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Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 1:46 pm
by isabelle

I nod at Sarah's reassurances about Terry. I'm guessing I can handle her. I'm more concerned about Max. I don't know what to say to him. I know I promised not to spoil their 'date' but I'm still not comfortable with it. Why is he still pursuing her? Why is she letting him? I know she wanted to know about where she was from but she should have killed this whole 'promised bride' thing right at the start.

Well, hopefully Terry and Liz will both read any stresses I'm showing to be nervousness about Terry, although I'm thinking Max will know the truth -- which is fine by me.

"Hello, Terry," I say, extending a hand to her. I met Terry twice before but neither time said more than 'hello' to her.


*Thanks,* I say silently to Liz's compliment. *But I wasn't exagerating.* Any unattached guy here is going to be swarming to her, I'm sure. Maybe even a few of those who do have dates.

I notice how Kyle ignores me, greeting only Terry, but I don't much care. I'm here for Liz and that's all that matters.

"Hello everyone. The food's all ready and the DJ will be set up in a few minutes more. I hope you all have a great time tonight," I say in a neutral-friendly way.

*I'm looking forward to our dance,* I promise Liz.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 5:24 pm
by KatnotKath

Walking over with Max, I try to keep a smile on my face, but I have to say as I'm looking at the dress Sarah is wearing I'm struggling... Of course I know mom must have okayed it, which means she won't appreciate me questioning, but still, this is my little sister we're talking about, and that guy's a jock! I've met him a couple of times before of course, and from what I've seen, and been told, he seems nice enough, but that doesn't mean he's nice enough for my sister... And yes, I know I promsied to give him a chance, but still...

"Good evening, and don't you look wonderful sis..." I tell my sister with a small smile, and I mean it - even if I think maybe that dress is a little...

"Hello Terry..." Kyle extends his hand towards me and I can't help thinking he looks rather nervous... Of course if he's gone through dad's usual greeting that's hardly surprising, and that's before you get to me... I smile and take the hand offered. "Hello Kyle, nice to see you again..." I bite my tongue from saying something about making sure Sarah has a good time, but I'm pretty sure he can guess my thoughts anyway as I move onto the brunette, who, now that I look at her properly, I'm sure I recognise from somewhere... "Hi, I'm Sarah's sister Terry..."


Kyle looks tense as Terry approaches, but I'm guessing it's not just because of nerves... I don't miss the way he seems to ignore Max as he greets her... It's the usual way he tries to brush him off of course - his way of saying for Max to give up maybe...

I bite down on my lip and sigh inwardly, about to apologise for his behaviour, but as Max speaks again in my head, such thoughts leave my mind as I try to hide the blush and smile which threatens to break out on my face. *Me too...* I respond softly, forced then to refocus my attention on the verbal side of the conversation as Terry introduces herself.

I've seen her around the complex of course, but not to say hi to - which is probably as well considering that if she did, she might think it a little more strange Max being here... Smiling again, I nod and take the hand offered. "Hi Terry, I'm Liz..." I shift position slightly, unsure what else to say as we stand there somewhat awkwardly and deciding to turn back to Max. *I'm glad you're here...*

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 6:05 am
by isabelle

"She's a friend of mine and I gave her a lift," I say, explaining Liz. I stop myself before going into the fact that I've known her since we were both little. That's not necessary information and Terry won't understand. Afterall, I'm here with her sister, not Liz.

I look down at my hand and Sarah's intertwined, wondering how to move on from here.


*I'm glad you're here...* Liz says silently.

*I'm glad, too.* I know how much she wanted to come to this dance but there just didn't seem to be any way for me to be here for her. Well, not until one of the other chaperones had to cancel and Terry approached Alex. It's still not what we want. We'll spend more time apart than together, at least physically. But we're both here and our telepathy means we're not going to be as far apart as it seems.

I'm not sure what-else to say. I've already welcomed the three of them. Maybe I should move on?

Then I notice how nervously Kyle looks at Terry and I have to smile a little. He's been acting all tough trying to intimidate me, but here he's obviously afraid of Terry. I'm not really interested in making things easier for him but there's no reason not to. Besides, it might free Liz up. "Maybe we should let these guys enjoy the dance?" I suggest to Terry.

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 6:28 am
by KatnotKath

Liz... The name isn't familiar, but I'm sure I've seen her around... Nodding as Kyle explains he's a friend that he gave a lift to, I return the smile she offers and shake her hand. "Nice to meet you Liz..." She seems a nice enough girl, and Sarah doesn't seem too upset about her being there, although I can't help thinking that if she got a lift with Kyle and Sarah, that likely means she's here alone, and I do hope that isn't going to cause problems...

Of course 'friend' can mean just that, like me and Alex - I know he's with Isabel, and he's head over heels for her, and he's just a good friend to me...

Watching them for another moment, Max's voice draws me out of my contemplations as he suggests letting them enjoy the dance and I can't help smiling as I note the look on Kyle's face. I could torture him a bit longer, but I'm sure mom and dad have already done that, and Sarah would kill me later, so maybe I'll save my wrath for if he does anything wrong...

"Yeah, you're probably right..." Flashing a bright smile, I nod before looking back at the 'kids' "Hope you have a good evening you guys, if you need anything, we'll be around..."


It takes all my effort not to break out in a wide smile at Max's response. I had been a little worried that it wasn't really just the fact of practicality that had been keeping him from coming before, but also a lack of want... Afterall, a highschool dance must seem like a pretty silly thing to someone his age...

But the tone of his response seems to belie that, and I'm glad... When Alex told me that he might have a way Max could come, I was so pleased...

It's important to me, in a way I can't explain... I wanted to go, but I don't think I would have without Max... Because we're seeing one another now - albeit not openly - it wouldn't have seemed right to go with someone else, and nor would I want to have gone alone...

Before Kyle had asked Sarah it might have been different of course - we might have gone 'alone' but together, and that could have been fun, but he asked Sarah, which I'm glad about, I know he likes her, I just hope I don't spoil the evening for them...

*Thank you...*

"Nice to meet you too Terry..." I return the smile that Terry offers as I turn my attention back to the verbal side of the conversation, although wishing desperately we didn't have to hide like this... I'm not saying that I'm ready to say 'yes' to everything, but I know that I like Max, he's a good friend, and I've enjoyed our dates too... It's just difficult always hiding and lying about things, and of course if we didn't have to do that, it would make things simpler, and perhaps easier to make a decision too...

Do I want to go back with them, will I be with Max... Both quesitons which are never far from the front of my mind at the moment although I don't have to answer just yet... We haven't even found the granolith that the others talk about yet, or the pod chamber where we were apparently born, so going back is still some way off it seems, but we could find it any day, and each day that passes brings us one closer to doing that I'm sure...and to the final deadline when thinking of decisions to make...

But I don't want to think about that! Forcing the thoughts to the back of my mind, I determine that tonight is about having a good time! Looking around again at the decorated gym and nodding as Terry wishes us a good evening. I look over at Kyle and Sarah with a small smile. "I'm going to grab a drink...I guess I'll see you two later..."

*Thirsty?* I question with a mental smile, projecting to Max as I turn away.

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 7:17 am
by isabelle

"Yeah, okay," I say feeling a bit relieved that Terry's not pressing her 'interview' any further than this. I wrap one arm around Sarah's waist and turn her slightly. "Let's go," I say, my eyes drifting to Liz. Is she going to stay here with him?


Suddenly I realize that there might be another problem here. I've been thinking about Valenti and the neighbors, but Terry is going to continue to have contact with Kyle -- Certainly Sarah will and she'll carry conversation back to her sister, even if it's not meant to be gossip. It could be a problem if I do end up moving in with Liz -- something she's supposed to be giving me the final decision on today.

Kyle starts to leave and I turn to Terry, speaking as casually as possible. "Liz and I are old friends. Our parents knew each other before either of us were born."

It happens to be completely true (well except for the old part of friends. We've only known each other less than two months) and it might give me liscense to be hanging out with her and eventually, to be living with her, maybe.

*Some punch would be nice. Thank you,* I add to Liz.

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 7:20 pm
by KatnotKath

I try to hide my surprise as Max speaks up to say that he knows Liz. Not that there's anything wrong with it of course,'s...unexpected... I nod slightly, uncertain really about what I should say in response to that. I mean, is there a particular reason for him saying that, or is he just making conversation... The latter I'm guessing, but still, I can't quite shake the feeling that there's something... "That's nice..."

Shaking my head mentally, I tell myself to quit making a mountain out of a mole-hill as I seem to have a habit of doing, and instead allow myself a few minutes watching Sarah and Kyle as they move away... They seem happy enough, and Kyle seems like a nice enough guy, it's just...

I'm sounding like mom... Sarah's said it before of course, and it's true I guess, I worry about her. I sigh and shake my head again, turning to look back at the door and frowning as I see a couple of kids entering who I would be willing to bet are less than sobor... "I'll handle them, if you'll excuse me..." I slip away from Max to go and deal with them.


*Sure, am I bringing back to you, or you coming over...?* I ask silently of Max as I make my way around the dance area towards where the drinks table is set out.

"Hey Liz"

"Nice dress..."

A couple of Kyle's friends greet me on the way and I offer a small smile in response, although my impulse is to think they're just doing it to be nice, thanking them for the compliment and saying maybe I'll see them later as I continue on.

For now though, my focus is still with Max, which makes sense since hes my 'date', albeit unofficially, I guess... *Did you have a good day, how was work...?* I try to keep up a stream of general conversation, much like one would in person as we continue to speak at distance.

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 5:37 pm
by StormWolfstone
ooc: I'll get the others asap


As we entered the gym and my sister began moving towards us, I couldn't help but hope I was right and that my sister wouldn't make things more hellish for Kyle. He'd really gone through the ringer with my parents already and I couldn't believe how well he'd handled it. Terri was always protective and I loved her for it, but tonight was one time I was hoping she would not overdo it.

"Good evening, and don't you look wonderful sis..." I can't keep from smiling under the compliment, I can see from her expression she means it even though I'm certain she doesn't approve of the make of the dress I'm wearing.

"Hello, Terry," Kyle says and extends his hand in greeting and I barely managed to get myself to keep from tensing as I pleaded with my eyes that she not cause a stir.

"Hello everyone. The food's all ready and the DJ will be set up in a few minutes more. I hope you all have a great time tonight," I hear from the guy with my sister. I knew his name was Max simply because I'd seen him from time to time and heard people say something to him. I'm usually pretty good with names.

"Thanks." I replied, giving him a greeting smile before turning back to my sister.

"Hello Kyle, nice to see you again..." My sister surprises me by greeting him with a smile as she shakes his hand. My breath releases in a soft sigh of relief when she turns her attention to Liz, "Hi, I'm Sarah's sister Terry..."

"Hi Terry, I'm Liz..." Liz replies and I can tell she's feeling a bit awkward. God, I just realized how this must look to Terri. She's probably wondering if I'd misread Kyle's intentions or if maybe something else was going on.

"She's a friend of mine and I gave her a lift," Kyle offers by way of explanation and I glance over at him to smile, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. I think he's thought the same thing I did about how Terry might take it.

"Nice to meet you Liz..." My sister greets her, shaking her hand as well.

"Nice to meet you too Terry..." Liz replies.

"Maybe we should let these guys enjoy the dance?" Max suggests and I look at Terry hopefully.

"Yeah, you're probably right..." She begins to agree and I can't keep from letting myself smile as she continues, "Hope you have a good evening you guys, if you need anything, we'll be around..."

Liz looks our way as she speaks, "I'm going to grab a drink...I guess I'll see you two later..."

"Yeah, okay," Kyle replies to Liz.

"Definitely, Liz. Remember what I said." I smile at her and when Kyle's arm wraps around my waist, I look up at him with a smile as he turns to look at me.

"Let's go." I notice his eyes drifting toward Liz and try to remind myself that they are friends and of course he's going to worry about her.

Nodding, I look back at my sister, "We'll be fine, Terry. Try to relax and have some fun yourself." With a grin, I easily walk with Kyle away from Terry and Max. It's still so hard to believe that this is real. Especially now that I knew my sister wasn't going to press things with Kyle and we were moving through the crowd alone.

I can hardly contain how much joy I feel knowing that I'm actually at the dance with Kyle and that he had asked me. Yet, a part of me is still nervous. A few of my friends wave as we pass and I lift a hand to wave in return as my other hand goes around him. Turning to look at him, I smile happily, "I'm really glad you asked me Kyle." I tell him, hoping I don't sound like an idiot.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 5:04 pm
by isabelle

Sarah steers me away from Max as her sister seems to have a better place to go. I guess that's all well and good. I don't particularly want to continue with Terry right now and Max -- well, there doesn't seem to be much I can do about that just now. I can't follow Liz around either. I'm here with Sarah and I want to be able to be just with her. I don't want to have to be worrying about Liz but I can't seem to help it. I wish she'd decided to sit this one out. The subterfuge here can't be good for her.

"I'm really glad you said yes," I say, smiling. "You're the prettiest girl here." I like more than her appearance, but girls always like a compliment like that.

"Hey," I say, turning my attention back to my wonderful date. She seems to be walking away from the punch bowl and it doesn't take a genius to understand why. I hope she's not thinking there's anything with Liz. Sarah's the only one I want to be with right now. Liz is a dear friend but I already know that we're a zero in the romance department.

The DJ is finally set up and starting his first set. I smile at Sarah, allowing my hand to slide around her waist. Nobody seems to be watching us so I lean closer, wondering if I can kiss her. No, probably too soon. "You wanna dance?" I ask.


"Sure," I tell Terry as she moves off to stop a bit of trouble. *I'm on my way,* I tell Liz, silently as I follow towards the refreshment table. On the way, I give a pointed comment to a couple of the girls who were whispering together. There was something a bit unfriendly to the tone of their comments, like they were plotting some prank. I didn't want them starting any trouble.

*Did you have a good day, how was work...?* she asks. I wince a bit at the question. It seems so strange when I ask her about school or she talks to me about work. It just seems to emphasis the fact that we're at different stages here although I guess it would be worse if I were in a real career and not just a non-skilled job to keep us afloat until we get off-world. I can't help but be angry at Nacedo for letting this happen although it's possible it wasn't his fault. He'd told us how the technicians who were supposed to be in charge of the pods were killed in the crash. Maybe he didn't know how to get her out earlier. If only we had more time. In two more years this wouldn't seem so odd at all. Unfortunately, we don't have the option of waiting.

*Work was fine. Nothing special,* I tell her as I pick up the cup of punch that she'd poured.

"The gym looks great. Were you on the decorating committee?" I ask out loud. It's a stupid question. I know she didn't do any decorating as she was working although it is possible they voted on the theme or something. I'm just not sure what-else a chaperon would talk to a student about. I did admit to Terry that our parents knew each other so we can act as friends but I don't know exactly how to do that, either.

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 3:34 am
by KatnotKath
OOC: hope this is okay, tell me if you think anything needs changing?



I can feel Max's discomfort as I ask about work. I should have thought of course, about how it just emphasizes the differences between us, but sometimes I can't help it. It seems such a normal thing to ask, and in essence, he could ask the same of me I guess, but it wouldn't be the same I know...

His work and mine are very different, and not only in content...

Biting down on my lip, I swallow, wanting to apologise, and yet knowing that only makes it worse... As Max answers, I give him a small nod, making some small comment about the short shift I pulled at the Crashdown since school closed a little early to allow last minute preparations and such to be made. The idea was for us to have time to get ready as well of course, but for me that took second place over the chance to get some money, and that's the way it had to be...

"What, oh, no...we were asked for opinions on colour schemes and such, but that's about as far as my input went..." I comment softly as he switches to verbal conversation now, unable to keep from looking around a moment, a little nervous that Kyle might be hanging around...

As I spot him dancing with Sarah a little way off though, I realise it's nothing of the sort, Max is just 'playing his part'.... I take a small sip of my drink and swallow, hating the silence that's fallen between us... "So what would you be doing right now if you weren't stuck here...?" I question outloud, keeping a light, almost playful tone in my voice as I try to keep up some banter while realising it's time to broach something far more serious privately...

*I-I've been thinking, about what we were talking about last weekend...*

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 10:06 am
by isabelle

The awkwardness between us seems to grow. I knew this would be difficult but we thought we'd get past it and make it work. I hope that it happens that way. I catch Liz's glance out at the dancefloor to where Kyle and Sarah are. I hope she's able to keep his attention occupied so he isn't trying to interfere with Liz and me.

"So what would you be doing right now if you weren't stuck here...?" Liz asks.

I smile and nearly laugh. "What makes you think I don't want to be here?" I joke. Then I realize that it sounds kinda creepy. All the other caperones have a kid in the school or in the case of Terry, a sister. Terry asked me, but it's not like she and I are on a 'date.' No, Liz and I are. A secretly public date.

"Actually, I'd probably be home reading or maybe watching TV." or trudging through the desert searching for the pod chamber I add to myself, not even sending those thoughts to Liz. It's actually not likely that we'd be doing that on a Friday night. After a long week, Alex and Maria usually insist on a non-alien-related evening. I smile sideways, making fun of myself. "It's probably a good thing to get out and socialize a bit. It's nice to see you and Terry."

It should be safe to mention seeing her aloud. I just explained that Liz and I are 'family friends.'

*I-I've been thinking, about what we were talking about last weekend...* Liz sends silently while I'm answering her verbal question.

I feel myself tensing inside, although I'm careful not to let that show outside as I keep up my 'easy smile.' She can only be talking about me moving in with her. She seemed so certain that she wanted it but I told her to think it through and wait a week before she made a final decision. There are a lot of problems with that plan although I can see the benefits, too. The biggest problem is how it's going to look to the general public. Today wasn't the first time I'd mentioned that she's a friend of the family. It's how we explained things to Kyle's dad but I don't know if it'll be enough. I really don't need to be arrested as a 'creep.' The Sheriff may know me but I don't think he'd be bending the rules for me.

Of course, it would be great to be able to spend some real time with her. She'll be busy running around with her obligations to school and work and all, but we should have a lot more moments. I really want that but I just don't know if it's worth the problems for her. Of course, it would also mean that I wouldn't have to live with Michael's constant 'innocent' comments and more blatant complaining. He's still so insistent that we commit to each other -- regardless of what we might feel. Since we haven't found the Granolith yet, that decision can wait.

*Yes? And have you made up your mind?* I ask.