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Obsessed Roswellian
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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 30

"Maxwell Evans, I love you like a son, but if you do not tell me what is going on, I will rip your testicals off and ensure that you will never procreate again." Amy said in an even tone.

"Okay," Max said getting Maria comfortable on the bed. "There is no way to tell you this, but to just come out and tell you. Maria's baby isn't mine. It is a man, or rather, an alien's named Kivar." Max said waiting for a reaction.

All he got was shock, so he continued, "I'm an alien too. But Kivar is out enemy. Almost 2 years ago, befor i knew Maria, Kivar raped her. Michael found her and saved her." Amy's eyes filled with tears and Max went on. "Eight months ago, Kivar took her back and kept her in the old wearhouse outside of town. Well, Maria became pregnate, and i pretended to be the father so she wouldnt have to answere questions." Max was interupted by Maria's screams.

"Max, it hurts." she said. he went over to her, and placed his hand on her stomach, easing the pain.

Amy sat next to Mria and let all of this information sink in. "Mom, are you ok? You're not mad are you?" Maria cried.

Amy took Maria and Max's hands, "No, baby. I'm not mad. Its just a lot to take in. i'm going to kill this, this Kivar though."

"Too late. We already did," Max said, then he got serious, "Ms. DeLuca, you can't tell anyone. The onle people that know about me, Michael, Tess, and Isabel are: Maria, Alex, Liz, Kyle, Jim, and now you. If the wrong people find out, it could put us all in danger."

"You can trust me, Max." Amy said as another contraction hit Maria. Max checked her progress.

"Maria, baby, it's time. You have to push." And push she did. Untill, max was holding a screaming baby boy. He handed the baby to Amy to clean, and went back to Maria. he healed her hemoraging and taring. "I love you," she said and he kissed him lightly.

"You have no idea how much i love you." Max returned.


"So, where is the baby?" Tess asked eagerly as she and the gang made thier way into Maria's house.

"Hey, guys." Amy greeted, "Maria and Max are in the bed room with the baby. They are waiting for you. But i just want to talk to you guys for a minute." Everyone listened up, "I just want to thank you all for what you did for my daughter. I know about Kivar. I just wish i could have killed him myself. But thank you." Amy said.

"It's no problem, Ms. DeLuca. We all love Maria." Isabel said, then they made thier way into the bedroom.

Amy stopped Michael and pulled him aside, "Michael, i know we didn't get to know each other well, but i want you to know that i am so gratful for what you did for Maria last summer."

Michael hugged her, "I love her. She is my best friend, i would never let anything happen to her." he said and then went into the bedroom.

"Hey guys," Maria chirped. She was holding the baby.

"So, did you think of a name?" Tess asked excitedly.

Maria looked at MAx. They had come up with a name, already. "We decided on Kyle Michael Alexander Evans." Maria said, "I know it is a mouthful, but we like it."

"You gave him the name Evans," Isabel said with tears in her eyes, "That is so amazing."

The gang spent the next couple of hours cooing at the baby and talking. Then MAria yawned. "We better go," Kyle said, "You need some sleep."

Maria nodded and the gang left. They were so happy. Maria and the baby were healthy and happy. They hadn't seen her that happy in a long time. She deserved this. And Max was just as thrilled, they could tell that he thought of little Kyle as his own.

5 years later...

Maria sat down with the newest addition to her and Max's family, 5 month old Kitessa Isabel Elizabeth Evans. Thier second child. The whole gang was over today.

It had been a while since the whole gang got together at one time. They were all busy. They had all just recently graduated college. And Liz and Michael were pregnate with twins. Alex and Tess were getting Maried in the fall. And Kyle and ISabel had a newborn of thier own.

But here they were together. Maria was happy. She had some ups and downs in her life, but since her son, Kyle, was born Maria and Max had had a pretty good life. They went to college together. Got Married, and she got pregnate again.

She loved wathcing her children. They were beautiful. Kyle looked jsut like her, and Little Tess looked just like Max. They were beautiful and she loved them with all she had.

So, life had turned out well for the gang. They all found love and were starting thier families. "Hey girl, get over here," Isabel called to Maria in mid-thought.

Maria set the baby in the car seat and walked over to her friends. Yeah, these bonds with her highschool friends were unbreakable.

The End.
Check out my Author's Thread: viewtopic.php?t=13258