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Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:21 am
by FaithfulAngel24
OOC: Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!


Okay, in no way shape form or fashion am I in any way conceited but as I survey myself in the full length mirror before me I can’t help but mutter aloud. “I make this look good.”

My free spirited giggles shake my blonde curls from side to side creating the illusion of a halo. Space boy better hope he’s on his best behavior tonight otherwise he’s going to get a real good look at my horns.

I smooth the short emerald green gown over my thighs. Is it a little too short? I tilt my head to the side and examine it’s length scrupulously. I could always get Isabel to add an inch if needed. To tell you the truth I would almost swear that Michael alters my clothes when I am not looking so that he can get an eyeful. I smile at the mere thought of it. Oh well might as well torture him a bit. After all he won’t be getting any loving tonight if he keeps acting all destiny crazed.

"Maria, Isabel, are you two ready yet, our table is booked for eight!" I put the finishing touches on my raspberry lip gloss before yelling, “Coming Alex.” Grabbing my clutch I bound down the staircase with ease. I was born to wear stilettos.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 3:12 am
by KatnotKath
OOC: sorry for the delay, hope this is okay, Alex will come tonight I hope


As I slip outside, taking a seat on the wall as I wait for Max to join me, I hear his voice again in my head, and I want so much to reassure him, but I'm not quite sure how...

*You should have danced with him, Liz. It would have been okay...*

I smile softly at the care and concern I seem to hear in his voice. I know he wasn't sure about this idea, and he's said more than once that perhaps I should have accepted one of the invites I recieved, but the fact is simple. *I didn't want to...* I send back through the connection as I settle myself, rearranging the skirt of my dress carefully.

The truth is that I'm not doing this out of obligation, and I didn't ask him to the dance because I felt I had to...I wanted to... I might not be ready to say I want to spend the rest of my life with Max, but I do like him...a lot... I swallow and look down, twiddling my thumbs as I try to put my thoughts in order as I wait. *It wouldn't have seemed right...because he's not who I wanted to dance with...he's not who I wanted to be here with...* I add hesitantly now, looking around, trying to work out what direction he's going to come from.

* are...* My heart is thumping as I say the last, a part of me a little nervous as to how he'll take that considering the decision I voiced a little earlier too, but in truth I know Max well enough that he won't try and rush me, and besides, I'm only telling the truth...

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 5:29 pm
by KatnotKath
OOC: not the best, sorry, but I'm trying and it's all I got

~Alex ~

You'd have thought that I would have learnt by now wouldn't you? I keep thinking that I should tell the girls that our table is booked for an hour earlier than it is, in that case you know we might just make it on time... Shaking my head, I chuckle softly, glancing in the mirror in the hallway just to check I look respectable, before then turning, just in time to see Maria racing down the stairs. "You look so good girl..." I tell her with a grin. "In fact if it weren't for the fact that I'm terrified to go up against spaceboy, and of course the fact that I'm head over heels for the Princess, I'd swoop you off your feet..." I joke with a wink in my typical way, since it's just the two of us for the moment.

And I'm not kidding, she looks amazing, as always... It's just such a shame that Michael can be so pig-headed and stubborn at times, I know he loves her, even if he might not exactly vocal about it, but he just needs to show it... I know it's difficult for Maria at times, I just really hope that he can forget about destiny for a couple of hours and we can have a really good night, just the four of us, not thinking about our alien and non-alien status, or the politics on a plantet far away or a supposed destiny that was written before any of us were born. For one night, lets just be the twenty-year olds we are, have a good meal, and hang out...

But to have that night, we have to actually get out... "Michael, Isabel, are we moving or what?" I call out, listening for any sign of Isabel following Maria as I head into the living room, intending to forceably turn off the TV if it comes to it...

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 7:10 pm
by FaithfulAngel24
OOC: I think your post was excellent.


A very surprised Alex glances up and does what I like to call the double take. This dress always works like a charm. Beaming proudly at him I do a dramatic little sashay that causes the hem of my dress to flip up just like it did when I was a little girl. Even during times of great stress Alex has the ability to give me that old familiar childhood feeling where everything is new and exciting. I hope Isabel knows just how truly lucky she is.

Speaking of very fortunate alien hybrids where is Michael? Most likely watching some grown men lacking front teeth wipe some disc thingy around on the ice. Okay, so my knowledge on hockey is fairly limited. I’ve obtained enough info on the sport to realize that I’m never going to appreciate the logistics of it. I wonder if I‘ll be able to tear hi eyes away from the screen to notice that I‘m wearing my hair the way that he likes it.

"You look so good girl..." Alex admonishes with that wicked grin that immediately warms my heart. "In fact if it weren't for the fact that I'm terrified to go up against Space boy, and of course the fact that I'm head over heels for the Princess, I'd swoop you off your feet..." My dear friend teases in such a way that let’s me know that despite all the alien madness we’ve managed to keep a very human friendship going.

Alex is the ying to my yang and I look forward to being able to spend some time with him as well as with Michael and Isabel. “You don’t look so bad yourself.” I reveal with a foxy grin of my own. “You clean up nice.” The constant worrier Alex pipes up, "Michael, Isabel, are we moving or what?"

Wanting to contribute to the effort I reply, “I’ll deal with Old Stonewall myself. Why don’t you go see what’s keeping Izzie?” I offer cheerfully. Nothing is going to bring me down tonight. My rather steep high heels make a soft clicking sound against the hardwood floor as I make my way into the living room. My handsome if not totally clueless boyfriend sits in the lazy boy completely oblivious to the world around him.

“Hey stranger.” I imitate my best Katherine Hepburn voice. Low and sultry. “You about ready to go?” :D

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 6:48 am
by isabelle

As I ask Sarah about the waltz, I notice Tony and Dave walking near the edge of the dance floor. I tilt my head at them in a question and they come closer.

"Hey man, I didn't see you come in," Tony says.

"I'm here," I say, giving another smile to Sarah before turning my attention back to my teammates. "I think Liz is outside."

Dave smiles. "Don't worry, man. We'll get her on the dance floor once or twice."

"Yup," Tony agrees. "Can't let her be lonely, right?"

"Just keep her company," I nod, knowing they know better than to try to put a move on Liz. That would be a very bad idea, I know. These two and a few other friends had agreed to help keep Liz occupied -- as much as they could without offending their own dates, if they have one, or letting Liz know that I have anything to do with it. Between the five of them, it should make things a bit trickier for Max. Liz would kill me if she knew I was trying to sabotage her 'date' but this whole thing just doesn't sit right for me. All of these guys think Liz is pretty nice and some would have brought her here if she'd agreed.

The two guys move away and I turn my attention back to Sarah. "...about that waltz?" I ask again. "I'm not very good, but if you forgive my clumsiness, I'd be happy to oblige you."


I hear Liz's words in my head and feel the warm emotions behind them. It's enough to make me want to blush. She's a long way from agreeing to marry me and in fact, I'm still not ready to say I want to make that committment, either, but we're definately getting closer. We're good friends and I think that's more than just our commonality as aliens. Maybe we really could go somewhere with this.

*I'm glad,* I tell her silently as I spot a couple boys hanging by the basketball court. There's an unmistakable scent of ciggarrette smoke and a few tell-tale red glows.

"Put those out right now," I tell them, memorizing their faces. They sputter and protest, but they do as I demand. "Hand them over," I say, holding out my hand. Reluctanly, the teens surrender their unsmoked cigarettes. "If I catch you again, I'm kicking you out of here," I warn them. The two slide away, heading for the gymnasium.

*I want to be with you tonight, too,* I add. We've had a few nice dates and I've always enjoyed her company no matter how awkward things have seemed on occassion. Today is difficult in a number of ways, but if she wants me here, then I want to be here for her.

Shaking my head, at the former smokers as they disappear inside the building again, I turn the corner and spot Liz where she's waiting. "Hey," I say, coming up close to her. "Enjoying the night?"

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 3:17 am
by KatnotKath
OOC: still not the best, hope they're okay though. Storm - hope you don't mind me saying that Isabel was in the bedroom, I haven't said what she's doing though, so that's all left up to you...


"Thank you..." I grin as Maria comments that I don't clean up badly myself. "I try...gotta try and keep up with you girls afterall haven't I?" I tease back lightly, with that easy comfortableness that comes with a long, deep friendship. We've known each other since we were kids, and been through pretty much everything together, you can't fake that, there's something there that goes beyond a normal friendship I'm sure, and I don't know what I'd do without her.

Maria volunteers to take on Michael, and I don't decline. She probably has more chance of tearing him away from the tv anyway...if he actually realises she's in the room of course. But surely he won't be able to ignore her looking like that...?

Meanwhile of course, I'm left with Isabel as I begin to take the steps two at a time and head towards the room we share. " know I think you're beautiful whatever, so if you're worrying over your appearance honey I'm pretty sure that you're worrying over nothing..." I call out softly as I reach the top, reaching for the door handle and pushing it open as I slip inside, walking up behind her and dropping a kiss on her neck. "Are you nearly ready...? I question, stepping back and dropping down onto the bed as I watch her moving around.

She is just so gorgeous... How lucky am I? I know I say it over and over again it seems, but that's cos I keep feeling as though I must be dreaming... All in all, got to say I have it pretty good, and while there are odd things I might change - for example Michael's pig-headed attitude at times - Isabel isn't one of them... She is perfect...beautiful and intelligent, with a wonderful personality. I know, I sound like I'm head over heel - well guess what, I am, and I don't deny it...


*Thank you...*

I feel Max before I hear him speak, but I don't turn around immediately as he approaches from behind, I want to focus on the feeling, I want to savour it... I smile softly and, as he then speaks, turn slightly on my perch on the wall. "Hey...glad you could join me..." I greet him easily, moving a little further along in case he wants to sit down too. As he then asks about whether I'm enjoying the night, I again nod, and it's for anything but show...

Maybe it's not everyone's idea of a great time, for starters I'll be lucky if I can get a few dances with my 'date' because, of course, we have to be careful, but still, I know I'm here with Max, I can feel his presence even when he's not right next to me, and we can talk... It's all a part of being a part of one another's lives, and while this dance serves to emphasize some of the differences between us - reminding us, not that we need it, that we're at different points in our life, I still think it's important.

And I'm so glad he could be here... I was seriously debating not coming when orginally we couldn't see a way to getting him here... Max had told me not to be silly of course, but I couldn't help it, to be honest, the appeal of the dance didn't lie in the dance itself you see, but in the person I'd be going with... I didn't want to be stag, and nor did I want to crowd Kyle... And at the same time, I didn't want to go with one of the other guys who have asked me. They might be perfectly nice, but they're not Max, and that makes all the difference...

"Yeah, I'm having a lovely time..." I respond honestly. "I'm so glad you could be here, it wouldn't have been the same without you..."

Hearing the first strains of a new song coming from the gym, I reach for his hand, pulling it gently, urging him to join me and sit down as I look up at him. "What about you, I hope the whole chaperone thing isn't too much of a pain...?"

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 8:57 am
by isabelle

I'm glad as Liz says she's having a good time. It's not an easy night. I hope the difficulties aren't going to detract too much from whatever good 'together' time we can manage to get.

"What about you, I hope the whole chaperone thing isn't too much of a pain...?" she says.

I smile and shake my head. "What? I get a chance to boss everyone around. How could that be bad?" Then I shrug, moving to sit next to her and putting one arm around her shoulders. More seriously, I say. "It's honestly not a problem. It's good to have something to do. I'm really glad I got a chance to come."

I hear the music coming from the gym and I can see the recognition in Liz's eyes. This is one that she likes. "Would you like to dance?" I ask her.

We can do it right here where we can hear the music but we won't be in front of everyone -- although I do hope to have at least a couple 'real' dances inside. She's a family friend, as I've told Theresa. I think we can get away with that, if she's willing. At least, I hope so...

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 8:04 pm
by StormWolfstone

I was so caught up with the research I’d been doing on the item from the shop, still trying to find out the true origins from before my boss got the piece, that I didn’t realize the time. Hearing voices calling about whether we were going or not, I glance down and groan. No way am I going out like this. I’d thought about wearing this, then again I’d changed about ten times before I saw the medallion again and got caught up with searches.

Going back over to the closet, I shake my head and choose one of my newer tops to replace the one I’d had on. Looking in the mirror I nodded, “Much better.”

"Maria, Isabel, are you two ready yet, our table is booked for eight!" I hear Alex yell and smile, knowing that he’d forgive both of us if we were running a bit late.

I hear Maria call out a response and smile as I check my reflection again, changing the color of my top from a forest green to a pale red. Then, with a thought in my head about how to really get a rise out of Alex, I tossed the pants I had on and chose to change into the skirt he’d always claimed was his favorite I owned.

"Michael, Isabel, are we moving or what?"

Alex’s impatience is clear and I grab my purse, slinging it over my shoulder before running my fingers over my lips for color and then letting my hands glide over my hair for style.

I’m about to walk out of the room when I realize I’m not happy with the shirt now. I want to make certain I knock his socks off and not to mention, I just love watching how he reacts when men look at me and I make it clear I’m all his.

" know I think you're beautiful whatever, so if you're worrying over your appearance honey I'm pretty sure that you're worrying over nothing..." I hear his voice suddenly at the top of the stairs and I can’t stop holding two tops up and looking at the mirror then down at the skirt.

Feeling his lips on my neck, I close my eyes and smile before I turn as he sits on the bed. "Are you nearly ready...?

“Yes, I’m almost ready… just can’t decide what shirt to wear. Though, I have decided on the skirt.” I smile as I walk over to stand in front of him and lean down to kiss him gently. “I hope we can see peace from Michael tonight.” I comment as I stand and step back, just looking at Alex as I wish silently that we didn’t have to leave the room. He just looked so good…


Women always take forever getting ready. Not just any women, the women in the house I live in. Is it my fault I chose to watch television while they got ready for tonight? I’m ready, it really doesn’t take long for me to get ready. Okay, so Alex and Isabel managed to convince me not to dress my normal way and actually go somewhat dressy and I really didn’t want to… but for Maria I would do anything.

The fact that I could be with her in the room, watching her change hasn’t escaped me either but they are so determined that we get out of the house, that the only way that will happen is if I stay away from the room for a while. So, I simply chose to turn on a basketball game for a while, though I’m not really watching it. I’m hoping that things get done while Max is at the damned dance with Liz.

I work with the girl now, which is really rather funny because she seems to tense every time I’m around, but the fact is, I’m there to protect her too. Whether she likes it, she’s one of us. Soft clicks sound on the floor and I don’t have to look to know that it’s Maria. “Hey stranger.” I hear her voice and all I can think about is the bedroom upstairs. “You about ready to go?”

Standing up, I look at her with meaning, taking in everything about what she’s wearing and move toward her as I respond, “I’m always ready.” I give her a smirk as I stop in front of her and stand there somewhat awkwardly. I’d promised Isabel that I would try to make this night good for Maria who I know this hasn’t been easy on. So, as I stood there, I looked into her enchanting eyes and told her, my throat tight, “You look great, Maria.” I could hear the longing in my tone and silently swore at the depth of the reaction. I’m still not good at showing things…


Kyle asks if I want to waltz even though he’s admitted he didn’t know how. I can hardly believe that he’d really want to do that. Question was, did I want to waltz or did I just want to keep dancing as we were? I really didn’t know. Two of the guys from school end up walking over as I’m about to reply and I simply remain silent as Kyle talks to them.

The two guys move away after a brief discussion about dancing with Liz and again I couldn’t keep from wondering what was going on between Kyle and Liz that I didn’t see. "...about that waltz?" Kyle’s voice sounds in question, causing me to jump slightly as I looked at him. "I'm not very good, but if you forgive my clumsiness, I'd be happy to oblige you."

Smiling at him, I gave his hand a light squeeze as I replied, “Whether we waltz or not, I’m alright. But, I can guarantee that you’d do fine either way. I have no problem showing you how to do it. Or we can dance as we were or whatever.” I shrug my shoulders as I try to think about what else we could do. “I’m open for any suggestions, Kyle.” I smile and then, just because I want to see how he reacts, I wink as I add, “And I do mean any suggestions.” I wiggle my brow teasingly as I laugh softly, trying to ignore the tightening in my gut that had begun when I saw Liz and Kyle greet each other.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 9:50 am
by FaithfulAngel24

The object of my affection swiftly rises from his chair and strolls over to me with a look of pure determination. I allow myself to enjoy the smoldering exchange. I love the way he looks at me. As if he simply can’t get enough of me. It’s no big secret that Michael and I don’t communicate very well verbally ,but I swear there are these precious moments when our eyes meet and it feels like we have come to a perfect understanding.

“I’m always ready.” He assures me with that debauched smile of his. I would almost bet that the man could charm the devil himself. He makes his way to my side and his expression changes abruptly from unadulterated hunger to something else entirely. Dare I say he seems…intimidated. By what? Me. I almost laugh off that notion then he speaks,

“You look great, Maria.” His voice hitches and it tears at my heart. Michael rarely ever acknowledges any feelings between us unless it’s passion. We’ve got that one in spades. Stunned I stand frozen in the moment replaying the words over and over in my mind. Not wanting his effort to go seemingly unnoticed I take a step forward. The motion brings our bodies closer together so that we are almost touching but not quite. I can eel his heated breathe warm as it dances across my cheek.

“You don’t look too bad yourself.” I whisper almost breathlessly. Tilting my head to the sight I take this time to memorize every fleck of gold submersed in those whiskey colored orbs. “I know things are a bit….stressful right now ,but I’m really looking forward to just getting to spend time with you.” Flashing him that famous Deluca grin I playfully add,

“Besides I kind of like you.” I’m not entirely sure how but somehow my hands have made their way to rest against his chest. My palms glide over his shirt with relative ease. I swear when he’s near my body parts have a mind of their own. :D

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 5:13 pm
by KatnotKath
OOC: hope these are okay...tell me if you think anything needs changing?


I laugh softly as Max points out that he gets to boss everyone around, watching his eyes carefully as he continues but noting no sign that he's just saying it... I think he is pleased to be here, even if it is a little wierd...I hope he is anyway... "Well, I know I've said it before, but thank you..." I respond in little more than a whisper, leaning my head against his shoulder for a moment without thinking about it too much, and even when I realise what I've done, I don't pull back or apologise...because...I'm not's actually kinda nice...

My ears perk up as the first notes of one of my favourite songs wafts it's way towards us.

"Would you like to dance...?"

I look up at Max in surprise, a small smile dancing over my lips now as I nod eagerly. "Y-yeah, I'd really like that..." It's not exactly the normal place to dance, but what's so great about normal...? Straightening up, I take the hand he offers with another smile, allowing him to guide me a little way away from the wall, and despite everything, somehow it feels...right...

I can't explain it, and I'm far from that meaning anything more than just to do with the dance, but I like spending time with him, a lot... And it's nice...just being here with him, no Michael, no Kyle...just me, and Max...

"When are you thinking of moving your stuff...?" I hesitate a moment before asking now as I rest my head against his chest, amazed how comfortable that position feels, as we sway in time to the music.


"Very nice..." I can't help grinning as Isabel stands in front of me, pointing out her skirt. It's one of my favourites, and she looks great! As her lips brush against mine though, it takes all my self control not to pull her deep into my arms, and while I do deepen the kiss slightly, I still keep it brief, and force myself to pull back before we get caught up and forget all about Michael and Maria... Which might not be a bad thing...I'm sure we could have a good time ourselves but...

"You are amazing..." I breath as she steps back, and I can't help wondering again what she possibly saw in me to attract her... Guys like me just don't get girls like her, except I have, I did, and I do... G*D I love that girl... Suddenly I feel all hot just watching her, and as I realise I could be accused of staring, I avert my eyes for a moment quickly, although soon look back at her.

"You know it doesn't matter which shirt don't you? Either way I think I am a very lucky guy, and you and Maria together will put Michael and I to shame..." I joke lightly now, trying to urge her to hurry, although not using the exact words as my gaze lingers on her figure for a moment and I stand up, movinng in front of her and sliding my hands slowly down to her hips before leaning forward, capturing her lips in mine and then stepping back quickly. "I'll see you downstairs okay...?" I tell her, knowing if I stay any longer that dinner is going to be a long way off.