The Martyr of Antar-COMPLETED

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Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the martyr of antar

Post by ñusta »

No sooner had Max asked who would go first when Kyle jumped the gun and said: - I do! -

- Wow! You said “I do?” You heard that Michael? I think you just got yourself a husband! Do you want the honeymoon right away? -

Michael went: - Mmm, I’m waiting here. - And chuckled along with Max.

Kyle took a step towards the bed when Alex grabbed him by the arm.

- Who gave you the right to come before me? -

- I spoke first! -

- So? Big Deal! -

- My dad’s the sheriff! -

- I don’t see him here backing you up! -

- Whoa, guys, let’s work out this in a fair way, ok? What do you want to do to him? -

- FUCK HIM! - Both together again. Max rolled his eyes.

- Obviously you can’t do it at the same time, right? Haven’t you watched the “master”? Did I go and fuck him right away or did I do some nice teasing first? -

- Well, you went and…you know… -

- Pushed your…you know, into him…and… -

- So you can play with him together to get going. Kyle, what can you do to him? -

- I want to eat his ass out. -

- Fine, Alex, what about you? -

Alex thought for a few seconds chewing his lip. He watched Kyle unzip his pants and crouch behind Michael using both his hands to spread him as he buried his face between his buttocks. Michael purred and pushed back: Max went to Alex’s side and whispered something in his ear. Alex started grinning and walked to Max’s closet. He reached into the partially open door and got a belt from the neat rack. He hooked the buckle in his thumb and wrapped the leather once around his palm. He turned hiding his hand behind him and rushed to the bed. To Kyle’s surprise, he swung the belt and lashed Michael’s butt hard. Michael gasped and tensed at the unexpected pain. He swung again and as the leather struck Michael, Kyle jumped back, his eyes bulging out of his head.

- Are you out of your mind? You almost took my nose you idiot!- His face was red with shock. He turned to Max for support and saw he looked pleasantly amused.

- Max! -

- C’mon Kyle, it wasn’t that near, you have to admit that was real cool! -

- Well he was lucky, but I don’t trust his aim, ok? - Kyle protested as Max giggled.

- Ok, Alex, he’s right, you know? You could end up giving him a nose job and I don’t think his dad would appreciate it. We’ll do that later, ok? -

- Yeah…keep your promise, huh? That hurt sooo good! -

Kyle and Alex turned to look at Michael, open mouthed. He looked so aroused they couldn’t believe it. They turned to look at Max and he just smiled and shrugged.

- Go on Kyle, he’s getting impatient. -

- What about Alex? -

- Got the message and I don’t want to end in jail. What else can I do? -

A definitely female giggle made Kyle, Alex and Max and of course Isabel outside the door, turn towards the source, which seemed to come from Max’s closet.

- Ok, who’s there! - Max sounded really alarmed and their jaws hit the floor when Tess walked out from behind the suits. Maria had to use both her hands to prevent Liz from flying over the window and attack Tess.

- Easy, chica, there’s nothing we can do, ok? There are too many people so Max is safe from her claws. Can you hear me? Liz? -

- Ok, ok, I’m cool. Shit, where did the bitch come from? -

- From the closet. -

- Dammit Maria, I saw that, that’s not what I meant! -

- Oh, yeah sorry, I…-

- Sshhh! Let me hear! -

Michael chuckled and they turned to look at him accusingly.

- You knew she was there? - Michael smirked at them and nodded. They turned to Tess, their eyes silently demanding an excuse.

- Oh well, I thought I would get lucky tonight and hid earlier in the closet. I was about to come out, no pun intended, when the hunk here, - She squeezed Michael’s butt making him groan, - Beat me to it. I dove back into the closet hoping he hadn’t seen me, I guess he did. -

- Why did you laugh at us? - Kyle asked.

- Kyle, Kyle, your friend here Alex seriously needs a hand if he doesn’t know what else to do, so trust me, you can use my advice. Come here Alex, you seem to enjoy secrets, so I’ll give you one. Imitating Max’s previous performance, she whispered in Alex’s ear.
They both smiled and Alex nodded. Tess went to sit at the window sill to enjoy the show from a vantage position for a change. Maria and Liz ducked into the bushes cursing the blonde bitch who was going to spoil it for them. To their surprise, Tess sat close to the opposite side of the window.

- Ok guys, Lights, Camera, Action! We girls enjoy this kinky show too. -

She dipped her head slightly to her right over her shoulder in the direction Maria and Liz were hiding and winked her eye, then slid her hand out of the window sill and gave a thumb up. Then she turned back towards the room. Maria and Liz looked at each other and couldn’t believe what had just happened. Tess knew they were there and she was ok with it! They straightened up again to watch the porno staged, as Tess had just said, “For the girl’s enjoyment”. Alex went to sit on the floor and in a typically Alex disjointed move, he crawled backwards on the bed under Michael’s belly until he was able to take his cock in his mouth. Michael jerked and growled as two mouths made contact with his body, when Kyle went back to eating his ass. Alex took Michael’s balls in his hand and moved them out of the way so he could watch Kyle’s tongue dip in and out his ass. When Kyle came up for air a second time, Tess snapped her fingers and said;

- Ok, time for a switch! -

Alex flew up to his feet and pushed Kyle out of his way as he went hungrily for Michael’s waiting ass. Kyle looked helplessly at Tess and said;

- No way I can snake under there. I’m not boneless like the geek here. -

- Wait! -

Tess bounded for the door and almost run into Isabel. She paled as her cover was blown and in her Ice Princess mode, walked into the room, her look challenging anyone to defy her. She sat on the easy chair left of the door so her view was practically the same but more comfortable. Tess returned right after Isabel with a stool wide enough for two persons and placed it alongside the bed. She looked at Kyle and then at the stool, nodding. Kyle smiled as he got it, and lay on his back on the stool easing his head where Alex’s had been, no sweat.

- Shit! I can only see his balls! -

Alex raised his head and cursed.

- Fuck, Kyle, use your hand! -

- What? Oohhh, right! - Now the view was awesome!

“So that’s what the geek had been seeing. Cool! Michael was sure squirming with pleasure! What the f…”-

Michael’s cock slid into his mouth and as he grabbed it to get it out he decided he liked the way it filled him, and the spicy taste was yummy!

“Oh shit! What’s wrong with me? Oh, what the hell, the geek surely did the same thing! So live and learn!”

Then Tess snapped her fingers again.

- Ok, change of activities! We keep our promises! - She gave Alex the belt he had dropped by the bed and got another one from the closet for Kyle.
She traced the two angry red welts from Alex’s outburst with her finger and felt Michael’s butt rise against it. He purred in anticipation. The welts felt hot and Tess covered them with her whole hand. She turned to the eager floggers and Max, who was wetting his lips with his tongue, ready to watch the action.
Tess massaged the hot round globe as Michael snuggled against her hand and sighed. Tess watched the three faces, their eyes on her hand as she touched the source of their horny cocks. She decided to stall to make them drool. She knew what they wanted, especially Michael, so let him suffer! Why couldn’t she mind warp him like the rest? Even Isabel admitted she couldn’t dreamwalk him either. He blocked her out completely! Warriors!

- So you all like to fuck him huh? Great ass, you know Max? You can do all your work ups till hell freezes, putting on abs and all the muscles machines can give you, but this, - She slapped the firm flesh she was handling, smartly. - Comes natural. - She walked around them and went back to fondling the other bun.

- Not even football or basketball. - She looked straight at Kyle. - And of course sitting all day at the computer is a total no-no where the ass is concerned. - A quick glance at Alex.

She smirked at them and they looked uncomfortably at each other. She turned to Isabel whose eyes looked ready to jump out of her face. - You’re not immune either. - Tess scoffed, - It’s ok, I admit it, neither am I. Guess all we girls get penis envy depending on the ass, right? -

Another look in Isabel’s direction, making her colour fade from her cheeks but meeting her eyes without flinching.

“Yeah, the proud princess, so Isabel! Just wait, Tess has a little surprise, perhaps not so little. You’ll see. No one messes with me.”

She turned to the impatient guys and the nervous princess and gloated at their suspense.

-You’ll excuse me for a sec, I assure you it will be worth it. -

She left the room feeling their eyes on her. If Isabel thought she could keep any little secret away from her she was certainly stupid! She went straight to her hiding place in her closet and fished out what she wanted. Then back to Max’s room, where she made her grand entry.

- A little bonus for Michael’s sake. - she smiled enticingly and brought her hand from behind her back flaunting the object in front of Isabel’s eyes. This time she got the reaction she wanted. Isabel’s face turned beet red, her eyes froze in shock. The three guys giggled uncontrollably as Tess approached Max and handed him a vibrator the size of his big cock, even with the same bloated head and ribbed “for her pleasure”, as the preservatives with that particular trait announced .

- The batteries are charged full power. Have fun. - She returned to the window sill and snapped her finger for the action to take up where it left.

Max held the gadget gingerly in his hands as Kyle and Alex looked at it with distrust. Tess realized what was going on in their stupid male heads.

- Don’t worry, she’s never used it on herself. It’s her toy for Michael. The only place it’s been is in his ass. Go on, take it home. -

Max figured it out in a couple of seconds and lubed it up. Then he literally screwed it into Michael who let out a: Mmm, yeah! - as his eyes shut tight and his lips parted in pleasure.

- C’mon Max, please! - Max understood what Michael wanted, so he pushed the knob at the back of the toy and it came to life. Michael shuddered and grabbed the sheets with both hands as he hissed into the pillow. Tess snapped her fingers again and Max turned the knob all the way to the right to “high”. This time Michael froze and every muscle in the back of his body stood out .

- What about the leather? Kyle, Alex? What are you guys waiting for? -

They stood at opposite sides of the bed as Max pushed the vibrator completely into Michael.

- Shit man, how are you going to take it out? - Kyle sounded kind of scared.

- What do you think the cord attached at the back is for, jerk? - Alex looked smug.

- Right, Kyle, it’s just like a jumbo tampon. - Tess cackled disgustingly. Kyle frowned and noticed Alex and Max shared his feelings.

- Ok, go! Find your rhythm, you can do it! - She encouraged them.

Alex, not wanting Kyle to beat him again, lashed hard at Michael. He gasped and his body jerked. Kyle lashed, then Alex and they were in perfect sync, the tortured boy’s sobs and starts triggering them on. Maria’s and Liz’s hands were clamped over their mouths, their eyes bulging. Suddenly Tess snapped her fingers again. They froze waiting for her orders.

- Use the buckles! -

They changed the edge of the belts and started lashing out actually breaking the skin. Michael was twisting his body and whimpering as the buckles biting his flesh were drawing blood. Isabel couldn’t take it any longer. She ran to Alex’s side and grabbed his wrist as he was about to strike again.

- Are you out of your minds? What’s wrong with you? You’re hurting him, he’s bleeding! Max, what is this witch doing to you?

Max took the belts from Alex and Kyle’s hands and tossed them back into his closet. Max left the room and returned with a wash cloth and a bottle. He soaked the wash cloth with a clear liquid from the bottle and placed it over Michael’s bloody buttocks. He tried to twist away but Max pressed harder-

- Hold him down! - He ordered and Alex and Kyle did as they were told.

Michael moaned and sobbed but took it lying still. Maria managed to find her voice.

- What is he doing to him? Why isn’t he healing him? It’s the least he could do! After what they’ve done to him and Max didn’t move a finger to stop them! - She rambled on. - I hate Kyle and Alex, they’re so cruel! -

- Maria, do you want Valenti calling the FBI on them? Kyle doesn’t know! -

- Oh my god, you’re right! But what is he doing? He’s hurting him worse! -

- No, I think he’s using peroxide to control the bleeding. He will heal him when Kyle is gone. -

- I’m sorry Liz, but I think Max is sick! How can he do that to Michael? He is his brother! -

- I don’t know, but I think it’s an alien thing. Perhaps that’s normal to them. -

- Then I don’t want to have anything to do with them! Oh god, I want to go and help Michael, he’s suffering so much! I have to do something! -

Liz clung to Maria like a limpet.

- No, Maria, you’ll make it worse! We can’t interfere! Michael is a strong guy, he isn’t tied up, if he wanted to, he could get up and beat the crap out of the three of them, but he’s just taking it. There must be a reason. We must wait. -

Max placed the bloody rag in a plastic bag he took from a drawer in his desk and dropped it on the floor.

- I think he’s ready. - Max told Kyle as he held a Vaseline jar to him. - Here, use your finger. -

Alex raced to get under Michael again and watch Kyle take over. His lips found Michael’s hard cock as Kyle scooped a glob of the stuff and rubbed it in a circle on Michael’s ass. Then he pushed in his finger and pumped it in and out a few times as Michael writhed and moaned. Then Kyle fished his bloated cock from his tented boxers coming out of his fly and picked the bottle of baby oil which was on the floor by his foot. He opened it and tipped it over his erection as he had seen Max do when he fucked Michael. He pushed it down and started forcing it into Michael who bucked back to get it in. Max held his hips.

- Keep still, Michael, let Kyle do his thing. -

Michael scoffed not convinced but just braced himself, obeying Max.

- Hell, he’s tight! - He shoved hard and the head went in.

Michael grunted. The lubrication did its thing and Kyle’s cock slid in slowly into the narrow passage. The sight made Alex want to switch but Tess had told him she would give them both equal chances. He knew he was drooling as his lips and tongue played with Michael’s cock which reacted to the one going up his ass.
Kyle’s brain was melting as he felt every centimetre sliding into the prone boy, receiving his length in his warm slick insides. He felt his body jam against the other one and he knew he was all the way in. He froze because he was so close to coming and he didn’t want it to end so fast. Michael seemed to sense Kyle’s problem and shared his feelings, waiting for him to move. Finally Kyle took control and began moving. He pulled out and stuck it back in enjoying the way Michael’s inner muscles gripped him. He took it completely out and thrust it back in a few times. Each time he forced it in, it gave him an incredible pleasure, and Alex couldn’t wait to be in Kyle’s place. Watching it slide in and out was driving him out of his mind. Kyle felt a tug on the waist of his pants on the left side and turned to see it was Max.

- Can you dance? -

- What? - “What was is with Max, what was he talking about?”

Max pushed him towards the right, then pulled him back towards him and back again. Kyle realized that Michael has also started moving in the opposite direction as Max was making him enter him sideways making Kyle go deep into him, the friction shifting from side to side, and he kept moving as Max had shown him. Soon, he felt Michael’s insides start squeezing him as he got ready to come. He stopped swaying and bucked back hard. Kyle took the hint and started ramming him just as hard. Michael started whimpering and Max’s voice seemed to come from inside Kyle’s head:

“Stay deep and shove hard and short.”

Kyle buried himself to the hilt, doing as Max had told him and he felt Michael contracting against his cock as he shuddered and growled pushing back to keep him as deep as possible. He went: - Aaahhhhh! - And Kyle dug his fingers into the firm muscles under them and felt himself shooting into him for what seemed like an hour. He kept coming and coming and Michael milked every drop out of him. Alex felt Michael coming in his mouth and he couldn’t believe he could find it so satisfying. It tasted as spicy as the spiked food they always ate, and he realized he was hooked on the stuff.
As their breathing started stabilizing, Kyle sat back on his heels and took deep breaths with his mouth open. Tess’s voice broke the silence.

- Well, how was it? -

- Oh my god, I’ve never felt anything like this before in my life. It was awesome! -

Alex was beside Kyle in two strides.

- Ok it’s my turn. Pull out of him, now! -

Max stepped between them and pushed Alex away.

- You’ll have his ass as soon as Kyle comes out of him when he’s ready. You wait, ok? -

Alex nodded reluctantly and locked his eyes where Kyle and Michael were joined.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the martyr of antar

Post by ñusta »

First of all apologizing for the errors, been having some hard times with my translator's mother's health. Forgot to name the previous Chapter: it was 287, sorry.

Chapter 288

Well, Alex thought, it was about time Max took charge; Tess had already had enough fun. So now it was the typical story of a geek’s life: put yourself on hold and wait, so he went into waiting mode. He started going over the weird events of this strange night. In spite of all his frustrations, he thought maybe Liz had been right all along and he had been better off not knowing about the alien thing. He pulled the stool further down along the bed and sat down, keeping his eyes on Kyle’s connection with Michael, hoping it wouldn’t take as long as Max had hinted. Shit, it was so weird. He couldn’t believe what had happened so far. He had almost picked a fight with big ego jock Kyle Valenti, who in spite of being much shorter than him could have easily bent him into a pretzel, but although Kyle got what he wanted, he had made his point with no physical harm to his person. What had it been about? The right to fuck bad boy Michael Guerin up the ass first! Then he had given the punk a blow job while he watched the jock ram his cock in and out furiously where he should have been, and loved it. He had torn, with Kyle’s help, the kid’s ass to bloody ribbons and had loved it, and he couldn’t wait to stick his cock into his round ass too. Then the Isabel thing, she had been in the room and he hadn’t had even the slightest sexual thought about her, it was all about Michael. He had loved the way she paled when Tess mentioned the penis envy issue, and then when she had gone beet red at the sight of the vibrator, and she had been the one to grab his wrist to stop him from hurting Michael any worse. Him, not Kyle, but not even her touch did it for him. So where was she now? Oh there she was behind him, crouching at the head of the bed by Michael, one hand on his cheek as he held her wrist and the other in his hair, her face by his on the pillow and their foreheads touching. His eyes were closed but hers were open watching him full of worry. What was it that Max had said? She had started some kind of sexual games between the 3 of them when they were 13? Suddenly all his focus went to the vibrator. She used it on Michael? He could see Max twisting it into him but it was Isabel’s hand he saw holding the toy as it buried into Michael. Then he flashed to a few minutes ago, when they stopped flogging him, and he couldn’t help thinking what he must have felt as he contracted against the pulsing toy inside him with each lash ripping his skin. Hell! He could almost hear Max’s voice telling them he thought he was ready and handing Kyle the Vaseline jar. He had immediately offered to pull the toy out and Max and Kyle were ok with it. He had crouched between Michael’s thighs and taken the thick cord, wrapped it around his fingers for a better grip and tugged. It felt stuck. Isabel’s voice made him jump. She was standing by the bed watching what he was doing.

- Pull hard until it begins to come out, then it’s easy. - Her eyes were on the cord, not on his, as he would have wished.

This is what she must have seen every time she removed the toy from his butt, who knows how many times! He yanked hearing the gasp he had caused and the back of the toy appeared following the cord.

- Turn it off, he’s sore enough. - Isabel whispered.

He tried to turn it off but it was so greasy that it kept slipping from his clumsy fingers and once, it buried back in again as Michael groaned and pulled away. He shook his head in dismay and just concentrated in getting it out.

- Having problems there? - Max inquired.

- Let me do it. - Kyle trying to make him feel useless, of course.

- I don’t need help! - He growled exasperated, and yanked the cord roughly.

The toy came almost halfway out and Michael buried his face in his arm and grunted. He patted his hip evading the bloody area and apologized. He nodded and Alex continued to ease it out. He encountered a lot of resistance and Max came to his aid.

- It helps to do this. - He said and motioned with his hand shifting it from side to side. - Right, Isabel? -

He grinned knowingly at his sister who frowned and looked away from him.

- Sure. - Max turned to him and rubbed it in.

- She should know, huh? - Max turned to him and rubbed it in.

Isabel scoffed and rolled her eyes. Alex managed to unscrew it out of Michael hearing and seeing the pain he was causing. As it came out, Kyle was shoving him roughly out of his way, kneeling between Michael’s thighs with the Vaseline jar. Max’s giggle and Kyle’s sigh brought Alex back to the present as he watched Kyle’s limp cock slide out of his soon to be lover. Kyle stood up on shaky legs and slumped on the floor by the bed, leaning against it. He wrapped his arms around his legs and laid his forehead on his bent knees. Alex fished his cock out of his fly pushing the waist of his boxers low in front, under his balls. He knelt behind Michael’s hips and placed both his hands on the back of his thighs. He squeezed them gently and felt the smooth strong muscles react under his fingers. Alex closed his eyes and felt his cock leap sky high. Damn, how he envied those thighs, he was so skinny with reedy legs that were so embarrassing in his gym shorts! Max thought he was stalling because of insecurity.

- Just ask, man. -

- Huh? What? -

- How to get started? You seem ready enough. -

- You think I’m retarded? Let me take my time! No one hurried or criticized you guys, and I’ve been waiting enough! -

- Cool it man, sorry, just thought you needed some help! - Kyle and Max giggled like idiots.

“And they have the nerve to assume I’m retarded!” Alex thought.

- Alex, you ok with this? - This time Isabel. He was really freaking them out.

- He must be really sore. - Alex frowned.

- He sure is man, why don’t you ask him? - Max confirmed his suspicions.

- I’m not deaf. - Michael growled. - Of course I’m sore, my insides are damn raw. It hurts but it itches worse so I need you inside to soothe it. C’mon man, just do it. -

Alex picked the baby oil bottle and tipped it against Michael’s opening. He pushed the cap open as he pressed it inside and squeezed the oil into him.

- Mmm, oohhh Alex, yessss… -

Alex pushed his finger into him and brought out some oil with it rubbing it on the outside to make him slick for the penetration. Michael pushed back against his finger making it slide back into him.

- Aaahhhhh, fuck me! Yeahhh…-

Alex placed the head of his cock against Michael and watched it disappear into him as he bucked back against it. Alex wrapped his arms high around Michael’s upper thighs and pulled him back hard against his cock, feeling it forcing its way in, opening the boy’s tight passage. He pushed him away digging his fingers hard into the firm flesh of his muscular thighs feeling the resistance as the boy reluctantly felt him come out of him. Shit, he was so tight, it surely must be hurting him.

- Does it hurt? -

- Unghhh…yeah…burns and stings…don’t stop…-

Alex rammed again hard a few times hoping he would loosen up some but Michael still clutched him in a vice.

- Michael relax, I don’t want to hurt you. -
But Michael kept bucking back hard to meet him and squeezing the daylights out of him. He purred in pleasure as he winced at the same time.

- Hurt me, harder…c’mon…make it hurt! - He demanded.

- Feel me, Michael, I’m gonna tear your ass inside like I did outside! - Alex whispered as he leaned over him to make sure he heard him.

- Yesss…yesss… rip me to pieces, make me bleed! -

Alex started ramming him viciously raising his body and shoving hard towards Michael’s front, against his prostate until he felt him shuddering and sobbing as he came. In that vulnerable state, Michael unconsciously opened up and Alex was shocked to see him whipped and raped by an older man whom he guessed was his foster father. First he saw him getting it as a very young boy around 8 or 9 and then each time older until what he looked like right now. He watched him bury his face in his arms gritting his teeth, his body tense with the effort to deal with the pain. The images he was getting were so compelling that it was all he could do not to come with him. He had just fucked him. Now he wanted to make love to him and come into him. To show him the act didn’t have to be violent even if he had got used to that pattern and learnt to enjoy it, it could also be gentle to give him pleasure. Alex now aimed straight up deep into him and started the rhythm he wanted: Slowly all the way in and almost out, massaging his sore gut, slanting from alternate sides then staying deep inside and grinding in a circle clockwise first and then counter clockwise. Michael’s heavy breathing filled the room and Alex could feel everyone’s eyes on them. He felt the tortured boy change from a victim to a lover, and was shocked at the images it brought out: Isabel, Maria, even Liz! Somehow he knew the boy was starving for the gentle love of the mother he never had, but craved the pleasure he got from rough sex. He sure was fucked up, poor kid! Someone should kick the shit out of his lousy foster father, better still, put a bullet in his head and get Michael rid of him for good. Michael was now lying almost still, letting him enjoy him and Alex was sure he was enjoying it too. He writhed lazily to his smooth thrusts and Alex could see his eyes softly closed and his parted lips sighing and half smiling. It felt sooo good that before he knew what was happening to try to control it, he started to come. He stayed deep spurting into Michael who started swaying then kind of rocking and whimpering with a pleasure so unlike the one he was used to. Alex felt his body tense for a few seconds and then relax with a contented sigh. Alex couldn’t believe Michael had come with him again! He had made him come twice.

“Hey, Valenti, how did you like that? Not even close, huh?” He thought, smiling triumphantly.

Man that really felt good. He slid his hands up the sides of Michael’s hips and over to the small of his back. Then he started massaging him all the way to his shoulders and down again. Michael was totally relaxed to the extent Alex thought he had fallen asleep. Even Isabel was smiling and kissed his lips. Alex saw Michael kiss her back and felt a stab of jealousy, but then she stood up and came to him. There was no kiss for him but a whispered “thank you” in his ear that was almost enough. Alex felt his cock sliding out of Michael and watched it come out shining with the baby oil. He got up from the bed and went to sit on the arm of the easy chair where Isabel had been sitting before. Kyle got up and left the room muttering; “bathroom” to anyone interested. They heard him close the door and open the shower.

- Well, Alex just turned our warrior into another wimp! - Tess exclaimed and Max immediately took offense.

- Who are you calling a wimp? According to what you told us I’m a King and since our planet was at war, I must have done a lot of fighting. - Max said, defensively.

- Sorry to disappoint you Max, but Antar’s kings are banned from the battlefield, due to the risk. That’s why their seconds in command were also their warriors and leaders of their armies. That was Michael…or Rath as he was called there. He was what Alexander the Great was to Earth even better, because he respected his enemies and his trademark was a quick death with a single stroke of his sword which 9 out of 10 times resulted in a complete beheading. Dying in his hands was the biggest honour his enemies could hope for. He was the only one who rode into the battlefield ahead of everyone else. His steed was immune to any weapon, but he wasn’t and he always came back wounded due to his daring way to fight, ignoring his appointed bodyguards and always in the thick of the battle, setting his example of courage to his followers. His wounds were always in the back of his body where he was open for cowardly attacks, because those who faced him were already dead. Max or Zan as you were called there, waited anxiously for his return to heal him and enjoy him. Sometimes he was hurt so bad he had to be tied to his mount so he lay low on its neck until they arrived at the citadel. You were in charge of the strategies which Rath mostly ignored, knowing them useless, as you didn’t have the faintest idea of what a battle was like. Rath knew what he was doing and always told you your strategy had won the day not to make you feel bad, but the soldiers knew the truth and would follow his orders blindly, trusting him completely. He never failed them. He was a hero. When I arrived in Antar to marry the royal heir who would eventually make me a queen, I saw Rath first and I mistakenly thought he was my future husband. Believe me how disappointed I was to see him with Isabel, Vilandra there, and this thin, brooding guy with sad eyes was introduced as my fiancé. But then ambition, I hate to admit, took over my heart, and I accepted you and became your wife. At first I thought I would have no problem mind warping Rath and making him mine anytime I wanted with no one knowing, but it didn’t work with him and I was so frustrated. - She turned to Isabel. - I envied you so much you can’t imagine. And the stupid story had to repeat itself here…-

- What stupid story? - They had forgotten completely about Kyle. At least he had the decency to open the door noisily as he asked his question.

- Just hang-ups from my old school. - Tess quickly answered.

- Oh, ok.-

Alex headed for the door.

- Can I take a quick shower? -

- Of course, Alex, thanks for asking. - Isabel shot Kyle a look that told him how rude she thought he was. Max was quietly working out his own disappointments. Oh, well, life sucked anyway, Liz was acting strange lately, but at least he had Michael anytime he wanted. By the way, he was feeling quite uptight by Tess’ information, and his cock needed attention right away. He turned hurriedly towards the bed and unzipping, he groped for his huge erection. He grabbed Michael’s butt, spread him and shoved it all in with one thrust. Michael actually screamed into the pillow as he was rudely awakened by Max’s savage attack. Of course he thought it was Hank, that was his style. He clutched the sides of the mattress and braced himself for the ravage he constantly suffered during his young life.

- Max! - Isabel and Tess called out together, outraged. Kyle just stood frozen with his mouth and eyes wide open as Michael moaned biting his lower lip. Max felt like a prick. He hadn’t even thought that Michael could be asleep. He felt worse as he felt something warm against his balls. He recalled a weird ripping sound and realized he had actually torn Michael on his way in. Oh well, he would heal him as soon as the Valenti jerk was efficiently kicked out of the house for having the nerve of using the shower without having the courtesy of asking for Isabel’s permission. He knew his sister well enough to be sure that’s exactly what she wanted to do.

- Michael, you ok? -

- Unghhh…Max? -

- Hey sorry, I didn’t know you were asleep. -

- (Sigh) Sure, man, alright. - His voice sounded raspy from sleep and pain too.

Kyle pushed the stool back higher along the bed and flopped on his back and under Michael guiding his cock into his mouth with his hand. Michael gasped and took a deep breath. Kyle let go of his cock and cupped his balls out of the way to watch Max in action. A warm drop fell on his nose and he thought Max couldn’t be coming so soon. He wiped at it with his other hand and was shocked to see it was blood. He searched for the source and saw a rather large tear on the underside of Michael’s opening which bled with each of Max’s thrusts. He saw more blood sliding down the side of Max’s cock as he pulled out and Kyle suspected there was another tear somewhere on the upper side. As Max kept on thrusting, he squeezed the blood out making it spatter on Kyle’s face.

- Hey, man, you’re making it rain red down here! -

- Huh?...Oh shit! - Max looked down at the front of his white t-shirt and it was all spattered with blood.

Isabel and Tess, who were sitting having a girly chat on the easy chair and ignoring the macho action in front of them, turned and jumped out of their seat. They rushed to the bed and held Max’s arms trying to pull him away from Michael, who was tossing and groaning in agony. Maria covered her face with her hands and sobbed as she felt Liz sobbing against her arm where she had buried her face. They were tempted to leave but they couldn’t do it without being sure Michael was alright and Max would heal him right away. They were trying to find a way to get Kyle out of the room to make that possible. Alex came back from his shower and found the grotesque scene in front of his eyes. He rushed to help the girls pull Max away from Michael and to their dismay Michael started coming and Max right after him. Michael threw up his face and whined. His tight shut eyes and parted lips were a mask of agony and ecstasy. Everything a perfect orgasm should be. By the time Max stopped moving, Isabel and Tess were looking at him with tears falling down their eyes.

- Oh my god, that was incredible. I think I finally understand that De Sade nut. I’m thinking he wasn’t a nut at all. Hey, man, you ruled! - Kyle’s face was a bloody mess.

Alex made a face and pointed to the door.

- Check the mirror, man, you look like a Halloween freak! -

- What? Oh! - Kyle passed his hand over his face and watched his red smeared palm. - Holy shit! -

He raced out of the room and then they heard running water. Both Tess and Isabel gave Max accusing looks and he looked down to see his bloody cock sliding out of Michael

- C’mon, Max, heal him before he comes back! - Alex demanded.

- He’s not that stupid, Alex. Let me think of something. -

But Kyle solved the problem coming back to the room and announcing:

- Hey, it’s been one hell of a night! I better be going home before my dad wakes up and finds out I’m not there. C’mon Alex, you coming? -

- Sure. - They both turned to look at the bed feeling guilty when they saw the bloody state Michael was in, partly their fault.

- This stays here, ok? - Max looked deadly serious.

- Of course man, no sweat.-

- Definitely. -

Alex looked at Michael and reaching out, caressed his cheek. Electricity ran up his arm as Michael turned his face and kissed his palm. Alex couldn’t help shivering. He took a step along the bed and squeezing Michael’s thigh told Max and everyone who was listening:

- You have to be a real macho to take it up the ass like he does, man. - He nodded towards Michael.

They stood there digesting Alex’s words and then chuckling at the irony.

- Well, see you guys. Take care of him, Max. -

- Yeah, sure, man, see you. - Max nodded.

Michael lay silent. Alex gave Isabel a look that said he understood and it was ok with him. Isabel got the message crystal clear and smiled wistfully back at him. Alex turned to the door and followed Kyle out of the room. Liz, watching them leave, turned to Maria.

- We better get going, they’re probably waiting for us in your car. -

- You go, I’m staying until Max heals him and I’m sure he’s alright. -

- Maria, you’re in your car. -

She fished the keys from her pocket and gave them to Liz.

- You drive them home and wait for me in my room. I’ll be back when this is all over. It’s just a few minutes walk home. -

- Maria, I came in my dad’s bike, it’s leaning on the hedge right there. - She pointed at the bike.

- Ok, then, I’ll ride it home. Don’t worry, I won’t be long. -

- Ok. - Liz squeezed her arm and left.

Maria’s eyes were focused on what was going on in Max’s room. Max leaned over and grabbed Michael’s shoulder.

- I’ll do what I can without creating suspicions, ok? -

Michael nodded, eyes closed.

- What do you mean? Heal him Max. Completely! You heard them! They’re not talking! What would they think of them if anyone knew? No one forced them, they could have left anytime they wanted! -

- Isabel, we have gym with Kyle Valenti, he will see Michael naked in the showers. What will he think if the welts and cuts are not there? The tears I just made, I can heal. I don’t think Kyle is going to bend him over and spread him to check on those in front of the gym class! -

Tess giggled and Isabel gave her an angry look.

- It’s not funny! Alright! It’s the least you can do, well, do it! Right now! -

- Ok, ok! -

Max pointed his finger at Michael’s wounds and a white light coming from his fingertip bathed the bleeding ripped tissue. Michael groaned and shuddered as the light repaired the tears. Then he passed his hand over the welts and cuts in his buttocks assessing the total amount of damage.

- It’s not so bad. It’s already scabbing. We heal fast anyway, Michael will be fine in a week at the most. -

- Sure thing, man. You won’t be the one sitting down carefully and getting the funny looks. Of course, they’re used to that coming from me, so what’s new? -

They all smiled at him and shook their heads. He was the tough one. He could take it. Not that it was fair, mind you. Max clapped his hands twice to get the girls’ attention.

- Ok, leave him to me, I’ll take care of him. He needs to rest and sleep. - He pushed them gently out of the room and closed the door.

He walked to the bed and sat by Michael. Reaching out, he started massaging his whole body, beginning at his shoulders all the way down to his legs. He loved Michael’s body. Max remembered how thin and scrawny he had been most of his life. Only last year when he turned 15, he had asked his father for some stuff to start working out at home. He was mostly shy around people, only at ease with Michael who had always shielded him with his chunky strong body from the school bullies getting hurt several times protecting him and always making sure no one laid a finger on him or Isabel. Michael was a tough kid, and his reputation from living at the Trailer Park neighbourhood preceded him so he didn’t let anyone mess around with him. He was always ready to defend himself and them and was a smart, cunning fighter, very agile to dodge what was coming his way to grab his attacker’s throat in a vice-like hand until they started turning blue with no more fight left in them. He could take kicks or whatever else his attacker or his friends did to him without letting go. Tess confirmed where he got his strategy from. In Antar he used a sword, but you couldn’t bring weapons of any kind to schools so he used his hands which were really his weapons. Max’s workouts had given him decent abs and muscles in his arms to make him feel comfortable with himself. But Michael would always feel as his bodyguard and he would get in Max’s nerves with his impetuous behaviour which he couldn’t help, it was in his blood. Still, Max loved him for who he was, even if it turned out he really wasn’t his brother, it was as if he really was: a troublesome, taller kid brother, always there for him. Max felt eyes on him and turned towards the window. He saw a teary eyed Maria staring back at him. He padded silently to the window and sitting on the sill, swung his legs over to stand on the grass beside the obviously in shock girl.

- Is he alright? - Her lips trembled as she whispered the barely audible words. Max held her hands and she shivered at the thought of what those hands had done to Michael. She hoped he couldn’t read minds. Liz had never mentioned they could. Max let go of her hands before he made a connection, afraid of what she would see.

- He’ll be fine, he just needs to sleep. - He tried to sound reassuring.

- Are you sure? - He obviously had failed to do so.

- Yes Maria, I’m taking care of him. You followed him here? -

- Umm…yes. - He could tell she was lying but he pretended he had bought it. He wanted to know how long she had been there. From her shocked expression, she had seen the whole thing. She sensed Liz had something to do with it but she was nowhere in sight. He didn’t dare ask, not now, that they were somewhat distanced because of the Tess issues.

- Go home, Maria, get some sleep. You need it too. -

- Why, Max? - He didn’t need to ask why what. He knew exactly what she meant: why did you hurt him like that?

- We’re part aliens, Maria. Humans also do some shocking things. -

- (Sigh) I know, maybe that’s normal in your planet. -

- Maybe. -

- You can’t help it, can you?-

- No. -

- It’s not the first time, right? -

- No. -

- It will happen again? -

- Yes. -

- With Kyle and Alex? -

- No, that was an accident. Where did they come from? -

- They were jogging, Alex wanted to see Isabel and since this light was on, he thought it was her room. - Another lie.

- Alex jogging? - He didn’t expect her to believe he was buying that! -

- Kyle didn’t want to jog alone and went to Alex’s and convinced him he needed the exercise too. -

It did make sense and sounded possible, but Max knew it wasn’t true. Maybe he should take her hands again and find out the truth. Maybe he wouldn’t like the truth. He better leave it there.

- He’s ok, Maria, trust me. -

- I don’t know why, but I trust you Max. I hope I’m not wrong, for Michael’s sake. He’s been hurt enough. -

She didn’t want to admit that the only flashes she had got from Michael when they had kissed had been what Alex had seen: his foster father’s abuse. She had hoped for something like Liz had described she had got from Max. Of course she kept that to herself. It was too sick to ever bring it out, no matter how pissed she could be at Michael. That was her secret and she wasn’t planning on sharing it with anyone, period. Max wasn’t quite sure what she meant. There was no way Michael could have flashed her his foster father’s abuse. Michael didn’t know he had seen them several times during the nights he came to sleep with him after Hank beat him. He would never tell him he was being raped along with the beatings. There were no visual signs of that. Max preferred to assume she meant what had happened tonight.

- I know.

- Do you love him, Max? -

- Yes. -

- In an alien way? -

- Yes, also in a human way, of course. -

- Of course. - She nodded and gave a little laugh.

- Go home, Maria. He loves you very much too. -

- I know. Thank you, goodnight. - She turned and left. Maria turned towards the front of the house to get the bike to go home and was surprised to see her car with her three friends inside. Liz motioned with her hand.

- C’mon Maria. Take us home.-

- But your bike?... -

- Kyle has offered to ride it back, haven’t you Kyle? -

Kyle opened the door of the back seat and nodded.

- Sure thing, Liz. - He got on the bike and as Maria drove away, he grabbed the side of the open back window and was tugged effortlessly to Liz’s house, where he dropped the bike in the garage and left to be driven home in Maria’s car.

Max returned to the bed and bending down, rained kisses in the wake of his massage, then he tousled Michael’s soft spiky hair and pushed him over on his side to make room to lie down on his back beside him. Once he settled down, Michael turned back over Max covering him with his body protecting him even in his sleep. Michael buried his face in the crook of Max’s neck and felt his king’s arms wrap around him, one hand on his rib cage and the other over his buttocks, the fingers buried between them touching the seat of their pleasure. Michael sighed and snuggled his sore body comfortably over his friend’s.

- You ok? - Max whispered against his hair, kissing it and brushing his cheek over it. Michael took a deep breath.

- I am now. -

- I’m sorry, I was a prick, I was really jealous of them touching you but it was the only way I thought I wouldn’t arouse their suspicions, especially Valenti’s. I made you look like a sex starved masochist. -

- I am a sex starved masochist. - They both chuckled.

- That’s our secret- Max whispered.

- No longer. - Michael whispered back

- Don’t worry, those guys don’t want to be tagged as gay. Valenti Sr. would have a heart attack if he found out what his son did to you, and Alex’s life would be even more miserable than it already is in school if he was even suspected of taking part in gay activities of any sort. -

- Yeah right. -

- Go to sleep -

- Thank you Max. You made my day, or should I say my night?-

- Whatever, as long as we’re together. -

- Right.-

Max caught Michael’s lips and kissed him till he relaxed and fell asleep over him.

Isabel was up and about some three hours later. She opened quietly Max's door and tiptoed to the bed. She saw Max lay awake on his back under Michael, watching him sleep, and he winked at her. She winked back hearing Michael's relaxed breathing as he lay fast asleep in Max's arms. Isabel bent down and kissed Michael's cheek, then his back between his shoulder blades and finally dipping her tongue between his buttocks, high up, where they began. Michael snuggled, tickled by her touch, but being a deep sleeper, he didn't wake up. He smiled and sighed in his sleep. Isabel smiled back meeting Max's grin, then she turned and left them to their privacy and their undying love.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the martyr of antar

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 289

Max woke up again. He had been just having cat naps watching Michael each time to make sure he was alright. He was definitely sore because although he had been asleep all the time, he writhed and moaned in his sleep every so often. Max squeezed him in his arms whenever it happened feeling guilty of Michael’s suffering. He turned his head and checked the clock on the night stand. It read 1:33 pm. Oh well, Michael had slept 8 and a half hours. Great, but he really needed to take a leak. He raised his hand from Michael’s back and tousled his hair.

- Hey, kid, wake up. - Max had spent most of the time watching Michael sleep.

Nothing. He wiggled his fingers at his ass. Michael purred and snuggled against him. Max chucked his chin up to face him and kissed his lips. Michael kissed him back. Max pushed his finger into him, but he just pushed back and sighed. Damn, thought Max, I have to get up. He pulled out ignoring his groan of protest and squeezed his hurt buttock. Michael jerked and gasped and this time his eyes flew open.

- Oowww! -

- Sorry, love, but I have to go pee. -

- Max? Sure, sorry…-

He rolled on his side enough for Max to slide from under him and flopped back on his stomach. He was asleep again as soon as his cheek hit the bed. Max smiled and realized he had the pillow in his hand so he playfully dropped in over Michael’s head and left the room. At around 8:30 am he had heard the knob of the door being turned and then Isabel’s and their mother’s voices. He held his breath waiting for the outcome, and try as he might, he couldn’t make out their words, but when he heard footsteps going away he started to relax. Isabel whispered his name before going into the room and informed him that she had told their mom that they had been studying for the first test of the school year all night to make sure they started off with good grades and that he had asked her not to wake him up before 2:00 pm. She asked him how Michael was doing and before he could answer, Michael himself had done his thing, pushing up against her hand as she touched him, and Isabel frowned and gently caressed his healing wounds before she left. No problems ahead for still a good half hour. His bladder was close to bursting so he had to run.
Diane heard Max closing the bathroom door. She knew it was him because she could hear Isabel talking on the phone in the living room. She entered her son’s room carrying the basket of clean laundry before her, so she didn’t see the boy on the bed until she lowered it to the floor. She was startled at first. The boy on the bed was tanned, the summer barely over, but it couldn’t be Max. Her son slept on his back and rarely towards his side like his sister, this kid was face down and he was stronger built that Max, and taller too, his feet were hooked on the edge of the bed. Then she noticed that what she had at first taken for dark underwear that had ridden up on both sides were really dry blood on welts and scabbed cuts. Her hand went to her mouth. Max always wore his boxers, knowing she could walk into his room after only a knock and this boy was stark naked. Suddenly, he shifted his hips slightly sideways facing away from her and let out what sounded like a muffled growl. Diane tiptoed towards him and slowly pulled the pillow from his head. She immediately recognized Michael’s hair as he often stayed overnight using the sleeping bag. She had heard his father was mean to him, but this was too much! She hated to intrude but she would have to talk to Max about it. She reached out and touched his cheek, placing the pillow by his face.

- Michael, honey, are you alright? - She whispered.

He turned his face and kissed her hand thinking it was Isabel. Diane felt so sad for him. She grabbed his shoulder and shook him softly trying to turn him over. He resisted and at her insistence, he opened his eyes. They went wide when he recognized her. He remembered he was naked and grabbed the pillow and shoved it back over his bare bottom, Wincing with the contact.

- Mrs Evans! Sorry, Max went to the bathroom and I …well the bed is softer than the sleeping bag… just until he came back…you know… I’m…

Before he apologized again, Diane smiled at him and smoothed his hair away from his face.

- Next time use the guest room, so you can sleep on a bed. -

- Yeah, right, thank you… -

- How did it go? -

- Huh? What do you…-

- Isabel told me you were all studying for your test? -

- Oh, yes, great, we’ll do fine…yeah…-

- A Science test she said? -

- Yes, right…- “Way to go, Iz!” He thought.

- You were really into it, your friends Maria and Liz were so quiet I barely heard them talk, well, rather whisper a few times … Strange for Maria. - She laughed good-naturedly.

Michael froze. What did she mean? He had felt some Maria vibes during the whole ordeal, and some of Liz’s too, come to think of it, but he thought it was his imagination. Diane continued.

- I know you kids today are very open about sex and you boys do joke quite loudly about it but really, dear, it’s not nice to do so in front of the girls. I know I’m old fashioned, but, you know, it’s kind of gross, to sound as if you’re, you know…really doing it. -

Michael managed to breathe, she thought they had been joking a little too loud and openly about having sex! He relaxed.

- Yes, you’re right, I’m sorry, that wasn’t nice. We meant no disrespect to them, really…I should dress…a shower, ok? -

- Sure, come down to eat something when you’re ready. -

- Yeah, thanks…-

She got up and left the room. Michael jumped out of the bed and grabbed a pair of sweat shorts. He rushed to the bathroom and went in locking the door behind him. Max stood all lathered in the shower looking at him.

- I got tired of waiting for you. You’re just in time, come here. -

Michael hooked his thumbs in the waist of the shorts to pull them down as Max watched him licking his lips.
- Wait! Turn around. Mmm, you really fill those up. They’re so tight on you they’re about to burst! I’m really going to get you Lycras, but just for me. I don’t want you raped by all the jocks unless I’m present and the first and last to have you! -
Michael turned his back on Max giving him a sexy look over his shoulder. He wiggled his hips as he backed up until he was within Max’s reach. He felt his hands over his as they slid down the shorts slowly. Michael bent over to get them all the way down to the floor as he knew Max loved that position. He stayed like that and he felt Max’s hands spreading him and his tongue frenching his ass, Max’s slick tongue pushed into him and squirmed every way inside him. He growled in pleasure jutting his hips to give his lover the best access possible. Max eventually had to breathe and he retreated and pulled him into the stall with him.
He stood behind Michael glued to his back as he lathered his front with his hands while he rubbed against him soaping his back with his body.

- Alright, soldier, assume the position! - Roared Max. He shoved his knee between Michael’s and spread them. Then he placed his hands on his shoulders and pushed down and forwards until Michael’s cheek and hands were pressed to the tile wall in front of him, his butt in the perfect angle for penetration. Max aimed his lathered cock against him and slid it in as deep as it would go. Michael whimpered with the stinging the soap caused, squeezing Max tight with the burning sensation. Max thrust slowly and deep in a constant rhythm until Michael’s hips signaled for a faster one and he rammed into him hard. Michael started coming and twisted his hips from side to side until he felt Max shooting his load deep into him. Max threw his head back, bracing his hands one on the wall and the other on the sliding door as the jet of water hit his head. They stood like that, Max’s hips jutted forward staying deep inside Michael until he felt his cock coming out. He knelt behind him sticking his finger into him a few times encouraging his sperm to start sliding out. Then he pulled out and watched fascinated his copious come leaking from Michael’s ass and rinsing away the soap. He aimed the stream of water at Michael’s ass and rubbed carefully his buttocks until the dry blood was gone and the welts and the cuts were just red stripes. Michael stood under the shower head and rinsed his body, stepping out into Max’s arms holding a big bath towel. Hugging him again from behind, he dried him completely and dressed him just in his tight fitting shorts. Max wore shorts too, kind of baggy and decent on him, and they went to the kitchen to grab some food. Isabel joined them and told them Diane had gone to do some shopping and would take a few hours. Michael broke his silence with disturbing news. He told them about Diane’s visit to Max’s room and their conversation.
Max’s ears went fire red at the mention of Liz’s name. He admitted having felt her vibes too and reacted just like Michael had. Max then confessed his meeting and talk with Maria and it was Michael now whose cheeks flushed as he chewed his lower lip. Isabel’s mouth was open in shock.

- Shit, Max, are you sure Maria wasn’t ready to kick my ass? -

- No, Michael, she was very worried about you, and pissed at me for hurting you and letting Alex and Kyle fuck your ass. -

- What are you going to do? - Isabel sounded concerned. -They must think I’m a sick freak! I don’t give a damn about Tess but Maria is sure to spill it all out and I won’t be able to show my face again in school! I’ll have to transfer to anywhere as far as possible! -

- Quit the drama, Iz! Maria will keep quiet this time, I’m sure. -

- I’m not, Michael. I will dream walk her tonight. -

- You will do no such thing, Isabel! It would have a negative reaction. Believe me, the only person she will talk about this is Liz, because she was there, and Michael, to find out he’s ok. Alex and Kyle won’t even mention it to each other. Much less to the girls. I’m sure we’re safe there. All we can do is wait and take it easy. That clear? - Max ordered.

Michael and Isabel just nodded.

- I better get some sleep. -

- More, Michael? You’ve slept almost 9 hours. -

- The shower kind of relaxed me, and I’m sleepy again. So spank me, mother! -

- Don’t temp me Michael, or I swear you won’t sit straight in a year! -

- Ok, Iz, I love to be punished. - Michael smirked. - Just to play it safe, I’ll go to the guest room. -

He walked to the neat looking room with the cozy bed and simply dropped on it. He was starting to snooze when he felt warm hands massaging his back expertly.

- Mmm…Max…-

- No Max until I say so, Michael, and I also keep my promises! -

She spanked him a few smart ones and laughed as Michael sobbed into the pillow but did nothing to stop her. Then she went on massaging him until he fell asleep. She kissed the corner of his lips and left him to rest and heal.

As Isabel was returning to the kitchen, she noticed Max was sprawled on the couch in the living room watching ¨TV. She went over and he had to pull his legs up so she could sit down.

- He’s asleep. - She said and Max nodded.

- You need to keep your hands away from him, Max. You’re going to get in trouble if Mom catches you at it with him. -

- Don’t worry, we’re careful. -

- No you’re not! I saw you at the shower but you didn’t notice because you were too busy filling up his ass and he was too busy getting filled! -

- Isabel, the door was locked. You got in with your powers. Mom wouldn’t have seen anything. -

- But she could have heard you, that’s why I went in. -

- Oh! Ok, I promise I will stay away… - The sound of the kitchen door opening announced Diane’s return from her shopping spree. They went silent as she entered the living room with a smile and sat between them.

- I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be nosy, but I saw Michael in your room, Max, and his father has no right to hurt him like that. I’ll talk to your father as soon as he arrives to see if something can be done to help him. -

After a silent spell, Max finally spoke:

- His father didn’t do it Mom… - Isabel looked ready to faint.

- You know he lives in a nasty place, he met a group of rough neighbours who had it in for him. That’s what happened. -

Max felt bad, lying to his mother, and Isabel relaxed. Diane shook her head and tsked.

- It’s a shame, he’s a sweet boy, it’s not his fault. He deserves a real home. -

Max imitated his mother’s performance and said:

- Yeah… right… -

Diane stood up and reached her hands to her children.

- C’mon, I have three big shopping bags and need help putting all that stuff away. Where’s Michael? Did you feed him? - Diane frowned as Isabel scoffed.

- He wolfed down half the kitchen, and now he’s napping at the guest room. - She giggled and Diane giggled too.

They had barely finished when Philip arrived. After kissing his wife and daughter and patting his son in the arm, Diane took his hand and led him out of the kitchen leaving Max and Isabel exchanging worried looks. They decided to just stay put and hope for the best. Diane guided her husband towards the guest room and he followed her intrigued by her unusual behaviour. As they reached the guest room`s door, she said:

- I want you to see something, ok? Just stay quiet. -

She opened the door softly and went to turn on the lamp at the night stand. She sighed relieved to see that Michael was wearing shorts. She recognized them as Max’s. They were easily a couple of sizes too small for him. She approached the sleeping boy and pushed both her hands into the elastic waist of the shorts. Philip watched her in shocked silence. What was she doing? Diane struggled to pull the shorts down Michael’s hips, because of the tight fit but thinking it was Max, he pushed up just enough on his knees to allow her to lower them to his thighs. Thankfully, he didn’t speak, just moaned softly and shifted his hips to help her. Diane turned to her startled husband.

- Look! - she whispered, not to wake Michael up. - Can you believe this? Max says Michael told him it wasn’t his father as I suspect, but some of his neighbourhood friends. I don’t believe him. -

Philip leant over the boy and observed the damaged flesh in the pool of dim light. His eyes hooded in obvious disgust.

- Why should Michael cover for him? -

- It’s typical in abused children. It doesn’t make sense, but it’s what they usually do. -

- Philip, can’t you do something about it? -

- What if it’s true and it wasn’t the father? -

- Whoever it was, shouldn’t he report it? -

- Unfortunately, it’s his call. Depends completely on him. If he wants to do it, I’ll help. If he doesn’t, there’s nothing I can do. - Philip sighed as Diane looked disappointed.

- I don’t think he will ask you. And we can’t say anything to him, he might feel uncomfortable and think we’re intruding. Maybe the kids could convince him… -

- Let’s hope they can. -

Diane pulled up the shorts the best she could cause this time Michael wasn’t helping at all, and putting out the light, they left the room. They were surprised to see Max and Isabel watching TV in the living room. It was Saturday and they should be getting ready to leave the house to be with their friends. Stranger still, Max was watching sports and Isabel wasn’t complaining or leaving the room. They just shrugged.

- We’re going to the movies. - Philip announced and received a nod and a “uh huh” for an answer.

He turned to his wife who gave him back a dismayed look and they left the house through the back door. Both teenagers sighed with relief when their parents left without any mention of Michael. The sports news ended and a hockey match started. Both Max and Isabel couldn’t help immediately thinking of Michael and observe that it was a repetition and probably he had already seen it and wasn’t missing anything. They leaned their heads back on the couch and closed their eyes.
They snapped out of it as the phone rang and it was their parents making sure they were alright. Then it rang again.
Meanwhile at the Crashdown, Alex and Kyle met at the door as they arrived for a Cherry Cola. They eyes locked and they went to sit together on opposite sides in a booth. Liz came over and took their order, her eyes on the door expecting the Evans and Michael to come in right behind them. But they didn’t. She went to get the drinks and Maria told her that if she didn’t get a break immediately, she would just drop where she was standing. Liz agreed that it had been a busy night. She gave Maria one of the Cokes and signaled the other waitress that they were taking their breaks. They sat in the booth beside the boys, Liz with Alex and Maria with Kyle. The silence was getting embarrassing but no one knew what to say. The doorbell rang and Tess, of all people, came in and walked towards them. She grabbed a chair from a nearby table and sat at the head of the booth. Reaching out, she took the girls’ hands in hers and motioning with her head, had them hold the boys’ hands. Then Alex reached for Kyle’s hand and completed the connection. Their eyes closed for what seemed much more than the few seconds it really took, Tess did her mind warping thing, of which they still didn’t know about, and the whole thing was effectively blocked out of their minds. When Tess let go, they all automatically did the same and then opened their eyes. They felt relaxed and rested, and they just went on with their lives as if nothing had happened. Tess got up smiling like the Cheshire cat and left. She called the Evans from the first pay phone she could find to say everything was fine and hung up. Isabel answered the phone, listened to Tess and hung up right after her. Then she turned to Max and told him what had just happened. Max just looked back without understanding what she meant and Isabel shrugged and turned off the TV. They got up and headed for the guest room. Michael was fast asleep facing the door. Max walked around to the opposite side of the bed and lay on his side against Michael’s who turned a little towards Max so he could spoon him. Max’s leg went between Michael’s from behind with his arm wrapped around his stomach, resting his forehead on Michael’s back. Isabel lay against his other side, almost under him. Michael held her against him, his arm grazing her breast, his face pillowed on her shoulder. Isabel clung to him with her cheek resting on his hair and one hand cupping his butt with his thigh between her legs. It was like that, that Diane found them when they returned home and she found her children’s rooms empty. She suspected where they were so there was no need to alarm her husband. She entered the guest room and stood by the door letting the light from the hallway bathe the crowded bed. Then she noticed Max’s leg between Michael’s and Michael’s between Isabel’s. She was about to wake them up demanding an explanation when she heard Philip’s voice calling her and decided it wasn’t worth the trouble she would cause if she did. She closed the door and went to her room, thinking that this wasn’t the first time she found the three asleep like this together.

Max and Isabel practically sat up together. Then they were startled by the protesting moan coming from Michael’s lips, who went on sleeping. They realized it was daylight coming through the thin curtains and proceeded to try to wake Michael up. Max’s hand sliding into the back of his shorts and Isabel lapping and nipping at the back of his thigh had him writhing like an eel. Max started kissing the small of his back and Isabel bit him hard enough to make him gasp and open his eyes. When he realized where he was, he relaxed and enjoyed the attentions he was receiving. Max stood up.

- Ok, shower time. -

- Right, go ahead, alone! - She emphasized the last word and Max frowned and then nodded in acceptance.

He left the room smiling at Isabel babying Michael who just loved it. By the time she had finished giving his back a complete and slow relaxing massage, Max returned dressed and ready for breakfast.

- Alright Michael, bath time - Isabel patted his butt and pulled him up by the waist of his shorts.

Michael whimpered his protest but Isabel was relentless. He got up slowly pushing up on all fours first.

- Don’t do that, please! - Max pleaded.

- Fuck off Max, you’re leaving him alone until I say so! - Isabel was taking no nonsense.

She pushed Michael all the way to the bathroom and locked the door after her.

- What will Mom think? - Max whispered through the door angrily.

He knew Isabel could hear him. Their hearing was astoundingly keen.

- Nothing if you can keep her away. Just tell her you’re hungry and you want pancakes. She’ll be frying the damn things way until we’re finished, dressed and ready. -

- What are you going to do to him? -

- It’s none of your business. At least I’m not fucking his ass! -

- You can’t fool me, you have your vibrator! -

- I said I’m NOT fucking his ass, get it through your thick head! -

- Isabel, I swear! If you…-

- Are you retarded or your stupid ears are at the wrong angle for hearing! I AM NOT FUCKING HIS ASS! IS THAT CLEAR? -

- All right, all right, just shut up will you! -

- Then go away! -

Max left fuming towards the kitchen. He ran into his father and they walked in together, both demanding pancakes to Diane’s delight.

Isabel sat on the toilet and watched Michael take his shower. As he started lathering his front, she got up and soaped his back from his shoulders to his thighs. Michael reached back and took the bar of soap from her hands. He bent over and soaped his lower legs all the way down. Isabel could easily see what drove her brother nuts. That round butt was a magnet for hands, mouths and cocks. She watched the water running down his cuddly body and licked her lips. Tess said that he had been all hers in Antar. Unfortunately the fact that they had spent years thinking he was her brother had twisted things around. Sure they had had sex, but in a tainted, incestuous, sinful way that made it more exciting, it had to be their secret, their skeleton in the closet. And that couldn’t be changed. It was too late for that. Michael kissed her forehead and made her jump in surprise.

- Hey, you were zoning off. -

She smiled at him. He was so special. She received him, fresh out of the shower, dripping wet into the plush big towel in her arms, drying first his back and then enveloping him in the thick terry cloth and drying his front, as she pressed her breasts to his back. Once he was dry, she proceeded to towel dry his hair. She let the towel fall to the ground and turning him around, put her arms around his waist, laying her face on the crook of his shoulder, enjoying the fresh scent of his skin. She held him tight against her as she felt his arms around her shoulders doing the same and his face breathing in her hair. The connection was incredible They felt rather than heard Max open the door and walk into the room. He glued his body against Michael’s naked back and unzipping, he pressed his bloated cock against his ass. Michael spread his legs so Max could push it high up between his thighs. He felt his hands forcing their way between his and Isabel’s bodies, not to separate them but to bring him closer still. They felt this amazing strength inside Michael struggling to come out and knew he would eventually manage to control it. He was totally fearless when it came to himself, he was only scared about the ones he cared for. He was so hurt that they couldn’t understand it, especially Maria. It hurt him so much that she didn’t get it. He was all action, he saw a challenge and he went for it, not caring that Max would give him hell afterwards, but he knew it was because of his concern for him. He would die for any of them, no doubts and no regrets. Their hearts skipped a beat knowing that they had witnessed his death before, in that other life, and it had been messy, slow and painful, and somehow Isabel had something to do with it. It had also been protecting Max. She was suddenly aware of his awakening erection against her stomach. Using his powers, Max unfastened his pants and dropped them and his boxers to his ankles, sliding his cock between Michael’s buttocks. He bent his knees and pushed up feeling it slowly enter the warm passage with only the help of his pre cum lubrication. Isabel felt Michael’s erection rise to complete attention and start sliding into her dripping cunt as she stood on tiptoes to allow it. She now took charge as she felt her legs giving way under her and made the towel stretch itself on the floor behind her. Very slowly, she started lying back, the male double weight gaining the upper hand and soon they were lying on the ground. Michael moved in and out of Isabel and Max, serving them both at the same time. Isabel started coming, triggering Michael and then Max who was on his knees. When he couldn’t hold himself up anymore, he pulled them on their sides not to crush Isabel. They lay there in the long lasting alien orgasm, their laboured breathing filling the bathroom. They finally started relaxing and the feelings shared by their still joined bodies were overwhelming. Isabel broke the silence.

- Max loves you so much! I hate that it hurts you. I’d kill him if he hurt me like that! -

- I’d tear his head off if he laid a finger on you!...and his dick too. - He said as an after thought, chuckling -

- Then it wouldn’t be any good to you. - Isabel observed.

- You could put it over your vibrator and it could be yours to play with me. -

- Michael! That’s so gross! But not such a bad idea. - She giggled.

- Hey that’s part of my body you’re talking about! And you love it rough, so don’t play the martyr! -

- It makes it better at the end. -

- I would hate it! - Isabel said frowning.

- Some people express their feelings of love in weird ways…-

Max and Isabel were hit by a flash of a naked Michael being roughly bent over the arm of a couch as he was savagely raped by a wiry and hairy older man with a mustache. They both recognized Michael’s foster father Hank. The man was raking claw-like unkempt nails over the boy’s ass drawing blood as he spread him for a deep penetration while he cried out his name over and over claiming he loved him. Michael gritted his teeth and buried his face in his arms. The scene skipped a frame and now Hank was lashing away at him with the buckle of his belt all over his back down to his thighs leaving angry red welts and screaming: “I’ll make you so hot you will be begging me to fill your pretty ass all night long!” He was so horny that spit flew out of his mouth as he shouted. Max was shocked into silence but Isabel’s protest didn’t wait.

- No! Michael no! That can’t be love! That’s absolutely sick! -

- It’s the only time he says it. After that I’m good for nothing. -

- No, Michael, he’s good for nothing. - Max said quietly.

- He’s all I have. - Michael whispered wistfully.

- You have us. We are your family. We’re always here for you. -

- I love incest! - Michael chuckled.

- According to Tess, I’m not really your sister, though we thought so for so long. I was your mate. -

- We didn’t know that when we started this. -

- So what! We’re aliens and who knows what’s really right or wrong where we come from! If it feels right, then it’s right, ok? -

- Sure, Max, whatever. I love you guys. -

- We love you too, Michael. - Isabel said as he felt her eyes
flood with tears.

They got up slowly and had a shower together, sandwiching Michael and making him feel loved and needed. By the time they arrived at the kitchen, dressed and clean, Diane was talking on the phone and pointed with a forced smile at the hotcakes and syrup on the table. Philip was in the garage doing the laundry and Sunday was spent in a quiet family way, giving Michael a much desired feeling of belonging in spite of Diane’s constant disapproving glares in her children’s direction. She definitely thought they were abusing Michael, taking advantage of the insecurity of his unhappy life. Her own children! Where had she failed? Or rather, they, thinking Philip deserved to be included in the blame. Later, after napping three regenerating hours during the afternoon and a great meal, Michael left to return to his own private hell, as Diane showered him with kisses and caresses insisting he was always welcome there in their home as part of their family.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the martyr of antar

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 289

Max woke up again. He had been just having cat naps watching Michael each time to make sure he was alright. He was definitely sore because although he had been asleep all the time, he writhed and moaned in his sleep every so often. Max squeezed him in his arms whenever it happened feeling guilty of Michael’s suffering. He turned his head and checked the clock on the night stand. It read 1:33 pm. Oh well, Michael had slept 8 and a half hours. Great, but he really needed to take a leak. He raised his hand from Michael’s back and tousled his hair.

- Hey, kid, wake up. - Max had spent most of the time watching Michael sleep.

Nothing. He wiggled his fingers at his ass. Michael purred and snuggled against him. Max chucked his chin up to face him and kissed his lips. Michael kissed him back. Max pushed his finger into him, but he just pushed back and sighed. Damn, thought Max, I have to get up. He pulled out ignoring his groan of protest and squeezed his hurt buttock. Michael jerked and gasped and this time his eyes flew open.

- Oowww! -

- Sorry, love, but I have to go pee. -

- Max? Sure, sorry…-

He rolled on his side enough for Max to slide from under him and flopped back on his stomach. He was asleep again as soon as his cheek hit the bed. Max smiled and realized he had the pillow in his hand so he playfully dropped in over Michael’s head and left the room. At around 8:30 am he had heard the knob of the door being turned and then Isabel’s and their mother’s voices. He held his breath waiting for the outcome, and try as he might, he couldn’t make out their words, but when he heard footsteps going away he started to relax. Isabel whispered his name before going into the room and informed him that she had told their mom that they had been studying for the first test of the school year all night to make sure they started off with good grades and that he had asked her not to wake him up before 2:00 pm. She asked him how Michael was doing and before he could answer, Michael himself had done his thing, pushing up against her hand as she touched him, and Isabel frowned and gently caressed his healing wounds before she left. No problems ahead for still a good half hour. His bladder was close to bursting so he had to run.
Diane heard Max closing the bathroom door. She knew it was him because she could hear Isabel talking on the phone in the living room. She entered her son’s room carrying the basket of clean laundry before her, so she didn’t see the boy on the bed until she lowered it to the floor. She was startled at first. The boy on the bed was tanned, the summer barely over, but it couldn’t be Max. Her son slept on his back and rarely towards his side like his sister, this kid was face down and he was stronger built that Max, and taller too, his feet were hooked on the edge of the bed. Then she noticed that what she had at first taken for dark underwear that had ridden up on both sides were really dry blood on welts and scabbed cuts. Her hand went to her mouth. Max always wore his boxers, knowing she could walk into his room after only a knock and this boy was stark naked. Suddenly, he shifted his hips slightly sideways facing away from her and let out what sounded like a muffled growl. Diane tiptoed towards him and slowly pulled the pillow from his head. She immediately recognized Michael’s hair as he often stayed overnight using the sleeping bag. She had heard his father was mean to him, but this was too much! She hated to intrude but she would have to talk to Max about it. She reached out and touched his cheek, placing the pillow by his face.

- Michael, honey, are you alright? - She whispered.

He turned his face and kissed her hand thinking it was Isabel. Diane felt so sad for him. She grabbed his shoulder and shook him softly trying to turn him over. He resisted and at her insistence, he opened his eyes. They went wide when he recognized her. He remembered he was naked and grabbed the pillow and shoved it back over his bare bottom, Wincing with the contact.

- Mrs Evans! Sorry, Max went to the bathroom and I …well the bed is softer than the sleeping bag… just until he came back…you know… I’m…

Before he apologized again, Diane smiled at him and smoothed his hair away from his face.

- Next time use the guest room, so you can sleep on a bed. -

- Yeah, right, thank you… -

- How did it go? -

- Huh? What do you…-

- Isabel told me you were all studying for your test? -

- Oh, yes, great, we’ll do fine…yeah…-

- A Science test she said? -

- Yes, right…- “Way to go, Iz!” He thought.

- You were really into it, your friends Maria and Liz were so quiet I barely heard them talk, well, rather whisper a few times … Strange for Maria. - She laughed good-naturedly.

Michael froze. What did she mean? He had felt some Maria vibes during the whole ordeal, and some of Liz’s too, come to think of it, but he thought it was his imagination. Diane continued.

- I know you kids today are very open about sex and you boys do joke quite loudly about it but really, dear, it’s not nice to do so in front of the girls. I know I’m old fashioned, but, you know, it’s kind of gross, to sound as if you’re, you know…really doing it. -

Michael managed to breathe, she thought they had been joking a little too loud and openly about having sex! He relaxed.

- Yes, you’re right, I’m sorry, that wasn’t nice. We meant no disrespect to them, really…I should dress…a shower, ok? -

- Sure, come down to eat something when you’re ready. -

- Yeah, thanks…-

She got up and left the room. Michael jumped out of the bed and grabbed a pair of sweat shorts. He rushed to the bathroom and went in locking the door behind him. Max stood all lathered in the shower looking at him.

- I got tired of waiting for you. You’re just in time, come here. -

Michael hooked his thumbs in the waist of the shorts to pull them down as Max watched him licking his lips.
- Wait! Turn around. Mmm, you really fill those up. They’re so tight on you they’re about to burst! I’m really going to get you Lycras, but just for me. I don’t want you raped by all the jocks unless I’m present and the first and last to have you! -
Michael turned his back on Max giving him a sexy look over his shoulder. He wiggled his hips as he backed up until he was within Max’s reach. He felt his hands over his as they slid down the shorts slowly. Michael bent over to get them all the way down to the floor as he knew Max loved that position. He stayed like that and he felt Max’s hands spreading him and his tongue frenching his ass, Max’s slick tongue pushed into him and squirmed every way inside him. He growled in pleasure jutting his hips to give his lover the best access possible. Max eventually had to breathe and he retreated and pulled him into the stall with him.
He stood behind Michael glued to his back as he lathered his front with his hands while he rubbed against him soaping his back with his body.

- Alright, soldier, assume the position! - Roared Max. He shoved his knee between Michael’s and spread them. Then he placed his hands on his shoulders and pushed down and forwards until Michael’s cheek and hands were pressed to the tile wall in front of him, his butt in the perfect angle for penetration. Max aimed his lathered cock against him and slid it in as deep as it would go. Michael whimpered with the stinging the soap caused, squeezing Max tight with the burning sensation. Max thrust slowly and deep in a constant rhythm until Michael’s hips signaled for a faster one and he rammed into him hard. Michael started coming and twisted his hips from side to side until he felt Max shooting his load deep into him. Max threw his head back, bracing his hands one on the wall and the other on the sliding door as the jet of water hit his head. They stood like that, Max’s hips jutted forward staying deep inside Michael until he felt his cock coming out. He knelt behind him sticking his finger into him a few times encouraging his sperm to start sliding out. Then he pulled out and watched fascinated his copious come leaking from Michael’s ass and rinsing away the soap. He aimed the stream of water at Michael’s ass and rubbed carefully his buttocks until the dry blood was gone and the welts and the cuts were just red stripes. Michael stood under the shower head and rinsed his body, stepping out into Max’s arms holding a big bath towel. Hugging him again from behind, he dried him completely and dressed him just in his tight fitting shorts. Max wore shorts too, kind of baggy and decent on him, and they went to the kitchen to grab some food. Isabel joined them and told them Diane had gone to do some shopping and would take a few hours. Michael broke his silence with disturbing news. He told them about Diane’s visit to Max’s room and their conversation.
Max’s ears went fire red at the mention of Liz’s name. He admitted having felt her vibes too and reacted just like Michael had. Max then confessed his meeting and talk with Maria and it was Michael now whose cheeks flushed as he chewed his lower lip. Isabel’s mouth was open in shock.

- Shit, Max, are you sure Maria wasn’t ready to kick my ass? -

- No, Michael, she was very worried about you, and pissed at me for hurting you and letting Alex and Kyle fuck your ass. -

- What are you going to do? - Isabel sounded concerned. -They must think I’m a sick freak! I don’t give a damn about Tess but Maria is sure to spill it all out and I won’t be able to show my face again in school! I’ll have to transfer to anywhere as far as possible! -

- Quit the drama, Iz! Maria will keep quiet this time, I’m sure. -

- I’m not, Michael. I will dream walk her tonight. -

- You will do no such thing, Isabel! It would have a negative reaction. Believe me, the only person she will talk about this is Liz, because she was there, and Michael, to find out he’s ok. Alex and Kyle won’t even mention it to each other. Much less to the girls. I’m sure we’re safe there. All we can do is wait and take it easy. That clear? - Max ordered.

Michael and Isabel just nodded.

- I better get some sleep. -

- More, Michael? You’ve slept almost 9 hours. -

- The shower kind of relaxed me, and I’m sleepy again. So spank me, mother! -

- Don’t temp me Michael, or I swear you won’t sit straight in a year! -

- Ok, Iz, I love to be punished. - Michael smirked. - Just to play it safe, I’ll go to the guest room. -

He walked to the neat looking room with the cozy bed and simply dropped on it. He was starting to snooze when he felt warm hands massaging his back expertly.

- Mmm…Max…-

- No Max until I say so, Michael, and I also keep my promises! -

She spanked him a few smart ones and laughed as Michael sobbed into the pillow but did nothing to stop her. Then she went on massaging him until he fell asleep. She kissed the corner of his lips and left him to rest and heal.

As Isabel was returning to the kitchen, she noticed Max was sprawled on the couch in the living room watching ¨TV. She went over and he had to pull his legs up so she could sit down.

- He’s asleep. - She said and Max nodded.

- You need to keep your hands away from him, Max. You’re going to get in trouble if Mom catches you at it with him. -

- Don’t worry, we’re careful. -

- No you’re not! I saw you at the shower but you didn’t notice because you were too busy filling up his ass and he was too busy getting filled! -

- Isabel, the door was locked. You got in with your powers. Mom wouldn’t have seen anything. -

- But she could have heard you, that’s why I went in. -

- Oh! Ok, I promise I will stay away… - The sound of the kitchen door opening announced Diane’s return from her shopping spree. They went silent as she entered the living room with a smile and sat between them.

- I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be nosy, but I saw Michael in your room, Max, and his father has no right to hurt him like that. I’ll talk to your father as soon as he arrives to see if something can be done to help him. -

After a silent spell, Max finally spoke:

- His father didn’t do it Mom… - Isabel looked ready to faint.

- You know he lives in a nasty place, he met a group of rough neighbours who had it in for him. That’s what happened. -

Max felt bad, lying to his mother, and Isabel relaxed. Diane shook her head and tsked.

- It’s a shame, he’s a sweet boy, it’s not his fault. He deserves a real home. -

Max imitated his mother’s performance and said:

- Yeah… right… -

Diane stood up and reached her hands to her children.

- C’mon, I have three big shopping bags and need help putting all that stuff away. Where’s Michael? Did you feed him? - Diane frowned as Isabel scoffed.

- He wolfed down half the kitchen, and now he’s napping at the guest room. - She giggled and Diane giggled too.

They had barely finished when Philip arrived. After kissing his wife and daughter and patting his son in the arm, Diane took his hand and led him out of the kitchen leaving Max and Isabel exchanging worried looks. They decided to just stay put and hope for the best. Diane guided her husband towards the guest room and he followed her intrigued by her unusual behaviour. As they reached the guest room`s door, she said:

- I want you to see something, ok? Just stay quiet. -

She opened the door softly and went to turn on the lamp at the night stand. She sighed relieved to see that Michael was wearing shorts. She recognized them as Max’s. They were easily a couple of sizes too small for him. She approached the sleeping boy and pushed both her hands into the elastic waist of the shorts. Philip watched her in shocked silence. What was she doing? Diane struggled to pull the shorts down Michael’s hips, because of the tight fit but thinking it was Max, he pushed up just enough on his knees to allow her to lower them to his thighs. Thankfully, he didn’t speak, just moaned softly and shifted his hips to help her. Diane turned to her startled husband.

- Look! - she whispered, not to wake Michael up. - Can you believe this? Max says Michael told him it wasn’t his father as I suspect, but some of his neighbourhood friends. I don’t believe him. -

Philip leant over the boy and observed the damaged flesh in the pool of dim light. His eyes hooded in obvious disgust.

- Why should Michael cover for him? -

- It’s typical in abused children. It doesn’t make sense, but it’s what they usually do. -

- Philip, can’t you do something about it? -

- What if it’s true and it wasn’t the father? -

- Whoever it was, shouldn’t he report it? -

- Unfortunately, it’s his call. Depends completely on him. If he wants to do it, I’ll help. If he doesn’t, there’s nothing I can do. - Philip sighed as Diane looked disappointed.

- I don’t think he will ask you. And we can’t say anything to him, he might feel uncomfortable and think we’re intruding. Maybe the kids could convince him… -

- Let’s hope they can. -

Diane pulled up the shorts the best she could cause this time Michael wasn’t helping at all, and putting out the light, they left the room. They were surprised to see Max and Isabel watching TV in the living room. It was Saturday and they should be getting ready to leave the house to be with their friends. Stranger still, Max was watching sports and Isabel wasn’t complaining or leaving the room. They just shrugged.

- We’re going to the movies. - Philip announced and received a nod and a “uh huh” for an answer.

He turned to his wife who gave him back a dismayed look and they left the house through the back door. Both teenagers sighed with relief when their parents left without any mention of Michael. The sports news ended and a hockey match started. Both Max and Isabel couldn’t help immediately thinking of Michael and observe that it was a repetition and probably he had already seen it and wasn’t missing anything. They leaned their heads back on the couch and closed their eyes.
They snapped out of it as the phone rang and it was their parents making sure they were alright. Then it rang again.
Meanwhile at the Crashdown, Alex and Kyle met at the door as they arrived for a Cherry Cola. They eyes locked and they went to sit together on opposite sides in a booth. Liz came over and took their order, her eyes on the door expecting the Evans and Michael to come in right behind them. But they didn’t. She went to get the drinks and Maria told her that if she didn’t get a break immediately, she would just drop where she was standing. Liz agreed that it had been a busy night. She gave Maria one of the Cokes and signaled the other waitress that they were taking their breaks. They sat in the booth beside the boys, Liz with Alex and Maria with Kyle. The silence was getting embarrassing but no one knew what to say. The doorbell rang and Tess, of all people, came in and walked towards them. She grabbed a chair from a nearby table and sat at the head of the booth. Reaching out, she took the girls’ hands in hers and motioning with her head, had them hold the boys’ hands. Then Alex reached for Kyle’s hand and completed the connection. Their eyes closed for what seemed much more than the few seconds it really took, Tess did her mind warping thing, of which they still didn’t know about, and the whole thing was effectively blocked out of their minds. When Tess let go, they all automatically did the same and then opened their eyes. They felt relaxed and rested, and they just went on with their lives as if nothing had happened. Tess got up smiling like the Cheshire cat and left. She called the Evans from the first pay phone she could find to say everything was fine and hung up. Isabel answered the phone, listened to Tess and hung up right after her. Then she turned to Max and told him what had just happened. Max just looked back without understanding what she meant and Isabel shrugged and turned off the TV. They got up and headed for the guest room. Michael was fast asleep facing the door. Max walked around to the opposite side of the bed and lay on his side against Michael’s who turned a little towards Max so he could spoon him. Max’s leg went between Michael’s from behind with his arm wrapped around his stomach, resting his forehead on Michael’s back. Isabel lay against his other side, almost under him. Michael held her against him, his arm grazing her breast, his face pillowed on her shoulder. Isabel clung to him with her cheek resting on his hair and one hand cupping his butt with his thigh between her legs. It was like that, that Diane found them when they returned home and she found her children’s rooms empty. She suspected where they were so there was no need to alarm her husband. She entered the guest room and stood by the door letting the light from the hallway bathe the crowded bed. Then she noticed Max’s leg between Michael’s and Michael’s between Isabel’s. She was about to wake them up demanding an explanation when she heard Philip’s voice calling her and decided it wasn’t worth the trouble she would cause if she did. She closed the door and went to her room, thinking that this wasn’t the first time she found the three asleep like this together.

Max and Isabel practically sat up together. Then they were startled by the protesting moan coming from Michael’s lips, who went on sleeping. They realized it was daylight coming through the thin curtains and proceeded to try to wake Michael up. Max’s hand sliding into the back of his shorts and Isabel lapping and nipping at the back of his thigh had him writhing like an eel. Max started kissing the small of his back and Isabel bit him hard enough to make him gasp and open his eyes. When he realized where he was, he relaxed and enjoyed the attentions he was receiving. Max stood up.

- Ok, shower time. -

- Right, go ahead, alone! - She emphasized the last word and Max frowned and then nodded in acceptance.

He left the room smiling at Isabel babying Michael who just loved it. By the time she had finished giving his back a complete and slow relaxing massage, Max returned dressed and ready for breakfast.

- Alright Michael, bath time - Isabel patted his butt and pulled him up by the waist of his shorts.

Michael whimpered his protest but Isabel was relentless. He got up slowly pushing up on all fours first.

- Don’t do that, please! - Max pleaded.

- Fuck off Max, you’re leaving him alone until I say so! - Isabel was taking no nonsense.

She pushed Michael all the way to the bathroom and locked the door after her.

- What will Mom think? - Max whispered through the door angrily.

He knew Isabel could hear him. Their hearing was astoundingly keen.

- Nothing if you can keep her away. Just tell her you’re hungry and you want pancakes. She’ll be frying the damn things way until we’re finished, dressed and ready. -

- What are you going to do to him? -

- It’s none of your business. At least I’m not fucking his ass! -

- You can’t fool me, you have your vibrator! -

- I said I’m NOT fucking his ass, get it through your thick head! -

- Isabel, I swear! If you…-

- Are you retarded or your stupid ears are at the wrong angle for hearing! I AM NOT FUCKING HIS ASS! IS THAT CLEAR? -

- All right, all right, just shut up will you! -

- Then go away! -

Max left fuming towards the kitchen. He ran into his father and they walked in together, both demanding pancakes to Diane’s delight.

Isabel sat on the toilet and watched Michael take his shower. As he started lathering his front, she got up and soaped his back from his shoulders to his thighs. Michael reached back and took the bar of soap from her hands. He bent over and soaped his lower legs all the way down. Isabel could easily see what drove her brother nuts. That round butt was a magnet for hands, mouths and cocks. She watched the water running down his cuddly body and licked her lips. Tess said that he had been all hers in Antar. Unfortunately the fact that they had spent years thinking he was her brother had twisted things around. Sure they had had sex, but in a tainted, incestuous, sinful way that made it more exciting, it had to be their secret, their skeleton in the closet. And that couldn’t be changed. It was too late for that. Michael kissed her forehead and made her jump in surprise.

- Hey, you were zoning off. -

She smiled at him. He was so special. She received him, fresh out of the shower, dripping wet into the plush big towel in her arms, drying first his back and then enveloping him in the thick terry cloth and drying his front, as she pressed her breasts to his back. Once he was dry, she proceeded to towel dry his hair. She let the towel fall to the ground and turning him around, put her arms around his waist, laying her face on the crook of his shoulder, enjoying the fresh scent of his skin. She held him tight against her as she felt his arms around her shoulders doing the same and his face breathing in her hair. The connection was incredible They felt rather than heard Max open the door and walk into the room. He glued his body against Michael’s naked back and unzipping, he pressed his bloated cock against his ass. Michael spread his legs so Max could push it high up between his thighs. He felt his hands forcing their way between his and Isabel’s bodies, not to separate them but to bring him closer still. They felt this amazing strength inside Michael struggling to come out and knew he would eventually manage to control it. He was totally fearless when it came to himself, he was only scared about the ones he cared for. He was so hurt that they couldn’t understand it, especially Maria. It hurt him so much that she didn’t get it. He was all action, he saw a challenge and he went for it, not caring that Max would give him hell afterwards, but he knew it was because of his concern for him. He would die for any of them, no doubts and no regrets. Their hearts skipped a beat knowing that they had witnessed his death before, in that other life, and it had been messy, slow and painful, and somehow Isabel had something to do with it. It had also been protecting Max. She was suddenly aware of his awakening erection against her stomach. Using his powers, Max unfastened his pants and dropped them and his boxers to his ankles, sliding his cock between Michael’s buttocks. He bent his knees and pushed up feeling it slowly enter the warm passage with only the help of his pre cum lubrication. Isabel felt Michael’s erection rise to complete attention and start sliding into her dripping cunt as she stood on tiptoes to allow it. She now took charge as she felt her legs giving way under her and made the towel stretch itself on the floor behind her. Very slowly, she started lying back, the male double weight gaining the upper hand and soon they were lying on the ground. Michael moved in and out of Isabel and Max, serving them both at the same time. Isabel started coming, triggering Michael and then Max who was on his knees. When he couldn’t hold himself up anymore, he pulled them on their sides not to crush Isabel. They lay there in the long lasting alien orgasm, their laboured breathing filling the bathroom. They finally started relaxing and the feelings shared by their still joined bodies were overwhelming. Isabel broke the silence.

- Max loves you so much! I hate that it hurts you. I’d kill him if he hurt me like that! -

- I’d tear his head off if he laid a finger on you!...and his dick too. - He said as an after thought, chuckling -

- Then it wouldn’t be any good to you. - Isabel observed.

- You could put it over your vibrator and it could be yours to play with me. -

- Michael! That’s so gross! But not such a bad idea. - She giggled.

- Hey that’s part of my body you’re talking about! And you love it rough, so don’t play the martyr! -

- It makes it better at the end. -

- I would hate it! - Isabel said frowning.

- Some people express their feelings of love in weird ways…-

Max and Isabel were hit by a flash of a naked Michael being roughly bent over the arm of a couch as he was savagely raped by a wiry and hairy older man with a mustache. They both recognized Michael’s foster father Hank. The man was raking claw-like unkempt nails over the boy’s ass drawing blood as he spread him for a deep penetration while he cried out his name over and over claiming he loved him. Michael gritted his teeth and buried his face in his arms. The scene skipped a frame and now Hank was lashing away at him with the buckle of his belt all over his back down to his thighs leaving angry red welts and screaming: “I’ll make you so hot you will be begging me to fill your pretty ass all night long!” He was so horny that spit flew out of his mouth as he shouted. Max was shocked into silence but Isabel’s protest didn’t wait.

- No! Michael no! That can’t be love! That’s absolutely sick! -

- It’s the only time he says it. After that I’m good for nothing. -

- No, Michael, he’s good for nothing. - Max said quietly.

- He’s all I have. - Michael whispered wistfully.

- You have us. We are your family. We’re always here for you. -

- I love incest! - Michael chuckled.

- According to Tess, I’m not really your sister, though we thought so for so long. I was your mate. -

- We didn’t know that when we started this. -

- So what! We’re aliens and who knows what’s really right or wrong where we come from! If it feels right, then it’s right, ok? -

- Sure, Max, whatever. I love you guys. -

- We love you too, Michael. - Isabel said as he felt her eyes
flood with tears.

They got up slowly and had a shower together, sandwiching Michael and making him feel loved and needed. By the time they arrived at the kitchen, dressed and clean, Diane was talking on the phone and pointed with a forced smile at the hotcakes and syrup on the table. Philip was in the garage doing the laundry and Sunday was spent in a quiet family way, giving Michael a much desired feeling of belonging in spite of Diane’s constant disapproving glares in her children’s direction. She definitely thought they were abusing Michael, taking advantage of the insecurity of his unhappy life. Her own children! Where had she failed? Or rather, they, thinking Philip deserved to be included in the blame. Later, after napping three regenerating hours during the afternoon and a great meal, Michael left to return to his own private hell, as Diane showered him with kisses and caresses insisting he was always welcome there in their home as part of their family.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the martyr of antar

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 290

Michael arrived at the trailer and went in quietly, looking left and right. Apparently it was empty so he headed for his room. Just before his door, he was grabbed from behind in a bear hug.

- Hey Mikey! We’re just the two of us tonight! Sarah’s gone for the week and I got a week gig tomorrow, so let’s have fun! - Hank was euphoric.

“What the hell did he have?”- Thought Michael.

Hank walked him to his room without letting go of him and pushed him forwards on the bed. He started tugging clumsily at the back of his jeans and Michael surreptitiously eased them down before he tore them. He felt the edge of his hand pressing between his buttocks and rubbing at his ass.

- I love your ass! - He chuckled.

Michael heard him fumbling with what sounded like he was unwrapping something and started turning to see what it was.

- No! It’s a surprise! - He chuckled again as he pushed the boy’s face back to the bed. - Up! Up! C’mon! -

Hank hugged Michael’s stomach and pulled him up on his knees. Then his hand was back on his butt and he felt Hank shove something deep into his ass with his finger, wiggling it all around inside him.

“Shit! What was that?” Michael thought.

- Sarah left this for you, so you’ll have a great time! - Hank said, full of enthusiasm.

His breath was different; whatever he had drunk, Michael hoped he would change to it. At least he was in a great mood.

Hank's rough hot hands were fondling him non stop, spreading him so he could slobber all over him as he ate him out.

- Did Sarah give something to you too? - Asked Michael, intrigued.

- Wow! Did she! Look! - He pointed to the floor on his left and there were two bottles of pure malt whisky, Glenfiddich and Glenlivet, none the less, one of each, completely dry.

Sarah had been quite generous; he didn’t have to wait to know how much she had been with him too. He started getting all warm with this feeling of wellbeing, so rare in him, and he simply wanted to get laid, no, fucked, over and over. Max had healed him, right? So he was as good as new. Ready to get the daylights fucked out of him again. Hank’s chuckle as he pulled back and rubbed his hard erection against him told him he was in the same condition, even if they weren’t on the same high. He grabbed Michael with both hands and spread him as he rammed into him, his precum slicked cock burying into him deep in just one thrust. Michael gasped and whimpered, feeling Hank’s hairy belly rubbing against his ass.

- You like it boy? Sure you do! That’s it, squeeze me, cause I’m really gonna fill your guts tonight! - Hank buried his jagged nails into Michael’s butt, drawing blood, pushing him away until he was completely out, and plunging it all the way back in, as Michael’s insides struggled to stretch without tearing. Sarah’s drug had him on fire and ice, the coming feeling from the first penetration, but not getting there, just teasing him, making him crave for a release that took ages in coming. When he finally did, he was sure his guts were spilling out of his cock, it was so intense. He wanted it again and again, so many times that he couldn’t remember either how many times he had come. Hank had literally kept his promise, because he felt his insides flooded and it seeped out of him at the slightest movement. Michael had never thought it was possible to come so many times and with such intensity. He heard a “thump” towards the right and checked over to see Hank on the floor on his back, snoring with his tongue hanging out from the corner of his mouth. It was almost 1:00 am, and his friends would have a hard time getting him ready for the gig when they came for him. He started pushing up to go to his room when a stabbing pain shot up his ass and he felt a gush of warmth rushing out or him. He knew beyond doubt that it was blood, as the high of the drug was slowly fading, letting the pain in, full force. He felt Hank had torn him to shreds inside and he just hoped he would make it to Max’s window. He somehow got up and waved his hand to clear away the pools of blood all over the place. Then he lurched all the way to the door turning and cleaning up his trail. By some miracle, he managed to get to the entrance of the Trailer park, using his powers so that the blood leading to Hank’s trailer disappeared and what he didn’t have the strength to erase, could lead anywhere. Half a block away, he fell flat on his face and it took him a long time to get up, leaving another bloody pool. He never made it to the corner, falling again and this time he simply couldn’t move. He concentrated on Max and Isabel with all he had left, and almost passed out. It was the second time he tried to dreamwalk them in an emergency, and though he had been lucky that other time with Hank’s friends, he wasn’t hoping for much now. He lay there in agony sure he would end in a hospital and eventually at the FBI’s lab, when he heard the screech of tyres and Max and Isabel’s voices calling his name. With what little he could help, they got him jackknifed part on the shotgun and part on the back seat, his face in Isabel’s lap once again. They arrived home to smuggle Michael through Max’s window and he crawled and was also dragged onto the bed. It took Max about ten unending minutes to get him all healed and then Michael was finally sleeping. Max took out the sleeping bag and Isabel went to bed. She tried to dreamwalk him but the second she started getting in, she was repelled by a solid blood red wall which bounced her back to her bed. She had never been blocked out so violently and it scared her as nothing before had. She got up, took her sleeping bag from the closet and returned to Max’s room. She lay on the other side of the bed, with Michael’s hand in hers, just to make sure he was alive. Max’s 6:00 am alarm had her waving shorts on Michael and scurrying to the bathroom just in time to see her mother’s bedroom door beginning to open. She was able to hear clearly when she entered Max’s room to find Michael on the bed.

- Michael? Max, why is Michael in your bed? -

- Oh, morning, mum, he came in through my window last night with one hell of a stomachache. His father had cooked some nasty stuff and he had to eat it not to offend him. He said he threw it all up on the way here, but he didn’t want to go through the whole thing again for breakfast, that’s why he came here. -

- Oh, you poor dear! - Diane went to sit on the bed and kiss Michael’s face. - I don’t think he should go to school, he can stay here. I’ll take care of him. -

That was just what Max didn’t want, in case he would talk in his sleep.

- Just let him sleep mum, he asked me not to wake him up until we returned from school. He just needs to sleep, he’ll be fine. -

- Alright then, I’ll just let him sleep. - She promised.

They heard Philip’s footsteps in the hallway as he started calling his wife. Diane got up and went to get breakfast ready.

When Max and Isabel arrived at school, they found Tess waiting for them at the parking lot. She climbed in the back of the jeep before they could get down.

- There’s a slight problem. -

- What do you mean? - Isabel didn’t like the way she said it.

- Well, remember I called you on Saturday to say everything was fine? - Isabel nodded and Max was curious.

- What did you mean by that? -

- I went to the Crashdown and met Kyle and Alex there. Then I got them all together in a booth and we all connected so they wouldn’t remember anything. I thought it had worked perfectly well as it always does, but it didn’t with Liz. -

- I don’t understand, what are you talking about? -

- Yeah Tess, what did you do? -

- I did my thing, you know, I mind-warped them so they wouldn’t remember anything. -

- What is that? -

- That is my skill, like you heal, and Isabel dream-walks. I can make them think what I want. -

- Wow, that’s cool. -

- What’s the problem with Liz, what did you do to her? -

- Cool it, Max. It just didn’t work completely with her. Apparently it had but that night she had nightmares with the whole thing so she called me early on Sunday, quite freaked out and I had to spend the day with her answering her questions. Then to make things worse, Maria came and Liz was about to tell her everything but I stopped her making Maria not see us at the table. I convinced her she was much better off not knowing and she had to agree. Then we decided to just tell her Michael had been hurt by some neighbours and Max had healed him. -

- That’s weird, it’s the same excuse I invented for my parents. -

Tess giggled, - I sent you that idea, did it work too? -

- Yes it did. - Max said frowning.

He didn’t like Tess getting into his head without his knowledge or permission. Isabel didn’t like it either. She could do it to her too. Tess sensed their discomfort.

- Sorry, I meant no harm. I just wanted to help. -

- Well, don’t do it without asking. -

- Why didn’t it work with Liz? -

- I think it’s because you healed her. That definitely changed her. She shouldn’t have remembered. -

- Will she be alright? - Max sounded worried.

- I will ask Nasedo. He should know. -

- We better go in. -

They went to their lockers and found Liz and Maria waiting for them. Maria rushed to meet Max and asked him looking worried and ready to cry:

- Where is Michael? Is he alright? -

- Well, he’s much better but we thought he should rest for a couple of days before he comes to school. -

- I thought you had healed him. -

- Yes…mmm…Michael’s different when it comes to healing. It’s
not so easy with him. Tess thinks Nasedo might know why. -

Max noticed Liz was staring at him terrified. She turned towards the classrooms and was practically running away. Max raced after her catching up. She backed away from him looking definitely scared.

-Liz, what is it? -

- N-nothing. - She looked both ways trying to get away.

- Please, let’s talk, are you afraid of me? -

- N-no, it`s just… I have to find Maria…-

- She’s with Isabel, she’ll be alright. - She didn’t seem to agree with him. Max opened the door of the music classroom which was empty.

- We can talk here. Please come in Liz. - She looked doubtful.

- Please? -

- Okay. - Not very convinced but she didn’t want to cause a scene and Max looked very determined to talk things out. They sat down.

- Max, what’s wrong with Michael? What did you do to him? Didn’t you hurt him enough that night? - She was furious now.

- Liz, I healed him but what I said about it being different with him is true. Remember the time he was sick? I couldn’t heal him and we had to take him to River Dog and use the stones. - Liz remembered and felt guilty about not taking part in the healing, She was afraid it wouldn’t work and Michael could die because of her doubts. She also remembered that first night as they were leaving the cave, River Dog told her to make sure she could trust Max. What did he mean by that? Could she really trust him? His cruelty towards Michael had really scared her the other night. She started thinking it wasn’t such a good idea being here alone with him after all. She got up hurriedly to leave and Max grabbed her arm. Their connection kicked in and Liz could see again what had happened to Michael last night and now she really was terrified. Max knew what she had seen and before he could explain she started screaming:

- How could you do that to him? You’re sick, no! Don’t come near me! -

Isabel came rushing into the room, slamming the door on Tess’ face, who opened it and locked it behind her.

- Keep it down! What’s wrong? - Liz stood beside Max trembling and crying. Max shook his head.

- I connected with her and she saw last night. Sorry, it was an accident, it shouldn’t have happened. She thinks I did it. -

Isabel gently pushed Liz down on a chair.

- Liz, Max didn’t do it. It was his foster father. He was very badly hurt and he connected with us to help him. We rushed to him and Max healed him. We brought him home with us to keep him safe and he’s in the guest room. -

- Oh my god, I’m so sorry. - She covered her face with her hands.

- It’s ok, it’s not your fault. I deserve it, really. I couldn’t be like that with a girl, it’s just that Michael…well…he does like it. Please don’t tell Maria, ok? -

Liz shook her head no. - I won’t tell her. That is up to Michael, if he wants to. -

- Thanks.-

She nodded. They went to their classes and spent the day focused on their schoolwork, not to think for a second of what was going on with their hurt friend, even lunchtime was unusually quiet, Maria didn’t even ask for an explanation from Liz. After classes, Maria insisted she wanted to see Michael, so she and Liz rode in her car following the Evans’ back home. Michael was still asleep so they camped down in the bedroom, doing their homework…Liz called her father to tell him Michael had had an accident, he was alright now, and they would stay with him to update him with the schoolwork. Obviously Mr. Parker didn’t know much about Michael’s funny school assistance record so he told her he would have both of them covered and to stay with him all they needed. Michael started stretching and waking up and was very pleased to see them all there for him. He thought Maria and Liz still remembered everything so he was surprised to see they didn’t seem to be repelled by him at all. They all rushed to him to ask him how he was feeling, careful not to give away last night’s problem in front of Maria and of course he didn’t mention anything at all. When he said he was thirsty, Maria rushed out of the room to get him something to drink and they took the time to warn him of the latest where he was concerned. Michael was worried about Liz knowing about last night but she was very sweet to him and he just loved her for it. Kyle and Alex came by after being informed by Liz’s father of their whereabouts when they went looking for them at the Crashdown. Diane managed to feed them all and Michael fell asleep at around 9:30 pm so they left him to rest and returned to their respective homes. Max and Isabel, of course, spent the night with him. They lay spooned into his sides, Isabel placed her hand wedged between Michael’s buttocks making him squirm and purr. She glared at Max.

-You’re not touching him there with any part of your anatomy, clear? -

- Do you think I’m stupid? I just healed him there! I wouldn’t dream of hurting him again! -

- I’m just making sure you don’t get tempted. -

Max rolled his eyes and she stuck her tongue out at him before she closed her eyes.

Isabel woke up as she heard the floor creak softly. She jumped up and caught Max leaving the room and raced him to the bathroom. They arrived together but she wouldn’t budge.

- Get out! - She screamed at him angrily. She wasn’t a morning person especially before breakfast. Max raised his hands nodding and turned towards his room.

- I don’t think Michael should stay alone. -

- It’s ok, mom, we’re leaving a bottle of water, a box of corn flakes and three apples. That should hold him until we come back. -

- If I know him well enough, he will sleep all day. We’ll wake him up when we’re back from school to feed him, you’ll see. -

- Alright then, I’m off. We still have to get the box of stuff donated for the expecting mothers. - She kissed them all and left as her impatient friend started honking.

Philip shook his head.

- I’m going to try to talk her into quitting the support group. It’s really too much for her. -

- Yeah, good luck with that. - Isabel kissed her father and Max waved from the door before leaving for school.

Liz and Maria arrived barely on time and Max was quite worried until they showed up. Maria looked pale, and she left for the bathroom three times before the first class was over. As they went to the next classroom, she explained she was smelling this herbal essence that always made her nauseous and had already barfed three times. She seemed quite proud of it and she giggled with Liz. Max, Isabel and Alex stared at them as if they had completely lost it and Kyle spun his finger at his temple sharing their feelings. She kept it up until the teacher told her to go to the nurse. At the door she turned to Liz with a big smile and gave a thumb up. Liz nodded smiling back, leaving the others wracking their brains to try to get it. When the class was over, Liz told them Maria’s plan.
She convinced the nurse easily to send her home and she left the keys of her Jetta in Liz’s locker according to plan. She walked to the Evans’, the fresh air clearing away the effects of the herb making the nausea disappear. When she arrived, she made sure there were no cars in the driveway. She rang the doorbell repeatedly until she was sure there was no one home, and then she climbed through Isabel’s window and went to the guest room. She stood there watching Michael’s naked body and literally drooling. She knelt beside him and placed her hands on the backs of his thighs. The skin felt like velvet but the muscles underneath were hard as steel, yet smooth and cuddly at the same time. She slid her hands up to his ass and all the way up to his shoulders and found the same there. She lay on her back beside Michael and wedged her hand between his buttocks like Isabel had last night and he had wished it was Max instead. He pushed up against it, purring with the pleasure of finding his wishes come true. Maria was thrilled at his reaction to her touch.

- Michael … -

- Mmm…Ma…ria? - He had just been about to say “Max” when he recognized her voice.

He pushed up on his elbows and turned his face towards the source. She lay there smiling at him.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the martyr of antar

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 290

Michael arrived at the trailer and went in quietly, looking left and right. Apparently it was empty so he headed for his room. Just before his door, he was grabbed from behind in a bear hug.

- Hey Mikey! We’re just the two of us tonight! Sarah’s gone for the week and I got a week gig tomorrow, so let’s have fun! - Hank was euphoric.

“What the hell did he have?”- Thought Michael.

Hank walked him to his room without letting go of him and pushed him forwards on the bed. He started tugging clumsily at the back of his jeans and Michael surreptitiously eased them down before he tore them. He felt the edge of his hand pressing between his buttocks and rubbing at his ass.

- I love your ass! - He chuckled.

Michael heard him fumbling with what sounded like he was unwrapping something and started turning to see what it was.

- No! It’s a surprise! - He chuckled again as he pushed the boy’s face back to the bed. - Up! Up! C’mon! -

Hank hugged Michael’s stomach and pulled him up on his knees. Then his hand was back on his butt and he felt Hank shove something deep into his ass with his finger, wiggling it all around inside him.

“Shit! What was that?” Michael thought.

- Sarah left this for you, so you’ll have a great time! - Hank said, full of enthusiasm.

His breath was different; whatever he had drunk, Michael hoped he would change to it. At least he was in a great mood.

Hank's rough hot hands were fondling him non stop, spreading him so he could slobber all over him as he ate him out.

- Did Sarah give something to you too? - Asked Michael, intrigued.

- Wow! Did she! Look! - He pointed to the floor on his left and there were two bottles of pure malt whisky, Glenfiddich and Glenlivet, none the less, one of each, completely dry.

Sarah had been quite generous; he didn’t have to wait to know how much she had been with him too. He started getting all warm with this feeling of wellbeing, so rare in him, and he simply wanted to get laid, no, fucked, over and over. Max had healed him, right? So he was as good as new. Ready to get the daylights fucked out of him again. Hank’s chuckle as he pulled back and rubbed his hard erection against him told him he was in the same condition, even if they weren’t on the same high. He grabbed Michael with both hands and spread him as he rammed into him, his precum slicked cock burying into him deep in just one thrust. Michael gasped and whimpered, feeling Hank’s hairy belly rubbing against his ass.

- You like it boy? Sure you do! That’s it, squeeze me, cause I’m really gonna fill your guts tonight! - Hank buried his jagged nails into Michael’s butt, drawing blood, pushing him away until he was completely out, and plunging it all the way back in, as Michael’s insides struggled to stretch without tearing. Sarah’s drug had him on fire and ice, the coming feeling from the first penetration, but not getting there, just teasing him, making him crave for a release that took ages in coming. When he finally did, he was sure his guts were spilling out of his cock, it was so intense. He wanted it again and again, so many times that he couldn’t remember either how many times he had come. Hank had literally kept his promise, because he felt his insides flooded and it seeped out of him at the slightest movement. Michael had never thought it was possible to come so many times and with such intensity. He heard a “thump” towards the right and checked over to see Hank on the floor on his back, snoring with his tongue hanging out from the corner of his mouth. It was almost 1:00 am, and his friends would have a hard time getting him ready for the gig when they came for him. He started pushing up to go to his room when a stabbing pain shot up his ass and he felt a gush of warmth rushing out or him. He knew beyond doubt that it was blood, as the high of the drug was slowly fading, letting the pain in, full force. He felt Hank had torn him to shreds inside and he just hoped he would make it to Max’s window. He somehow got up and waved his hand to clear away the pools of blood all over the place. Then he lurched all the way to the door turning and cleaning up his trail. By some miracle, he managed to get to the entrance of the Trailer park, using his powers so that the blood leading to Hank’s trailer disappeared and what he didn’t have the strength to erase, could lead anywhere. Half a block away, he fell flat on his face and it took him a long time to get up, leaving another bloody pool. He never made it to the corner, falling again and this time he simply couldn’t move. He concentrated on Max and Isabel with all he had left, and almost passed out. It was the second time he tried to dreamwalk them in an emergency, and though he had been lucky that other time with Hank’s friends, he wasn’t hoping for much now. He lay there in agony sure he would end in a hospital and eventually at the FBI’s lab, when he heard the screech of tyres and Max and Isabel’s voices calling his name. With what little he could help, they got him jackknifed part on the shotgun and part on the back seat, his face in Isabel’s lap once again. They arrived home to smuggle Michael through Max’s window and he crawled and was also dragged onto the bed. It took Max about ten unending minutes to get him all healed and then Michael was finally sleeping. Max took out the sleeping bag and Isabel went to bed. She tried to dreamwalk him but the second she started getting in, she was repelled by a solid blood red wall which bounced her back to her bed. She had never been blocked out so violently and it scared her as nothing before had. She got up, took her sleeping bag from the closet and returned to Max’s room. She lay on the other side of the bed, with Michael’s hand in hers, just to make sure he was alive. Max’s 6:00 am alarm had her waving shorts on Michael and scurrying to the bathroom just in time to see her mother’s bedroom door beginning to open. She was able to hear clearly when she entered Max’s room to find Michael on the bed.

- Michael? Max, why is Michael in your bed? -

- Oh, morning, mum, he came in through my window last night with one hell of a stomachache. His father had cooked some nasty stuff and he had to eat it not to offend him. He said he threw it all up on the way here, but he didn’t want to go through the whole thing again for breakfast, that’s why he came here. -

- Oh, you poor dear! - Diane went to sit on the bed and kiss Michael’s face. - I don’t think he should go to school, he can stay here. I’ll take care of him. -

That was just what Max didn’t want, in case he would talk in his sleep.

- Just let him sleep mum, he asked me not to wake him up until we returned from school. He just needs to sleep, he’ll be fine. -

- Alright then, I’ll just let him sleep. - She promised.

They heard Philip’s footsteps in the hallway as he started calling his wife. Diane got up and went to get breakfast ready.

When Max and Isabel arrived at school, they found Tess waiting for them at the parking lot. She climbed in the back of the jeep before they could get down.

- There’s a slight problem. -

- What do you mean? - Isabel didn’t like the way she said it.

- Well, remember I called you on Saturday to say everything was fine? - Isabel nodded and Max was curious.

- What did you mean by that? -

- I went to the Crashdown and met Kyle and Alex there. Then I got them all together in a booth and we all connected so they wouldn’t remember anything. I thought it had worked perfectly well as it always does, but it didn’t with Liz. -

- I don’t understand, what are you talking about? -

- Yeah Tess, what did you do? -

- I did my thing, you know, I mind-warped them so they wouldn’t remember anything. -

- What is that? -

- That is my skill, like you heal, and Isabel dream-walks. I can make them think what I want. -

- Wow, that’s cool. -

- What’s the problem with Liz, what did you do to her? -

- Cool it, Max. It just didn’t work completely with her. Apparently it had but that night she had nightmares with the whole thing so she called me early on Sunday, quite freaked out and I had to spend the day with her answering her questions. Then to make things worse, Maria came and Liz was about to tell her everything but I stopped her making Maria not see us at the table. I convinced her she was much better off not knowing and she had to agree. Then we decided to just tell her Michael had been hurt by some neighbours and Max had healed him. -

- That’s weird, it’s the same excuse I invented for my parents. -

Tess giggled, - I sent you that idea, did it work too? -

- Yes it did. - Max said frowning.

He didn’t like Tess getting into his head without his knowledge or permission. Isabel didn’t like it either. She could do it to her too. Tess sensed their discomfort.

- Sorry, I meant no harm. I just wanted to help. -

- Well, don’t do it without asking. -

- Why didn’t it work with Liz? -

- I think it’s because you healed her. That definitely changed her. She shouldn’t have remembered. -

- Will she be alright? - Max sounded worried.

- I will ask Nasedo. He should know. -

- We better go in. -

They went to their lockers and found Liz and Maria waiting for them. Maria rushed to meet Max and asked him looking worried and ready to cry:

- Where is Michael? Is he alright? -

- Well, he’s much better but we thought he should rest for a couple of days before he comes to school. -

- I thought you had healed him. -

- Yes…mmm…Michael’s different when it comes to healing. It’s
not so easy with him. Tess thinks Nasedo might know why. -

Max noticed Liz was staring at him terrified. She turned towards the classrooms and was practically running away. Max raced after her catching up. She backed away from him looking definitely scared.

-Liz, what is it? -

- N-nothing. - She looked both ways trying to get away.

- Please, let’s talk, are you afraid of me? -

- N-no, it`s just… I have to find Maria…-

- She’s with Isabel, she’ll be alright. - She didn’t seem to agree with him. Max opened the door of the music classroom which was empty.

- We can talk here. Please come in Liz. - She looked doubtful.

- Please? -

- Okay. - Not very convinced but she didn’t want to cause a scene and Max looked very determined to talk things out. They sat down.

- Max, what’s wrong with Michael? What did you do to him? Didn’t you hurt him enough that night? - She was furious now.

- Liz, I healed him but what I said about it being different with him is true. Remember the time he was sick? I couldn’t heal him and we had to take him to River Dog and use the stones. - Liz remembered and felt guilty about not taking part in the healing,

She was afraid it wouldn’t work and Michael could die because of her doubts. She also remembered that first night as they were leaving the cave, River Dog told her to make sure she could trust Max. What did he mean by that? Could she really trust him? His cruelty towards Michael had really scared her the other night. She started thinking it wasn’t such a good idea being here alone with him after all. She got up hurriedly to leave and Max grabbed her arm. Their connection kicked in and Liz could see what had happened to Michael last night and now she really was terrified. Max knew what she had seen and before he could explain she started screaming:

- How could you do that to him? You’re sick, no! Don’t come near me! -

Isabel came rushing into the room, slamming the door on Tess’ face, who opened it and locked it behind her.

- Keep it down! What’s wrong? - Liz stood beside Max trembling and crying. Max shook his head.

- I connected with her and she saw last night. Sorry, it was an accident, it shouldn’t have happened. She thinks I did it. -

Isabel gently pushed Liz down on a chair.

- Liz, Max didn’t do it. It was his foster father. He was very badly hurt and he called us to help him. We rushed to him and Max healed him. We brought him home with us to keep him safe and he’s in Max's room. -

- Oh my god, I’m so sorry. - She covered her face with her hands.

- It’s ok, it’s not your fault. I deserve it, really. I couldn’t be like that with a girl, it’s just that Michael…well…he does like it. Please don’t tell Maria, ok? -

Liz shook her head no. - I won’t tell her. That is up to Michael, if he wants to. -

- Thanks. -

She nodded. They went to their classes and spent the day focused on their schoolwork, not to think for a second of what was going on with their hurt friend, even lunchtime was unusually quiet, Maria didn’t even ask for an explanation from Liz. After classes, Maria insisted she wanted to see Michael, so she and Liz rode in her car following the Evans’ back home. Michael was still asleep so they camped down in the bedroom, doing their homework. Liz called her father to tell him Michael had had an accident, he was alright now, and they would stay with him to update him with the schoolwork. Obviously Mr. Parker didn’t know much about Michael’s funny school assistance record so he told her he would have both of them covered and to stay with him all they needed. Michael started stretching and waking up and was very pleased to see them all there for him. He thought Maria and Liz still remembered everything so he was surprised to see they didn’t seem to be repelled by him at all. They all rushed to him to ask him how he was feeling, careful not to give away last night’s problem in front of Maria and of course he didn’t mention anything at all. When he said he was thirsty, Maria rushed out of the room to get him something to drink and they took the time to warn him of the latest where he was concerned. Michael was worried about Liz knowing about last night but she was very sweet to him and he just loved her for it. Kyle and Alex came by after being informed by Liz’s father of their whereabouts when they went looking for them at the Crashdown. Diane managed to feed them all and Michael fell asleep at around 9:30 pm so they left him to rest and returned to their respective homes. Max and Isabel, of course, spent the night with him. They lay spooned into his sides, Isabel placed her hand wedged between Michael’s buttocks making him squirm and purr. She glared at Max.

-You’re not touching him there with any part of your anatomy, clear? -

- Do you think I’m stupid? I just healed him there! I wouldn’t dream of hurting him again! -

- I’m just making sure you don’t get tempted. -

Max rolled his eyes and she stuck her tongue out at him before she closed her eyes.

Isabel woke up as she heard the floor creak softly. She jumped up and caught Max leaving the room and raced him to the bathroom. They arrived together but she wouldn’t budge.

- Get out! - She screamed at him angrily. She wasn’t a morning person especially before breakfast. Max raised his hands nodding and turned towards his room.

Isabel opened the bathroom door just enough to whisper:

- If you touch him, I'll cut your cock off! -

Max just glared back at her and went to do an alien wash up and dress not to lose time.

- I don’t think Michael should stay alone. -

- It’s ok, mom, we’re leaving a bottle of water, a box of corn flakes and three apples. That should hold him until we come back If he wakes up, which I doubt. -

- If I know him well enough, he will sleep all day. We’ll wake him up when we’re back from school to feed him, you’ll see. -

- Alright then, I’m off. We still have to get the box of stuff donated for the expecting mothers. - She kissed them all and left as her impatient friend started honking.

Philip shook his head.

- I’m going to try to talk her into quitting the support group. It’s really too much for her. -

- Yeah, good luck with that. - Isabel kissed her father and Max waved from the door before leaving for school.

Liz and Maria arrived barely on time and Max was quite worried until they showed up. Maria looked pale, and she left for the bathroom three times before the first class was over. As they went to the next classroom, she explained she was smelling this herbal essence that always made her nauseous and had already barfed three times. She seemed quite proud of it and she giggled with Liz. Max, Isabel and Alex stared at them as if they had completely lost it and Kyle spun his finger at his temple sharing their feelings. Maria kept it up until the teacher told her to go to the nurse. At the door she turned to Liz with a big smile and gave her a thumb up. Liz nodded smiling back, leaving the others wracking their brains to try to get it. When the class was over, Liz told them Maria’s plan.
She convinced the nurse easily to send her home and she left the keys of her Jetta in Liz’s locker according to plan. She walked to the Evans’, the fresh air clearing away the effects of the herb making the nausea disappear. When she arrived, she made sure there were no cars in the driveway. She rang the doorbell repeatedly until she was sure there was no one home, and then she climbed through Max's window. She stood there watching Michael’s naked body and literally drooling. She knelt beside him and placed her hands on the backs of his thighs. The skin felt like velvet but the muscles underneath were hard as steel, yet smooth and cuddly at the same time. She slid her hands up to his ass and all the way up to his shoulders and found the same there. She lay on her back beside Michael and wedged her hand between his buttocks like Isabel had last night and he had wished it was Max instead. He pushed up against it, purring with the pleasure of finding his wishes come true. Maria was thrilled at his reaction to her touch.

- Michael … -

- Mmm…Ma…ria? - He had just been about to say “Max” when he recognized her voice.

He pushed up on his elbows and turned his face towards the source. She lay there smiling at him.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the martyr of antar

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 291

- Maria! What are you doing here? -

She told him about her puking adventure and waited for his reaction.

- It’s great having you here, but aren’t you getting in trouble? -

- Forget school! I know Max healed you but what happened to you? Where were you hurt? Max says you’re still hurting, can I do something to soothe your pain in any way? Let me help you, please? -

- Maria, I’m dealing ok, don’t worry alright? -

- But I want to… - Michael knew there was no way to get something out of her head once her mind was made up so he had an idea.

- Ok, I need to take a bath, can you give me a hand? -

Her eyes opened wide and he thought maybe he had gone a little too far. But a big smile started to curve her lips.

- C’mon! What are you waiting for? -

He started pushing up to all fours but he got kind of dizzy and fell flat on his face again. Maria immediately helped him up holding him around his stomach as he pointed silently to the shorts on the chair.

- You don’t need those to take a bath! -

- You don’t mind seeing me naked? -

- I promise I won’t look. -

- Alright, but only if you hold me from behind, ok? Or I wait until Max comes home. -

- No, no, it’s ok! I promise! -

He got out of the bed with her help and they walked slowly to the bathroom, Maria’s hands on the small of his back and her eyes glued to his ass. Michael got in the shower stall and turned on the water. He got it the right temperature and stood under the stream, Maria watched fascinated as the water covered his body. He took a bar of soap and started lathering his chest, his body teasingly turned ¾ away from Maria, so that she almost saw it, but she didn’t quite get to the right angle. She reached in for the bottle of bubble bath and pulled her arm away.

- Hey, the water’s cold, how can you bathe in that? -

- That’s how I like it. And it’s not cold, it’s tepid. -

- Whatever… - She shook her head, and went again for the soap.

Before she reached it, he handed her another bottle: Ivory.

- Use this, the other one is Isabel’s, it’s too girly. - She giggled and started working down from his shoulders just as teasingly as his elusive position.

As she reached his waist, she knelt down and continued. She slid her hands sideways to his hips and spread him gently with her thumbs just enough to lean over and lick the exposed area contained between his buttocks. He gasped and gave a start, but didn’t pull away. He jutted his ass back to give her better access and enjoyed what she was doing to him. She was so gentle, like a puppy’s tongue caressing him, meaning him no harm. Then she replaced her soft tongue by her not so soft soapy hand spreading him further and lathering that sensitive area made even more so by the recent wounds he had suffered there. This time his grunt and the way he pulled away form her touch meant only one thing: pain.

- Sorry, I…- Maria was shocked by the sudden recognition of what that meant.

This was where he was hurt! What had happened to him?

- Oh my god, Michael, that’s where you’re hurting! Who did this to you? What did they do? -

She watched as he stood there shuddering, his face cradled in his arms on the wall in front of him. She stood up and held him close in her arms, not minding her clothes getting wet and soapy. She sobbed against his back, her hot tears burning his skin.

“Man,” he thought, “this girl really loves me!”

He was absolutely surprised by her reaction and her accurate guess of his condition. He started turning towards her, aided by the slippery quality of the soap and held her in his arms, her face glued to his chest. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders, one of his hands finding its way to her hair. He couldn’t tell how long they stood there like that, until she turned her face up and met his honey coloured eyes. He felt she was looking into his soul and she knew she was. She saw so much pain, such an unbearable amount of suffering, the sacrifices he was willing and ready to go through for those he cared for and her heart went out for him. She forcefully pulled herself from his hypnotic eyes and shook her head.

“No,” she said to herself, “No! I can’t believe that! It’s not true! It’s impossible, I’m imagining things.”

She pushed away from him and quick as a flash he had turned his back to her and stood under the water rinsing himself. Maria stood there, trying to get herself together and finally managing it just enough to find her voice back.

- Tell me Michael! - She demanded, - I want to know! -

- Maria, just leave it there, ok? It’s my problem, you don’t need this, believe me. You’re much better off not knowing. -

- Your foster father did it, right? Don’t you dare lie to me, Michael! I don’t care if you never speak to me again in my life, but I’m going to report this! And I know my mother will back me up, she knows the Mayor, you know? -

He backed out of the stall groping towards the towel on the rack. She got it for him and spread it between her arms receiving him there and wrapping it around him with her arms tight over his chest. He heard her sobbing against his shoulder. He decided to be as honest as he could be without getting into trouble so he referred to another incident to keep Hank out of the picture.

- Maria, it was one of his friends, he was behind me and I couldn’t see him when it happened, but I heard his voice, that’s how I know it wasn’t him. I’m still sore, that’s all. I’ll live. It’s not such a big deal. Anyway, he was drunk, and I doubt he remembers anything at all. -

- Michael, you were raped! You can’t just …It’s so unfair! You must do something about it! -

- I’m trying to forget it, and if you’re my friend and you really want to help me, don’t mention it again, please? -

- Oh god, Michael! -

- Maria, please? We don’t need the extra attention. You know it could kill us. So we must keep it down. I can deal with a pain in the ass as long as we’re all alive and as far away from the cops and FBI as possible. -

She just nodded and sniffed. He reached back and held the back of her head against him. She kissed his shoulder and stepped back peeling the towel away from him. She couldn’t help looking down at his ass. She had to admit she couldn’t blame the damn pervert who had possessed him and actually envied him. Man, she was sick, how could she feel like that? She was sure that if she were a guy that’s just what she’d want and get no matter how or what. She was beginning to freak out when Michael’s voice came to the rescue.

- I need to lie down, could you get me something to drink? -

- Let me get you to bed first, and there’s a bottle of water and some stuff in the room. -

- Oh, ok. -

They went back the same way they had come: Maria walking right behind him until his belly hit the bed. She fed him like a Roman, lying down. Then she started massaging him again and he fell asleep. She sat with her back against the headboard of the bed and coaxed his face on her lap. He snuggled comfortably and went on sleeping. Knowing it wouldn’t wake him up, she turned on the TV and for the first time, found the contents of the soap operas so ridiculous and mild compared to the real life situation Michael had just gone through. This is how the gang found them when they returned from school. Maria couldn’t ignore Liz’s look of envy, so as everyone fussed and swarmed around the still sleeping Michael, Liz grabbed her hand and dragged her to the kitchen. It was empty and they got ice cream out of the fridge with two spoons and the questioning began.

- Ok, spill! - And that Maria did.

Liz’s tears filled her eyes when she heard again what had happened to him through Maria’s version and respected Michael’s reasons. She felt bad Maria had found out like that. She would have found a milder way to put it, though she doubted there was one. She couldn’t admit to Maria that she already knew, without endangering their friendship. Diane’s arrival interrupted their heart to heart and they returned to Michael’s room. They noticed neither Tess nor Max were there. Isabel noticed Liz staring around the room and guessed what she was looking for.

- Tess needed to do some shopping for her dad and Max gave her a ride. He’ll be right back. -

- Oh, ok. - Liz didn’t seem much interested by her answer so Isabel turned her attentions to Alex and Kyle who were constantly stealing glances at Michael.

When they saw her walking towards them they guiltily looked away and slumped down sitting at the foot of the bed watching TV. She went to sit between them and they scooted over to give her some space. Isabel couldn’t help remembering their sexual energy with Michael and wondered how they would be with a girl.

Tess watched Max as he drove totally concentrated on the road. They had been silent on the way to the market and barely articulate during the shopping itself. Now on the way to Tess’, he was just repeating his performance, but she was ready to do something about it.

- Things aren’t that good with Liz, huh? -

- Well, as you said it yourself, I’m supposed to be with you, according to the book. -

- So is Isabel with Michael, but apart from a physical thing, I don’t see any other kind of attachment. -

- We thought he was really our brother until the book…-

- That didn’t stop her from fucking him, did it? - Max was shocked by her choice of words.

She laughed openly at him.

- You’re so … Max! - She kept on laughing until she noticed his offended look.

So like Zan! They were really the same person. The human in him hadn’t changed that distasteful trait typically his.

- Can I give you a hand here? -

- You? What can you possibly do not to make it any worse? -

- Don’t underestimate me, Max, we can’t help what we are but we’re not bad persons. We’re just half alien and it just has to come out one way or another. -

- Was that behaviour normal, in our planet? -

- Perfectly normal, it was expected of us, though not of the common people. They were very reserved. The outrageousness was all Royal and those near them. -

Max was lost in his thoughts for a few seconds before Tess continued.

- Grant me a wish and I will indulge you, ok? I’ll give you Liz back. -

- Try me. -

- I want Michael, I always have but he sees me as yours, even now. I can’t mind-warp him so there’s another way. You know the effects of alcohol on us, right? You’ll give him a nightcap spiked with Tabasco and just a little whisky. We don’t need quantity to get us there, even a few drops have the same effect as a whole glass would. He won’t remember a thing next day, and he will sleep it off, no harm done. -

- I’m not leaving him alone with you. -

- Of course not, I want you there. I’ll have his dick and you’ll have his ass. You know he has no problems enjoying the double action. -

- I promised Isabel I wouldn’t fuck him until she thought it safe. -

- She doesn’t have to know. They’re having a girls’ night out since tomorrow’s a holiday, double feature movies after Señor Chow’s and pajama party with lots of ice cream till the early hours. All at Liz’s. Won’t be back until at least midday next day. -

- What if they ask you to go with them? -

- You know they won’t. -

- I can’t fuck Michael. -

- I told you Isabel…-

- It’s not that! He’s still not completely healed. I’m not making it worse. -

- He’ll be fine by then. You can check him out before if you want to be sure, but trust me, he will be ready and willing. - He simply bought it.

She loved her power. He was no match for her and she would make history repeat itself just as she had in Antar. She almost chuckled in satisfaction, remembering gorgeous drugged Rath-Michael in her arms and King Zan ravishing him from behind.

- What about my parents? -

- Much needed romantic supper and 5 star hotel suite overnight included. -

- How can you be so sure? -

- I already planted the seed in their brains and they’re all for it. They will inform you tonight as they tell you to get a delivery of anything you choose. I left a very convincing brochure on the garage door for your father to see and get all worked up. Your mother’s already seen it. -

- You’ve got it all covered, huh? The girls’ thing is your doing too? -
She shrugged, nodded and smiled. Max parked at her driveway.

- Are you sure Liz will come back to me? -

- I will do my best. - “Not like I’m doing with you right now of course.” Max nodded and Tess thought: “Yesss. I’m the woman! And no one fucks with me except when I want to and whom I choose!”

- You get him ready at 9:20, and I’ll arrive 10 minutes after. They’re leaving at 9:00 pm, by the time I get there they’ll be all long gone. -

Max helped her with the shopping bags and left without another word. His head started clearing as he reached home and everything went just as Tess had said without Max suspecting any foul play. Philip and Diane announced their plans to everyone’s delight and all the girls could talk about was their plans for the night. Kyle and Alex left after some muttered excuse that made no sense at all: miniature golf, of all things? Very Alex but how did he convince Kyle was beyond Max’s understanding. At that moment, Tess was as far from his mind as she could possibly be. By 9 o’clock everyone left the house and 5 minutes later, Max went to his father’s bar and then to the kitchen to make the concoction Tess had suggested. It smelled great as Max brought the glass to his nose and by 9.15 he handed it to Michael telling him to drink it or he would shove it up his ass. Michael looked back at him taking his time to consider the proposals and smirked as he gave him his answer:

- I’ll take the second choice. -

- Oh, shut up and drink it. Let’s toast to our being all alone, ok? -

He raised his whiskyless glass and nudged Michael’s as he downed it thirstily. It really tasted good, his was just milk with Hershey syrup and Tabasco.

- Ok man, just kidding…I think…Cheers! - And he downed it as fast as Max had.

He shook his head and his eyes got very bright as if he had a fever. Max became alarmed.

- Are you alright? - Michael chuckled looking definitely horny.

- Yeah, man, better than ever. Come here, I need you to scratch my itch…- He chuckled again, his voice quite slurred.

He had turned slightly on his side to drink the stuff and now he rolled back on his stomach waiting to feel Max’s hands on him. Right on time, Tess walked into the room, in what looked like a silk gown and matching slippers. She went straight to the bed and sat down by Michael’s face for him to see her.

- Well, the Queen herself! I am honoured! - He slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her down beside him.

He passed his hand over the buttoned front and unfastened it. The gown separated exposing Tess’ breasts and stomach, revealing she had nothing underneath. Michael moved over her and started kissing her. Max began to feel jealous of her interaction with his boy toy, but Tess waved her hand in his direction and all he could think about then was Michael looking ready for him. The way his body moved as he prepared to enter Tess was a complete invitation for Max. He saw her hand slide between her and Michael’s body and he thought she was just touching herself. He was partly right as she made sure she moved her hymen aside and out of the way. Her virginity would be back as soon as it was over, in case there were any unexpected flaws in her plans where Liz was concerned. Michael started pushing slowly and carefully into her. As Rath-Michael, he had always had this special way with women, doing the hymen thing with virgins. The problem when it was done like this, was that he had to take their pain into his body, which he did willingly. He was caring even with the sluts, which endeared him to them and were always available to him. He started entering Tess gently with ecstatic results on both the girl’s part and his. Max sensed what was happening and shoved into him. He found resistance and Michael winced and tightened with pain.

“Shit, I need some lube!” Max thought.

Tess’ hand automatically presented him with a love-lube tube which he took from her as if it was expected. He pushed the tip into him and squeezed. Michael bucked and squirmed, moaning with pleasure. Max smiled and squeezed a glob on his finger rubbing it on the outside to ease the entry. He pushed one index in and then the other pumping them in, first alternately and then together as Michael slid into Tess at her own chosen pace. She was mewling with pleasure as he filled her, her nails clawing at his back. Michael was growling with the intensified feelings induced by the alcohol. Their reactions were different, Max became open, behaving in a way he wouldn’t dare or consider proper under normal circumstances, Michael became completely sensitive, his physical feelings enhanced easily 10 times more than they normally were. Tess’ nails on his back felt like meat hooks tearing him to ribbons, and Max’s cock would feel the size of a horse’s. But at the same time his sexual drive was such that he could take anything they could do to him. Max pushed his fingers deep into him and spread them apart, placing the head of his cock between them. Then he pushed in as he pulled his fingers out. Michael grunted as Max’s cock thrust into him hard enough to go halfway in, in just one shove, matching his progress into Tess but not his speed. Michael braced himself on his knees so that Max’s violence didn’t reach Tess, taking it but sparing her. She knew what he was doing, and she loved him for taking any pain upon himself to give her just pleasure. When it came to sex with girls, Max thought only of himself, mistakenly thinking it was what the girl wanted too. That was the difference between Zan and Rath-Michael, and that’s what made Vilandra so lucky and envied by Ava. Michael felt Max filling him completely as he let Max push him into Tess. Right now they were glued together. Max started moving in and out of him but Michael stayed still waiting for her to set her pace. When she felt ready, she tentatively pushed up against him and set him off. Michael started moving so that Max simply had to stay with his hips thrust forwards and Michael did all the work, for both of them, pushing into Tess then impaling himself on Max. He was eliciting all the pleasure possible from all of them, Tess came twice before he couldn’t hold back anymore and came with her on her third time. Max let go a few seconds after, shooting his load into Michael who went out of his mind with the extra boost from the alcohol. He lay sobbing on Tess’ breast shaken by the super strength alien orgasm. Max held part of his weight up on his arms placing his hands on the bed by Michael’s sides. When he felt his erection softening, he pulled out evenly, trying not to cause too much pain, and lay on his back beside them. He watched Tess’ hands on Michael’s buttocks rubbing and kneading them and Max saw red and wanted to snatch them away. But Tess had a surprise for him and a bonus for Michael. Max heard footsteps approaching the room and was ready to lose it, his heart thumping like a drum, with fright. Tess giggled and Michael simply took it in stride knowing who they belonged to through his connection with Tess. The shadow of a slim figure followed by a smaller one appeared framed in the doorway by the light behind them on the hallway. Max breathed relieved, recognizing Kyle and Alex, then remembering they no longer had any recollection of what had happened before, his anguish returned.

- Cool it Max, I’m in charge here, it’ll take you a while to get ready again but Michael will have no problems, all he needs to get it up again is another cock up his ass and I can take him all night. -

“Oh well, if they were mind-warped, ok with him.” He thought.

He watched Alex pounce on Michael and ram in, in one shove, as Michael grimaced and hissed against Tess’ breasts. She felt him turn into granite, and not only his cock. The pain was sickening but he felt Tess squeeze him inside her and that made it worth it. He gritted his teeth and took what Alex was ready to give him. After Alex came into him and he filled Tess again, the human boy’s cock deflated at a rather disappointing speed, but Kyle was right there to take his place. He was so ready, he thrust in and didn’t stop moving until he came, Michael felt his insides on fire with the non stop friction on his still chafed guts, but Tess’ tight encasing helped him bear the agony of this new bout of torture he was so willingly suffering. The boy sure could take punishment, thought Tess, quite the warrior, just like in Antar. So far, there was no way he could disappoint her. Kyle was beginning to pull out when he was roughly pushed back, sprawling over Alex who was kneeling by the bed with his eyes locked where the action was, ignoring Kyle’s plight. He sat up scooting to his knees on the opposite side of the bed, like a mirror image of his geeky friend across from him. Their only interest was in enjoying a live porno in front of their eyes. So far, each entrance had hurt Michael worse than the previous one, making him at the same time hornier too. He felt Max’s familiar proportions again and was all for it. So far, his own cock hadn’t had a chance to go down, and as he felt Max lubing him again and pushing into him, he bucked back meeting Max’s thrust and shoving it to the hilt. He groaned with the pain and pleasure that only Max’s huge cock could give him, and shuddered with expectation as Max pulled back completely and rammed it in again. Tess had already lost count completely of how many times she had come, Michael’s pain becoming her pleasure. Max was pounding hard into him as he shivered and whimpered uncontrollably in Tess’ arms, she felt him burning with fever and she thought he’d had enough. She didn’t want to kill him. She came for the last time that night and squeezed another one out of Michael, feeling right after, his body shaking with Max’s orgasm shooting into him.

- Max you need to heal him. Now! Concentrate in your cock and channel the healing light through it. -

- Yeah, I’ve done it like that a few times before but now, I don’t think I can after I just came…-

- You could do it in Antar and you’re going to do it now! Michael needs you! -

The urgency in her voice somehow got him focusing in what she was telling him and he felt Michael’s insides warm with life. He knew it was coming from him and he pushed it with his mind repairing whatever was needed at Michael’s own pace. The healing process had begun, but Michael’s cycle would be about two days, this time, as the flesh was not torn and bleeding like the last time. Max started retreating out of him and as if on cue, Alex and Kyle got up and left without a word. They would wake up next day in their beds, sprawled on their backs fully dressed and thinking they had had the granddaddy of wet dreams by the state of their underwear. The most surprising thing was that both would remember it had been about Michael Guerin with their cocks up his ass. Reason enough not to mention it even as a sick joke, Tess giggled thinking it was a master coup and congratulating herself on the great idea. Now she had Max help Michael to the bathroom and had a barely warm shower, much to Max’s disgust as he liked scalding hot water, but it was all about Michael right now. Tess watched Max get him cleaned up and dried and then returned to bed. She and Max gave Michael a complete back rub, that meant all the way down to his legs until he fell asleep. Then she let Max relax and lie beside Michael, spooned to his side, waking up next morning completely rested and remembering clearly their activities but erasing anyone else involved effectively out of his mind. When the girls arrived next day, they found Max in the kitchen in a sweat suit preparing breakfast. Liz seemed unusually nervous and ran to Michael with a worried Max at her heels who couldn’t understand why she was rubbing Michael’s back trying to wake him up and asking him nonstop if he was alright. When she finally managed to wake him up and answer her question, she seemed to calm down some. Though his answer was that he was fine, she could see through his lie, how he had winced and shut his eyes tight for a second before answering her. He had this recollection of fucking Tess with Max up his ass, also Kyle and Alex taking turns on him. Obviously he was reliving Tess’ fun night, to which he had agreed and consented knowing they wouldn’t dare mention it to anyone to spare their reputation, specially Valenti.

- Are you in pain? Don’t lie to me! -

- I’m still sore, but Max already told you it took me a while to heal completely, it’s ok, I can take it, I’m used to it. - He smirked at her.

- She leaned over and kissed his cheek, surprising them and even herself. Something was definitely wrong, she couldn’t put her finger on it and it was driving her out of her mind. Tess was lurking over the whole thing but try as she might, she couldn’t find a reasonable way to link her to it. She looked at Max’s worried face and decided, in spite of all, to give him a second chance if he wanted. Michael was Maria’s and she was her best friend and that made him forbidden fruit for her. She could cope with Max fucking Michael as long as he kept his cock away from her. She wasn’t up to it yet and didn’t know when and if she would ever be.
Tess would rest easy for a while, taking both Liz and Max off her back with their newfound weird relationship until Nasedo returned home and continued with his scheming.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the martyr of antar

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 292

They all came back to the present with a start, as if awaking from a nightmare. At first they were reluctant to look up and face the others, partly ashamed and partly surprised at having forgotten such intense events. Finally, it was Isabel who spoke:

- What creeps me out is that Michael has to know and remember it all because Tess couldn’t mindwarp him into forgetting. Why didn’t he say anything that time at Laurie’s when we were bringing it all out in the open? -

- He must have his reasons. Now that we all remember, I’m afraid we’ll have to ask him. For the time being, we better let him rest and see what happens when he wakes up. - Max decided for all of them, as usual. - No one mentions it until I allow it, alright? -

Of course, he took it for granted that they all agreed with him and didn’t wait for any answers. They were all staring at him either rolling their eyes or shaking their heads or simply frowning, when Liz gave a start and pressed the heels of her hands into her eyes.

- Liz! What is it? - Maria shouted and they all turned to her.

Then, right before their eyes, Liz hands fell in fists on the table, her eyes flashing fire, as she screamed at them in a voice that wasn’t hers:

“When will you learn, Zan, to stop treating Rath-Michael as if he were stupid? You are the idiot who lost your kingdom and got us all killed! It was Rath-Michael who won all the battles and kept us safe because he did his own thing, if he had followed your useless strategies you wouldn’t have lasted a month in the throne! He never told you, just let you think you were right, but his instincts and skill as a warrior were what brought us victory. Here all you have done is gloat in his insecurity to boost up your ego. You need your warrior! Michael knows what he’s capable of, but your constant criticism makes him doubt himself. Stop interfering or you’ll make the massacre happen again! I can’t tell you to treat Michael as an equal because he’s way over your head, but at least give him the respect he deserves!” Liz’s eyes rolled back into her head and were back to normal almost immediately, as she stared at them with a perplexed expression.

- What? Why do you look at me like that? - She asked.

Serena repeated verbatim what had come out of Liz’s mouth, with the identical voice.

- Oh my god! Tess! Where is she? How…? - Liz’s eyes went wild.

Maria took her in her arms to calm her down before she explained.

- That was you, Liz. It was Tess’ voice, but it came out of your mouth. -

- But how? Don’t do this to me! It’s not funny! Maria? - Liz’s eyes were beginning to shine with tears.

- Liz, your kindness to Tess when you didn’t vote against her, in spite of the fury you had shown her, formed an amazing link with her, with her essence. She’s dead and gone, no doubts about it, but that last night, when you took her to her human death, she left in your brain, a tiny chip with her memories, both Antares and human. You can’t access them yet, until your transition is complete, but you have just shown us that you’re quickly getting there, since that outraged part of her managed to flare up and out of you. She left it there so you could eventually understand the reason for her behaviour, with the hope you could forgive her, and if you couldn’t, at least to know what her life had been like and what she had gone through to make her what she became. This was the only way you would be able to practically put yourself in her place, when you will feel what she did, see what she did, and hear what she did. It’s not exactly her apology, but the nearest to it. Nobody’s perfect, not even we, Antares, but they say it’s human to make mistakes, and divine, to forgive. I’m not making excuses for her, but I do pity her, that’s all. -

- It’s my fault! I voted against her and that made her kill herself! - Michael’s anguished voice made them jump to see he was wincing and tears were running down his cheeks.

Isabel and Maria rushed to him with the rest close behind them.

- No Michael, I voted against her too! You’re not the only one to blame! - Exclaimed Isabel as she fell on her knees by the bed, holding him to her.

Maria went to the other side and did just what Isabel was doing.

- I voted against her too, Spaceboy! - Maria whispered.

- He’s talking about Tess’ lust for him and her disappointment when he wanted her dead. Michael, I assure you Tess already knew there was nothing she could do to have you; she couldn’t fight against Maria and Isabel. Her true decision came from the fact that she had lost her parents and had hoped to form a family with Max. When she saw things had not changed here and there was no way Max would leave Liz for her, she knew there was nowhere for her to go. Even the dupes were gone, and the only one left was Ava, just the one she didn’t need. When she told you that her baby was totally human, she was sure you would realize it wasn’t Max’s, but Liz gave her a possibility she hadn’t thought of, and she decided not to tell you the truth then. Her life was truly over the second she knew her parents were dead. That’s when she made her decision. She had this tiny hope that Max was no longer with Liz, but at the same time, it would be the same nightmare from Antar, again with Zan, whom she didn’t love. She just came here to make sure her son would have a better life than she’d had and to put him in good hands. None of you is to blame, believe me, so please, Michael, don’t torture yourself over it, it’s the last thing Tess would have wanted. - Serena definitely made sense. - You must leave Michael with Liz, so he can make his peace with Tess through her. It’s for the best. -

Then Serena’s presence faded away, and Maria and Isabel stood up and then obediently, backed away from the bed.

- Go Liz, Serena’s right. Michael needs you. - Maria smiled at her best friend.

- It’s alright, you need to do this. You’re the only one who can. - Max nodded.

Then, in one body, they walked out of the room as Liz stood staring after them until the door closed.

- Liz, you don’t need to do this, no matter what Max says. - Michael whispered.

- It’s not Max’s call, Michael, it’s Serena’s and I trust her. Anyway, if it will make you feel better, I want to do it. -

- But I don’t know what to do…- Michael moaned.

- Neither do I. So…we’re together in this. - Liz giggled and Michael had to smile.

- Liz…it’s ok, I’ll be fine, go to Max…- But at that very moment they heard the sound of two cars leaving, Max’s and Maria’s.

- It’s too late…like I just said, we’re together in this. - Liz went to sit on the bed beside him.

- I didn’t really want her dead; it’s just that…I was so frustrated at the fact that if the FBI landed on us, I wouldn’t be able to defend all of you. And it had all happened because she returned and killed those guys. I was pissed, that’s what it was really about. She had put us all in danger and it wasn’t fair. I wanted her to feel just as bad as I was feeling, knowing I would get killed trying to protect all of you and that would be the end of you too. I’m sure that when the time came to turn her in, I would have been the first one to change my mind and wouldn’t have let it happen. - He winced again and his arms circled his body, turning a little sideways away from her, with his hands clutching at his stomach.

- Michael, are you alright? - Liz asked, wrapping her arms around him, her cheek pressed against his back.

- My…stomach hurts…- Michael moaned.

- Guess that’s your human part’s reaction. Here, let me help you. -

She slid her hands under his, against his flesh, and her warmth started easing the pain.

- What, you’re becoming a healer too? - Michael whispered over his shoulder, as Liz kissed his cheek.

- Max healed me and changed me, maybe some of his powers rubbed off on me. Isn’t that what Kal Langley said could happen? - Liz reminded him.

- Yeah…something like that, right? - Michael’s voice still held some pain.

- Who knows? It might work; it’s worth giving it a try. -

Michael felt her small warm hands roaming all over his stomach, and very slowly, it stopped hurting, leaving just a dull throb. She felt him relaxing and she was glad she could help him.

- She really had me, huh? - Michael chuckled.

- What do you mean? - Liz was baffled.

- Liz…- Michael sent her a nudge making their empathy kick in full tilt.

- Oh shit, Michael! - Liz blushed beet red, realizing that he meant he knew she had remembered the whole deal.

- So it was Tess who had made you guys forget it, huh? I wondered why no one brought it out before, so I decided to wait until anyone did to make sure it was ok with you. - He place his hands over hers and gave them a squeeze.

- You remember all of it? - Liz asked doubtfully.

- Sure do. Tess definitely didn’t know I reacted differently to liquor. She probably thought it would be the same as with Max, when she took his experience with Kyle from his head. It made me not to give a damn and get right to it, but of course I remember it. How could I forget it? It hurt like hell! I felt real bad about it, but I couldn’t help myself when it happened. That would get me in trouble with Maria, no way would she understand it, so I kept it to myself. Maria took it better from you than she would have had with me. I guess she hasn’t got to this part yet cause she’ll kick my ass when she does. You liked watching Max with me, didn’t you? You didn’t know, right? You didn’t even suspect it! What did you feel? -

- It…it turned me on…- She grabbed his hand and sent him what she had felt.

- Wow! You felt that about me? Cool! - He chuckled and she let go of him to spank him hard.

- Yeah…do it again! - He moaned.

- Michael! - She knew he was teasing her so she teased him too: - I couldn’t kill Maria or Isabel over you…-

- Yeah, I know…so…friends? - He asked.

- Sure, friends, of the best kind. - She nodded.

- Of a special kind. - He emphasized, hearing her sigh, and he could feel her disappointment.

He hoped it wasn’t Tess all over again…no, Liz wouldn’t hurt him…or would she? He noticed the way she was looking at him and remembered. Damn empathy!

- Sorry…- He smirked.

- I would never hurt you, Michael. -

- I wouldn’t mind…coming from you…-

- No! I couldn’t…-

- You suggested to let Max kill me to get back his seal…- He reminded her.

- I didn’t mean it that way, it came out wrong. Maria took it literally, of course. -

- If that had been the only way, I would have let you kill me. - Michael said seriously, watching her eyes and mouth open wide in shock.

- Don’t ever say that, Michael, not even as a joke! - She went death pale.

- Hey, come here! - He rolled over to his other side to face her and took her in his arms.

Liz shivered to think she was again in bed with Michael. She let him cuddle her to him and loved his scent. She remembered Max forbidding them to mention the issues without his permission, and giggled thinking he would turn sundry alien somersaults when he found out.

- I brought it out, not you, so don’t worry, he’ll have to take it out on me. - Michael reminded her, and it was her turn to think: Damn empathy!

- Take me to your pool! - She deadpanned.

- What? - It wasn’t such a bad idea, it was quite warm.

- Please? I’ve never been there. I want to see it. -

- Ok, Maria will throw a major fit, cause now she will be the only one who hasn’t been there. Even Kyle knows the place. So I guess it will be a great chance to patch things up when she freaks out, cause I’m sure she’s on the way there. -

He leant over and gave her a brotherly kiss on the lips.

- Ok, let’s go. - He said, pulling her up with him.

- But we don’t have a car! - Liz whined.

- But I have a bike! - Michael grinned mischievously.

It took him a wave of his hand to get dressed and they left the apartment.
Michael mounted his bike and Liz hopped on behind him. The roar of the engine had her shivering with excitement. She wrapped her arms around him, sliding them low over his stomach. She was so close to him that Michael could almost feel her pussy against his ass, making him shiver too. She couldn’t help thinking:

“Oh shit! Max is just going to do sundry somersaults when he finds out we didn’t stay at the apartment.”

Michael got it, and he pictured the King of Antar flipping backwards like a chimp and laughed out loud. Liz felt his laughter against her front and arms and also got his thoughts back. She knew it was useless to speak above the noise of the bike so she used her empathy to get through to him the same way he had.

“Shame on you Michael, that’s not nice!”

“I know, sorry, but let me remind you that the original suggestion was all yours.”

“Guilty! Just leave it there, ok?”


She pressed her cheek against his back, deciding not to distract him and just enjoy the ride. His vibes had her flashing back to having him in her bed and in her arms that “Enigma” night. She uncrossed her arms from over his stomach and slid them down to his thighs to give them a squeeze.

“No, Michael, this is not about sex at all!” She sent him.

“I know, so stop sending me those flashes!”

“I didn’t, it was you!”

“Liz, I got them from you!”

“Michael, I swear I didn’t…”

“Ok, ok, I guess both your subconscious and mine are just playing us some cute tricks, that’s all. It’s kind of hard to ignore them, though.”

“I can’t block you out, you’re too strong for me, so you’ll have to block me out, before we get ourselves killed, ok?”


Liz felt an emptiness that filled her eyes with tears, but it was for the best. Her arms returned to cross over his stomach, and now, in the safety of her loneliness, she turned her thoughts back to that night. Her sexual experience included just two boys, and though she knew it wasn’t fair to compare them, she did it to pass the time.
Michael…she had almost come more than once just watching him sleep and then she had lost count how many times he had made her come during that amazing adventure. With Max it had been so different. It had been fine while he took off his shirt and lowered his pants to the point of exposing his cock to her. She knew he had a big one, she had seen it before without his knowing, but the sight of his legs had been the total turn off. Michael had these long beautifully shaped legs, firm and muscular, Max’s were thin, knobby, sure there was some muscle, she had to give him that, but it was hard and sinewy. His ass was bony, not much flesh there. Michael had a hard, different body, but cuddly where she liked it, that meant ass and thighs that she could grab and squeeze, without feeling bones in the way. In proportion, Michael was taller and leggy, where Max had a longer torso and shorter legs.
Then to the act itself: Michael was big enough, he was careful and he exuded the love he felt for his partner with the pleasure he wanted to give. His extensive sexual experience had made him very instictive, and knew how to please, his pleasure could wait until the girl’s was fulfilled, he would take anything from his partner, and then, when he let go, it was unstoppable, like a roller coaster, for both of them. But with a male partner, his body was to be enjoyed and he just gave himself, for the other one to use as he wanted, ready for pain, and never disappointed, as it would bring him pleasure and fulfillment in the end.
Max had hardly any experience with women, just the Tess thing. He was careful, knowing his size and the fact that no one could be as masochistic as Michael was. But once he was inside, he thought that was it, and the girl would want exactly what he did, so she would just come from his actions, as many times as she could until he got there and hoped she would do it again so they could come together. He had a lot to learn. So far, she hadn’t been able to come once with Max. The first time they did it, she hadn’t come at all with him inside, but he didn’t seem to notice. The second time, she suspected he had, but neither of them discussed it. The third time, he kept asking her if she was there, which she was far from it, so by the time she realized it was useless, she just feigned it so he would get off and put an end to it. No luck yet, but who knows? She might get lucky and find a way to make it worth it.
At least, she could have these moments with Michael, knowing she couldn’t have sex with him again, because it would just make it worse with Max.

The bike stopped and she saw they were in the middle of the desert. They got down and Michael hid the bike under some thick bushes, and grabbing her hand, had her follow him all the way to the wall of canes. Then, as if by magic, they were through and in the pond, wading all the way to this little beach, lit by sunlight, and looking like paradise itself. As soon as they came out of the water, Michael dropped to his knees and stretched out, rubbing his chest in the sand. Liz giggled and dropped beside him, feeling the warmth of the sun in her face. She turned on her side towards Michael and blew on his face. He opened his eyes and sighed.

“Ok, now what?” She asked him, and he looked back at her as lost as she was.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the martyr of antar

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 293

Liz couldn’t believe her eyes as she watched Michael’s clothes vanishing all the way down to leave him in the small white lycras that Max and Kyle had got for him back at Laurie’s. A tingling made her look down at herself to see the same thing was happening to her and she was down to the bikini she wore in Tucson.

- Michael! Why are you doing this? - She questioned him.

- You’re sounding just like Max, blaming me for everything! I didn’t do it! - He protested.

- But…if you didn’t…- She insisted, feeling uneasy.

A giggling sound enveloped them and then they heard Serena’s voice.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you, Liz, I just wanted to get you kids comfortable so you can enjoy the rest of the day in this beautiful place, that’s all.”

- Serena! - Liz sighed with relief.

- Aren’t we going to do the Tess thing? - Michael asked.

“Yes, but I don’t think it will take that long since it will be mostly in Antares time.” Watching Liz covering a yawn, she continued. “You might take a nice snooze; apart from Michael, you guys didn’t sleep a wink last night. Alright, I need you to on a physical contact.”

Michael’s eyebrows shot up and Liz gasped.

“Hold your hands, will you?” Serena clarified.

Michael smiled and bit his lower lip in that sexy way of his and Liz managed to smile too, in a wistful way. He smirked as he took her hands in his, and her vibes told him Liz wanted something that she couldn’t do, no, she wouldn’t do, she wasn’t allowing herself to do. He sensed he had something to do with it, so it must be sex related. Right, the last time it had been this threesome with Liz and Maria, using their toys on him, and the girls had promised that the only way Liz could have Michael was this way. And Maria wasn’t here, so it must be that. He had an idea, but first they had to do what they were there for. The way Serena was looking back at him, nodding, assured him she had read his thoughts and would definitely do something about it later, so he squeezed Liz’s hands and said:

- Ok, let’s go for it. - Wanting to get it over with as soon as possible.

Liz gave him this secret smile and he smirked, knowing she had got the whole thing through their empathy. He hadn’t blocked her out, so, better yet, she was ok with it.

“Here you go!” Serena whispered and they suddenly found themselves inside Tess’ chip, her thoughts invading their minds.

Liz could perfectly understand Tess’ lust for Michael. Looking at him through the alien girl’s was just like she saw him too. The guy was gorgeous! Tall, strong, ready to take from them whatever kinky stuff they felt like doing to him and ready to give them just what they liked. He knew what to do and how to please them from his experience in receiving it. He was the perfect lover, in Antar and on Earth, and Tess knew it.

Michael was finding it more difficult to understand seeing himself through Tess’ eyes. He saw such lust, not like he had expected. He thought it would be more like what he saw and felt for Maria. There was lust of course, but most of all, he had this tenderness for her, just wanting to make her feel desired and happy. All that came from Tess was raw sex and it kind of put him off. Even Isabel saw in him much more than just sex. He felt like a whore.

The first impression Tess had of Rath-Michael was devastating: it was hopeless “love” at first sight. She watched him riding the huge horse with the flowing mane and she couldn’t take her eyes away from the rippling muscles in his thighs and ass as he posted the trot, clearly seen through the second skin-like tights. She covered her mouth with her hand, because she was so close to drooling, and knowing the steel and velvet felt just like what her eyes were telling her. She couldn’t wait to get him in bed, naked, to do to him anything she wanted. She was a little disappointed that she hadn’t been more of a distraction to him; she knew he had seen her out of the corner of his eyes as he passed her by the first time and now he was leaving the field through the opposite end.

Seeing him ride away with the tall blonde girl as she watched them from Dimaras rock was just as devastating until the maid assigned to her told her she was his cousin. “So she’s family? Great, no problems there!” She had thought. She didn’t know how wrong she was!

What happened that evening was more than devastating: it was crushing! She was heading for Rath-Michael when she was diverted away from him, and the Queen introduced Zan as her fiance! The disappointment was obvious to all who could see her face. The way her eyes kept darting towards Rath-Michael added to their confusion. She immediately regained her composture, but her eyes had turned dark with anger. When the queen asked her if she was alright, she claimed she was tired and apologized.
Serena was there, and could see just what had happened through her powers, but decided informing her sister would just make things worse, so she kept it to herself and hoped the girl would keep her place. After all, she would be the future queen, and Serena could see that definitely was her goal, but her lust for the Royal blooded younger boy was fighting for the upper hand. Serena knew there was nothing she could do about it and she just hoped for the best and let it be. It was totally up to Tess now. Serena would not interfere, so she kept it to herself until that fateful day when the four bodies lay at the castle’s yard and Wyteeah was crying her heart out. Serena had no way of consoling her. She kept trying to distract her, but the Queen just wanted to go over the lives of her murdered children, trying to understand even the little things she had found perplexing when they were still alive, one of them being Tess’ strange behaviour the night of her betrothal to Zan. So Serena had to tell her, and the Queen just nodded and sighed, having to admit she hadn’t missed it, but wouldn’t admit it for her son’s sake.
Then they saw Tess’ bonding with Khivar and Nicholas, how she managed to get to Rath-Michael using Isabel, much like she got to Michael using Maria and Max. They watched her make friends with Vilandra when Rath-Michael was away, fighting for Antar, and stayed by Zan’s side when he healed his warrior. They witnessed Vilandra’s fury at the obvious way she lusted for Rath-Michael, earning Zan’s jealousy over his warrior-cousin-lover too. So far, all they had seen was an ambitious pampered girl, who would stop at nothing to get what she wanted, lusting after a boy who didn’t belong to her and never would.
Suddenly, another side of Tess was exposed, when Khivar captured her parents and took away all their belongings to make sure she would do what he wanted her to. They felt her anguish at their wellbeing, knowing how unmerciful Khivar could be, they sensed the conflict of getting them killed, meaning she would lose the husband that made her the Queen, the boy she truly loved, and the girl that, in spite of her jealousy, she really liked and had been kind to her in her initial loneliness. Her heart broke over the sorrow she would cause the Queen, who had done her best to make her welcome and at home with them. The dirty, thin, fear stricken faces of Tess parents brought tears to both Isabel and Michael’s eyes, finally understanding what she must have gone through. Michael had no family on Earth that he could relate to, but he had had one in Antar, a father and and aunt who had replaced his dead mother and treated him as one. They both put themselves in Tess’ place and realized the difficult position she had been forced to take. The second they felt pity for her, they felt a weight being lifted from their hearts and shoulders and they were back at the pond.

“Thank you kids. Liz, you had already made your peace with Tess, from the moment you wouldn’t vote against her. Michael, you just proved you are as noble here as you were in Antar. I can understand, as I’m sure Tess did, why you voted against her. You really liked Alex, because of the good friend he was to Maria, and although you kept it to yourself, as usual, I know how much his passing affected you, and how much you also wanted to know the truth about what had happened to him, over Max’s stubbornness and typical thickheaded behaviour. You did manage to get him thinking, although he would never admit it, and you sided with Liz and Maria, giving them your protection, in spite of Max’s “I’m the king and I know what I’m doing” stupid attitude. He wouldn’t give Liz a chance to prove her doubts, and had no respect for her friendship with Alex, which gave her the right to what she was doing. Liz’s alien implication in Alex’s death gave Max a guilty feeling which he couldn’t handle and reacted like Zan: “I am right and no one else is, specially not a human!” By the time the truth slapped him in the face, at least he had the decency to lash out in the right direction.
Liz, dear, you’re just as noble too, because, I’m sorry to say it, but I would have never been able to forgive Max. Cheating is the worst thing you could do to me, I would certainly kill him. That’s the reason I love Derek so much. He has always been absolutely faithful and reliable; I couldn’t have it any other way.”

Serena was about to continue when Liz interrupted her.

- To be honest, I would change “noble” for “stupid”, but I just can’t stay away from those I now consider my family, and like it or not, Max did save my life, and that’s another occasion where “stupid” replaces “noble”, because his life was his to risk, but he had no right to endanger Michael and Isabel as he did. I’m grateful, but it wasn’t right. -

Michael rose to his knees and took Liz in his arms and hugged her close to him.

- Liz, if I had been in Max’s place, knowing you like I do now, I would have done it myself. -

Liz gave a little sob and gently pulled away, her eyes shiny, locked on his.

- I know Michael, thank you. Serena, I understand Tess, and why she stayed by Zan, like I took Max back, but I’m not Tess and I’ve learnt to respect what doesn’t belong to me. I made one mistake which won’t happen again, Maria is like my sister. Is it within your powers to get her here with us? - Liz pleaded.

“It is…alright then, enjoy! Maria will join you as soon as she can be driven here.”

- But she doesn’t know this place! She’s never been here! - Liz exclaimed.

“Kyle does. He can drive her over in her car and leave her here.” Serena said.

- There’s a slight problem. - Michael observed. - We came here on my bike, and there’s no way, alien included, that I can safely fit three on my ride. -

“Don’t worry, I’ve got it…Kyle can leave her car here under the bushes, but he’ll have to ride your bike back, you ok with that?” Serena asked.

- Oh shit! - Michael went. - Can you assure me he will get it back to me in one piece and without his face bashed in? Jim will kill me if Kyle gets a remake courtesy of my bike. -

“Granted! Just relax and I’ll take care of everything…”

Serena’s voice faded and they knew they would be alone for a while until Maria joined them. Liz had some stuff she needed to discuss with Michael so this was her chance. Michael was back belly down snuggling on the sand, then sensing she was about to speak he rolled slightly sideways, facing her.

- Michael, there’s something definitely alien going on with me again…- Liz began.

- What is it? Cause it’s not the electricity…- He stopped talking and shut his eyes tight.

- How do you know it’s not the electricity? - She asked suspiciously.

But Michael stayed quiet, trying to fix it though he knew it was too late, Liz was no fool.

- Our empathy, you know? I would have felt something and I haven’t, so I guess it isn’t that and I was just wondering if I could do something to help you so…- Michael was desperately trying to block Liz out but his haste was making it not happen at all, and anyway he knew it was too late.

- Alright Michael, tell me everything in words because I’m getting one hell of a confusion of images. Make sense, please! - She demanded and Michael sighed in defeat.

- Kyle came one night asking for Max and they were about to leave in a hurry when I decided to go along. They got real nervous and Max spilled out that your “electric” problem had got worse, saying you weren’t comfortable with it and had specifically asked for just the two of them. I nodded respecting your decision and thinking I wished I could take it upon myself, to spare you from it. After they left, I stretched out on the couch to watch TV and sometime later, I suddenly felt I was on fire, as if I was being burnt alive! I heard you begging Max to stop, and it did.
Max came later and told me what had happened, and I knew either my wish had somehow been granted or by some unknown alien power, I had managed to take the edge out of what was happening to you, on my person, because, I’m not joking, Liz, I almost passed out! I kept it to myself cause Max and I weren’t on the best of terms. I was still very upset about Maria’s decision to leave me to go to NY after Max kept me away from her dinner thing with the Billy guy that definitely had something to do with the break-up. So Maria was out of the question and so were you. Isabel was busy trying to deal with her married life and Kyle got jumpy when I mentioned it once, so it was a dead end. Then when we found out about our empathy, I realized what had really happened. It was probably just beginning to kick in. Ok, that’s it, now what’s going on with you? -

- My empathy is kicking in when I touch other people. It’s stupid things, like I saw Seligman spilling his coke over his exams, and it happened at lunch time…-

- You touched him? - Michael sounded outraged.

- Michael, our fingers accidentally touched when he handed me a book! - Liz laughed at his jealousy. - Then I grazed Nina Thompson’s arm as we left the lockers and I saw her running into Mr. Forrester when she turned the corner, and my mom tripping and sending the tray with the sodas flying after I arrived and she gave me a hug. It all happened! What’s going on, Michael? -

- You’re turning into a crystal ball! - He chuckled.

- Michael, it’s not funny! - She scoffed.

- Ok, what did you see when you hugged me before Serena left? - He smirked.

- You really want to know? Surprises can be fun, you know? - She teased.

- I don’t like surprises, spill, Parker! - He teased back.

- It was something to do with Maria, and her toy…any minute now…- Liz had barely finished speaking when they heard Maria’s voice and Liz smiled smugly.

- Shit! It’s true! - Michael exclaimed.

- What’s true? - Maria asked as she splashed her way towards them.

- Liz knew you were coming…it’s great you’re here, but…what made you come, Maria? Don’t get me wrong, I just want to see if Liz is right. - Michael went to receive her in his arms.

- Serena said you had already finished and I wanted to know firsthand how it had gone, so I asked Kyle to drive me over. He was going to wait for me in the car, but we found your bike under the bushes, and I thought it would be better for Kyle to leave us alone, so I told him I would take full responsibility for his leaving on it. I could feel he wanted to, but was scared of upsetting you, so I convinced him. It’s ok, right? - She was getting uncomfortable by the way Michael was staring at her. - Michael? You’re not pissed, are you? -

- No babe, what do you have in your bag? - He asked, biting his lip and smiling.

- Ask Liz…- Maria giggled, and kissed him on the mouth, chewing his lip.

- Don’t need to…- Michael waved his hand and Maria was left in her underwear.

- I want you girls to strip for me. - Michael whispered.

- Sure, baby, but you first, right Liz? -

- Right, Maria. -

Michael was beginning to push up from the ground when both girls pounced on him and he felt them yanking his shorts down his thighs just before their hands were all over his body.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the martyr of antar

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 294

Michael felt the girls’ hands pushing his upper body down until his chest was back on the warm sand. He raised his arms and rested his cheek on his crossed forearms, sighing in expectation. His hips remained raised on his knees and he felt Liz and Maria’s hands sliding up the inside of his thighs. He shivered and purred. Then Liz slid the edge of one hand between his buttocks, skimming over his sensitive opening as her other hand closed over Max’s brand. Maria followed suit over Isabel’s brand. Hers didn’t count as she was present. Michael was writhing and moaning in pleasure, ready to sheath his cock in either of them. Then he felt the toy carrying their joint vibes, so he knew they were both holding it as they made it follow the path of their hands.

- I need to ask you something…- He whispered.

- What is it, Spaceboy? - Maria whispered back and Liz asked him too through her empathy.

- Tell me the truth…if you were with another guy, would you also do this? -

- Michael, you know I wouldn’t have sex with anyone else…- Maria began but Liz got what he meant, interrupting her.

- Michael, we wouldn’t do this with anyone else…- Liz started and was also interrupted.

- You think it’s alien related? - Michael wondered.

- No Michael, - Liz scoffed. - I couldn’t do this with Max…he’s not…built like you, he’s totally on the giving side, you know? Wham-bang…he doesn’t mean to be inconsiderate, but he has no idea about the receiving part. I have no way of knowing how it was with Tess, but she probably had him doing exactly what she wanted him to. Apart from that, it’s only what you like to get, and, well…you like it rough…-

- No, Liz, he’s the one who sometimes insists on doing it nice and easy…- Michael defended Max.

- That’s what I mean, he is mostly like that with me, but the wham-bang keeps coming out, specially at the end and spoils it for me. Please, this stays here, he’s really getting better, ok? I don’t want to frustrate or traumatize him. - Liz pleaded.

- But it’s not fair to you, if it’s unpleasant or…- Maria protested.

- Max wouldn’t hurt her, I know, right Liz? - Michael asked.

- No Michael, he’s careful not to, he never has. - Liz smiled.

- But you don’t get to come, is that what you mean? - Maria sounded shocked.

- Of course I do, along the way, but not with him. We’re getting there though; he just needs a little more time, that’s all. - Liz nodded.

- You go first Liz, I’ll make sure Michael will make you come as much as you want. - Maria took Liz’s hand and squeezed it, leading her under Michael.

- No Maria, it’s not fair, you should go first. - Liz insisted.

- I sure will, but on the giving side. - Maria giggled strapping on the dildo. - Go on, he’s waiting; anyway, you’ll warm him up for me. Go on! Do you need help? No? Well go girl! - Maria teased.

Liz slid under Michael and hated to admit how comfortable she felt there.

“I guess it’s true when they say you always remember your first one as the special one, if not the best.” She thought.

“Thank you, it was one hell of an honour!” Michael sent back.

“Oh shit!” Liz thought, having totally forgotten the empathy thing, which could be a bitch sometimes.

“Ungh!” Went Michael, as Maria pushed her finger into him, lubricated with her own “fire and ice” that Max and Kyle enjoyed so much too.

As Maria pumped her finger inside him a few times, Michael’s cock caressed Liz’s pussy, finding out she was drenched, though he was just touching her.

- Ok, ready kid? - Maria hadn’t stopped teasing him since they found out he was younger than the rest.

- Bring it on, lady.” Michael teased back.

He gasped when Maria pushed into him, letting her ease him into Liz at the same time. Maria slid it in slowly all the way, watching it disappear and feeling her juices flowing. Once they were both as deep as they could go, they waited a little to get used to the invasion, and soon Michael was setting the pace. He made sure she came twice, which was as far as he could get holding back, with Maria doing her thing, and then he came with her on her third. Liz screamed her head off, a little embarrassed at calling out her best friend’s boyfriend’s name at the same time with Maria, but the blonde was so focused in her own pleasure to mind. Michael collapsed over Liz, her nails sticking into his hips, and Maria, not wanting to add her weight to Liz’s smaller frame, unstrapped the dildo and lay beside them spooning into their sides. Pulling the toy out of Michael would have been too painful in his current sensitive state, as the alien aftermath took hold, so she reached out and connected through her brands on Michael’s left side and Liz’s hand. Their minds merged, Liz’s happy memories trying to make up for Maria’s disappointment when her father left and Michael’s tortured childhood. In the end, Liz prevailed, thanks to the need of the other two to put that unpleasant part of their lives behind, and simply relaxed into the wellbeing that their sexual pleasure had brought them.

- I feel like an idiot! I should have stayed and called you guys to come over and have one hell of an orgy! You should have seen the size of Maria’s bag! I’m sure she had her “toy” there. - Kyle berated himself.

- Kyle, will you let them be? What is it with you? Fucking Michael has turned you into a sex maniac! Can’t you think of anything else? - Isabel scolded him.

- Look Kyle, I’m cool with it, why can’t you? Sure, that would have been great, but just let them have some time alone. I’m the one who should be jealous, now that Liz is finally back with me and things are going fine, but I trust her, they’re probably sorting some things out, that’s all. - Max was really trying.

At the same time he knew Michael had blocked them both out, from the look in Isabel’s face, and that should mean something. Whatever was going on between those three, they were accepting it, not wanting Michael to bleed, in case some sexual action ensued, which according to Kyle’s description of the size of Maria’s bag, it surely was the case. He didn’t know about Isabel, but he was already planning revenge, knowing Kyle would be on his side. They had to keep Isabel on their sides, because of her brand’s issues, and that would definitely depend on Michael.

Then as if she could read their thoughts, Isabel spoke:

- You lay off him! You’re not forcing anything upon him, because I won’t allow it! -

- Isabel! You make it sound as if we would rape him! - Kyle exclaimed outraged. - Talking about forcing something upon him…should be “into” him, and from what I remember of the last time those three were together with the girls sporting that thing, Michael won’t sit straight for a month! So what about us, huh? -

The chuckles and throat-clearing from the two men at the table near their booth had them lowering their voices.

- Watch it, ok? Not so loud! - Max whispered outraged.

Isabel rolled her eyes dramatically and smiled sweetly to the guys, who raised their beer chops and grinned at her winking. Isabel turned to Max and Kyle, her eyes shooting fire in her fury at their lack of tact.

- Let’s go home and wait for them there. - Max said, placing a bill on the table and signaling to Agnes before leaving.

Michael moaned and started stirring, suddenly realizing Liz was under him.

- Oh shit, Liz! I’m sorry! - He started rolling to his left and met Maria’s protesting:

- Hey! Watch out! -

So he rolled to his right. Maria, throughout the aftermath had been gently pulling the toy out of Michael, so slowly, that only the head was left into him by the time it was over. It came out as he moved away making him wince.

- You ok? - Liz asked, wondering what had hurt him.

- Yeah, sure. - He reached out and pushed his fingers into her hair pulling her to him. He kissed her gently and saw Maria grinning at them over Liz’s shoulder.

- Come here…- Michael smiled at her.

Maria scuttled over to him and Michael wrapped his arms around her, kissing her as he maneuvered her under him. Maria managed to hand the dildo over to Liz and hugged him tight to her. She broke the kiss to tell him:

- Sorry, I thought it was all out already…-

- It’s ok. - And he kissed her again.

Michael went to her neck and then her breasts, one after the other, then down her body until he reached her pussy to find her dripping wet. Maria opened her legs wide and as Michael started eating her out, he felt Liz’s hands spreading him. He pushed his hips up to help her and soon she was eating him out too.

- Michael, please! - Maria begged, meaning she wanted him inside her.

He started slithering upwards, giving Liz time to stay with him, and rubbed his hard cock against her clit, making her come. Liz took her time, lubing him up inside out as he was pleasuring Maria. Liz’s finger was shorter, not reaching as deep as Maria’s longer one, but deep enough to probe his sweet spot. Michael hissed and bucked and Liz pulled out not to spoil it for them. Liz strapped the thing on quickly, not to be left behind as Michael moaned and kissed Maria again. Liz pressed it against him, waiting until his next buck shoved the head in and he grunted. She followed into him as he slid into Maria in his careful caressing way.

- Michael…- Maria whispered.

- Mmm…baby…- He whispered back.

Liz loved to see them like this, loving each other. She watched the jet black slick glistening toy burying into him until it filled him completely and knew he had also filled Maria. As he waited for her to get used to him, Liz remembered her vision on the “enigma” night, when she merged with the mentor and the fake organ became real and part of her. She felt him squeezing her and she was sure her clit had grown to become the size of a real cock. His clenching velvety soft insides were driving her out of her mind, was this what Max, Kyle and Stuart felt when they fucked him? No wonder they couldn’t get enough! “If I had the choice, I would choose to be a man without the slightest doubt!” She thought. “This is awesome!” And she couldn’t stop herself from coming. Of course, the solid rubber thing didn’t deflate, so she kept it up until Michael came on Maria’s third and her fifth or whatever, because she had lost count! By then Liz had decided that it sucked to be a girl. How she wished she could change places with Max! She would never keep him away from Michael, now that she knew how it was really like. She realized he had stopped moving, and she kept ramming into him, wanting to come again, when he reached back and held her wrist.

“Liz, love, it hurts…” He sent through their empathy, not wanting to worry Maria.

“I’m sorry Michael.” Liz started pulling out but he squeezed her wrist just a little harder.

“No! Wait…not yet, hurts too much…in a while, ok? And go real slowly as Maria did.”


“It’s ok, love, I’m used to pain, just go easy, ok?”

“I love you Michael.”

“I know, I love you too.”

Maria kept feeling these Michael-Liz vibes and was getting curious.

- What’s going on, something wrong? -

- I tried to pull out and I hurt him. He asked me to go slowly, I’m sorry. - Liz apologized, peering at Maria over Michael’s shoulder.

- It’s my fault, I forgot to tell you. - Maria reached out and gave Liz’s hair a playful tug; then she turned to Michael. - You ok honey? -

- Yeah, and that’s a nice change from “Spaceboy”. -

- You like? - She tugged his hair too.

- Sure do. - He kissed her as they started drifting into the aftermath.

By the time it was over, it was getting dark and Liz gave the toy a final gentle tug and got it all out with just a slight wince on Michael’s part. They waded over the pool and got to Maria’s car as fast as they could. Michael waved them all dressed and they boarded the Jetta. Michael stretched on the back seat and Maria drove them back to the Evans’ to find Max’s car parked in front of the place. They barged into the house in one body, Michael in the middle with the two girls half dragging him inside.

- Holy shit! You’ve fucked the crap out of him! - Kyle cried out, rushing up to them and reaching out for Michael.

- Out of the way, Valenti! - Yelled Maria and Kyle had to obey or be run over.

They arrived at the foot of Isabel’s bed and walking along either side, the girls eased Michael on it and watched him snuggle into it comfortably.

- Alright “girlfriend”, do your thing! - Maria demanded from Max.

- He didn’t bleed, did he? What did you do to him? Do I have to heal him? - Max was blabbering with concern.

- Whoa, Max! Just strip him! That’s all we’re asking! We’re too tired to do it ourselves! - Maria complained.

Max scoffed and turned to Liz, who reached out for him. He went to her and hugged her. He could feel a new kind of understanding coming from Liz and he wasn’t sure what it meant. They would have a clarifying chat later on, he decided. Anyway, the vibes were nice, so whatever had happened, he knew it would be profitable for their relationship.

Isabel noticed the way Kyle was looking at the sleeping Michael, and she was sure he was getting a hard on.

- Alright Kyle, I’ll drive you home. Michael needs to sleep. - She told him.

- But you said we should stick together, it’s dangerous to be left alone! - Kyle protested.

- Your father will be home, Kyle, my mum’s out of town. - Maria said frowning.

- You’re staying with him? It’s not fair, you had him all afternoon! - Kyle kept ranting.

- Kyle, he’s going to sleep, period. Can you put up with that? We’ll see you tomorrow. - Max was final and Kyle started trudging out of the room with Isabel, visibly feeling defeated.

- Kyle? Will you come back early tomorrow? We girls are going to do some bonding at the mall and we need you and Max to watch over Michael. Ok? - Liz gave Maria and Isabel a quick wink and they nodded back in understanding.

Kyle smiled from ear to ear and nodded enthusiastically, skipping out of the room in a totally different state of mind. His happy vibes were so strong that they could't help feeling them: he could hardly wait for tomorrow.