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Post by isabelle »


My eyes go wide as Liz describes her time-slipping abilities. Wow. I had no idea she could do anything special. Somehow, I thought the strange things that happened tonight happened only because they were together as a group. Does this mean that the others might have special powers, too?

I would LOVE to be able to do something like that. How many times have I had a difficult conversation, or said something that came out the wrong way and only latter figured out what I should have said -- or should have done. To be able to slip back and fix those things -- you could live a charmed life.

"Wow. That's amazing," I tell her. I can't seem to hide the twinge of envy in my voice. "Do you use that a lot? Do you think the other 'sons and daughters' can do that too?"
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Post by magikhands »

ooc: Sorry, my muse has been bust as of late along with RL...I'll get caught up with all my rps the next two days
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Post by KatnotKath »


I watch Max carefully for signs of what he's thinking... His wide eyes suggest he's surprised, which is probably understandable, but the rest of his expression, the way he continues to sit with me, and makes no attempt to move away seems to suggest whatever he's thinking, it's not too bad, and when he finally speaks, his words confirm this hope.

In fact, he sounds almost envious, although as the person who has that ability, I'm not too certain that I think it's something to envy... "Honestly, I don't really know what the others can do, because before tonight I had no idea they weren't competely normal..." I admit before shaking my head as he asks if I use it a lot. "No...I still sometimes have trouble controlling it, and believe me, it's not half as cool as it sounds..." I shrug slightly. "I mean it can be useful, if I leave something at home - like my pendant tonight..." I motion to the necklace which apparently is connected to all this. "But all in all, I usually just feel guilty if I use it...for manipulating people..." I sigh and shrug. "I use it very little, and I use it on purpose even less - sometimes, if I'm upset, it can happen without me intending it though..."

I don't know if I'm doing a good job of explaining this right now, but it's difficult... It's something that I've lived with for many years now, but it's never something that I've thought of as a gift really... More a curse I guess, something that made me different, made me push Max away...

I can't help smiling a little as I think that, considering that in fact apparently I'm not the only unusual one here... In fact, it seems that the secret which I always thought would prevent me being with Max, has now worked in my favor... "Have to say though, I'm beginning to think it's not as bad as I thought - not if it means I get to be close to you..." I smile softly, unable to keep from blushing as I look up at him shyly through my lashes and I say this.
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by magikhands »


"Yes, tomorrow. Call me when you are ready for that talk. Sleep well, Tree."

I look at Trevor and wish that I could feel his lips against mine again, feel his arms embracing me, and feel safe again, but...too much has happened. My mind can't seem to process it all.

And as much as I want to argue with him about his reason why he didn't tell Michael who he really was, I can't. I've been doing it to my own sister most of my life. I've been lying to her about what I can do.

I sigh and push away from the car. "Night Trev." I say and watch as he drives away. Slowly I turn and start up the stairs to my home where I will wait on Liz to return home. Confessions are not yet done for the night.


"Just promise me something, Michael. Two things actually... Never let me go and don't push me away. I want to be a part of everything in your life, not just the small things, but everything. Whatever comes, I want to face it with you."

I look into her blazing green eyes, knowing that I could drown in their beautiful color. Never let her go. No, not now that I've had her, I don't think I could let her go even if I wanted to. Having her here in my arms, feeling her warmth and love feels like home. Like I was born to be here with her.

"I'll never let you go." I bury my face into her hair and take in her scent filling me like an aphrodesiac. "And I'll try not to push you away Baby, but I can't promise you. I"ve done it for so long with so many people, it may be hard to break that habit. I mean, for years I've stayed away from you to keep you safe. All I can promise is to do my best."

"I should probably go so you can talk to your brother when he comes home." She starts softly. "I don't want to be in the way and it's obvious there is something about him too. I think it would be best that I not be here while you two talk and..." but she doesn't finish her sentence as she kisses me.

I eagerly return her kiss not wanting her to go but I know it would be best. Trevor and I have things to discuss and though Maria wouldn't be in the way, I know that I'll be able to think better without her here.

Pulling back I cradle her face in my hands. "I love you Maria." I watch as her lips curve into a smile. "Let me take you home real quick. I don't want to risk another one of those...things waiting in the shadows for you."
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Post by isabelle »


Liz sounds so uncertain and even afraid as she talks about her power. She can't fully control it, so I understand that she might be frightened. Michael's control isn't very ... consistent. I know that's frustrating to him. My powers are rarely out of control, but it hadn't always been that way.

But her reluctance to use them do tell me that it's unlikely she's been replaying this conversation several times until it comes out right. I'm getting the first run.

I squeeze her hand gently in compassion for her confusion. I know it's not easy to have powers and have to hide what you can do. Maria's her best friend. She might have powers, too, and neither girl ever knew. Both of them feeling isolated when they could have been close.

"Have to say though, I'm beginning to think it's not as bad as I thought - not if it means I get to be close to you..." she says, smiling shyly.

I feel my own smile grow again at that look in her eyes. "Me, too. All this time I thought we were too different but maybe we're more alike than we thought," I tell her gently. I find myself leaning a little closer again, the thought making me want to kiss her again but I hold off a bit longer. "Control isn't easy. Do you think you need to go to Medina to learn how or could I help, maybe?" I ask.

I kick myself as soon as the words are out of my mouth. It sounds so awkward and inarticulate. I just hope she understands what I mean.
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: shorter than I would like, but hope it's okay


Max smiled, leaning towards me almost making me think he wants to kiss again, but he stays like that, leaning closer, but not close enough to kiss. He talks about control, and going to Medina to learn more about my power, but it's the second suggestion, or rather the offer he makes which sounds better to me. Maybe he could help...?

I know the first makes more sense, but I know him better, he's my friend first and foremost, I trust him... Medina is little more than a stranger, someone who's told me a lot of strange things, and who's put my head in a spin.

I sigh and shake my head. "I don't know...I just don't know..." Biting down on my lip, I glance down, catching sight of my watch as I do so and being reminded of the fact it's very late. "I think...I think maybe I just need some know...?" Time - something that's in short supply... I reach up, running a hand thorugh my hair and then leaning forward against his chest. I wish I could just stay here, with him, I wish I didn't have to worry about Medina, or my powers...and yet I know it has to end...soon...
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by StormWolfstone »


Teresa pushes away from the car, and I decide that before going straight home I need to take a bit of a drive to think on things. There was just too much to think on and Michael could wait another few minutes before I explained myself to him. I know that he's going to want answers, but I'm just not ready to face him just yet.

"Night Trev." I hear Teresa say and nod, pulling away from the curb I sigh, shaking my head. Why do I even bother to let myself be concerned with her? She's human, I'm not. Even learning she was different, I shouldn't have cared to open up to her. Yet, I had. Now, I doubt she'll ever look at me the same way again.

It doesn't matter that I've been in love with her since shortly after I first met her. All that matter's was that I wasn't going to be staying on Earth. I had too much to do. I couldn't stay. What reason would I have? Other then my brother of course. But, I was hoping to convince him to return with me. He could even bring Maria with him if he wanted to.


"I'll never let you go." Michael replies and leans in to me and I just can't help but feel a thrill that we were so close to each other. "And I'll try not to push you away Baby, but I can't promise you. I"ve done it for so long with so many people, it may be hard to break that habit. I mean, for years I've stayed away from you to keep you safe. All I can promise is to do my best."

I guess I can understand that. I know he's had a hard time and he's had to live with such a secret for so long, I can't blame him. I know my secret isn't nearly as rough as his, but I know that it's hard to let go of habits. When I suggest going home, I know that I don't want to, but Michael seems to agree when he replies after pulling away from the kiss, "I love you Maria."

I can't help but smile as I hear those wonderful words coming from his lips. "Let me take you home real quick. I don't want to risk another one of those...things waiting in the shadows for you."

Already he was getting protective and as much as a part of me wanted to balk that I'd be fine, I nodded. "I love you, Michael. I'd like nothing more then having a few more minutes to spend with you while you take me home." Even though I'd rather stay with him, I know mom and Tess would freak and I needed to have a talk with Tess too.
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by StormWolfstone »

OOC: Let's see if we can't get Kyle and Tess caught up since we currently don't have a Kyle anymore.


I know that I was really quiet through everything. I just don't quite understand anything that is going on. Max being able to do things, me being a ... Son? I just don't get it. I'm Kyle Valenti, just plain Kyle Valenti. How could I have been chosen for some special power? I just don't know what to think about anything.

Everyone begins getting ready to leave, and I'm just not sure what I want to do. My cars outside, I could do so many things, but I just don't know what I want to do. Take a long drive? Go home and crash? I just don't know what I want to do.

Even after these two, Cameron and Adam leave the room to see to their 'mother', I can't make myself move. Everyone else leaves before I know it and suddenly, I feel a hand on mine and look up to see Tess sitting beside me. Suddenly, I'm glad for the confusion and hesitance. I would have been gone and missed the chance to look into her eyes.

"You ok?" She asks me and it takes a moment before I slowly shake my head.

"Honestly, I'm confused. I thought I was a freak, now I learn I'm supposed to help save the world? I can't even save my own father from his delusions, how am I supposed to save the world?" I sigh and turn my hand over, locking my fingers with hers, "Do you need a ride home, Tess?" I ask, thinking that maybe if she let me give her a ride, I'd have the chance to work a few things out on the way. It would keep me from having to go home right away.

Not to mention, being in her company was always the best bonus. She's lovely, not that I'd ever think to say anything because after all, I've seen how she looks at Max and how close they are. I doubt that I'd stand a chance with that.


I can't help but enjoy the way he seems to react when I enter the room and move to the bed, nor can I keep from feeling so content when his arms wrap around me and he draws me closer. This was something that I knew no other man would ever be able to give me. Alex was the only one that ever saw me for who I was and wanted me for me. Just being in his arms made me feel complete and I could hardly believe it was real.

"It's been a long night." I hear him say and snuggle closer to him, "Let's get some rest."

I nod slowly, "Yes, let's. Just make sure you are comfortable Alex... I'd... like to wake up like this." I admit softly and then close my eyes, expelling a light breath as I simply allow myself to completely relax in his arms.
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by magikhands »

ooc: This rp didn't give me notification of update...sorry it's taking so long. I'll be able to get caught up on everything next week (after my granddaughter leaves *sigh* )
Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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