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Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:42 pm
by Tasyfa
Chrisken wrote:It was broken, right?? With the symbol not completely clear unless both pieces were put next to each other in the right way??
Right. That's how Liz knew that she could trust Eddie about meeting River Dog, b/c Eddie had the little missing piece of the pendant. Also, in the ep River Dog where the pendant first appears, River Dog tells Max that the pendant belonged to Nasedo originally.

There were spoiler rumours about the pendant assuming a greater importance, but none of them manifested in the show itself so they don't qualify as canon. :)
hugs, Tas

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 10:35 pm
by Gioia
After Independence day is Sexual Healing (where we don't spend much time on anything but the, um, really fun stuff... LOL!). Then after that is Crazy. That episode opens up:
(Episode starts out in the Crashdown's kitchen where Michael is cooking)
MICHAEL: Ladies, food doesn't taste better cold, all right? Push the special. I'm tired of flipping burgers.
(Transcript from

That's the first time we see him working there. I don't recall ever seeing a convo in which there's any reference to how he got the job, specifically, although fanfics typically have Liz or Maria appealing to Jeff on the matter, which makes sense as it's a job that calls for a lot of responsibility for a kid with no work experience and a lot of black marks on his record, socially speaking. But that part is pure conjecture.

- Gioia

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 2:17 am
by Gioia
Here you go, from Roswell Uncut:


A modest studio apartment, just around the corner from the Crashdown. Mostly empty, a tattered couch, a few empty milk crates, stuff that's been abandoned from the previous tenant.

Michael sits on the couch next to his duffel bag that he still hasn't unpacked. It's hard to look lost in a 10 x 12 room, but somehow he manages. A long beat. Then:

The door flings open. Max, Liz, Maria, Isabel.


Whoa! What're you guys doin' here?

But they rush past him, carrying mop, bucket, cleaning supplies, pizza boxes and other stuff.

We're here to help clean up.

I kinda like it the way it is.

Michael, some of these stains are neither animal, vegetable, or mineral.

This place is so cool.

Two-fifty a month cool. Man, it was great of your dad to help with the
deposit, but I gotta get a J-O-B.

Max and Liz exchange a look.

I heard that you made a pretty mean breakfast the other day. There just
might be something for you at the Crashdown.

(then, quickly))
Wait. Does that mean she's going to be my boss?

He means Maria.

(smiling wickedly)
She's the manager.

As they all crack up at the irony, suddenly, there's a tiny sound. Almost like a meow. It is a meow.

What's that?

That is ...Sigourney.

She pulls our of her back pack a little tabby kitten.

Ha. Funny.

She was an orphan.

The lease said no pets.

What's one more secret.

Off all of them as they did into the pizza, laughing. Michael's new family. Two chicks, three aliens, and a cat.

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 9:48 pm
by Ella1022
I don't know if this was posted but I found out the address of Michaels apartment in by pausing Surprise. It's 502 Roswell Ave. I had the phone numbers too lol but I'll have to go back.

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 4:47 pm
by Ella1022
Isabel and Max's home number is 505-555-0183 and Michael's apartment number is 505-555-0166.

And I found this along with Michael's address in Surprise I paused the scene where Max and Valenti are looking through Tess's stuff. They go through her date book.

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 12:09 pm
by RebeccaBehrEvans
Talking about phone numbers... if someone is interested in the info ... Max's cell number is 505-555-01-46 ... at least that's the one on Isabel's agenda in Control I think it was :? ... I'm not sure... but you briefly see it when his mother asks Isabel for I don't remember what and she goes through her things!

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 1:15 pm
by Chrisken
They never really say in the show, but it was probably a bunch of things. Combine their unusual abilities with what they knew of their own background (that they had been found out wandering in the desert, vague impressions of the incubation pods... which Max mentioned to Liz in the first two episodes so they knew that they had been in pods long before they found out where the pods actually WERE...) and throw in the fact that living in Roswell they'd have heard about aliens and the crash early on... it seems a natural conclusion to land on.

I do wonder if any of them tried to do anything to verify that... if Max maybe duplicated Liz's little experiment with looking at his cells in a microscope, years before. Probably he had, or else why would he have known to make himself scarce while they were doing that experiment in class?

Good thing he forgot to take the pencil he had been chewing on with him though, huh?? ;)

Couple more questions

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 3:09 pm
by Mt Gazer
Is the eraser room on the second floor?? because I thought in Pilot or the Morning After that Liz and Maria were discussing it and it was mentioned that it was, yet in Into the Woods, it appears to be on the first floor.

Other question??

I followed the link to the history class questionaires that someone provided, quite insightful...

but the question is this, Did the actors fill those out in their own hand immersing themselves completely into their characters or how were they formed??? I really loved those.

Does anyone have a link to Topolsky's files, Sorry episode titles are eluding my brain right now. And her sheet of paper in which she wrote Max Evans has secrets? In Monsters. I'm curious what she wrote on the others.

And who invented the Vannessa Whittaker journal, very unique.

Thanks so much...

Mt. Gazer

Re: Couple more questions

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 6:10 pm
by Gioia
Mt Gazer wrote:Is the eraser room on the second floor?? because I thought in Pilot or the Morning After that Liz and Maria were discussing it and it was mentioned that it was, yet in Into the Woods, it appears to be on the first floor.
The eraser room seems to float around Roswell High (much like Michael's apartment seems to have had a magically rotating layout). For example, in the Roswell layouts created by Eleen in 2000 for her site (no longer active), the eraser room is shown as being on the ground floor, down the hall from Liz's locker. However, we know Max and Liz were in it looking down into Topolosky's office. So if you're trying to decide where to put it in a story, I think you have a lot of choices. :wink:
Mt Gazer wrote:I followed the link to the history class questionaires that someone provided, quite insightful...

but the question is this, Did the actors fill those out in their own hand immersing themselves completely into their characters or how were they formed??? I really loved those.
Either the actors filled them out while in character or else the show writers provided those answers. Some of the answers actually were in the show, but not all.
Mt Gazer wrote:Does anyone have a link to Topolsky's files, Sorry episode titles are eluding my brain right now. And her sheet of paper in which she wrote Max Evans has secrets? In Monsters. I'm curious what she wrote on the others.
I've never seen anything like that, but would certainly enjoy seeing it, too! SilverhandPrint has some interesting FBI files which mght interest you, though.
Mt Gazer wrote:And who invented the Vannessa Whittaker journal, very unique.
That was filled out by the show's writers/creators as part of the behind-the-scenes-extras posted on the original website created by the WB. Check out the prom pages that are there, too.

- Gioia

Edited 2011 to add: Graphics from any broken links above can likely be found HERE.

Re: Another question?

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 10:00 am
by Kath7
Mt Gazer wrote:Does anyone know what time of year the Evans kids were found wandering in the desert?


Mt Gazer
I don't think that was ever stated. They looked like six year olds though, and I think they first went to school when they were eightish.

As for the Eraser Room, it works on the first floor if Topolsky's office is in the basement, which also works because if you remember when Alex and LIz fight after he exposes her as FBI, he goes up stairs after he stalks away from her. Am I imagining this? I'm pretty sure that's what happens. So Topolsky - basement. ER - main floor.