael to the ground by the pool.

- I don’t understand, I am his healer, this is the second time I’m useless, even though our physical contact is holding, and I’m sure of that! The first time was because of River Dog’s test…does this have something to do with you? - Max turned accusingly towards Running Deer.

- Max, he was already like this when we arrived here. - Liz reminded him. - I felt it and we turned back to look for a place to do the healing, somehow I knew this was the right place. -

Liz had also turned towards the native ranger, but for different reasons.

- He was brought back to life by the shaman of a human native tribe, living under our protection in our planet. He had been poisoned by one of their herbs by his mother, in spite of their warnings. She died with his twin brother, and the Inca shaman cleaned the poison out of his body. A group, of who we suspect are Anasazis, live there with them too. That might be the reason, though I’m not quite sure how. - Isabel said.

- And it was their shaman who had the snake pull out the slivers that were making him sick. - Maria reminded them.

They smiled at Maria, remembering the incident. She was right, he had been healed by natives twice on Antar and once on Earth, though here, the circumstances had been different: he had got sick proving who he was. But Running Deer wasn’t asking him for proof of who he was, still, Liz had detected the change in him right after they had passed the Mescalero Reservation, it couldn’t be a coincidence. Liz voiced her thoughts and the native ranger nodded with a sad smile.

- Thank you for letting me know where, at least, part of the Anasazis are. It’s been the quest of my life, and now you’ve brought it to an end. They were protecting themselves from the predators from the stars, but there was nowhere they could have hidden from them. Who knows where the others ended! I’m glad the ones who were taken by your people were cared for and respected. I’ll always be in debt to you. I think I know why he needed to come to me: let me rinse your pain away, these spring waters are said to heal anything. Let’s prove them right. -

Running Deer got what looked like a ladle from a nook in the rocks by the pool, reminding them of the underground place where the snake ceremony was done.

- We must remove his clothes. - Running Deer told them.

Max waved his hand over Michael, doing as she had said. She took it in stride, as if expecting it to happen.

She scooped some of the steaming water and poured it over Michael’s back. He hissed, disliking it instantly, not keen on hot water even for bathing. The second the scalding water touched a spot where Rath-Michael had been wounded, the bloody gaping wound appeared for a few seconds to fade away, with the pain it had brought. Running Deer rinsed him from shoulders to thighs, her instincts telling her where the wounds had been.

- Where were these native people from? I get the word “Untuma” for the hot springs. It’s not our language or any other I’ve heard. You said Incas, right? I’ve studied a lot about their culture, even been there, so it’s probably “Quechua”, which was their tongue.

- No, it’s not “Quechua”. - Michael said, pronouncing it correctly: “Keh-chooa”, with the accent on the first of the two syllable word. - It’s “Aymara”. -

He pronounced it “Eye-mah-rah” and “Oon-too-mah”, with the accents on the middle syllables.

Running Deer was impressed. She had visited Cuzco, called “the belly button of the world”, capital of the Inca empire, land of the Quechua people. Then she had gone to Puno, the land of the not as well known Aymaras, with the huge freezing Titicaca Lake, where the reeds are woven into boats, in the shape of floating logs. They are ridden like horses, thus the name of “Caballitos de Totora” which means “Little Reed Horses”. And yes, Michael had to be right, because he had spoken the words as a native.

- That’s all, he doesn’t have any wounds in his front. That shows the kind of warrior he is, his enemies fear to face him because it means certain death. So the only way is cowardly attacks from behind, mostly arrows, as far away from him as possible. - Running Deer nodded, quite proud of herself for what she had been able to do for Michael.

Then she dipped the ladle in the stream, flowing towards the pond and poured it over the area she had just treated, rinsing it in the cool water and watching Michael sigh and writhe in pleasure as it refreshed his burning skin.

- He needs to sleep, you’re all safe here. Maybe you should bring him a sleeping bag, to keep him off the sand. - She suggested.

They were all galvanized into action, bringing the necessary stuff from the van. Jim procured a blanket from the trunk of his van and the sleeping arrangements were set: Liz and Max shared a sleeping bag, made larger with alien powers. Maria did the same with Michael, Isabel helping her with the bag and making Michael as comfortable as possible in her arms. The other two sleeping bags maintained their original size and were destined to Isabel and Kyle.

Running Deer wanted to stay, but she didn’t want to intrude, so she gave them a long range walkie talkie, which couldn’t be traced, unlike the cell phones, asking them to use it anytime, if they needed to get in touch with her. Then she left with a last wistful look as she slid out through the branches.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the martyr of antar

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 317

As soon as they were left alone, Serena’s presence was very evident in the cave. So far, only Liz and Michael had been having a subtle awareness of her since they entered the Reservation. Now, there was no doubt she was there with them, even Jim was seen to look all around the cave as if looking for someone, not used to this kind of contact.

- You can’t see me Jim, but I’m sure here! - She giggled.

Jim gave an embarrassed chuckle and nodded.

- Well, you’re finally out of Roswell, and though you’re not sure, believe me, it’s the best thing that could’ve happened to you guys. Deputy Valenti here, soon to be Sheriff again, will escort you to Arizona, and you’ll keep going to Tucson, where we’re all waiting for you. - Serena said.

- No Serena, I…we’re not putting any of you in danger by going there, we have to find some small obscure town to get our act together and wait until things cool down. - Michael was very determined.

- Michael, Michael! Always the protector! Let me tell you there is no danger whatsoever. You’re not going to Laurie’s yet. I’ve got the shelter ready for you, completely out of sight and access to outsiders, where I will help you all get your powers in perfect sync while we get everything ready to integrate you back to the world. There are a few things we’ve found out that are totally in your favour. You’ll see and agree with me when you arrive. For the time being, follow my advice and don’t travel during daytime. Rest all day right here, and start out as soon as it’s dark, non stop to the Saguaro National Park, which is very close to Tucson, but I think you’ll barely make it there by dawn. Find shelter there until the evening and you’ll be here that very night. Drive straight into the pool area by the back gate. I’ll explain everything then. Trust me, you’ll be safe here, nothing to worry about. Trust Running Deer, she’s on your side; we can hardly wait to have you here. Laurie and Stuart wanted to drive over to catch up with you but I had to forbid them. It’s quite safe as long as you don’t attract attention to yourselves. Go to sleep now and take as long as you need, because you’ll be travelling all night and you need to be rested, specially Max and Kyle who will be driving. - Serena informed them.

- What about Michael? - Max and Kyle said together.

- No, I need to be in contact with him. It’s important. Liz and Isabel can drive too. Jim, remember you’re supposed to be following the aliens down to the Mexican border, so your mileage must coincide. Anyway you can’t cross over the state border, because you might be discovered where you shouldn’t be. Be careful, you’ll be playing a very important part covering for them from your jurisdiction, so do it right! See you soon! -

And as fast as she had come, she was gone.

- Ok, you heard Serena, lights out! - Isabel said, and suddenly, they all wondered where the light came from.

Liz pointed to the upper part of the walls and they realized there were torches on the four corners. The lack of wind made the flame so steady, that the cave seemed to be lit by electricity. They could remember Running Deer lighting the tip of a long rod as she waved them into the cave. She must have used it to light the torches in the walls as they parked. They had been so worried about Michael that they just took the light for granted, not really caring where it came from as long as it was there. Now that they were getting ready to sleep, Isabel and Max zapped out three of them, leaving only the one at the back so the light wouldn’t show through the branches, just in case anyone decided to stroll by. It focused on the pool, over which it was, giving it an eerie sheen, making the water look like a mirror.That way, they were in the dark, but the soft light shining off the water, enabled them to see each other, just clear enough for recognition.

- Michael, you feeling ok? - Asked Maria, sliding into the sleeping bag beside him and taking him in her arms as he snuggled over her.

- Much better…- He whispered.

- Are you in pain, baby? - She kissed his hair as he buried his face in her breasts.

- Just a little sore, nothing I can’t handle if I’m with you. - He said softly against her warm flesh.

- Michael, will you give me healing powers? - She begged.

- That I can’t, I’m sorry. Max is my healer, and it can’t be changed. That’s our interaction, I protect him, he heals me. That’s how it was meant to be. Sorry…- He took her nipple in his mouth and suckled like a baby.

Maria couldn’t believe how much it turned her on. His thighs were straddling one of hers, with his cock hardening against her hipbone. Maria had cunningly moved to the covered side of the bag with Michael on the open side, and of course, the zipper was all the way down, leaving him completely exposed. The way he was rubbing against Maria was so obvious that all the eyes were on them. Jim discreetly had his hat over his face, but still was able to make out what was going on, with the others thinking he wasn’t.
It wasn’t the first time Jim saw Michael naked, in fact it was the third. The first was when he found him in Kyle’s bed with his son’s cock rammed all the way up the alien boy’s ass. The second had been when he had stayed to take care of Michael and the boy spiked a fever. He called Max for help and the healer bared Michael’s butt to take his temperature as Jim watched. Then because of the phone call, Jim had to pull out the thermometer and got the grand daddy of a Michael vibe when he accidentally touched him. And this was the third time. He felt a little put off when he saw Michael was now doing the fucking for a change, not understanding why the boy could want to be fucked by another male. And it was with none other than Maria, his Amy’s daughter. He knew Amy really liked the boy, because one day, over too many beers, she had confessed that she felt very guilty about not having adopted Michael when the orphanage had insisted on many occasions. Jim told her the same thing happened to him. Then she had gone on telling him how much she appreciated the boy’s intervention at that convention when no one else would help her out. She thought he had found out through Maria and then how helpful and attentive he had been when Alex died, helping her cope with her daughter’s sadness. She knew the boy had a big heart and it was in the right place. They both knew those two had been at it for some time now, but it was still Amy’s daughter.
Jim could feel these waves of lust coming from his right, and he carefully moved his eyes in that direction. He could see the look passing between Kyle and Max, then the alien healer scoffed and nodded, consenting. Kyle moved towards him and Jim felt his son shoving him on the arm as he had expected.

- Dad? Daaad? DAD! - Jim gave a convincing couple of snores that sent Kyle away from him, satisfied.

He watched his son approach Michael from behind, pushing one knee between his parted thighs, and Michael spread them wider for him. By then, Maria’s legs were flexed by Michael’s hips, the right one still covered by the sleeping bag. Jim decided to check out the others and found them all sitting on their sleeping bags, hugging their knees as Kyle had been, and simply watching the show. Jim felt both lust and jealousy coming from the audience, but he only got lust from his son. His position allowed him to watch the threesome in profile, giving him the best view possible. Suddenly, he detected a slight movement coming from his left and saw a hand pushing aside the foliage at the cave’s entrance. He knew it was Running Deer making her rounds, and not wanting to disturb them but just checking to be sure they were safe. She had not expected what was seeing, and she didn’t leave, watching entranced the action in front of her eyes. Jim decided to do his own checking out and found the others focused on the interaction, only Liz’s eyes turned towards the source of movement and after a small secret smile turned back to the “spotlight”, because, it happened to be the best lit place in the cave. Jim, of course, suspected alien intervention.
Jim saw Kyle pull his abundant precum spurting cock out of the fly of his pants, then force it down and aim it at Michael, without interfering with the couple’s love making. As Michael moved into Maria, Kyle followed him, pushing the head of his cock against his ass. Maria’s hands, which had been raking his back, went all the way down, leaving bloody welts in their wake, and dug her nails into the delicate insides of his butt. She must have touched Kyle, because she immediately proceeded to spread him for the penetration. Michael backed away from Maria and Kyle smoothly thrust his slick cock into him. Michael gasped and bucked, making sure it went in all the way. The alien boy moved in perfect sync with both of his lovers, waiting for the precise moment that Maria started coming, to make Kyle shove against his g-spot, and his spasms squeezed it out of him.
Jim had watched plenty of pornos, but this had been so amazingly erotic, specially the way the boy in the middle gave and took, that he thought it was the best for him, so far. Kyle did quite well, apart from the fact that he did it to another boy and not a girl. He noticed the weird position he was in now, sitting back on his heels with his hips thrown forwards, deeply embedded into Michael. They stayed like that for some time, and Jim snoozed a few times until he finally saw Kyle pull what little was holding him inside the boy, to return to his own sleeping bag and lie back, closing his eyes, like the others were doing, now that it was over. The gurgling water of the stream pouring into the pool lulled them into a peaceful slumber. Jim was mostly surprised by the way they all took it for granted, and watched as if it was the most normal thing ever. Aliens were definitely different, he wondered if by the time he became one, he would find that kind of sex the right way too. That night he dreamt of a complete selection of threesomes with all the combinations possible but Michael was always in the middle.

The sun coming through the branches and cracks on the top of the cave fell on their eyes and woke them up. Michael’s face, sideways on the bag made only one of his eyes take the light, so he just solved the problem letting go of Maria’s hand to cover the offending light away, and went on sleeping. The others sat up, with Maria using the “bathroom” excuse to be allowed to slide from under him, knowing that Michael wasn’t aware of where they were right then, and once Jim took a peek outside and found the “coast was totally clear”, the guys went to take a leak. The girls got down to their underwear and took a dip on the crystalline pool with Isabel’s loud warning:

- If anyone dares pee in here, I’ll know, and you don’t want to know what I’ll do about it! -

- Cool it, Isabel, we’re all in here, so the warning goes from us too! - Maria giggled at Liz’s response.

When they heard the voices approaching the cave, they quickly stepped out and Isabel used her powers to dry them so they could get back in their clothes.

- Can we come in? - Jim was always polite and considerate.

- Wait a sec…Ok! -

- There are some bushes on the right that you girls can use as a bathroom, I think…- Max informed them.

- Oh, great! - The three girls burst out through the leaves and came almost head on with Running Deer.

- Hi there, bathroom I presume? - She smiled.

- Yes, sorry, we’re heading for some bushes over there…- Maria pointed to the right.

- No need. Come back in. - She beckoned with her head.

They followed her back in, and she took them to an almost imperceptible bend in the cave where the vans were parked, which went all around and caught the stream running for a few yards to disappear into the ground.

- This reminds me of that cave we visited with Serena…- Isabel said and shuddered.

- Tell me about it. - Running Deer was curious.

- Can we first use the “facilities”? - Liz asked.

- What are you waiting for? We’re all girls here! - Running Deer laughed and went to take a leak herself.

The girls followed her example, and told Running Deer about the cave they had visited, keeping it simple.

- Was it haunted? - She smiled and noticed their nervous reaction.

- What do you mean? - Liz faced her.

- Oh you know, to my people, caves are the usual haunted places like old abandoned houses are to yours, that’s all. But something did happen, right? - She was quite serious.

- Yes, we had a visit from soldiers and doctors, because it had been a kind of hospital during the war. - Isabel confessed.

- Very realistic, huh? - Running Deer frowned.

- Yeah, have you seen ghosts too? - Maria asked her.

- Kind of, I guess, they were mostly shadows, but others have and I believed them, they were so scared! - She shuddered. - Was anyone of you attacked? They do it, you know? -

Running Deer saw them exchanging looks, wondering if they could trust her. Then Isabel nodded and decided it was ok.

- They killed Michael with a saber, run him through, in front of our eyes! It went into his back and came out of his chest, pinning him to the cot he was lying on. Then it was all gone and he was alright, but he could remember the whole thing and how it felt. It was so scary! - Isabel recalled the incident.

- Wow! He must have been in shock! - The ranger exclaimed.

- We were, he just said he was ok and went to sleep. That’s Michael for you! - Isabel rolled her eyes.

- Yes, that one’s special, right? Probably did a lot of fighting in another life, which would explain it. - She nodded.

Running Deer noticed the strange way they were looking at her.

- Did I say something wrong? - She asked, tentatively.

- No, we actually think you’re probably right. - Liz quickly added.

- We better check on the guys. - Isabel said and started walking back.

The others joined them and when they rounded the bend into the original cave, they stood there remembering they hadn’t asked like Jim had done, if it was ok. They watched them sitting on the ground in the sock and shoe stage, after their quick bath, but what caught their eyes was Michael, just awakened, pushing up on all fours. Then just as slowly, he got up and walked to the pool for a skinny dip with his back to them. He stepped in and after two steps, the water was up to his mid thighs. Another step and it reached his hips, that’s when he bent over and dove, covered by the crystal clear water for a few seconds before he broke the surface. He shook the water off his hair and just waded towards the opposite shore where he stretched out in the water with just his face pillowed on his arms on the soft sand. The rest of his body was still barely under the water. Every eye was on him and even the guys had stopped what they were doing to watch him. Maria came out of it and ran to him.

- Michael, you ok love? - She asked squatting beside him.

- Mmm? - He went, giving a deep sigh.

Maria looked up with a startled look and scanned everyone in the cave.

- He’s still asleep! Can you believe that? - She exclaimed.

- Can you wake him up? There’s some stuff I want to show you, I think you’ll find it quite interesting. - Running Deer told them.

- I think we can. Give me a hand, girls? - Maria grinned.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the martyr of antar

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 318

The girls kicked their shoes off and jumped into the shallow water, pouncing on the unsuspecting Michael and accessing his most ticklish spots. Michael went into a transition between human/alien hybrid and fish/eel, slithering and writhing to try getting away from them and started an unusual forced and halting communication with repressed giggles and protests, hoping to make them stop.

- Dammit…(giggle) stop it!...(giggle) you just…(giggle) made me pee!(sundry giggles) -

- Michael! You’re a filthy…- Isabel started hurrying out of the pool, hastily followed by the others. - You idiot! Now the pool is totally out of bounds! -

They rushed to the incoming stream to rinse their feet, frowning. Running Deer and the guys were having their fun with their antics and the ranger was quick to point out a solution.

- In case you haven’t noticed, the stream keeps flowing into the pool but the water level of it doesn’t alter, cause the stream goes clean through it to wash out on the other side you just used as a bathroom, remember? So just give it half an hour tops and the pool water will be completely new, rinsed out by the stream. Anyway, you made him do it, right? - She grinned.

Michael was also wading across the pool to come out from the other side, rinsed from his own fluids. At first, he didn’t seem to give a damn about the native ranger seeing him stark naked as he stood up and smirked at his tormentors and the cause of his “accident”. He glared at their wicked smiles, realizing they seemed to know something he still hadn’t noticed, and then he did.

- Oh shit! Sorry, Running Deer…I…sorry…- He turned around and went to fetch his clothes, waving them on, in his hurry. - Oh shit! -

Now they were all laughing at Michael’s worry at having used his powers in front of the ranger, and at her look of awe at what she had seen for a second time. Michael was unaware Max had undressed him in the same way and in front of Running Deer for the healing. He had been barely conscious. If Serena said they could trust Running Deer, it was ok, because they trusted Serena in turn, so they had their laugh including her in their group as part of them. Michael turned around, looking at the floor, his cheeks blushing red, ready to be eaten alive by the others. He was met by their bursts of laughter and looked up quite perplexed. Maria rushed to him and hugged him tight.

- You look so cute when you blush, Spaceboy! - She went on laughing against his chest.

- I’m not blushing! - Michael exclaimed, although he could feel his cheeks burning.

- Yes you are! - Came the chorus from the whole group, Running Deer included.

Michael had to laugh with them, the nearest to an admission of guilt they could get from him.

- I just…didn’t mean to…just wanted to do it fast…- Michael stuttered.

- It’s ok, you can trust me. I would never betray you. Your people saved and protected my ancestors, and that means the world to me. - Running Deer said softly, looking back at Michael with admiration.

Then she decided to quickly change the subject.

- Ok, are we ready to go exploring? That’s what we woke him up for, right? - She beamed.

- Let’s go! - She got from most of them together.

Running Deer took one of the torches and gave the other three to Max, Jim and Kyle.

- I can take yours. - Michael offered.

- No, you have your hands full with your girlfriend. - Running Deer answered with a wink.

Michael came quite near to blushing again, and Maria got on tiptoes and kissed him. By the time she pulled away, they had to hurry up to catch up with the giggling group moving into the labyrinth of caves.

- Are you sure you won’t get lost here? - Jim said apprehensively.

- No, it’s easy; you just take, say, the right, ok? And you keep going on that direction following the wall no matter how capriciously it winds. You’ll eventually end back at the start or at another entrance, which is what we will. It’s the same either way. We will take the right again on the way back to visit what was our left on the way over, so you can see the whole thing. -

- That makes sense. - Said Liz, already doing the equation of the problem in her mind.

Along the way, they found many caves, most smallish but a few could be upgraded into full fledged caverns, with stalagmites and stalactites sprouting from the ground and the roof, and sometimes joining each other, making the view spectacular.
These caverns were breathtaking, and Running Deer said only her people knew them, keeping them away from the tourists, as only their own. It was their privilege to be there with her, as a bonus for helping her people. They also found several nooks on the walls of these awesome caverns, with skulls, and Running Deer said they were prominent ancestors, who had earned their right, through their deeds in life, to be there, and watch the natural beauty for eternity. They only asked to be looked upon with the respect they deserved, she said, and that’s exactly what all of them did. After what they calculated must have been over an hour, they arrived at the largest cavern and Running Deer called their attention to the bubbling water at middle of the pond.

- These are thermal waters, medicinal for many ailments, it’s scalding in the centre, as you can see it actually boiling, but it gets cooler as it reaches the edges, so you can choose the amount of heat you need and can take. - She informed. - The water contains several minerals that my people found essential for healing, and the heat made the patient’s pores open and allow these lacking minerals into his or her body, restoring health in a surprisingly fast recovery. They still come here, to heal or just to purify themselves. I highly recommend it to you. -

- It would kill me. I can’t stand heat. - Michael observed.

- Then keep to the shore, where the water is barely tepid. It will still do its purifying job, trust me. - Running Deer insisted.

They obediently took off their clothes and went into the water, where they unclothed completely, keeping their underwear in their hands, their nudity safe under the murky waters. Michael waved his clothes off, now openly, and backed into the water, being commando. Those that could, ventured as near the centre as they could bear, Michael remained barely covered, lying at the shore, as he had been in the other pool. He could feel the minerals make his skin itch, and when he told Running Deer, she said it was proof that he was getting just what he needed.

- Don’t scratch yourself, or you will easily break the skin and the burning will be unbearable. - She warned.

Michael had been about to scratch himself and stopped just in time. He wasn’t risking it, so he gritted his teeth and concentrated on the beauty of the place surrounding the pool.

- “Untuma”. - Michael whispered.

- Yes, almost. - Running Deer said and uttered some gibberish that sounded almost what Michael had just mentioned.

- No, “untuma” is what the shaman said in his native tongue, Aymara, at the snake ritual. - He insisted. - It means “hot water”, remember I told you? -

- Sure, maybe that’s why the word is similar but not quite. What I said is in the Mescalero language. No wonder it’s similar. It’s roots are probably Anasazi. No one understands why the native languages had similar words even if they were so far from each other and having no interaction at all! There are legends that some of our shamans are able to communicate with those gone, but not dead, so now I can finally understand what they mean: they’re the abducted ones, living in another planet! This is really amazing! I can hardly believe it! The Aymaras, Quechuas and Anasazis living together must have somehow adopted and merged their languages, and passed it on to our shamans, using these new words and inserting them as their own. That would be the explanation of the similarities. - Running Deer was very excited with these revelations. She had remained halfway to the centre, with Jim, being the only two taking the warmest water before it became really hot. The rest were nearer the shore, staying between Michael and Jim with Running Deer.

- Has anyone been to the centre? - Kyle wondered.

- In my lifetime, only one: a man bitten by a rattlesnake. He had to remain there for almost an hour, but he found the heat quite bearable. The shaman said it was because he needed it, that’s what made him able to take it. When he finally came out, his skin was red and peeling off his whole body. He was then laid on that pool over there. - She pointed to her left where they could see a separate pool, almost invisible in the shadows.
- The water there is cold, almost icy, and he stayed there for about a week, only drinking liquids. When he came out, his skin was like a newborn’s; he had to take the sun very gradually to get it used to the light again. The shaman covered him in egg whites all over at least four times a day for another week, before exposing him to the sunlight, but he survived. - She told them.

- Better stay away from snakes. - Michael shuddered.

- They probably wouldn’t attack you; your blood might be poisonous to them, keeping them away from you. - She said.

- Anyway, I’d zap them if they came too near, not to kill them, but to keep them away. - Michael explained.

- Yes, the problem is that they attack because we are unknowingly invading their territory, so it’s usually a defensive thing, and our fault, in a way. The best way is to walk slowly and be very attentive to hear their rattle, warning us not to keep going. - Running Deer knew what she was talking about; she had met a few and come out unscathed, moving away as soon as she was warned. - It’s so unfair; they get killed for protecting their lives, their young and their home. -

The ranger shook her head, and they all could see Running Deer had a keen knowledge of nature, living so close to it, so they absolutely agreed with her. They emerged from the pool in their wet underwear, Max and Isabel waving everyone’s dry, and Michael crawled out with his back to them to wave his clothes back on.
They continued crossing smaller caves until they arrived at another cavern which showed signs of some writings on its walls. The second Michael stepped into it, he froze, his eyes wide open. He knew he had been there before, it was so familiar.

- I know this place. - He whispered, and they all turned to watch him shiver and go towards the entrance where he took two stones from a nook in the rocks. He rubbed the stones together to make a spark and lit the torch fixed to the wall.

Their torches went out and an eerie light enveloped the cave. Then, as if in a dream, they saw the Indian and the boy entering the cave from the opposite site. They heard their words with the underwater sound they had become used to, but which was new and foreign to Running Deer and Jim. When they left, their torches were mysteriously lit again when the other ghostly light faded away.

- What the hell was that? - Asked Jim, visibly shaken.

- That was my father! - Running Deer said in a shaky voice. - Or his great grandfather, of whom he was the spitting image, from what those who knew him said. -

- He took me to this cave, when Max and Isabel were taken away and I stayed alone in the desert. When he brought me back, the farmer found me and Jim took me to the orphanage. - Michael recalled.

He walked to the carvings on the rock wall and they were just like the ones River Dog had shown them at the Mesaliko cave, only the alien stones were not there, just the holes where they had been.

- But the stones were here when the old man showed them to me, how could they be in River Dog’s cave even if it looks the same? - Michael wondered.

- If aliens are real, then so is magic. They probably went from this cave to the other one when you needed them. How can you find that hard to believe? - Running Deer whispered.

- You’re right! I saw them here, I know I did, and then River Dog gave them to us, he must have taken them from where I put them after you healed me. The map was there because Nasedo lived there…- Michael said.

- Wait! Someone called himself Nasedo lived here too, I didn’t know him but my father told me so. My people were afraid of him and let him be. Then one day, he was gone and he never returned. - She told them, turning to Michael. - Tell me about my father or whoever was with you when you were left in the desert. -

Michael gave Running Deer a brief version of what he had gone through when he was left alone, and Running Deer confirmed what she had heard from her elders of what their village had looked like, many years ago. He described it beyond doubt. It had been the time when all their men had gone to war with the white man and never came back. The ones left behind had to travel to join a neighbouring tribe, and go on with their lives. She told them she could take them to the sight of the old village, two hours away and have them back so they could travel to Tucson when darkness set in. They started back, keeping once more on the right, and returned to the original cave. They got in the old van, leaving the police one safely hidden, and took off after Running Deer who had Jim with her. They stopped at a tourist’s shop on the way, which had a small market, getting what they could take for lunch, and kept going.
Michael stretched on the back seat again and dozed all the way. When they arrived, they camouflaged the vans, using their powers to hide them under bushes. Then they walked over to a small valley under a hill close by. Michael stood looking entranced at the stream where he had fished with the old man and the women, then he headed for the place where he had gathered the leaves and fruit with the women and the wood for the fire with the old man.
Everything was exactly the same, as if time had stood still since the last time he had been there. He shook his head.

- It’s just the same. - He said. - It’s hard to believe we could cover in two hours what took us over two days to get on horseback! -

- Depends on how fast you ride, I guess. - Running Deer said.

- We walked most of the time, not to tire the horses. The pinto mare the old man rode was old too. I was riding her colt, a palomino much larger than her, and very spirited, he kept running around her, staying close to her, and I enjoyed the ride. I guess he was just burning up his excess energy, and I was doing the same along with him. - Michael remembered.

- Yes, that was my great grandfather’s spirit merged with my father, definitely. The palomino became a legend that said he had been ridden by a Royal prince from the stars, than only my great grandfather and the women with him had seen in a trance. He was never ridden again and kept almost like a living deity, just breeding and had a very happy life, to die of old age. He was hidden in the caves away from the white man, so he never fell into their hands. No offense, that’s how the legend goes. Anyway, the Royal prince was said to look like a white boy. - Running Deer apologized.

- Would you like to see it? - Isabel whispered softly, feeling they owed it to her.

Running Deer arched her eyebrows trying to understand what she meant. Isabel nodded at the others and they nodded back.

- Ok Michael, get comfortable. - Isabel smiled at him.

Michael stretched out on his belly in the middle of the grassy knoll they were standing on, surrounded by trees. It seemed perfect, because the trees kept the strong sun away and at the same time, hid them from view. No one would find them there, with the vans safely under cover too.
Michael rested his face on his forearms as the others lay around him using his body to pillow their heads: Isabel and Maria on either side of his back, Jim and Running Deer, on either side of his waist, Max and Kyle on his thighs, and Liz, being the smallest, between them with her head on his ass. Their hands were joined together, with one of Isabel’s and one of Maria’s over Michael’s, closing the circle. They shut their eyes and the aliens started the connection. It was amazing seeing it all over again, after going over the place where it had all really happened. When it was over, Running Deer and Jim sat up with a gasp, as if they had been under water all that time, holding their breath. The others sat up slowly, smiling at the startled couple.

- Awesome, huh? - Isabel told them and they just nodded back, the look in their eyes confirming it.

- It was an illusion, right? - Jim said, doubtfully.

- No, we were really there. - Running Deer said, trustful of what she had seen.

- Michael? - Maria said, as she brushed his hair from his face, and Isabel bent down to kiss his cheek.

Running Deer’s eyes narrowed, surprised at Maria’s lack of reaction at Isabel’s kissing her boyfriend but she had sensed their previous life's relationship soon after she met them. The human girl surely had to know about it and accepted it.
Michael opened his eyes and smiled, stretching lazily.

- How about a picnic? - Liz suggested.

- Cool! - Kyle jumped up and Max followed him to bring what they had bought at the market. Jim and Running Deer followed and soon they were back with all the stuff. Michael had not moved, and the three girls were rubbing his back; Liz and Isabel kneeling at his sides and Maria straddling his thighs.
They jumped away from him to get the picnic started.

Michael moaned in protest and opened his eyes to see what was going on.

- Come over if you’re hungry, Space boy! - Maria beckoned with her head.

Michael crawled all the way over and plopped back on the ground with his face on her lap. Running Deer could see she enjoyed indulging him, and didn’t mind at all feeding him where he lay. After their meal, they went on exploring the place, with Michael in the lead, familiar with the valley, and then went back to the vans to make it in time.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the martyr of antar

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 319

Michael climbed on the van and leant over the driver’s seat where Kyle was sitting.

- Hey, if you need me to take your place, just holler, ok? - He said.

- Ok, but Max will drive the next hour, so just relax, man. - Kyle smiled.

Michael shrugged and went to the back seat, picked up the sleeping bag and after shaking it, he smoothed it out and lay down. Max and Liz climbed on the side seat opposite the back door, and Maria went to Michael while Isabel sat by Kyle and tried to find something decent on the radio that wasn’t country music. After giving up, he turned to the back of the van and saw Maria lying on her back along the floor between the seats, on another sleeping bag, with her head on Michael’s ass, singing softly to herself.

- Max, I’m kind of worried…ok, so Michael’s always needed 10 hours sleep to our 2 or 3, but he’s sleeping a lot lately. - Isabel did look worried.

- He’s ok, Isabel, it’s just that he’s dealing with his other life, and it’s not as easy as he makes it sound, for our sakes. Neither of his lives has been that nice and easy, so it’s a lot if you add them up! - Liz frowned. - Since Nicholas attacked him, he’s had to go through everything in both lives in just months, and that’s one hell of a lot! -

- Well, so have we, right Iz? - Max turned to his sister and watched her nod, as Liz scoffed.

- You guys are incredible! You’ve had privileged lives both times! Great parents who doted on you, everything you asked for, you’ve never had to go through the amount of physical or phsychological pain that Michael has had to, you heard Serena, his Royal blood makes him ultra sensitive, can you imagine what that has been to him? All the energy it takes to cope with it? He prefers to build back his strength sleeping, not to bother anyone. So let him sleep! Any of us can drive, you just have to ask. -

- Yeah, right, anyone of us better be at the wheel, cause in his sleepy state he would get us all killed before the FBI can even come near us. - Max chuckled and looked up at the silence during and after his words, wondering what was wrong.

Liz and Isabel were staring at him, outraged, and even Kyle turned to look at him, and Maria, who seemed to be totally focused on her singing, sat up to shout together:

- MAX! -

- What? Ok, it was a rather sick joke, sorry about it! - He rolled his eyes, finding no reason to make such an issue out of his bad choice of words and his kind of humour.

Maria and Liz exchanged significative looks before the blonde lay back down and resumed her singing. Max got up and leant over the back of the front seat where Michael had done just that when he climbed on. He was reaching out to try his hand with the radio when a strong Michael vibe ran up his arm all the way to his brain. He stopped halfway there and walked towards the back of the van. Isabel made a face at Liz, wondering what had happened to Max to change his mind in mid action. Liz shook her head, just as perplexed and watched Max sit at the back, tucking his feet under the seat, careful not to step on Maria. He placed his hand on Michael’s thigh and the sleeping boy gave a start and a gasp. It made Maria sit up wide eyed and jumped when she saw Max sitting beside her.

- Max! How…what…? - She began but Max’s hand motioned her to silence. Liz raced to the back and sat beside Max, as Maria sat opposite them. Isabel began to climb over the seat and Kyle checked the rearview mirror to see they were all crowded at the back. He grabbed Isabel’s arm, stopping her.

- What’s going on? - He asked alarmed.

- I don’t know, just keep driving, I’ll go and find out. - She finished getting on the other side and rushed to sit beside Maria.

- Shit! Me and my big mouth. “Go have some quality time with Liz, Max…I will drive until you feel up to it. One hour tops, ok? And send Isabel here!” - He mimicked himself, fuming.

He seriously considered signaling his father, who was driving right in front on him, to stop and check out what was going on, but they were short on time to start the drive to Arizona as soon as it got dark, and Running Deer had said they would just make it to be at the Saguaro park before dawn. Serena had warned them against travelling at daylight. Well, his curiosity would have to wait, checking as often as he could through the mirror.

- What’s wrong with him, Max? - Maria didn’t give him time to stop her from asking.

- Shhh! - He went, and Maria wanted to strangle him.

She was running her fingers through Michael’s hair, not actually touching him, but all them them were, so she placed her hand on his cheek, and realized why they weren’t answering to her.

“I still think we shouldn’t carry on the celebration, Zan. Our spies say Khivar’s army is behaving strangely; training behind closed doors, in absolute secrecy. They have caught glimpses of at least three different women in the rooms that Khivar uses, but they haven’t been able to identify them. All they know is they look well bred and well dressed. No one knows who they are or where they come from, but Khivar’s people refer to them as “queens”. Our people are worried and don’t want to leave their homes after dark. If you insist on the celebration, they will be forced to come, and it’s not fair to them.” Rath-Michael said.

“That’s ridiculous! It’s the only time in the year when my people pay their respects to me! Their king! And thank me for my efforts!” Zan scoffed when Vilandra giggled into her hand.

“You mean to say ‘our’ people pay their respects to Antares’ kings, in the person of the current one, which happens to be you, is that it?” Vilandra’s tone was definitely mocking. “I’m not so sure about the ‘efforts’ part. Is finding out through the messengers how the battle is going, or if we won, or if Rath-Michael is too hurt and needs a transport, much of an effort?”

“Everything is a joke to you! You are so shallow! My brain is constantly working to make sure everything turns out as it should, to the last detail!” Zan roared, furious at his sister.

“You can take a break when our army is in the battlefield, because there’s nothing you can do about it during the fighting. As far as I know, things don’t always work out as you expect them to, so it’s up to Rath-Michael to make the winning decisions, not you!” She shouted back at him.

“What do you mean?” Zan snapped, turning towards his cousin.
“What does she mean? What is it I don’t know? What are you keeping away from me?”

“I’m not feeling well, Zan, so just make your decision and do whatever you choose, just remember I warned you.” Rath-Michael wrapped his arm around Vilandra’s shoulder, stopping her from pursuing it, and turned towards their room.

“Rath-Michael! I haven’t finished! We need to plan the celebration!” Zan yelled after them.

“We don’t, you do!” Rath-Michael said as calmly as he could muster.

He stopped Vilandra’s mouth with his, knowing that whatever she had ready to come out of it, would keep the argument for hours. The siblings could scream their heads off at each other anytime they wanted to, but not then. He wanted her with him, and he desperately needed to lie down. His thigh was killing him and he wasn’t about to limp in front of anyone, least of all Zan, who would insist on going with them to heal something he simply couldn’t, and he would go on fighting with Vilandra until they could hardly speak anymore. He could convince her to rub him down and relax him, but if he had chosen Zan, there would be no way to stop him from ranting nonstop about the horrid ungratefulness of “his” people, and he just wasn’t up to it. He had kept to himself the fact that his most trusted spy had told him in absolute confidentiality that queen Ava had been seen visiting the three “queens”, and Khivar himself, but he wasn’t ready to discuss it with Zan until he was sure of what it meant. He would have to confront Ava in complete privacy, before taking any action, and he really wasn’t looking forward to it.
He lay down on their bed and Vilandra waved away his clothes, massaging his whole back until he was relaxed. Then she went carefully to his sore thigh, and just kissed it and sent subtle pulses with her fingertips, following the advice of the shaman, friend of her mother. She managed to numb the pain enough to have him dozing just before her mother came to get her for their charity work. She left him reluctantly, but she just had to go.

“Rath-Michael…” He heard the unmistakable male voice whispering his name against his ass, and then the wet tongue sliding between his buttocks all the way up to the base of his spine, with the rough finger shoving forcefully into him, and he knew it could only be Zan. His thigh began to throb when his cousin wedged his knee against it to spread him for him. His fingertip pressed hard against his prostate, not to give pleasure but to show he was in charge.

“Tell me what you know, Rath-Michael. I have my spies too, and they are as good as yours. What is Ava up to?” Zan whispered, biting him viciously.

“If they are so good, then ask them, because they must know the same as mine!” Rath-Michael gritted his teeth.

“They are afraid to tell me. I’m sure yours aren’t, knowing you, they’re probably fucking your ass behind my back!” Zan pulled his finger out and in one fast practiced move, he spread the younger boy with both hands and rammed his huge cock to the hilt.

Rath-Michael hissed and whimpered into the pillow, his hands tearing the sheets to shreds.

“I know as much as you do. There’s nothing to tell you!” He groaned.

“I don’t believe you!” Zan pulled back and shoved it back all the way in.

“Why should I lie to you? I have nothing to do with Ava, but I’m not accusing her of something I’m not sure of!” Rath-Michael bit out each word.

“She drools after you, everyone has seen the way she looks at you, how she can’t take her eyes off your ass!” Zan sank his teeth into his shoulder.

“I thought she was after your big cock and your crown.” Rath-Michael scoffed, wincing.

“I love you, Rath-Michael, but don’t you ever betray me!” Zan backed out of the boy and thrust back in hard.

“Are you out of your mind? How could I betray my own blood?”

“You mean of course, my common blood, because I don’t have your Royal one, and the blood you may share with me is worth NOTHING!” He ended dripping poison, plowing his cock into him with savage force.

“It’s your mother’s and my mother’s blood, Zan. It may not be Royal, but to me, it’s just as worthy.” Rath-Michael whispered after he managed to catch his breath, sure Zan had ripped his guts to ribbons.

“I WANT TO KNOW!” Zan screamed and plunged into Rath-Michael with all his weight behind him.

This time something did go, and Rath-Michael felt the searing pain and the hot rush of blood bathing Zan’s cock.

“Kill me Zan…you’d do me a favour!” Rath-Michael moaned.

“Rath-Michael, I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Ava is just driving me out of my mind! I need to know if she’s cheating on me! I couldn’t take it! I’ll kill her!” Zan started sobbing and Rath-Michael felt him healing his bleeding insides. He felt the burning energy, and he wondered how he would feel if he suspected Vilandra was cheating on him. It would tear him apart! But Zan didn’t give a damn about Ava, just his reputation.

“She’s not worth it, Zan, don’t soil your hands.” Rath-Michael sighed as Zan finished the healing.

“I hate them! I hate them all! My wife just wants my crown. My sister is a bitch! She has always despised me, I loathe her! You’re the only one I love, Rath-Michael, that’s why it makes me hurt you, because I want you just for myself! I can’t stand sharing you!” Zan was now sliding gently in and out of the boy.

“You know it doesn’t depend on me, Zan! That’s the curse of my Royal blood! I belong to Antar, and I have to die for our people, if that’s what they want from me!” Rath-Michael was breathing heavily, moving in sync with his lover, beginning to feel the pleasure almost as much as the pain.

“Shhh! Please don’t say it! I need you, don’t ever leave me! I need to fuck your ass as I need to breathe! Yes…YESSS!”

Rath-Michael was squeezing it out of him and Zan filled him with all he had. He pulled them on their sides, pressing Rath-Michael’s ass into his lap, and soon after, King Zan lay there with his sleeping warrior in his arms, still joined.

“Rath-Michael?” The soft female whisper brought Zan out of his thoughts.

“What do you want with him?!” Zan growled jumping to his feet, wrenching his still erect cock roughly out of the boy in front of him.

“Unghhh!” Grunted Rath-Michael, as he rolled back on his stomach, moaning and writhing.

“I’m sorry love, are you alright?” Zan attentively bent to kiss the boy’s ass and ease his finger gently into him to assess the damage. “You’re fine, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

Zan eased his finger out of him and turned to face his wife.

“I asked you a question!” He insisted, raising his voice.

“His father needs him, I was looking for you and said I would send Rath-Michael over, on my way to our rooms.” She said in a thread of a voice.

“What do you want?” Zan said unpleasantly.

“I have good news…” She said timidly, her hand on her belly.

“Are you sure?” He asked, not too gently.

“We need to talk…” She said nodding. “Vilandra is on her way.”

The van hit a pothole and the connection was lost.

- Dammit Kyle! - Max shouted.

- Sorry man, your turn to drive was 10 minutes ago. - He frowned.

Kyle stopped the van and Max took over. Liz sat beside him and Kyle went to sit on the side seat by Isabel to make her keep her promise. He was shocked when she gave him the vision they had just had. Damn pothole! He had been forced to take the smallest of two, but the damage had been the same.

The rest of the trip had them deep in thought, and by the time they arrived at the Mescalero reservation, they stopped just long enough to say goodbye to Running Deer and thank her.
Running Deer was just about to ask them if she could see Michael to say goodbye to him even if he was asleep, when he came out of the van blinking in the fading light of the setting sun. He trudged into the cave to the “bathroom” and came back out heading for the ranger who received him with open arms.

- I thought you wouldn’t be able to say goodbye to me! - She smiled, affectionately.

- No way, come here! - Michael covered her in a bear hug, bending over to lean his chin on the top of her head.

She hugged him back with all her strength, shutting her eyes tight to keep the tears from falling. Suddenly, she felt a strong female presence, and the name “Serena” rang in her head in Michael’s deep husky voice. She actually felt her eyes roll back into her head and in a rapid succession, she could see the boy’s whole life, on Earth and on a strange place, passing through her mind in excruciating detail. She could have sworn it had taken hours, days, she wasn’t sure how long, and she was shivering with the emotions of what had been disclosed to her. She felt him letting go and kissing her forehead, and her eyes rolled back to the front enabling her to open them. She hugged him again burying her face in his chest and spoke there, only for him.

- You’ve been hurt so much! I don’t want anyone to hurt you again! - She sobbed against him.

- Thank you, I’m tough, I can deal. But thank you anyway. - He squeezed her gently, and straightened up.

She stepped back, a little embarrassed and watched him climb into the van. Everyone was already inside waiting for him and Jim had started moving a few seconds before. Michael closed the sliding door and turned towards the back as Isabel walked towards him. Full of enthusiasm, Kyle yelled:

- Hang on! - Hooting like an owl, as Max and Liz, who were sharing the seat with him and apparently also his burst of energy, yelled right after him:

- Let’s go! - Laughing out loud.

Kyle stepped hard on the gas pedal, sending clouds of dust flying, and Running Deer quickly whipped up her shades to protect her eyes. Shaking her head and grinning, she turned towards her jeep.

Michael hadn’t expected what was coming and watched Isabel thrown backwards as he fell over her. He reacted with the speed of lightning, and his right hand reached under Isabel’s head as the other snaked around her, his palm making contact with the floor as his whole arm was jarred with the strain of keeping her safe, and the shock concentrated on the scar in his shoulder, making him feel as if Grant Sorenson had just shot him again.

- KYLE! - Maria screamed as she saw them falling, sure that Isabel would crack her head open on the ground. Michael managed to stop her head with his hand and her body with his arm, landing heavily over her. Her powers kicked in just in time to create a vacuum between their bodies, not to get crushed by the falling boy.
With Maria’s scream ringing in his ears, Kyle stepped on the brakes as hard and as sudden as he had on the gas and Liz and Max barely managed to brace themselves against the dashboard, their faces scant millimeters from the windshield. Maria’s feet were stopped by the side seat in front of her as she reached over her shoulders and grabbed the back of her own seat with both hands.

- What the fuck…?! - Kyle shouted cursing the lack of seatbelts, watching Liz climbing over the back of the seat, whispering:

- Michael! -

And Max following close behind. Kyle glanced at the rearview mirror and saw Michael on the floor and Isabel’s hair fanned on the ground beyond his shoulder. There wasn’t much to guess and he felt a sinking feeling hoping he wouldn’t retch.

Jim was moving slowly, watching them as they caught up with him, when they suddenly stopped dead on their tracks. He killed the engine and ran out of his van towards them to find out what had happened. Running Deer was racing towards them too. Jim beat her by a fraction of a second and pulled the door aside.

He was shocked at what he saw. Maria, pale as a sheet, hanging on to her seat like a monkey. Kyle just as pale with his face in his hands, leaning on the steering wheel with Max and Liz scrambling over the front seat towards the back, mouths and eyes opened wide. Then Jim followed their eyes to the floor and saw Michael lying prone over Isabel who was struggling to get up from under him.

- What the hell happened here? - He growled.

Everybody but the ones on the ground started giving their version at the same time so Jim cupped his hands over his ears and called for silence until they shut up.

He helped Michael up, who helped Isabel.

- Thank you Michael. - She said turning to Kyle. - What the hell did you think you were doing? It’s not funny, you know? -

- I’m sorry, Isabel, but I saw you sitting just before Michael closed the door. - Kyle apologized.

- I was going to sent Max and Liz back so I could sit with you! Michael hadn’t even reached the back! Why did you take off like that? - Isabel was pissed. - If Michael hadn’t held my head off the ground, I would be in a comma right now with Max doing some serious healing, if it wasn’t too bad for his skills! He does have limits, you know? Remember Alex? -

Kyle just sat there with his eyes closed, shaking his head.

- Michael, how bad is your arm? - Liz asked, watching him biting his lip and holding his left arm against his body.

- My arm’s ok, it’s my shoulder. Hurts where I was shot. - He winced.

- Let me see, man. - Max placed his hand on the back of Michael’s shoulder, where the bullet hand entered him.

The muscles, tendons and ligaments were wrenched and Max took Michael to the back and eased him on the sleeping bag. He waved his shirt away and pressed on the scar from Grant’s bullet. Running Deer watched fascinated as the white healing light irradiated from Max’s palm and covered the damaged area. He moved his hand around to make sure everything was back to normal and the light went out.

- Ok now? - Max caressed Michael’s cheek and watched him nod and smirk. - Go to sleep, to finish healing, you should be alright by our next stop. -

Max watched Michael close his eyes and got up.

- Hey, can I…? - Kyle whispered doubtfully.

Max nodded. It had been a stupid stunt, but Kyle had meant no harm. Specially not to Isabel or Michael. Max had to admit some share of the guilt along with Liz, because they had goaded Kyle on, in a playful mood. The truth was, the van had skidded on the loose desert soil and they hadn’t expected it to shoot out the way it did. It had surprised them too, and amused them without realizing the consequences. Kyle knelt by Michael and placed his hand gently on his now healed shoulder.

- Michael…hey kid, I’m sorry. I’m an idiot! Please don’t be mad at me, ok? I’m feeling real bad already. -

- Hey dude, I’m fine. Really. Didn’t you just see Max do his thing? He’s my healer, remember? Just let me sleep, ok? That’s all I need. - He smirked, and Kyle could have kissed him on the mouth, right there and then, but he just kissed his cheek.

Michael purred and Kyle could feel his cock jump. He couldn’t help wondering when would be the next time he would get to fuck him. The thought of his cock in Michael’s ass had it glued to his belly. Michael sighed, and Kyle knew he was falling asleep, so he returned to the front, with his hands in his pockets to pull his fly away from his erection, and keep it hidden. Jim went back to his van and Liz went with him, taking her bag along with her. Running Deer climbed down and waved, following them with her jeep all the way to the highway before signaling with her headlights and heading back. Kyle drove for a while, then Max. When they arrived at the state border, they stopped and said their goodbyes to Jim. He went to Michael and patted his back. Michael just moaned making Jim smile.

- Take good care of him. - He said and went to Liz. - Don’t worry, I’ll see your parents get your diary and your last entries. We’ll stay in touch, be careful. -

He kissed Liz’s forehead and hugged her before he got back in his van. As they crossed the border, Jim waited until their taillights disappeared in the distance. He leant his head on the steering wheel, and for the first time in many years, he cried.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the martyr of antar

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 320

Liz sat up from the sleeping bag on which she was lying with her head on Max’s shoulder. Max did so too, right after her.

- What is it? - He asked, rubbing his eyes.

- Michael is about to wake up. - She got up and headed for the back of the van with Max on her heels checking his watch: it was 5:30 am.

Isabel heard it clearly and scrambled over the back of the front seat where she was sitting, keeping Kyle company. She noticed he started slowing down.

- Keep going! - She ordered him.

Kyle scoffed and shook his head, trying to keep one eye on the rearview mirror and the other one on the road.

Isabel caught up with them and she and Max used their powers to move the two seats in front of Michael out of the way. Then they knelt by him. Isabel placed her hands on his back over his heart and Liz and Max on his thighs. Maria who was once again lying along the centre with her head on Michael’s ass, sat up as she noticed their presence and twisted around on her knees like they were. She placed her hands on the small of his back not sure of what they were up to.
Michael started whining and moaning as he began to wake up.

- Maria?...Isabel? - He asked sounding husky with sleep.

- Here baby…- From Maria. - It’s ok…- From Isabel.

Michael started to roll on his side, trying to look at them over his shoulder, having his back to them. Then he changed his mind and just turned his head to face them. He smiled at Maria and Isabel.

- Max…Liz…- He called them.

- How you doing, kid? - Max asked him.

Liz didn’t need to speak; she got to him through her empathy.

Michael squirmed exaggeratedly, and sighed.

- I’m fine. - He smirked.

The look that passed between them made the girls understand that they needed some privacy.

Isabel leant down and kissed his cheek, then Maria did the same. Liz straddled Michael’s ass, stretching out to kiss him as the other two girls had, and then Max slid his hands under her arms, gently moving her to the side. The girls went to sit on the side seat, watching them from a reasonable distance, Isabel briefing Kyle before he ran out of the road trying not to miss anything.

Max reached down and wrapped his arms around Michael, pulling him up to his knees like he was, and kissed him on the mouth. Then, slowly, he got his feet under him and straightened up helping Michael along with him. He moved back and pushed his fingers into Michael’s hair and kissed him again.

- Yes, you’re fine. - Max nodded and let go of him.

- Hey Kyle, pull over, man, I got to take a leak! - Michael said.

- We just passed a sign saying there’s a small town coming up a mile ahead, before the Saguaro Park, and it’s almost daylight now. -

- Dude, I can do it on the side of the road, I’m not a girl. - Michael grinned.

- Can’t you wait? - Kyle insisted.

- Can you swim? - Michael sent back.

- Michael! - Maria said and swatted him on the ass. Isabel and Liz followed suit, not missing the chance, as Kyle pulled over and parked.

- Go on then! - Max said and goosed him.

- Hey! - Michael exclaimed, twisting his hips away in mock protest, then sounding like an outraged little boy, he went: - He touched my ass! -

- You sick pervert! - Kyle made himself sound like one of their teachers as Michael climbed down laughing.

Liz went up to Max and took both his hands in hers, taking him to one of the back seats, and waited as Max put them back in their original position. Michael climbed back on and lay on Maria’s sleeping back with his feet to the back and his chest raised off the floor by his crossed arms under it.

- We’re expected at the park. Serena called her friend the archaelogist and she spoke to the couple in charge of the place, who know her. They will put us up in lodges and make sure we have all the food we want. They were told we had been driving all night and we need to rest, so we can stay inside the whole day. Guess we owe…Rachel big time, huh? And Serena too. - Michael told them.

Maria and Isabel moved to the seat opposite them.

- Wow! Real showers! Great, ready for some water sports, Spaceboy? You like, huh? - Maria nudged him with her foot and Michael smirked, remembering Courtney’s similar words.

- Yeah, soap and shampoo! Cool! - Isabel closed her eyes, very pleased.

- Town ahead, and it’s full daylight now! - Kyle announced.

- What’s the name of the town? - Maria asked.

- I have no idea, it was totally covered with graffiti so I couldn’t make out the name. - He said.

- Who cares! - Isabel shrugged.

They looked out of the windows and saw the houses starting almost at the highway. They passed the first one and it looked like a chapel, the minister picking up a newspaper from his doorstep.

- Kyle! Stop! - Max shouted.

Kyle stepped on the brakes gently, not wanting to relive his previous performance.

- I don’t think we should go into the town…- Kyle adviced.

- No, just back up, it’s safe, there’s no one behind. C’mon! - Max insisted, checking out the back window to make sure his eyes hadn’t deceived him, and there it was, it clearly said:

“Desert Rose Wedding Chapel”. The number above the door was 34709.

Kyle had obeyed, as mystified as the rest.

- Are you ready for me? - Max asked Liz, squeezing her hands.

- Yes, Max. - Liz beamed and squeezed back.

- Well guys, I’m announcing our wedding, anybody got a problem with that? - Max said, smiling from ear to ear.

- Yay! - Screamed Maria and they were all over them, Kyle included, already at the back with the rest.

Max waved his hands and had Liz and himself dressed and ready to get married. Isabel was getting the other ones ready and Michael got himself in a brown shirt and decent pants.

The minister was looking curiously at the battered dirty van bouncing around with the activity inside it, but couldn’t see much through the dust covered windows. When the door finally opened, he was surprised to see a bunch of fairly well dressed young people approaching him, all smiles. The couple ahead came up to him and asked:

- Will you marry us sir? -

- Do you have ids? - He wanted to be on the safe side.

They showed him their brand new, just acquired fake ids and he smiled back and asked them to follow him.

- I’ll go wake up my wife, just a sec…- He whispered.

- No need to sir, it’s ok just like this. Please, go right on. - Max coaxed him and the man complied.

Then he looked at Michael and Maria who were in each others’ arms kissing enthusiastically, and asked:

- Is it going to be a double wedding? Because I will need their ids too. - He asked Max.

- Guys? - Max wondered if the minister was right.

- No, we can wait, Max. This is all about you and Liz, and that’s how it will be. - Michael said, breaking the kiss.

Maria nodded, agreeing with him.

The minister got out his book and looked at them expecting them to know the drill. They had had some experience at Isabel’s wedding, so Michael stood beside Max as his best man, Kyle went to step beside Liz, taking her father’s place, and Isabel and Maria went behind them as bridesmaids. It was short, fast, and straight to the point, so before they knew it, the man had whipped out of a drawer the wedding certificate, filled in what was needed, and had them sign it before he put it in their hands.
He pointed to the little bags with rice and petals, and Isabel, who was the only one with a purse, paid in cash for the whole thing. As the newly weds walked towards the van, their friends showered them with the rice and petals, and soon they were on the road again.

- You can have the back seat, cause I’m assuming that you want to start the honeymoon right away. - Michael smirked.

- What? No way, man, we’ll wait for the lodges you said are ready for us at the Saguaro Park! - Max laughed.

- Yeah, sure, right! Sorry, dude! - Michael apologized.

At that very moment, back in Roswell, Liz’s father was sitting at the Crashdown, with tears falling from his eyes, reading his daughter’s diary. Totally unaware that the Evans’ already knew their children’s status, Jeff Parker called them as he did Amy DeLuca and Jim Valenti, asking his wife to come down for the meeting. The Evans’, specially Jim, much better informed of the situation, helped make things easier for the other parents, and had them understanding the fate their sons and daughters had willingly embraced at the side of their alien friends, realizing at the same time, what they were about to become. That was the hardest part.

They reached the Saguaro Park just twenty minutes later, not at dawn as they had wanted to, but the delay of the wedding had been worth it. The couple who received them was oldish, and very friendly. They had two lodges ready for them, one for the girls and one for the boys. They escorted them over and gave them the keys.They were surprised to see Max and Liz head to one, and the other four to the second one.
Noticing Michael and Maria couldn’t take their hands off each other, they assumed they were a couple but decided it was their problem. Then they nodded with a smile and left after they thanked them and turned to the rooms.
They checked first one, and it was probably meant to house the three boys, cause it was comfortable, clean, with the essentials.
The next one had definitely been chosen for the girls, it was large, with plenty of mirrors, as was the bathroom, it was as feminine as the other one was masculine. Each had three beds. Max and Liz immediately chose the first one, which didn’t surprise any of them, and the others went to the other room. Michael chose the bed on the right, close to the bathroom and whisked Maria up and carried her there. The make up session started right away, and Isabel and Kyle scoffed and headed together to the bathroom. Isabel turned to Kyle.

- Sorry, but ladies first. You make sure those two don’t set the place on fire. - She shut the door on his face and Kyle went to sit on the farthest bed from them and turned the TV set on.
The live porno was better that anything he could find on the tube and he just watched Michael all over Maria, wishing he could just go and join them. Still, he didn’t want to have his eardrums busted my Maria’s screams, so he played it safe and stayed away. A basketball match started on the sports channel after about 10 minutes of commercials and stuff, and he turned to that, to remain in one piece. Isabel must have been at least 30 minutes in the shower when she finally came out in a fluffly terrycloth robe, and looking really refreshed. She checked out the couple on the bed and her eyes doubled their size. Kyle was glad he had been so hooked on the game that he had not realized Michael was now stark naked and giving Maria the time of her life. His mouth dropped open and Isabel stood in front of him blocking the view.

- Go take a shower Kyle. - She ordered.

Kyle decided to obey before he pounced on Michael not caring if Isabel zapped him glued to the ceiling, where incidentally, he would have an awesome view of what was going on beneath him and he could jack himself over them. Cackling at his secret thoughts, he proceeded to the bathroom and the door closed before he could do it himself. Shit! Isabel had probably locked him up until they finished. Damn her! Oh, well, he needed a cold shower anyway!

Isabel stood between the two beds and placed her hands on both at the same time. She fused them together, jumping on the free one, out of the way. Then she crouched beside the couple and started nibbling on Michael’s ass.

- Mmmmm…- He went against Maria’s breasts and she opened her eyes, reaching out to touch Isabel’s arm with a smile.

- Isabel…yesss…- whispered Michael.

She turned to look at Maria, and waited for her to nod her approval. Isabel grinned and nodded back.

- Hang on kid, you’re going to need it! - Isabel moved between Michael’s thighs and crouched. Using her hands, she accessed where she wanted to be. She knew she was dripping so she coated her finger with her slick fluids and slid it slowly and carefully into Michael, enjoying the way he gripped her, as he purred and writhed in pleasure. Her tongue found its way right above where her finger was embedded, and caressed the warm sensitive area going up and down. Michael slithered and squirmed with her touch and Maria loved what Isabel was making him do.

- Michael! MICHAEL! - Maria screamed as she came and Isabel pressed her fingertip on his g-spot and shook it left and right, feeling the spasms of his orgasm in seconds.

- Ohhhhh…- Michael whimpered and shuddered with complete satisfaction.

Isabel stayed inside Michael as she spooned beside him and joined in the aftermath. When they opened their eyes, they found Kyle sitting by them on the opposite side from Isabel, staring at them as if in a hypnotic state.

- Kyle! What’s wrong with you? - Isabel shouted, alarmed, and glad she was still in the robe.

- Whatever was wrong with you when you decided to join the party, that’s what’s the matter with me too. I happen to be alive, you know? - He spat out.

Maria extricated herself from under Michael who was totally relaxed and went with Isabel to the bathroom.

- Hey, what’s up with the honeymooners next door? Are you in touch with Liz still? - Kyle asked eagerly, as soon as the bathroom door closed.

- Kyle…- Michael whispered with his eyes still closed.

- I thought so, she blocked you out! - He shook his head.

- I can block her out, not the other way round. - Michael kept whispering.

- That’s what I thought. Is she alright? I mean, Max wouldn’t…you know? - Kyle frowned.

- They’ve just talked, so far. - Michael assured him.

- WHAT? C’mon, man, I know they’re both kind of geeky, but…it’s their honeymoon! - Kyle was sure Michael was putting him on.

- You asked. And you just said it: it’s their honeymoon so let them do what they please, ok? Let them be! - Michael smirked.
- They’re not like us, so what? Who are we to judge them? -

- When they’re not with you! - Kyle chuckled. - I guess they will come to it eventually. You’ll let me know, huh? -

- No, it doesn’t concern you or anyone apart from them. - Michael was beginning to get pissed.

- But you’ll know! - Kyle insisted.

- So? It will stay with me, fuck off, ok? - Michael’s tone let Kyle know he was treading on dangerous ground, finally getting through.

- Kyle, Kyle! - Maria and Isabel stood at the door of the bathroom, apparently having heard the whole conversation.

- You need to get laid real bad! - Maria said and Isabel giggled.

- That’s just what I’m thinking! - He agreed. - Michael? Huh? Please? -

- Well, you’re a little larger than Izzie’s finger…- Michael teased.

- A little? A LITTLE?! - Kyle raised his voice in outrage and Michael chuckled.

- You do fill me up real nice…- Michael pretended to be thinking it over.

- Ladies first again Kyle, I’m next in line, right Maria? - Isabel turned to the other blonde for back up.

Maria started nodding and Kyle went so red in the face, that Michael thought he was going to explode, or implode or whatever, but it was going to be messy.

- I think I have the solution. - Michael raised his hand and turned all the curtains into blackouts covering the room in almost darkness. - I can handle you both this way, huh? No problems as long as you don’t see each other! C’mon Iz, be a sport! -

- Kyle, if you lay a finger on me, I’ll zap your balls to your earlobes, you hear? - Isabel spewed.

- Just stay out of my way so it won’t be accidental. - Kyle suggested.

Maria groped in the direction she had last seen Michael before the day turned into night and finding her mark, patted Michael’s ass affectionately.

- Have fun kid, I’ll have a well deserved warm bubble bath while you’re at it. Kyle, make sure your hand is on my brands on the right side, so I can know how much my Spaceboy is enjoying it. Stay clear of the left side or you’ll be the cause the fastest alien-human divorce in the galaxy, ok? Max, you know? - Maria giggled as she padded blindly towards the bathroom, seeing under the door that daylight was assured where she was going.
- Better still, take my advice and block them out so Kyle can use both hands and all my brands. -

The moan she received for an answer told her he had, so that Isabel hadn’t lost time getting under Michael and Kyle was already pushing into him too. The sudden jolt she got in her heat, said Michael was dealing with the pain Kyle was delivering, eased by Isabel sheathing his sword in her hot body.
Maria thanked Isabel for keeping the whirlpool on, so she found it just like she wanted it. She stepped in and let the warm water cover her. She laid her head on the towel waiting for it on the edge and loved the smell of the almonds chosen by Isabel. She concentrated on what she was getting from Michael, sensing exactly the pleasure he was feeling. She knew Kyle was really making him sweat to accommodate his length and width but Isabel was turning it into a sweet torture. Kyle’s hands on Maria’s brands made her know that Kyle was trying to be gentle but Michael’s velvety passage was driving him out of his mind and making it hard to do it slowly. Michael’s bucking to get him all inside him, not caring how much it hurt, was making it harder still and Kyle was losing the battle. Michael’s grunt filled her head as it confirmed that Michael had got what he wanted as Kyle shoved it all the way in. She knew they were lying still, as Michael winced and whimpered into Isabel’s breasts, both his lovers waiting for him to be ready for harder action, without damage to his insides. They didn’t want to have to get Max and Liz away from their verbal orgasms, even if it was an emergency. Soon Michael was ready and Maria’s head was flooded with his hard breathing as he was received by Isabel to then buck into Kyle until their bodies touched. Michael sighed as he went into Isabel and Kyle slid out of him, and hissed as Kyle buried back into him and Isabel caressed him all the way out. Isabel’s orgasm hit Maria and she bounced in the water, splashing it all over the place. She recovered and relaxed enjoying it she was able to feel the pleasure of the three at the same time. Isabel was about to come again, and Michael positioned his body so that Kyle skimmed over his prostate each time he went deep in. Michael was wincing as he fought to wait for Isabel, and when she got there, he let go and squeezed Kyle nuts. He started ramming hard and exploded into Michael just as he was finishing, winding him up again so Isabel, barely recovering, came for a third time as Michael’s kicked in again. Isabel’s nails were tearing down Michael’s back as far as she dared, and Kyle’s short ones were doing the same on his ass. As they floated into the aftermath, Michael was shuddering, sobbing and moaning, and Maria couldn’t help herself:

- Funny, Spaceboy, you told Courtney you weren’t into pain when she suggested an earing. -

- You heard that? - Michael groaned.

- Sure did. Why did you lie to her? - She wondered.

- She was getting too enthusiastic. I didn’t want to get in trouble with you. Anyway, earings are for girls. - He hissed.

- I got news, baby, you’re wrong. Gipsies and pirates favoured the hoop kind. Just one. Wouldn’t it look great on him? - Isabel giggled.

To Michael’s surprise they both agreed.

- Oh shit! - Michael winced and grunted.

- Michael? - His three lovers asked at the same time.

- Hell of a time to start. At least Max is going easy. - He growled. - You’re killing me, man! -

- Block them out, Michael! You don’t need to suffer it if you’ve had enough already! - Isabel exclaimed.

- Mmmmm…Ahhh! - Michael winced, biting his lip and slithering.

- I don’t think he has…- Kyle observed.

- Will he ever? - Maria frowned.

They decided to help him the best they could, knowing he was willing to take it for his own obscure reasons. They rolled him on his side, Isabel kissing him, Maria took him in her mouth while she gently fondled his balls, as Kyle ate him out, placing his thigh over Maria’s shoulder to spread him out nicely. Thankfully Max came fast, sensing Michael there with Liz, and Liz likewise. Michael sobbed and relaxed.

- Was it as good for Liz? - Maria wanted to know.

- Maria! - Kyle scolded, adding: - Was it? -

Michael just nodded as his breathing stabilized.

- You ok? - Asked Isabel, a little worried, watching him shiver.

- Yeah, don’t tell Liz, ok? Swear it! - He pleaded.

- Easy man, anything you want, but why did you do it? - Kyle was curious.

- I just wanted to be sure that both were alright. - Michael whispered.

- You’re just too protective, dude, think of yourself for a change, ok? Cause this actually hurts you. It’s not right. - Kyle persisted.

- And what is? - Michael smirked and closed his eyes.

They all moved away from him, allowing him to roll back on his stomach and snuggle himself comfortably against the bed. They knew he was sharing Liz and Max’s aftermath, so they just let him be, knowing he deserved it.
They pressed against him, holding him in their arms to make him feel they were also there with him. They wanted Michael to know they didn’t like to see him in pain, and once they felt him drifting back to them, Isabel went to the bathroom and brought a body lotion changing it into a medicated balm. Taking a thick glob in her hand, she coated all his traumatized rear area and heard him groan in relief, after a deep breath.

- Go to sleep Michael, we’ll be watching you to be sure you rest and heal. -

Isabel covered the right side of his back with kisses and Maria did the same on his left. Kyle was at it on his thighs, making sure he got pleasant dreams. Michael’s peaceful slumber assured them they had succeeded.
Obsessed Roswellian
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Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the martyr of antar

Post by ñusta »


And pleasant dreams they were, quite to Michael’s taste: He lay spread eagled on a huge four poster bed with a sexy water mattress, and his face was buried on a feather soft pillow. Smooth silk scarves were wrapped around his wrists, ankles and low down his thighs, tying him to the posts. He was blindfolded, and though in alien normal circumstances, there was no need for it, it made it humanly mysterious because he had promised he would not use his powers to identify his “tormentors”. His friends and lovers were all over him and the game was hot! He had to guess who was doing what to him. The girls had these strap on toys that felt like the real thing, even shot realistic cum out of them, so it was going to be tough! What happened when he didn’t guess right? How was he punished? They snapped on a cock ring that didn’t allow him too come! Very cruel indeed! He could tell Max’s and Kyle’s without the least doubt but the fake ones were a bitch! There should have been no way of knowing which girl was behind it! When the girls were under him and he was doing them, they were totally different, the way their skin felt, their scent, how they moved, their size, body size, he meant, though it could also apply down there too. Michael was prodded, bitten, scratched, kissed, and licked all over before and during the sundry penetrations. He had fucked up only once, with Liz, Maria and Isabel having done it to him too many times not to know their “modus operandi”. His first correct guess was Liz, but he changed it as it reached his lips, thinking they were trying to put him off on purpose. So he had to pay for it and he was getting a serious unbearable case of blue balls until Liz’s empathy came to his rescue, though he had his doubts on the use of that word. She did the honours, for his release, and she was ruthless, using her toy like a professional, and he exploded into the bed, feeling all the others’ hands and mouths on him, everywhere.
The next dream was the exact opposite, he was alone, floating on a perfect calm sea, the water was also the perfect temperature, cooling his front as his back was warmed by the sun. Though his face was in the water, he didn’t need to breathe, and could see the peaceful swim of trillions of multi-coloured fish passing under him. It was beautiful, and made him feel part of the world that had adopted him. So he just let it happen and rested, enjoying the way the water was healing the soreness away.

Max noticed the light leaving gradually the room as the sun started setting. He had slept his needed three hours when the aftermath was over. Now he lay with his head propped up on his bent arm under it, hugging Liz against him, her hair caressing his shoulder. He couldn’t thank enough the fact that his wife was at peace with his love for Michael, and he also accepted what his two loves had. At least this time there wouldn’t be the conflictive unpleasant atmosphere created by “Queen Ava” drooling after his sister’s man, of whom he was also the lover, and his totally impossible to control jealousy. This time he was sure he would have no problems having Michael sandwiched between him and Liz, and he couldn’t wait to suggest it, suspecting Isabel and Maria would be game to act as an audience, during a respite in their personal games. Max chuckled already picturing the situation, and decided he better get a shower, with or without Liz. He gently stood up, and watched her stretched out on her back, her hands on her breast and a peaceful smile on her face. He shuddered thinking that was just what Isabel called his “wake mode”, meaning the typical way he slept, looking like dead. “Fuck you, Iz,” he thought, “if she’s as comfortable like that as I am, just let us be!” He walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower getting it as hot as they both liked, and wondered how he could manage the barely warm water that Michael liked when he showered with him. Well, that boy made everything hot! He chuckled again and was echoed by a soft giggle at the door to his left. Liz joined him and decided, for lack of a Jacuzzi like their lucky neighbours, they would use the tub for a bubble bath. Max’s powers came handy filling it in a fraction of a second and he lay back with Liz in his arms. She let her head loll back over his shoulder and turned it to kiss him. He flashed her his thoughts of some moments ago when he decided to get up, and she pulled back and smiled, nodding her approval. The shadows grew darker and they decided it was time to leave. A wave of Max’s hand had them dry and dressed, and they left to wake up the rest.

Max opened the door very quietly and waved away the blackout curtains on the inside of the windows. Michael lay face down in the middle of the fused beds, facing away from them, with Maria snuggled against his side, his arm holding her to him and his face buried in her hair. Kyle was curled between Michael’s spread legs, facing them, his head on the alien boy’s ass, his arms holding his thigh against him, and his legs pulled up with his knees sharply bent in a fetal position. His size enabled him to fit perfectly. They were all asleep. Isabel lay on her back beside Michael propped up on her elbow, watching him sleep and drawing lazy patterns on his back with her fingers. Like Max, she had slept her fill hours ago. She turned to them the second they stepped into the room, not needing the light to see them.

- It’s time to go. - She nodded, and sat up shaking awake Maria and Kyle who also sat up immediately. - Oh well, I was hoping for a last Jacuzzi, but, it’s not going to happen, right? -

Max and Liz could see their disappointed faces, and took pity.

- We’re going to thank Rachel’s friends for their hospitality so I guess we can cut you some slack. Half an hour tops, ok? - Max smiled and pulled a rather reluctant Liz away with him. He could feel she wanted to stay and take part of the bath party, but at the same time her duty was now with her husband.

- Do you want to stay? - Max gave her the chance.

- No, I don’t really need another bath, do I? - She smiled wistfully and left with Max.

- Ok, on three! - Kyle said and crouched in front of the right side of the bed over which Michael’s arms were hanging. They had maneuvered him to lie across the bed and now, Maria and Isabel, standing on either side of Kyle, reached over and took Michael’s arms and started hauling him while Kyle wrapped his arms around him and eased him over his shoulder. Michael’s upper body was draped over the smaller guy as he asked:

- Now how the hell am I going to get up? -

Isabel and Maria nodded to each other and kneeling on the bed, grabbed Michael’s thighs, helping Kyle cope with his weight. Very slowly, Kyle managed to get on his feet, his knees bending anyway, and they carried him to the waiting whirlpool. Then Kyle sat on the edge, letting out his breath, as his red face started getting his normal colour back, and Maria went to take care of Michael’s upper body, leaving his legs and hips to Isabel. Together, again on three, they heaved him over and Michael disappeared under the bubbling water. He broke the surface, shaking his head and splashing everyone, joining in on the laughter after growling an expected: “Oh shit!”

He had still been in his floating dream when he was pushed around by playful dolphins who jostled him as they tried to get him to participate in their game. Then he was forcefully pulled deep down and he opened his eyes ready to zap the giant squid that had captured him in its tentacles. He met the girly pink tiles at the bottom of the pool and realized what had happened.

- Time to go, huh? - He wasn’t really disappointed; he couldn’t wait to be united with his sister and Serena, not putting aside Uncle Derek and Stuart. He wondered if he would have to ride at night, not to attract attention, but he was itching to be on horseback again. He stretched out feeling the water as soothing as the one in his dream, with the bonus of the massage he was getting from 3 pairs of hands. A pinch, a spank and a squeeze brought him out of it as the other three vacated the water and started getting ready to go. Michael looked up at them and saw the girls had turned their underwear into decent swimwear and Kyle’s boxers too. Michael scoffed thinking there was nothing like being naked in the water, what was it with them?

- Ok, big baby! Out! - Isabel stood by the pool with a big fluffly towel extended as large as it was, apparently holding its own.

That’s when Kyle and Maria stood up where they were ducking holding the edges.

- C’mon Spaceboy! - She coaxed him with a smile.

- Hey, Michael! Max will be here in a minute to whip your ass if you’re not ready! - Kyle threatened.

- Yummy!...- Michael licked his lips.

- Oh no, no time for that, out you come! - Insisted Isabel and with a wave of her hand, dried out the water.

- Damn! - Protested Michael, pushing up slowly to climb out and be received in the towel.

- Ran out of powers? - Michael grinned at Isabel.

- If that’s what you want…- She frowned and raised her hand ready to wave him dry.

- No, no! This is great, just teasing. - He snuggled into the warmth of the rubdown they were all giving him.

- Ready to go? - Max’s voice echoed in the empty room.

- Coming! - They shouted back as they jumped away from Michael and Isabel had him dressed with a quick wave.

- How do you like this? - Liz beamed showing them several wrapped up parcels that looked suspiciously like food.

- Yeah! I’m starving! - Michael exclaimed as Liz and Max headed out of the room, luring them on to the waiting van.

As they passed the owners’ cabin, Max stopped the van and the group at the back went to say their goodbyes and thank yous.

When they hit the road, it was as dark as it would get, and the picnic started. Michael ended napping at the back, with Maria and Isabel sprawled out on the back seats in front of him and Kyle on the side one. Liz sat beside Max with her head on his shoulder, uselessly fiddling with the radio and getting loud protests each time she tuned into a local station. Finally she shut it off and just decided to watch the road along with Max.

They drove in silence, enjoying the starry sky up ahead and before they knew it, there was the sign announcing Tucson up ahead.

- Hey guys! We’re almost there! - Liz shouted enthusiastically.

Isabel, Maria and Kyle sat up, rubbing their eyes and smiling.

Finally, they had reached the end of the journey, well, at least of this one, on Earth. The lights of the large city looked so comforting, yet intimidating at the same time. They knew they would be welcome, but they would now be surrounded by strangers. Roswell had been much smaller, and every face was somewhat familiar, but Tucson was the twilight zone to them. The only thing they had left was optimism, and a hope that things would get better, or at least not worse. They found Osborne road, leading to the Dupree property and turned left a block before, then left again and found the locked fence that lead to the pool area at the Lavoisse home. Max opened his door to go open it but was stopped by the last voice he expected to hear.

- I’ll do it…- Michael whispered and climbed out of the van.

They had thought he was still asleep and hadn’t heard him wake up, only Liz knew, having been the one to inform him of their whereabouts, and was glad for him.

The pool area was easy to find because of the bright lights, and as the van approached at a slow, careful speed, with the headlights off, they could see four people getting to their feet and running to meet them.

Max couldn’t stop the van fast enough. They were all rushing and stampeding out of the battered vehicle, Kyle specifically thinking it was a miracle they had made it without engine trouble. Michael beat them all and fell into Laurie and Serena’s arms engulfing them in his large frame. Isabel raced to Stuart’s embrace as Uncle Derek was smothered by Liz, Max, Maria and Kyle. They kept switching until they ran out of greetings, the last one finding Michael and Stuart wrapped tight in each other’s arms.

- And how’s my favourite patient? - Stuart whispered, when they finally pulled apart.

- Needing my favourite doctor…- Michael whispered back with a smirk.

- What have they been doing to you? - Stuart chuckled.

- Nothing you can’t put right. - Michael teased and winked.

Liz was getting the same expectations Max had with her for a threesome with Michael from Stuart and Isabel and loved the mischievous grin on her sister-in-law’s face, mirroring Serena’s, who of course, sensed all about it. Liz knew they were going to have to work hard with their powers, but they would also have great fun quality time too. No need to hide what they were up to, except perhaps with Laurie’s help, but they wouldn’t be around for this critical adjusting time. She could feel even Uncle Derek was chuckling, endeared to this group of special young people and missing his long gone youth. He couldn’t be on the participating side any longer, even if he wished it, but he wouldn’t be in the way either. “Weird times ahead,” he thought, “but nothing I can’t handle.” Liz watched him chuckle and loved the older man. Hell of a ride Roswell had given them, but that was now far behind, and a new life of hope was opening in front of their eager eyes.

(For the Time Being)
Obsessed Roswellian
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Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
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the martyr of antar

Post by ñusta »



- Hey Vee, you ok? - Asked my friend, whom I always call “Daisy” as a nickname for her real name just as she uses my initial letter “V” for me..

- Not really, I’m really worried. I haven’t heard from Michael in almost three weeks now. That’s not like him. -

- Oh, you know your kid brother, he must be in some of his sport competitions or something. - She tried to reassure me.

- Yeah, I know, but still it’s never stopped him from calling me at least once a week and usually twice. I’m really freaking out. Maybe he had another spill in those savage steeple chases he loves taking part in. That last time that he broke his ribs and they stuck out through his back was horrid, and still he kept calling me daily several times cause he was bored in hospital and then out of it. If he’s not calling at all, then something’s definitely wrong. - I insisted.

- Maybe he’s in his other competitions…- She said.

- Well, his show jumping is not that risky, at least he’s now too big and heavy for the flat races, but, c’mon, Daisy, you’re a Pisces as I am, and we’re both named after flowers. You can’t fool me. We’re too much alike, we’re both quite psychic and you know something’s not right. - I told her.

- Have you called him? -

- Of course I have! I’ve left millions of messages already, and the last week I got back that the number was out of service. -

- Maybe he changed his number…-

- He would have let me know before he did, knowing how I worry. -

- How can we find out about him? -

- I don’t know. I’m not calling his stupid father, who’s probably “drunk as a lord!” I know he works at the thoroughbred farm of his friend Roger’s father who practically owns that little town by the seaside in the south of England, can’t remember the name now. I don’t know anything else. -

- Wish I could help…-

- I’m waiting a month. If I haven’t heard from him by mid September, I’m going to England to find out what has happened. -

Daisy had moved in with me when my mother’s Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s finally had her needing constant attention, so what she saved on the rent, she used it to help me to pay for the girl who took care of her. I had been working at the British School I had attended and graduated from, and Daisy did so in the largest American School here in Lima. I always teased her on the fact that she could barely manage just enough English to be understood and to understand the non-Spanish speakers, specially since she spoke the American English, not the British one I do. My mother was her godmother, so it was great having her home with me. We constantly arranged inter-school debates and it was fun, because unlike the previous teachers in charge of this, we allowed the students to choose the subjects by voting, and they just loved it. The groups had grown to enormous proportions, that we had to divide them in A, B and C and have three meetings a week.

By the third week of September, I still had not heard of my brother, so I got a couple of months leave, because of family issues, and took off as right away. I took a plane to Miami and then changed to the Virgin Atlantic, after a three days wait, at a friend’s home. She was also very worried about the kid, since she knew him from the times he spent over with me. I arrived in London in the late afternoon, at Gatwick airport, which was a blessing, because it wasn’t as crowded as Heathrow usually is. I spent the night at a cousin of my mother’s, who happened to be a “Sir”, having been beside queen Elizabeth for her coronation, and though he was unfortunately blind due some illness from which he had recovered but taken that toll, his widow, who is Scottish as my father was, immediately found me the phone number of Mr. “Hawkins” (Very close, but not the exact name). It was his company’s number, because though she also found his phone number, I preferred not to bother him at home, not sure his son Roger, who was the one I wanted to talk to, lived with him.

Next day, I called and made an appointment with Roger’s secretary, and went at midday. I had never seen him before, only knew his name. I was shocked when I saw this very thin, pale young man, whom I knew must be 24 or 25 years old, because he was six years older than Michael, whose birthday was on October 10th. He had a cigarette in his hand and was blowing off his last puff. I’ve never been able to stand cigarette smoke, being the only thing I’m allergic to, so I turned my face to a side and coughed.

- Oh, I’m sorry. - He said, and to my shock, he tossed the smoking thing on the floor and stepped on it not giving a damn about the carpet.

He showed me to his very elegant office and there, with tears in his eyes, he told me what had happened. I still can’t understand how I could take it so calmly. Perhaps because I already knew my kid brother was dead. It was the only reason he could have not to call me. How it had happened left me so stunned, that I could only get up and say I needed to leave. At his insistence I gave him the phone number of where I was staying, and simply couldn’t utter a word all the way down to the taxi. I finally broke down as soon as I arrived at my relative’s home and I had to tell them what I had found out.

The bloody idiot…that’s Roger, of course, dealt drugs, but he didn’t consume them, as if he needed it! He confessed it made him feel important to get that amount of money without his father having anything to do with it! That’s why he did it! He worked for his father all week and did his drug dealing after his working hours. Then he went to the farm on weekends to be with Michael and have some fun in the small town pubs or whatever. That last evening, he went and left some stuff in the vault and told Michael he couldn’t stay but he would be back next weekend and they would be together then. About 20 minutes after he left, a huge car arrived and three very well dressed guys came looking for Roger. Michael told then he wasn’t there and wouldn’t come until next weekend. They said they knew he had come here earlier so Michael told them they had missed him for about half and hour. When they asked if he hadn’t left anything for them, Michael grew suspicious and told them he hadn’t. That’s when they took out guns and knives and told him he must have left something he owed them and demanded he opened the vault. Michael wondered how they knew about the vault and told them he wasn’t doing it. Michael didn’t know the combination because he had asked both Roger and his father not to give it to him because it was none of his business, but he knew it was useless to say so because they wouldn’t believe him . They beat him, raped him and did about everything they could to him, but got nothing until they decided to leave. They had asked him if there was anyone else in the place, and Michael was afraid for the old couple who did the cleaning and the gardens and lived in a little cottage near the entrance but hidden from view, surrounded by tall bushes. He told them there was no one else and they could check if they wanted and they believed him. When the guys left, the old man made a round some hours later and was surprised to find the lights on and the door wide open. When he found Michael, he called Roger’s cell phone and he went out of his mind and flew over in a helicopter. He took Michael to hospital where he survived for 9 days during which he asked Roger to call me. Of course he admitted he hadn’t because he didn’t know how to tell me. He told Michael he had and that I sent him my love and to get well soon so he could call me himself. He hadn’t done so because he knew he couldn’t fool me, knowing I would be able to tell the pain in his voice. He knew if he had, I would have gone over immediately, and he didn’t want me to see him like that. Roger said his whole back, from his shoulders to his thighs were a bloody mess. The doctors had done all they could to try to save him, but he had suffered too much damage. They couldn’t understand how he had been able to stay alive so long. Roger had never left his side. As he lay dying, he made Roger promise he would look after me. The following day, I took a train to Edinburgh from St. Pancras’ and went all the way to Inverness, Glasgow, took a ferry to Ireland, to Shannon from where Michael’s father comes from, to Dublin, I toured all I could, back to Scotland and England. I went to Paris, where I spent Michael’s 19th birthday travelling over to Mont Saint Michel, Zurich, Rome, Florence, Naples, Venice, then to Greece for almost a month and back to England. I was devastated, and travelling was the only thing that kept me going. Before I left to return home, I was told Roger had called me several times, but I hadn’t taken a cell phone with me because I didn’t want to hear from him and remind me of Michael. Still, since I was leaving the next day, I answered his last call and told him I wanted nothing from him, and that I could see what my brother’s death had done to him, and he deserved it, but to forget what he promised to him because I didn’t want it. I hanged up and he called twice after but I simply didn’t answer. I stayed in Miami at my friend’s for a couple of weeks before I returned to Lima barely on time for Xmas. I hate that holiday, it reminds me so much of my father who enjoyed it so much, he had the whole family over and saved a little each month to have presents for everyone. Yet when he died, no one ever invited us, that was my mother and I, to spend it with them, leaving just the two of us with a turkey breast and one of the awesome plum puddings which my mother made every year and still had sent to all of them. So much for my faith in religion and humanity!


The following year I did my best to go on with my life, and then in October, when I was getting a terrible depression remembering Michael would have turned 20, Daisy called me to get the groups of my school’s votes for that week’s debate. I was surprised when Roswell was unanimously elected in both schools. I wondered what had triggered their interest in alien life, and was even more surprised when I attended the debate, to find out it wasn’t about the real UFO incident but a teenage television show the kids were watching on cable TV. And that wasn’t all. I kept getting calls from friends and also from those I met, saying how the “Michael” character in the show reminded them of my brother, not because of the same name, but because of his rebel attitude. I got most of the information I needed from the debates that week with the three groups. The results from the polls were all for that very character, the girls drooled over him as they did over my brother, the guys identified and sympathized with him too, he got an overwhelming 97% of the votes for him while the rest were distributed among the other characters. The “Max” character was considered an insufferable geek, and was mostly disliked. The few votes he got were out of pity, the other male characters just got and “ok”, “kind of cute” and “nice enough” and the female characters got an almost equal amount of votes between them, from the boys who said they were “hot” and the girls who liked one and disliked the other two, without a real majority on any one of them, except for the “Liz” character who was considered a total bore and the perfect mate for the just as boring “Max”. After that, Daisy and I started watching the show to understand the kids’ POV’s and though we agreed with some and disagreed with others, the majority remained the same, even up to today, when they have a great fan club for the show and the already graduates keep recruiting new addicts from the high school groups that take part in the debates. That was the main reason why we chose the “Michael” character to star in our fic, because he still has a huge majority over the other ones in both our schools, and Daisy’s has an 81% of Americans. Mine has some Americans but most are Europeans from all over and a 36% of local kids. The other reason was personal, because watching the show, reminded us of my brother’s stunts and adventures, which he had many, and being so close to me, he kept nothing away from me. We used them on the fic, because they were so alike, because they had suffered so much through unfair situations, because they were so protective and loyal to the ones they loved, because they were strong and brave, impulsive and reckless, because when they loved someone they did it with all their hearts, because they were hard to understand sometimes, but when you did, you saw the great person they really were. My brother didn’t resemble his Roswell namesake physically except for the fact that they were tall, strong and good looking, but their reactions were almost identical. So there, that’s why our fic is centred on Michael, and the kids from both our schools have managed to convince us he’s the coolest character on the show.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
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the martyr of antar

Post by ñusta »

The sequel will explore their life after Roswell, Serena's efforts to help them get their powers in sync and control, specially the newly found ones of the humans. Michael's desire to go back to help his people and their connection with their real parents guiding them and briefing them on what was going on back home. The downfall of Khivar and...I hope to start posting next week. Thanks for your feedback, it's always very welcome.