Future Visitations (AU/CC/Adult) Casting Call

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Post by isabelle »


There's a tight spot in my chest that I didn't even realize was there until it starts to loosen at Liz's words. Kyle didn't know. He'd never known. He staged the whole thing with Liz completely on faith. He wasn't in on the facts.

I'm a little bit stunned as I sort it through, but also surprisingly relieved. Liz murmurs about what a good friend he was and I realize that she's right. I remember how I treated him after that but he never complained. Never gave a hint that it was undeserved.

“This could take a while…” Liz says, and I know she's right. It's not going to be something that can be done with a couple conversations in the next 24 hours. We need a real change in attituded that lasts if it's going to convince Tess. It's not just staying in town, but staying because she wants to be here, regardless of whether or not she and I are together. In time, it'll have to be more than an act. It will have to be real, for all of us. I think Maria might be the hardest one. Tess will be able to tell if she's not sincere.

I nod, slowly. "You're right. It'll have to be slow and steady if it's going to work. It might take several weeks," I admit. It's possible some dramatic experience might bind her to the group more quickly, but I'm not hoping for something like that. I need to keep everyone safe. "But it'll be worth it in the end, when you and I are together and the group is whole."
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: I know this isn't my best Isabelle, but I was writing it over lunch, along with a couple of other posts as a way to try and unwind. Hope it's ok for you anyway, tell me if you want me to change anything.


“You’re right. It’ll have to be slow and steady if it’s going to work… It might take several weeks…”

Several weeks…it could take way longer than that…months even… I don’t want to admit it, but I know that I’m right. I can see in his eyes that Max knows it too… We’re going to have some time of sneaking round, hiding the fact that we're back together, and for me that’s probably going to be the worst thing… Making friends with Tess, well that’s going to be hard, but hiding the fact that I love Max, and that I want to be with him…well no, I don’t suppose that I have to hide that, everyone already knows it really, but still, we can’t let the others know what’s happening…I have to keep the most wonderful thing in my life from my best friends…

“But it’ll be worth it in the end, when you and I are together and the group is whole…”

I know that it’s going to be hard, but from the look on Max’s face it’s going to be hard on him too. But like he says, the important thing is to look to the future, to think about where this is all going to lead… Maybe to that wedding in Vegas…maybe even sooner than before…? The thought shocks me, where did that come from? Answer, I don’t know…but if he asked, I don’t think I’d say no… I smile at Max. “Well for that, anything’s worth it…” I tell him softly, leaning forward to meet his lips with mine once more.
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »


Liz leans forward to kiss me and all other thoughts leave my head. It's been so long since we've done this. Not since that day when I was talking to Tess and realized that she was watching, that she had set us up. But she had resisted then, even 'though we were still obviously connected. This time, she's initiating it.

I close my eyes, pulling her even closer, savoring everything about it. Her scent, her skin, her breath, her soft hair. My hands move around her back and shoulders as my mouth locks with hers. The flashes come, quick and vivid, but not as strong as the present sensations of her in my arms again. I move my hands to her face, brushing her cheeks with my thumbs as my fingers thread through her hair.

After a long, almost endless moment, we break apart. I keep my hands on her face, staring into her eyes. I can't even describe how great it is to have her in my arms again, to know that she loves me, never stopped loving me, never slept with Kyle. Keeping this a secret from Michael and Isabel is going to be nearly impossible.

"Kyle," I say after a moment. I see her eyes flash, as if she's about to protest her virtue and his again, but I cut her off with a shake of my head. My hands move down to her waist and I give her one more quick kiss at the base of her neck before explaining my thoughts.

"I can't let him know that I know it wasn't real, but I have to find a way to let him think I've 'forgiven' him or something. He's still part of this, too," I admit.
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Post by FallenMagic »

So sorry about this! Gosh it's been a so long since I posted here! Really sorry but I had computer problems :oops:

~* Tess *~

"Are you sure, 'cause ever since you came back from NYC you've been acting differently..." Kyle asks, looking at me closely. "...you know you can talk to me"

I avert my gaze from his, feeling an odd choke in my throat. "I know, Kyle." I tell him softly.

I can't express how grateful I am that he's been so nice to me, or that he's been such a good friend but I'm not sure I'm ready to talk about what happened with me. I don't even know what exactly happened anyway.

I shrug a little and look back up at Kyle, smiling softly, almost sadly at him. Once again I feel so cut off from everyone. No one knows what I'm going through, no one can understand. Kind of makes me feel like I have no one...

"I'm not ready to talk about it Kyle..." I tell him honestly. "I-I'm not sure that I can talk about it but when I am ready...you'll be the first one I'll come to."
<center>There are endings and beginnings and then there are Crossroads; and, somehow, in the end all that's left are Pieces Of A Dream</center>
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Post by Anna-Liisa »


I look at her for awhile. I nod silently. There was something wrong, but she couldn't say it yet. I understood how she felt. Sometimes it was hard to me to explain things to anyone.

"Okay..." I told her. "I'll be here when you need someone to talk to"

I give a her a small smile.
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Post by FallenMagic »

~* Tess *~

An answering smile flits across my face at his words and before I know it, I'm pulling him into a hug. For some reason Kyle's words make me feel special and...not so alone.

"Thank you, Kyle." I say to him before letting go. I ran a hand through my hair, smiling slightly at him, feeling much better. "I guess I better get going...I was planning on going for a walk. Catch you later?"
<center>There are endings and beginnings and then there are Crossroads; and, somehow, in the end all that's left are Pieces Of A Dream</center>
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Post by StormWolfstone »


Not Storm and not Nexes, what could Quixote mean? I asked myself a moment before I wrapped my arms back around my sister as she hugged me. She'd mentioned a cure and it made me wonder if someone had actually accomplished the very thing I'd wanted to do. The very thing that caused me to train so hard to be a doctor before Nexes screwed everything up. Still, Rome had hope and I couldn't help but smile as I thought of how great it would be to be able to live without fear, but I also doubted that it was possible.

"I'm glad that Quixote brought you to me, Rome. I've missed you so much and I kept hoping that you were okay." After a moment though, I asked, "Where exactly are we?"
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by StormWolfstone »


After leaving the others, I had to decide just how I was going to get the attention of those that I had brought them here for. It would certainly be interesting to see my friends interact with these people. I laughed as I took myself to one of the people's homes. I had to find something to use. It was so easy to get inside, they didn't have the same technology. Ooh, I felt an idea hit me and began searching around the closet of the guy's home. He lived all by himself. I don't know how I knew, but his name was Michael and I had to be careful I wasn't heard because there was someone else visiting him. I could hear voices out in his living room.

Finding something with an odd swirly type of symbol on it, I looked at it and smiled, this gave me an idea.

Putting everything back the way I found it, I went out and looked to see who the visitor was and somehow, seeing her I knew it was a girl named Maria. Looking at them I grinned before transporting myself in a flash outside of the bus where I'd left the others. Using my finger, I burned the image of that symbol onto the sides of the bus and the back before I went up to the roof and waited with a smile.
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by isabelle »


At Hart's question, I can only shrug. "We're in the middle of the woods, somewhere, in a bus. Quixote had us all join hands and we just appeared here. I don't know if we traveled one mile or a thousand."

None of us have any idea how Quixote manages her disappearing act, or how far she can go. Right now, that doesn't really bother me at all. Wherever we are, we're closer to some kind of help for my brother. That's what matters.

I smile at my big brother. I just can't seem to stop smiling. Almost like a real GR. "Now that I know you're okay, I guess we can ask her more about where we go from here."
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Post by StormWolfstone »


I smiled, glad to have my sister at my side. Though I still didn't understand much about Quixote, I knew that I would have to thank her the next time I saw her. She always had a habit of helping us out when we least expected it. I wish there was some way to pay her back for everything she'd done for us. She'd helped by keeping Rome from being GR'd, keeping me from being caught in the lab with Robbie and several other times she'd helped rescue others. In fact, if not for her, I wouldn't have been able to find Jakki the day she was caught during a toxic gas leak.

I looked at Rome with a grin, "Alright, let's find out whatever we can before I end up falling asleep and miss all the action." I was tired, but didn't want my sister to be worried about me when there were things that needed to be done. Other things were more important at the moment.
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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