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Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 11:22 am
by Liz86000
Umm, I must say that I like the opposite! When Zan is sure of himself, knows what he wants & goes for it & fights for it (contrary to Max). After all, he is DA MAN, you know?!! :D. And I always melt for a guy who's got some assurance! (and Zan has many reasons to be sure of himself! Go da man!!! :D ).

But I must say that I read some beautiful fics where Zan was broken & needed Liz support. But like I said (especially after the Futur Max idea & most of all the Tess's fiasco) I think that Liz really needed the love of someone who really trust & love her & would fight for her.

What do you think?? (hey, by the way, I'm still a Dreamer, but I like most AU fics, when Max was still season one Max & didn't sleep with Tess! Or fics with no aliens, or history kind of fics, you know?).

Liz86000 :wink:

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 7:51 am
by AmberEyed51
I pretty much agree with you there too, Liz. I'm more partial to the AU's , because it's so hard to find a fic that carries on a good history, but doesn't drone on all the details.

I haven't found a bunch of awakened fics though where there isn't any Max bashing, or him pairing up with someone else. I just can't read those.
The only way I think I can is if it's an AU, and Max never existed, or Max passes away. I'm too much of a dreamer for anything else :D Lol

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 11:40 am
by femmenerd
There are many degrees of AU. It can get confusing sometimes. The category is very broad. Like there's a big difference between something where the characters are all basically themselves and the setting is mostly the same but different stuff happens versus stories where its a totally different setting and Max and Liz are like fire fighters or something.

I am a big fan of partial AU I guess, where the aliens are still sliens but the author thinks of creative ways to expand and interpret the mythology and also redeem characters by fixing the show (i.e. the Tess fiasco). Good examples I guess would be the Gravity Series by Rosdeidre or "Captive Hearts" by Breathless or "Into the Dreaming" by Applebylicious, etc.

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 6:01 pm
by LittleHottie510
Its taken me a long time to get over here... whats wrong with me?! *lol*

I absolutely LOVE Zan! He had so much potential, then freakin JK just offed him... one of JK's many mistakes, IMO.

Lemme see if I can get myself caught up on whats been talked about over here... *lol*

Love the tats and the piercings! I have a major thing for the bad boys!! The spikey hair was also something that I just thought was sooo sexy! I strongly disliked the goatee though... if it woulda been... ya know, shorter and not hanging down to his chest, I might have been able to tolerate it, but as it was on the show... negative. Get it out! *lol*

I'm on the same page as femmenerd... my husband is a really clean cut guy... no piercings, no tats... and he has to keep his hair really short because he's in the army... so writing Zan is definitely my way of having a little bit of the bad boy without gettin myself in any trouble. *lol* Michael used to have his tongue pierced, but once again, because of the army, that had to go. I'm workin on gettin him to the tattoo place... I wanna get a few more tats, and another piercing, and he wants a tat... so I'm workin hard on that. *lol*

Thanks to whoever posted the links to those fics, I'm definitely gonna have to check those out! I love reading Zan/Liz fics. The first fic I ever wrote was a L/Z fic, I enjoy reading other ones and seeing how they end up together and how people portray Zan, ya know? He was on the show for a total of 19.65 seconds... so theres so many possibilties.

Stopping the babbleing now! *lol*

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 11:02 pm
by femmenerd
Welcome to the thread Littlehottie510! Love your Avi by the way. Thud, indeed.

Zan is so hot and a lot of it is because he is what we fantasize he is. Yay fanfic! Yay our overactive imaginations1

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 9:20 pm
by Applebylicious
Wow, I'm so cool...I just now found this thread. :? Anyway, great topic Lucia. And wow, you guys linked Everything's Not Lost...I feel all blushy. :oops: I'm really glad you're enjoying it. I must admit why I started writing an Awakened Dreamer fic, because I am one-hundred percent dreamer.

It was a personal challenge for me, to try and understand the allure of Zan and Liz being paired together. Since I am first and foremost a Max fan, I admit I don't appreciate or understand the bashing of him that goes on in fics, and using Zan or someone else as a replacement. But I wanted to TRY and understand. So I decided to write a fic where Liz ends up with someone else, but her relationship with Max is still very important and treated with the kind of respect it deserves. The fact that I made it Zan/Liz is solely because of my good friend, Sarah Marie, who got me addicted to her AD fic, which you all should check out because it's awesome: Summer Lovin'.

I'm having a lot of fun with E'sNL, but I still long for my Max, lol. In the meantime, it's been very refreshing to explore Zan, because I agree that he IS a character that had so much wasted potential.

hugs, Lindsay

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 9:32 pm
by femmenerd
Hi Lindsay. We meet again lol.
Since I am first and foremost a Max fan, I admit I don't appreciate or understand the bashing of him that goes on in fics, and using Zan or someone else as a replacement.
I am so there with you. I love Max too so I never write Zan and Liz together if Max is still in the picture. I'm too much of a dreamer still. That and I don't have a vendetta against Max which seems to be what inspires some people to write AD. But whatever floats their boats, ya know. I do read some AD fics where people punish Max but I can't play that game myself.

But it is interesting to explore new territory (both with reading and writing) isn't it?

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 9:49 pm
by Applebylicious
I think it's ridiculous, personally, to replace Max with Zan because you have a vendetta against Max, lol. I mean...think about it. Zan is Max, without inhibition or conscience, to an extent. If you think Max was a controlling jackass or whatever, Zan will be that to the nth degree. If you're pissed because Max slept with Tess, you know damn well Zan wasn't a virgin, either. I just think it's silly to think that Zan would have been Prince Charming where Max failed. Which is why in my fic, as you'll soon see, neither of them are perfect. Perfect is boring. Who wants perfect??! If Liz wanted perfect, she'd go back to Kyle. :D (Sorry, that was my Kyle fetish shining through for a moment there...carry on.)

hugs, Lindsay

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 9:57 pm
by femmenerd
Perfect is boring. Who wants perfect??! If Liz wanted perfect, she'd go back to Kyle.
Exactly. And besides perfect doesn't exist. And nothing would ever go anywhere.

As for the whole virgin thing, one thing that I think is interesting about Zan is that you can bet your last dollar that he sure as hell is no virgin so a) he already know's what goin' on and b) you can explore how people can find love even after all they've previously experienced is sex or even explore how people could find a new love after they've already lost one in some way.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 2:26 am
by fetch
femmenerd wrote:
I am a big fan of partial AU I guess, where the aliens are still sliens but the author thinks of creative ways to expand and interpret the mythology and also redeem characters by fixing the show (i.e. the Tess fiasco). Good examples I guess would be the Gravity Series by Rosdeidre or "Captive Hearts" by Breathless or "Into the Dreaming" by Applebylicious, etc.
Me too. I don't like AUs when it's like, Zan and Max are twins, and the most popular guys at school, and Liz is the geek they both fall in love with....stuff like that. What's the point in making it about Roswell charactors if they don't have any of the same plots of personalities they had on the show?