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Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 4:13 pm
by FaithfulAngel24
Your in a closet! How cute. The lengths we go through to get our fix. I mean it's amazing really! :lol:

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 12:23 pm
by CherryFlavoredChica
Yeah after reading all these obsessive tendencies I don't feel so pathetic. I am so screwed up that I wrote an English paper on Roswell. It was totally sad. I even have my future kids named. Alexander(Xan) for a boy and (Elizabeth-Maria) for a girl. How sad is that. My mom gets so sick of hearing me talk about Roswell that she has threatened to duct tape my mouth shut. And my room whew thats sad. Its covered in Roswell. I even hired a painter to make me a Roswell mural. (Its actually kind of neat)

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 7:11 am
by SpiderGirl
Gidget2 wrote:Hello everyone!

It's been a while since I've been anywhere on this board and I thought I'd throw in my two cents.

I started watching Roswell when I was in fourth grade, I'm fourteen now a freshman and still obssessed. When I get bored I find my self drawing symbols from the show (Antarian seal, whirl wind, four square, etc.). When I was younger I would get mad because my friends had more letters in their name to spell Liz Parker and other characters names, and I didn't.

I constantly call my best friend Liz on accident and that's not even close to her own name. Before I hit my depression phase last year I watched ever episode from the box sets I had in less than a week. When ever I feel slightly depressed I pop in EOTW, because it fits me mood. I constantly feel the need to do as well in school as Liz Parker because she was my role model. When ever I think I might like a boy, I constantly compare my feelings towards him and the Max and Liz relationship. Because like any other girl their love was something I want for myself.

I started keeping a journal, but it's more for my poetry than day to day life. I became a Behr lover, even though I didn't think he was that Hot in the beginning. I like to see where the carrers of all of the actors are heading so I make it a point to buy there movies when ever I can. A lot of the music I'm influenced by was pushed upon me bacuse of Roswell.

When it was still on air after ever episode I would create scenarios in my head about what would happen next week. I started writing fanfic that I will get updated sooner or later. I had to introduce my best friend to Roswell because she knows everything about me, so why leave her out of this. Now she wants to get the Maria and Liz waitress uniform and go as them next Halloween, I am so gonna be Liz I don't care what she says.

I compare my friends to those of the characters, and unfortunately I have yet to find My Max. Lord knows I have enough Michael's :roll: ! I'm going to the Philippines First week of June for three weeks which means I'm goiong to miss the third season of Roswell's DVD release, which is still pissing me off beyond belief!

Well that's all for now, I could go on and on with my obssession and it's not very healthy!

My God that is scary! I see a lot of that in myself! I am a big Roswell fan, I own all three series on DVD. God that was kinda freaky, we've got a lot in common. I'm still waiting for my Max. I'm 17 and I keep a journal, it got sent to me as a Secret Santa Gift, there's this bit in my room called "The Wall" mostly made up of Roswell posters. When I get paid next I'm going to get the whirlwind necklace off Roswell God, we're total obsessives!

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 4:32 am
by POM
I knew I was obsessed when i started my own Dreamer site and Message board--and am going to make Shirts for my site!! :D


Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 6:57 am
by SpiderGirl
You're making T-Shirts? That is sooo cool! Where are you making them?

Posted: Sat May 14, 2005 9:23 pm
by LittleHottie510
I absolutely LOVE that you're watching Roswell in the closet. Thats hilarious! *lol* I understand though... if you're living in the barracks... the barracks SUCK! And its always so loud in there... do what you gotta do! Thats what I alway say! Well, not really, but I'll start sayin it alot more now. *lol*

Obsession is a wonderful thing, in my opinion. You wouldn't believe the number of people I've found lately, who love Roswell. One of my hubbys Army buddies... when we first started hangin out, he brought his brother over and Jeremy was looking through our DVDs, and spotted the 1st season(this was back before S2 came out) and was like 'You know about Roswell?' I was like "YOU know about Roswell?!" and we got into this big three hour debate about the whole destiny debacle. *lol* Last time I was back home, my mom made me go out to dinner with her and her boyfriend so I could meet him... turned out that HE liked Roswell... that one was a little weird. *lol*

But in my case... you know you're obsessed when... because your husband doesn't want to stare at Jason Behr, you put up your Roswell poster in your closet. (Wow, closets are popular with us... *LOL*) He finally gave up changing the desktop on our computer and just leaves Jason up... I hardly ever let him touch the computer anyway. I write and read fanfic religiously. I have the first 2 seasons on DVD, anxiously awaiting the 3rd. I flew from GA to NJ to meet up with a friend, and then we drove to Philadelphia for the film festival, just to see Jason Behr in Shooting Livien. One of the songs that played at our wedding reception was "I Shall Believe" and I've already told my hubby that no matter what he says... one of our boys is going to be named Zan, cause I'm slightly in love with Zan. *lol*

I know theres more that I'm forgetting... I'll be back though. *lol*

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 6:15 am
by SpiderGirl
CherryFlavoredChica wrote:I even have my future kids named. Alexander(Xan) for a boy and (Elizabeth-Maria) for a girl. How sad is that.
You too? I'm thinking Isabel Maria for a girl and Alexander Michael for a boy. I'm going to name their middle names after my brother and sister's middle names. I'm not sure yet, it might be Maria Caitlin or Michael Adam I'm not sure. Adam was in the books and I was reading them before and got a little tearful when DuPris killed him with one of the Stones Of Midnight. :cry:

Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 7:44 pm
by RoswellFan1947
Im definitely obsessed.........i have 3 pets named after Liz, Max and planning on naming my kids after them too. LOVE ROSWELL FOREVER!

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 8:52 pm
by LittleHottie510
Told ya I'd be back, cause I knew I forgot some!! *lol*

-You know you're slightly obsessed when you put Tabasco sauce on cake... just to see if it really is good, even though you've never put Tabasco sauce on anything else before in your life, so you don't even know what it tastes like on its own. P.S.... it actually does taste pretty good on cake. *lol*

-You know you're slightly obsessed when you get two hours of sleep, get up and then drive five hours to spend the day with someone that you met on RF. Yes, I did this... as much fun as I had with Lindsay AKA Applebylicious, the drive SUCKED, and I got really lost! *lol*

-You know you're slightly obsessed when you realize there is a town called Roswell, GA... and you check to see how far away it is from the town you're living in, because you just wanna go check it out, if for nothing else than to take a picture of the sign saying 'Welcome to Roswell' (Still haven't made it up there yet... I will, though.)

-You know you're slightly obsessed when you're trying to talk your hubby into getting a motorcycle, if for no other reason than Jason Behr has one, and if he looks that hot on it, you're sure your hubby will too.

-You know you're slightly obsessed when you can stay up for two days watching your Season 1 and Season 2 DVDs all back to back... just because you got kinda bored and once you started, you couldn't make yourself stop.

-You know you're slightly obsessed when you can be driving somewhere with your hubby, who doesn't watch Roswell, and that 'Linkin Park' song from 'Meet The Dupes' can come on and all you get out is "This song was on Roswell..." before your hubby interupts you and says "Yeah, that episode with the weird looking aliens and the guy went to grab the basketball and that other one pushed him in front of a truck."

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 9:29 pm
by maxandliz4ever1357
LittleHottie510 wrote:You know you're slightly obsessed when you can be driving somewhere with your hubby, who doesn't watch Roswell, and that 'Linkin Park' song from 'Meet The Dupes' can come on and all you get out is "This song was on Roswell..." before your hubby interupts you and says "Yeah, that episode with the weird looking aliens and the guy went to grab the basketball and that other one pushed him in front of a truck."
LMAO!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: