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Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 2:21 am
by KatnotKath
OOC: sorry for the delay



Have I made up my mind...? The question makes me draw in a deep breath, swallowing as I close my eyes for a moment, before opening them again as I look up at him and nod silently.

"Yes..." I whisper after a moment, knowing that one word holds so much meaning on this occassion.

*Yes...* I echo my response mentally, giving him both answers at once and chewing on my lip nervously as I consider what I'm saying...

Not that I haven't thought about it carefully before of course, I've hardly thought of anything else this week it seems, any time that I wasn't working, or studying, and even some of the time then, my mind has been occupied by a single question. Is this what I want...?

Yes... It's simple and honest, and quite honestly, I don't think I need to say anything more...

I'm not saying I know how this will work, other than the actual literal logistics of him moving his stuff, but I guess that there's a lot we still need to talk about... What we're going to tell other people for starters, because in no way is a twenty year old guy moving into my apartment going to escape the gossping of the town... Not to mention that certain people are going to realise even if it wasn't let out - Terri, Sarah, Kyle, and maybe even Jim for example - It's likely that the first two would notice that Max wasn't around the other apartment much, Kyle I can't keep in the dark about this for perhaps obvious reasons, and once he knows, considering his thoughts on the matter, I don't think it's going to take long for Jim to realise there's something wrong...

Not that I'm suggesting Kyle would go to him, but Jim's not stupid, and if he thinks something is wrong, hes highly likely to do some sniffing...

So yeah, we need to work out how we're going to explain this to people, what we're going to tell them, because I know eventually it might come to it, in fact it's becoming more likely by the day, but right now, I don't think we can go 'public'...I don't think we're ready for that and I know I for one am still trying to work out how I feel to an extent, doing that with everyone jugding is the last thing we need...

And there's lots of other stuff too I'm sure, practical stuff, like another key that I need to get cut, some bedding stuff perhaps... For now though, the initial decision is enough perhaps, as I look up at him again with a nervous smile. *That's only if you want to as well though...*

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 8:58 pm
by isabelle

'Yes,' she says and for a moment I fool myself into thinking she just means that 'yes she's made up her mind,' but I know that's not the part of the question that she's answering. She actually wants me to move in with her.

*Yes, I do want to,* I assure Liz as she starts to backpedal. It's true, I do. I like Liz a lot and I want to get to know her better. We have so little time -- or at least, that's what I assume. We need to go home so we need to find the Granolith soon, although I have to say that I'll miss being here. I know things will be a lot harder there...

Of course, here isn't completely easy either. Making this work won't be simple. Liz and I together, I can handle. How it looks to the public will be the hard part.

*It'll be a pleasure to get away from Michael,* I say and it's not entirely a joke. Of course, I won't be away from him entirely. We still have a lot to do with each other in regards to finding the Granolith. Besides, he's still my 'brother.' He and Isabel and Alex and Maria are all my family.

"The place can be pretty cramped with everyone there," I add aloud, nodding, hoping it sounds like a follow-up to my earlier comment about spending the night at home. "I'm guessing you would be working if you weren't here. I hope you're finding this to be more fun."

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 12:26 pm
by KatnotKath
OOC: hope this works, tell me if you want me to change anything


Maybe there's a part of me that is still hoping that Max will have changed his mind, but as he confirms he still wants to, I swallow and nod, reminding myself again that it doesn't mean I've made a decision about the big question... We said living together afterall, not sleeping together... I know that other people might not see it that way, but I've got to keep that straight in my head otherwise I feel like my head is ready to explode...

Oh G*D...we're really talking about doing this... I feel myself tensing up for a moment, wondering if Maria's started to rub off on me as I go into an internal rant and fight to get my emotions under control.

Swallowing nervously, I take a moment and nod again, listening as Max mentions Michael. It takes all my effort not to grimace, anticipating the sort of comments which might come from him now, and again I just remind myself that it doesn't matter what he says, this isn't about him, it's about Max and I...

"The place can be pretty cramped with everyone there."

I nod dumbly, unable to keep from thinking it'll be more cramped at my place even just with the two of us, although I know his words are more for show than anything... It's going to be okay, it's going to work out...

"I'm guessing you would be working if you weren't here. I hope you're finding this to be more fun..."

I smile and nod, thankful for the normal conversation to concentrate on at the moment, although of course I have little doubt that we'll be returning to other matters soon enough. "Yeah, probably..." I reply in response to the first, before smiling softly at the second. "I'm having a lovely time..."

*And I'm so glad you could be here...*

I add silently, knowing that I'm repeating my earlier comment, and yet feeling it's important to say.

"I nearly didn't come, I didn't want to come with just anyone...a couple of guys did ask me, but it didn't seem right you know...?" I look up at him, a part of me hating how we have to speak in riddles like this. "I think it turned out well though...and you're right, the decorations are amazing..."

I add the last just as a bit of a throw off, searching for something else to say just as I'm interrupted by a tap on the shoulder.

"Hey Liz..."

It's Zack... I nod and smile back. "Hey, having a good night...?"

"Oh yeah, it's great! I was wondering if you wanted to dance...?"

He holds out a hand towards me and I can't help wondering if he's been put up to it, looking over briefly towards where Kyle is dancing with Sarah, although his back is towards him at the moment so I can't catch his eye...


I shift my weight awkwardly, feeling increasingly uncomfortable considering Max is there too. "M-maybe later...I think I'm going to get some air at the moment...I'll see you later too Max..." I offer each a nod before leaving the remains of my drink on the table and moving away.

*Maybe you should check outside for anyone doing something they shouldn't...if you like...?* I offer a gentle suggestion, wanting Max to know I'm not running from him as I slip out of the door and into the yard outside.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:19 am
by isabelle

I'm about to answer Liz when she's interupted by another student. One who asks her to dance.

"M-maybe later...I think I'm going to get some air at the moment...I'll see you later too Max..." she says, sounding awkward. Then as she walks off, she silently suggests, *Maybe you should check outside for anyone doing something they shouldn't...if you like...?*

I appreciate her suggestion, although I'll have to make sure it doesn't look like I'm following her. I start a circuit of the dancefloor, surveying everyone there as I make for a different door. Once outside, I'll circle towards Liz. I'm not really sure about her encounter with the boy, 'though.

*You should have danced with him, Liz. It would have been okay.* I tell her. It's just a dance. I know we're supposed to be here 'together' but I want her to have a good time. It wouldn't have meant anything to her, but it might have been fun.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 2:43 pm
by StormWolfstone
ooc: Sorry this didn't get done earlier... I realized that I had it written but never sent it



"I'm really glad you said yes," Kyle says and his smile is just so entrancing to me. "You're the prettiest girl here." His compliment causes me to blush and I can’t keep from smiling.

“You don’t have to say that.” I comment softly, feeling pleased by the compliment but also knowing that there was no way I was prettier then the other girls here.

I notice that Kyle once again seems to drift off and I can’t keep from sighing to myself. Was I missing something? Was there more to him and Liz then either of them wanted to admit? He said he was glad I said yes, but it doesn’t seem like that’s the case completely. Maybe I’m just being paranoid, I don’t know.

"Hey," he says as I start to walk away from the punch, a small cup in hand which I only took a small sip from as I find myself filling with a doubt that I really don’t like. This is my first date with him and yet it feels as though it might be my last too.

The music starts signaling the DJ being ready and I look at Kyle who’s stepped close and ends up placing his arm around my waist as he leans closer. Looking in his eyes, I feel the nerves filling me and force myself to calm down when he asks, "You wanna dance?"

Giving him a light smile, I nod, “Sure.” I set the cup down and let him lead me to the dance floor. I can’t keep from telling myself that if he didn’t like me even a little he wouldn’t have asked me to come with him. I kept thinking that if I could remind myself of that it would ease some of the doubt I was feeling about whether he really wanted me here or not.

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 11:02 pm
by isabelle

Dancing with Sarah is amazing. The music is great and she's absolutely beautiful. I find myself getting lost in her eyes as we move to the rythem. I only hope I don't look like a total dork out here.

In fact, we're dancing our second song together before I remember Liz. I glance up and see Zack approaching her. Good. I smile to myself as I turn my attention back to Sarah. I'd love to ask her what she thinks of Liz but I know that's not a good idea.

"You dance really well," I tell her, instead. Then I notice that Zack is talking up some other girl. I look up and see that Liz is leaving the room. I bet she's not leaving the dance, 'though.

I hate this! How I wish she hadn't forced me to promise not to interfere with her and Max tonight. This is such a big mistake.

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 5:57 pm
by StormWolfstone

As we dance, I can't keep from thinking about how good it felt to be dancing with him. Kyle just doesn't realize the appeal he has, it's obvious. I feel the music moving through me and him, leading us easily with the rhythm but it's not the rhythm that has a hold on me. It's his smile and his eyes looking into mine.

"You dance really well," Kyle gives me the compliment and I look at him with a smile, lifting one arm up to wrap around his neck, a move that shouldn't be seen as inappropriate by the chaperone's.

"So do you, Kyle. It's almost as though we've danced together many times." I comment softly and make myself ignore the fact that his gaze wanders again. "It's amazing how quickly I was able to learn how to waltz for when the real slow dances come..." I admit, not at all feeling embarrassed about the fact that I hadn't known how to waltz before. But, dad had given me lessons over the last couple weeks when he could and then I had Danny, a guy I volunteered with from time to time at the Rec center who helped me too.

The music that we were dancing to now might be somewhat slow, but it wasn't one that everyone would consider waltzing music, which I was kind of thankful for but another part of me wanted to dance closer to Kyle.

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:37 pm
by isabelle

"Really? You can waltz?" I say to Sarah, looking at her with admiration. That sounds pretty impressive. I'm pleased that I can even spell the word. "I don't know how. Hope I won't embarrass you too much."

As much as I think I'll make a total fool of myself, I'd love to do anything that makes Sarah happy. I look to the DJ booth, wondering if they have waltz music. "Shall I ask them to put a waltz on for you?"

I turn my attention back to Sarah, but as I do so, I notice that Max isn't by the refreshment table anymore. I wonder where he went. I hope he's not with Liz. I mean, he wouldn't risk it, would he? People would talk...

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 4:29 am
by FaithfulAngel24
OOC: I am so far behind it's not even funny. Can someone give me a quick run thru of what's gone down so far so I can post accordingly? :cry:

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 5:39 am
by isabelle
This should catch you up, FA. :D
KatnotKath wrote:OOC: and here's a starter for the rest of the group, feel free to bring Maria in whenever you like FaithfulAngel :)



Max should be at the dance now, I wonder how it’s going… He seemed happy enough when he set off, and I know that Liz was looking forward to having him there. But then there’s Kyle to deal with, and of course the fact that they can’t be ‘together’ officially…

The party has the potential to be a major disaster in truth, although I'm hoping it won't be... When Terry came to me a couple of nights ago to say about being one chaperone down it had seemed like the perfect solution. Liz had mentioned to him how she wished Max could be there, not wanting to go 'alone' and yet, scared of giving the wrong impression if she went with someone else... If they even invited her - she had said - although he didn't think she would have a problem getting a date... She was an attractive young girl...unfrotunately, the 'young' was the pertinant factor.

She and Max couldn't possibly go together officially, but if Max were there as a chaperone... The idea had seemed like the perfect answer, so I told Terry I was busy, and suggested she ask Max, which she did...

It won't be the best of course, but it's better than nothing, and it's was more time for the two of them away from the rest of us - although then again Kyle will be there, which will no doubt be 'interesting'... Not that I don't undertsand Kyle's reluctance to accept Max, or the rest of us for that matter. The reason behind it is obviously that he cares about his friend, he cares about Liz, and we've come in here and turned her life upside down... It doesn't help though, much like Michael...

I sigh and shake my head as I think about it all... Michael's constant pushing is most definitely not helping, but making him see that, well, that's another matter...

Blinking, I glance over at the clock, noting first the time, and then the fact that Isabel and Maria are conspicious by their absence... Michael is already in the front, watching some sport on the TV I think, but the girls aren't down yet, and we're supposed to be heading out...

A table at a pretty swanky restaurant down town for the four of us... It's not exactly our usual style really, but it's kinda nice to splurge occassionally, and I think we deserve a I'm told the food there is fantastic! It's been a while since we double dated. but then the main idea of going out of course is to keep Michael occupied and try to keep his mind away from Max and Liz... Of course we might as well have a nice time as well right...?

Wandering to the bottom of the stairs, I place my hand on the banister and put my food on the first step, wondering about going up, but decide to just call - that way I'm less likely to get roped in to give opinions for which I'm less than qualified... "Maria, Isabel, are you two ready yet, our table is booked for eight!"