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the martyr of antar

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 1:58 am
by ñusta
Chapter 302

Maria heard Michael’s anguished scream echoing through the empty gym and her tears started flowing. She was sorry to hurt him, but she was truly so scared of waking up in a cold sweat as was happening to her lately. She felt Michael as their minds were in perfect sync: why couldn’t he be only human, so no one would be after him to kill him just because of what he was? Why couldn’t they just leave them alone? They weren’t doing anything wrong! What did they have against them? She wondered why he hadn’t blocked her out like he did when he was upset, specially by her. She realized too late that she had sent that to him because she was kicked out of his mind right away. Maria got up slowly and trudged back to Seligman’s classroom, dreading to face Isabel and Liz and tell them what had happened. Michael was totally shut down.

Michael walked all the way to his apartment, not giving a damn if it was safe or not, if the FBI was waiting for him, welcome, at least they would put an end to his misery, and whatever they did to him would effectively keep his mind away from Maria. He even started thinking it would be the best that could happen to him. They were afraid of him, not of the others whose powers held no physical threat. He would probably save all their lives if he just turned himself in without a struggle.
He arrived home and went straight for his bike, taking off into the desert. He needed to be alone to deal with what he was feeling. He would never understand the negativity of humanity. Why couldn’t they accept them and befriend them? They would have Max’s healing for those that they couldn’t help, Isabel’s dreamwalking which might come real handy in psychological problems that people found hard to talk about in full consciousness, and they could have his protection, if they could get it through their thick heads that he meant no one any harm.
The cool wind on his face made him feel a little better, but the loneliness was still there, making his heart ache.

“C’mon, Guerin, what happened to your ‘Stonewall’? You didn’t destroy it! You’re not that stupid! You just put it away, knowing that the human girl would eventually rip your heart out to stomp on it! So what are you waiting for? Put it up again and go on with your sorry life! Let’s see if anyone cares about you!...No!” He shook his head in denial. “Max and Isabel care for me!...But they’re not humans, they don’t count…Liz cares for me, she will never hurt me!...She belongs to Max, you know he needs her, so don’t go there! Don’t come between them! You’ll ruin their lives too! They’re finding themselves back again! Just let them be!...Right…Kyle! Kyle loves me!...Sure, he loves your ass, big deal, that’s lust, not love!...Jim loves me, I know he does! He’s been nice to me many times!...Sure, his conscience’s killing him, that’s all! No one loves you kid, you better get used to the idea…No! Liz does, so she can’t be with me, but she does! And Isabel does too! So she’s alien too! So what? I know she loves me!...Michael…Shut up! Fuck off! Leave me alone!” He shook his head.

What was he doing, talking to himself? He was really going nuts! He needed to rest, sleep, make his mind go completely blank and begin from scratch. He arrived at the Pod Chamber and hid his bike in the bushes. He raced up the hill, feeling his muscles working as he ascended. Once inside, sealed in and safe, he rolled out the sleeping bag and fell on it. He buried his face in it and wrapped one arm around his chest and the other around his stomach as he did when Hank beat the crap out of him. Michael never curled up to protect his body, he just instinctively protected his arms and hands through which his energy flowed so he could blast. His legs lay almost straight, at least one was, the other slightly flexed, one foot resting on the other and his thighs close together halfway down. It was his own way of telling his torturer: ‘Ok, do what you want to me as long as I can’t see you.’ He lay there sobbing like he had that night at Maria’s bed…”No! You’re doing it again! You’re hurting yourself! Forget about her! You’re alone, and you’ll always be alone! Get used to it!” He took a deep breath and felt peace envelop him, like a thick fog, it was even caressing his back, it felt so good, so comforting! And then he knew what was happening, how could he forget? Of course there was someone who loved him, his sister Laurie! And Stuart! He had saved his life and was always there for him, even if he was far, he wouldn’t hesitate to leave everything for him! Sure, he loved Isabel too, but that didn’t mean he loved him any less…And then the name flooded his mind and he felt himself enveloped in the purest love that he could take for granted…How could he have forgotten her!... Serena! Her soft, gentle voice filled his every sense…he felt her essence covering him like a warm comforting blanket of peace and love. He sighed and felt himself relaxing, at least physically.

“Michael, love, I’m here for you…I know you’re hurting, but it’s not as bad as it looks, things have a way of working out, you’ll see, everything will be alright in the end. It will be hard getting there, but it will be worth it. You’re very strong, you will make it.”

“No, Serena, I just can’t take it any longer! They don’t love me, I can feel it…”

“Of course they do! They love you very much!”

“They just love to fuck me, that’s the only thing I’m good for!”

“Michael, alright, I’ll give you that, they lust after you, but that doesn’t mean they don’t love you! It’s part of their love, of what they feel for you!”

“I miss Laurie, she loves me without needing my body, I wish I could be home with her…” He sobbed.

“You know, Michael, sometimes wishes are granted, it may happen sooner than you think. And I love you too, like she does, like family. Like your aunt did, I wish I could have been your mother, I wish I could have saved her for you!” Serena was now sobbing too.

“Serena, please don’t cry! You’re making me feel guilty on top of all!” Michael started shivering.

“Michael! Michael! Listen to me! Don’t do this to you! What can you be guilty of? You were the best warrior Antar has ever seen, fair and fearless, you were betrayed and cowardly tortured and murdered. You were cloned to return and save your people, but stashed away on this cruel planet until you are ready for it. Here you have been tortured and abused all your life, with no one there to love or guide you, you’ve been constantly misunderstood and criticized, no matter how much you’ve tried, your efforts have not been appreciated, nor have you been accepted the way you are, even your friends expected you to be and behave like something you’re not! Things have changed a lot lately, apparently for the best, and when you’re finally feeling you’re fitting in nicely, you get attacked from where you least saw it coming and through no fault of yours! How can you not be frustrated and confused? Of course you’re hurting! I dare anyone to get in your place for a day and I’m sure they would end up murdering someone! I would! I honestly don’t know how you’ve been able to take all that and how you can take it at all! Michael, you are amazingly strong to have suffered all that and still be what you are today! Let me give you a piece of advice: send packing all those who make your life miserable! Right now I don’t care who they are! I’m just thinking of you, and what they’re doing to you is so unfair! So you’re not graduating? Fine! Come here to Laurie’s and me and leave Roswell to rot in hell! Can’t you see, child? There’s nothing good there for you! If anyone there thinks you’re worth it, they’ll come to you. If they don’t, they weren’t worth it, they didn’t deserve you!” Her anger was coming out of every pore: “Beware of Serena’s wrath!”

“I love Maria, Serena, I must make her see reason, she has to, I need her. And Isabel, and Liz…the guys…all of them…even if it hurts so much, even if they don’t love me like I do. I’m an idiot, Serena, I deserve it all! I can’t blame them cause I feel their lust too. I lust to give myself to them. I’m just as bad.”

“No, Michael! No!”

“It’s ok, it’s all off my chest now, I guess I can deal. Please? I feel alive knowing you’re here with me. I need to rest, I’ll sleep, that always helps. I’ll be fine when I wake up, you’ll see.” He close his eyes and took three deep breaths. Serena felt him let himself go, and fall into a deep slumber.

‘Poor kid, I think he’s right, he should know what works for him after all this time of being kicked around. I’ve made my point but overdoing it will make him feel worse. He knows better than anyone how much he can take and if he needed to get away it’s because he was reaching his limit of endurance. I’ll watch him sleep and make sure he’s alright when he wakes up. Making him know and feel he’s not alone is what he needs right now and I’m glad I can give him that.’ Serena reached out her sheer immaterialized hand and touched his cheek with feather light gentleness and his beautiful trusting smile brought tears to her eyes again. What she wouldn’t give to turn back time and be there for him that night he was left alone in the desert. Perhaps better still, when River Dog’s ancestor brought him back to begin his torturous journey. She hated Nasedo! No, she loathed and despised him! It was his fault she couldn’t be there for him! She gloated on the fact that the rebel skin got to kill him, she wished it had been her! The treacherous scum! No, right now what she needed to do was give Michael the peaceful and loving environment he needed to ease his pain and deal with it. Her hate and fury would not do at all, so she put it far behind, it was over and there was nothing she could do about it so it wasn’t worth wasting her time on it. She concentrated on her memories of Rath-Michael, the beautiful brave boy she found and helped rescue, the handsome son of her late friend, the last of the true Royal blood of Antar, charming and shameless, a daredevil who could wrap anyone around his little finger, whose smile made anyone melt, even in his half human form, when he had reasons for it, the feared and admired unbeatable young warrior, the ultimate horseman, whose steeds thrived in his courage becoming the nearest possible to a centaur in their understanding and interaction, Vilandra’s love, for whom he lived, and who felt faint when he looked into her eyes, the boy whose body was craved by all the Antares constellation, both male and female alike, the perfect lover, ready to give to females and receive from males. No one could endure pain like him, in spite of the extra sensitivity of his Royal blood. He was the epitome of bravery in the battlefield; he set the example for his men who would follow him to the end of the world. He was at the vanguard, leading his army, the first to engage in combat and the last to leave the field, no matter how many wounds he sustained. The sound of the hooves of his huge invulnerable battlehorse set the enemy trembling in fear, up there, he was invincible. The only way he didn’t ride victorious, back into his citadel, was if he was too hurt and unconscious. He never hesitated to sacrifice himself for his people, ready to suffer for them at the hands of those who craved him hiding behind unfortunately necessary commercial deals, and although he knew what was in store for him, he never backed down, even if they had to carry him back home, almost fainting from the pain and bleeding. The gorgeous boy who didn’t hide his precocious sexuality but flaunted it impudently for all to see, wishing and hoping for the honour. The one also blessed with the burnished gold hair, streaked by the sun, and the Antares’ wine coloured eyes, equal to Earth’s honey, which streaked with the bright blue of Gandarium when rage transfixed his heart, but shut tight as his full, kissable lips parted in passion, turning the same shade as his flushed cheeks in the heat of love. Desire was the fuel of his life, and it was manifest in his every action. He was unique in the universe, as far as she was concerned, and yet he became a victim of who he was, in this life that had been forced upon him. They should have left him rest in peace in his glory, but they couldn’t bear to lose him, not caring what he would go through to please them. He was a hero, no one could take that away from him. She watched him sleeping in the cave where he was reborn, as his previous life passed before her mind’s eyes, stopping short of his shocking untimely death. No need to relive that, he had done it far too many times lately; she couldn’t be so cruel to him. He had had enough of it. He was alive and ready to face whatever came at him, with his usual unblinking bravado. Rath-Michael! The strength of his name echoed, bouncing off the walls and around the chosen cave,
honoured to witness his revival. Michael moaned softly and shifted in his sleep, his arms leaving his body to stretch at his sides, losing the reason for his defensiveness: a good sign. Then his legs shifted too, his thighs spreading, rendering him vulnerable to sexual assault, another good sign, he was making his body available, losing the inhibition he had submitted himself too, through his insecurity, which he had successfully overcome. He was in full control again, and she was glad for him, his strength had been challenged and he had come through, as was expected of him, with flying colours. Serena nodded in satisfaction. She watched the change in him, back in his usual nonchalant attitude. He snuggled and writhed, he squirmed and slithered, becoming again right before her eyes, the naturally spontaneous sexy creature he was. She loved seeing him like that, exposed and unpremeditatedly letting his sensuous body flow with his charismatic and exotic energy that made him so attractive to the pleasures of the flesh. He was a magnet, to be touched and enjoyed by his lovers, whatever the gender, however he wanted: he was in charge. He had few restrictions, his cock was exclusively for female genitalia, but took hands and mouths of either sex. His ass was always ready without discrimination, being where his power button was hidden, his own special exclusive trait, so far in his two lives, it had let no one down. The round inviting globes were like velvet in texture, hiding the steel hard muscles underneath, which were at the same time pliable and supple, a joy to touch and squeeze, protecting his most sensitive feature. Inside him, his sphincter muscles provided his lovers with the most unexpected grip, only found in virgins, and which he maintained thanks to his masochistic tendencies, to clench, oblivious of the pain, instead of relaxing to ease or prevent it. No wonder the males drooled after him and the female fingers and tongues somehow found it just as fascinating, making them envy the opposite sex on that specific occasion. His thighs were as charismatic as his ass, strong, well but not overly muscled, yet tender and smooth, specially the skin of the insides, so glossy and sleek, and the next most sensitive site on his luxuriously gifted anatomy. Once you held him in your arms you didn’t want to let him go, when he wrapped his arms around you, he made you feel safe and wanted, wishing he would never let go. His universe was surrounded with pain, but just for him, he was incapable of bestowing it on others purposedly, for him, there was no justifiable reason to do so, it was against his nature. It would kill him to do so, his suffering would definitely be greater. Serena’s love and admiration for him, was too much, impossible to fathom or describe. She was as much in awe of him as were those who knew him and saw him in action of any kind, in his first life. Everytime she set her eyes on him, her whole being would go on arrest for at least a fraction of a second, depending on his performance, and thankfully imperceptible to others, but to Liz, whose empathy was getting stronger each day and had been in sync with her, almost as keen as with Michael, when she allowed it. He let out a whimper, turning into a sob, which then merged into a half moan half purr of pleasure and she had a flash of a thin wiry jet black body, shady and undefined, but unmistakably Rath-Michael’s personal slave Geehan, hovering over him and it was gone as fast as it came. She remembered how the quiet, efficient man had begun to pine away after having reluctantly had to take part in Rath-Michael’s torture and murder, and it was none other than the boy’s father, the powerful ex-warlord Ramthis, who had made him place that particular clone in the pod, and gave him a reason to go on living, waiting for his boy to come back. The dream must have ended, as Michael shuddered and growled in the unreal orgasm, his laboured breathing showing off the acoustic properties of the cave. Soon after, he sighed and started waking up. Serena blocked herself out from him, just supervising his recovery, and fully satisfied with it, she let him move on with his life.

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 2:29 am
by Grace52373
Hi again Nusta! :D I am sorry you haven't heard from me in awhile. My aol won't let me post replies on this site, so I have to use Internet explorer to do it, and as a result, I haven't been posting as much lately! Too much trouble! Also leaving Internet explorer on, causes me to get too many popups, which are really annoying! Anyway, I wanted to congratulate you on your 300 chapters! I also wanted to share some of the things I like about this story, and some things I disagree with.

I like how all the characters are fleshed out so to speak. You really get a feel for them personally in this story. I also like the fact that it keeps you on your toes! It is definetly not boring! And I like seeing Kyle as the comic relief. With such an angst ridden story, you need a little comic relief, and Kyle is the man to do it!

Despite this, I do have some problems with it, but not bad enough that I'll stop reading. First of all, too much destiny talk! :( When I first heard about destiny on Roswell, I laughed, because I couldn't see Max/Tess, and Michael/Isabel in relationships with each other! I kept thinking that they would end up killing each other, since they clash so much! Thats why I was glad that they made their own choices! I can't even see them together as anything more than friends in their previous lives! I also thought that Liz, maria, and Alex were perfect for Max, Michael, and Isabel. Mainly because they bring out the best in them, and because they made them stop brooding so much! I also thought they dropped the gun with Tess and Kyle as well!

Another thing I disagree with is Isabel's assessment of her relationship with Alex. I thought they had wonderful chemistry, and were passionate in their own right! Not everybody exhibits the same kind of love. Love is different things to different people! Thats why I was never comfortable with Jesse/Isabel! Adam Rodriguez was cute, and he is a great actor, but he seemed out of place in Roswell, like he didn't belong with them! But once again the writers screwed up, and lost us Colin Hanks, making the third season seem hollow!

Another thing, I have to say you named this story correctly! Michael is a complete and utter martyr! he acts like nobody else has feelings, or can get hurt! it's always poor Michael! I also didn't like his last statement to Maria! :x Maria has always been there for Michael! I can count on one hand the times that Michael has been there for Maria! As much as I love the candy couple, I thought their breakup in season 3 was justified! I believed that it helped teach Michael not to take Maria for granted, and although Maria is lucky to have Michael, he is just as lucky to have Maria, since no woman in their right mind would put up with his garbage! Although I didn't agree with her sleeping with him, and then telling him they weren't linked, I also didn't agree with it when Michael pulled the same stuff on Maria in the previous seasons! I thought maria was just confused, and needed to distance herself from what is a very intense relationship at such a young age. I think Maria needed to find out if she wanted to commit completly to Michael. In the end of the show, she chose Michael, just as he chose her, and hopefully by the end of this story, she will have realized the same thing!

I also feel just as bad for Maria as I did for Liz, to have to hear that the love of your life is destined for someone else, and that your love wasn't meant to be! In this case, not only does Maria have to deal with knowing that she is just a replacement for Isabel, and that if Isabel went through with destiny, Maria would have been out in the cold, she also has to share her lover with a bunch of other people! I doubt many women would have put up with being second in their lover's life! I for one think Maria is a saint to put up with this, either that, or she really loves Michael, and he has no right lecturing her on love, when she gives and gives, and he just takes!

Lastly, this whole breakup came out of left field! I mean, as far as I knew, things were good, and now Maria has ended things again, which will lay open the path for the ice princess to completly take her place! This completly shocked me, and made no senses whatsoever! I mean when did maria have these recurring dreams? Are they alien-related? Will Michael and she get back together again? Or will Maria have to grovel and be estranged from the gang for awhile, since they for their own selfish reasons, are on Michael's side? For once, I would like to see Michael chase after Maria, and make her realize that she is important to him! Maybe he should have some competition! Why should Michael always be the one being chased by the opposite sex!

Finally, where is Stuart? Are he and Isabel going to be together permanetly!

Well thats all I have to say. This has been buiolding up for awhile! Update soon!

the martyr of antar

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 2:31 am
by ñusta
WOW Grace52373, that was deep! Thanks for the feedback, I'm answering you via pm, cause my explanation is just as long. Check it out, ok?

the martyr of antar

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 12:41 am
by ñusta
Chapter 303

Michael could still feel Geehan’s huge black cock up his ass. He bucked and purred and slowly opened his eyes finding himself back on Earth and in the Pod Chamber, of all places! He shook his head and wiggled his butt realizing he was alone and empty. Hell of a dream! He thought, sighing with disappointment. Then he stretched as comfortably as in his own bed but suddenly he stiffened, remembering why he was there. He had a flash of Maria’s face and felt the stab, this time not in his heart but in his gut, doubling over in agony.

- Maria…NO! - He whispered, meaning to scream but choking with pain.

Serena was already leaving him when a jolt made her return to him and see him even worse than he was before. She was about to connect with him again when he jumped up and rushed out of the cave. Michael stood just ouside, the wind cooling his feverish face, looking up at the infinite sky, disliking the omen of the blood red sun disappearing in the horizon. He stood there, welcoming the darkness that followed the sunset, wondering where his home was, and then, gazing at the desert, wondering what he could do to leave this forsaken place and go back to where he really belonged. He had no way of knowing what was going on with his friends, still isolated from them and convinced he was better off like that. The last lines of an old song Amy DeLucca loved, came to his mind and made sense to him for the first time:

“I am a rock, I am and island. And a rock feels no pain, and an island never cries.”

Maybe that’s what he should become, if he didn’t want to be hurt again.
Serena hugged him from behind and wrapped her arms around his stomach. She pressed her mouth against his back, level with his heart and whispered against his t-shirt: “Michael…” They connected right away, and her essence glided around him so her mouth was now directly over his heart, hearing its strong beat as she pushed the palm of her hands on the small of his back. Her thumbs dug deep into his spine from both sides, forcing their progress all the way up to stop between his shoulder blades, restoring the ideal balance of his energy flow. “Michael” she repeated straight into his heart and it beat faster for a few seconds before slowing back again. She felt his hands on her head, tilting it up to him, and she could see him smirking at her. She smiled as he leant down and very gently kissed her forehead, as he whispered her name and thanked her. “I’m the soldier, I’ll do what is expected of me. It’s my duty to everyone.” He could almost see her and he could feel she was in a semi-solid, gel-like state, so he held her with the utmost care.

“I must go…I can take it now…thank you again. Serena…is it true…? He asked her, full of doubts.

“Yes Michael, we’ll be together soon, things will work out and the pieces will eventually fall into their right place. But things will have to get worse before they get better, you understand that?”

He nodded and slowly turned away and started descending from the hill. With tears in her eyes, Serena watched him get on his bike and head back for Roswell, as she faded completely from sight.

His mind was set, he trusted Serena’s skills as a seer, so he went to his place. He hid his bike in the alley behind the bins and went in. They wouldn’t go there, so he was alone as he wanted. If the FBI’s came for him, he would be there for them, if they didn’t, better still. He had decided to just let things happen.
The changes started that very night.

He turned on the TV for a quiet night by himself and was surprised at the way his stomach rumbled. He realized he couldn’t remember when the last time he had eaten something was, wait…no…he could: Breakfast at the Evans’, right. Well, he was hungry and doubted there was anything edible in his kitchen, but decided to check just in case. He found two pizzas in the freezer. One was full of veggie stuff and he remembered Maria had made him promise they would save it for a happy occasion. He was about to heat it with his powers just to spite himself, more than her, but he couldn’t. He desperately hoped it would manage to serve its purpose, Serena couldn’t be wrong. He put it back again and favoured the other one, which had been his choice on purchase too. Extra cheese and mushrooms with sliced tomatoes. Maria had covered it with fresh grated carrot before freezing it, because he had lately taken, what he considered an obscure liking for that particular treat, when he had shared it with the horses at Laurie’s. At first it had been curiosity, trying to understand what they found in it to like, and he had ended enjoying them too. Of course, they would have been much better with Tabasco, as he was flooding his pizza right now. He grabbed a couple of snapples and went back to the tube. He lay on his side on the couch and placed the food on the floor, where he just had to lift it to his mouth, and settled down for a quiet night by himself. He watched the hockey game and roared with frustration when what met his eyes was far from his expectations.

- Shit! I can play much better that these fucking idiots! I should be in a team! - “High hopes, who would want me, I would probably bash in the head of the first one who dared touch me in the state of mind I’m in at, right now.” He thought. “Maria can control me, I love how she controls me, I need her so much to ease out this knife twistin in my heart, my gut, actually everywhere, damn! I hate my life, why can’t I be like everyone else, why couldn’t anyone love me when I was just a kid and I needed it most? Fuck! I hate what they did to me! I was better off dead!”

He shut his eyes tight and wanted to disappear, the pain was killing him anyway, so why couldn’t he just die? He rolled over on his belly and hugged himself as he had in the cave, turning his face away from the TV to bury it into the back of the couch. He shuddered with muffled sobs, and suddenly he was again the little orphan boy, who no one wanted until that boozer, who at least found him worth fucking and beating. There was no mercy in school for the white trailer trash kid, the teachers were ready and willing to kick him around and treat him like a retard. That’s why he felt James Joyce’s Ulysses in his soul, even as he read the first page. He couldn’t understand what the rest couldn’t understand because it was so clear to him. And they had the nerve to call him retard! He was just nine, at the school library, and the teacher snatched the book away from his hands with an angry look and hissed: “This is not for you!” But it was…he had found it abandoned on the table and hadn’t been able to stay away from it. There had to be a reason…it was there for him…someone had left it there for him. The first opportunity he had, he shoved the battered smallest copy he could find in the gloomy place into his school bag, and kept it hidden in his room under the shabby mattress, his only consolation when he was conscious and able enough to get it out and read it. It would help him go to sleep clutching it to his heart and he had miraculously managed to keep it away from Hank during all those years. He was ready to defend himself from the second he stepped into the schoolbus and saw the way they looked at him. He would not give them the pleasure of his tears, even if they were of rage, never fear. He thought nothing could be worse than what he lived at home, now he knew how wrong he had been. He saw the two girls, giggling and whispering in each other’s ears as they looked at him, and somehow he was sure they weren’t mocking him, there was something different in the way they sounded and the look in their eyes. But he was too wary and wasn’t risking being rejected. Still something told him deep inside that they could be the ones to welcome him and make his life worth living. That was until he saw the stringbean funny looking boy team up with them and he froze when he was about to go over. He had involuntarily winced, and he knew they had seen him do it, and he could have sworn a sad and understanding look had crossed the girls’ eyes. Nah, impossible, he was just seeing what he wanted to see. Even his foster mother hadn’t been able to run away from him fast enough, no matter what she had said to him. How could he believe her, after what she did? He was just her replacement, someone Hank could beat and fuck and claim he loved as he did so, that was all. He didn’t count for her, she was probably glad he was there instead of her. He started shivering uncontrollably, reliving that period of time of denial, until he simply gave up, defeated, and accepted what came to him, to be able to survive. It took him almost a year of constant torture after Isabel took him under her wing, and Max, who looked amazingly like the two girls’ bag of bones friend, including the funny ears, gave him another reason to live, keeping the bullies at bay as he cowered behind him. Isabel fended quite well for herself, but he was always there for her too, and for the two girls and even the boy, everytime he could without it getting too suspiscious. They seemed nice; he couldn’t understand why Isabel and Max wasn’t their friend. They seemed happy in their threesome with the worm, so that’s as far as he got, feeling their “thanks” register straight in his heart when he turned up useful. “If I could go back in time…if I could just go up to them knowing as I know them now, sure they wouldn’t shove me away, but maybe it was for a reason…maybe if I had, I would have lost Isabel and Max. Is that why? Is that really why? Was it worth it? If I had chosen the humans, I’m sure Isabel and Max would have eventually gravitated towards me, feeling I was like them and maybe even accepted my human chosen friends too. Things would have been so much different then; I would have gone nuts trying to be out there for five instead of two, which was usually one. No, I guess Serena’s right, I would’ve freaked out and ended either dead in the hands of the FBI or in the funny farm confined for life by now. Neither prospect was very inspiring but at least it made him feel that what he was going through could unbelievably have been worse. Given the choice, he would be there right then, sobbing in his couch, but alive and free. Another thought crossed his mind, and wondered if Isabel and Max had really bought it when in a typical abused child reaction, he defended Hank by blaming his hurts of his trailer park rough neighbours. Mostly Max, cause he saw him naked at the school showers where there was no way of hiding them and maybe just pretended to buy it, like the rest of the other schoolboys had no trouble doing. And those nights, when though he knew he would be safe from the passed out and snoring Hank, the stink of the booze and cigarettes was too much, and if he was able to, he would end up at Max’s window, if he had to crawl to it, to be healed on his bed, using the same excuse, and sleep in Max’s arms, covering him with his body as if Hank could come and find them and take it out on Max. Max would roll the sleeping bag by his bed, nonetheless, to roll Michael over the bed and on it as soon as his alarm clock warned him of his mother’s presence in a matter of minutes.

It was just a precaution, as Max usually had already slept his needed three hours by the time Michael arrived, or if he hadn’t, he would with him in his arms to spend the rest of the time enjoying the feel of Michael in his arms and watching him sleep. Max couldn’t understand why Michael needed to sleep so much if he was like him and Isabel. He didn’t have the first idea of the stress Michael went through during most of his life, while he was awake. He didn’t just sleep, like everyone else, it was rather like his body shut down using what was necessary to recover, when he just couldn’t take it anymore and it was rarely less than eight or ten hours, depending on the damage he had sustained, equal to the pain he endured to be healed by Max and the ensuing recovery. No one could even imagine, in their wildest nightmares, what that was like for a boy like Michael, who was only half human, and the sensitivity of his Royal alien blood was his worst enemy, making him feel the punishment his young body took, tenfold what anyone else would. His also alien outstanding endurance came to his help, but that didn’t ease the pain of his ordeal in the least.

Then, all of a sudden, he felt these gentle fingers tangling in his hair, with such gentleness, than it made him whimper before calming him down. “Maria!” He thought, and everything pointed towards her, he knew her touch and her scent, but his mind told him different. He was sure he could trust his eyes, they wouldn’t lie to him. Slowly, he turned his face back towards the TV which was now silent though he couldn’t recall turning it off even if he had at all. He saw the body crouching by the couch, reaching her hands to his untidy locks. He saw her sweet face with her compassionate expression, full of pity. He watched her smile, the one she saved only for him. It was Maria, but it wasn’t.

“I’m going nuts. I need her so much I’m hallucinating her, I’m totally out of my mind. Please don’t do this to me… please make her real.” He begged, not even sure who to. He pushed up, tangibly feeling his whole body screaming in protest, just like it did after one of Hank’s “loving” sessions, but he didn’t care, she was worth every fraction of a second of it and he could feel she knew. He reached down and took her into his arms, lifting her as if she were weightless, crushing her to him and drowning in her lips. He eased her on his bed, like the delicate and priceless treasure she was to him. He waved their clothes away and he blinked his eyes and in the astoundingly scarce lapse of time it took him to do that, he could have sworn to himself that she had beat him to it. Apparently, her hand had just swept up to her eye to wipe a tear, that was all. Michael lay over her gathering her in his arms, his body automatically responding to her. Her arms went around him, and he felt her nails teasing him down his back as low as she could to glide up and down again making him shudder? Shiver? Whatever, with pleasure. Maria’s brands burned, it a piercing way, as if a red hot nail had been driven through each one of them. It didn’t make sense, but he was beyond caring. He made love to her in a slow, rolling motion, like the waves of the sea, and she matched his every move, at home with him, and letting herself go, to be swayed in his lazy rhythm. They didn’t come in their usual fiery explosion, but in this unusual sluggish totally satisfying way.

“Maria…Maria…” Michael moaned instead of screaming her name as he usually did. “Michael…” She whispered, and the sound was out of place, disembodied. He jumped up, afraid he was crushing her, and trusting there was space enough in his bed to roll off her. He ended on the floor jolting his whole right side against the hard floor, facing his battered couch. Far away, like in another world, he heard the sound of glass breaking and felt the bite of two sharp fangs on his hip and ribs. He climbed back on the couch, lifting his jarred side off the ground as two searing lightning bolts shot into his body. He raised his face from the couch and moving his arm out of the way, he saw two shards of glass sticking from his hip and ribs. Maria had felt quite real, but this was too much! It was even making him bleed! He looked down at the floor and saw the two broken Snapple bottles where he had fallen on them. He held his body up on his left arm and was reaching out to pull the offending glass off his body, when his door opened and Jim and Kyle walked in.

- Michael? You shouldn’t be here, son, what are you doing? - Jim asked, trying to make out what Michael was about in the dark room lit only by the glare of the TV set. Kyle found the switch and turned on the light to end up covering his mouth with both hands, his eyes bulging, on the verge of throwing up. Jim rushed to Michael’s side.

- Who did this to you? - He exclaimed, grabbing Michael’s wrist to stop him from removing the shards.

- No one, I fell asleep and rolled off the couch thinking I was in bed, that’s all. - He winced. - How did you get in? -

- Maria gave us her key…- Kyle said, looking everywhere but at Michael. - Isabel and her were worried about you and told us to look for you. They didn’t think you’d come here but asked us to check your place anyway. -

- Where are Max and Liz? - Michael whispered worriedly.

- At the Crashdown, as far as I know. - Kyle’s voice sounded funny as he fought the nausea. - I’ll call him right away. -

- NO! Please…don’t. I’d rather bleed to death right now than have him heal me. -

- Let me see…- Jim said and took hold of the protruding shard in Michael’s hip.

Michael hissed and jerked away.

- Sorry, the good news is that there’s nothing life threatening here or there either. - He said gesturing at the other shard. - I can remove them and direct pressure will take care of the bleeding, no major arteries or large veins there either. -

- Congrats on the diagnosis dad, but when did you graduate from medical school? - Kyle asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm, forgetting momentarily how sick he felt.

Jim and Michael gave him a look that reminded him he was about to hurl.

- How about making yourself useful and bring something equally useful from the bathroom, mainly a towel? - Jim answered Kyle in the same tone and question form. - And spill your guts while you’re at it trying not to take too long. -

Kyle nodded, not trusting to open his mouth again as he was turning paler by the second after commiting the gross mistake of looking where his father’s blood stained hands were.

Michael lowered himself back on the couch and grunted.

- How long will it take you Kyle? - Jim was beginning to sound angry.

Kyle nodded and tried to move as fast as he could without endangering his present condition. Jim took hold of Michael’s hand which was hanging over the side of the couch, in both of his. Michael opened his eyes, biting his lip, and met Jim’s in a silent communication of complete trust. Jim frowned at Kyle’s barfing audio effects and and sighed as the gurgling sounds told him Kyle was rinsing his mouth. A few seconds after, Kyle approached them at a cautious pace to prevent himself from getting back in a puking mode, and handed Jim a fairly clean hand towel. Jim tore it in half lengthwise and folded each part several times to make a thick pad which would cover the wounds. Then he turned to Kyle.

- Are you passing out or helping me, which will it be son, and in what order?

- I’m fine…- Kyle’s voice broke, making his answer far from reliable.

- Yes you’re doing a fine impersonation of Casper. - Jim joked.

Michael chuckled and winced. But Kyle insisted:

- I’m fine, honest. What must I do? -

- Ok then, I’ll pull out one of the shards and you cover the wound immediately with a pad and press as hard as you can. - Jim instructed.

Kyle nodded, gulping, and Jim took hold of the shard which according to Jim’s experience, it was lodged in front of the floating ribs, strategically missing both the liver and the kidney.

- Hang on kid. - Jim warned Michael, and quickly pulled out the piece of glass.

Michael gasped and gritted his teeth. The gaping wound filled with blood as Kyle’s eyed doubled their size.

- Kyle! - Jim shouted at his son to make him react.

Kyle snapped out of it and did as his father had told him, pressing the pad on the wound as hard as he could. Jim took the other pad on his left hand and removed the other shard with his right, treating the wound as Kyle was doing with the one at the ribs. This one was right behind the hip bone, towards the back, deep, but not enough to compromise the sciatic nerve. He was applying a lot of pressure yet the pad was soaking with blood. Jim was seriously considering ignoring Michael’s plea and call Max anyway, worried about the way Michael was moaning and shuddering.

- Dad, this one’s stopped bleeding. - Kyle said and uncovered the wound he was tending to.

He was right. The two inch long wound looked blood red, but it wasn’t bleeding or gaping anymore. Kyle had this funny look on his face.

- Here, let me help you with that one. - He gently pushed his fathers’ hands away and placed his over the soaking pad.

Kyle closed his eyes in deep concentration and after a minute, he opened them and sighed.

- This one’s stopped too. -

When he took the pad away, it looked just like the other one, only about an inch longer. Michael whimpered and started breathing easier. Jim was now the one giving Kyle a funny look.

- What? - Kyle said, feeling his father’s eyes on him but not daring to meet them.

- Kyle, do you think maybe Max’s powers rubbed off on you? - Jim asked him barely above a whisper. - Is that possible Michael?

- I don’t know, Langley said I could definitely give him the shield for his protection and Tess gave him her mindwarping powers with full Antares’ strength by the time he finally mastered them, but he wasn’t sure what else he could have. - Michael voice was husky with pain.

- What exactly did you do, Kyle? - Jim inquired.

- I just concentrated in wanting the bleeding to stop. - Kyle said.

- How did you know it had stopped? You just said it had, quite sure of it, but you had no way of really knowing until you took the pad away and saw it had! - Jim exclaimed.

- I don’t know, I just knew. That’s all. Let me try to heal it, ok? I’ll just concentrate on making the edges of the wound come together. - He placed his hands over the longer one at the hip and did what he had just told them. His forehead beaded with sweat, and soon after, he frowned and shook his head in frustration.

- I don’t feel anything. It isn’t working. Sorry, Michael. - Kyle squeezed his thigh, disappointed.

- It’s ok, man, you’ve already done a lot. - Michael smirked.

- Maybe we’re just imagining things. It probably was just the pressure that did the trick as was expected. - Jim sighed, also disappointed.

- No dad, I knew for certain the bleeding had stopped both times. It wasn’t a coincidence. Maybe I just need more practice; after all, it’s the first time I do it. Remember, I’m not half alien, I’m just all human turning into one. So whatever powers I’ll get, will start showing as slow as my change is. It took Liz more than a year, right? Come to think of it, her changes started soon after that “Enigma” party night when she slept with Michael. Your Royal blood must have given them one hell of a boost. - Kyle observed.

- So then it’s Michael boosting your awakening powers too, is that it? - Jim said, frowning.

- Figures…- Kyle whispered, avoiding his father’s eyes again.

- I’m afraid we’ll have to tell the others right away. - Jim nodded.

- I’ll do it, ok? But let me choose when, and it won’t be right away, I need to sleep. - Michael winced, reminding Jim he was still hurting.

Jim took pity on him, and decided it was better for Michael to tell Max, when he considered the time was right.

- Ok kid, you should handle it. What can we do for you? - Jim asked.

- You mean what else? You’ve already done a lot, thanks. Just need to get to my bed, but I’m kind of dizzy from the blood loss, I guess. I’ll get over it after sleeping a few hours. That’s the way it works for me, don’t worry, I’ll be fine. - He told them.

- No way! You’re not staying alone, I’ll take the couch and Kyle will take the sleeping bag. We’re staying with you to make sure you’re alright. - Jim was determined, and nothing would change his mind.

Michael smirked and nodded his defeat. He pushed up slowly, wincing and hissing. Jim and Kyle raced to his side and Michael put his arms around their shoulders and trudged towards his bedroom. It was an effort for the two smaller men to cope with the taller, heavier boy, but they arrived safely to the foot of the bed, where he crawled as far up as he needed and just flopped down. Both men sat on the bed at either side of Michael and rubbed his back.

- How are you doing, son? - Jim asked, relieved when Michael nodded. - Just go to sleep then, we’ll stay here with you until you do. -

- Thanks…mind if I…? - Michael whispered, lifting his hand from the bed and moving it towards his body.

Jim and Kyle understood he wanted to wave away his clothes.

- No, dude, go right ahead. - Kyle didn’t give his father the chance to object.

Michael used his powers to unclothe himself and snuggled carefully into the bed. His friends’ hands gently caressing him had him soon relaxing as he fell fast asleep. He was hoping for another Maria dream, not really caring what Jim and Kyle might think, or rather guess, but it wasn’t going to happen. His body’s need to regenerate the amount of blood he had lost, had him in a dreamless sleep, needing all his energy to carry on with the task.

Meanwhile, Max and Liz had gone through some absolutely disturbing stuff at the Crashdown.

the martyr of antar

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 12:58 am
by ñusta
Sorry, somehow the last chapter got posted twice! I really don't know how it happened.

the martyr of antar

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 11:49 pm
by ñusta
Chapter 304

The evening was slow and by closing time, there was just one customer left. Liz approached Max as he sat on the counter and had a quick flash of Max sitting right there as she saw the headlines on the newspaper about the Air Force Base explotion after Tess kept her promise to Liz that she wouldn’t let them trap her in the white room. The Max in the flash was still moping about the loss of his son and then it was gone, as sudden as it had come. The lady at the table called for her check and as their fingers grazed, Liz saw her getting mugged and killed. With Max’s help, they followed her and saved her, but they didn’t duck when they should have, and the lady clearly guessed their intervention. Back at the Crashdown, Max sensed it could come back to them in an unexpected, negative way, but still, he couldn’t regret it. Liz was uneasy too, in spite of the good action, and when Max suggested it might turn into his way of life, Liz compared him with Tom Joad, from John Steinbeck’s “The Grapes of Wrath”, thinking it would be a truly good idea, after all. They closed up, glad that the Parkers had decided to go to the films. They climbed up to Liz’s room where they ended in one of their lately passionate make out sessions. Liz suddenly went ice cold and pulled away from Max, gasping for air and wide eyed in fear.

- Liz! What’s wrong? What is it? - Max took her by the shoulders and shook her roughly.

- Cars! I see all these black cars racing up the highway and I know they’re coming to get us! - Liz said choking on the words.

Max was staring at her with his head tilted to a side, looking very much like a dead gopher Liz had seen once at the side of the road, with its neck broken. She shook her head to clear it of the disturbing new vision that had attacked her eyes, perhaps even worse than the original one.

- Liz, honey, I think you’re stressed, that’s all. Is everything all right with your parents? They seemed a little uptight before they left. Your dad was giving me again those looks as if he didn’t trust me. - He used that patronizing tone that exasperated her.

- No Max, it’s ok with them. I’m worried about Maria and Michael though, she was very nervous when I talked to her, about those nightmares she told us she was having. Really, Max, I wouldn’t want to be in her shoes. She said she felt bad about what had happened with Michael but that she thought that if she wasn’t a distraction to him, he could be more alert in case you guys were attacked. She was afraid she could get him killed trying to protect her, that’s why Isabel decided to stay with her until her mum came back. Maria said she had called her saying she needed some prime mother-daughter time with her, because she felt she had been neglecting her lately. Maria must be with her mother now, and Isabel had to go home to Jesse. I have this nagging thought that Isabel is about to do something stupid, and then that she changes her mind for the best in the last minute, I hope I’m right…- Liz paused.

- And?...- Max persisted with his neck thing, creeping her out.

Liz shook her head, reluctant to go on, burying her face in her hands. Max took hold of her wrists and forced her to look at him.

- Liz, talk to me! What’s else is wrong?...Oh, it’s Michael, right? What’s up with him now? - He frowned like he used to, before he found out who Michael really was.

- It’s nothing, Max, don’t make such a thing out of it! He’s blocked himself out, what could you expect? He probably just wants to be by himself, you know? To try and get over it. I can’t feel him, which means he’s ok. If something real serious were going on, I would feel it. I know. Please, I don’t need this. - She begged.

- You’re right, I’m sorry! - He sighed. - How about one of those old girly movies you love, I’m game, honest. -

- Ok then, let’s see…- She turned on the TV and found just what she was looking for. She heard Max’s scoff but pretended she hadn’t and lay back on the bed. Max lay beside her and put his arm around her shoulder. Liz would have preferred that he hadn’t, sure that it would trigger the visions, and she was right, only this time she was ready for them. She tried to ignore them, succeeding in at least not letting Max know she was having them. They came at spaced intervals, at first it was the cars again, each time more and faster, then it was the men coming down from them, first blurred, then the faces were recognizable though she was sure she had never seen any of them before. Next she saw their holstered guns to see them having them in their hand on the following one. By then it was too much. She sighed dramatically and sat up, breaking the contact. When Max turned to see what was up with her then, she told him she was very tired and wanted to sleep. Anyway, her parents should be coming back anytime now, so he needn’t stay. Max insisted on staying until they did, so she started getting into her bed.

- Aren’t you going to change? - Max found it weird that she wouldn’t change in front of him as she had before.

- Max, I just…- A wave of his hand had her in her cotton strawberries favourite nightie, and she smiled her thanks.

Sensing she also wanted to be left alone, he sat on her armchair by the bed and sprawled on it to watch the end of the movie. Another one started, right away, more to his liking, and about half an hour later, the Parkers arrived. Max left Liz’s bedroom as he heard them climbing the stairs and told them she was resting but he hadn’t wanted to leave her alone. Jeff just nodded but Nancy thanked him and bade him goodnight as he left. He let himself out through the back door, making sure he locked the door. On the way home, he considered going home to Michael, but he didn’t think he would be in the mood for sex, and Max was sure he would want him the second he saw him, so he decided he was better off at his parents’.

When Maria’s mother finally arrived, Isabel was relieved to be able to stop listening to the human girl’s lamentations. Isabel was so worried about Michael blocking her out, that she had just pretended to listen to Maria’s ramblings going on and on. Soon she began to realize it was useless, Michael had no intentions of letting her in, so her attention focused on Maria, who wasn’t stopping either, and to her surprise, Isabel thought the girl was making sense.

- Isabel! Are you listening to me? You’re trying to go to Michael! He won’t let you in, or me or anyone right now! How come I know him better than you, huh? It’s better to have him hurt and hating me but alive. If I get him killed I’ll never forgive myself and that’s what will happen if we stay together. Oh my god, no! I’ve got it all wrong! What have I done? Now that he thinks he’s lost me, he doesn’t give a damn and he’ll get himself killed because he’s sure they’ll leave you guys alone once they have him. After all, he’s the one they’re afraid of, the only real threat! He’ll turn himself in! He’ll sacrifice himself for you and they’ll torture him, and tear him apart, and murder him! - Maria’s whining voice went in crescendo and Isabel started losing it.

She clamped her hands over her ears not to hear her. She thought she had been making sense at first, but what she was saying now was even more reasonable, more like what Michael would end up doing, if he felt unwanted, and that’s what Maria had done to him. She was definitely making more sense now than before, that was exactly how Michael would react under the circumstances, and Isabel knew it too. Maria paused to blow her nose noisily and apparently rewound back to the previous scene where she thought he was better off without her and Isabel was getting a splitting headache born of her total confusion, when Amy’s arrival came to her rescue.

- MUM! - Maria screamed, and rushed into her arms.

There she began the whole thing again, hiding the alien factor from her mother and the look Amy was giving her daughter said she was sure Maria was finally ready for the funny farm. Isabel realized that if she didn’t leave then and there, they would both be confined for life. She gave Amy a look of utter sympathy and excused herself before fleeing the house. Even facing Jesse was better than this, she was truly sorry for Amy.

Isabel had another surprise coming from Jesse: he told her the possibility of moving to Boston where he had received the invitation for working with some friends. She decided she was all for it. She knew she was safe with Jesse, the guy had the hots for her, obviously he was hooked on alien sex, so luring him away from Max and Michael might be the key to their safety. She responded to him very enthusiastically, and he was thrilled at the idea of leaving Roswell. He was getting fed up with the whole thing and his last stunt with Michael had definitely closed any other chance to get at him short of witnessing the alien’s torture with zero participation on his side, and Michael’s eventual death. Maybe staying away from him would make him stop lusting for the boy, and rid him of the magnetism that kept luring him towards the alien. He managed to control it if he was near Isabel, switching it to jealousy; at least so far, it had worked fine that way. His business trips had finished for the time being, so he would be forced to spend some time with them in the same room with Michael. He hoped the alien boy could control himself, but at the same time he knew Michael’s love for Isabel would do the trick, and he wouldn’t risk her for anything, so Jesse felt smug and safe.

- Maria, honey, what are you talking about? Who is after Michael and what has the boy done? - In spite of knowing her daughter, Amy was finding it hard to make any sense out of it.

Maria tried desperately to get herself out of the tight spot her mouth had got her into. She stalled, sobbing as an excuse to buy her time to find a scapegoat. “What could Michael have done, without getting him in trouble with her mother…wait! Twist it around! What they had done to him! Who had done it to him! HANK! Perfect! Her mother despised him and the man was definitely out of the picture! She had it!

- Hank, mum! His friends are after Michael to take it out on him! Payback! Hank owed them a lot of gambling money and he took off, so now they want Michael to pay for it! - Maria exclaimed, proud of her quick thinking.

- Maria, maybe Jim can help, maybe he can talk to them so Michael can pay them back in parts. I’m sure they would rather have it that way than not at all! - Amy suggested.

- Mum! They don’t want the money anymore! They want to beat him, to kill him! - Maria wailed.

- I don’t get it, honey, what would they gain? The boy didn’t do anything to them, didn’t you tell me Hank was mean to him too? Why would they take it out on him if he was a victim too? It doesn’t make sense. It would be much better for them to get their money back, even if it took Michael some time to pay them back. - Amy observed.

Maria saw she wasn’t getting anywhere, so she just let it go.

- Forget it mum, Max probably has his father on Michael’s case anyway, what could I possibly do better than him? Tell me about your trip! -

That was it! Typically Maria, one second she’s drowning in a cup of water and the next, she’s glad to be there, because it’s hot outside! Amy’s experience told her to follow her lead and do as Maria wanted. She needed a quiet evening and it would get her nowhere unless Maria calmed down. She wanted to hear about her trip? She would hear about her trip! So Amy went straight for it, beginning with day one, in excruciating details, hoping it would take her daughter’s mind away from Michael and his problems and glad to see it was turning out that way. The truth was that Maria was glad to get Michael as far away from her mother’s mind as possible, and getting her to focus into her trip was the best way to do it. But still he haunted her, and she was beginning to think that by being close to him, she would be able to warn him of the dangers she could see when he couldn’t. Maybe if she behaved towards him as if nothing had happened, it would turn out that way, she knew Michael would want that too. It could work. Confident that she had found the most appropriate solution to the problem, she then turned her full attention to her mother and her stories.

Once certain Michael was asleep, Kyle went to push the easy chair all the way against the side of the bed like Isabel had done the other day, but with her powers. He sat back on it comfortably and took Michael’s inert hand in his. Jim decided he would take the sleeping back and rolled it alongside the bed and stretched out on his back with one hand under his head, taking Michael’s other hand which was hanging over the edge of the bed. Feeling Michael sleeping peacefully over their contact, he wondered if the poor kid had ever had the chance of sleeping so peacefully when he was a child. The flash jumped out at him automatically. Jim saw a naked chunky child lying on a shabby bed and beyond him, a drunk Hank yanked the door open. “Mikey! I’m here to take your temperature…” He chuckled in his typical unpleasant cackling way. Jim could see Michael tense, but his eyes stayed closed. Then, with an expert and practiced move, Hank slid his belt off his waist without tearing a single loop of his pants, and wrapped it over his hand. Jim now saw Michael’s body tighten and his teeth biting his lip. “First we need to make sure you’ll be hot enough to give me a reasonable reading…- He slurred, and chuckled again. Fast as a flash in spite of his condition, and just as Michael started to shudder, knowing what was coming, he lashed him half a dozen in a rapid succession. The child could just clutch at the rumpled sheet and gasp before he buried his face into the pillow. His shoulders hunched with the effort not to cry out louder than the pillow could muffle. Hank’s hand touched the tender red buttocks and made the boy jerk. “Mmm…not there yet…- And a dozen was completed just as fast. “One more for luck…mine, of course, not yours…but who knows? You seem to be getting a liking for it, right? Sure you are! - The threat became real and the belt was tossed aside, the sound of the zipper going down had the boy shivering. Jim sensed Michael’s anticipation, part disgust, but unbelievingly, there was something else, which seemed to go in the opposite direction. The feeling was congenital, from a previous life, which the child was still unable to fully recognize and accept, but it was still there, lurking in a shady corner of his still developing mind. He knew he had to embrace it, for his own sanity, or die trying to. Hank produced a bottle of baby oil from somewhere and doused the target and his weapon. He tossed it on the bed, much like he had the belt, closing the push open cap before doing it, and proving that he was so used to being drunk that he could function in a fairly reasonable way in spite of it. Then he simply spread with both hands and plunged. By the way the boy’s muscles reacted, Jim knew that if he touched him, he would feel like granite. “Ooh yeah…” Hank crooned, his face a mask of pleasure. “Love that death grip! No one does it like you, Mikey! I love you boy! C’mon, loosen up…let me give it to you like you want it! I know you do!” Hank pulled out and shoved back in, as the boy’s back beaded with sweat. Hank started spanking Michael hard as he thrust inside him, first one handed, alternating left and right, then with both, to make sure the death grip continued and didn’t fail him until it was over. As Hank’s orgasm built, Michael now turned his face aside, still wincing, but the moans that escaped his lips had a hint of dark pleasure. The boy was bracing his body up on his knees and even bucking to meet the violent thrusts, hissing as the two bodies met. As Hank unmistakably started to come, the boy twisted his tight body to one side and then to the other, meeting each lunge from a different direction. At first, Jim thought he was struggling to get away or somehow ease the pain, but his moves were too deliberate and the timing was perfect. Hank howled like a coyote as he came, Jim wasn’t surprised, with what the boy was doing, anyone would. No wonder he drove Kyle and Max and that doctor out of their literally fucking minds, and the girls too, if he moved the same way with them, which he probably did. Hell of a technique, specially for such a young boy. No doubts it was instinctive, cause there was no way it could be experience, unless like he suspected, it came from his alien side, and his warrior life. He wished he could shed his morals like discarded clothes, but that was out of the question, no matter how curious, and, ok, he’ll admit it…lusty…there, it was out, he said it…he was. Michael moaned, whimpered and sobbed at the same time, and squeezed Jim’s hand, bringing him back to the present with a jolt. Jim sat up with wide open eyes, and turned to watch Michael, his writhing body made Jim identify the boy’s sounds and movement as protesting and pleading.

“Oh shit! What am I doing to him! He needs to rest to heal and I’m interfering with his recovery with my unfair stupid thoughts!”

- Dad, you ok? I just had this horrid gross flash…- Kyle began, grimacing.

Jim felt so guilty, that he took it out on Kyle, regretting it immediately.

- Well stop it, and blank out your mind! That’s what you should be doing if you say you really love him! Those flashes are hurting him and I’m getting them too! - Jim exploded. - I’m sorry, Kyle, I’m not sure where that came from, I’m grossed out too. It’s not your fault, real sorry, son. Let’s just concentrate in nice things or better still, nothing at all, I think that’s the best way to help him, ok? -

Kyle nodded, a little put out by his father’s outburst, but not discarding the possibility that he did have something to do with it. He had been having these lusty feelings which he suspected, came from the warmth of Michael’s hand in his.
As the Valentis forced themselves to relax, so did Michael again, and this time their shock came in a different way: the humans were in awe as they could sense the way Michael’s blood vessels became fuller and his alien blood became stronger and thicker again. Jim had been feeling Michael’s hand getting hotter since he fell asleep, and he mentioned it to Kyle.

Kyle looked worriedly back at him and confirmed it.

- Shit, I think he’s spiking a fever. Maybe we should call Max. - Jim suggested, not quite sure how Michael would take it.

- I don’t know, hate to say it, but we should be sure it’s absolutely necessary before we. - Kyle went to the nightstand’s drawer and fished out the thermometer he knew Stuart had left there.

Jim looked at the thing and frowned, remembering what had happened the last time he had been there with Max and Michael was feverish.

- They should get a modern one, this thing is obsolete. - He said.

- Oh right, you weren’t at the hospital when he was hurt. The new kind go crazy with Michael’s vibes, they’re no good with him, that’s why he needs this one. It happens to be reliable with him, who knows why. - Kyle explained patiently, sounding more like the parent than the son. - Don’t worry, I’ll do it. -

Jim was amused to see how adult and responsibly Kyle went about the ordeal. Michael moaned and shifted but Kyle placed his hand on his thigh and held him as still as was necessary, soothing him with his touch and voice. It creeped Jim out to see how he sounded and acted like Max, from what he had seen and could remember. His son was definitely growing up, and he loved the alien boy, much to Jim’s concern, because there was nothing he could do about it. He watched Kyle check out the instrument and his eyes widened.

- What? What is it? - Jim asked, alarmed.

- It’s 112º, but of course it’s not as bad as in a human. Still it’s rather hot…I’ll ask him, I think he knows. - Kyle pressed his lips on Michael’s, not kissing him, just connecting.

Jim watched them stay like that very still, for about a minute, then Kyle sat back. He breathed in and out a few times before he opened his eyes.

- It’s ok. He says it’s because of his body working on the wounds and on the production of the blood he lost. It’s not a negative reaction, just a reaction to the overload; it will stabilize when it’s over. There’s nothing to worry about. - Kyle droned.

- Well, he should be sweating and shivering, and he’s not. I guess you’re right. - Jim accepted.

- No, he’s right, I have no idea of how the alien side of his body works, but he does. He’s been hurt too many times. He’s gone through this every one. He should know. - Kyle told him.

- We better just let him rest and get better, is that alright with you? - Jim asked Kyle.

- Sure dad, good night. -

- Good night, son. -

Jim’s eyes opened as the daylight started to seep into the room. He sat up and checked out Michael. He seemed to be resting quietly, a little flushed, which made him look so young, but breathing steadily. His hand in his was warm with life, but that was all. He reached over and touched his cheek, finding he was just sleep warm. Kyle was sprawled back on the easy chair, his mouth open and snoring softly. Jim smiled and decided it was safe for him to check on Michael. He went to it just like Kyle had and Michael only went: “Ungh…” and squirmed a little, as Jim crooned soothingly:

- Easy, son, easy, boy, that’s it, kid, just lie still, shhh…it’s ok. -

The result was 99.7, so if it wasn’t quite normal, it’s was almost there. He looked at the wounds and there was no change, no redness indicating the presence of infection, the scabbing was even, but when Jim touched them, they were still sensitive, and made Michael wince and jerk. Jim patted Michael’s butt and squeezed his thigh, eliciting a soft moan and smirk from the sleeping boy. Jim checked his watch, but it was only 6:15, so he thought he could take a snooze until at least 7:30.

When Michael woke up next day, he was alarmed at first at the smell of coffee, immediately connecting it to Hank. But then Jim’s voice made him remember what had happened. Maria! Shit! What could he possibly do to get her back? He needed to see her, to touch her, to kiss her. It had taken him months to convince her they were better off together, and now he was in the same boat again, no, he couldn’t take it another time!

- Hey, you awake? - Kyle asked, leaning over his shoulder to kiss his cheek.

Michael smirked and turned his face to meet his lips. He broke the kiss and asked him:

- Morning breath? -

- Your morning breath is cotton candy and I have a sweet tooth. Come here…- He reached over and cupped Michael’s chin finding his mouth again.

- Kyle! - Jim roared from the kitchen.

- Do you want some coffee? - Kyle asked smiling, as he spoke against Michael’s lips.

- I don’t…sure, bring me some. - Michael started stretching as soon as Kyle got off him, feeling like something warm and sweet.

- Bring it on, dad! - Kyle hollered as Jim came into the room with a tray.

He placed it on the nightstand and went over to Michael.

- How are you feeling? - Jim tousled Michael’s hair.

He crouched by the bed to check again on the wounds. They were healing…period. The soreness to the touch was expected, there had been a lot of tissue damage, and though Michael healed fast, it would still take him a couple of days to recover completely.

- You’re doing fine. Just need to rest and your body will do the trick. Here, have some coffee, I just brewed it. - Jim said.

- I didn’t have coffee, or the gadget to brew it. - Michael said, confused.

- I got up early and brought everything over from home. - Jim smiled and handed him a mug of steaming coffee.

Michael rolled on his good side and received it, waving his hand over it without even tasting it first.

- How did you know if it was too hot? You haven’t even taken a sip…- Jim inquired, watching Michael’s cheeks flush.

- I…I’m sorry, Jim, I’m not keen on coffee…Hank, you know? I turned it into cocoa. I like that. - Michael apologized.

- It’s ok, kid, whatever you like. - Jim chuckled and patted his shoulder. - I’m sending Kyle to school, so we can have a great TV day, they’re having a marathon of the best games of last year’s hockey season, and football season right after, how do you like that? -

- Cool! - Michael said, finishing his cocoa and slowly pushed up from the bed. - I’ll take a shower. -

- I wouldn’t recommend it yet, better wait until tomorrow. - Jim advised.

Michael made a face and waved his hand over his body, giving himself an alien shower which wasn’t what he would have liked but was still a sensible alternative. He also waved some soft cotton grey sweat pants on and very slowly, but unattended, trudged towards the couch. Jim and Kyle followed right behind him, ready for him if he needed any help, but he arrived unscathed. He lay on his good side and turned the tube on as Kyle pushed the easy chair back beside the couch for his father to sprawl on.

- Do I have to go to school? I’ve already graduated! - Kyle whined, wanting to stay.

- Not until the ceremony, now off you go! - Jim verbally kicked him away.

- If anyone asks about me, just tell them I’m fine, ok? Don’t tell them about the broken glass, just that you passed by on the way to school and I was sleeping. No way I’ll be there today. Would you do that for me, please? - Michael asked Kyle.

“Michael Guerin asking “please”? Was the world coming to an end?” Kyle wondered smiling.

- Sure man, no sweat. - Kyle was about to kiss him but thought better because of the way his father was warningly staring at him.

He patted Michael’s cheek affectionately and watched him smirk with an ear to ear smile as he turned to leave.

- Later! - He shouted as he closed the door behind him.

the martyr of antar

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 9:55 pm
by ñusta
Chapter 305

Kyle started jogging at a relaxed pace and somehow Maria came into his mind. Before he knew it, he was at the DeLucca’s back door. Amy answered his knock and invited Kyle to some breakfast.

- Hi Maria. - He greeted the grim faced girl sitting opposite him.

- Kyle…- She said, unenthusiastically.

Kyle hated to see her like that, but decided to just eat quickly and in silence the bowl of cereal Amy had placed under his nose. He noticed that Maria hardly ate, looking bored, so he thought he might have a chance to make her see reason on the way to school.

- Maria, you better hurry, dear. - Amy looked dismayed at Maria’s almost full bowl.

The pale girl got up like a robot, and went to her bedroom to get her stuff. Kyle took the opportunity to whisper to Amy:

- She’ll be alright, Mrs. DeLucca, Michael is even worse. -

- Are you sure? - She asked.

- Yeah, Maria gave us his key to make sure he was ok, and dad and I spent the night over with him. - He nodded.

- How’s your dad? I’ll give him a call after you guys leave. - Amy said softly as they listened to Maria, gargling away.

- He’s still at Michael’s; they’ll watch some sports marathon, which I should be doing instead of going to school. - Kyle sulked.

- Kyle, will you do me a favour? Don’t leave Maria alone for a second today, please? She looks so depressed. I’ll have to kick Michael’s ass! - She said through gritted teeth.

- Maria broke up with him…he’s devastated. - Kyle went back to whispering as they couldn’t hear Maria.

Then she padded into the room, and kissed Amy’s cheek.

- Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you to the store? - Maria said in a toneless voice.

- No, honey, Judy’s doing a fine job there, and another day away won’t make a difference. I need to take a break today, feel back at home and relax a bit, that’s all. I’m fine, just tired. -

Kyle smiled at her and left with Maria. The ride to school was in absolute silence after Kyle only succeeded in getting monosyllable answers out of Maria during the first minute.

Jim waited for a prudent time to pass, making sure Kyle wouldn’t change his mind and come back in a stubborn mood. Then he muted the tube and moved his chair close to the couch near Michael. The boy gave him a suspicious look, like he knew he was up to something but not sure what or if he was going to like it.

- Son, please, there’s something I need to know. There’s no one else I can ask, cause Kyle just isn’t willing to talk about it lately. Michael, would you do that for me? - Jim pleaded with his eyes.

- What…do you want to know? - Michael asked, not very convinced he should comply.

- How did it start, Michael, this thing between you and Kyle? -

- I…I didn’t do anything to start it, honest, no…wait, I did…but I didn’t mean…- Michael was confusing Jim.

- Wait, wait! Start at the beginning ok? Like, who made the first move? - Jim suggested.

- Well, Kyle and his jock friends were always teasing me about the belt marks Hank left on my butt, which they saw at the showers, and now he did it again, about my being sore there, after Nicholas gave me one hell of a lashing. Kyle was being a real pr…nasty, you know? A stupid misunderstanding at school had everyone thinking both Kyle and Max were screwing me when it wasn’t quite true. Kyle wasn’t, that is. Now that I think about it, some of the things we said did sound the wrong way and gave the wrong impression, and Kyle’s joking around made it worse. Then when I got hurt, Kyle kept it up, a little too often, teaming up with Max. When they got into an argument in Tucson, Kyle ended up in my bathroom while I was showering and Max was having some fun with me. Max started arguing with Kyle and I made a stupid joke that Kyle took serious so I just…let it happen. At least it got them back on friendly terms again, so it was worth it. That’s when it really started. So I guess I made it happen. - Michael couldn’t face Jim.

- And Kyle keeps coming back for more, right? Hey, look at me, it’s ok. - He reached over and cupping Michael’s chin, pulled his face up.

Michael’s guilt and insecurity showed in his liquid honey eyes.

- It’s not just your fault, son, it takes two to tango, you know? - Jim let go of him and patted his cheek, making Michael smirk.

- So Max was your first, huh? Alien related, probably? - Jim scoffed. - How old were you when Max did it? -

- Max was thirteen, like I thought I was then…but he wasn’t the one to start it, Isabel…- Michael wasn’t sure if he should go on.

- Isabel? - Jim was confused, missing the age innuendo.

- Well, she…and Max wanted it too…so they…- Michael reached out for Jim’s hand. - It’s ok, it will be easier. -

Jim was reluctant, afraid of what he would see, but curiosity won him over and he took Michael’s hand. Michael showed him the scene at the Evans living room, then went for the one in Isabel’s bedroom, he skimmed through the bathroom interlude and went to their next performance back at the bedroom. Then he showed him Isabel’s bitchy behaviour with him, making her schoolfriends and Max himself jealous. He went on with Isabel havint second thoughts and avoiding him until Michael had her cornered in the janitor’s room just to end up hurt by her doubts and decision. He wrapped it up with their weird dreams and Isabel’s false pregnancy scare, which sent Michael back into Maria’s arms.

- So Isabel and Max took both your cherries then and there! Alien, definitely. - Jim shook his head and grinned.

Michael’s expression proved him wrong, though.

- Max wasn’t…- He couldn’t lie to Jim.

- Oh my god! Hank…! - Jim knew he had paled.

- I was with five other families before Hank. - Michael was wincing and biting his lip.

This time, Michael just grabbed Jim’s hand, not giving him the chance to back down. He showed him everything, including Hank, and by the time he let go of him, Jim was sobbing and staring at Michael as if he had just shot the boy through the heart and had no idea why.

- Michael, oh no! Michael! - He used the boy’s body as an anchor to pull himself to him.

Isabel had given him a very washed out version, after the Tucson trip, shocking, but not so blunt and specific as this one had been, coming straight from the victim himself.

Michael, quite embarrassed at baring his soul, was beginning to roll over on his stomach to hide his face from Jim, but the smaller man was quicker and received him in his arms, sliding off the chair to crouch on the ground by the couch. Michael could tell Jim was openly weeping, unashamed. He thought he had shocked him out of his wits, and felt bad about it.

- I’m sorry…- He mumbled into Jim’s shoulder.

- Michael…you’ve done nothing wrong, I’m so sorry I didn’t open my home to you. I never knew how bad it had been. I’ll never forgive myself! How could I be so selfish! I totally deserve being kicked out of the force and anything that may happen to me for being such an idiot! - Jim sobbed uncontrollably and Michael felt helpless and wished there was something he could do to convince Jim it wasn’t his fault. He decided it was better if he just let it out so he lay there until Jim finally ran out of tears.
He felt him start pulling away from him and sit back on the chair. Michael looked up to see Jim’s reddened eyes as he wiped his tears away.

- I’m so sorry, kid, I had no idea. - He sniffed.

- It’s finally over, Jim, but the kind of pain I face now,…I don’t know…I would go through it all again no matter how many times it was necessary to stop what I’m feeling now. - Michael sighed.

- Is there anything I can do to help you? Anything? - Jim repeated.

- Maria is right, being with me puts her in danger, I’ll give my life to protect her, but once I’m dead, what will happen to her? She’s better off as far away from me as she can get. It kills me, but I’m dead already. I think the best I can do is just give myself in, that way there will be no other casualties. I don’t care what happens to me if Maria and the others will be alright. - Michael scoffed.

- No Michael, you’re so wrong. You’ll protect them much better if you’re alive. Getting yourself killed will not solve the problem. Please think about it. You’re strong and you’re smart. Once it’s all over, you’ll be able to get back to Maria without any danger to either of you. You want to see her confined to a mental institution? Because that’s where she’ll end if she loses you, if she doesn’t kill herself! - Jim exploded.

- NO! - Michael roared. - You just said you’d do anything for me! Keep her safe, and Isabel, Liz and Laurie! All of them, and then, even if I’m dead, I will believe you. I trust you, Jim. Don’t let me down! - Michael shivered and winced.

- Hey! You ok? - Jim touched Michael’s face and he was ice cold. - Here, let me take you to bed. You need to sleep, ok? You know you can count on me to do all I can. Together we can do a lot…much more than I can do by myself, so if you want them safe, you must stay alive, for them you’re their best chance. You’re the warrior and protector, they need you. Are you going to fail them? You’re their best chance to come out of this alive. Please Michael, for them…for Maria. What’s her name? The alien lady? You can get in touch with her and she will show you the way to your survival. Come with me. - Jim struggled to coax the tall boy out of the couch.

- Alright, I’ll give it a try. - Michael said in a tired, defeated voice.

Jim wrapped his arm around Michael’s waist and led him to his bed. He eased him down and watched him make himself comfortable. He took a blanket from the floor and started covering him.

- Are you cold? I could get you another cocoa? - He pulled the blanket towards his shoulders.

- No thanks, I’m not cold, I don’t know what I feel. I just need to try to relax and call her. - He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths.

Jim remembered that’s what Kyle did to start his Buddha meditation sessions. Michael did seem to be relaxing, at least, Jim could swear he was asleep. A bright blue light descended from above and covered his body. Jim was sure he was hallucinating. He pushed his hand through it and felt it gently guided out again. Then he heard the voice, as gentle as the touch.

“It’s alright, Jim. Let me take care of him and you go take care of your lady. Trust her, she’s more open minded than you think.” The voice had this amused quality, but Jim didn’t know what she, because it was definitely a she, meant. Invisible hands guided him to the door of the bedroom and once he was outside, it closed behind him. It seemed to keep closing and closing repeatedly and he realized that he was hearing was a constant knocking on the front door. That’s when he heard her voice and what he had been told in Michael’s room, dawned on him. Amy was at the door!
Jim couldn’t open the door, begging her silently to go away.

- Open up, Jim, I know you’re there! Your van’s parked right outside. Kyle told me you were here. Open up! -

Jim knew better than anyone that Amy DeLucca wasn’t one to give up when she wanted something.

“Shit! She can’t see him like this! I can’t open the door for her, no way!” He was wracking his brain for a way out.

That’s when he heard the voice like he had in Michael’s room.

“Jim, let her in, trust me like you told Michael to trust you. It’s for the best and you’ll be fine. Go!” And just like before, he felt being guided towards the door and his hand opened it for Amy.

- Sorry I took so long, I was in the bathroom. - He grinned quite convincingly.

- No, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be so noisy. I don’t know what got into me. May I come in? - But she was already sliding around Jim into the apartment.

She looked around, being the first time she was there, her eyes taking every nook and cranny.

- Where’s Michael? - She asked, instinctively heading towards the bedroom.

- Amy, wait, come and sit down, Michael’s asleep, you see, he had a little problem…he’s fine, he just needs to sleep. - Jim took her arm and guided her to the couch.

- I heard Maria broke out with him, and that he was having a hard time, sometimes I don’t know which one to blame…Maria drives me out of my mind, believe me, I almost feel sorry for the boy…- She noticed Jim’s eyes were very red, as if he had been crying, and he did look kind of haggard, and uneasy.

- What’s wrong? Jim talk to me. - Her eyes were drilling into his.

Jim saw to his dismay, the same blue light that was covering Michael, begin to envelop Amy though she didn’t seem to be aware of it. The invisible hands had Jim sitting beside Amy without knowing how he got there and he took Amy in his arms and heard the words come out of his mouth in his voice, without his permission:

- Let me help you understand, Amy, you have to relax, and let your mind go blank, can you do that for me? - Jim saw Amy nod, totally mystified as she obediently closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

As he put his arms around her, Jim felt Michael’s presence in the blue light, which, come to think of it, reminded him of the strange blue streaks that crossed Michael’s eyes lately, when he was angry. He was sure they had never been there before their first trip to Tucson. Then to his absolute dismay, unable to stop himself, he knew he was passing on to Amy everything Michael had just confided to him. At the same time, he was relieved that the alien side of them wasn’t even hinted, it was all about the atrocities and abuse of every kind that the boy had suffered. Kyle was off the hook, he wasn’t even mentioned. All this was in the past, carefully orchestrated by Serena to bring out Amy’s maternal instinct and compassion for Michael. Then it was over and the blue light vanished when she opened her eyes. The tears cascaded down from them as she jumped to her feet and headed for the bedroom, this time reaching it before Jim could stop her. She burst into the room as dramatically as her daughter would have done, and gathered the sleeping boy in her arms. Jim was able to breathe when he saw the blue light around Michael was gone too. Amy buried her face in his hair and babbled:

- Oh my god, Michael! You poor child, you poor baby! Why didn’t I take you in? How could I be such a bitch? What the hell is wrong with me? - Amy was bawling like Jim wished he could have, if he hadn’t been a guy, gloating on the fact that her eyes would be just as red as his were when she arrived.

- Maria? - Michael moaned, the similarity was deceiving.

- No, honey, it’s me, Amy…- She sobbed, raising her face from his hair, and planting a wet kiss on his cheek.

Michael growled and buried his face in the pillow, at a total loss of what to do and how to take it.

- Amy, he’s still asleep, we better let him rest…- Jim came to his rescue, gently helping her up, and accidentally, her hand pushed her up smack on Michael’s hip wound.

Michael jerked and whimpered, so Amy couldn’t miss it.

- What happened to him? - She first jumped back in shock and then bent to peer straight at the wound.

- He had an accident with a Snapple bottle; he fell off the couch on it. - Jim said truthfully. - That’s why Kyle and I stayed the night with him. He was running a fever, but he’s ok now. -

- There’s another one here! - She exclaimed as she discovered the other one in the ribs.

- Yes, there are two. He’s ok, he’a a tough one…- He scoffed.

- Are you sure he’s asleep? I’m sure I hurt him…what can I do for him? - Amy said, very concerned.

- Just let him sleep, that’s what he needs. C’mon, tell me about your trip. - Jim took her to the couch.

She went with him, a little reluctant, not wanting to leave Michael, but wanting to be with Jim. Once seated, Amy gave Jim this anguished look which was so like Maria.

- Jim, does it go both ways? - She asked.

Jim didn’t know what the hell she was talking about, and the way he looked back at her told her so.

- The awesome mind control thing you did. I actually thought it was bull…you know? Pure crap! Now I think I’m all for it, I’ll even take a course. Well, does it go both ways? Cause there’s something I want you to know. - She frowned.

- I guess, but Amy, it’s not just mind control, it’s mostly this meditation…Buddha thing that Kyle read in a book and took it a little too serious for my taste, though I have to admit it does work if you get in the right mood. - Jim was wondering if she had seen through the whole thing and was making fun of him.

He knew she wasn’t when she grabbed his hands and closed her eyes, as she looked ready to implode, rather than explode. Jim closed his eyes mostly not to burst out laughing, cause that’s what was about to happen if he didn’t, when the image blinded him in its clarity, and laughter became the last thing on his mind. Amy sent him her experience with Michael on that Christmas holiday, when she had to leave Maria, Liz and Alex taking care of the hurt boy with the help of her midwife neighbour as she went on one of her conventions. She had been shocked to see what had been done to the boy, but bought everything he told them. So far, to her, it had been one isolated incident, and to find out how wrong she was, had her once more wondering about her daughter’s safety. She had felt sorry for the kid, but a few months later, she could have murdered him without regrets when she found him in Maria’s bed. Now, after watching what the boy’s life had been like, feeling his love for her daughter and knowing he was ready to die protecting her, she would have no objection if they married, so he could become her son, as it should have been. She needed to have a talk with her daughter, she wanted her to know that she was now sure there was no one better than Michael for her, what she had seen in his soul was so noble, holding such love for her, that if Maria ever had any doubts about him, she would be the one to slap her own daughter back to her senses. But it wouldn’t be as easy as Amy thought it would be. She was completely ignorant of the alien side of the story, and Jim wasn’t about to spill it all out without the permission of those concerned. Amy had brought some sandwiches and a coconut pie, and they ate as Jim had Amy going on and on about her trip, trying to keep at bay the gruesome images that lurked in their minds. Michael slept on, with Jim and Amy checking on him every so often, until Kyle, Max and Isabel came to stay with him, as Liz and Maria were at their shifts at the Crashdown.

the martyr of antar - Chapter 306 - 06/19/06

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 12:21 am
by ñusta
Chapter 306

Max used his powers on the door as Kyle watched him with a silly grin on his face, puzzling Isabel, who had noticed it. He leant over and whispered in Max’s ear as he prepared to push the door open and enter the apartment:

- Now pretend you’re putting your key back in your pocket cause Amy is sitting on the couch with my dad…- He giggled, gloating on the priceless look on his two alien friends’ faces.

Luckily, Jim was facing Amy, and away from them, and she couldn’t see them because Jim’s face was in the way. Still, Max’s breath caught as Isabel frowned at Kyle. Kyle knew he had them by the balls, now that he was changing into one of them and there was nothing they could do to stop it. Thankfully, he was again on friendly terms with Max, though he had to admit Max’s surreptitious jealous looks when it came to Michael had not escaped Kyle’s alert eyes, who knew they were coming and made sure he didn’t miss them. He had a great relationship with Isabel married or not, he only wished his powers would give him the extra inches he craved, which he already knew they couldn’t…shit! Not even Michael, Royal blood and all, could. The hunk though, bless his alien soul, had told him he would if he could, but he couldn’t. What was it with this funny way of talking? Could it be his alien side coming to the surface? No, uh uh…that was his own stupid human side getting nervous and excited at the same time, specially in front of pretty girls, blame Isabel right now! Unfortunately his unusual fluency with words on those particular occasions, drove the cuties away from him at the speed of light, much like an alien spaceship, what an irony! Get it together, Kyle, ok, where was I? Oh yeah! It was about his relationship with Michael now. With Michael, their cock and ass thing had them in it quite tight! Talk about tight, no, don’t talk about tight! Don’t even mention it under the threat of a raging hard on! Donald Duck, Donald Duck, Donald Duck…that usually took his mind off the delicate subject like “mud” did to Michael. The damn duck wears no pants! Dammit, it’s not working! Oh! Goofy! Yeah, that’s the ultimate turn off, the thing is hideous and utterly stupid! Yeah, Goofy, Goofy, Goofy, yeah! Uh oh, lost again…Michael, right! How did I call our thing? Cock and ass? Cool, sounds like an English Pub, yeah, the kid even has this dark sense of humour too, at least he’s the only one so far that gets my jokes and loves my witchy cackle. Cackle, cackle, cackle…yeah, needed the practice. No problems there, cause he loves what I do to him, and I love what his tight firm ass does to me. Shit, I’m getting horny again…Donald…no! Goofy! Goofy, goof…

- Kyle! Are you alright? I could swear you’re losing it! Did something happen to you at school? Like, did you fall on your head or some heavy stuff dropped on it? - Max was shaking him by the shoulders and Kyle could see the worried looks on Jim, Amy and Isabel’s faces.

“Oh shit! I’m really turning into a mental case! I need a good excuse…think Kyle…Got it!”

- Sorry man, it should be passing now…no! I’m not on drugs…Fred gave me this little sample bottle of vodka and it all went down in one swig while I waited for you guys at the parking lot. I couldn’t say no, cause it would be suspicious, so I just went for it and hoped for the best. - He turned his back to the couch and its occupants and went on, whispering to Max and Isabel: - That is a mild alien reaction since I’m still barely catching on. That’s all! -

Kyle was about to cackle again but decided a giggle would be more reasonable, if that made any sense. He knew vodka left no smell, so he was safe there, as he had been several times before.

- You should stay away from the stuff, man, it’s bad enough as it is and it will get worse. You already sound quite stupid. - Max whispered back frowning, far from amused.

His father looked ready to jump up and bitchslap him back to his senses, but Amy was there, and Jim wasn’t about to give her a private domestic-police brutality show.

- I better lie down…- “Brilliant, Kyle,” he congratulated himself, “I’m coming, Michael baby, spread those thighs for me!”

Kyle pulled an Oscar winning “I’m dizzy drunk” hobbling performance, thinking: “Better boozed than alien”, and turned just in time to hide an ear to ear smile of satisfaction from his pissed off dad and soon-to-be mother.
The scoff that met his ears, made it evident that it had not worked alien-wise, unmistakably coming from Max and Isabel who were practically stepping on his heels. They couldn’t risk Michael in Kyle’s hands in his present state of mind, wondering if he was really drunk but almost sure he wasn’t, specially with Amy right next door to the bedroom, and in the cramped space of the small apartment. She would have to be stone-deaf not to hear them.

Jim made a wise decision and stood up, bringing a surprised Amy along with him.

- Ok, kids, Michael is in good hands now, so we’re leaving… Kyle! You lay off the booze, you hear? I don’t care if you’re 18, I’ll ground you for life, I swear! - Jim ended raising his voice.

- No sweat! I don’t even like it! Honest! Never again! - Kyle slurred his voice on purpose, making it sound convincing for Amy’s sake.

- You better! Don’t mess with me, Kyle! I’m warning you! - Jim went on full parent mode hoping to impress his lady.

Kyle knew exactly what his dad was doing and played along.

- Sorry, dad, I love youuu! - He wailed.

Jim shook his head and rolled his eyes, sharing the award with his son, as Amy indulged him with the impressed silence she felt was expected of her, as the model fellow parent, respectful and non-interfering.

As soon as they heard the door close and the van’s engine start and drive away, they were at each others’ throats.

- Jesus, Kyle! Why don’t you get in touch with Kal Langley? He’s in show biz, you know? - Isabel’s voice dripped sarcasm.

- Ok, just us aliens here at last! - Kyle rubbed his hands.

- Not full-fledged, yet, quite far from it still, I should say… I can play your game too! - Max said in a threatening tone.

- You kidding? Kal told me he took you to a reading and you sucked big time! He said Jonathan Frakes was still trying to guess what Kal was on to think you could make it! - Kyle rushed behind Max as Isabel raised her hand towards him.

- I just thought you would look very aristocratic and smart in a moustache. It might even hide the fact that you’re a retarded moron! Your loss! - She shrugged and lowered her hand again.

-I know, the DeLucca’s freak me out, both mother and daughter alike, I don’t know how Michael can take it. A DeLucca wife and a DeLucca mother-in-law? That’s plain suicide material! And I don’t want to lose Michael’s…Michael. - Kyle nodded.

- WE won’t! - Max stressed on the “we”. - He loves her, man, can’t you get that through your thick head? Like I love Liz, she can be exasperating too, in her own way, but it’s part of her, so it’s ok when you’re in love! You have no idea, right? -

Kyle just shrugged with a wistful look, straining not to let his eyes wonder in Isabel’s direction, but knowing exactly what Max was talking about. Turning it into a joke for his full benefit, he dropped on his knees on Michael’s bed, with the intention of wrapping his arms around him, as he exclaimed exaggeratedly:

- Of course I do! I love this guy! -

Michael’s reaction was the last they could have expected. He jerked away from Kyle with a grunt. That’s when Kyle noticed as he looked down, that his kneecaps had impacted in both of Michael’s wounds with such precision, that anyone who didn’t know Kyle would have suspected it had been intentional.

- Shit Michael! Sorry, kid, I didn’t mean to…- He remembered Michael had asked them not to mention it to Max and Isabel, but it was too late now.

The grey cotton suddenly grew a dark red line where the blood from the torn scab was spurting. The other one was behaving in the same way, with the red line running unhindered, down towards the bed.

“Things happen for a reason,” Kyle was apologizing mostly to himself, “now Max will heal Michael properly as it should have been, without Michael’s stubbornness. He will be healed, he’ll feel better and he’ll let me fuck him:” Kyle’s logic.

- What the help happened to him? - Roared Max, shoving Kyle roughly off the bed.

- Michael! Were you attacked? Why didn’t you call us? Kyle, are you out of your mind? What’s wrong with you? This is not one of your sick jokes, is it? Cause I’ll…- Isabel spat in fury.

- Shut up, Isabel! Kyle, what the hell happened? - El Presidente in full regalia.

- Max, dad and I found him like this. He had just fallen off the couch and crushed a Snapple bottle that lay on the ground under him. It was an accident, dude! He didn’t want us to call you or even tell you! Man! You sound like it was a full-scale terrorist attack! Listen to you! - Kyle knew what Michael felt when he was blamed for everything all the time.

- You should have called us! - Max insisted angrily.

- Hellooo? He didn’t want us to! Alien hearing problems due to Earth’s atmosphere? Your ears are large enough to get easily over it! - Kyle was mad enough to feel his face getting red.

- Why, you…- Max was shaking, fists itching to strike.

- Save the testosterone for your chicks! - Isabel screamed, turning to Kyle. - Sorry, Kyle, you don’t have one…-

- Ok, then…you both save it for me if you want, but shut the fuck up! - Michael yelled and they all turned to him, everything forgotten.

They all rushed up to him as Michael who started slithering like an eel trying to keep them away from his wound.

- Hey! HEEEY! - He shouted, stopping them just in time, as Max and Isabel were about to commit Kyle’s same mistake, which had started the whole row.

- Watch out! Watch it! - Exclaimed Isabel, partly to Max and herself at the same time.

Max placed his hand over the wound at the ribs and the white healing light took care of the problem.

- Max…- Isabel caught his attention as she carefully lowered the waist of the sweat pants.

Michael whimpered as she tugged not to gently at the soft material which was stuck to the scab.

- Hurts, Iz…- Michael moaned.

- I’m sorry baby. - Isabel sobbed, moving away and letting Max’s experienced hands take over.

Something in the way that small phrase left Isabel’s lips gave Kyle an amazing insight with the most exact precision of the depth of the feelings she still had for the boy who had been the love of her life. Kyle saw he still was. Forget the stupid human conventionalities that she had thought for years that he was her brother, and all that crap. The intensity of the love he had felt in Isabel’s words moved Kyle to tears. How could she live watching him with someone else? Kyle had always noticed the way Isabel looked at Michael, how passionately angry she got with him, unlike with anyone else, because of the strength of her love for him! There was no other explanation! Could they be so blind? Was he really the only one to see it? Or did they just prefer to hide it, like Isabel had been hiding this secret love of hers for all these years? Why? So she couldn’t get to claim him openly? That was so selfish! No, his friends weren’t like that! None of them were, he knew Maria accepted Isabel’s love for Michael and he now loved her as much as he possibly could because of it. No, Maria didn’t freak him out, that had been his jealousy over Michael speaking. Neither did Amy, she was always nice to him. That was another kind of jealousy: wanting his dad just for himself. He was the selfish one! Jim deserved to be happy too and Kyle was glad it was Amy. Could he cope with Maria for a sister? That was a hard one. Michael, his brother-in-law? That was the worst, it was almost incest! Awesome! He was ready to sin! He would burn in hell! He wondered if there was an alien hell…because Michael would burn with him too. Then it wouldn’t be so bad, knowing Michael, he would burn for the two of them to keep him safe! Fine!

Kyle was suddenly aware of the silence in the room and saw his alien friends again staring at him as if he had split in two.

- What? - Shouldn’t they be concentrating in healing Michael? Why the hell are they staring at me?

- “What?” What do you mean “What”? What’s the matter with you? You keep zoning off a little too often, you know? That has nothing to do with us, I assure you. - Max’s patience was about to reach its limit.

- I’m horny…- Kyle confessed, looking down at his shoes and feeling as surprised as his friends, mostly because until he had said it, he hadn’t realized that was truly his problem.

- Let Max finish healing me, ok? - Michael scoffed. - You can have me then, I know what you want. Wish I could be a girl, though, cause I guess that’s what you really need, but I’ll have to do if you don’t mind. -

Kyle just wanted to kiss him. Michael had these amazing moments, Kyle couldn’t help loving him. The kid was suffering, hurting, yet he was ready to give Kyle his ass to ease his discomfort. Oh, if he could get a girl like that! But that didn’t exist in the human race, much less in the females of the species, perhaps an alien female…yeah, high hopes. To hell with all of them: he had Michael. He felt their eyes on him again and raised his hands in an apologizing gesture.

- Sorry, Michael just gave me a minor stroke or got me on the verge of one. Will you do it, Max? - He begged.

Max rolled his eyes and raised his hand towards Michael’s hip.

- Wait! - Kyle exclaimed as he watched Michael brace himself.

He scurried to the head of the bed and joined Isabel there, so they each held one of Michael’s hands and buried their faces on his shoulders. Kyle turned his face and kissed Michael’s lips, as he was facing his way. Michael moaned into his mouth, his hand squeezing Kyle’s unmercifully, as he spared Isabel’s. Kyle broke the kiss and Michael’s laboured breathing filled the room.
Soon after, he was ok again, and Max shrugged his shoulders and got up from the floor, giving Kyle the green light. He walked towards the door.

- He’s all yours, Kyle, enjoy, but be careful with him or you bet I’ll change the shape of your balls! Coming, Isabel? -

- I’m staying. - She said, making Kyle’s jaw drop to the floor.

- Suit yourself, I’m not up to it. - He slammed the door and went to the couch and the tube.

- Isabel, don’t get me wrong…it’s just that I…- Kyle didn’t know how to put it.

- It’s ok, Kyle, you won’t even know I’m here cause you won’t see me. - She kissed the corner of Michael’s mouth and he turned to kiss her fully. Without losing contact, he rolled on his good side and Isabel eased herself on her back beside him. Then he rolled over her and with a wave of her hand, Michael’s
sweats vanished. Isabel was wearing pants, and as far as Kyle could tell, she was still clothed. Only the inviting way Michael was moving, cued Kyle into guessing she must have exposed herself to him, at least only what was necessary. Kyle also saw the front of her blouse bunched at her sides and knew their nipples were rubbing each other, as their tongues were busy making their own kind of love. Isabel could come a million times if she wanted, it would make no difference to what he planned to do to Michael. Beginning with a tongue job! Kyle ate him out laboriously, taking his time to tease him into delirium. Michael’s rolling motion as he pleasured Isabel, had Kyle plowing into him at a delicious pace, he moved his tongue into Isabel’s mouth exactly as Kyle’s was moving his, into his ass. He shuddered, moaned and squirmed to make it slide into him where and how he wanted it, so Isabel knew what Kyle was doing to him. As soon as she felt Kyle make contact with Michael, Isabel’s hands slid down his back and hooked on Maria’s brands, hoping the girl could get away to a safe place in time. She wanted her here with them, and Michael felt her too. Kyle saw Isabel’s claws dig into Michael’s butt and thought it was kind of cruel, but Michael was definitely into pain, when it came to sex, and he wasn’t protesting. At that moment, the last thing in Kyle’s mind was the alien mischief that was literally staring at him. Ok, his tongue was cramping, and he was still craving the cotton candy taste of the alien boy. Fingers ahoy! He thought and licked his lips. Michael’s ass was flooded in Kyle’s saliva but still…

- Isabel…- He only had to whisper and she let go one hand and had the drawer of the nightstand open. With alien certainty, she unfailingly closed her fingers over the desired jar and handed it to Kyle, hooking her bloody nails back on the brands. The sight of his blood on her nails gave Kyle a sadistic thrill, receiving the distinctive whiff of the menthol as he opened the jar that contained the spiked Vaseline. He expertly scooped a glob and worked it into the tight passage. Then he proceeded to tickle and rim the small sensitive opening, watching the effect his ministrations were having on Michael. The boy’s sounds of pleasure were muffled in Isabel’s mouth, as Kyle carefully screwed his finger into him. He found the lump towards the front and very gently, he massaged the prostate gland, careful not to make him come yet, just driving him nuts with pleasure. When he felt his finger was in dire danger from the killer grip, he skimmed over and drove it as deep as he could. He screwed it both ways a few times and pulled out. He forced two fingers in this time, both forefingers of each hand. Isabel’s intuition was doing a great job spreading him where Kyle needed, with her thumbs. She had to struggle with Michael’s steel hard muscles, but it was really him who allowed her to enhance his pleasure. Kyle had now one finger prodding his g-spot and the other probing deeper. The first one stayed put, rubbing in a circle while the other one slid in and out. Then Kyle shoved it in and short stabbed deep inside while the other one pressed hard on the sweet spot as he shook it fast from left to right.
Michael went: “Unghhh!” and just lost it. He came twisting and groaning, he pushed deep into Isabel who was coming with him but at the same time she was Maria, and he heard both their voices screaming his name, and he was burning, Kyle’s fingers were burning inside him, and pushing it all out of him. And then it was over. He felt Kyle pull one finger out and then the other. Isabel’s nails came out of him and Maria was gone. She couldn’t feel her in him anymore.

- Maria…- He sobbed into Isabel’s hair.

- Shhh…, she’ll be right back, you’ll see, I’ll bring her back for you, as soon as Kyle fills you again. The real thing this time. - Isabel’s lips on his, soothed him and he was beginning to go limp when he felt Kyle’s cock thrusting into him. The pain of the intromission was exquisite! There was no other way to put it. Michael gritted his teeth and his intake of air hissed through them. Isabel’s hands went back to the brands, and as she anchored her nails into Maria’s, her fingers grazed Kyle’s who was holding him apart low in his butt, avoiding the brands. He moved them just enough to break the contact and kept pushing in. Kyle wasn’t stopping until he was all the way in, and it was hurting Michael like hell. The good thing was that his cock was also getting there, still inside Isabel. It was as if Kyle’s monster was running him through and going into his cock from the inside. He felt Isabel and Maria merging again. When he was about to pass out, he felt Kyle’s body on his and Maria and Isabel coming together to his rescue. He could feel the pleasure he was giving them mixing with the pain from Kyle’s throbbing cock, and he couldn’t have enough of it. He ground his ass back against Kyle, as if he wanted it even deeper, and set him into action. Kyle pulled out and forced it in again. As the penetration progressed, his pain became the girls’ pleasure, and Michael bucked and drove it deep as Kyle plunged into him without mercy.
Michael took it for them, for him, he wanted it to hurt to make him come. Kyle knew he was making Michael suffer, but his body language kept asking him for more, and if that’s what he wanted, who was he not to indulge him? He fucked him fast and hard, and then Michael stalled as Kyle drove it in. Kyle tentatively pulled out a couple of inches and shoved back in unexpectedly. Michael clenched tight and whimpered, somehow, Kyle knew he had winced as he felt the delicate tissue inside him give. He had caught him at an angle for retreating, not the other way round, and he had reached a unused deeper “virgin spot”, sending the equivalent of an excruciating electric shock through it. Unbelievably, it made Michael come so hard, it actually hurt, it was so bad, he wanted it to stop, but couldn’t, and at the same time it was so good, he didn’t want it to stop if it killed him. Isabel was thrashing under him, her face contorted in a rictus of pleasure that she couldn’t get enough. Kyle thought he was losing his mind, the pleasure was awesome, then he was sure he was on his way to the loony farm when he saw Isabel’s face one second, and Maria’s the next, back and forth until he had to close his eyes or start screaming like a banshee. He concentrated on Michael’s pulsing and spasming insides and knew he would never get anything better either in this or any other world.

- MICHAEL! - He screamed, ramming his cock deep and hard and felt his soul shooting into his lover as Michael felt his own, shooting into his girls.

Michael felt the pain and pleasure branching throughout his body, with such burning energy, that he truly thought he was dying.

- ImSaArBiEaL! -

He didn’t know how he did it but the two names were whispered together, overlapping each other. He had no strength to say them any louder. He was thankful that Kyle was on his knees behind him doing the typical “Max” position: staying there by hanging on to his ankles, and keeping his hips forward with his cock deep into him. That way, he could just let himself sprawl over Isabel, without having to protect her from a double weight. Michael couldn’t have moved if his life depended on it, he might have managed a superhuman feat, out of desperation, if the life of anyone else in the room had been threatened, but not for his. Yes, Kyle was definitely changing, apparently from inside out. This had been almost alien with epical proportions. The way the short jock had shot into him, confirmed it. He felt like he had been shot with a high power rifle, up the ass. He needed to sleep for a week!

- Michael! -

He was hearing again the two voices together, but he was sure it hadn’t been him this time…and it was Maria and…Liz? What the hell? Then the pounding on his door started as he heard Maria’s angry voice rising.

- You open that door right now, Max Evans, of I will kick your alien balls all the way up to your ears! NOW! ISABEL! LET ME IN! -

- Yes Isabel! Let us in right now! - That was definitely Liz.

Kyle’s cock began to go limp at the sound of the voices demanding entry, but it was still big enough. Michael felt Kyle’s panic at being found in such a compromising position and guessed what he was about to do.

- No! - He rasped, reaching back to try and stop Kyle, but he was too slow and too late, as Kyle yanked out roughly, sending him into agony.

- Sorry, dude, but if they come in and find me inside you, I’m dead meat! I’ll make it up to you, promise! - He was in his clothes as fast as an alien, and went to stand beside the door.

Isabel waved her clothes on, after waving Michael’s cock out of her too. She couldn’t get from under him, also weakened by the loss of energy spent in her orgasms, but Maria had been there with her, through her contact, so she knew she was in no trouble at all. She couldn’t understand why Kyle was so scared of Maria. Big cock and big wuzz! Max finally opened the door, afraid of ending up wearing his balls for earings. He stepped aside to what he had considered safety until Kyle leapt from behind the door and almost ran him over on his way to the couch. Maria and Liz had raced towards the bed, giving Kyle an easy and undetected escape.

- Michael, baby, that was awesome! - Maria crouched by the bed and kissed his barely responding lips. - I know, I know, you’re exhausted, you poor dear! -

Then turning to Isabel and squeezing her hand in hers, she continued.

- Isabel, the next time you pull a stunt like this, give me a warning! I was lucky to be near the door to the kitchen and I had to flee up to Liz’s room and lock myself in. WOW! Thanks anyway! No one can do it like you, girl! That was awesome! Thank you…really thank you! And you, Spaceboy, what can I say? You’re out of this world, kid! And now Kyle Valenti…- Maria was struggling to find the words which would do credit to what she was feeling.

- Lay off him, Maria…for me…please? - Michael’s voice was husky, but at least, it was now above a whisper.

- Anything you want baby, but he owes me big! - Maria’s voice rose on purpose on the last phrase and in the next one: - I know you can hear me! -

Max chuckled, watching Kyle shrink into the couch.

- How dare you, Evans, you were crapping in your pants when Maria threatened to turn your balls into earings. - Kyle said loud enough for Liz to hear and it was Max’s turn to imitate him.

- Talking about wuzzes…- Liz’s voice carried over to them and they were now blushing beet red to top it all.

- You’ll have to help me, I’m not quite there, yet. - Isabel said softly.

Maria and Liz rolled Michael carefully towards them so Isabel could get up. They eased him back again and went around the bed to give her a hand.

- I just need the easy chair to sprawl on and three hours to go back to normal. - She sighed.

- You heard her! Bring in the easy chair, on the double! - Maria demanded.

Max brought it all the way to the door with his powers and then sent it into the room to stop beside the bed, backing all the way to the couch, his shield quite ready, in case they decided to attack him.

- Worse than I thought! - Liz scoffed and went to close the door.

Isabel lay back on the easy chair and groaned.

- Oh shit! Jesse! - She fished her cell phone from her bag, which lay on the floor in front of the nightstand, within her reach, and dialed. - Jesse, would you mind if I go to the films with Maria and Liz tonight? … Yes, we had been planning this girls’ night for some time now, and we finally found a film we all wanted to see … yes, ok, see you then. -

Having obviously solved the problem, she dropped the phone on her lap and closed her eyes.

- Spaceboy is all yours Maria, take care of him…- And just like that, she was snoring lightly, fast asleep.

the martyr of antar

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 12:56 am
by ñusta
Chapter 307

Now that Isabel was resting, Liz and Maria turned to Michael, knowing that’s what he would want: Isabel taken care of first. He seemed ok, his breathing was a little strained but not alarmingly so. Liz stood at the foot of the bed, watching him as Maria sat on the bed at Michael’s waist, facing her. Very gently, Maria placed her hand on the small of his back, her middle finger pushing into his ticklish dip, as she gave him a nudge. His reaction was totally unexpected. He jerked and grunted, squirming under her palm as if she was on fire. She pressed harder, shaking him, and then Liz grabbed her wrist with surprising strength for such a slight girl.
Michael had let her in and she knew exactly what was going on with him.

- Maria, Maria! - She pulled her hand away. - Don’t touch him! -

- What? What are you talking about? -

- Maria, it’s Kyle, he’s changing…-

- Kyle! What has he done to Michael? I’ll kill him! - She screamed.

They heard a scuffle going on in the living area and a loud wail that was clearly coming from Kyle.

- Sorry, it’s ok! - Liz shouted and turned to Maria with a warning look until she sighed and nodded.

- Sorry Kyle! - Maria wasn’t sure what she was blaming him for or why she was apologizing either.

Liz pulled her off the bed and they ended sitting on the floor with their backs against the wall, with Michael in clear view.

- Listen to me, ok? - Liz got another nod from a strangely silent Maria, and she took both her hands in hers. - Kyle is beginning to change, very slowly and subtly as I did. Can you remember what happened to me then? -

- Your hands were sort of…electric? - Maria frowned.

- Kyle’s energy is playing tricks with him, but he is channeling it in a different way…how can I put it? Like…well, he’s a guy, that’s why he needed to be with Michael…you know? - Liz sighed.

- You mean he…- Maria struggled with the words. - Through sex? -

- The amount of uncontrolled energy he’s shot into him has got Michael in overload. The effect has been just as if he was shot full of alcohol. Remember what happened to him on that “enigma” night? - She asked her.

- You fucked him? - She had to say it, just teasing actually, giggling when Liz frowned, jokingly too.

- He’s now ultra sensitive; he needs to sleep it off, to work it out of his system. Look at him! He can hardly bear the touch of the bed under him! -

- I’m sorry I freaked out! It’s just that I thought he was rejecting me! -

- Can I be of any help? - Max said, making them jump, not having heard him open the door.

- Max, Michael just needs to sleep, he’s…- Liz began.

- I know, I heard you, I should’ve guessed what was going on with Kyle, he was behaving really weird. I should have known… I feel real bad…- Max did look regretful.

- There’s nothing to heal, Max. Just let him rest, he’ll eventually use up all the energy…wait! We’re doing it all wrong! He needs to get rid of all that energy but at the same time he needs to rest! That’s it! - Liz said excitedly.

- You’re not making sense…- Max was as confused as Maria.

- Think, Max! Remember when that Gandarium creature was locked up in Laurie’s bomb shelter? How did Michael kill it? -

- He said he sucked out all the oxygen from the room. What has that got to do? - Max frowned.

- Suck out all the heat from the room and he’ll have to use up all the excess energy to keep warm while he sleeps! - She smiled.

- Yeah, right! There’s only one thing. How will we know when the excess energy is gone and he’s just got his own left? - Max asked.

- Cause he’ll start feeling cold! That’s when you make it all normal again! - She exclaimed.

- Fine, that works in theory, but in practice, if he’s sleeping, how will he let us know? - Max insisted.

- He’s buck naked, Max, he’ll start shivering, he’ll try to get warm, acting uncomfortable…I know, I’ll stay with him, holding his hand and I’ll feel him getting cold. - Liz decided, not wanting to let Max know her empathy with Michael was working.

- Hold it, bestfriend. I’ll stay with my Spaceboy too! - Maria protested.

- It should work, but the room will get freezing! What about you? And Isabel…- He saw his sister, snoozing on the easy chair.

- Well, you can push her out of the room chair and all, and get us in the warmest clothes you can think of, ok? - Liz asked.

Max nodded and did all they asked, then he left the room shivering. He went to Kyle to tell him what was going on which also explained why Isabel was out cold on the easy chair just outside the room.

- Liz should know, man, she’s the science geek after all. - Kyle approved and added contritely: - Max? I never meant to do that to him. -

- I know, Maria knows too, Kyle, she does. Would you mind keeping an eye on Isabel? I think I should be in there, just in case, you ok with that? - Max arched his eyebrows.

- Sure, man, go, I’ll be fine, and so will Isabel. She’s just dozing, right? No funny business? No dreamwalking? - Kyle sounded suspicious.

- She can’t dreamwalk you if you’re awake, and she was quite spent, so I doubt she’ll do anything that interferes with just resting. - Max assured him.

- Good! - Said Kyle, turning back to the basketball game.

Max walked up to the bedroom and could feel the cold draught coming from under the door, freezing his feet. He waved on warm clothes and went inside. In spite of their clothes, Maria and Liz were cuddled together by the bed, their faces together and Michael’s hand between theirs, to keep him in check. Max walked up to the bed and laid his hand lightly on Michael’s butt until he started whimpering and shifting his body so Max pulled it away. He couldn’t believe how nice and warm he felt. He wished he could spoon against him but that was the last thing Michael needed and he probably would have moved away from him, hot and sensitive as he was right now. Max went to huddle beside Liz, pushing his hand under Michael’s thigh, between it and the bed, where it wouldn’t make any difference to Michael but a lot to him. Max waved a warm woolen blanket that covered the three of them and dozed off, knowing they would wake up at Michael’s slightest movement.

Three hours later, Kyle was watching the end of the second match of the evening. He had wolfed down the pizza he found in the freezer unaware of Maria’s plans for it, heating it in the battered microwave that had come with the place. Kyle was surprised it actually worked, though it took three times longer than the one he had at home. He phoned his dad and gave him a quick account of what was going on with them, noticing Jim made no effort to get him home, probably still with Amy, and now with a good excuse to keep her with him all night. He turned to hang up the phone and felt a hand on his arm. He shrieked like a girl and his face flushed red when he recognized Isabel’s giggle.

- Shit Isabel! - He cried out, hating to have her see him like that.

- Sorry Kyle, can you tell me why I’m outside the room because I suspect the door is closed for a reason. - She apologized.

He told her everything Max had said as she stood by the couch.

- You have pizza? - She eyed the closed empty box, hoping for a slice.

- No, sorry, I’m a pig, I just had the last slice, it wasn’t so good, but I was hungry. - Kyle did feel like a pig.

- It’s ok, I should be going home, don’t want any more problems with Jesse. I’ll just check on Michael. -

She walked over to the bedroom and just took a peek. They were all covered and snoozing, Michael went on sleeping on his bed, still all sprawled out, meaning he wasn’t affected yet by the freezing temperature of the room. She closed the door quietly, shivering, and she called a taxi to take her home.

As Michael’s excess energy started wearing out, he began to feel the cold, welcoming it against the hot weather. He was taken back to Antar, to this uncommon phenomenon that happened in their planet when they were still children. The explanation was given by their fathers: The southernmost lone planet had been chosen by the Royals because it had a perfectly warm climate, the change in the seasons went almost unnoticed. The other almost twin planets further north, experienced more drastic weather changes with the seasons, the one being a little higher up north than the other, more so. The other two, which were the uppermost, on the same level, were covered with a thin layer of snow and ice most of the year, the only difference during most of it was the depth of this layer, and in their summer, though cold, snow disappeared to leave just slippery ice.
Rath-Michael was sleeping soundly, as he always did, lying over most of Vilandra, his thigh wedged between her legs, his cheek on her breast and his parted lips allowing her nipple between them. The adults thought it endearing, being so young, and it became a pattern to the young couple. The boy’s hand was right under his chin, holding the girl’s, and he moaned when she eased it out of his grip. Her arm went around him, as her other was, holding him closer and pulling him willingly completely over her.

- Rath-Michael! What’s wrong? I’m so cold! Wake up! -

She noticed he was warmer than usual without being feverish but she didn’t know it was his Royal blood causing the reaction to protect him from the cold. He purred and snuggled against her, but didn’t do much to reassure her. Things got worse when a teeth chattering Zan appeared at the door.

- Close the door, you idiot! We’re freezing here! - She yelled and her teeth did just what Zan’s were doing.

- He doesn’t seem to be freezing…- Zan observed as he obeyed his sister and went to the bed to touch his cousin.

The boy felt warm, and Zan got the blanket that was bunched at the foot of the bed. He lay spooned into Rath-Michael’s side which covered Vilandra from making any contact with her brother, and wrapped his arm over the younger boy’s warm body after he got the blanket over them. A few minutes later, the door opened again and their parents came in to find them all cuddled together. They noticed the King and Queen warmly clothed but Lord Ramthis wasn’t overly so. They seemed to be bubbling with excitement, not upset at all.

- Wake up, children! You may not see this again in years! - Wyteeah had no way of knowing they would never see it again in this lifetime.

Zan sat up and rubbed his eyes, slowly getting up from the bed. Vilandra struggled to get Rath-Michael off of her to do the same. Ramthis came to her rescue and rolled his son over to his back, holding him there as he fought to roll over again. The boy finally opened his eyes in outrage to find his father smiling down at him. The warlord reached down and tousled his son’s already tousled hair, chuckling and pulling up the protesting child.

- C’mon! You have to see this! - Zeolan said, encouraging the children.

- Here! - Said Ramthis and with a wave of his powerful Royal hand, he covered them in warm clothes.

- Hey! I’m scorching! - Rath-Michael protested, and Ramthis waved again in his direction, thinning out the clothes so they still covered his body but didn’t overheat him.

- Better? - He asked the ruddy cheeked boy.

- Yeah! - Rath-Michael grinned.

They all went outside and enjoyed watching the falling snow from the castle yard, until Rath-Michael couldn’t contain himself anymore and reached out to receive it on his hand. He smeared in on Zan’s face and had him screaming his head off.

- Shut up, Zan! It’s just frozen water! - Zeolan said, disgusted.

- Is that all? - Said Vilandra, scrunching up her nose. - No wonder! Zan doesn’t like to wash very much. -

Zan reacted angrily and scooped the white snow from the gound in front of him to shove in into his sister’s face but didn’t even get near enough as Rath-Michael reacted punching him on the nose. Zan shrieked and covered his nose with his hand, healing himself immediately, then he turned and violently lashed out with his foot, kicking Rath-Michael in the stomach. The boy grunted and bent a little, too proud to double over and let Zan know now much it had hurt. Vilandra jumped to her feet and stepped over Rath-Michael’s legs to grab her brother’s lank hair and pull two handfuls out of his scalp. Zan went into a successful falsetto as he reached up to tear his sister’s hands away from him, his fingers curled to scratch her viciously. But Rath-Michael was there quick as a flash, pain put aside, and grabbed his wrists.

- You touch her, and I’ll tear your arms from your skinny body! - He growled at him.

Zan’s arms grew limp and Rath-Michael let go of him. Zeolan took his son by the sleeve and dragged him between him and Ramthis, where he knew he would hardly dare breath, and not too loud either. Rath-Michael took Vilandra in his arms and kissed her, then with a mischievous glint in his eye, he took her hand and pulled her across the yard and down the steps where they joined the village children playing in the snow. Rath-Michael stretched out on the icy floor and rubbed first one cheek and then the other into the snow, making them even ruddier. Vilandra placed her foot on his ass and nudged him.

- Hey! What are you doing? - She laughed.

Rath-Michael pushed up and she wiped the snow off his face.

- Cool! - He smiled.

- You look like a blushing girl! Just as pretty! - Vilandra cupped her hands over his cheeks and kissed his lips.

Rath-Michael turned to smirk at Zan, who was watching them, frowning.

- Why do you look at him, when I’m here? - Vilandra was seething with jealousy.

She scuttled around Rath-Michael and pushed him back in the snow, then sat on the small of his back, knowing he would do nothing to unseat her. Rath-Michael’s keen senses focused on the female part of her which one day would be just his, as it rubbed against him and sent shivers through his body. Vilandra felt them and knew what they meant, and that they had nothing to do with the cold snow. Vilandra slid off him and crouched on the ground, laying her cheek on the spot she had just vacated. Then she turned her head and kissed him there, whispering:

-I love you, Rath-Michael. - Knowing he could feel her words against his skin, through his thin clothes, as if they weren’t there, and kissed him.

Maria didn’t know what it was that made her place her cheek on the small of Michael’s back. She giggled when she butted heads with Liz, having had the same idea, but not as fast as Maria. Liz patted her friend’s head playfully and pulled away, rubbing her own. Maria felt Michael shiver under her, and turning her head, she whispered:

- I love you, Michael. - Against his warm skin, and kissed him.

Michael writhed under her and Maria gasped. The Vilandra vibes he had been getting changed into Maria vibes and he writhed in pleasure, nonetheless.

- Max! I think he’s waking up! - Maria hissed.

Max jumped up and went to Michael’s face.

- Hey, kid! You ok? - Max’s lips grazed Michael’s cheek, finding them cool to the touch.

- Yeah…- Michael whispered, - kindy chilly, huh? -

Max waved his hand in a sweeping motion to cover the whole room and the temperature rose to normal. He waved the warm clothes away from him and the girls turning back to Michael and brushed the hair back from his face. Maria and Liz watched, touched by the loving gesture. Max placed his lips on Michael’s, without kissing him, then moved back and smiled.

- You’re not feverish. - He said.

- You’re not giving me one. - Michael smirked back.

Then the girls saw how this strange deep look crossed their eyes and Michael’s streaked with the blue Gandarium.

- Why did you kick me in the gut? - Michael asked in a husky underwater voice.

- You punched me in the nose! - Max’s voice had the same quality.

- You were going to smear her face with snow! -

- You did it to me! -

- But she didn’t! -

- She said I was smelly! -

- You are! -

- I’m not! -

- Oh yeah?…-

- Hey, hey! - Liz interrupted the obviously alien thing. - What are you guys talking about? - Maria said, creeped out.

- Let it go. That was a lifetime ago. - Liz said, getting from Michael what it was about, and taking Max’s and Maria’s hand, showed them the whole incident.

- Sorry, dude. - Michael smirked.

- It’s ok, am I smelly? - Max frowned and raised his arm to push his nose under it, making the other three laugh out loud.

- You guys ok? - Kyle shouted, bursting into the room. - Michael? -

- We’re fine…- Said Maria, wiping the tears from her eyes.
- Hey guys, if you’re hungry there’s a pizza I left in the freezer some time ago, saving it for a happy occasion, and I think this is one. -

Kyle blushed to the tip of his ears and started backing out of the room, and mumbling something that sounded like:

- Let me take care of it, I’ll be right back. -

As he was a couple of steps away from the door, he jumped sky high when it slammed behind him, trapping him inside the room.

- You ate it, you pig! - Maria went livid, as Michael’s hand captured her wrist.

- The guy was hungry, love, he had just fucked the daylights out of me, and Isabel and you too, remember? - He gently pulled her towards him.

- I’ll get one right away, I swear! Faster than delivered! I have a pal working at Domino’s that I can call and he’ll have it piping ready by the time I get there! Give me your keys, Max. - He stumbled over the words in his haste.

- Take the Jetta! - Maria fished her keys from her pocket at tossed them to Kyle a little enthusiastically.

Her aim was just a tad high and the keys bounced off Kyle’s head to the floor. The short jock picked them up rubbing the top of his head with the other hand as Liz’s warning shout made his hand shoot up and luckily receive a second projectile which turned out to be Maria’s cell phone.

- If my mother calls, tell her I’m in the bathroom and either cut her off or cover you ear! And I want mushrooms! - Maria instructed.

Kyle left hurriedly before things heated up again.

- Hurry up! - Maria screamed after him.

- You’re that hungry? - Max asked, puzzled.

- No, I don’t want him barfing here! That pizza was months old and it’s probably finding the fastest way out of him if it hasn’t happened yet. He wouldn’t tell us, believe me! I was going to ask Max here to give it a freshening up before we ate it. -

Kyle had this funny feeling in his stomach again as he rushed into Maria’s car. He thought it was his guilt over the pizza, which hadn’t been so good, as he had told Isabel. It had a kind of musty aftertaste which he just ignored while he ate it but it had his gut rumbling after he finished. So far it had stayed down and he planned to keep it that way. The new fresh pizza would push it to oblivion. He was sure he hadn’t missed anything they wanted on top of it as he took off, and finished ordering before he reached the avenue.
As he arrived at Dominoes, he raced right by his friend ignoring the steaming box on his hands and disappeared into the restrooms. The guy shook his head and placed the hot pizza on the counter. Kyle emerged a few minutes later, looking alien green, and paid his friend.

- You ok? - The guy asked, peering into his face, frowning.

- Sure…see ya! - And he took off as fast as he had come.

Kyle stopped around the corner to pick up a container of chicken broth from the little place that had the nearest to home cooked meals in Roswell, after a quick private investigation on what he might be able to keep down, narrowed the results to just that item. Hot lemon tea was also included in the scant list of possibilities, but Kyle wasn’t about to be laughed at by his friends. At least all the offending substance was out of his system, of that he was absolutely sure. They would need a plumber to get that toilet back in working order, and he was sure his friend would know “whodunit” after the first complaint. He would plead innocent and deny it, outraged, lying through his teeth. But the teasing and laughs would follow him for months, thanks to his pizza friend’s big mouth.

Kyle found them sitting on the couch watching TV, except the M&M’s, who’s sexy splashy sounds traced them to the bathroom, busily engaged in an enthusiastic water games skirmish. When they finally came out, the alien seemed to have lost the battle, sporting red cheeks on face and butt, while she was victoriously unscathed, pushing him backwards, dripping wet into the living area, giggling and tickling his ribs. Slaps and spanks for the loser? Michael blushing was a sight to see, could it be that? But the spanks were unmistakable. He surely lost on purpose.

- Maria! At least let me get some shorts on! - Michael chuckled.

- Ok. Go on then. - She goosed him laboriously as he headed to his bedroom and went to sit on the easychair.

- What did you do to him? - Liz grinned.

- What happened to your empathy, girlfriend? Were you giving us some privacy? - Maria gave her a mischievous smile.

- No, he was. - Liz admitted Michael had blocked her out again.

- Praised be alien powers. Not that I mind an audience, anyway! He got the worst of it, he always does. Hurry up, Spaceboy! My lap is waiting and my hand is itching! I’m not through with you! - Maria giggled wickedly. Michael approached her biting his lip sexily.

- Hey, Maria, enough with the spanking, ok? It smarts…- He pouted and the three on the couch threw a giggling fit.

- I’m sorry baby, come here, let me see. - Maria crooned.

Michael obediently went to her and turned around bending over. She pulled the soft cotton shorts down his ass and gasped.

- Sorry, baby, I overdid it, you should’ve given up! I’ll make you feel better. - Maria leant over and planted a kiss on each side before she carefully pulled the shorts up again. Michael moaned and winced and as Max opened his mouth, Maria stopped his words.

- No Max, you may not heal him. He deserves it. Don’t you, Michael? Am I right? -

- Yes baby. -

- Ok, some rubbing will do you a lot of good, come here. - Maria patted her lap and Michael slowly lay over it, first hissing and then purring as her hands worked on him, pushing them up the snug legs of the shorts. Maria was too busy to check out the look on her friends’ faces, almost drooling and wishing they could change places with her. Liz gloated on the fact that probably the only one that had a chance to do just that, was her. But then Maria looked up and straight at her.

- Uh uh! - She went, shaking her head with a mocking grin.

- Bitch! - Liz threw at her, grinning.

Max and Kyle sighed, nursing a growing hard on with only their hands this time, on their side. At least Michael and Maria seemed to be together again. So far.

A couple of minutes later, Michael reached back and stopped Maria’s hand.

- Maria, love, you’re making me horny, let me get up. - Michael softly pleaded.

- Dude, you’re making us all horny here! - Kyle confessed unabashed.

- KYLE! - Liz slapped him up the head and Max whacked him in the face with a cushion.

- What? Don’t play innocent! The sexual tension in the room is so thick you could cut it with a knife! - He knew he was right.

Michael was finally on his feet stretching and proving Kyle right. He snatched the remote control from Max and got a hockey match.

- Ok, off you go, this is my thing. - Michael picked Kyle off the couch as if he was a discarded jacket, and kicked Max off too as he lay down on his side and snuggled on it with his head on Liz’s lap.

- Hey, that’s my girlfriend! - Max protested.

- Sue me! - Michael ignored him and Liz locked eyes with Maria as she got up from the easychair.

- C’mon, bestfriend, this is macho territory, and there’s ice cream waiting for us. - Maria said reaching for Liz’s hand.
- Off, Spaceboy! -

Michael allowed Liz up and Max and Kyle fought each other to get the easychair. Kyle sat first and Max overturned it with him powers making Kyle scuttle away to safety.

- That’s not fair! - Kyle protested.

Max chuckled as he righted the chair up and was about to sit down as Kyle snatched the seat cushion away and sat on it.

- Fair enough! - Max accepted and found the chair wasn’t that comfortable without the part Kyle had captured.

He was about to start a fight over it when Michael took care of the problem.

- Shut the fuck up or I’ll kick you both off my place! - That got them settled, grumbling and mumbling.

Michael zapped both Max and Kyle’s shoes off, leaving their socks smoking.

- Yikes! - - Shit! - They went, waving the smoke away.

- I’m getting bloody good at this. - Michael grinned, staring at his hand, quite impressed.

- Give me back my shoes! - Max demanded.

- Do it yourself, I can zap but restoring wears me down, sorry, not my thing. -

- What about me! I can’t do it! - Kyle protested.

- If you ask your buddy nicely, he might do it for you. Now let me watch the game or I’ll find something else to zap! - Michael warned.

Max and Kyle decided they better stay put because if Michael went for their socks, it would be their toes which would end up smoking, or blown to kingdom come.

- Is someone smoking? - Asked Liz and Maria together from the kitchen area.

Michael laughed his head off. The girls went back over to see what was going on and found Max and Kyle still waving over their smoking socks. They gaped as Maria asked:

- What the hell…? -

- Michael, did you do that? - Liz asked him.

Michael just nodded and went on laughing.

The girls rolled their eyes and returned to the ice cream.

- Ok, Maria, spill! What happened in the bathroom? - Liz was just dying of curiosity.

- You’re right, you know? I’m a bitch! I didn’t play fair! - Maria shook her head.

- Maria, do make some sense, will you? For me, please? -

- Ok. - And Maria told Liz exactly what she had done.

- You need a shower. - Maria told Michael, helping him off the bed.

- I do? - He wondered, he hadn’t even broken a sweat in the chilled room, but then he saw through her. - Maria, are you sure? -

- Yes, c’mon! - She grabbed him around the waist and dragged him into the bathroom with her.

- Maria…-

- Shhh, just let me. - She got the water the way he liked it and pushed him in the shower stall. - Well? I want to join you! -

Michael carefully waved her clothes away, but stayed off her as she stepped in beside him. He sensed she was regretting what she had done, but she didn’t want to cave in, so he let her do it her way.

- I’ve had it as bad as you have, Michael. - She began.

- No way, Maria, I’ve had it worse. The worst, actually. -

- My father left us when I was a kid. -

- My foster mother left the next day they took me in. -

- I hated my father for not loving us enough to stay with us. -

- I hated my foster father for beating me and raping me. -

- My mother had to work her ass off to raise me. -

- I didn’t have a mother. I wish I’d have one. -

- At least my mother loved me and tried to give all she could. -

- My foster father only said he loved me when he was boozed up and was having my ass. -

- I had Liz and Alex and lots of other friends that liked me when I was a kid. -

- I only had Max and Isabel…no one else liked me. -

- Alright, alright, I was much luckier than you, so I win, and I want you to be my prize. -

- Wait, Maria, wasn’t it the other way round?... No, you’re right, you win, I’m all yours. - He smirked.

She jumped into his arms and they kissed for a full minute. She pulled back and they took a deep breath.

- Do you know how many times you’ve upset me and scared me, Michael? Do you? -

- Quite a number, I’m afraid. But I didn’t mean it that way, and you know it! I didn’t want anything bad to happen to you because of me, it would just kill me! - Michael defended himself.

- But I felt bad anyway! - She exclaimed.

- I know, I’m really sorry, please believe me! - He pleaded.

- I’ll believe you if you’re truly sorry. - She insisted.

- You know I am! What must I do to make you believe me? -

- If you really regret it, then you’ll accept that you should be punished for it, shouldn’t you? - Maria persisted.

- Anything you want, Maria, whatever you want to do to me, except staying away from me. Please. - He begged.

- Ok. Turn around…bend over…-

And she spanked him hard naming each time he had done something to deserve it in chronological order, and if she remembered one she had missed, he got it double for that one.
By the time she ran out of reasons, he was whimpering and gritting his teeth, the water running down his body had made it even worse, each time she struck him. Maria glued her body against his from behind and kissed his back, feeling him shudder, as her hands slid up his chest and pinched his nipples as hard as she was making them go, and knowing the effect of what her hands were doing and the spanking, had made his cock as hard too. She’d make it up to him…later and alone. She wanted him all hers, feeling completely selfish, and not willing to share him.

- You know why I’ve done this to you Michael? Because I love you, because I’ve loved you since the very first time I set my eyes on you, because no one has ever made me feel so loved, because no one has kissed me or fucked me like you do, because I will never find anyone to touch me and make me feel the way I feel for you, because no one can fuck me and make me come like you do, because no one can make me feel the lust I feel for you, because no one would let me do the things I do to you, because I’ll never want anyone else in my life, and it’s your fault, because no one can compare to you, Michael, because if I ever have children, I want them to be yours, you have no idea what you mean to me and how much I love you! -

By the time Maria finished, Michael’s cheeks were as red as his ass. Maria turned him over and kissed his lips again.

- Ok, dry me and clothe me, I’m coming out. - Maria ordered.

Michael complied but rushed to block her way out, wanted to kiss her again. That’s when Maria pushed him backwards out of the bathroom.

- Maria, he was right, it was the other way round, but he let you get away with it. - Liz nodded.

- I know, he always does it, he makes me think I’ve tricked him but I know I haven’t, he just lets it happen and takes it, for me. - She said.

- I’m glad you changed your mind Maria, for both your and his sake. - Liz noticed Maria had looked down, unable to meet Liz’s eyes. - What? -

- I’m not totally sure Liz, I know what I feel for him, I’m not lying, but I’m still afraid. If it comes to a showdown, I’m sure I’ll break down and run. I’m sorry, Liz, I can’t lie to you, I just don’t have the guts. I know I will regret it and my life will be ruined, but I just can’t get over my fear. I can’t watch him get killed, Liz, I can’t see him die. -

- I know, Maria. I can’t imagine living without him. Losing him is unacceptable. He’s so…god, Maria, you’re so lucky to have him. You know how much I envy you! - Liz hugged Maria tight against her.

- I know, I’ll let you have him when you want, Liz, you’re my best friend and I couldn’t deny you anything, not even him! -

- No, Maria, it’s not fair to you or him, or Max. No matter what he did, he gave me back my life, and that’s something I’ll never finish paying for. It’s ok, being with Max will keep me near Michael and you, that’s the best reward I can get. I love you guys. You want to be alone with him, right? Ok, but you know we can’t leave, because we can’t risk to be separated, just in case, so I’ll have Max seal the bedroom once you turn in. Good enough? -

- You won’t be able to hear us? You sure? - Maria arched her eyebrows in emphasis.

- I swear, Maria, cross my heart. - Liz assured her.

- I love you, Liz! - And it was Maria who did the hugging this time.

the martyr of antar

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 2:39 am
by ñusta
Chapter 308

Liz had a sudden flash of the six of them riding in an old battered van. Max was driving and she was sitting beside him. Looking at the rearview mirror, she could see Michael lying over Maria in a wild make out session on the back seat, which, like the one on which she and Max were sitting, went from side to side, giving them ample space to fit comfortably. Isabel was sitting beside Kyle behind her, talking animatedly. Liz knew they were leaving Roswell, and she wasn’t sure what it meant to her, what she was feeling. Her mixed emotions told her she was glad, in a way, to leave the place where they could be found and killed, yet it was the place where she had lived all her life, where her parents lived, she didn’t know where they were heading to, but she knew it was for the best. Wherever it was, they would be able to live their lives anyway they wanted, do what they wanted with no restrictions, and though danger would still be lurking in different, unexpected ways, they would always be able to be, either a step ahead, or find the solution to any problem, because they wouldn’t be alone. She felt her anguished existence enter a zone of peace and quiet, just like she felt right now in Maria’s arms.
Liz moved back and looked into her best friend’s eyes.

- It will be ok, Maria, everything will be ok, you’ll see, I promise! -

They went back to the guys, hand in hand, to find Kyle and Max hiding behind Max’s shield and Michael wiggling his fingers at them with a smirk.

- Michael, what are you doing? - Maria exclaimed.

- Kyle lost the bet and Max won’t let me rearrange his looks like I said I would if he did. A bet is a bet! - Michael insisted.

- He wants to give me platinum curls with Mr. Spock’s ears! Liz help me! -

- Alright, Michael, you will do no such thing. Isn’t there anything else Kyle can do for you to pay for losing the bet? - Liz wondered.

- Welllll...I’m kind of hungry...The pizza! Kyle! What the hell did you do with the pizza? – Unbelievably, the pizza had been totally forgotten.

- It’s in Maria’s car, I was going to send Max to get it. - Kyle said quietly.

- Why didn’t you bring it down? - Michael asked suspiciously.

- I...I...I’ll go and get it! Am I safe? - He arched his eyebrows at Michael.

- If you get the pizza, you are. - Michael assured him.

- Max! Let me out of here! - Kyle was stopped by the shield when he tried to leave the safe zone.

Max wrapped his shield back into his hand and Kyle fled out the door. Max decided to follow him suspecting something was kind of off, and when Kyle retrieved the pizza from the passenger seat, Max spotted the empty container of chicken broth. As Kyle walked away, Max took it and hid it behind him. Kyle placed the cold pizza on the table and turned to Max to ask him to heat it, when he saw him shake the empty container at him.

- What’s this, Kyle? - And Kyle went pale and greenish.

- Ok, Kyle, spill or...- Michael started raising his hand.

- Wait! It’s just that the pizza...the other one, Maria’s? The one I ate? Well, it did an emergency exit at Domino’s restroom, and I got the broth to stop the dry heaving on the way back. - He nodded vigorously.

- Kyle, you didn’t hurl in my mum’s car, did you? - Maria paled.

- No, Maria! I swear! It went all down the toilet...well, tried to...but...- Kyle shook his head in despair.

- Oh shit! You didn’t...- Max started laughing.

- Afraid so, I’m sorry for the plumber...- Kyle gave a nervous giggle as Max and Michael laughed their heads off. Liz and Maria looked totally grossed out.

- Max, heat up the pizza, and Kyle? This just got you off the hook, dude, that was awesome! - Michael went on laughing.

Max did his thing and passed the box around, but Liz and Maria insisted they had had their fill with the ice cream, so Max and Michael just shrugged and went for it.

- You sure you don’t want any? - Michael insisted, waving his slice in Kyle’s direction.

- You sure you don’t want a toilet casualty? - Kyle replied.

- You sure you don’t want a new cool look? - Michael insisted.

- I don’t, now lay off, Michael. I need some tea. - Kyle headed for the kitchen and the girls went to help him.

- Yeah...the Marilyn Spock look is definitely not for him. - Michael shook his head and went for his slice.

Max rolled his eyes and decided eating was the best thing to do for the moment.

The herbal tea did wonders for Kyle but he did pale a little when they returned to the living area and he watched Michael gulp down his last bite.

- Ok, girls’ choice now! - Liz produced Pretty Woman and Michael decided he desperately needed a nap and the best place to do it was Maria’s arms. He got up and let her stretch out on her back on the couch and he lay over her with his face buried in her breasts and his back to the TV.

- Michael? You’re going to miss Julia Roberts...- Maria said.

- Baby, napping in the most beautiful woman’s arms is my dream come true, my apologies to Julia Roberts. - He whispered, nipping her left nub through her blouse.

- Ohhh, Michael...anything you want, love...- Maria’s eyes half closed and she squeezed him against her. - Shhh baby, just go to sleep, just make sure you’ll be ready for me when I need you. -

- Mmm...- Which Maria took to be just what she wanted.

Max sat on the easy chair with Liz curled on his lap and Kyle went for the sleeping bag and a pillow which he placed under his head. Ten minutes later, his snores filled the room. Max zapped the pillow from under his head and it clonked against the floor.

- Dammit! - Kyle exclaimed, rubbing the back of his head and grabbed the pillow which was within his reach. He pushed it under his head to start snoring soon after. Five zapped pillows later, Kyle sat up.

- What the hell is going on here? - He asked, angrily.

- Your snores don’t let us hear the movie, why don’t you turn on your side or something? - Maria said.

- I’m comfortable on my back so if you guys don’t like it, then focus on the hunk sleeping there with his ass in the air. - Kyle placed the pillow on his face this time, and when the snores came, they were effectively muffled by the resilient material.
When the film ended, Maria used her unfailing trick of: “bathroom, baby…” and Michael tried to roll on his side to end up on the floor on his ass.

- Owww! Shit! - He moaned.

Maria reached over and tugged at his hair as Liz and Max stopped their laughs with a kiss.

- Well, I’m glad you kept your promise and you’re awake for me. C’mon, take me to bed and I’ll rub your tooshie. -

Maria started to get up but Michael gathered her in his arms and carried her to the bedroom, kissing her all the way there. As they were crossing the door, Maria gently pulled back and shouted sweetly:

- Nightie, Liz…- over Michael’s shoulder, and once she saw she had Liz’s attention, she mouthed: “You promised!”

Liz nodded and whispered in Max’s ear, who also nodded and raised his hand towards them. As Michael kicked the door closed, Maria noticed it went almost transparent and then back to its normal wooden appearance, and she knew what had happened: Max had sealed the room as Liz requested. She giggled as Michael placed her gently on the bed and waved their clothes away as he lay over her and started kissing her again.

Liz and Max went to the couch and Kyle sprawled back on the easy chair, and went on snoring into the pillow.

Michael was kissing Maria with such passion that her head was swimming. She gently broke the kiss, reluctantly, but there was something on her mind.

- Maria? - Michael whispered his protest.

- Let me up, Spaceboy…- She said softly.

- Bathroom? - He asked, hopefully.

- Uh uh. -

- What did I do now? - Michael scoffed.

- Nothing baby, I said I would rub your tooshie and that’s what I want to do, that alright with you? - She reassured him.

- Sure, love, you can do anything you want to me, you know that. - He sighed with relief. - But I want to…-

- And you will. - She interrupted him. - But I won, remember? And you’re my prize so I get to go first. -

- Of course… - He chuckled and let her up.

Maria went to kneel between his thigs as he spread them for her. She placed her hands above the back of his knees and felt his immediate reaction to her touch. His muscles tightened, welcoming her, making her feel their strength and power, which he knew she loved. She kneaded her way upwards, her thumbs working on the sensitive insides as Michael purred and writhed in pleasure. Maria felt his electric vibes travelling up her arms, registering in her brain and bouncing right back to her core. She reached her brands and dug her nails into the upper ones, opening a connection like no other one, because of what they meant to each other. They were so in sync, that they were sharing their every thought, Michael was a little wary, but Maria was thrilled by the possibilities. Showing an incredible control, she respected his unease, and opened hers to him without the least restriction.

- “When my father left, I thought no man could do anything so vile or worse to a child until I saw what Hank did to you Michael, it was unspeakable, evil…” She sobbed.
“Maria, he wasn’t my father…”
“But he accepted the responsibility to take care of you…just like a real father does…”
“He didn’t care about me like that, he ‘cared’ in a different way, about what he wanted of me, what I could give him…”
“But he also got a monthly check with it, so he was paid for it, and he didn’t deserve it because he wasn’t doing a good job…”
“He thought he was, Maria, a drunken person’s mind sees things they way they want them to be. I’ve made my peace with him, you witnessed it, it’s behind me now, ok, just let it be. I’m glad your father never laid a finger on you, though the psychological trauma was just as bad. I wish you could make your peace with him like I did, I wish there was something I could do about it…”
“I know love, and Michael? My trauma is nothing compared to yours, because it was both physical and psychological, but I didn’t bring this up to remind you of it because I know how much it hurts you, it’s really about me…you see? After my father left, I developed a very aggressive behaviour towards males in general, even the boys at school, I would pull their hair, and kick them and scratch them at the least provocation, which most of the time wasn’t even that, I started ending at the principal’s a little too often and my mother was eventually called, and a pshychiatrist was recommended. My mother took me to this couple, who were a male psychiatrist and a female psychologist. The appointment was with her, of course, but the study on my unusual reactions was done by both. They said I had developed an acute case of ‘androphobia’, that’s a fear and dislike of men, as a result of my father’s abandonment. Unfortunately the treatment was far over my mother’s possibilities, so the lady shrink told her the only way I might be able to get over my trauma was finding a boy who could understand me and love me enough to take it on him for my sake, when I needed to lash out at the nearest male. My mother was very frightened for Alex, because he was the only other friend I had apart from Liz, and he was a boy, but somehow, sorry to say, he didn’t register as a male to me, as he had cried with Liz and me when my dad left and I wouldn’t leave my room for almost a month. They were there with me every single day, their parents sending them to give my mother all the support and help she needed with me. Michael, I hate to say it, but you’ve been my victim all this time, baby, I knew what I was doing to you, but I couldn’t stop myself, and when you were mean to me…”
“No wait, I know you didn’t mean to be, I know you were trying to protect me, but when you were, I just felt I had it coming, for the way I hated males. But that time, after you tried to push me away again, after you…got rid of Pierce, and you told me it was because you loved me too much, Michael, you can’t imagine what I felt, how much I understood you! I wanted to tie you up and torture just because I loved you so much too. How the hell would you understand that? How could I expect you to understand what went on in my sick mind if I wasn’t able to understand what went on in yours either? I desperately tried to find a way to get through to you, something in the way you stuck to me told me you would, but I was afraid to lose you. So I waited for the perfect chance, and it came that wonderful night when you showed yourself to me and we had sex for the first time: The way you let me do what I wanted to you, the way you cared so much for me to spare me the pain of losing my virginity and took it unto you, Michael, that night you showed me much more that you thought you had: that I would never be able to love anyone as I love you. We are a perfect match, you’re not afraid of pain, you just take it from me as the hell of a man you are, that’s why I thought I was going nuts when you told me you were leaving. I went into complete denial, I’m glad I had Liz, and she had it all figured out when she saw my mother was having the same tic that Kyle had, and Michael…when you came out of the Chamber Pod, I just couldn’t believe my eyes! You just had to touch me and I knew you had stayed for me! For me! God, Michael, I love you so much!”
“You can’t imagine what I felt when I saw you out there when I came out. I wanted to take you in my arms and do it right there on the sand, even if Liz threw a fit, I couldn’t care less! But we had to warn Max and Isabel or Tess would take them away and had them killed again. But we really had it going after that, didn’t we? Even your mum didn’t seem to mind all the time you spent with me…”
“I guess she could also see that you were the only guy man enough to take me. She never told me, but all that time that she didn’t seem to like you, she was really afraid for what I might do to you, can you believe that? She tried to hide it from me, but I knew. At first she was afraid you wouldn’t be able to take it and turn your back on me, and what it would do to me, that’s why she was against it, but when she saw you weren’t backing down and you had the guts to stick to me and take it, believe me Michael, she just loved you! And she does, she sure does. It’s just that she finds it hard to believe you’re for real, and that you won’t suddenly change your mind.”
“I’ll never change my mind about you, and you know it. Now let out your repressed frustrations and do it!”

- Do what? - Maria broke the mental connection and changed back to the physical plane.

- What you’ve been wanting to do since that time you said. -

- Michael, what are you talking about? -

- Go ahead, tie me up and torture me! And you’ll see what it does to me when I fuck you right after! -

- Michael! Shame on you! Behave yourself! -

- Well, I’m waiting! All talk and no action? That’s not like you! Lost your guts? -

- You’re asking for it, Spaceboy, so get your alien butt ready for me! -

- It always is, baby, all of me, bring it on! -

- Are you sure you want me to torture you? - She asked coyly.

- I want whatever you really want to do to me. - He assured her.

- Even if you’ll end up begging for mercy? - She teased.

- What makes you think I will? - So sure of himself.

- The fact that I don’t plan to do it like you’re thinking. -

- You know I can and will take anything from you, I’m ready. -

- Alright, I want you on your hands and knees, so I can get anywhere I want to. - She demanded.

Michael chuckled and raised his lower body up on his knees, crossing his forearms and burying his face into them.

- I want to be able to see your face or at least your profile. - She insisted.

Michael turned his face sideways, indulging her.

- Good! - She said.

- Aren’t you going to tie me up? - He wondered.

- I don’t need to, because even if you begged me to stop, I know you really won’t want me to. So you’ll keep still to let me torment you. - She giggled.

- Interesting. I’m waiting…- He sighed impatiently.

Maria lowered her head and nipped him right where his left thigh met his body, remembering Vilandra saying how that turned him on. He gasped and went tight. She kept on nibbling all the way down ending just above his knee on the inside. She moved to that very spot on his other leg and nibbled her way up to end where she had started but on the right side. She felt Michael shuddering and knew he was gritting his teeth. She grabbed his ass holding him apart so she could go on nibbling up the inside of his buttock and gave him a wet lick high up, blowing on it before she continued down the opposite side, his muffled growls were music to her ears. Then she reached under him and took his cock in her hand, pulling it as far down as she could. She crouched low down, turning her head like a shark and managed to reach out almost all the way up the underside of his cock, placing the tip of her tongue right below the head as she prodded his ass with her forefinger, slicked out in her own juices. Michael hissed and clenched by reflex, biting his lip, feeling her tongue slide down the length of his cock as her finger pushed into his ass, both very slowly, making him enjoy each millimeter she covered. By the time her tongue reached his balls, her finger was all the way in. She lapped left and right as she screwed her finger in both directions too. Michael was now sobbing, and with a quick twist of her body, Maria ended on her back under Michael, and took the head of his cock in her mouth at the exact moment that her fingertip found his g-spot. Michael grunted and Maria eased his cock deep into her mouth at the same slow, torturous pace she had used before, as she pressed into his prostate swiveling her finger from side to side. Michael went: “Unghhh…Ahhhhh.” And came into her mouth as she was sure he would. His hot cum shooting down her throat and his velvety insides squeezing her finger like a vice, had her coming as she didn’t think she could. She felt Michael was barely managing to brace his hips just enough not to crush her, so she slithered from under him and he flopped down the second he felt she was safe. Maria lay back pillowing her head on his ass, and wrapping her arms around his thighs, holding them tight to her sides. Michael was whimpering like the lost puppy Maria knew he still was, deep inside, as she crooned nonstop: “Oh baby, baby, baby…”
They had an awesome half hour in alien paradise, and then Maria took charge again.
This time she wanted to make him last longer, so she stayed clear off his ass, knowing what it did to him. She pushed his thighs close together and straddled them. Beginning at the small of his back, she used her mouth and her hands to kiss, suck, lick, prod, knead, massage, pinch, squeeze and scratch her way to his shoulders and down again. Then, pushing her hands under his stomach, she pulled him up until he was on all fours again, pinching his nipples hard until he moaned and bucked into her as she pressed her body against him, finding her way between his legs again. She sat back on her heels and exposed him to her, digging her nails into him. She ate him out forcing her tongue deep into him and moving it inside, every way she could, as she struggled to keep him still.

- Maria…Maria! - He groaned, as he felt he was about to lose it again.

Maria pulled her tongue out of him, knowing she couldn’t keep it up any longer and slid two fingers into him, curving her index into his sex gland as her middle finger probed deeper. Michael contracted violently as he came, screaming her name. The killer grip on her fingers had her coming again with him, as he twisted and squirmed, purring in the sweet agony and whispered her name again and again. He dropped to the bed as Maria curled where she was and carefully pulled out of him.

- Oh my god, Michael! That was awesome! It’s so cool how you come from the ass without my even touching your cock! You’re so incredibly sensitive and hot in there! When you come, this electric vibe shoots up my fingers branching out through my whole body to end up right there, you know, making me come in such a different exciting way! Nothing like alien sex, baby! Now we both need to rest cause we’re coming together in the conventional way on the next one, ok? - She whispered against his butt, as she flicked out her tongue passing it over the set of her brands that she could reach without much effort, boneless as she felt right then. He sighed and moaned for an answer, as weak as she was, relaxing into a second restoring alien aftermath.
Once up to it, Maria slid off the bed with a dire need to pee, and trudged to the bathroom, barely making it. Splashing cold water on her face got her going again and she returned to the bed to find Michael opening his eyes as he sensed her approaching him. He lazily rolled on his side allowing her to stretch out beside him so he could cover her with his warm body.

- How do you want me to tease you now? - He smirked.

- I don’t. I want you to fuck me, like you said you would. -

- But I want to please you too, I know what you like…- He whispered.

- I know you do, love, but I tortured you because you wanted it, so now you must do what I want, it’s only fair, and I want you to fuck me. I’ve just come giving you a blow job with a prostate probe, then just sodomizing you without any kind of genital contact whatsoever, so this time I want you to fuck me so I can come with your cock inside me, in what might be considered a typical heterosexual intercourse. Any problems with that? - She gloated on her use of the language.

- Sure, Dr. DeLucca. I’m here to grant your every wish. - He joked and captured her mouth before she could go on.

Maria wrapped her legs around Michael’s hips and eased him into her dripping heat as he gently caressed her breast with his hand, using the other one to limit his weight on her. He filled her smoothly, in one deep thrust. The second they made contact, Maria’s legs rubbing her brands, opened the connection and sent him the pleasure of the penetration she was receiving, to have him enjoy it along with her. He slid deliciously in and out of her, feeling each of his shoves in his own body, moving into her as he liked it too, twisting his hips to enhance both their pleasure, doing it every way she liked it, and knowing exactly why she did, as he also loved it. Their previous orgasms had left them in such a state of sensitivity that they simply couldn’t last as long as they would have wanted, and Maria urged him to come with her, sensing he was fighting not to jump the gun to the point it was beginning to actually hurt. He was grateful for the release, which her pulsing walls milked out of him as he also spasmed on the much too real illusion of being full too. He was exhausted, they both were. It had been way above their expectations; Maria could hardly believe how it could get better every time, but then, she was with Michael, who loved her like no one else could, and he would do the impossible for her.