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Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 8:38 pm
by Lorastar
No, everything's better now. But THANK YOU! :D

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 4:36 pm
by Angelic
screen name: Angelic
name: Vix
class: 2008 (but Feb 2008 because I'm a March Cohort)
location: London
birthday: December 3rd
scholastic interests: Nursing :-p
dreaded subjects: Human Functions (tho I passed first semster with top marks... colour me confused)
college: Middlesex University
plans for future: Do a year of work in Australia, then come back and do my midwivery degree
extracurriculars: Your kidding right? When we dont got class, we have placment :-p

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 4:17 pm
by Buffsteraddict
Screen name: Buffsteraddict
Name: Stephanie
Class: 2007
Location: Montreal, Canada
Birthday: March 8th
Scholastic interests: None whatsoever
dreaded subjects: Gym
Plans for future: Absolutely no idea, but I would really like to go to College in the States, but of course I would have to past the SAT's for any of that and I heard those can be pretty though. But one thing if for sure I do not want to stay and rot in this city/Province for the rest of my life.
Extracurriculars: Playing the Guitar, writting/reading fanfiction, Watching Roswell, Buffy and Charmed.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 8:46 pm
by binxter
screen name: Binxter
name: Vikki
class: 2007
location: London
birthday: October 20th
scholastic interests: Accounts, Maths, Chemistry, Art, Media Studies
dreaded subjects: P.E :twisted:
college: Southwark College
plans for future: :shock: Erm...I plan to venture into accounting..other than that i don't know :?
extracurriculars: Sleeping, eating and doing artsy-fartsy stufflol. Oh and now writing my Ros fanfic :D

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 4:27 pm
by Titus
screen name: Titus
name: Marion
class: 2007 or 2008 (I'm trying to graduate uni in 3 years, but people tend to call that a little too ambitious over here.)
location: Arkansas
birthday: March 14th, 1986
scholastic interests: Psychology and Criminal Justice
dreaded subjects: In true geek spirit, I don't dread any classes I am currently taking. I do have a math course to take later that I don't want to.
college: University of Arkansas
plans for future: Becoming a therapist or criminal profiler (something with investigative psychology)
extracurriculars: Young Democrats (but I'm not all that active). I'd rather have my head in a book or fanfic than go to a party or social stuff. :-p

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 3:35 pm
by smile79335
screen name: smile79335
name: Brandi
class: 2007 or 2008 (depends on how quickly I can get my classes in and student teach)
location: Tennessee
birthday: January 14th, 1984
scholastic interests: history education
dreaded subjects: I cannot stand anything math related.
college: Tennessee Wesleyan College
plans for future: I hope to teach high school history one day.
extracurriculars: I'm involved in way too much stuff for my own good. I need to learn how to say no to people.

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 3:35 pm
by dreamsofRoswell
hey everyone... i seem to have disappeared from the planet as well haha! I'm in the middle of exams right now, ugh. Lol. They've gone pretty well so far. How's everyone doing? And welcome to the board to all of you who have joined since I left. Haha. :)

Laura Ann

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 8:15 am
by Gater101
screen name: Gater101
name: Laura
class: 2006
location: Glasgow
birthday: June 24
scholastic interests: Teaching
dreaded subjects: None actually... I'm only doing three, that I like. But, since I dropped advanced Chemistry, we'll say that!
college: Hee hee, still a schooly... Hamilton Grammar. Soon to be Glasgow Uni
plans for future: Go on a GAP five week in Africa, then go to Glasgow Uni get my History degree then teach. Abroad. Not in Scotland. God no...
extracurriculars: House Captain, Class-room support, inter-house, Citizenship Committee, Senior Committee, Prom Committee and Yearbook Committee.

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 3:01 pm
by vampiricheart
Screenname: Vampiricheart
Name: Nicole
Class: 2009
Location: Atlanta, GA
Birthday: January 28
Scholastic Interest: Public Relations
Dreaded Subject: Adv. Trig *I shudder at the thought*
College: Georgia State Uni.
Plans for the future: planning that big burgandy/gray wedding
Extracurriculars: job at my college radio station.
Anything else you'd like to share?: At the moment, I'm currently very confused as to the sexual orientation of the lead singer, Brenden Flowers, of The Killers. It's sad b/c I love him and want to have his little singing babies.

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 2:04 am
by pure_spunk
Screenname: pure_spunk
Name: Kari
Class: 2009
Location: Milwaukee, WI
Birthday: January 9, 1986
Scholastic Interest: Early Childhood Education
Dreaded Subject: American History
College: University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Plans for the future: Get my degree and teaching license; marry my foxy fiance
Extracurriculars: Ha! As if I had TIME for extracurriculars!