The Martyr of Antar-COMPLETED

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Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the martyr of antar

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 309

Maria’s arms were wrapped around Michael, her hands rubbing up and down his back. He was totally relaxed, his face buried in her hair with his arms lying parallel to their bodies and practically falling asleep. Maria could cope with him while they were still connected but she started feeling Michael sliding out of her and he moaned with a gentle twitch. His weight started getting a little too much for her, so she turned her head and kissed his cheek whispering his name as she did this wiggle which he clearly knew the meaning of. He moved so that his side and arm rested against the bed, distributing most of his weight away from her while more than half of him was still over her. Automatically, his hand went to her breast and one of his thighs familiarly wedged between her legs. He lowered his face so that his cheek rested on her collarbone and curled his body just enough into her to snuggle comfortably still in her arms. She had raised the one nearer to him out of the way as he shifted his position, and now she had her hand buried in his hair still rubbing his back with the other one. He tilted his face and kissed her neck as he sighed contentedly, his lips softly whispering her name against her skin. Before he had shifted his position, she had been lying with her legs flexed, hugging his hips and if he hadn’t been there, she would have looked like a woman ready to give birth. She couldn’t help thinking what her child by Michael would look like, would it be a girl or a boy? She couldn’t make up her mind, so she decided twins would be great, a boy and a girl. Michael had originally been a twin on Antar, hadn’t him? So those things went in the family. They would definitely have his eyes, she loved his expressive honey coloured liquid pools, she wouldn’t have it any other way, and they would have great lips anyway, she would be slim and delicate like her and he would be a chunk, just like Michael … Suddenly, Michael whimpered and brought her out of her fantasies.

- Michael, honey, what’s wrong? - She asked, alarmed.

- Maria, you’re going to kill me…- He moaned.

- What? What? - She was getting somewhere between pissed and hysterical.

- I totally forgot to block myself out…- He frowned.

- Dammit! I hope Isabel had no problems with Jesse. Well, Liz and Max were just out here, but Kyle was there with them…do you think they kicked him out? -

- I’m not about to go check on them, anyway they must have heard us over the TV…- He nodded.

- No, Liz promised me she would have Max seal the room after we went in, and I saw her about to tell him to do it as you carried me in. - She assured him.

- Well, not hearing us is one thing but the brands things and Liz’s empathy is another business…- He sighed.

- I can go check if you want? - She offered.

- Nahhh…They had their fun with us, good for them! - He chuckled.

- Wow!…Best mental porno they could ever ask for…they must think I’m sick! No, they know how sick I am! - Maria whined.

- So what? And what about me? Where does it leave me? - He smirked.

- Freud would have a blast with you, DeSade would love to fuck and torture you, and Sacher-Masoch would totally understand you and make sure you got your kicks so he could write about them. - Maria giggled.

- Yeah, too bad they’re dead and gone! I would have made it in their books for sure! Bathroom for me now…- He got up, careful not to bother her and got a “yummy” from her as he approached the door.

- Hey, you said Max had sealed the room? Then how did you make it outside when you had to go? - Michael inquired.

- It’s sealed for noises, not to keep us in! - She laughed.

- Oh, ok…- He opened the door and left the room. He turned to the bathroom, noticing only the blue sheen from the TV screen lit the living area but then the three voices called out to him:

- And the Oscar for the best Male Porn Star goes to…Michael Guerin, the Spaceboy! - From Kyle.

- Jeeesus, Michael, that was one hell of a show you put up for us, I can’t wait to get you a nomination for the best Male Slash Star…- From Max.

- Wow, Michael…- From Liz.

- Wait a sec…how did Kyle…Kyle, how did you…- Michael stuttered.

- He clung to us like a leech and wouldn’t let go…- Max scoffed.

- And how did he know what was going on with you? - Michael gave them a suspicious look.

- Well…Liz…- - Max…- Went Max and Liz together.

- What? - Michael hated the suspense.

- They suddenly started moving funny and making these weird noises, so I thought Max was having some kind of alien seizure and passing it on to Liz who was holding his hand. I got worried
and when I touched their arms, I got the whole thing. And they expected me to let go! Selfish bastards, not wanting to share it with me! - He scolded them, jokingly.

- Sorry, I should have blocked you guys out…Liz, could you call Isabel? If I do and Jesse answers, she’ll be in trouble. - Michael wasn’t about to confess the last thing he wanted to do was have to talk to Jesse on the phone or otherwise.

- Shit! Isabel! - Exclaimed Kyle. - Hurry up! Call her! -

Liz called and Jesse answered. He told Liz Isabel had come out of the bathroom looking kind of uptight and she told him she had a headache and had taken something to knock her out.

- Is something wrong with her or any of you guys? - He asked, feigning absolute innocence.

- Isabel’s worried about how her parents are taking the whole thing and the danger they could be exposed to, that’s what’s wrong with her, please, try to understand her. - Liz was telling the truth but not the whole thing.

- Oh, that’s why she told me she would sleep in the guest room tonight, because she had some stuff to talk with her mum and it was better in her dreamwalk thing. She insisted she didn’t want to bother me. She’s locked herself in, but it’s quiet in there, so I guess she must be alright. Thanks, Liz, I was kind of worried. I’m cool now. - He sounded a little too relieved, and Liz wondered what was really going on with him, surely FBI related. She would try to touch him the next time she saw him and maybe she would get something out of him. There was something wrong about him, not just the FBI thing. Something worse…She hanged up and informed the others calming them down, specially Michael.

When he returned to Maria, he told her Isabel was ok and what Jesse had told Liz. He lay straddling her hips and kissed her very gently. Then he rolled off her onto his side with his back to her and whispered over his shoulder:

- Hold me, I need to sleep but I want to feel you against me. -

Maria spooned her body against him and wrapped her arm around his stomach. He clutched her hand in both of his, pressing it against his heart. She slid her other arm over his shoulder, bending her elbow and placing her hand on his. Michael pushed his ass into her lap and teasingly wiggled it against her.

- Michael Guerin, if I had a cock, I would have the granddaddy of all the hard ons and it would be sticking in so deep up your ass that it would be tickling your stomach from the inside. - She emphasized each word.

- Shit, Maria, now I’m going to have the granddaddy of all the wet dreams, definitely the best you’ve ever given me. - He growled in a husky voice and kissed her arm which was almost under his lips.

- Go to sleep, Spaceboy. - She kissed his hair and gave him a squeeze.

She could feel his heart beating faster, but his body was relaxing as he fell asleep.

When Maria woke up the next morning, Michael lay sprawled almost across her stomach. Maria reached out with both hands and pinched his ass hard. Michael moaned and pushed up on all fours, allowing her to slide from under him. Once out, she pushed her hand down on the small of his back and he collapsed back on the bed with a grunt. Maria giggled, knowing he hadn’t woken up even for a fraction of a second. They were so in sync, that even in his unconscious state, he knew exactly what she needed him to do with just her touch. She put on her robe to leave the room and when she smelled coffee, she went to the kitchen where she found Kyle whistling and making himself some breakfast.

- Where are Max and Liz? - She asked him.

- Well, Max spent the night sitting on the couch, staring blankly ahead of him, with Liz stretched on the couch with her head on his lap staring at the ceiling as blankly as him. I had too many beers to drown my frustrations and I woke up about every half hour to take a leak, that’s how I’m sure of what I say. It was real spooky. Then as it was getting light, Liz sat up and they told me they would be back soon, and left. I know what you’re thinking and I assure you it’s just the same as I am. They must have gone somewhere to do their thing. They had such rings all around their eyes that they looked like a couple of raccoons. They scared the crap out of me when I came out of the bathroom and saw them leaving the couch. I thought I was hallucinating but when they reached the door and I asked where they were going, they turned and freaked me out again.
I was glad they left, cause they were sure creeping me out. I just couldn’t close my eyes again cause I kept seeing them so I just turned on the sports channel. I didn’t wake you up, did I? - Kyle looked concerned.

- No, Max sealed the room so you couldn’t hear us, and I guess it works both ways. I didn’t hear a thing. Pass me a mug…mmm nice! That’s pretty good coffee! Almost as good as my mum’s! I’ll fix some cocoa for Michael when he wakes up. She gulped down her coffee and went to the bathroom to wash her teeth. She didn’t want Michael to kiss her and have her remind him of Hank. She lay beside him and she took him in her arms as he snuggled into her. When he finally started stirring, she kissed him awake and gave him a shower. Kyle was waiting patiently for them in front of the TV.

- Are we going to look for Max and Liz? - He asked.

- They’re already in school. - Michael said.

They had forgotten he could block anyone out but Liz couldn’t block him out.

- Are they ok? - Kyle asked.

- Sure, they’re waiting for us. -

At school, the guys went together and Maria dragged Liz to the lunch tables.

- Ok, bestfriend…spill! How was it? - Maria asked, eagerly.

- Oh, you know, Max’s style isn’t as exciting and kinky as yours is, but it’s perfect for us. - Liz said, not letting out much.

- Details, Liz, c’mon, I’m waiting! - Maria was impatient.

- Well, you know how Max likes it. I rode him until he came, and then again. He likes me on top and that’s fine with me because it doesn’t remind me…sorry…- Liz knew Maria had guessed what she had almost said.

- Yeah, Michael’s completely the other way round. I’m not sure if I would like it that way, I love to feel him possessing me, to feel his weight on me, to wrap him in my arms and feel him fall asleep over me, protecting me with his body, I feel so safe. Of course Max has his shield, so he can keep you quite safe too. -

- Being on top is great Maria, you set the pace and get it just how you want, you don’t need to tell him what to do or ask him to do it how you want it because you’re in charge, you make it happen. - Liz told her.

- Liz, Michael knows exactly what I like and how I like it, I never need to ask him for anything, he already knows and goes for it, you know that, I don’t need to be on top to get it how I want it. -

- Of course I know, Maria, it’s just that, for Max’s sake, I try to forget it. He also likes it with me sitting on his lap, hugging each other. It makes me come real good. We’re really working on it, and it’s going ok, I can’t complain. We’re…almost there again. I can feel he’s really trying. It’s not so easy for me, Maria, when you’ve had someone like Michael, but I’m getting along, don’t worry about me. - Liz smiled weakly.

- Come here…- Maria embraced Liz and they knew their friendship would be there forever.

Maria felt Liz twitch and wondered what had caused it, since she had been watching her doing it many times throughout their conversation. She ignored the first two, and on the third, attributed them to the touchy subject they had boarded and the fact that Michael could be responsible for giving quite a variety of twitches at the thought of his “hot bod” to both females and males alike, and he had been taking an active part most of the time. Suddenly, Liz’s growing empathy kicked in and Maria jumped back, gaping at her.

- Oh my god! No! Are they really doing it? -

Her shock turned to mirth when Liz nodded her head first looking serious and then giving her a wicked grin. Maria couldn’t contain herself any longer and they fell again into each others’ arms laughing till the tears were running. Liz gave her a quick briefing on what had gone on and where they were at the moment. Then they pulled back and jumped to their feet.

- Oh shit and the fucking fan! C’mon! - Maria grabbed Liz’s sleeve and dragged her behind her full speed.

When the guys left the girls for their nookie girly chat, they proceeded on the way to their lockers to see what could be salvaged and was worth the effort. Coming from the opposite direction they usually did, they ended approaching the infamous eraser room. The idea hit both Kyle and Max at the same time and they fell behind just a step to grab Michael’s shoulders from both sides and whip him to the right. Kyle tried uselessly to open the door and turned to Max who had to use his powers.

- Hey! What? Huh?...- Went Michael, taken totally by surprise as his mind was somewhere else, like in Maria’s world. Before he knew it, he was down on his chest and knees at the mercy of two giggling “sadistic rapists” who were struggling with each other to get the upper hand.

- Hold it Valenti! I go first! - Max hissed.

- And why is that? Because you’re the “King”? Sad news, Dumbo, you’re on Earth and you’re not real royalty even in your fucked up planet. - Kyle shot back seething.

- Will you quit the “Dumbo” thing? I’m not stupid! - Max began.

- That’s not what I meant! I was going for the ears! - Kyle interrupted.

- Fuck off Kyle! It was my idea! - Max exclaimed.

- Uh uh, sorry Spock, but it was mine! - Kyle snapped.

- Ok, ok. We had it at the same time, I’ll give you that, but…surprise! The door was locked and without my powers, there was no way you could have opened it! -

- Shit! After you, “your majesty”…- Kyle bit out the words, stepping back for Max, defeated.

- Hey! Don’t I have any rights here? It’s my ass, you know? - Michael said a little loudly.

- Rights? Right, kid, it’s your ass and it’s all about your ass right now, so you just focus on what your ass will do to us, and relax and enjoy it! - Kyle used an extra suave and sexy voice.

- Bring it on! - Michael chuckled and decided to take his advice.

With a wave of his hand, Max vanished Michael’s t-shirt and jeans.

- What about the boots? - Kyle wondered.

- In case we all have to run for it. - Max giggled and Kyle wondered what Max had meant.

- What do you mean? - He was curious.

- Nothing, Kyle, they’re not in the way, why bother? Shut up! -

Max knelt behind Michael waving his cock out of his fly and Kyle straddled Michael’s lowered back kneeling on the floor and leaning over the small of his back as he grabbed his butt and spread him for Max.

- Why am I doing this? Spread him yourself and let me have a go at a blow job! - Kyle protested and was about to pull away from Michael.

- There isn’t enough place for that, Kyle, are you blind or just stupid? Who’s the “Dumbo” now? - Max gloated.

Kyle hated to admit defeat again but there was no way out, so he just nodded. He watched Max’s cock approaching Michael’s ass, spurting precum in such abundance that he thought had jumped the gun and was coming. He didn’t have to touch it to know it was very oily, and the whiff of menthol told him there was an alien touch to it. He made a mental note to remind himself to ask Max to do that for him too when it was his turn. Max’s raspy voice brought him out of his thoughts and Kyle watched him prod at the small opening. Michael’s tightening body and the growl that went with it, had Kyle’s eyes opening wider.

- Ok, soon-to-be alien, start practicing, or guessing, if you’re still not there as I suspect. At least you’ll be able to say you gave it a shot when it doesn’t work! - Max was taunting Kyle to get the response he wanted through his frustration and anger. - Where will this go? - He arched his eyebrows at Kyle as he raised his right hand and waved it at him.

- Shut up Michael! - Max sent him a mild zap up the ass as he buried the head of his cock into him.

He had known Michael was about to give Kyle a helping hint and found what he had just done to him, the best way to keep him from doing what he shouldn’t. But Michael didn’t keep quiet and what came out of his wincing lips was better than Max had expected.

- Ohhh Max! That hurt so gooood! - Michael moaned and had Kyle giggling.

- Ok, gargoyle, enjoy the view, but do what I say, it’s to help develop your alien senses. - Max waved his right hand again.

Kyle concentrated as he watched it disappear around Michael’s hip under him.

- Too late! - Max said.

- No, no! I got it! To his cock! - Kyle beamed.

- Good! You’re getting there! -

Kyle watched half of Max’s cock bury into Michael’s clenched ass in one hard fast move as he squeezed his cock. The willing victim gasped and jerked, then breathing out in a strangled “Ahhhhh”.

- Ok, next question. What about this one? - Max now waved his left hand, again aiming it underneath the taller alien boy.

This time, the picture came faster in Kyle’s mind and flashed in front of his eyes as if he could see through them.

- Balls! - He laughed triumphantly, feeling Michael brace himself in anticipation.

- Yeah! - Max plunged the rest of his cock to the hilt in a forceful shove, knowing the exact amount of alien power that it took to break through the killer grip of the tough boy’s strong inner ring of muscles.

They felt Michael’s body turn to steel as he grunted through gritted teeth and stopped breathing. Kyle didn’t need alien powers to know what Max had done to him: the vibes he had zapped into his testicles had got him so tight that Max almost ripped his insides with the violent shove he needed to sheath his whole length into the narrow passage. He knew by the way Michael was shuddering, how much he had hurt him, and how, in spite of the extra slicking lubrication, he also knew he had scraped him raw, as the resistant shell he coated his cock with to protect it for the initial full penetration, had acted like a grater.
Michael’s considerable pain was expected by him when it came to Max, and the healing light that ensued, left him with this subtle soreness that enhanced his pleasure. Max had been doing that after the first three times, disliking the discomfort in his cock after giving Michael the hard fucks they both liked. Of course he healed himself at the first symptom, so he had found the way to prevent it completely, though Michael was the one to suffer for it. He didn’t mind it…he was conditioned to it. Max at least showed some consideration to Michael’s torment, and waited for him, gently massaging his cock and balls, making the pleasure overcome the agony. Michael took a deep breath and Max was ecstatic when he heard his husky voice:

- Fuck me Max, fuck me hard! -

That was his cue, and Kyle felt the brands burning under his hands.

- Michael…? - Kyle alerted him as if he didn’t know.

- I’ve blocked them out…- Michael whispered, calming him down. He knew Kyle had gone into a panic thinking Isabel would burst into the room to drag him down the school hallways by the hair, in front of the few students at that time of the year, which would set the cellphones in motion for those who weren’t present, making his shame complete. But what really pissed him off was that he would miss his turn with Michael.

- Shit Kyle! Cool down! You’re making Isabel look like Wonder Woman! - Michael managed through his heavy breathing.

- Oh Jesus! You can read minds now? - Kyle paled.

- There’s no way to miss your sick mind’s vibes when you work yourself into such an anguished state! I felt them too! - Max laughed.

- Oh my god! I almost had a stroke! - Kyle whispered dramatically.

Michael chuckled and ended in a whimper.

- Wow, do it again! That was so cool! - Max had enjoyed the results of Michael’s chuckles in his deeply embedded cock.

As Michael didn’t indulge him immediately, Max ordered Kyle:

- Tickle him! -

-Sure thing! Grow me an extra pair of hands and no problems! No way I’m letting go of his butt and lose the great view! - After all, his cock wasn’t up Michael’s sweet ass yet, to feel what it was doing to the lucky one inside him.

- Kyle? Kyle! - He looked up to see Max’s eyebrows gesturing wildly and got the message loud and clear.

He ducked and slid his dripping tongue into the dip high up between Michael’s buttocks, remembering he was as ticklish there as he was on the insides of his thighs, which were unfortunately unavalilable for lack of hands and accessibility.

- Michael felt the slick appendage lapping up a storm and knew what would happen.

- No Kyle! No, NO! OH SHIT! -

The perfect coordination between Kyle’s tongue and Max’s cock was uncanny, to say the least, and Michael started coming wildly and squeezed it out of Max before he could even say “no”. He plowed into Michael unable to stop himself, trying hard not to come, but it was useless. As he filled Michael with his hot shooting cum, he stuttered through his teeth:

- I’m going to geld you, Kyle Valentiiiii! -

Kyle felt Max slump and his pointy nose ended against the back of his neck, as he hissed into his nape:

- You idiot…you fucking idiot...I hate to admit it was awesome… now take my place before I change my mind…-

Kyle was so hard that his zipper was about to burst as he pulled it down. He scuttled behind Michael the second Max’s head lifted off his neck and the positions were now reversed. Max put his cock back in his pants and zipped up reaching out for Michael. Kyle watched Max spread the luscious globes apart for him and watched entranced how Max’s cum was seeping out of the tight opening. He licked his upper lip and somehow, did the three things almost simultaneously: shove his dripping cock into Michael’s cum slicked ass, grab his cock and his balls. Michael’s groan ended in a sob, sensitive as he was at the moment, the stalled alien aftermath making his body react in a high just like he did on alcohol. Max could feel Michael’s powerful contraction through his alien connection with him, envying Kyle at first, but then he had to laugh out loud realizing that it would bring Kyle to an even faster orgasm than he had had. Kyle didn’t give Michael a chance to adjust but started pounding into him without mercy. At least Max’s cum had Kyle sliding smoothly in and out of him, but the friction his cock was going through as he pumped into Michael through his constricting muscles, was making him pay a high price. He could feel his orgasm building at the speed of light, his flood of cum rising like a torrent, and he knew what Max had felt and why he was so amused. Payback was a bitch! Kyle exploded into Michael about three seconds after he bucked hard and rammed Kyle’s cock into his g-spot, sending him spasming and twisting in his trademark moves, wrenching the daylights out of each other.

- Bless my soul…I’ll be…-

The familiar voice made them turn to Kyle and Michael’s left which was Max’s right side, to find the three shocked faces framed on the space left by the missing ventilation grate. Kyle and Max’s colour washed out completely from their faces, and Kyle pulled hurriedly out of Michael sending him into shudders at the sudden rough removal. They confronted the janitor with none other than Forrester and Seligman on either side. Michael was almost passing out and wouldn’t have been able care, if his life had depended on it. He was facing them, but his eyes were shut tight, lying there wincing as his breathing filled the small room.

Old janitor Smith had gone to fix the grating through which Max and Liz had spied on Miss Topolsky about a couple of years ago. It was loose and kept falling off the frame. He had pushed the desk back against the wall silently over the carpeted floor. Then he had used the padded chair to get up on it and pulled the grate off to find the three boys in one hell of a fucking session. He had watched, open mouthed, the geek Evans screwing bad boy Michael Guerin, who was on his knees as the jock Valenti held him down. He heard the steps going into the room and turned just in time to see the Principal and a teacher coming in. He gestured them to silence and to close the door behind them quietly, which they did, intrigued. Then he waved them over and they stepped on the desk to join him. They went dumb to the point where they were barely breathing, as Max finished off and Kyle hurriedly replaced him. They watched Kyle ram Michael hard and fast and come as Michael thrashed as he had done with Max, apparently resisting them, though the three adults knew Michael could have sent them flying if he had wanted to. The surprised look on the men’s eyes clearly mirrored their thoughts: “What the hell is going on here? Are they raping him or is it consensual? Michael should be screaming his head off if it wasn’t, wouldn’t he?” Then the janitor’s voice rang out loudly in the absolute silence.

- Did you see that? I thought Evans was so far up the Guerin kid’s ass to give him a stomach ache, but then Valenti was right in there deep enough to give him an ulcer! - He cackled.

- Shut up Smith! Michael! Are you alright? - Forrester.

- Will you two get off him? - Seligman.

Max jumped up and stood in the men’s way for a couple of seconds, giving Kyle time to pop his cock in his pants and look decent as he quickly waved Michael’s clothes back on, hoping the room was dark enough for them not to notice the changes. As he moved aside and met their eyes, he saw them blink and he couldn’t help gulping in despair. The three men turned to look at each other, silently questioning mostly themselves if their eyes were playing tricks on them. The janitor’s room was shady, much darker than the one they were in, but still they had seen quite clearly what was going on in there, or so they had thought, and they could have sworn Michael was stark naked until Max stood in their way. Now he was wearing tan jeans and an almost flesh coloured sleeveless t-shirt. It could have given them that illusion and so they weren’t too sure. Kyle had scuttled to take Max’s place blocking their view just in time so they didn’t actually see him pull out of Michael, they just guessed he had. And Kyle’s arm as he reached under Michael had covered from them his cock ramming into him, just in time. Forrester then decided:

- Alright, you three, in my office right away! -

- What’s the big deal? It was just a joke to tease janitor Smith here. - Michael struggled to make his voice sound as normal as he could, but he was still unable to get up.

- Sorry, sir, I know it was gross, but we thought he was alone. - Max mouthed the words Michael put in his mind.

- It was just a stupid goodbye prank to him from us. - Kyle caught on and added his own excuse.

- You heard the principal, hurry up! - Seligman stared Kyle and Max down, but Michael held his gaze with his typical smirk.

They watched them go and helped Michael up.

- Oh man, we’re in shit up to our ears! - Kyle sighed.

- So what do we do now? Any ideas? - Max frowned.

- C’mon, let’s go. - Michael said.

- Are you nuts? We can’t just walk out of this one, they’ll call my dad and yours, Max! - Kyle went pale again.

- Yeah, Michael, you don’t give a damn cause they can’t call anyone for you! We’ll all end up in jail! We’re already eighteen! - Max voice was breaking.

- Let me do the talking, dude, trust me on this one. -

Michael started limping out of the room but after a few steps, he was walking normally again. Max and Kyle had no other choice but to follow him, exchanging nervous looks all the way. As they turned the last corner before Forrester’s office, Michael caught a glimpse of Liz and Maria looking scared as they were coming up from the locker area. They stopped when they saw them, and Michael smugly winked at them and nodded. He knew he hadn’t blocked out Liz so she wouldn’t come looking for them, and give them away. Ironically, it hadn’t been her but Smith, who caught them. Max and Kyle weren’t even aware of their whereabouts as the girls saw them go into Forrester’s office and close the door, so Liz just used her empathy to keep Maria in hand.

- Ok, if what you’re saying is true, how did you know Smith was going to fix the grate? - Seligman asked, sitting by Forrester.

Max and Kyle stared at Michael who was in the middle.

- We didn’t, we just heard him open the door and saw him coming into the room. We thought he was just going to sweep or do some kind of cleaning. - He said calmly.

- Where were you? - Forrester decided to take part in the interrogation.

- In the eraser room. - Michael said, cool as ice.

- What were you doing there? - Seligman again.

- Hiding from Liz and Maria, cause we were planning a surprise at my place for them tonight. - Michael threw at them, sending them into a conflict as it totally clashed with what they had seen.

The two men were frowning, not knowing what to ask next so Michael continued, taking them for the ride.

- We made a lot of noise to scare him into thinking the place was haunted, as we watched him through the grating, so when he looked up and headed our way, coming to investigate, we set up the scene to freak him out for checking on us. We were so into it that we didn’t hear you two coming in to join him. Sorry about that, but we weren’t counting on having all that audience. If you bought it, we should consider getting into a casting, though we already know Max read for one in L.A. and he totally sucked. - Michael chuckled and surreptitiously elbowed the other two to join in.

They sounded rather strained, but convincing enough. The two men scoffed and shook their heads, rolling their eyes at each other.

- Well, at least we’re rid of you two, though we’ll still be enjoying you next year, right Michael? - Seligman sounded bored now.

- Probably, sir. - Michael smirked.

- Get out of here! - Seligman made a face and waved them out.

Michael turned, dragging the other two by the sleeves to do the same, and jokingly pulled them out of the room with him. As he closed the door, Michael treated the Principal and the teacher with another smirk and a nod, saying:

- Sir…- Respectfully, just before he left.

Michael kept dragging them into the corridor where he sensed Liz and Maria were waiting for them, not giving them the chance to open their mouths and blow it. As Kyle began to protest, he hissed:

- Shut it, Kyle! -

So Max decided he had better do the same until Michael was ready for it. As soon as they turned the corner, they noticed Michael was limping again.

- You ok, man? - Max finally dared to ask.

- What do you think, “stud”? He emphasized the last word mockingly.

- You liked it! - Kyle accused.

- I did, so what? - Michael knew they wouldn’t have an answer to that one, and anyway Liz and Maria were already pouncing on them.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the martyr of antar

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 310

- What’s wrong with you guys! Why didn’t you go to Michael’s apartment, or the Pod Chamber where you wouldn’t get caught? - Maria really tried not to be too loud.

- Simple…we weren’t planning to be caught! - Michael scoffed.

- Weren’t you thinking at all? What happened to your alien super senses? - Liz shot that at both Michael and Max.

- It’s kind of hard to try to think or even make any alien sense whatsoever with either Kyle or Max up my ass, love. That’s all I could think of. - Michael smirked.

- Ok, ok, let’s go somewhere we can be absolutely sure we’re out of adult hearing range. Go, go! - Kyle started pushing them towards the lunch area.

Once there, they went to their usual table at the farthest corner.

- So, what do we do now? - Kyle persisted, too uncomfortable with the issues.

- I think Michael really nailed it when he mentioned Liz and Maria so we should keep it going in that direction in case we’re being watched. - Max suggested, sitting down on the bench the other way round, with his back braced on the table.

He then pulled Liz towards him so that she ended straddling his lap facing him, with her arms around his neck and his around her waist. They glued their foreheads together before they started kissing.

- Great idea, but that table’s too hard for you, baby. - Michael led Maria beside the table under the tree. She sat down and then lay back as Michael started going down on her.

- Hey, haven’t you learnt anything…? - Kyle started protesting.

- Haven’t you? We can’t be flunked or expelled any longer. - Michael chuckled.

- We can’t, but you’re already flunked and you could be expelled! Aren’t you thinking straight yet? - Kyle grinned.

- You’re that good Kyle, and Max too, - Michael said guessing Kyle’s thoughts, - but I couldn’t care less if I’m expelled. I’m sick of West Roswell High. We can fake anything, you know? - That smirk again was driving Kyle nuts. - Find yourself a lady, Kyle, we’re busy on a hetero trip right now…later, ok? -

Maria started spreading her legs to receive Michael between them but he knew it would be too much for him, like in a “no stopping” way, so he captured one of her legs between his thighs and went for her lips. Kyle sat on the bench opposite Max and Liz in absolute misery. His dating life sucked though his Michael oriented homo side was awesome, even if he had to share him with Max and…he couldn’t forget Stuart. The girls didn’t count. He was checking out Michael’s ass lying over Maria and swaying as he rubbed his cock against her hipbone. A heavy hand fell on his shoulder making him jump. Kyle looked up and was faced by three of his jock friends, Will, Fred and Alan, frowning down at him.

- Well, look who’s here! Look at you, man! Is that what hanging around with the geek and the trailer trash has done to you? Just sitting around like a sick dog hoping for some hand downs or rejects? Shame on you Kyle! So sad! - Fred mocked.

- Fuck off, just let me be! - Kyle snapped.

- As fast as we can, dude! It might be catching, you’re living proof it is! - They laughed out loud and went their way. Kyle was getting two very different alien vibes: Max’s hoping they would just go away and leave them alone if they ignored them and Michael’s about to jump up and beat the shit out of the three stooges. Once the jocks were gone, the vibes turned into reassuring ones. And there was another one filtering in, in a hesitant way, it was alien, alright and definitely female!
“Isabel!” Kyle thought with a pleased smile, “she’s thinking of me!” But no sooner had Isabel entered his mind when he realized her vibes were different. It wasn’t her. It reminded him of Tess, but it wasn’t her. Then Liz’s voice had them all moving.

- Guys, let’s get out of here, ok? - She had pulled away from Max and was standing beside Kyle.

“Could it be Liz? She’s not an alien but she’s turning into one, right?” Kyle wasn’t very convinced of that possibility, but he couldn’t think of anyone else.

- You’re right, Parker, in spite of the excellent service I just got, Maria here is giving me blue balls, ow baby! - Michael winced as he got up and helped Maria off the ground.

- Getting dripping wet isn’t my idea of comfort either! - Maria complained.

- At least it doesn’t hurt! - Michael rubbed his crotch suggestively.

- You know guys? I don’t mean to push, but my dad is going to spend the day slaving, cleaning and tyding up the back room by himself cause no one was willing to help him, and I’m having a bad case of conscience, you know? He’s been very understanding these last months, with all we’ve been through, so I think I should…well, we’re not like busy or doing anything…maybe we could…- Liz hesitated.

- All said! The junk in the lockers can wait! Let’s go! - Michael decided for all of them and taking Maria’s hand, headed for the parking lot.

“Since when did he become the leader?” Maria thought. “Very military…I like!”

Jeff Parker couldn’t believe he’d be so glad to see the whole “Addams Family” there for him. Right now, he didn’t feel very proud of his private nickname for his daughter’s friends, specially since “Lurch” had been going through some real heavy stuff lately, getting so badly hurt not once but twice and anyway, the kid wasn’t so bad, he didn’t shy from work and to be honest, he couldn’t consider the Crashdown’s kitchen to be the ideal place to start moving up into adult life after having to put up with Hank during all that time, knowing what the man had become after their high school years. He watched amazed how nothing would stop Michael, once he got started and how he bullied everyone into his energetic pace.
Maria had noticed Liz had been too serious, just working and hardly talking at all. Then, Liz had tripped and almost fallen, but recovered just in time and ended sitting among the boxes of napkins on the floor. She had asked for a break and Michael sent Maria to have one too. Maria followed Liz up the stairs and they went to sit on her bed. Liz covered her face with her hands and Maria tipped her head against hers.

- Tired? - She asked her.

Liz’s sigh sounded suspiciously like a sob.

- Lizzie, what’s wrong? - Maria was now worried.

- I don’t know what’s wrong with me, no, I do, it has to do with the changing, but I don’t know how to handle it. -

- Tell me, I’ll help anyway I can! Please, Liz…-

- It has to stay between us, you must promise! - She begged.

- Sure, bestfriend, of course I promise! - Maria nodded.

- Maria, when I was kissing Max in school before I asked you to come here, I saw things he thought about me, when…- Liz felt the tears roll down her cheeks and quickly wiped them with the back of her hand.

- Liz! What do you mean? When? - Maria demanded.

- When he was with Tess…he was thinking of a way to get rid of me to be with her. Then when I was investigating Alex’s death, he hated me! He hated me Maria, for even daring to suspect they were somehow responsible for his death. He wanted to hit me to shut me up. He was ready to stop me from going on, anyway necessary. - She sobbed openly.

- It had to be Tess, Liz. She was influencing him. - Maria comforted her.

- No Maria, Tess wasn’t even near him when the “Alex things” happened, I’m sure. Then when he found out that I had been with Michael that enigma night, I saw the word “Bitch” was filling his head. When he almost raped me that night he was drunk, he was thinking the same thing, and just wanted to make me pay. Tess was already gone by then, she had nothing to do with it. - Liz was shaking like a leaf.

- Liz, listen to me, it could be that your empathy thing is kicking in with Max as it did with Michael. - Maria watched Liz shake her head violently.

- No Maria! I never got anything like that from Michael! Quite the contrary, his thoughts were always protective and caring. -

- Then you’re getting past memories cause the things you’ve described happened some time ago. - Maria said.

- The last two happened when we were at Laurie’s the first time, it’s not so long ago, what, about a couple of months or so? - Liz frowned.

- But they were triggered by something from New Year’s Eve! That’s about six months ago! Your relationship with Max has been going fine lately! Don’t let the past ruin your present cause you’ll regret it Liz, you two are doing great! - Maria took both her hands and squeezed them.

- You’re right, I’m just being paranoid, sorry! Well, forget about me, what about you? You’re doing great with Michael too, right? No more doubts or wanting to be out of it for good? - Liz teased.

- I’m afraid that keeps coming up all the time, but I’m trying hard to push it away. It only works for a while, I really don’t know what to do about it. - Maria sighed.

- Follow your own advice then, and don’t let it ruin your relationship. If you do it, so will I. I promise. - Liz smiled, feeling much better.

- Hey, you girls ok? Liz, your dad has something to tell you. - Michael called out from outside the door.

- Be right out! - Liz said, pushing Maria out the door into Michael’s arms while she ran into the bathroom to splash cold water on her face and rushed after them.

It was already 2:30pm and Jeff realized they hadn’t had any lunch so since there were only a few more boxes to pile, he told them to choose whatever they wanted, his treat. So they ordered Chinese and by the time they had finished, Jeff had to pick up some new cutlery and dishes to replace the broken ones in the last month. He left them loafing around, assuring him they would have finished by the time he came back.

Jeff gave them the night off and they decided to give Liz and Max some privacy, so Kyle and Michael took Maria to the bowling alley to teach her how to play. After goofing around for over an hour, Maria got a phone from Liz, sounding very agitated and asking them to go back to her room cause it was important. Max also called Isabel, and by the time Michael, Maria and Kyle arrived, they found Isabel and Jesse parking right in front of them. Michael blocked himself out immediately, bristling inside when he saw Jesse, but not letting anything show. Jesse was elusive, not meeting Michael’s eyes.

- Isabel, Liz called you too? - Kyle asked.

- No, Max did. What’s up, he sounded rather strained. -

- Max…- Michael whispered to himself and scoffed.

They had no idea what had gone on with them so they made nothing of it.

What had happened was that Max had begun a make out session again but Liz was afraid, not ready to tell him what had happened at school. When apparently, nothing was happening, she went fully for it. But then more disturbing images came, and Liz told them that she had had these flashes in which they were all killed. That was Max, Michael, Isabel and herself. They had come to the conclusion that it would happen when this guy, Bryce McCain, who had written a book called Voices in the Sky, would be invited to the UFO Centre in almost two weeks, cause he had been in Liz’s vision too. As the flashes seem to be coming from their physical contact, after some teasing, they left them alone again. Isabel and Jesse excused themselves and went home, and Maria dropped Kyle with his dad and brought Michael home with her to find her mother on the couch watching TV, and in a fairly cozy mood. She let them go to Maria’s room as long as the door was left open, so they just decided to watch some TV too, but Michael fell asleep and Maria went back to her mum to have a nice chat.

- Where’s Michael? - She asked.

- Sleeping…- Maria shrugged and sat beside Amy.

- He can’t stay over, Maria. -

- I know, I’ve already called Max and he’ll pick him up on the way home from Liz. -

- Ok, he’s a good kid, Maria, but that doesn’t mean he has green light to do as he pleases here and with you. -

- Sure mum, I know. Can I stay over at Liz’s? -

- No, Maria, but Liz can stay over here if she wants. -

Max arrived with Liz when Amy was nodding and more than ready to turn in, but wanted Michael out of the house to do so.

Max dragged a sleepy Michael to his car after he gave Maria a kiss that wouldn’t let Amy sleep peacefully for a week, right in front of her, as Liz tried desperately and uselessly to distract her. Once in Maria’s room, Liz broke down to tell Maria what had happened after they left. The flashes had got even worse, but now that Liz was ready for them, she kept them to herself telling Max that she wasn’t getting them anymore. They ended making love and Max thought she was having a great time not knowing what was really going on.

- God, Liz, why didn’t you tell him? -

- He’s already freaking out, he didn’t need anymore stress. -

- Neither did you Liz. Were they too bad? You’re going to tell me, right? - Maria was relieved when Liz nodded, looking so sad.

- Come here, tell me about it, you’ll feel better if you get it off your chest. - Maria took her hands and smiled weakly.

- I had got some things wrong on the first times, Maria. It wasn’t Michael, it was Kyle. They must have found out he was going to change too. Michael wasn’t there with us when it happened. When they dumped our bodies in the back of this huge truck, there was a kind of built in room at one side with glass walls, and there was a stretcher with Michael tied down on it. His back was all bloody but he was alive, cause he was moaning and writhing. There were three doctors, doing these horrid things to him, and five other older men dressed in black suits. One of them was wearing a black ski mask and I couldn’t see his face, but there was something familiar about him.
On the first times, I couldn’t see where Max and I were shot, only the blood coming out of our mouths, Isabel was shot in the stomach and Michael in the chest but it turned out to be Kyle. I think it was because that had actually happened to them. But this last time, we were all shot in the back of the head, execution style, as we were lined up against a wall, facing it so we didn’t see it coming. They shot us all at the same time and we bounced off the wall to fall back on the floor. At least we died instantly. I didn’t want to tell Max because he would go nuts about Michael. I already was. Then they seemed to have given our bodies back, and I watched us all in our coffins, Jim Valenti was alive and well, watching over us. They didn’t seem to know he had been healed by Max and would also eventually become an alien. There was a fifth empty coffin with Michael’s name. They hadn’t given him back, probably because they were still keeping him alive. - Liz broke down crying.

- You’re right Liz, they don’t need this, we’ll keep it to ourselves, for their own good. We better get some sleep. -

Half and hour later, Liz suddenly sat up gasping and had Maria sitting up beside her.

- Liz, what is it? What did you see? - Maria whispered.

- Michael…-

- What’s wrong with him Liz? What…? - Maria noticed Liz had this strange smile on her face. - What? -

- Michael was sleeping here on your bed, right? -

- Yes, why? Did he have a wet dream? I’m going to kill him myself! - Maria scoffed.

- I can’t believe he did that! - Liz giggled and had to stop Maria from dialing his number. - No, Maria! He didn’t have a wet dream! -

- He didn’t? How dare he? Wait, what did he do? - Maria was curious now.

- Remember when Max hit his head on the steering wheel and ended in the hospital? Well, Michael had seen this suspicious man lurking around, so after he got the tube with Max’s blood from the…nurse…- Liz treaded those waters carefully, but since Maria was taking it quite well, she continued, - he put it in his pocket and left the room. -
Now that that the nurse was out of the picture, Liz went on to flash it to Maria through her empathy with Michael and Maria’s connection with him through her brands: Michael saw the man again and almost collided with Isabel who had come looking for him. “You’ve got it?” “Yes.” “Where is it?” “In my pocket.” “Give it to me!” Michael wasn’t very sure Isabel should risk having it with herself but then Michael thought she would bring the place down with her screams, regardless of where she was if anyone tried to rob her, so he gave it to her and she dropped it in her bag. They started down a corridor when Michael saw the man appear at the other end heading towards them. He grabbed Isabel and turned a corner into another corridor as she protested and tried to squirm away from his grip. He pushed her into a bathroom rushing in right after her and closing the door behind them. He tried to lock it with his powers but the whole thing melted down. Stress did that to him, either it went all wrong or it made him explode whatever he had in his hands. “Give me your bag!” He snatched it from her and dug in for the tube. He grabbed what felt like a glass tube and it exploded as he had hoped it wouldn’t. “Shit Michael! The blood is on all my stuff now! Wait! It’s Tabasco!” “What?” “I always carry a small bottle of Tabasco just in case, that’s what you busted, you idiot!” She fished around and brought out what she was looking for. She took it to the wash basin to empty it and wash it down but as she tried to pull off the stopper, the pounding on the door almost made her drop it. She hanged on to it and the stopper melted into the glass and wouldn’t come off. “Oh my god!” She tossed it in the toilet and tried to flush it twice but the damn thing kept floating back. A man’s voice yelled “Open up!” as the pounding grew louder. At least that meant the door was locked after all. Michael saw Isabel go pale and her eyes rolled wildly. “Ok, this calls for something desperate, shove it up my ass!” “What? Are you out of your mind?” “Think of something better? That idiot will bring the whole place down on us! They’ll tear the door down! Do it!” He unzipped his jeans and turned pulling them down. “You do it yourself!” “If I touch it, it will burst and there will be blood all over the bathroom, are you sure you can handle the mess in the state you’re in?” “Bend over!” “Owww! Shit! Easy, dammit!” At that very instant the door burst open and Alex walked in looking angry. “What the hell are you two doing…Ewww, you guys are sick! What are you doing to him, Isabel?” Alex asked, his face all scrunched up in disgust. “I…he wanted to know what a tampon felt like…” Isabel giggled stupidly, trying to turn it into a joke. “Now? And here?” “He was just trying to make me feel better…” Alex stared at Michael as he straightened up wincing and pulling up his jeans. “Are you going to keep that thing inside you?” Alex grimaced in disbelief. “I really want to know what it feels like.” Michael snapped. “You’re sick!” Alex repeated and turned to walk out of the bathroom. “Alex, wait!” Isabel hurried after him, and gave Michael one of her icy looks from the door before she left. That, of course, had contributed to make Alex believe Liz that they were on drugs, and he had just watched Isabel hide their stash up Michael’s ass. Alex had to give it to Michael that he was taking it quite well, no one would have noticed what he was going through. He wondered how the punk could walk at all. Of course, he was standing, how could he possibly sit down? Isabel had wisely decided to let Alex be, and when he told her he had been looking for her to tell her her mum had arrived, she went to find her with Max. After his inspiring chat with Liz, she had the nerve to tell Alex to go home and so did Michael in his usual rude way. Isabel came out to say Max was awake and soon after, they were able to walk out of the place. Then Maria sent Michael to get her purse and he found the man with another one checking everything out. Not good. Michael rode with Maria and Liz, on his side on the back seat, getting weird looks from them all the time, but no questions asked. They dropped him at the Evans and left for a recomforting ice cream session. Once they were left alone in Max’s room, Michael and Isabel had to tell Max where the tube with his blood was. Max laughed his head off as Michael moaned, lying face down on Max’s bed. “Ok, take it out!” He growled. “I put it in, so you have to take it out, Max.” Isabel smiled wickedly. “You do it Iz…” “Well I’m still not there yet, I can try, but it might explode inside you…” “Shit! Ok Max, you better do it.” And Max bared Michael’s ass and did it, waving his hand over it and making it disappear. Then Michael told them about the man checking out everything in the room where Max had been.
Liz let go off Maria’s hands and the flash stopped.

- Right, it was the man we followed to that hotel and searched his room! He had Topolsky’s phone number! Oh my god, Liz! I can’t believe what Michael did! He never told me! I’ll make him pay for it! - Maria giggled.

- Oh I’m sure you will! - Liz agreed.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the martyr of antar

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 311

Michael pushed the back of the shotgun seat all the way down and stretched out comfortably. Max headed for the apartment and as he drove over, his hand itched to touch Michael. He checked and saw there were hardly any cars on the avenue and slid his hand down the back of his jeans. Michael moaned and shifted to get it right where he wanted it as Max’s fingers did the walking. A couple of blocks later, he had to stop at a red light. Waiting for it to change, he started getting the feeling of being watched. Apprehensively, he turned to his right, sweeping Michael’s butt on the way there, and his eyes fell on the side of a bus. Remembering the embarrassing experience Maria had undergone, getting caught with her hand on Michael’s bare ass by a busfull of fellow seniors returning from the field trip to the cheese factory, he tentatively looked up, encouraged by the silence. He saw only three persons staring down at him from the windows, with knowing looks in their eyes and mocking grins. One was a black man with a mustache, the next and elderly lady with almost white hair, and the last one, a redheaded woman probably in her late thirties. Max was tempted to pull his hand away, but decided against it, not wanting to let them see his guilt. He turned his head and stared straight ahead. The wait was unending, but finally, the bus pulled away and Max cruised slowly staying behind so they couldn’t see him again. By the time they arrived, Max was very horny but at the same time he was also tired. He coaxed Michael out of the car, and got him to his bed. He waved their clothes away and laid beside him, pulling him over to spoon him as he slid swiftly and smoothly into him. Michael whimpered and bucked as Max wrapped his arms around him and kept them close together. He just swiveled his cock inside him, keeping the pleasure coming in gentle waves. Michael seemed to share his lazy mood, totally surprising Max, as they shared an unusual gentle intercourse. They climaxed in this amazing slow motion sway and fell asleep during the aftermath. Some three hours later, Max woke up and had him again just the same. Michael was only half awake this time, but enjoying it immensely, thinking he was just dreaming it most of the time. The second hour long continuous quasiorgasm, enabled Max to sleep another hour, and then he just watched Michael sleep peacefully and content in his arms. He saw the day break, the soft light playing on Michael’s relaxed face and body, and marveled at the beauty he took for granted, carefully squeezing him, his hands gliding over the velvety skin.

- Michael…- He whispered into his hair, leaning over to kiss his cheek, moving to the corner of his mouth as Michael turned his face in his sleep and allowed Max to capture his lips. Max wanted to kiss every inch of his cuddly body, but at the same time, didn’t want to move and lose contact with his ass. The head of his cock was still inside him, by some alien miracle and he wasn’t risking it coming out, specially now, that he could feel it getting hard yet again. As this happened, every inch Max’s cock gained, found its way back inside Michael, sliding easily with the help of the thick cum which was trying to seep out, only to be stopped by the fleshy plug. And he went for the third one. Michael hissed and kept twisting his body, screwing Max’s cock into him. He found it impossible to feel so much pleasure, but he was, with each deep torturously slow penetration. It burned its way into him, and he just loved it. He loved how it probed and stretched him, the electrifying jolt when it prodded his prostate before filling him completely, making him feel how long and thick it was as it fitted into him. And when it started pulsing and throbbing, shooting liquid fire into him, he wished it would never end.

- Max! - He gasped, as he was flooded with the healing balm.

Under normal circumstances, Maria would have attributed Liz’s flashes to the ravings, slightly bordering lunacy, of a super stressed mind. She wouldn’t have been that far from the truth, and Liz had every right to a touch of dementia after what she had been seeing in those visions. The problem was they had proved right with the mugged lady, so they couldn’t be ignored.
Maria knew her alarm clock was about to do its thing, and she watched the early light moving across the ceiling. Liz’s hand in hers began to move and when Maria turned her face, she saw Liz’s eyes were open.

- How could Alex open the door to the bathroom if it was locked and melted? - Maria asked.

- What? - Liz’s mind was miles away from what they had relived last night. - Oh! After rattling the knob for a full minute, it simply came completely off in his hand. Alex commented the place was falling apart. Michael may have locked it, but he melted the metal parts and they didn’t hold well under violence, I guess. -

- Oh…I can’t believe you saw the whole mugging right before it happened…Liz! You also guessed that teacher’s mother had passed away! Remember? - Maria’s eyes were huge.

Liz just nodded sadly.

- I called Madame Vivian, and I have an appointment with Michael at 10:30, so we better get up, your dad was real nice yesterday and I don’t intend to be late. - Maria heard Liz sigh as she got up.

After their early breakfast shift, they headed for Michael’s and let themselves in with Maria’s key. Though Max’s car was outside, he was nowhere in sight, and the couch didn’t look slept on. He could only be either in the bathroom or the bedroom. On approaching, they noticed the bathroom door was open and it was empty. So that only left the bedroom. They tiptoed in and were absolutely awed by the way Max held Michael in his arms, watching him sleep with such tenderness in his eyes and in his caressing hands, that the love he felt for the boy was just too evident. Maria and Liz stood there, enjoying the scene in front of their eyes, not wanting to interrupt it into stopping, but Max sensed them and turned to them. Their smile met his and everything was alright as long as they were together and their kind of love was accepted and respected.

- We’ve brought you guys some breakfast. - Liz said softly.

- Mmm…Max, I need Spaceboy at about ten, that ok? - Maria asked.

Max just nodded and turned back to Michael. Maria went to Liz and they got the food out of the bags in silence, listening to the sounds coming from the bedroom.

- Don’t go…- Michael moaned his protest.

- Sorry love, but I must get up…- Max gently pulled out.

- Ungh! You were still inside…- Michael winced.

- I know, cool, huh? - Max whispered. -

- Yeah…- Michael sighed. - What’s the hurry? -

- Our girls brought us breakfast and Maria’s waiting for you. -

- I need a shower…- Michael rolled over and stretched.

- I’ll give you one…- Said a sexy voice behind him. - And I love it when you moon me…-

Michael turned to look back over his shoulder to see Maria smiling, framed by the door.

- And I love it when you spank me, and I’ve been real bad…- Michael chuckled.

Maria rushed to the bed and indulged him, watching him writhe.

- Ok, Spaceboy, bathroom with you! C’mon! - She jumped on the bed and literally kicked him out of it.

- Ow! OWWW! Dammit Maria! Do you know how many times I’ve had a cock up my ass in the last 24 hours? - Michael protested.

- Well, I haven’t had yours longer than that! Now, move! - She gave him an extra kick “for luck” and had him on the way.

While Maria took Michael to the shower giggling and pushing him, Max went to join Liz.

- How are you doing? - He asked.

- Good, no need to ask you though…- She scoffed.

- Any more flashes? - He was sure she had sounded jealous but he didn’t want to know how she had meant it.

- Not with Maria, no. It’s kind of nice that she’s still the only one of us that’s still pure human. - Liz sighed.

- Well, according to Langley, she’s ready for the change after being with Michael, remember? - Max said.

- But he said it could only happen on the way to Antar, and even then it was up to Michael…I suspect it has to do with the atmosphere, maybe she has to leave Earth’s atmosphere to get there. -

- It would make sense. - Max agreed.

- Or maybe Michael doesn’t want to do it here on earth to protect her. Being totally human would keep the FBI’s hands off her. - Liz gave a sudden start and held on to Max in a dizzy spell.

- Whoa, what was that? - He watched her blink repeatedly.

- Max, are you sure Rath is dead? - She asked.

- Liz, he turned into dust right in front of our eyes! -

- Yeah, that’s weird! I had this crazy feeling that screamed his essence along with Michael. - She shook her head.

- Rath and Michael were both cloned from the original…- Max shrugged.

Liz just nodded, and decided to let it go.

Once under the spray, Michael pulled Maria to him and kissed her.

- Michael! Let me go! You’re getting me all wet! - She demanded

- How about a little something something? - He wiggled his tongue at her.

- A little what? - She laughed.

- Something something…where did that come from? - He scoffed, shaking his head.

- I think Max’s cum has given you a high! Turn around. - She placed her hands on his hips and had him facing the wall.

He felt her hands coaxing him backwards and he obediently pushed his ass out high, with his legs apart.

- Ewww, Michael, you’re dripping cum! How many times did he have you? - Maria scrunched up her nose as she thoroughly rinsed him with a douche bag she had specially bought for that purpose.

- Three…- He whispered, and Maria could have sworn he was wincing.

Maria carefully slid the soapy scrubby all the way up between his thighs and quickly pulled away when he doubled over and grunted.

- Michael, you ok? -

Her eyes couldn’t miss the water under him tinting in red. She jumped back.

- Oh my god, Michael, you’re bleeding! - Maria noticed he was leaning on the wall, his body at an angle. - Max! MAXXX! -

Michael was struggling to find his voice to shut her up, when both Max and Liz burst into the bathroom.

- WHAT! WHAT! - Max was screaming, with an ashen faced Liz behind him.

- He’s bleeding! - Shrieked Maria, unable to take her eyes of the reddening water, not daring to look up, afraid to find the source.

Max pushed Maria roughly aside and fell on his knees, pushing Michael’s thighs wider apart to spread him and check for the injury. When he found it, it simply didn’t make sense, it was Isabel’s scar! He could handle it, but why? Liz had a baffled look on her face, and Maria’s said she wasn’t taking any nonsense excuses. Any part of his healer’s body would have done the trick, after last night, but he chose to kiss it, just because he felt like it, pressing his tongue to the open wound and keeping it there during the kiss.

- He’s fine now. You’re fine! - He slapped Michael’s firm ass as straightened up to face Maria. - It was Isabel’s scar, don’t ask me, I have no idea. -

- Ok, let’s get you dressed, we’ll find out about it later. -

Max and Liz returned to the kitchen where he finished his breakfast in silence. Liz just watched him, sensing his confusion but deciding not to interfere.

Maria made sure Michael had a hearty breakfast and then they left, neither of them daring to break the silence either.

Problems began right away on the way to the appointment.

- Ok, where are we going? - Michael asked, sprawled on the shotgun seat.

- Tell me why Isabel made you bleed and I’ll tell you where we are going. - Maria snapped.

- Hey, I’m the one hurting here, why are you mad at me? - He frowned.

- You haven’t answered. - Quiet serious.

- I honestly don’t know! Maria, why should I lie to you? I may have been too blunt sometimes, but I’ve never lied to you, I swear! -

- I know. - She was just too sweet.

- Well, where are we going? - He insisted.

- You haven’t told me why Isabel made you bleed, so you’ll find out when we arrive. It’s not far. - She said softly.

- But I told you I don’t know! - He exploded.

- Ok, but it’s not the answer I want, so you wait! - She turned on the volume of the radio and put an end to it.

When they arrived, Michael followed her, intrigued. He didn’t know the house. Once inside they were led into the card reading room and Michael instantly balked.

- Maria, no! - He hissed in her ear.

- It’s up to you Michael, if you love me, you’ll stay with me. - She smiled triumphantly, gloating with this frustration.

Everything went wrong from the start: When the woman asked them about the expectations they had for their relationship, Michael informed her there should be none because he would be dead soon and he wanted a fast job to go watch sports. Then they started an argument about the Billy and Courtney issues and Madame Vivian, though politely, asked Maria to leave her alone with Michael. Maria waited outside, seething at the lack of importance that had been given to what she had gone for, and when Michael came out and refused to tell her, she was ready to crack. But what cracked was the lion at the door and they took off before Madame Vivian sent the pox on them. They drove in silence and Maria had every intention of dropping Michael home and go to find Isabel, but when she stopped the car and turned to tell him to leave, she noticed he was flushed and breathing hard with his eyes closed.

- What, the whole thing gave you a hard on? Hey, you ok? - She reached up and touched his cheek.

- I’m fine! - Michael pulled away from her and opened the door to go down. And down he went as soon as he stepped out of the car. Maria saw him fall flat on his face and rushed out and around the car as he painfully pushed up. She hooked her arm in his to help him up and he yanked his arm away hurrying to his feet.

- I said I’m fine! I don’t mean to be rude, but I can tell you don’t want to be here, so just go. - He opened the door and it slammed into the wall, as he lurched to the couch where he barely made it and sprawled on it.

- Michael…- She actually saw him tighten as she walked to him, and he buried his face in the battered cushion he was hugging under him. The back of his shirt was moist with sweat and Maria knew what was happening when he sobbed:

- Leave me alone, please. -

- Sure, baby, if that’s what you want. - Maria sighed and shook her head. She walked to the door and was tempted to feign leaving, to tiptoe back and stay with him, but he would feel her there, she couldn’t block herself away from her brands as he could.

Maria drove away and called Isabel to find she was home. She told her she was heading over and didn’t give her time to reply, cutting her off right away. When she arrived, Isabel was already waiting for her at the door.

- Maria, I swear I haven’t got a clue on how it happened and why it happened, you’ve got to believe me because I’m as confused as you are. - Isabel said, wringing her hands.

Maria sat on the steps and pulled at Isabel’s skirt making her sit down beside her.

- I’ve just thought of something…hold it. - She dialed on her cell phone. - Liz? Come to Isabel’s on the double! Quick! Alone! Girl thing, very urgent! We’re waiting! -

- Something’s going on with Michael. I left him sobbing on his couch. He didn’t even want me to touch him. I was so upset that I almost asked her. - Maria exclaimed.

- What are you talking about? - Isabel frowned.

- I was going to ask Madame Vivian about what was wrong with Michael, but I got distracted and I forgot. - Maria scoffed.

- Well, be glad you didn’t! You can’t go telling our stuff to people we don’t know! - Isabel was angry.

- Chill! I wasn’t going to give you guys away! I’m not stupid! I was just going to ask what had made him feel bad! - She said.

- And if the source was alien oriented, like it was, what do you think she would’ve answered? - Isabel snapped.

- Sorry, you’re right! I’m glad it didn’t happen! - Maria rolled her eyes, berating herself.

Max’s car arrived a little faster than was necessary and Liz climbed down the second it stopped, without even looking back.

- We said…- Maria started.

- I know, I know! I’m leaving! - Max scowled and left in a hurry.

They went into Isabel’s apartment and sat on the couch.

- Alright Liz, tell me when you began to sense something weird was happening to Michael.

- It was what he said to you in the shower…- Liz remembered.
- It’s what Rath said to me that day in school, you know, when he kissed me at the lockers? -

- Well, what was it? - Maria said impatiently.

- He wanted a little something something. - Liz nodded. - Max said…-

- You told Max? - Maria and Isabel shouted at the same time.

- I told him I had got these very Rath-like vibes from Michael and he said Michael and Rath had both been cloned from the original, which made sense when he said it, but not anymore. -

- You know? I got these Rath vibes too, and I was so shocked that I just mentally kicked him out and told him I didn’t want anything from him. Oh no! I must have channeled that to Michael, that’s why I made him bleed! I’m an idiot! - She sobbed.

- No, Isabel, you had no way of knowing it would bounce back to him. He didn’t even know why he had said Rath’s words and wondered where it had come from. - Maria reassured her. - We better go to him, he was very upset. -

- He’s not there anymore. He left on his bike right after you did, and blocked himself out. I don’t know where he is. - Liz sighed.

- He must be at the Pod Chamber. - Maria said, getting up.

- No, that’s where we found him the other time, so he won’t go there. But he might be at the pond. He feels safe there. -

- Yes, that sounds more like it, let’s go! - Isabel started following Maria.

- Shouldn’t we call Max, and perhaps Kyle too? - Liz suggested.

- Ok, I’ll call them, hurry up! - Isabel hurried to the car with Liz and Maria close behind her.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the martyr of antar

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 312

As soon as he left the city limits, Michael rode into the desert as fast as the bike would go. He waved his helmet away and threw back his head, feeling on his face the warmth of the sun and the cool breeze his speed was creating. He just wanted to ride as far as he could, he didn’t care anymore who or what he left behind, he only wanted to get away from everything that had caused him so much pain in his short lives, the Antares and the human one alike. It was so unfair! On Antares, he had done everything he could for his people, suffered so much for them to be killed like a traitor, unable to save his betrothed and his king …his cousins. On Earth, he had tried to be a good person, for those he loved, but they had never understood him, they always hurt him and blamed him for it. He was sick of it all, if the FBI was really after him, maybe this would be the best way to lead them away from his friends, saving their lives would be his goodbye gift to them, he wondered how they could pin that on him, but they would probably find a way of doing it. They always did. Even if the FBI didn’t get to find him, at least, it would give his friends enough time to get away and be safe, no matter what they blamed him for. Right now all he wanted was to go somewhere where no one knew him, where he could begin from scratch. He was strong, he could work anywhere, not trapped in a kitchen or an office or between four walls, but in the open, with the sun on his back, a real man’s work. And if his alien side ever caught up with him and his family still needed him, he would be there and ready, to help them anyway he could. The same went for his human side, his cousins and friends. But right now, he just wanted to be far from anything that could cause him pain, because he had taken more than anyone could in just 18 years. The bike jerked and he saw he was about to run out of gas. He didn’t know where he was, just that he was quite far and still in the desert. He needed water, not only to quench his thirst, but to fill his tank and change it into fuel. He rode easy, trying to find a source. He remembered reading that cactus plants had an abundant source of liquid that had helped many lost people to survive. He scanned the scenery and noticed a thicket of cactus not so far on his left. He barely made it before the bike stalled completely.
As he approached them, he could hear water trickling beyond, but there was a wall of rocks cutting him away from the sound.
He walked along the rocks which were taller than him, making it impossible for him to see what was on the other side, until he found one low enough that he could climb over it. He lay on top and found a thick bush growing against the rocks. He slithered forwards and pushed the branches with his hands. The sight that met his eyes made him suspect a mirage. There was a pond formed by the small waterfall coming from the rocks and winding away in a silver stream. Just what he needed! He cleared the bush and dove into the pool, waving his clothes away a fraction of a second before he hit the water. It was cool and refreshing, and tasted sweet as he took a mouthful. It was much smaller than “his pool”, not even half its size, and quite shallow, when he surfaced and stood up, the water only reached his chest. As he waded to the other side, he noticed some life form zooming away from him and at first he thought they were some kind of fish. He lay in the shallow water, cooling his sweating body, with only his forearms and his face resting on them, on the dry sand and they returned to nudge him and playfully splash over his back which was just underwater. Michael checked them over his shoulder and laughed when he realized they were frogs, lively green and many of them. He closed his eyes and shuddered remembering his first meeting with that species.
He was in school, not sure of his age, but it was the science class and he had been away for a couple of days after one of Hank’s specially violent evenings. He only knew the rest of the kids were all excited about “the frogs” and he didn’t have a clue of what they were talking about. As they entered the classroom, they found these frogs, apparently dead, stretched out on their backs for each student. The teacher instructed them to take the scalpel beside the frog, very carefully because they were sharp, and to proceed to open the frog from throat to crotch. Michael was shocked. He asked the thin unpleasant looking teacher if the frog was dead, and she said they had been put to sleep with chloroform so they could perform the experiment.

- They can’t feel a thing. - She assured him.

- But it will kill it! - He exclaimed.

- It won’t feel a thing! - She insisted. - If you don’t want to flunk science, just do it! -

- I don’t care about science, I’m not doing it! - Michael persisted.

- Just do it, it doesn’t feel anything! - Max said, beside him, gutting his frog.

Michael swore the frog had jerked, and the same happened when Isabel did the same on his other side. Michael looked up and saw the rest of the class enthusiastically gutting away, Liz and Alex included, but Maria, who was between them just like he was, looking disgusted with the scalpel still in her hand.

- Michael, I’m waiting! - The teacher said sternly.

- Why do I have to kill it? - He snapped.

- So I can show you how his organs work. - She snapped back at him.

- I don’t give a damn how my organs work as long as I’m alive and well, why shouldn’t it be the same for it? - He was getting very angry.

- Because it’s just an animal! - She shouted.

- You mean because no one cares what happens to it, right? Well, no one cares what happens to me either, so why don’t you dissect me instead? And you won’t flunk as a teacher! -

Michael couldn’t help relating to the frog. It was going to be killed for doing nothing, like he was tortured for the same reason. He felt that if he had no one to protect him, at least he could protect the frog from ending like him. He was sickened by the fascinated look on every eye except Maria’s and his.

- Alright then, take your time, if that’s what you need, but if you haven’t done it by the end of the class, you’ll flunk and I will do it anyway, when it’s waking up. - She bit out each word, and Michael knew that if she as much as touched his frog, he would slit her scrawny throat instead.

He watched her walk away to congratulate the rest of the class one after the other and Michael saw his chance. He took his frog as her back was turned to him and walked to the back of the room. As he approached Maria, she mouthed: “I don’t want to do it!” to him, and he took her frog in his other hand and placed them carefully in the wash basin and opened the tap. He was overjoyed when the two frogs began to show signs of life, but it was short lived as he heard the teacher’s shriek as she headed his way.

- They’re alive and waking, you can’t cut them now! - He said triumphantly.

- I told you I would do it anyway! - She threatened and took the nearest scalpel that lay on the table.

Michael saw red and snatched the scalpel from the hands of the closest student and pressed the blade on his chest.

- No, I’ll do it! I’ll gut myself and that way you can’t flunk me. - Michael took the arms of the two frogs in his other hand and tossed them out the window right behind him.

They were on the ground floor and there was a garden right outside so he knew they would be safe.

- You’re so stupid! Stop it or you’ll hurt yourself! - She took a step towards him.

- Michael pushed the tip of the blade into his chest and bit his lip not to wince. The blood started staining his t-shirt and her eyes were like saucers like every student’s in the room.

- Stay away from me, or I’ll really do it! The principal will ask you what made me do it, you know? - He smirked and she froze.

- Michael, please! - Max sobbed and Isabel was sobbing beside him too.

Michael looked at them and at their gutted frogs, then at them again and scoffed.

- Enjoy your a+, and I hope you remember it cost a frog’s life to get it. Was it worth it? - He spat at them.

Michael pulled the blade out of his flesh and tossed it on the sink, as he headed for the door.

- Get out of here, go to the nurse! - The teacher shrieked.

- I don’t need the nurse, but you all should be in the nuthouse! If I have to kill to learn, then I’d rather not know anything! You don’t need to send me to the principal cause that’s where I’m going! - As he passed by Maria, who was staring at him open mouthed, he smirked at her, and slammed the door behind him.

He went straight to the principal’s office and walked right in, past the secretary who stared at his bloody white t-shirt and simply went dumb. Mr. Robbins looked up frowning and his eyes widened as he saw the blood. He jumped to his feet upsetting the chair behind him but couldn’t utter a word either. He thought it was a gunshot, it could’ve been what he took for a slamming door.

- I’m not killing frogs, ok? I don’t care if I flunk science! Next time they ask me to do it, I will really gut myself in protest! - Michael had both his hands on the desk and was leaning forwards, looking up at the shocked principal’s face.

The door burst open and the nurse came in with Maria, who had been sent to get her.

- I’m sorry Mr. Robbins, but Mrs. Fletcher told me Michael had an accident in her class…- The nurse babbled.

- Accident? - Michael scoffed, and turned to Maria. - Tell her what happened! -

- He stabbed the scalpel into his chest to gut himself instead of the frog…- She said in an unsteady voice.

- WHAT? - The principal exploded. - NINA! -

The secretary came running into the room, looking very pale.

- Send Mrs. Fletcher here and you stay with her class until she returns! - He turned to the nurse. - Take care of him, please. -

- C’mon Michael. - The nurse gently guided him to the door with Maria on his other side.

- I want to stay to hear what lies she tells! - Michael was determined.

- No Michael, let’s go. - Maria put her arm around his waist and helped the nurse take him out of the room.

At least he had the pleasure to see Mrs. Fletcher looking very pale as she crossed paths with them, rushing to the principal’s office.

At the nurse’s, Maria helped Michael take off his t-shirt as he sat on the cot. The nurse brought a soaked piece of gauze and cleaned out the wound. It wasn’t really deep and it had already stopped bleeding. She dried it with a clean wipe she had in her other hand. She applied a disinfectant and covered it with a square of gauze, taping it into place.

- Alright now, you need a tetanus shot and Maria, you go back to your class. - The nurse said as she went to the cabinet at the back of the room, returning armed with a syringe and a swab of cotton wool smelling of alcohol and placed them on the tray by the cot.

- Maria! - She insisted, noticing the girl was still there.

- What? Just stick it in his arm, I’m staying! - Maria argued.

- No you’re not, cause I’m sticking it in his butt! - The nurse said.

- Why? - Maria frowned.

- Because I am, now go out! - The nurse was adamant.

Michael winked at Maria and she smiled, turning to go. She opened the door and closed it, as the nurse trusted her to do as she was told and Michael stretched out on the cot. The nurse asked him to unzip his jeans and grabbed the waist, careful not to pull his undies at the same time. Sure she had only the jeans in her hands, she pulled them down to find the boy was going commando. The nurse’s jaw dropped and then she just shook her head. Maria almost gasped, having a perfect view from where she was standing, but still out of the nurse’s sight. She watched her jab the needle in quick and efficiently, push the plunger all the way down, and pull it out. Then she wiped and did a massage to give him a smart spank making him grunt.

- Alright! That’s all! Off you go! And wear briefs, will you? - She chuckled.

Michael slid off the cot and smirked first at the nurse and then at Maria.

- Sure, thanks. Let’s go Maria. - He reached out for her hand and the nurse went beet red when she realized the girl had been there all along.

Michael enjoyed feeling her hand in his, and she wasn’t trying to pull away or protesting.

- That was real brave, you know? I didn’t want to do it either, but I didn’t want to get in trouble. Thanks for saving my frog. -

- It’s ok. - He let go of her hand as they arrived at the classroom and she reached for the knob. - I still have to take them to a safe place or they’ll catch them again. -

Maria watched him walk away and when Mrs. Fletcher, who was back with her class, asked her about him, she said she had left him at the nurse’s and had gone to the bathroom to be sick. The teacher didn’t ask anything else.

Michael found the two frogs under the window, hiding behind some flowers, and placed them gently on the front of his t-shirt, pulling the hem safely over them so they were covered. He walked out of school through a small back door which he had no trouble unlocking with his powers, and walked all the way to a small stream on the northeast side which run towards the desert. He placed them carefully in the water and watched them swim away. “Wish someone could do that for me…”

Michael realized he had said it aloud, as he opened his eyes and knew he had taken some parts from Maria’s memories, so she had known what he was thinking. He had blocked them all out as he rode out of the city, but his semiconscious state as he recalled that incident made him allow Maria to contact him through her brands. He blocked her out again, and reached back to take one of the frogs off his back. He laughed as it croaked in protest, though he was holding it very gently, and let it go.

- In case you’re interested, I saved two of your kind some years ago. I’m sorry I couldn’t save the rest. - He had to wince as he remembered the lifeless carcasses left on the table, knowing they had been disposed of without any respect for their sacrifice just as it was going to happen to him on Antar, if Serena hadn’t recovered his body. That night, after sending the two frogs on their way to safety, he had arrived at the trailer park late at night to find Hank apparently asleep in front of the TV. Just after he had lain on his bed, he found out how wrong he had been when he felt the buckle crash into his butt. He hadn’t heard him because he was in his socks. Hank had been screaming that the principal had called him and told him what he had done. He beat him and fucked him until he passed out. Hank left for a gig early next day so he didn’t even know that he stayed in bed all day so he could crawl to Max’s window the next night, blaming it on the neighbours as he usually did, so Max could do his thing and feed him with some leftovers before he went to sleep. Next morning, Max woke him up and he slid out of the window, but returned to his bed knowing Hank would be gone for at least a week. It had taken him two days to be able to go back to school, he was so sore; the cuts of the buckle had been very deep. It was all worth it when he noticed Maria and Liz kept stealing glances his way, but pretending they weren’t, as most of the class was, but he was only interested in those two girls, though Liz had fallen from grace after the frog incident. He had also felt repelled when Max had touched him to heal him, wondering if Max wouldn’t hesitate to hurt him if the odds were against him and would gain Max something he wanted, like an a+ at the expense of a frog’s life. He shuddered when Isabel touched him too, and it took him a few months to get over it.
His head had cleared out some, and now in spite of all he had been determined to do, he knew he couldn’t leave them to fend for themselves because Liz had said the FBI planned to kill them even though he would be their guinea pig. He would have to go back and hope he could do something to stop it. The crazy lady said he could though he couldn’t figure out how his love for Maria could save their hides. He could shield her with his body, but what about the others? Max’s shield? Maybe, but how long could he hold it, and for how many people? He just couldn’t risk it, he had to be there for them. No way he was going to his apartment, so he decided to sleep at the Pod Chamber. When he arrived there, he unblocked everyone and they were all over him. He could feel their worry, so he just told them he had needed to be alone and think things over, but he was ok, and now needed to sleep. That was it.

After going out of their minds looking for Michael, they returned to Roswell worried sick about his whereabouts. Maria had been sure they would find him at the pond, as she had managed to get his memories of that frog incident in school and they all had agreed that he had to be at the pond. They were totally disappointed when they didn’t find him there, so they went to the Pod Chamber, just in case, but no luck either. No one could get through to him so they returned, defeated, to his apartment hoping he would show up there. Then they got through and got his message, but had to conform just to know he was ok and wanted to be alone. Liz told him their decision to have a meeting tomorrow at the Pod Chamber, and he just said he would be there.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the martyr of antar

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 313

Michael had stretched out on the sleeping bag, cradling his face on his arms like he used to do when he fell asleep on his desk in school. He snuggled and squirmed until he was comfortable enough and started falling asleep. Suddenly, he felt a nudge from an alien source, definitely female. He had no way of knowing she had tried to contact Kyle first, but due to the lack of reasonable response, she had turned to him, like she would have wanted in the first place. Michael had almost the same doubts Kyle had had, Isabel had been his first choice, but no, her vibes were different. These were like Tess’ but it was impossible. Could it be Liz? She was almost there, or Serena? No, he could tell Serena immediately, it wasn’t her.


Oh shit! That had sounded just like Tess! Even the small hand on his back felt like her.

“Tess?...” He asked doubtfully.

He didn’t need to open his eyes and look behind him cause he knew whoever it was, wasn’t there physically.

“Not quite…” She giggled.

“Ava!” Michael gasped as Ava flashed in his mind.

Suddenly, everything clicked into place. It was perfect. She would take the fourth alien’s place; they would have one natural mindwarper and a converted one. She and Kyle could work their powers together and she would help him develop his.

“Where are you?” Michael asked.

“I’m still away but I will find the way to join you soon enough. I just want you to know you can count on me. Please tell Liz she doesn’t need to be threatened by me where Max is concerned. I feel nothing for him, and I’m not ambitious like Tess. I just want to live in peace with my own, and be there for you. That’s what Lonnie, Zan and Rath couldn’t get through their thick heads. You can feel safe from me too. I wouldn’t dare put you in danger in any way, I have to admit I feel what the original Antares Ava did for you, but my human side has conditioned me to respect what is not mine, and I feel too many sexual issues concerning you, both male and female. I think you have quite enough to deal with, without me!” She gave an amused giggle.

“ Yeah, mmm…sorry about that…” Michael whispered.

“Michael, Vilandra wasn’t the only one who seethed in anger when you returned hurt and bleeding to the palace after doing your duty for your people and us, both in war and in…you know, the other business-diplomatic stuff. At least now you do it because you feel like it. Yet you suffered just as much with your foster father, making it your duty to deal with it the best you could to keep Max and Isabel safe with your secret. It was the same thing, and you were only a child here, so it’s just as brave and worthy. My feelings for you can’t change, Michael, I just have them under control. Don’t worry.”

“Thanks, Ava. Langley told us you were our original one, “too human”, as Lonnie put it, so it must have been rough for you too. It was Nasedo’s doing to switch you so he could control Tess’ ambition to get what he wanted. We have to thank Courtney for taking care of Nasedo, preventing that from happening, and Liz for finding out about Tess. She likes you, Ava, and you know that.”

“Yeah, she sure prevented you and Isabel from going all “Rath and Lonnie” with me.” Another giggle.

“I wouldn’t have hurt you, Ava, and neither would Isabel, we’re not like that, it’s just that we were worried about Max and were doing our best to threaten you into helping us. Liz’s methods proved to be better and we learned our lesson, you can be sure of that.” He chuckled.

“You must rest, Michael, you’ll have a tough time ahead of you in just a few days, but you’ll shine through as you always do. You’ll see, just trust your instincts. That never fails you. You’re the best warrior Antar ever had, remember?” She whispered, soothing him.

“How do you know all this and we don’t?” Michael demanded.

“I don’t. I’m in contact with Serena. That’s where I get it from, but she can’t interfere and neither can I, of course. That’s why she stayed away from you today, not to be tempted. That’s why she sent me instead, because I only know what she has told me.” She sighed.

“Why can’t she at least warn us?” Michael wondered.

“Because knowing beforehand won’t help you, it would just tamper with your instincts, and throw them off. Not good. Trust her. But she’ll be there with you when you need her, and so will I in due time. Now, please, you need to sleep and gather all your strength and energy for the days to come. You’re the only one who can do it. Shhh, go to sleep.” Her small hands skimmed over his back, sending him the same relaxing vibes she would have, had she been physically there for him.

Michael fell into a deep regenerating sleep, induced by Serena, feeling safe to be with him while he slept. He dreamt he was in the ocean with Max and Isabel, when he had gone with them as children, then with them in “his pool”, quite young too, and she had him riding in Tucson, at the Dupree property, with the sun caressing his shirtless body, and a horse between his legs, giving his butt and thigh muscles the workout of a lifetime. After that, he sprawled by the pool, sliding into the cool water to again enjoy the warm sun drying him and kissing him into a golden hue. Serena sat by him, watching him all night, until she heard Max opening the Pod Chamber and the daylight flooded the place, enveloping the still sleeping boy and her as they entered. Serena smiled at them and faded. They all smiled back their thanks just in time and rushed to Michael. Liz’s empathy coaxed him into waking up without the need of Max’s help, and he opened his eyes to find them with Maria standing between Kyle and Jim Valenti. Michael could tell by just the look in her eyes how she was itching to run to him, but her pride was holding her back. He found it ridiculous, after all they had done together, his own pride could go to hell as far as he was concerned when it came to Maria. It hurt that she couldn’t put hers aside for him. Or was it because Jim was there, and he was…well, having a thing with her mother? He wanted to believe that, forced himself to do it, just to stop the pain.

- Isabel is heading over here. She asked me specifically to wait for her outside the Chamber. I don’t know why, because she sounded in her “no nonsense” mood. Let’s go down, ok? - Max said as he watched Michael slowly getting up.

He wanted to kiss him good morning and he was getting the same from Kyle, but Jim was there. Of course he knew, and he had seen, but it didn’t seem right, so they just decided to “curb their enthusiasm” for their older friend’s sake.

- You ok? - Maria whispered as he passed by her.

- You know I am. - He smirked.

He was implying on the fact that while he was asleep, and his defenses were low, she probably had probed him through her brands to see how he was doing. And if she couldn’t, then Liz, through her empathy, had a still better chance to get through to him, and what she knew, Maria knew, so there! He could tell she just wanted to hear his voice directed at her. It hurt him again that she didn’t just go and kiss him.
“Women!” He thought. They would be the death of him, again! Sometimes the pain they gave him was as bad as the physical one he got from men. But they were worth it, in spite of everything!
As they were coming out of the cave, they saw the dust cloud from a car heading their way. Michael was intrigued by the way Max hurriedly closed the entrance to the cave and urged them to hurry down to level ground, obviously knowing more than they did. When the car arrived and stopped, Michael could tell Isabel was not alone: Jesse was with her. No wonder Max wanted to keep the cave still a secret to him, for safety reasons, though they were sure Jesse was on their side for Isabel’s sake, an ace up their sleeves wouldn’t hurt. And what Michael knew was not to be shared, also for Isabel’s sake. It was so obvious to him how they kept avoiding each other’s eyes, but apparently not to the others. So far, so good.

Things didn’t work out as anyone expected them to. They were tired of being scared and defensive all the time and saw no easy way out. Max decided to give up his kingdom and destituted Isabel as princess and Michael as his second in command. They weren’t sure how they had got in that situation after Tess’ catastrophical second coming which set the whole thing going. Michael wondered about Isabel’s video cassette having to do with how fast they had put it all together but Isabel didn’t like being reminded of it. Michael thought the best way was to leave before they were attacked and it would be better to do it individually, saying that even if they got some of them, the others would get away. He was really thinking of leading the FBI away from all of them by making them follow him but of course he couldn’t tell them. When he said the Valenti’s and Maria didn’t need to leave, Maria went nuts and didn’t understand that by staying behind she would be safe until they found a way of regrouping. She seemed to be offended because she wasn’t included in the death sentence and when he tried to follow her to try to make her understand, Liz asked him to let her do it. Michael knew what she had told Maria through their empathy and was thankful to her, because she really got her thinking, at least they both came back to join them. Max got all touchy and ended giving him a big hug which he wasn’t quite in the mood for, but took it anyway. So they left back to Roswell as they had come: Isabel with Jesse, the Valentis in Jim’s van, and Maria and Liz with Max. Michael returned to his apartment on his bike. Anyway, Graduation was just the following night, and he would get his stuff together and leave while they were all at the school auditorium celebrating with their parents. No place at all for him. The others would start leaving the very next day, to make sure they were far enough by the time of the arrival of the Bryce McCain guy in Roswell.

Once in the city, Michael headed for his apartment and noticed a car was following him. He gave a quick check over his shoulder and saw it was the Valenti’s. When they arrived, Jim took Kyle by the shoulders on one side and Michael by the waist, because of his height, on the other. They tried to fit together through the door and Michael used his weight to force himself in first outbalancing the others and ended on the floor in a heap, laughing their heads off.

- Hey! I know I do a great bear rug impersonation, but get off my back so I can get up! - Michael chuckled. Jim and Kyle landed on him as they pushed him over, flat on his face, and the two lighter men, fighting not to lose their balance, ended sprawling backwards on the taller boy. Slowly recovering, they were now sitting on Michael, Jim on his back and Kyle on his ass. Jim got up and reached down to Kyle to help him up.

- Best cushion I ever sat on! - Teased Kyle, bouncing a couple of times before accepting his father’s help.

- Ow Kyle! - Michael protested, feeling Isabel and Maria’s brands get burning hot as Kyle got off him and he was able to get up.

Isabel jerked and gasped, making Jesse turn to her.

- Sorry, I just remembered I had to call Mum and I totally forgot. I wasn’t up to shopping with her, and it’s too late, anyway. - She lied, looking at her watch to make her point.

Jesse shrugged and went on driving.

Maria stopped smack in the middle of a sentence, giving a little jump and opening her eyes wide. Liz’s behaviour was very much the same, except that she wasn’t talking. They were climbing off Max’s car at the door of the Crashdown and Max gave them a funny look.

- Liz, do you know what time it is? - Exclaimed Maria winking at Liz, as her back was to Max.

- Hurry up, Maria, Dad will be pissed! - Liz caught on and followed her lead.

Max shrugged much like Jesse had, watching them rush into the Crashdown and planning to go to Michael’s to see how he was doing.

When Max arrived, he noticed the Valenti’s van parked by the bike. He found Michael sprawled on his couch with Kyle sitting by him on the floor with his legs flexed and his head thrown back over Michael’s thigh, laughing goodnaturedly, and Jim on the easy chair joining in. They all had Snapples in their hands as they watched some sports on TV. They turned lazily towards Max who went to get a Snapple too and sat beside Kyle, turning his head to Michael and reaching over to tousle his hair. Max realized he had done it instinctively, totally forgetting Jim, but the older man just watched Max’s caress and smiled, taking it for granted. As he let go, Max felt Michael’s arm sliding over his shoulder and his hand moved up to clasp Michael’s. Kyle raised his arm behind Max and rubbed Michael’s back, thinking it was out of his father’s sight, and though it actually was, Jim guessed what his son was doing.

- Hey, do you want me to leave? - Jim said, half joking.

The three teenagers spluttered almost choking on their Snapples, and Kyle and Max’s cheeks flushed red.

- Nah, man, they’re just teasing you. - Michael chuckled, completely at ease with the ex-sheriff. - Hey! Lay off! -

- Sorry dad, we just got a little carried away. - Kyle apologized to his father, but Max just nodded and kept holding Michael’s hand.

- Check that out! - Jim said, focusing on the tube instead.

- Michael would’ve scored, right, kid? - Max butted his head back into Michael’s ribs.

- Yeah, dude, that centre forward sucks! - Michael said, making a face that had Jim laughing out loud.

A couple of years ago, he couldn’t have imagined himself sitting with these boys he considered a threat, much less laughing with them and watching both the elusive geek Evans and his own son openly fondling the punk from the trailer park, for whom his hands itched to thrash him till he bled and begged for mercy. And now he loved and respected the boy, for risking his life to save his from Pierce’s gun, for his courage in wanting to protect his friends and doubting if he would be strong enough, as he had confided to him in jail, for giving his body to his sexually frustrated son, who had inherited his curse of a short stature, and wasn’t able to find a girlfriend. Jim knew it was for Kyle, because Michael didn’t need it, he had enough sexual action but took pity of Kyle. From what he had found out about them, Michael was the noble one, both in blood and in feelings, he had sacrificed a lot in his other life as he had in this one. Poor kid, he may be the tough one, but that didn’t justify his having it so rough. Hank, of all people! Jim shuddered, knowing the bully the man had been, even if the boy had been forced to learn to enjoy it to survive, the irreparable harm had been done, turning the kid into a sexually oriented masochist. This had gone on for so many years, with his own cousins whom he thought were his siblings carrying on, that Jim didn’t think it was possible even an alien shrink could do anything about it.

- Shit Kyle! Stop it! - Michael yelled and brought Jim out of his thoughts.

Jim saw Kyle’s mischievous face cackling away as both his arms were thrown back over his shoulders tickling Michael’s thighs.

Michael was squirming as Max held on to him not to let him get up. Jim noticed Max’s free arm was also groping behind him, high up on Michael’s ass, zapping him on his other ticklish spot. Everything started going crazy in the apartment, shaking and overturning as if in an earthquake, so Max and Kyle had to stop before it got too suspicious and brought the nosy neighbour, Mrs. Curry, running to find out what was going on.

- Hey guys, keep it down! - Jim saw they were just horsing around and at least their problems were forgotten for a while.

Max’s cell phone rang and he saw it was Liz.

- Max, Mrs. DeLucca is trying to locate Jim because she went over to his house and there was a note on his door saying he needed to get in touch with sheriff Hanson urgently. I got some vibes from Michael that kind of involved Jim, could you see if you can get to him? -

- Liz, I’m here at Michael’s and Jim’s here, do you want to talk to him? - Max asked.

- Tell him to call here at the Crashdown cause I’m getting low in minutes, ok? - Liz answered and cut off.

Max told Jim what it was about, so he decided he would just go to see what Hanson wanted and asked Max to call Liz to thank her and Amy too. He got up ready to leave.

- Any problems, dad? - Kyle frowned.

- No, I don’t think so, just something else I’ve been checking out. Don’t worry. - Jim smiled.

- Want me to come with you? - Kyle really wanted to stay, but…

- No, it’s not necessary, you kids behave, ok? - Jim smiled.

- You mean me? - Michael smirked.

- Do you ever? - Jim answered back chuckling as he closed the door.

Jim was just half a block away, when he saw Isabel arriving at Michael’s in a taxi.

“Well, I guess their fun is over.” Jim thought and scoffed. He knew Kyle had a crush on Isabel, but at the same time, was scared to death of her. And Max knew better than to piss his sister off. Now Michael…that was quite a different story, he could have Isabel eating out of his hand when he wanted. Something really special went on between those too, the amazing thing was that Maria seemed to be ok with it!

When Isabel walked in, she found Max still sitting by the couch kissing Michael as Kyle was crouching beside him, raising Michael’s t-shirt with his lips glued to the small of his back.

- I see you’re frisky, but you’ll have to cool it, ok? I have nowhere to go and I don’t want to be alone. - Isabel’s voice was a little shaky.

- What about your mum or the Crashdown? - Asked Kyle.

- Kyle! - Went Max and Isabel together.

- Hey, just asking! Don’t bite my head off! - Kyle rolled his eyes.

- Sorry, I’m jumpy, that’s all. - Isabel apologized.

- Where’s Jesse? - Max asked.

- Oh, he called on the way back to check with Dad and said he had some important appointment with an important person so he dropped me at mum’s. - Isabel said.

- So how did she let you go? - Max wondered.

- I knew she wasn’t home, but I didn’t want to be alone at the apartment. And no, I didn’t feel like going to the Crashdown. - She said before they asked, knowing they would. She walked to the couch and Michael got up for her.

- Hey, no, I just need a corner! - She protested.

- Bathroom…- Said Michael, which he did need to go but it wasn’t urgent, he just wanted her to get comfortable.

When Michael came back, Isabel was sitting smack in the middle of the couch, smiling wickedly at him.

- Well, c’mon! - She patted her lap and Michael smirked and nodded.

He stretched over her and she changed his sweats to shorts, placing her hands over his butt and thighs. Kyle stared open mouthed until he saw Isabel was smiling at him, quite amused.

- Hmmm…sorry, didn’t mean to stare. - Kyle cleared his throat, not trusting his voice and turned to the TV looking a little flushed.

- It’s alright! - Isabel giggled, raising her hands off Michael as she detected more than a hint of jealousy. - I’ll keep my hands off if you feel uncomfortable. -

- No, I’m quite used to it, don’t worry, and Michael wants you to touch him, I guess. - Jim said, watching Michael bucking to get her hands back on him.

- Michael! Behave yourself! - Isabel spanked him before complying.

Michael growled for all answer, and they all got it without the need of words.

Max and Kyle were exchanging looks that clearly said “Isabel just fucked us up!” when Max’s cell phone rang and made them both jump. It was Liz.

- Max, Michael and Isabel need time alone, to talk some things over, you guys better leave, ok? Just come over. -

- Ok. - Max nodded and turned to Kyle. - Liz needs us at the Crashdown, c’mon Kyle. -

Kyle gave him a surprised look, but what he saw in Max’s eyes made him hurry out of the apartment after him, with a quick:

- Later, kid. -

- Sure. - Was Michael’s farewell, sensing Isabel needed to get something off her chest.

They waited until they heard the car leaving before Michael reached back and took Isabel’s wrist, pulling her down beside him. A little squirming got them on their sides, facing each other, Isabel’s back against the couch.

- Ok, spill…what? - Michael went straight to the point as he usually did.

- Michael, why do I keep getting these vibes from Jesse that practically scream your name? What’s going on with him? - Isabel stared deep into his eyes.

- Oh shit! Don’t tell me he’s got the hots for me too…he’s not having my ass, so tell him not to insist. - Michael tried to laugh at it, hoping it wouldn’t backfire. He had noticed lately that the truth or laughing about it would make no one believe it.

- Michael…- She frowned.

- Sorry Iz, but it’s some stuff that we can’t disclose mostly for your safety, and everyone else’s too. - He sighed.

- It’s been going on since I got you two together in that dream-walk. You’ve been blocking it out with such determination that you make it seem life threatening. Michael, please! I need to know, it really scares me. I haven’t mentioned it to anyone because I somehow feel that, like you just said, it mainly has to do with me. That gives me the right to know! - Isabel was very agitated.

Michael buried his fingers in her hair and leant over to kiss her forehead. Isabel didn’t like the look in his eyes, they spelled ‘PAIN’ in capital letters.

- No Iz, it doesn’t, not this time. Not knowing what it will do to you. - Michael winced.

- Jesse made love to you, right? That’s it! - She scoffed.

- No Isabel, and of that you can be sure, he didn’t make love to me. -
- Michael…- She frowned.

- Sorry Iz, but it’s some stuff that we can’t disclose mostly for your safety, and everyone else’s too. - He sighed.

- It’s been going on since I got you two together in that dream-walk. You’ve been blocking it out with such determination that you make it seem life threatening. Michael, please! I need to know, it really scares me. I haven’t mentioned it to anyone because I somehow feel that, like you just said, it mainly has to do with me. That gives me the right to know! - Isabel was very agitated.

Michael buried his fingers in her hair and leant over to kiss her forehead. Isabel didn’t like the look in his eyes, they spelled ‘PAIN’ in capital letters.

- No Iz, it doesn’t, not this time. Not knowing what it will do to you. - Michael winced.

- Jesse made love to you, right? That’s it! - She scoffed.

- No Isabel, and of that you can be sure, he didn’t make love to me. -
“Of course he hadn’t!” Thought Michael. You couldn’t call that love even with the best intentions possible. Jesse had fucked him with rage, he had raped him viciously and savagely forced himself into him. He wasn’t lying, how can anyone call that ‘love’? It was a sadistic parody of the word! He watched Isabel take a deep breath, relieved, and he felt bad for giving her false hopes. What else could he do? Someday, when he was totally sure that Isabel was completely over Jesse, he might get it off his chest, and he was sure she would understand the reasons for his silence had been his love for her. For the time being, she was much better off thinking Jesse loved her too much to hurt any of them. He could tell that was making her take everything that was going on with them lately. And he wasn’t going to risk changing that. Even if he had to take Jesse’s fat cock up the ass a trillion times. He would do it for her and for all of them too.

- Ok, I’ll trust you on this one. But promise you’ll tell me when you think it’s the right moment, ok? Better still, swear! - She glared at him.

- I swear, Izzie, and I promise too. - Michael smirked and he knew it was alright now, and he had come out of it with flying colours.

He felt Liz desperately trying to contact him but that wasn’t going to happen. He had no problems keeping her at bay and gloating on her frustration. Liz was ok, but she could sure be nosy and curious. Not a good combination for the time being.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the martyr of antar

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 314

- Thank you, Michael. - Isabel smiled.

- No, Iz, don’t…- Michael couldn’t say “don’t thank me” because he wasn’t telling her the whole truth and felt bad about it, even if he was sparing her from what knowing what Jesse had done to him would do to her.

He kissed her lips, brotherly at first, but then he couldn’t stop himself when he felt Isabel’s tongue sliding between his lips. The kiss deepened and he just had to let the passion flow. He knew she was feeling exactly the same way he did. Her hand was at the back of his right thigh, gliding under his shorts to grab his butt, opening the contact with Maria. Lately, the two of them were so bonded, that whoever was with Michael, would automatically open the contact to share it with the absent one. Michael actually enjoyed it, very specially now, because it made him feel near Maria, in spite of the confusing vibes he kept getting from her. She wanted to be there with him, but at the same time, she didn’t want to see him…how could this be possible? Oh, well, it was Maria, so of course it was!

- She loves you, Michael, you can be sure of that. - Isabel broke the kiss to comfort him.

- Oh yeah, she sure does. - Michael smirked.

- Give her some time, Michael, she’s so confused! Just imagine yourself in her shoes. - Isabel gave him one of her looks.

- They wouldn’t fit, Isabel, they definitely wouldn’t, because she knows I would be there for her no matter what, even if she turned out to be a vampire! - Michael scoffed.

- Good comparison! That’s what we must seem to them, cause who in their sound minds would accept the fact that we are aliens? Give it a thought, Michael! - Isabel frowned.

- Isabel Evans defending a human! And Maria, of all people! Ok, that really convinced me! - He pecked her lips and snuggled against her, closing his eyes.

Isabel used her powers to push the back of the couch at the same level as the seat, allowing her to lie back and Michael to drape himself over her. She knew what Maria meant when she said she loved to feel him over her, as she wrapped her arms around him. Right before Michael fell asleep, he heard her whisper: “Rath-Michael…” and he knew he was in his princess’ arms.

“No Zan, please! You don’t need to…we did it before I left, just a few hours ago! I’m too sore! This guy shoved all these weird things into me, and it really hurts! Just heal me please? Without …you know? Zan…” Michael winced and whimpered with the realistic nightmare he was having.

“I have to, or I will lose too much energy and end up real tired.” Zan whispered intimately.

“So what? We’ll sleep it out together, you’ll have your full powers back in your usual three hours! No Zan…no!” Rath-Michael sobbed and gasped, gritting his teeth, as Zan paid no heed to his pleas and possessed him forcefully. Zan gloated at his young cousin’s begging, knowing he never did, to anyone, no matter what, except…to him and Vilandra. And he had to be hurting really bad to do it. Wasn’t he a warrior? So let him take it! It really turned him on the way the boy squeezed him in his pain. When Rath-Michael came back from his ‘whoring’, as Zan insisted on calling it, even if he knew how necessary it was, and how reluctant the boy was most of the time, he was seething with fury and jealousy. He didn’t care how much the boy was suffering and how much worse he was going to make it for him. He enjoyed making him pay for being with someone else, so he was exceedingly cruel. Rath-Michael felt Zan’s hate through the excruciating ordeal, which was a truly brutal senseless revenge, the worst, because it came from someone who was family, who was bonded to him by ritual, who had pledged to love him and whose mother was his aunt, his own mother’s sister! Zan’s cock felt like a red-hot firebrand, burning his already tortured and extremely sensitive insides. Rath-Michael shuddered and took it because it came from Zan, because he honoured his love for him and was able to take strength and courage from his Royal blood, even when he thought he was at his limit. Rath-Michael always managed to stay conscious until Zan finished healing him and coated his insides with his scalding balm. But the second Zan pulled out of him and took him in his arms, the boy passed out into a fainting sleep, where his every nightmare came true in living colours and details.

Isabel couldn’t believe what she was getting from Michael. When he started shivering, she just couldn’t take it anymore. She realized she was crying when an involuntary sob escaped her lips and her cheeks felt wet with her tears.

- Oh my god! Michael! Please wake up! - She shook him and he gasped and moaned making her feel as mean as Zan. She decided to use her dreamwalking to wake him up as gently and as kindly as she possibly could. She finally managed to calm down enough to go to sleep, and barged into Michael’s dream world.

“Zan! Get away from him! Stop hurting him! He needs to rest and sleep, so pull out of him!” Isabel shouted at her Antares brother, speaking his language fluently in the dream world.

Zan turned to look at her, very startled. He narrowed his eyes, squinting at her, his expression clearly saying that she definitely looked familiar, she looked very much like Vilandra, though not quite…still, he felt it was her.

“Lonnie? Is that you? What have you done to your hair? Mother will absolutely kill you! Rath-Michael, look at her!” Zan sounded outraged.

“I’ve been working on my powers to alter my appearance, that’s all!” Isabel lied, knowing she had been successful when Zan frowned, shaking his head.

Isabel crouched by the top of the bed and kissed Rath-Michael, whispering against his cheek.

“Michael, wake up, please, this is just a nightmare, come back with me, don’t do this to you, you’re just hurting yourself, it’s not worth it, please wake up.”

“Lannie, don’t change your hair…I like it…am I dreaming?” Rath-Michael whispered.

“Yes, baby, you are, come with me, you’re doing this to yourself because you’re hurt by Maria’s decision, but you know her, she’s probably already changed her mind. Liz is with her, she’ll get her back to you, you’ll see…c’mon, wake up!” Isabel raked her nails up and down his back.

- Isabel…- Michael whispered as he slowly woke up.

- Hey! Can I get you anything? Are you hungry? Let me get you a Snapple. - Isabel started to pull away but Michael stopped her.

- No, I’m fine. Isabel, I’ll be leaving soon, I just have to get my stuff together, which won’t take over a few minutes. I want you to know how much I love you, all you guys, and I just want you to be alright. I want you to promise me you’ll dreamwalk me everynight, wherever you are, so I can know you’re safe, because the night you don’t, I will go out of my mind searching for you everywhere. - Michael told her.

- I promise, Michael, and if I can’t find you, I’ll also track you down and I’ll make you pay for scaring me, you hear? So don’t make me have to kill you…- She stopped realizing the implication of what she had just said.

- Again…- Michael finished for her, because if she couldn’t find him that way, it would only mean he was already dead.

- No, Michael, no! I don’t want them to kill you! It’s all Max’s fault! If he hadn’t healed Liz, this wouldn’t have happened! I love Liz, Michael, and it’s not her fault, but we were ok until that happened! Maybe she wouldn’t even have died if they had taken her immediately to the hospital! - Isabel sobbed.

- We don’t know that, Isabel, but it must have happened for a reason. Maybe if it hadn’t, we would still be right where we were then, not knowing anything about ourselves. Maybe I would still be in that trailer park in Hank’s hands…- Michael said.

- No Michael, you wouldn’t let him hurt you anymore…- Isabel started.

- I wouldn’t have any choice, to keep our secret. Perhaps the only way to get rid of him would be going to college, if I ever graduated at all! - Michael sighed.

- We would have found out anyway and our father would have helped you just the same. And Tess and Nasedo would have found us eventually, and without Liz in the way, she would have mindwarped Max into total idiocy and we would have gone with them to be killed. You wouldn’t have wanted to stay either, because Maria would be out of the picture, so…oh my god, Michael! You’re right! There was a reason, we would have been dead again by now! - Isabel covered her mouth with her hands.

Michael smirked smugly at Isabel.

- Well, I have to pack. Will you help me? - He got up and headed for his bedroom.

He emptied his drawers and closet to find out there was more of Maria’s stuff than his. Isabel saw him wince, and waved what wasn’t Michael’s, away.

- You’ll give her stuff back to her? - He asked her.

- Sure, I don’t want her ripping my head off my shoulders. - Isabel scoffed.

She waved Michael’s stuff in a duffel bag with his high tops and docs at the bottom. Then she went to the kitchen and packed a bag with Snapples and anything still edible, which wouldn’t kill him before anything or anyone else did. She found him staring wistfully at his Metallica CD’s and waved them into the duffel bad with his CD player.

- Max’s loss. - Isabel grinned.

Michael grinned back his thanks and took her in his arms.

- Izzie, please take care, don’t trust anyone. Contact Serena, I’m sure she can help you develop the shield I’ve given you. Do it right away and let me know it’s working, so I can know at least I’ve done something to help you. Have Liz do it too, ok? Keep me informed. - He pushed his fingers in her hair and kissed her long and sweet. - We’ll be together again, I know. -

He let go of her and walked to the door. Then he turned back again.

- I’ll check on Maria too, don’t worry. - She smiled guessing what he was about to ask her.

- Thanks. - He closed the door softly.

Isabel thought she had never felt lonelier than she did then. Then she knew how wrong she was: she had felt like this when they lost Michael in the desert as kids, and then when Michael decided to stay and they were about to leave in the Granilith, but this time was the worst, because they knew for sure that if they didn’t, they would be killed without mercy. It was ironic, the first time, when the Evans took them, they thought they would be killed and they weren’t. Then when they were about to return to Antar, they were hoping for the best and they would have been killed on arrival. This time they knew they were about to be killed, and as far as the odds went, they probably would. She heard the engine of Michael’s bike roar into life and fade with the distance. She sighed and called Max to pick her up.

Michael stopped by Maria’s house. He just had to see her before he left, sure that he would never see her again. He needed one last look at her to keep her face in his mind, to give him courage when the FBI caught up with him and tortured him.
As he stopped in front of her house, Maria opened the door and walked out.
She had been hoping to hear the unmistakable sound of his bike, and when she did, she couldn’t stop herself from going out to meet him. She also needed to see him again; sure that it would be the last. Sure that the FBI would find him and give him the most heinous death possible. She knew it was hopeless and she was already missing his handsome face, his amazingly expressive honey coloured eyes, his perfect kissable mouth, his baby soft hair and his gorgeous body. She would never be able to fuck him again, feel his round butt under her hands, his cock in her heat, kiss him or touch him. Then she heard the bike.

Michael didn’t know what to say, so he let Maria speak first.

- I thought you were leaving…- She said.

- I am. I…I just wanted…I don’t know…-

- To say goodbye? - Maria finished for him.

- I wanted to say that this whole thing’s been screwed up from the beginning, you and me, us, just the whole stupid story. -
Michael knew it hadn’t come out as he had wanted it too.

- Thanks…- Maria doubted what she was thanking him for.

- But I wouldn’t trade it for anything; it has meant so much to me. From day one, from the moment that I kidnapped you and stole your car, I knew you were the girl for me, I never wanted anyone else…-

- Michael…-

- I still don’t, wherever I’m going, whatever I’m doing, just know I’ll always love you. - Michael put on his helmet and took off. He could have sworn Maria said something but he couldn’t make out the words above the roar of the engine.

Michael rode out of Roswell feeling his heart had been stabbed a thousand times. He needed to think about what he would do and where he would go and he knew the best place for that. He went to his pool. He hid his bike and waved his clothes away. There he waded all the way to the sandy beach and stretched out in the warm sun, feeling the heat on his back and legs. He laid his cheek straight on the sand, closed his eyes and wished himself asleep.
As he was falling asleep, a jolt literally stopped the process and made him focus on the energy that had caused it. Serena!

“We’re waiting for you. You’ll be safe here, no one will find you here while you go through the transition needed to integrate again into the world. I will get all your powers in perfect shape while you’re tuning up, you’ll see, and it will be much faster and easier than you think.”

“No Serena, I must sure the FBI after me to keep them safe first. If I succeed, then it may be possible.”

“Wrong! It won’t be that way, trust me, you’ll see. I’ll be waiting here. See you soon!” And she was gone. Just like that.

- I knew I would find you here. - Max’s words made Michael look up to see him splashing his way noisily towards him.

- Don’t tell me you didn’t hear me! - Max exclaimed.

- No, I didn’t. I was kind of falling asleep. What are you doing here? Where’s Liz? Wait! Girl talk over ice cream with Maria…Of course! Enough said, they’re blocked out again. -
Michael smirked. - Well, congrats on your graduation tonight. -

- Thanks, I’ll be in my clown cap and gown in a few hours from now, big deal, then I’ll be off to I still don’t even know where! Where will you go, Michael? - Max asked sitting beside Michael and putting his hand on his shoulder.

- I don’t know either, just move around some, see what’s out there. - Michael shrugged.

Max would go into convulsions if he as much as guessed what Michael was planning, but there was no way he would.

- I guess I will do the same, looking for a college that will take me for medicine. I will fake my diploma to a small obscure little town perhaps on the east coast that I’ll look up on a map. It might work. I could use some help from Stuart, but I don’t want to compromise him. It would just endanger him. Guess I’ll be on my own. At least Isabel will be safe with Jesse, and Liz says she knows of some scientists her grandmother Claudia told her about who helped her with her investigations until they settled down in Alaska, of all places. She’s planning to go out there looking for them to get as far away as she can. Isabel told me she will stay in touch with all of us dreamwalking us every night and practicing getting us all together that way. - Max nodded.

- When did she tell you this? - Michael looked worried.

- Just before I came here. She called me from your place to pick her up, so I left Liz with Maria to sniffle together over ice cream and took Izzie to our mum. - Max informed him. - I went to look for Kyle, but Jim was still trying to convince him that being in the police corps was an honour, and Kyle was fighting him off with all he could. It didn’t feel right to interfere, even if Kyle seemed to seriously need it. Those father-son things are quite private. -

- So that’s why you came looking for me? Cause there was no one to hang out with? - Michael scoffed.

- Come here! - Max said, stretching out beside Michael as he insisted: - C’mon! -

Michael complied mostly because he needed to feel someone with him for the last time. He snuggled into Max’s arms as he lay over his chest. It felt good to be held by someone he could trust, he didn’t care how many times Max had hurt him, they were together in this, even if they wouldn’t be physically, once they separated. Max had his shield and he trusted Isabel and Liz would start practicing on theirs as soon as possible. Serena could help them no matter where they were, she was powerful enough to reach them anywhere. Max squeezed him in his arms and kissed his hair.

- Kiss me, Michael. - He whispered, and Michael raised his face and tilted it for Max to capture his lips. It was a gentle, soft kiss, the one Max had wanted to give him yesterday, when he took him in his arms in the desert, but not in front of Jim, and mainly not in front of Jesse. But now they were alone, and nothing would hold him back. It was their private goodbye, hoping to meet again soon but without much hope. Michael was sure he would be dead before that ever happened. He wondered if they would be able to recover his body, or the dust he left behind, without getting in trouble for doing it. He shuddered and Max pulled back, alarmed.

- What’s wrong? - He frowned.

- Nothing, just worried about the girls, that’s all. - Michael blocked out his true feelings from Max effortlessly.

- Right, I’m worried too, but we must think positively for things to go well, that’s what they say, huh? - But his smile was uncertain.

- Max, make love to me, please? I want to feel what you feel for me. I need it. - Michael sighed closing his eyes. - Who knows (he almost said “if”)…when we will be together again. -

- Don’t even say it, Michael, I don’t know how I’ll make it without you! - Max shook his head dramatically.

- Max, Max…it’s always about you huh? What about me? How do you think I’ll be? - Michael scoffed.

- I’m sorry kid, you’re right, it’s going to be real hard for all of us! And Liz will be freezing like a popsicle in Alaska hoping her empathy with you will work in such low temperatures! - Max laughed. - Ok, push up so I can have all of you, I can’t wait any longer. -

Michael hovered over Max enabling him to touch him anywhere he wanted as Max waved his clothes away. He felt Max’s hands on his face, his fingers pushing in his hair and his thumbs touching him just before his lips did. They started at his forehead, his eyelids, his nose, with a nibble to the tip after the kiss, his cheeks, his lips, where they lingered in a deep passionate kiss, his chin, his Adam’s apple, where Max nibbled again. His hands glided down to his shoulders proceeding downwards and preceeding his mouth. He pinched, kissed and nibbled his nipples, making them red and swollen just as they both liked: Michael to feel and Max to see. Then Max’s hands covered his ribs and stomach with caresses and kisses, moving down to gain access where he wanted. He took Michael’s already hard cock in his mouth and heard him gasp and moan. Max’s hands went around Michael’s hips to grab his firm butt, his fingers digging into the warmth at the centre, finding Michael’s most sensitive spot and prodding it with each digit as they travelled down and between his thighs to cup his testicles. Michael whimpered as Max’s fingers explored him and grunted when he gently squeezed the almost as sensitive balls.
Max’s hot mouth sheathed Michael’s cock comfortably, easily deep throating him and lapping him with his tongue, alternating with sometimes not so gentle bites. The teeth action went with a simultaneous prod with his alien lubricated thumbs, driving them as deep into Michael’s ass as they would go, one after the other. Michael’s moans, gasps, whimpers and hisses signaled Max he was about to come, so he left both balls in one hand and shoved the fore and middle fingers of the other, deep into Michael triggering his orgasm. Michael’s cum shot down Max’s throat as he swallowed it to the last drop. Max sat up between Michael’s legs and turned to face him. He pushed him down until Michael’s front rested on the sand and he straddled his ass, leaning forwards to continue his kisses and caresses on the other side of Michael’s body. He began massaging his shoulders, licking, nipping and kissing the places his hands had just left, making Michael shudder and writhe with the pleasure he was giving him. Max’s body kept moving back until he was straddling Michael’s lower thighs and his hands were back at his butt. Michael automatically pushed up and Max knelt between his legs watching him spread his thighs for him. Max grabbed his ass and held him apart to dive for the kill. His tongue not only plunged as deep, but moved as only an alien’s could. Michael was going out of his mind with pleasure, he loved what Max was doing to him, but couldn’t wait to have his cock up his ass. Max kept it up as long as he could and then pulled his tired tongue out to continue his caresses with hands and mouth all the way down the back of one thigh and up the inside, making Michael slither as it tickled him silly, then the same with the other thigh to spread him and slide his tongue over his ass to his ticklish dip above it and down again to push it deep and squirming, every which way until Michael was bucking into his face. Max had him almost there, but not quite, and he needed his cock. Then Max, with the speed of light, pulled his tongue out and straightening his upper body, threw his hips forwards, burying his length up to the hilt. Michael went: “Unghhh!” Before he shuddered and went: “Ahhhhh!” as he came again. But Max hadn’t come yet and he wasn’t going to let Michael rest until he did himself. He pulled out slowly and pushed it back in, even slower, making Michael moan and their hard breathing echoed around the shrub contained beach. Michael was slithering and whimpering, making Max enter him at impossible angles, enjoying the way he filled him with each deep penetration. His insides were burning, the chafing had him on fire, and Max kept torturing him on slow motion. But even Max had a limit and he began plunging in faster each time until he was plowing into him like a battering ram. Michael craved the pain, and bucked each time Max shoved hard into him. He just couldn’t hold back any longer, he was begging:

- Max please! -

- Wait, wait for me! - Max pleaded as he fucked Michael with all he had.

Michael’s insides were screaming for release and he clamped down hard as he came.

- Yesssss! - Screamed Max, as Michael squeezed it out of him.

He kept screaming as Michael was wringing him to the last drop. He had pushed three out of Michael, but he loved to hold back and then come like there was no tomorrow. He knew how sore it left Michael, but the boy enjoyed it to no end too. He was no masochist, but Michael? Michael was the Master Masochist. No one like him to crave and enjoy pain. In spite of his healing, he would sit gingerly for days, this time probably a week. Max could picture him straddling his bike very carefully and wincing with eyes shut tight as he finally sat down on it. He could only imagine what the rumbling of the engine did to him. Knowing Michael, after 5 minutes he would be dealing with it or probably finding it awesome. Max chuckled and Michael answered with a purr. Max wrapped his arms around him and rolled them on their sides, staying deep inside him. He bit him hard on the shoulder and sucked the blood as Michael threw back his head over Max’s shoulder and turning his face, let Max capture his mouth in a hot kiss. Then he raised his arm to rest his already sand scraped cheek on it and Max did the same, grabbing his forearm. Max buried his face in Michael’s mane of soft hair and breathed in the fresh scent of the baby shampoo he used. He had been saying the truth; he couldn’t imagine his life without Michael even if it could be for a few weeks. He would be jacking his cock off at the shower everyday, whispering his name. Maria must be going out of her mind! He hoped she didn’t do anything stupid, tending to the dramatics and he knew she did. He would try to convince Liz to take her along with her. It would be for the best. He trusted Jesse would look after Isabel, where else could he get an alien fuck, as he had beed used to, since his marriage? Something had been worrying Max lately. He was getting these vibes from Jesse with Michael’s name connected to them. Very weird! Michael couldn’t stand to be in the same room with Jesse, Max could feel him bristle whenever Isabel’s husband was near him. Michael avoided looking at him at all costs but Jesse kept stealing glances at Michael every chance he had, thinking no one noticed, but he had. The way things had been going with Isabel and Michael was surely the reason. Michael was jealous of Jesse and viceversa but they expressed it differently. Max believed that if Michael saw anything he didn’t like in Jesse’s eyes, he wouldn’t be able to hold back and beat the crap out of him, that’s probably why he preferred not to look at him. If Jesse was taunting Michael, he was an idiot, because he already knew what he was getting into, so why was he doing it?
Michael’s ass grinding into his lap brought him back to let go and enjoy the aftermath he was eluding with his negative thoughts.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the martyr of antar

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 315

As Max was coming down, he felt his cock slowly sliding out of Michael as the younger boy rolled over on his belly. Max waved his clothes back on and leaning over, kissed Michael’s cheek healing the scraping from the sand. Michael moaned, and Max realized he was asleep. He checked his watch and he had to go if he wanted to be on time for his graduation. He got up, looking down at Michael wistfully. He really wanted to stay with him and go away with him, but that wasn’t the plan. He waded as silently as he could, though he knew he wouldn’t wake Michael up even if he ran splashing, and drove back to Roswell.

Michael woke up as it was getting dark, and waved his clothes back on. By the time he got to his bike, it was already night. He rode all the way to the highway and was surprised to see a caravan of black, typical FBI cars heading for Roswell.

- What the hell…- He thought. They were supposed to follow him not his friends.

If he rode in front of them trying to catch their attention, he would only manage to get a car or two after him while the rest went for the others. Michael had immediately guessed they would be ambushed at the Graduation ceremony. Like hell he was going to let it happen. He remembered the card Madame Vivian had given him and he took it out of his pocket. He gazed at it and scoffed. The Lovers, The Love…right, maybe she wasn’t a fraud, maybe she knew what she was talking about. He tossed the card to the ground and rode back to Roswell behind the cars, keeping a safe distance not to be discovered. With his headlight off for the same reasons, he rode close to the side of the road. Once they entered the city, he stayed as far behind as possible but still keeping them in sight, extra careful at the intersections because of his lack of lights. As the FBI caravan arrived at West Roswell High on the right side, they circled to the back and Michael rode in the opposite direction, towards the front of the school. He had noticed other black cars like the ones he had been following, were already in the parking lot, and more black suited FBI’s were waiting for the caravan signaling to partners on the roof. He entered the far side of the park right across the street from the school, and rode along the bushes to stay covered. When he was about ten yards away from the sidewalk, he killed the engine and used his powers to cover the bike with the bushes. He crawled commando style the rest of the way until he reached the street and pushed up to jog to the front door of the school. It was unlocked for any late arrivals so he walked right in and kept jogging to the left until he reached the back stairs that led to the roof of the building. He quickly climbed all the way up and flattening on the floor, he opened the door just a sliver to check out what was going on outside. He could see several dark suited agents and four snipers with high powered rifles. Four? Maybe they were expecting him to be there too. He closed the door again and kept going to the window overlooking the auditorium, just in time to hear the writer that Liz had mentioned, being announced to address the students. “Oh shit!” Michael thought and although he had blocked out Liz, as he had everyone else, she couldn’t block him out, and her thoughts as Isabel, Max and Maria’s, were exactly the same. Staying low, he watched them all turning to each other, and then Max got up and walked up to the podium, sending the speaker away. The man left hurriedly, giving Max a look that spelled awe and fear at the same time. Then Max turned the lights out, only keeping one focused on him. Michael knew what he was doing, as Liz concentrated fully through her empathy in sending the others this message: the side door on their left through which the teachers had entered and which accessed directly into the school. The place was in total darkness so they would not be seen at all, specially since the door looked like part of the window. Michael’s alien eyesight enabled him to watch his four friends leaving their seats and head towards the small insignificant door. He noticed Isabel was taking a little longer, speaking to Jesse and then embracing her parents. She was the last to go. Now it was completely up to him to rescue Max…again. He raced all the way back with Max’s voice flooding the place through the microphone and reached his bike before the minute was up. He revved the engine and rode full speed into the school by the front door, not giving a damn who might see him. The auditorium was at the back of the school so the feds were concentrating on that area. Time was an issue with surprise right behind it. Once inside, he concentrated in silencing the bike with his powers, hoping he could make it last until he reached his goal. He took short cuts through the corridors he knew by heart, his mind totally alert and open to Liz’s vibes, but keeping himself blocked out still. He rode in total darkness, not needing his headlight at all. As he got the auditorium in sight, he saw a group of suited FBI’s coming from the right, carrying flashlights and walking in hurriedly, the one ahead seemed to be giving the group instructions. Then he saw a group of heavily armed men jogging in from the opposite direction. He burst into the dark auditorium letting his engine roar again and turning on his headlight full on, blinding everyone but himself. He was on the stage in seconds with Max obeying his order to “Let’s go!” and got the hell out of there. In the confusion, they were out as fast as he had come, and didn’t stop until they were in the desert under the pod chamber where he knew they would find the others. And there they were, waiting for them. The second Michael saw Isabel leave, he unblocked Liz and told her to wait for them there because he was going in for Max. He also told her to call Jim Valenti and have him sent the police to school because there were armed men inside. Everything that had to do with schools and guns had become top priority throughout the country after the Columbine incident, and by the time Michael and Max were zooming out the school building, they could hear the sirens very close by.

Michael was joking with Max about the rescue as they walked to their friends. Liz suggested Kyle was safe to go but he said they probably had already figured out about his being part of the group, and he wanted to be with them when his powers kicked in. As Michael started to tease him, Maria came up with the decision to go with them, and walked up to Michael. He wanted her to be sure and he told her so, but she was adamant about her choice and wanted them to be together. Michael took her in his arms and closed his eyes finding it hard to believe it was really happening.

- So now we’re six…- Said Max.

- Like I said, we’re gonna need a van…-

Michael had barely finished saying it when the sound of a vehicle approaching had them all on the defensive, the three aliens reaching out to blast whoever threatened them. To their surprise it was a battered old VW van and Jesse jumped out with hands up begging them not to attack him. Isabel ran to him and Michael couldn’t help wanting to pull her back. It was obvious that in spite of everything, she truly thought Jesse was on their side, and he pulled a very convincing teary act, but he wasn’t fooling Michael. He was the only one who had seen him for what he really was. He had no doubts Jesse was in love with Isabel, and would do anything to protect her and probably Max because he was her brother, but where did that leave the ex fiancé, and Liz! Jesse didn’t give a damn about Liz not even as a sexual target. But he could find the way of making them useful for the FBI, even Liz. Michael was the threat. He had already attacked Jesse and his shrink, and Jesse knew what the powerful young alien could do, and he wasn’t risking it. He would assure them he had done all he could to convince his buddies about Michael being just defensive but hadn’t been able to, too bad, so sorry, not his fault! And he would gloat on the boy’s torture, who knows? If he gave him in to them they might let him take part in it after all. But then Isabel would never forgive him, he had seen how she got when it came to Michael. Jesse knew she was still in love with him, making him hate him even more, triggering at the same time that sick lust to hurt him. Michael was struggling to contain himself, and Maria, clinging to him, squeezed him tight against her and got him in check without even suspecting what was going on and what she was doing. Michael sighed and felt a twinge of jealousy when Isabel kissed Jesse, but he knew it was for the best. If he wanted her back, he would have to behave and keep them safe, or no matter what happened to him, Michael would fry him on sight the next time he showed his face. What he hated most, was knowing that more than Isabel herself, what Jesse would really miss was the alien sex. He would be in charge of the cars and the bike, and as far as Max was concerned, he could keep his Camaro but Michael was seething about his bike. Oh, the hell with it, Isabel would be with him too. Max took the bundle that had been their caps and gowns from the back of his car and was about to set them on alien fire.

- Wait! - Exclaimed Isabel, and with a wave of her hand, turned the gowns into four extra plush sleeping bags and the caps into just as comfortable pillows.

They climbed in the van with their converted luggage and Max took the wheel with Liz beside him. Michael and Maria climbed behind Max on the sideways seat with Isabel and Kyle behind Liz.

They had taken a dirt road that ran almost parallel to the highway and was rarely used, when the strong lights coming straight at them made them stop, ready to swerve. It was Jim Valenti, and Kyle got down to meet his dad. Kyle teased him about the deputy uniform, but was really glad for him because that was what he had always lived for. Seemed Agent Duff had kept her promise and he probably would be back in the Sheriff’s seat soon. Jim wanted to say goodbye, and told him an “anonymous tip” had them heading south to Mexico. He said he would escort them as far as Arizona and then they would be totally on their own. He definitely didn’t want to know where they were going to be able to tell the truth when they asked him. About his powers, well, he was the last in line, and when he got a hint, he was sure Isabel would be constantly checking on him the safest and absolutely untraceable way possible, with her special powers. He knew Kyle would be fine with them, but he would miss him very much, all of them. They had become his very special family. Eventually, he would have to join them, or work in close contact with them, as part of the unit. All these thoughts were coursing through Jim’s mind with the speed of light as he hugged Kyle and told him he loved him. Jim pulled away from his son and watched him return to the van, wiping his eyes, to inform them what his father had told him. Everyone agreed, and Max signaled Jim that they would follow him. So they were off, to continue their lives out of Roswell.

- How you doing, man? - Max asked Kyle, checking him out on the rearview mirror.

- Yeah sure, when you get tired and need to switch, just let me know, ok? - Kyle said, after having been absolutely quiet since they met his father.

- I can go after Valenti, here, if you need me, ok? I need to relax, your rescues are really trying, you know? - Michael patted Max’s shoulder and got up.

He walked to the back of the van and sat down hard in the middle of the long side to side rear seat.

- Shit! - He exclaimed and jumped back up, rubbing his butt.

He turned to look at the seat and saw a shiny metal tip poking out of one of the many tears.

- You ok, Michael? - Maria asked.

- Sat on a damn spring, this thing is a death trap! - He frowned.

- That’s your second time, huh? - Kyle giggled. - Better watch where you sit, kid: “third time’s a charm”. The next time might run you through! -

- Yeah, right, the couch at the Crashdown…- He nodded.

- There was nothing wrong with the couch, Michael. I checked it out when I went back and only found a broken piece of plastic stuck between the cushions that was clearly from the plunger of a syringe…I think you were intentionally drugged. I don’t know how I could forget to mention it, but I forgot it completely, it just came back! - Liz looked perplexed.

- Nicholas! - They all said together.

- That filthy rat! - Maria snapped.

- Let me check the other seats just in case. - Michael did just that with the two other seats, right in front of the rear one, but they were ok as the ones they were all sitting on. - They’re safe, my luck, I guess. -

He waved his hand over the torn one but he overdid it in his anger at what Liz had remembered, and it flattened all the way to the floor with a loud creaking sound. Michael scoffed and shook his head.

- Can I borrow a sleeping bag? - He asked.

- Take mine, if I need one I’ll share with Max. - Liz said.

Michael got through his empathy with her how Max had turned a piece of coal into a diamond and proposed to her in her balcony just before graduation.

“Congrats!” He sent her, smirking.

“Thanks.” From Liz.

If she hadn’t told anyone, he respected her waiting for the time she thought would be appropriate. It was her choice and she had the right to it. Michael took a sleeping bag and three pillows which he laid on the seat, one after the other, covering the length with the bag on top. He tried to stretch out on his belly but the space was quite limited and he couldn’t sprawl out like he wanted and usually did. He managed to lie face down shifting a little sideways, crossing his arms over his chest with one hand on each opposite shoulder. He placed one slightly flexed leg in front of the other and snuggled until he was comfortable.
Isabel stretched her arms up and yawned, winking at Maria.

- I need to relax too. -

She got up and placed a sleeping bag along the middle of the van ending against Michael and stretched out on her back with her head pillowed on his waist. Maria did the same beside her, barely fitting, and complaining that Michael had hogged three pillows.

- Don’t complain, you can have his ass…for now. - Isabel giggled, and Maria echoed her using Michael’s butt to lay her head on.

Michael moaned, enjoying the contact and sighed contentedly as he fell asleep. Kyle took another sleeping bag and pillow and placed them where he was sitting, doubling it over so it would fit exactly on the smaller seat. He lay back with his knees draped over the edge and soon he was snoring softly.

Max was intrigued when Liz bought a cheap notebook at the store in the next gas station they had stopped at, to use the bathrooms. Michael had been fast asleep, so they took turns not to leave him alone, just in case. Once back on the road, Liz started writing frantically and covering it from Max when he tried to peek.

- You’ll find out in due time. - She said with a sad smile.

Max shrugged and let her be, concentrating on the road. About a minute later, he heard her gasp and he turned to look at her. She was pale and her eyes were closed, as if in deep concentration.

- Liz? What’s going on? - He asked her, quite alarmed.

- Max, something’s going on with Michael…- She whispered.

- What is it? - He pulled over and parked, checking out Michael through the rearview mirror but he just saw him lying on the floor with his back to him.

- I’m not sure, he’s kind of merged with his Antares side…I can feel him but I can also feel Rath-Michael, very strong! -

- C’mon. - He started leaving the driver’s seat when a knock on his window made him jump.

- Something wrong? - Asked Jim, looking worried.

Max motioned him to the side door and Jim saw Kyle snoring away as he climbed in. Max whispered in his ear what Liz had told him. Jim turned to his left and saw the three on the floor at the back. Max shook Isabel awake and Liz did the same for Maria. They sat up rubbing their eyes and Liz told them what she had got through her empathy. They turned to Michael and tried to shake him awake, all at the same time, but he didn’t respond at all. He should have at least moaned or squirmed in protest, but he did nothing. He felt warm and he was breathing evenly, so it didn’t make much sense.

- What’s wrong with him? - Maria asked a little loudly.

- Let me try. - Isabel said, her eyes were silently asking for Maria’s permission.

- Please, do! I can’t stand seeing him like this! - Maria exclaimed.

Isabel knelt behind Michael and leaning over, kissed the corner of his mouth which was as near as she could get because of his almost prone position. Michael turned his face to kiss her fully.

- Dad? What’s going on? - Asked Kyle, trying to look over his father’s shoulder.

Jim gave Kyle a quick briefing and Kyle frowned. Bad time for that kind of problems, specially from the one who could protect them if they were attacked. Not that he didn’t trust Max’s shield and Isabel’s powers, knowing she had blasted the Whitaker woman to dust, but they weren’t armed, and Michael was the one who could really blast. He was the warrior after all.

They watched with relief as Michael not only responded but deepened the kiss. Even Maria sighed, meaning she was calming down.

Isabel broke the kiss and Michael clearly called her by her alien name.

- Lannie? -

- Rath-Michael? - Isabel wanted to make sure he wasn’t teasing her.

- What is it love? Is Geegan her to get me already? - His voice was husky with sleep.

- No baby, I just needed to kiss you, go back to sleep. - She whispered against his cheek.

He purred and complied. Isabel got up and faced Liz, now sure that she was right.

- What do we do now? - She demanded from Liz.

- I don’t know…maybe we should contact Serena, but we need to be somewhere safe, where we won’t be interrupted. -

- We just passed the sign for the Mescalero reservation, I suggest we go back and maybe we can ask for some help there. - Jim suggested.

- We might not be welcome. - Maria said rather scared.

- Wait, I might have what we need. - Isabel fished inside her purse and produced the broken silver charm she had found in Atherton’s place.

- I can’t believe you had it with you! - Kyle smiled.

- I keep it in my wallet for good luck. - Isabel nodded. - It could do the trick. Let’s go. I have an idea. -

- So do I. Follow me. - Jim hurriedly climbed down, not giving them time to ask him to explain.

They took the dirt road leading to the reservation until they came to a small house with a sign that read INFORMATION. Jim decided not to honk as it would alarm whoever was in charge, heading for the door which had a line of light where it almost met the floor. As he approached to knock, it opened and a short youngish stout woman in a ranger’s uniform came out with a gun in her hand. She eyed Jim and kept her weapon down, pointing to the ground.

- How can I help you? - Her voice was surprisingly pleasant.

- I’m sorry to bother you ma’am, - Jim touched his hat, - but we have a problem and need your help. I’m deputy Valenti, from Chaves, and I’m escorting this group of kids on witness protection. As you can imagine, their lives are in danger should their whereabouts be discovered, we are supposed to be heading for the Mexican border, as far as anyone else is concerned…- Jim was then interrupted.

- So what is your problem? - The woman asked.

- My cousin is unwell…- Isabel stepped forwards. - It’s not the first time it happens to him, though this time is not as bad. The other time was two years ago, and the only one who could help him was our friend, River Dog, from the Mesaliko reservation. He told us that if it happened again and we couldn’t get him, to find any of his people and show them this, which he gave us, so they can know we come on his behalf. -

She showed the woman the silver charm and she seemed to recognize it, nodding.

- What can I do for you? - She asked.

- We need to try and heal him. River Dog gave us five healing stones, but we were only able to bring one. It might be enough, as he is not really sick, just in some kind of trance. It could work, but to do the healing ceremony that River Dog taught us, we need to be in a safe place where we won’t be interrupted, and need just fresh water to drink. -

- Can I see him? - The woman asked.

- Of course. - Said Isabel, and they led her into the van.

She walked up to Michael and placed her hand on his back.

Michael whispered some gibberish and the woman stepped back, growing pale and wide eyed. All their eyes were on her.

- Are you alright? - Asked Max.

- Has he got Indian blood? His hair is too light…How could he…- She couldn’t take her eyes off Michael.

- Sorry, what do you mean? - Asked Isabel.

- He just said my name, in my native tongue. No white man can pronounce it even after hearing it. - Her voice was shaky.

- What is your name? - Jim asked.

She repeated the gibberish they had heard from Michael exactly the same.

- It means “Running Deer”, that’s my name in English. - She told them. - If you follow that trail, you will end in a fork. The one on the left goes just about three yards ending in a thicket of bushes. All you have to do, is pull them aside, drive in, and pull them back, so no one will suspect you’re in there. You drive on for half a mile and you’ll arrive at a cave with a stream running into it and ending in a pool. The water is safe for drinking, and the entrance to the cave is also hidden by bushes you can pull aside and back again after you. It’s big enough to drive in; you can stay there as long as you need. - She smiled.

- Thank you, we don’t want to give you any trouble. - Jim said.

- You are a friend of my people, that’s good enough for me. You better follow me, to make sure you arrive safely. - She walked around the house and they heard the sound of an engine.

She drove around in a jeep, and they did as she told them.

Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the martyr of antar

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 315

As Max was coming down, he felt his cock slowly sliding out of Michael as the younger boy rolled over on his belly. Max waved his clothes back on and leaning over, kissed Michael’s cheek healing the scraping from the sand. Michael moaned, and Max realized he was asleep. He checked his watch and he had to go if he wanted to be on time for his graduation. He got up, looking down at Michael wistfully. He really wanted to stay with him and go away with him, but that wasn’t the plan. He waded as silently as he could, though he knew he wouldn’t wake Michael up even if he ran splashing, and drove back to Roswell.

Michael woke up as it was getting dark, and waved his clothes back on. By the time he got to his bike, it was already night. He rode all the way to the highway and was surprised to see a caravan of black, typical FBI cars heading for Roswell.

- What the hell…- He thought. They were supposed to follow him not his friends.

If he rode in front of them trying to catch their attention, he would only manage to get a car or two after him while the rest went for the others. Michael had immediately guessed they would be ambushed at the Graduation ceremony. Like hell he was going to let it happen. He remembered the card Madame Vivian had given him and he took it out of his pocket. He gazed at it and scoffed. The Lovers, The Love…right, maybe she wasn’t a fraud, maybe she knew what she was talking about. He tossed the card to the ground and rode back to Roswell behind the cars, keeping a safe distance not to be discovered. With his headlight off for the same reasons, he rode close to the side of the road. Once they entered the city, he stayed as far behind as possible but still keeping them in sight, extra careful at the intersections because of his lack of lights. As the FBI caravan arrived at West Roswell High on the right side, they circled to the back and Michael rode in the opposite direction, towards the front of the school. He had noticed other black cars like the ones he had been following, were already in the parking lot, and more black suited FBI’s were waiting for the caravan signaling to partners on the roof. He entered the far side of the park right across the street from the school, and rode along the bushes to stay covered. When he was about ten yards away from the sidewalk, he killed the engine and used his powers to cover the bike with the bushes. He crawled commando style the rest of the way until he reached the street and pushed up to jog to the front door of the school. It was unlocked for any late arrivals so he walked right in and kept jogging to the left until he reached the back stairs that led to the roof of the building. He quickly climbed all the way up and flattening on the floor, he opened the door just a sliver to check out what was going on outside. He could see several dark suited agents and four snipers with high powered rifles. Four? Maybe they were expecting him to be there too. He closed the door again and kept going to the window overlooking the auditorium, just in time to hear the writer that Liz had mentioned, being announced to address the students. “Oh shit!” Michael thought and although he had blocked out Liz, as he had everyone else, she couldn’t block him out, and her thoughts as Isabel, Max and Maria’s, were exactly the same. Staying low, he watched them all turning to each other, and then Max got up and walked up to the podium, sending the speaker away. The man left hurriedly, giving Max a look that spelled awe and fear at the same time. Then Max turned the lights out, only keeping one focused on him. Michael knew what he was doing, as Liz concentrated fully through her empathy in sending the others this message: the side door on their left through which the teachers had entered and which accessed directly into the school. The place was in total darkness so they would not be seen at all, specially since the door looked like part of the window. Michael’s alien eyesight enabled him to watch his four friends leaving their seats and head towards the small insignificant door. He noticed Isabel was taking a little longer, speaking to Jesse and then embracing her parents. She was the last to go. Now it was completely up to him to rescue Max…again. He raced all the way back with Max’s voice flooding the place through the microphone and reached his bike before the minute was up. He revved the engine and rode full speed into the school by the front door, not giving a damn who might see him. The auditorium was at the back of the school so the feds were concentrating on that area. Time was an issue with surprise right behind it. Once inside, he concentrated in silencing the bike with his powers, hoping he could make it last until he reached his goal. He took short cuts through the corridors he knew by heart, his mind totally alert and open to Liz’s vibes, but keeping himself blocked out still. He rode in total darkness, not needing his headlight at all. As he got the auditorium in sight, he saw a group of suited FBI’s coming from the right, carrying flashlights and walking in hurriedly, the one ahead seemed to be giving the group instructions. Then he saw a group of heavily armed men jogging in from the opposite direction. He burst into the dark auditorium letting his engine roar again and turning on his headlight full on, blinding everyone but himself. He was on the stage in seconds with Max obeying his order to “Let’s go!” and got the hell out of there. In the confusion, they were out as fast as he had come, and didn’t stop until they were in the desert under the pod chamber where he knew they would find the others. And there they were, waiting for them. The second Michael saw Isabel leave, he unblocked Liz and told her to wait for them there because he was going in for Max. He also told her to call Jim Valenti and have him sent the police to school because there were armed men inside. Everything that had to do with schools and guns had become top priority throughout the country after the Columbine incident, and by the time Michael and Max were zooming out the school building, they could hear the sirens very close by.

Michael was joking with Max about the rescue as they walked to their friends. Liz suggested Kyle was safe to go but he said they probably had already figured out about his being part of the group, and he wanted to be with them when his powers kicked in. As Michael started to tease him, Maria came up with the decision to go with them, and walked up to Michael. He wanted her to be sure and he told her so, but she was adamant about her choice and wanted them to be together. Michael took her in his arms and closed his eyes finding it hard to believe it was really happening.

- So now we’re six…- Said Max.

- Like I said, we’re gonna need a van…-

Michael had barely finished saying it when the sound of a vehicle approaching had them all on the defensive, the three aliens reaching out to blast whoever threatened them. To their surprise it was a battered old VW van and Jesse jumped out with hands up begging them not to attack him. Isabel ran to him and Michael couldn’t help wanting to pull her back. It was obvious that in spite of everything, she truly thought Jesse was on their side, and he pulled a very convincing teary act, but he wasn’t fooling Michael. He was the only one who had seen him for what he really was. He had no doubts Jesse was in love with Isabel, and would do anything to protect her and probably Max because he was her brother, but where did that leave the ex fiancé, and Liz! Jesse didn’t give a damn about Liz not even as a sexual target. But he could find the way of making them useful for the FBI, even Liz. Michael was the threat. He had already attacked Jesse and his shrink, and Jesse knew what the powerful young alien could do, and he wasn’t risking it. He would assure them he had done all he could to convince his buddies about Michael being just defensive but hadn’t been able to, too bad, so sorry, not his fault! And he would gloat on the boy’s torture, who knows? If he gave him in to them they might let him take part in it after all. But then Isabel would never forgive him, he had seen how she got when it came to Michael. Jesse knew she was still in love with him, making him hate him even more, triggering at the same time that sick lust to hurt him. Michael was struggling to contain himself, and Maria, clinging to him, squeezed him tight against her and got him in check without even suspecting what was going on and what she was doing. Michael sighed and felt a twinge of jealousy when Isabel kissed Jesse, but he knew it was for the best. If he wanted her back, he would have to behave and keep them safe, or no matter what happened to him, Michael would fry him on sight the next time he showed his face. What he hated most, was knowing that more than Isabel herself, what Jesse would really miss was the alien sex. He would be in charge of the cars and the bike, and as far as Max was concerned, he could keep his Camaro but Michael was seething about his bike. Oh, the hell with it, Isabel would be with him too. Max took the bundle that had been their caps and gowns from the back of his car and was about to set them on alien fire.

- Wait! - Exclaimed Isabel, and with a wave of her hand, turned the gowns into four extra plush sleeping bags and the caps into just as comfortable pillows.

They climbed in the van with their converted luggage and Max took the wheel with Liz beside him. Michael and Maria climbed behind Max on the sideways seat with Isabel and Kyle behind Liz.

They had taken a dirt road that ran almost parallel to the highway and was rarely used, when the strong lights coming straight at them made them stop, ready to swerve. It was Jim Valenti, and Kyle got down to meet his dad. Kyle teased him about the deputy uniform, but was really glad for him because that was what he had always lived for. Seemed Agent Duff had kept her promise and he probably would be back in the Sheriff’s seat soon. Jim wanted to say goodbye, and told him an “anonymous tip” had them heading south to Mexico. He said he would escort them as far as Arizona and then they would be totally on their own. He definitely didn’t want to know where they were going to be able to tell the truth when they asked him. About his powers, well, he was the last in line, and when he got a hint, he was sure Isabel would be constantly checking on him the safest and absolutely untraceable way possible, with her special powers. He knew Kyle would be fine with them, but he would miss him very much, all of them. They had become his very special family. Eventually, he would have to join them, or work in close contact with them, as part of the unit. All these thoughts were coursing through Jim’s mind with the speed of light as he hugged Kyle and told him he loved him. Jim pulled away from his son and watched him return to the van, wiping his eyes, to inform them what his father had told him. Everyone agreed, and Max signaled Jim that they would follow him. So they were off, to continue their lives out of Roswell.

- How you doing, man? - Max asked Kyle, checking him out on the rearview mirror.

- Yeah sure, when you get tired and need to switch, just let me know, ok? - Kyle said, after having been absolutely quiet since they met his father.

- I can go after Valenti, here, if you need me, ok? I need to relax, your rescues are really trying, you know? - Michael patted Max’s shoulder and got up.

He walked to the back of the van and sat down hard in the middle of the long side to side rear seat.

- Shit! - He exclaimed and jumped back up, rubbing his butt.

He turned to look at the seat and saw a shiny metal tip poking out of one of the many tears.

- You ok, Michael? - Maria asked.

- Sat on a damn spring, this thing is a death trap! - He frowned.

- That’s your second time, huh? - Kyle giggled. - Better watch where you sit, kid: “third time’s a charm”. The next time might run you through! -

- Yeah, right, the couch at the Crashdown…- He nodded.

- There was nothing wrong with the couch, Michael. I checked it out when I went back and only found a broken piece of plastic stuck between the cushions that was clearly from the plunger of a syringe…I think you were intentionally drugged. I don’t know how I could forget to mention it, but I forgot it completely, it just came back! - Liz looked perplexed.

- Nicholas! - They all said together.

- That filthy rat! - Maria snapped.

- Let me check the other seats just in case. - Michael did just that with the two other seats, right in front of the rear one, but they were ok as the ones they were all sitting on. - They’re safe, my luck, I guess. -

He waved his hand over the torn one but he overdid it in his anger at what Liz had remembered, and it flattened all the way to the floor with a loud creaking sound. Michael scoffed and shook his head.

- Can I borrow a sleeping bag? - He asked.

- Take mine, if I need one I’ll share with Max. - Liz said.

Michael got through his empathy with her how Max had turned a piece of coal into a diamond and proposed to her in her balcony just before graduation.

“Congrats!” He sent her, smirking.

“Thanks.” From Liz.

If she hadn’t told anyone, he respected her waiting for the time she thought would be appropriate. It was her choice and she had the right to it. Michael took a sleeping bag and three pillows which he laid on the seat, one after the other, covering the length with the bag on top. He tried to stretch out on his belly but the space was quite limited and he couldn’t sprawl out like he wanted and usually did. He managed to lie face down shifting a little sideways, crossing his arms over his chest with one hand on each opposite shoulder. He placed one slightly flexed leg in front of the other and snuggled until he was comfortable.
Isabel stretched her arms up and yawned, winking at Maria.

- I need to relax too. -

She got up and placed a sleeping bag along the middle of the van ending against Michael and stretched out on her back with her head pillowed on his waist. Maria did the same beside her, barely fitting, and complaining that Michael had hogged three pillows.

- Don’t complain, you can have his ass…for now. - Isabel giggled, and Maria echoed her using Michael’s butt to lay her head on.

Michael moaned, enjoying the contact and sighed contentedly as he fell asleep. Kyle took another sleeping bag and pillow and placed them where he was sitting, doubling it over so it would fit exactly on the smaller seat. He lay back with his knees draped over the edge and soon he was snoring softly.

Max was intrigued when Liz bought a cheap notebook at the store in the next gas station they had stopped at, to use the bathrooms. Michael had been fast asleep, so they took turns not to leave him alone, just in case. Once back on the road, Liz started writing frantically and covering it from Max when he tried to peek.

- You’ll find out in due time. - She said with a sad smile.

Max shrugged and let her be, concentrating on the road. About a minute later, he heard her gasp and he turned to look at her. She was pale and her eyes were closed, as if in deep concentration.

- Liz? What’s going on? - He asked her, quite alarmed.

- Max, something’s going on with Michael…- She whispered.

- What is it? - He pulled over and parked, checking out Michael through the rearview mirror but he just saw him lying on the floor with his back to him.

- I’m not sure, he’s kind of merged with his Antares side…I can feel him but I can also feel Rath-Michael, very strong! -

- C’mon. - He started leaving the driver’s seat when a knock on his window made him jump.

- Something wrong? - Asked Jim, looking worried.

Max motioned him to the side door and Jim saw Kyle snoring away as he climbed in. Max whispered in his ear what Liz had told him. Jim turned to his left and saw the three on the floor at the back. Max shook Isabel awake and Liz did the same for Maria. They sat up rubbing their eyes and Liz told them what she had got through her empathy. They turned to Michael and tried to shake him awake, all at the same time, but he didn’t respond at all. He should have at least moaned or squirmed in protest, but he did nothing. He felt warm and he was breathing evenly, so it didn’t make much sense.

- What’s wrong with him? - Maria asked a little loudly.

- Let me try. - Isabel said, her eyes were silently asking for Maria’s permission.

- Please, do! I can’t stand seeing him like this! - Maria exclaimed.

Isabel knelt behind Michael and leaning over, kissed the corner of his mouth which was as near as she could get because of his almost prone position. Michael turned his face to kiss her fully.

- Dad? What’s going on? - Asked Kyle, trying to look over his father’s shoulder.

Jim gave Kyle a quick briefing and Kyle frowned. Bad time for that kind of problems, specially from the one who could protect them if they were attacked. Not that he didn’t trust Max’s shield and Isabel’s powers, knowing she had blasted the Whitaker woman to dust, but they weren’t armed, and Michael was the one who could really blast. He was the warrior after all.

They watched with relief as Michael not only responded but deepened the kiss. Even Maria sighed, meaning she was calming down.

Isabel broke the kiss and Michael clearly called her by her alien name.

- Lannie? -

- Rath-Michael? - Isabel wanted to make sure he wasn’t teasing her.

- What is it love? Is Geegan her to get me already? - His voice was husky with sleep.

- No baby, I just needed to kiss you, go back to sleep. - She whispered against his cheek.

He purred and complied. Isabel got up and faced Liz, now sure that she was right.

- What do we do now? - She demanded from Liz.

- I don’t know…maybe we should contact Serena, but we need to be somewhere safe, where we won’t be interrupted. -

- We just passed the sign for the Mescalero reservation, I suggest we go back and maybe we can ask for some help there. - Jim suggested.

- We might not be welcome. - Maria said rather scared.

- Wait, I might have what we need. - Isabel fished inside her purse and produced the broken silver charm she had found in Atherton’s place.

- I can’t believe you had it with you! - Kyle smiled.

- I keep it in my wallet for good luck. - Isabel nodded. - It could do the trick. Let’s go. I have an idea. -

- So do I. Follow me. - Jim hurriedly climbed down, not giving them time to ask him to explain.

They took the dirt road leading to the reservation until they came to a small house with a sign that read INFORMATION. Jim decided not to honk as it would alarm whoever was in charge, heading for the door which had a line of light where it almost met the floor. As he approached to knock, it opened and a short youngish stout woman in a ranger’s uniform came out with a gun in her hand. She eyed Jim and kept her weapon down, pointing to the ground.

- How can I help you? - Her voice was surprisingly pleasant.

- I’m sorry to bother you ma’am, - Jim touched his hat, - but we have a problem and need your help. I’m deputy Valenti, from Chaves, and I’m escorting this group of kids on witness protection. As you can imagine, their lives are in danger should their whereabouts be discovered, we are supposed to be heading for the Mexican border, as far as anyone else is concerned…- Jim was then interrupted.

- So what is your problem? - The woman asked.

- My cousin is unwell…- Isabel stepped forwards. - It’s not the first time it happens to him, though this time is not as bad. The other time was two years ago, and the only one who could help him was our friend, River Dog, from the Mesaliko reservation. He told us that if it happened again and we couldn’t get him, to find any of his people and show them this, which he gave us, so they can know we come on his behalf. -

She showed the woman the silver charm and she seemed to recognize it, nodding.

- What can I do for you? - She asked.

- We need to try and heal him. River Dog gave us five healing stones, but we were only able to bring one. It might be enough, as he is not really sick, just in some kind of trance. It could work, but to do the healing ceremony that River Dog taught us, we need to be in a safe place where we won’t be interrupted, and need just fresh water to drink. -

- Can I see him? - The woman asked.

- Of course. - Said Isabel, and they led her into the van.

She walked up to Michael and placed her hand on his back.

Michael whispered some gibberish and the woman stepped back, growing pale and wide eyed. All their eyes were on her.

- Are you alright? - Asked Max.

- Has he got Indian blood? His hair is too light…How could he…- She couldn’t take her eyes off Michael.

- Sorry, what do you mean? - Asked Isabel.

- He just said my name, in my native tongue. No white man can pronounce it even after hearing it. - Her voice was shaky.

- What is your name? - Jim asked.

She repeated the gibberish they had heard from Michael exactly the same.

- It means “Running Deer”, that’s my name in English. - She told them. - If you follow that trail, you will end in a fork. The one on the left goes just about three yards ending in a thicket of bushes. All you have to do, is pull them aside, drive in, and pull them back, so no one will suspect you’re in there. You drive on for half a mile and you’ll arrive at a cave with a stream running into it and ending in a pool. The water is safe for drinking, and the entrance to the cave is also hidden by bushes you can pull aside and back again after you. It’s big enough to drive in; you can stay there as long as you need. - She smiled.

- Thank you, we don’t want to give you any trouble. - Jim said.

- You are a friend of my people, that’s good enough for me. You better follow me, to make sure you arrive safely. - She walked around the house and they heard the sound of an engine.

She drove around in a jeep, and they did as she told them.

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Post by kittens »

They need to check the van for bugs.
Obsessed Roswellian
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the martyr of antar

Post by ñusta »

Yes, kittens, definitely. Jesse is tricky, they wouldn't trust him if they knew what he had done, but Michael's not telling for Isabel's sake.
To all who are reading this, sorry for the previous delay but after 8 years and 8 months of being bedridden and totally unresponsive, my translator's mother who was also my godmother passed away. We are very sad with a terrible empty feeling, but it was the best for her. Thank you all for reading and very specially to those who have been leaving us feedback. It's very encouraging, because we do it for you guys.