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Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 12:19 pm
by Kes_ALF
So Isabel don't want to talk to me, somehowe it hurts. I'm really worried about her lately. That's strange all my life I dreamed about getting out of Roswell New Mexico, and now I don't want anything as bad as to go back there. I have no Idea what to do now, I don't really want to talk with Maria, I don't know what she wants from me, but what I know is that it never again will be as it was before she dumped me. Plus me neare her means troubles and I didn't want get her into any troubles anymore, maby if I would ask her she would go back home?

But to be honest I don't want her go, I don't know what I want anymore, all of this is just so confusing. I walk into the cafe and sit beside Maria.
"Coffe?" she asks.
"No thanks, If I'll drink any more coffe I would probably explode or something. This have coffein in it and coffein is a kind of drug, I think I don't want to checked what will happend if I'll overuse it." I smile at her. Yeah it was nice to have her here anyway. I just sit there stering at the table, I don't know what to talk about I've never was much of a talker.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 10:19 pm
by BrokenAngel

I smile slightly at Michael as he refuses the coffee and almost rambles. it gives me hope. Hope that maybe we could date agian, be something again, becuase I really want that.

And then he stares blankly at the table. And the tension sets in. it's awkward now, knowing what to talk about, what not to talk about. Before we'd tread on conversationally undesired territory with reckless abandon, but back then we could storm off. We didn't ahve to pack into a van and tolerate each other afterwards. And right now, it wasn't worth the tension.

But the silence was almost worse. So I did the only thing I could thing of, I blurted.

"Well if caffiene is a drug, then I'm already addicted," I grin at him, trying to keep the conversation light, trying to avoid tlaking about Isabel, or Kyle, or us. And it was the truth. Everytime we stopped I ahd to have coffee. probably becuase we didn't get much decent sleep and it was the only way to stay up.

I sigh slightly, treading where maybe I shouldn't go. And I'm talking more in reference to Isabel and Kyle, but if he wants to go into us, he can feel free. "Do you think things will ever get better? Easier?" I know I doubt it, but I still hold out hope, that one day, life as we know it may not exist anymore, or at elast not be so difficult.

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 5:39 am
by Kes_ALF

"Do you think things will ever get better? Easier?" Maria says. I don't think I want this conversation. What should I tell her? I decide fo the truth.
"I don't know. I hope they will be, for all of us. Maby things will change or maby we just learn to live with this, but it has to be better eventualy. But you know, they could be better for you... You can go back home..."
I chew on my bottom lip waiting for her answer. i don't really want her to go, but it would be better for her. She is missing her mom, and at home she would be safe... But then I wouldn't have anyone to talk to.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 1:45 pm
by AntarPrince04
Ok I have very little idea what to do now so here goes...


"I-I...just...I want it to go away", he says studdering as he looks at me. "It's like I'm living in a hell...even in my dreams", he sighs almost in a defeated way and for the first time in a very long time I feel sorry for him.

"I'm sorry kyle. I wish there was a way I could help you", I frown sadly. I can't help thinking to myself. If I had been more observant, more what was expected of me it wouldnt have happened. Tess was adiment I except my position and when I didnt she betrayed us.. I feel anger and quickly push it down. I look up at kyle again and he's watching me. "What", I ask curiously rubbing at my nose. Maybe I have coffee froth on it.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 1:55 pm
by Anna-Liisa

"I'm sorry kyle. I wish there was a way I could help you" Max says. I wanted to say something, but I didn't - I don't know why. I guess I didn't figure out anything useful to say. I stared at him. Damn, why did he have to be so I can't think about thoughs like that.

'If I keep staring at him like that he'll catch me staring at him..' I though.

And he does. He asks "What?" and I feel myself blush. He rubs his nose and doens't seem to notice my blushing so I hide my face with the book again.

"Um, you don't have anything on your nose if you think you have.." I mumbled and blushed even more behind the book.

I was just too pathetic.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 12:37 pm
by nickimlow
OOC: Thanks for all the nice comments about the banner! Glad you like it :wink: This post is really stupid. Hmm, I really don't know what do with Iz now, but here goes:


He was running . . . running away . . . I could hear his heart pounding, as if my ear was pressed against his chest. He didn't stop, only looking back once, maybe twice. I called his name, "Jesse!"

"Is this a dream?" Jesse called, glancing my way. I realised that his unconscious mind was getting used to my dreamwalking.

"Yeah, Jesse, it is," I assured him. "Stop running, please!"

"I can't, Iz," he said frantically. "They're after me, Isabel! You have to run! Go!"


I opened my eyes, squinting against the light. I looked around, taking in my surroundings. It was . . . unfamiliar. Had I not fallen asleep in the van? Where was I?

I tried to sit up, but I felt too weak to move, bereft of any strength whatsoever.

Before me was a face with eyes of pure malice. I screamed, but no one could hear me, or no one would.

It had been a dream . . . I forced myself to sit up this time. I was perspiring, from fear. I could hear my heartbeat echoing in my ears.

Had that dream been a fragment of my imagination, or something ongoing? Was Jesse trying to tell me something?

I felt the need to tell someone, anyone, about it. But I had no one. My brother would dismiss it immediately, as would everyone else. I had Alex alone.

I contemplated looking for the rest, but, oh, what the hell.

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 4:46 pm
by AntarPrince04

"Um, you don't have anything on your nose if you think you have.."

He says this almost shyly and makes me smile. I expect him to glare at me for this with an excuse like Im criticizing or patronizing him in some way. Granted, we've gotten to the point were we can get along in the past two or three years, but we still have had moments.

I wipe the spot one last time to be sure, because to my surprise he blushes even harder. I chuckle at this dispite myself because I think I've only ever seen it twice in my life. "What is it then", I grin. "Why are you Blushing?"

OOC: Sorry for the long wait over such a short post. heh :oops:

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 6:39 am
by Anna-Liisa

"What is it then", Max grinned. "Why are you Blushing?" I looked away and tried to calm myself. Maybe that way the blush would get away. Though, what's the difference? Max saw me blushing already.

"I-I...I think I'm interested in someone, but I know for 100% that his straight" I said silently. "...oh and it's not you..." I added, but didn't sound so believable.

I looked at him. 'Please believe that lie. Please. I don't want you to get further away from me just because I'm interested in you' I though to myself.

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 5:19 pm
by AntarPrince04
OOC: Kes, Anna Im sooo sorry but I have to do it lol


"I-I...I think I'm interested in someone, but I know for 100% that his straight", Kyle stammers in that stareotypical school boy way and I grin.

Yeah he defenatly likes someone. At this my mind starts turning and I start thinking. Choices really arent that big, I think to myself. Given the situation I doubt it'd be anyone outside the group and it's obvious its not my sister. So who is it, Jesse? I shake my head still grinning at that, Michael?

"...oh and it's not you..." , he add's quickly. I stop at that for a moment. I soppose it wouldn't be given our history. For a second I'm kinda hurt at that, but I shrug it off.

"So who then, Michael?!", I add in a hushed voice chuckling playfully.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 11:29 am
by Dominicana

When I awoke I noticed that Maria and Michael were off two their little corner, Isabel well I feel so horrible for her, First Alex and now Jesse. I look around and see Max with Kyle.

It's funny 3 years ago how much they hated eachother because of me, and now here they are laughing and getting along. How so much has changed over the years.

I go over to Isabel hoping not to tick her off.

"Hey Isabel, you ok?" I ask.