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Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 2:33 pm
by Maia
Hi everyone, I know gotta love Kyle for the was he handled the situation. I always thought especially in S.2 and S.3, out of all of the guys he was the level headed one when it came to sticky situations.
Sorry I haven´t updated in a few days, I have just been run off of my feet, and my doorbell or telephone have been ringing all day long.
Thanks for the fb, I think everyone needed to see that Max had more people cheering on his side.


Next part.

The school was only able to get hold of Dianne, and because of the lack of information Max´s football mate had given her, the receptionist was only able to tell Dianne that for some reason, something had upset the kids, and they had gone home.
Fearing that it had something to do with Max´s rape, Dianne gathered her things together rushing out of her office.
"Geena, cancel all my appointments today, there´s been a family crisis". Dianne informed her secretary.
"I hope it´s nothing to serious Dianne". The older woman told her.
"Well I´m don´t know exactly what happened, but it was serious enough that the school rung me up". Dianne twitched her fingers nervously.
"Good luck with everything then". The woman then said to her.
"Thanks Geena, I´ve give you a call if I can´t make it in tomorrow". Dianne told her.
"Good then, I would keep you up any longer". The secretary replied.
Then Dianne rushed out of the office.

Walking out of the lawyer firm she worked at, Dianne searched her hand-bag for her cell-phone, finding it. She walked to her car as she punched in the quick dial button, that would call thru to Jeff.
Clutching her handbag under her arm, she heard the dialling tone ringing and waited until Jeff answered his cell-phone.
"Jeff, Jeff something happened to the kids the school just rung me up". Dianne spoke rapidly.
"What happened Di"? Jeff looked at his watch, cursing when he saw the time.
"I´m not sure, the school weren´t able to tell me much, so I´m on my way home now to find out". Dianne reached her car, and put her hand-bag up on the roof, digging inside for her keys.
"I´ve got a meeting in about 5 minutes with Joe Manson". Jeff said running his hand through his hair. "I´ll call you when I get out, hopefully the meeting won´t last to long".
"Your hoping to much". She pulled her keys out of the bag. "You know how much Joe likes talking about his golf game". Dianne rolled her eyes in her head.
"Which reminds me, I´ll have to cancel out on him this week-end". Jeff chuckled, he could see Joes disappointed face already.
"Look I have to get home to the kids Jeff". She pushed her cell-phone between her shoulder and head, and tactfully balanced herself to unlock and open the door.
"Call me if it´s really bad". Jeff then went serious again.
"I will". Dianne threw her hand-bag onto the front passenger seat.
Then she said good-bye to him, then got in the car driving back home in a hurry.

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No sooner had the four teens stepped into the house and the phone began to ring.
"I´ll take him upstairs". Liz said to Isabel and Alex, as she walked Max up to his bedroom.

Once they were inside Max´s bedroom, he leaned his back against the door, and slumped down to the floor below. Bringing his knees into his chest, Liz outstretched his legs, and positioned herself between them.
"Baby it´s Ok now, I´m here for you". Liz peppered him with kisses on his face.
"Liz everytime I think things are going to get better, then something bad always happens to me". Max whimpered hugging her in his arms.
"Max you have to believe that everything will get better. Those people who did that to you today were just childish and malicious, you can´t afford to let people like that ruin your aspects on life". Liz leaned her head against his chest as she sat on his lap.
"I can hear what your saying Liz, but things like that just don´t disappear from one moment to the next". He confided to her.
"Max, I have no idea what your going through at this moment, but I can´t sit here and listen to you give up hope like this". She pleaded to him.
"I´m sorry Liz, but at the moment I can´t help it". He leaned his head against her face.
Moving away from him, Liz then said, crouched on her feet, so she was facing him, holding his depleted face in her hands.
"Max never say sorry for the way you feel, let it all out".

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Once Jeff hang the phone up after talking to Dianne, he checked his watch again. The buzzing his secretary, he told her to hold off Joe for another 10 minutes when he came in. The picking the phone up again, he his phone number. When no one answered, he put the phone down again. Waiting a minute, he dialled the number again, the dialling tone rung, and he hung the phone up in frustration again.
Then calming himself down, Jeff pressed the number again, but this time was meet with Isabels voice.
After Isabel explained to Jeff what had happened, Jeff sullenly put the phone back down on the hook. Resting his elbows on the desk, the palms of his hands ran over his face as Jeff thought in disbelief how cruel life had been for Max.
Wanting to go back home to get behind the story of the events, his eyes caught the papers on his desk, then beeping his secretary again, to send Joe in as soon as he got there. Deciding that as soon as the meeting was over, he would go home as well.

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"You looked whipped". Alex sat next to Isabel after she sat down on the couch.
"I am". Isabel stared at the objects in front of her. "I just don´t know what to do at the moment". Isabel admitted to him.
"Just don´t put your boxing gloves on again". Alex said trying to lighten the mood.
"Thanks Alex, I really needed that". She frowned at him. "How did you find out about it anyway"? Isabel asked him.
"Oh my Moms friend, remember her Mrs Cawney"? Alex asked Isabel.
"Yeah what about her"? Isabel then asked him confused.
"She was in the supermarket the day it happened, and I heard my Mom talking on the phone to her that evening". Alex admitted.
"Alex you were eavesdropping on your Mom". Isabel said astonished.
"Well I couldn´t help it. All I heard was my Mom yell out, ´Isabel Evans she used to go out with my Alex, I can´t believe she hit that girl Tracy `. So I felt indebted to listen to the conversation". He shrugged his shoulders innocently.
"How does Mrs Cawley know who we all are? And why didn´t you tell me you knew"? Isabel then asked him.
"Mrs Cawley knows everybody in Roswell, she´s a regular busy-body". Alex answered Isabels first question.
"And why didn´t you tell me"? Isabel asked shocked that he didn´t say anything to her.
"Only because I didn´t want you to feel bad because I knew the truth".
Alex replied. "But anyway, did it feel good hitting Tracy"? Alex smiled at her. "Did you give her the big one, two, three".
"Alex it wasn´t like that and well......actually it did feel good hitting her". Isabel admitted. "At first it felt good, but now I´m regretting it badly".
"Hey get over it slugger, she deserved it anyway". Alex answered her.
"Yeah but because I hit Tracy, everythings come out into the open now". Isabel grimaced feeling guilty.
Alex then tried to comfort her, telling everything would be alright, when Kyle rung at the door.
Answering the door, she let him in. Kyle gave Isabel, Max´s keys then said that he was going up to see if Max was OK.


I have to go for now. Sorry about leaving it there, and again thanks for reading


Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 5:38 pm
by Maia
Hi thanks for the fb.

Roswellluver, I just wanted to insure you, things won´t get any messier. A secret will be revealed in the next part, but nothing as drastic as the last couple of parts.

LPorter, Jeff and Dianne will be able to console Max to a degree, but the main person will be mostly Liz, as you already know. Hint, hint, when are you posting on If The Shoe Fits again)!!!!

Pegleg. I know I tried to stay true to Alex´s character and have him lighten up the moment. But the only twist I have made in Alex´s case is that I had him drop Isabel as a girlfriend. (Although when I think about it Isabel and Alex were never really a couple in the series).

Thanks everyone


Next part

Running up the stairs taking them 2 at a time, Kyle walked down the hallway to Max´s bedroom. Knocking on the door, he opened it straight away.
"Oh my God"! Don´t tell me my eyes just saw what I thought they saw". Kyle covered his eyes with his hand, and peaked back at Max and Liz through his fingers.
"Kyle you can´t say anything to anyone". Max stood up from his bed, while Liz pulled her top down where it had riddled up her body.
"Hey but I thought you´s two were step-brother and sister". Kyle lowered his voice as he shut the door tight behind him.
"We are Kyle". Liz replied standing next to Max, wiping her swollen lips. "But please you can´t tell anyone about us". Liz clasped her hands together and walked towards Kyle. "I love Max". Liz admitted turning her head around to look into Max´s face.
Max was torn between going and holding onto Liz, or staying where he was now that Kyle had caught them. "Buddy you can´t say anything please". Max just scratched his worried brow nervously. "I love Liz too". Max walked to her side and took her small hand in his, the seriousness in Max´s eyes were not lost on Kyle.
Feeling bad for his friend, somewhat paranoid, he moved closer to the door, so if anyone came in while Max and Liz were holding hands, no one would be able to see anything.
"Kyle say something to us". Liz asked worriedly looking into Max´s face, then back to Kyle.
"Max, Liz. Whatever I saw here today did not a happen as far as I´m concerned". He folded his arms over his chest and leaned against the door.
"Thanks Bud". Max replied gratefully, Liz nodded her head indicating she was thankful.
"I know your going through hell at the moment Max, and if your in love with Liz, it´s better if you get the support you need from her. Obviously both your parents don´t know a thing, but in future if you´s wanna have a make-out session, not in your parents house". Kyle shook his head at them both disbelievingly.
"Yeah he´s right Liz". Max flicked his eyes between the both of them.
"You´s two better get outta here before you´s start making babies". Kyle teased them.
Liz blushed a deep red, and Max kissed her forehead. "Liz I just want to talk to Kyle alone for a moment". Max pursed his lips together and grinned wearily.
"I´ll be downstairs if you need me". Liz smiled bravely into Max´s face.
"Yeah I know". Max replied.
"Kyle I think I´m going to leave you´s two alone". Liz blushed again making him chuckle slightly to himself.
Then moving away from the door Kyle let Liz walk through before closing the door behind her.
"Hey Kyle I don´t know what to say to your". Max said honestly to his friend.
"Max if your in love with her, what do you think both your parents are going to say if they ever find out". Kyle expressed his concerns for Max.
"I don´t know Kyle, but for the first time in my life I´m in love with a beautiful girl, and I won´t let our parents try to destroy that". Max said very adamantly standing wide legged and with his hands resting on the top of his thighs.
"I´m happy that your happy Max, but watch out for the parents Max, especially with the timing and everything. If your parents found out about you and Liz now, what do you think they would do to you´s"? Kyle said as he leaned back against the door.
"I have no idea, and I know it was risky what Liz and I were doing before, but yeah I know your right about if our parents ever found out about us".
"Just be careful Max, in more ways than one. If the wrong person gets a hold on this, it could ruin the both of yous. Especially with the trial and everything". Kyle said very wisely.
"Yeah I know what you mean". Max thought about his lapse of judgement when he practically mauled Liz on his bed.
"Look I better get going, Alex is waiting for me downstairs". Kyle noticed the time on the clock.
"I´ll come downstairs with you". Max said as he walked behind Kyle and closed his door.

Jogging down the stairs, Max and Kyle walked into the lounge where Alex and Isabel were sitting on the couch joking with one another.
Liz walked out into the lounge from the kitchen just having had a glass of juice.
"So Alex you ready to roll"? Kyle asked him grinning Liz when she put her head blushed at him again.
"Yeah". Alex stood up, slapping Isabel on her knee.
"Keep your guard up". Alex then fisted his hands together, trying to do a Mike Tyson impersonation.
"Would you take him away from here Kyle". Isabel face dropped when everyone cracked up laughing.
"I´ll take care of him". Kyle pulled Alex by the collar, and lead a wounded faced Alex away. "Hey if I can´t make my friends laugh who can I make bring to laughter". He tried to do his Mike Tyson again.
"Try the Tonight Show". Max grinned at him, shaking his head at Alex´s antics, and everyone laughed out again.
Liz looked over to Max´s smiling face, thinking she hadn´t seen him that happy for ages.
Then trotting out of the house, Kyle was finally able to get Alex out too!

Walking out across the lawn, Kyle smacked Alex on the back, as they joked between each other.
Spotting Diannes car both of them saw the worried look on her face as she drove closer.
"Better say hi to her". Alex said in a low tone to Kyle.
"Yeah sure". Kyle agreed with him.

Parking the car up in the drive-way, Dianne was unsure what the two boys were doing out of school and at her home.
She got out of the car, and closing the door said to them. "Hi boys".
"Hi Mrs Parker". They both sung out together.
"Ummm I just drove back with Max´s jeep". Alex explained to her.
"And I just came to pick Alex up since he had not ride back to school". Kyle then said feeling like he was a 5 year old again.
"Thank-you boys". Touched, Dianne stood up on her tippy toes and hugged both of the shocked boys.
"Your welcome Mrs Parker". Alex replied on his best behaviour.
"Yeah Mrs Parker". Kyle rolled his eyes in his head, not used to being hugged by his friends Mom.
"Now you´s better get back to school now the both of yous". Dianne said letting both boys go then stood there until they drove passed her, waving them good-bye.


Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 8:08 am
by Maia
Hi everyone thanks again for the fb.

Strawberry_ Dreamer, Pegleg, Anonmousarfan, that´s exactly what I wanted to put across, that Kyle is someone who can find out a huge secret and be trusted not to say anything about it.

Roswellluver, I was also wanting that too. To show the great individual friendships each guy has with the other. Also to show that althought Isabel and Alex were a couple, that they could have just as a strong friendship after they broke-up.

Cherie, that was also a point someone else would pick up on, Max and Liz do have to precautious concerning there relation due to the upcoming trial.

Thank-you everyone


Next part

When Dianne went inside she was surprised to see all of them in relatively light moods, knowing that it probably had more to do with Kyle and Alex, Dianne didn´t want to burst the bubble yet, and said hello to them all, saying she was going to make a coffee.
While she was busy in the kitchen, all 3 of them looked at each other, wondering why Dianne had practically ignored them.
"Max do you want to tell your Mom what happened or should I"? Liz offered, being sure she didn´t go up and hug him or something.
"You tell her Liz". Max face slumped again. "I can´t do it".
"God maybe she already knows". Isabel suggested.
"Who knows, lets just wait until she comes back out again". Liz then said, sitting down on the couch.
When Dianne finally did come out, as requested Liz told her what exactly had happened at school.
A blank faced Dianne accepted the news, and not wanting to break down in front of Max again, remained strong. Isabel went over to her Mom to hugged her fiercely, seeing how resolved her Mom was taking everything.
Although Dianne had told Jeff that she would ring him if it was bad-and it definitely was bad, she again willed herself not to call Jeff, because she would probably break-down on the phone to Jeff.

Isabel excused herself from the room first, wanting to do anything to keep her mind off of this mornings events. Going upstairs, she went to her room, and started re-organising her entire wardrobe, colour co-ordinating everything. Something that she often did when she had alot on her mind.
Max then excused himself, saying he was going to go do some weights, wanting to just relax and burn off a little of excess heat that stirred his body because of Liz.
While Liz stayed downstairs with Dianne, knowing that it would be to much of a temptation to go to Max´s bedroom while he was there probably topless, and with Kyle catching them, precaution was on the menu for the day.
Alone with Liz, Dianne said to her. "I found 2 good therapists in town, I just had to do a few check-ups on them, to see if they would be completely professional when it came to Max starting his therapy. I´m going to ask him tonight when he wants to start". Dianne spoke to Liz solemnly.
"That´s good to know". Liz replied.
"It´s good to know though that Max and Isabel have good people like you, Kyle and Alex behind him". Dianne replied gratefully.
"Oh there´s a few more on his side than that". Liz said remembering the guys in Max´s football team.
"Well I think I might cook up a big lunch for us all, your Dads going to be coming home after his next meeting". Dianne clapped her hands on her lap, standing up from her chair.
"I can help you". Liz offered wanting to genuielly spend some time with her Step-Mom.
"That would be great Dear, how good are you at making stuffing"? Dianne asked Liz as they walked in the kitchen together.
Liz screwed her nose up, remembering some of the variations on recipes Dianne had made for them. "Um a basic I can manage". Liz tried not to laugh.
"Thats good then how about you start up on a stuffing and I´ll start on the chicken...hmm I hope I pulled enough out of the fridge". Dianne said going about in the kitchen.

Once Jeff came home, and Dianne told him what had happened. Jeff was outraged at what happened, but told him he had to keep his cool about it.
Max came downstairs eventually, and everyone kept quiet about it, seeing him relaxed.
Max was about to ask his Mom if she knew where his black t-shirt was so he could take a shower. But then Jeff asked him if he wanted to go and play some basketball while lunch was cooking. Then deciding why not, Max agreed, then waited until Jeff had come from upstairs after he changed into something more suitable.
The 2 of them left, going down to the park to play for an hour, while Liz and Dianne continued preparing a huge feast. Not that any of them had anything to celebrate, only to try and make things appear as normal as possible.
After Jeff and Max returned from their game, Dianne informed them both that lunch would be ready in another 20 minutes. Telling Max his black t-shirt was on his bed, he followed Jeff upstairs. Jeff knocking on Isabels door to let her know lunch would be ready soon, he went to his and Diannes room, using the shower in the ensuite.

Max was the first one downstairs, with the bathroom free, he had no worries or interuptions from any of the girls, and feeling much better now, was dying to feed his huge appetite that he had worked up.

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Later on in the afternoon, long after they had all had lunch together, Dianne was busy in the kitchen again when she heard the door-bell.
"Suppose I´m the only one down here". She went to the door, taking her oven gloves off.
Opening the door, a young man she didn´t recognise stood there.
"Hello Dear". Dianne said in her usual friendly manner.
"Hello Mam, umm my names Jacob". He replied, standing on the door-step with his hands stuffed into his jeans pocket.
"Sorry ah, Jacob, but Max has gone out with his Step-Dad, they won´t be back home for at least another hour".
"Actually I came over to see if Isabel is home". Jacob shrugged his shoulders slightly nervous.
"Oh you want to see Isabel". She answered with raised eye-brows, Dianne would have to talk to Isabel later about who this young man was.
"Why don´t you come inside, I´ll just go upstairs and get her".
"Thank-you Mam". Jacob replied, wiping his gym-shoes on the door-mat.
"Call me Mrs Parker, why don´t you take a seat in the lounge". Dianne said to him before closing the door, and going upstairs to get Isabel.

Knocking on Isabels door, Dianne popped her head through into the room.
"Mom what is it"? Isabel asked, as worked on one of her assignments.
"Honey you have a visitor downstairs". Dianne smiled at her.
"Who is it Mom"? Isabel frowned not remembering that she had arranged anything with anyone today.
"It´s a young man". Dianne laughed, when Isabel stood frantically from her bed, and went to look at herself in the mirror.
"Did he say what his name is"? Isabel said running a brush through her long locks.
"Yes he did actually, he said his name was Jacob". Dianne folded her arms in amusement.
"Mom! Why didn´t you say so earlier". Isabel said as she pushed her way passed Dianne.

With her interest in finding out who Jacob was, Dianne knocked on Liz´s bedroom door, wanting to see if Liz knew who he was.
"Come in". Liz called out as she put away the last of her clothes away.
Walking into the room, Dianne asked. "Liz you wouldn´t happen to know a young man named Jacob would you"?
Blushing red at hearing Jacobs name, Liz wanted to know why Dianne was asking her about Jacob. "Yeah I know him, why"? She looked curiously at Dianne.
"It´s just that he´s downstairs right now and he wanted to talk to Isabel". Dianne explained.
"Oh yeah umm Jacob. He´s a friend of ours, he´s a really nice guy". Liz breathed a sigh of relief, because he hadn´t called around to see her.
"That´s good to hear, but are you sure he´s friends with Isabel"? Dianne asked like most concerned mothers would when young men came knocking on her front door, wanting to visit her daughter.
"To tell you the truth Dianne, I don´t know what the relationship between Isabel and Jacob is but as far as I knew they´re only friends, but if you want to know more maybe you should be asking Isabel".
"Well if you say they´re only friends, I just wanted to know". Dianne insisted. "I think I better go back down-stairs and finish cleaning the oven before my imagination gets away with me". Dianne said to Liz going back out the door again.
Leaving Liz in her room hoping that maybe something would eventuate between Isabel and Jacob.

Once downstairs, Isabel went straight into the lounge, seeing that no one was standing in the hallway.
"Jacob". Isabel said as she tried to appear relax, unconsciously then began to flutter her eye-lashes.
"Isabel, I thought I would just come around to see if you were busy or not". He said as he stood up from the couch.
"Oh". Isabel said licking her lips nervously.
"I just wanted to say that I heard about what happened to you and Max". Jacob shuffled his foot from side to side on the floor, not sure if he was doing the right thing by mentioning this now.
"I see Jacob". Isabel said as the muscles in her throat tightened,
"I just wanted to say that I´m really sorry about what happened to both you and Max". Jacob admitted, now he had found the words he had wanted to say.
"Thank-you Jacob". Isabel answered as her eyes began to water with unshed tears.
"Also if there´s anything I can do to help you or your family, then I will do everything that I can to help". Jacob finished his little speech he had been preparing since lunch-time.
Touched by his words, Isabel began crying uncontrollable, not having expected Jacob to offer so much.
"Isabel it´s OK". Jacob went to wrap his around Isabel, holding onto the choking girl.
"I´m trying to be so strong, but sometimes it gets hard". She cried on Jacobs shoulder.
"It´s alright Isabel, just cry it all out". Jacob leaned his head down onto Isabels shoulder, wanting to comfort her as good as he could.

"Izzy". Dianne looked stunned at her daughter in the arms of this young man named Jacob.
"Mom". Isabel jumped out of Jacobs arms.
"Mrs Parker it wasn´t what you thought it was". Jacob crossed his arms nervously over his chest.
But seeing Isabels tear-filled eyes, Dianne knew that she had read into this too much. "Oh Honey what happened"? She said to her daughter as she surrounded Isabel in her arms.


That seemed like a long part, typing it up. Anyway, hope yous liked that part. Thanks for reading


Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 3:11 pm
by Maia
Liz, Pegleg and Roswellluver, I think we are all in agreement that Jacob is a real sweety.

Thanks for the fb


Next part

After Isabel explained through sobbing tears that Jacob had visited her so give his support to her and the family, Dianne hugged Jacob thanking him for offering his help and support to the family.
Taking a liking to Jacob, Dianne insisted that Isabel go out with Jacob when he offered to take Isabel out today.
She was hesitant at first, not wanting to venture outside of the house now that everything was out. But when Jacob suggested that they just go for a drive somewhere, Isabel with the insistance from her Mom accepted.

Leaving Dianne some time to finish cleaning up the kitchen oven again, she had only been in the kitchen when the door bell rung again.
"Who can it be this time"? Dianne asked herself.
Taking her oven gloves off again, Dianne went to the door.
"Maria, Michael hey kids come on in". She smiled at them as she welcomed them into the house.
"Hi Mrs Parker" Maria feel into Diannes arms when she was hugged from her.
"Mrs Parker". Michael stood there with his hands in his pockets, and although he didn´t want to be hugged by Dianne, he knew Max´s Mom all to well and hugged her despite himself, even smiling about how affectionate Dianne also was with them.
"I´m really sorry but both Max and Izzy are both out at the moment, but I know Max and Jeff will be home shortly so you´s are both welcome to stay". Dianne offered, closing the holding onto the door.
"Is Liz home"? Maria smiled her pixie smile at Dianne.
"Yes Dear, she´s upstairs in her room if you want to see her". Dianne told her.
"I think I´ll just wait downstairs until Max gets back home". Michael frowned definately not wanting to accompany his girl-friend upstairs.
"And you be on your best behaviour Michael". Maria raised her eyebrows at him as she walked upstairs.
"I always am aren´t I Mrs Parker"? Michael turned to Dianne for reassurance.
"Yes you are Michael". Dianne looped her arm in Michaels. "Maria do you want me to bring you and Liz something to eat or drink"? Dianne asked her.
"No thank-you Mrs Parker, if Liz and I get hungry or thirsty we can always come downstairs". Maria answered her, then made her way up to visit Liz.
"So Michael, you know I baked some chocolate chip cookies if your hungry"? Dianne told Michael as she lead him into the kitchen.
"You know I love your cookies Mrs Parker". Michael replied grinnning and thinking how much he liked Max´s Mom.

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Max and Jeff had decided to go for a swim on the Pecos River which lay just outside of Roswell. The day trip to the river an opportunity for Jeff to spend some quality time with his step-son, and hopefully let Max forget about things for awhile.
Not bringing up anything about the trial etc, Jeff was surprised when after about 20 minutes Max opened up to him.
"Jeff I was thinking that I should start up at therapy soon". Max declared once Jeff and himself were back on the banks of the river.
"Funny you mention therapy Max, because your Mom´s finally found two different therapists in Roswell that she thinks can help you". Jeff said as he stared out at the soft rolls of water.
"I only feel like I´m exhausting everyones energy". Max admitted picking up some small stones, he stood up and began throwing them individually into the river.
Collecting his own hand full of stones, Jeff stood up and began mimicking him. "Max don´t ever think that your exhausting your Moms and my energy. Although your Mom may not show it sometimes, she is a very resiliant person". Jeff smiled reassuring Max.
"If you say so". Max paused to turn to Jeff.
"Yeah I know so". Jeff patted Max on his shoulder. "C´mon you ready to go home now"? Jeff asked him.
"Yeah ready when you are". Max threw the rest of the stones into the river and went to his clothes so he could get changed.

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Max and Jeff had been at home for about an hour when Jacob dropped Isabel at home. Jacob had insisted that it would be better if he went straight home once he had pulled up outside the Parker/Evans house, but Isabel had assured him that it would be OK for him to come inside.
Laughing as they entered the door, Max and Michael stared at each hearing an unfamiliar laugh.
Isabel walked casually inside followed by Jacob, when Max stood to his feet upset. "What the hell do you think your doing here"? Max confronted Jacob.
"Max, stop it would you, Jacobs never done anything to you". Isabel stuck up for him.
"Look Isabel I think it´s just better that I leave". Jacob slunk back-wards to exit the house.
Hearing the commotion from the kitchen, Jeff and Dianne came out to see what the problem was.
"Max what´s the matter"? Dianne asked him, seeing Max´s wounded face.
"Mom, what the hell is he doing here, I don´t want him here". Max turned to his Mom.
"Max, please Honey, I think your over-reacting, now I´m asking you to please sit down".
Max narrowed his eyes towards Jacob, but not over-stepping himself, sat down like his Mom had asked him to do.
"Now Jacob, why don´t you sit down, because I think Max needs to hear what you told Isabel and myself". Dianne said to him calmly.
"And Michael I think you need to hear this too, so you know for yourself what´s going, if you don´t mind Jacob". Dianne turned to both boys.
"No Mrs Parker I don´t mind". Jacob replied still somewhat nervous.
"If you think so". Michael said slumped in the chair.
Jeff stood there too, wondering what this young man was about to say to them all.
Taking a seat, Jacob felt like melting into the arm-chair, but when Isabel sat down on the arm-rest, he felt more comfortable.
Looking directly into Max´s eyes Jacob then spoke. "Max I came here today to say that I heard about what happened to you and Isabel and that I´m really sorry about everything that´s happened".
Unmoved Max stayed hardened not impressed by Jacobs words.
"Also I just wanted to say that I am willing to offer my help and support to you and your family". Jacob finished saying.
"I´m not listening to this crap". Max stood up and walked out of the room.
"Max". Dianne said shocked at her sons harsh reaction.
Isabel just swore under her breath, while Michael shook his head in dismay.
"Max, Max". Jeff ran after him, following him upstairs to his room.
"Jacob, please accept my apology for my sons behaviour, he´s just so hurt right now and really is finding it hard to trust anyone". Dianne explained to Jacob.
"Jacob, I´m sorry too". Isabel took his hand in hers.
"Now Jeffs just going to talk to him, so Izzy why don´t you take Jacob into the kitchen. I want Max to apologise to you before you leave Jacob, if you have the time".
"Yes I have the time". A very dejected Jacob replied.
Then going upstairs also Dianne had to have a talk with Max about how he treated people that came into her house.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Hey Jacob, sorry about what happened back there". Michael patted Jacob sympathetically on the shoulder. "That was pretty tough of you to say that to Max". Michael said before he went upstairs to fetch Maria and take her home.

"KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK"! Michael waited outside Liz´s bedroom.
"Come in". Liz and Maria sung out.
Walking inside Maria immediately saw the worry on Michaels face.
"What´s the matter Babe"? Maria went to his side, and kissed him gently on his lips.
"Oh just trouble between Max and Jacob". Michael replied sticking his hands into his pockets.
"What happened"? Liz´s eyes bugged out.
Michael then told them what had happened downstairs.
"So Max is in his bedroom with my Dad and Dianne then"? Liz asked trying to keep calm.
"Yeah". Michael answered.
"And Jacob"? Liz asked worriedly.
"He´s still downstairs with Izzy". Michael informed them.
"Doesn´t Max realise he needs all the friends he can get right now". Maria said frustrated.
"But then when you look at it from Max´s point of view, him and Jacob have always had this rivalry between each other, and then the guy turns up on Max´s doorstep and wants to be friends with him all of a sudden". Michael shrugged his shoulders nonchantly, stating the facts he knew.
"Yeah but that was a rivalry instigated by Max, not Jacob. It´s not Jacobs fault the female population of Roswell find him as attractive as they find Max. Max should get over his male ego". Maria pointed the other facts out to Michael.
"But Maria´s right Michael, Max does need all the friends he can get right now, previous rivalries or not". Liz said pursing her lips together.
"Look before this turns out to be another long, drawn out discussion about Max, why don´t I just take you home". Michael suggested.
"Yeah I better get home anyway, my Mom will be wondering where I am". Maria said to them both.
Then walking out the door, Liz followed them out and said to them both.
"Hey you´s know the way downstairs, I want to talk to Max as well". Liz said as stopping outside of Max´s bedroom door.
"Yeah sure we know the way out. You know I really love that shade of nail polish Liz, I may have to borrow it from you some time".
Crossing her arms, Liz chuckled to her, seeing Michael rolling his eyes.
"Anytime Maria".
"Can we just get outta here". Michael moaned before finally being able to drag Maria away.


I hope you´s liked that part, thanks for reading


Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2003 5:11 pm
by Maia
Hi everyone, thanks for the fb once again.

VeronicB, yeah our Max isn´t really over Jacob, but there´s more to his horrid outbreak than just the obvious.

Pegleg, it is time for Max to grow up, and Jacob is a real sweety, Max is well completely screwed up, and he does need to let go of past rivalries and make turned his and Jacobs relationship into friends.

kittens your right Max did let to much time go passed before he said anything, I think my readers may see that as one of Max´s weaknesses, is that when things get to much for him, he has a tendacy to keep quiet about it.

strawberry-dreamer, your welcome, there was nothing major that ever happened between Max and Jacob, just that they´re 2 of Roswells hottest young studs, and although Jacob is more laid back about his popularity, Max always took his popularity and used it to his advantage. The other 2 2 differences between Max and Jacob is that Max was the ´love em, and leave em `type. While Jacob has always been the one into steady, lasting relationships, and despite his popularity, really isn´t the playboy type like Max. And lastly yes Alex and Isabel are just friends, (sorry all you Stargazers out there). And yes Isabel is free to date Jacob.

Cherie, Max does need to get a grip. Although Liz has made it clear to Max that she choose him over Jacob, Max knows it, but there´s more to it than that. I´m coming back very shortly. (Maia´s smiling wildly). Good hearing from you again Cherie.

PunkSk8er, you know everytime I read your fb on my fics posted on this thread, it always reminds me that I have to update My Life With You. Thanks again for reading.

Hey Liz, how are you going? Why is it that a good looking young stud like Max could be so-childish sometimes. Definately agree with you, he needs to grow up, but from the last part where Dianne says to Jacob. "he´s just hurt at the moment and is finding it hard to trust anyone". Is another reason why Max treated Jacob unfairly.

Thanks again for the fb


Next Part

After Jeff had chased Max into the bedroom he approached his step-son very carefully, knowing that if he flew off the deep end with Max right now, it could possibly distance the close relationship they already had.
Sitting next to Max on his bed Jeff put his hand on Max´s shoulder.
"Son". Jeff said calmly. "You know that wasn´t very nice of you to treat that young man downstairs the way you did".
"I don´t care". Max stood up from his bed angrily and walked to his window not really seeing any images clearly outside.
"Max, I don´t know who that young man is, I don´t even know his name, but I thought that was a very decent thing of him to come here and offer us all his support".
"Jeff you don´t understand". Max said continuing to look out of his window.
"Max what´s to understand"? Jeff asked him, raising from the bed.
"I can´t talk about it". Max answered, then both of them turned when they heard a knock on the door, and saw Dianne walk inside the bedroom as well.
"Max, I am very upset with you right now". Dianne said in a hardened tone.
"Dianne please". Jeff put his hands out in front of her, to indicate to Dianne not to come on so hard.
"Jeffrey I understand that you want then best for Max and so do I, but Max I am going to say this and I´m only going to say this once, do you understand me"? Dianne looked at Max sternly.
"Yes Mom". Max said, scorning a wounded look on his face.
"Max, I think it was very brave of Jacob to have said what he said to you today".
"But Mom"- Max tried to cut his Mom off.
"Let me finish"! Dianne folded her arms across her chest slowly becoming frustrated with Max. "And Jacob has been nothing but polite and supportive to us since he´s been here".
Diannes words caused Max to lower his head to the ground, he dug his hands deeply into his jean pockets, watching his foot as he swayed it in the air.
"So anyone that enters my house". Dianne stressed her last words in emphasis. "I want you to treat them with respect, including Jacob, do I make myself clear".
"Yes Mom". Max mumbled under his breath.
"I said do you understand"! She said very sternly.
"I said yes Mom". Max repeated himself.
While Dianne had been grilling Max, Liz had knocked on the door, hearing no reply she had slipped quietly into the bedroom, only Jeff motioning to her to be quiet, had stopped Liz from saying what she wanted to say to Max.
"Excuse everyone". Liz said softly, looking at Max sympathetically, and catching Dianne´s attention. "Umm maybe I should come back later". Liz smiled bravely, about to go out of the door.
"No Liz, I want you to stay". Max said with regret about what had between him and Jacob in his voice. Knowing that Liz had heard what had been said between him and his Mom.
"Max, I still want you to apologise to Jacob, he´s waiting downstair". Dianne said to him.
Max only shook his head ´yes`, at Dianne.
"I just hope Liz can talk some sense into him". Dianne looked at Jeff still not pleased at her son, she passed Liz and went out the door.
"I´m going to talk with your Mom now Max, and Liz see if you can talk to Max for us". Jeff said calmly, knowing that Liz had been one of the few people that Max could really open up to. Then Jeff left Max and Liz alone so they could talk.

"Max I heard about what happened downstairs". Liz said fidgeting with her fingers in front of her.
"What do you want me to say then"? Max asked going on the defensive.

"Max, you know you really need all the friends you can get right now".

"That´s fine coming from you, especially with Jacob downstairs"- seeing the hurt on Liz´s face, Max cursed under his breath, seeing Liz´s bottom lip begin to tremble, Max then said. "Liz I´m sorry, I shouldn´t have said that".

"N you shouldn´t have Max". Liz inhaled deeply, bringing herself under control. "I´ve already told you that I picked you over Jacob". Liz whispered only loud enough for Max to here. "When are you finally going to get over your hang-up about Jacob Max. I´ve already told you nothing happened between Jacob and I. We only went out a few times together".

"I know Liz, it was really dumb of me to bring that up again". Max admitted willingly, wanting to go over and hold Liz in his arms.

"It was foolish of you Max, but really Max, she should be apologising to Jacob, he´s never done anything to you, and this stupid rivalry between you and Jacob has gone far enough. I really love you Max you know that too, but from what I´ve heard, this was a rivalry that you instigated, and for no good reason, so if you have any sense in you, like I think you have, then your go downstairs and apologise to Jacob now". Liz said sternly but fairly.

"I will Liz, but there´s more to it than that". Max moved closer to Liz unconsciously.

"What is it Max"? Liz hesitated in the spot, as Max neared her.

"Its just that". He paused slowly deliberating over the words in his mind.
"Tell me Max". Liz asked him, knowing if it was hard for Max to let the words out it must be a sensitive topic for him.
"It´s just that"- he looked into Liz´s eyes, finding comfort and understanding reflecting back to him. "It´s, I´m finding it really hard to trust people at the moment. I know I can trust you, and Mom and Jeff, even Izzy to a point, but Jacob, I don´t know him so well". Max finished saying scratching the back of his head.
"Well then after your´ve apologised to Jacob, then learn to get to know him more. Max really Jacob is a really nice guy". Liz smiled at Max sweetly.
"I so wanna hold you right now". Max then admitted, but keeping his distance from Liz despite himself.
"One day". Liz pursed her lips together.
"I love you so much". Max sighed, but then touched the few strands that hung over Liz´s face away, sweeping them behind her ear.
"So are you going to apologise to Jacob now". Liz asked Max one more time.
"Yeah Babe, I will". Then together both Max and Liz went downstairs.

Walking into the kitchen with Liz by his side Max came face to face with Jacob who was laughing at something that Isabel had said to him.
"Hi Jacob". Liz smiled at him slightly.
"Liz" Jacobs smile left his face when he saw Max standing there.
Nudging Max with her elbow, Max looked down at Liz, she rolled her eyes over to Jacob, then Max cleared his throat.
"Max haven´t you got something to say to Jacob". Isabel frowned at him.
"Yeah actually I do Isabel". Max became irritated by her.
"Max". Liz snapped at him.
"Like I was going to say. Jacob, I´m really sorry about the way I treated you before". Max said honestly.
"That´s fine Max". Jacob nodded his head at Max in understanding.
"No it´s wasn´t fine what I had to say to you, and..." Max looked back down to Liz drawing strength from this tiny slip of a girl.
"and I want to thank-you for coming around her like you did, that took alot of balls", he was no good at apologising or finding the right words but nonetheless went on. "also I really appreciate you offering to help me and my family". The remembering what Liz had said to him upstairs, Max then said. "And if you want to, I´d like to be friends with you". Max then finished his impromptu speech.
"I´d like that Max, if we could be friends". Jacob smiled at Max.
"Friends then". Max held his hand out to Jacob.
"Friends it is". Jacob took Max´s hand in his shaking Max´s hand with his.


I hope you´s liked that, in the next part, I will be moving the story-line forward a bit. Thanks for reading


Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 12:50 pm
by Maia
Hey everyone, thanks again for the fb.

PunkSK8er, from my point of view, it´s readers like you that inspire me to carry on writing my fics, because it´s always pleasing to see how loyal you´s all are.

Cherie, I know Maxie Boy just had to say that one apology then he will begin to realise what a supportive and loyal friend he will find in Jacob, I´m glad your liking this so much.

strawberry_dreamer, really glad you liked that last piece, yes Max and Jacob are going to be friends now, and Max will find out that he will have one of his biggest supporters in Jacob.

Pegleg, I know it was about time Max realised that his grudges towards Jacob were unfounded. Awww, that´s cool that your loving this story.

VeronicB, your welcome my dear, and like I said to Peglea as well, awwww, now I´m going all gooey inside. Glad your loving this fic.

Take care all, and thanks for reading, now onto the next post.

Next Part

The next couple of days passed by without any further majors events. After talking to Jeff and the kids, everyone agreed that it would be better if the kids reframed from attending school again until everything had died down. Between Maria, Alex and Kyle all three of them collected assignments, readings and homework for the Evans/Parker kids, and dutifully delivered their gatherings each day afterschool. Picking up any pieces of homework that needed to be returned the next day.

"Hey is anyone home". Maria knocked on the door of the Evans/Parker house.
"Maria, do you have to announce yourself everywhere you go". Michael rolled his eyes at her.
"You never know, I could be one of those idiots who just wanna hassle Max and the others..........oh hi Max". Maria´s face broke out into a smile, when the door opened and she realised that Max was waiting on the other side of the door.
"Maria, Michael". Max welcomed his two friends sullenly.
"Just ignore her Max". Michael scowled Maria before pushing her to walk forward into the house.
"Watch the goods, fragile woman in front of you". Maria slapped his arm.
"Your about as fragile as that Ex-Prime Minister of England what´s her name again Margaret Thatcher". Michael followed Maria into the house, then Max closed the door, rolling his eyes in the back of his head.
"I do happen to know who Margaret Thatcher is Michael, and I do not rule with an Iron Fist". Maria put one of her hands on her hips.
"That´s what you think"? Michael said back to her.
Breaking the regular banter between his friends Max then cut in.
"Hard to believe you actually took notice in class Michael, I´m surprised you even remember who Margaret Thatcher is". Max chucked lightly.
"Huh"! Maria then scolded him. "That was like a non-admission Spaceboy, that you do actually listen in class". Maria raised her eyebrows at him, walking into the lounge.

"Knock, knock, knock". Someone pounded on the front door again.
"Look, just go through to the kitchen, I´ll just see who that is, probably Alex, and Kyle". Max then said to Maria and Michael before going to answer the door again.

"Hey Jacob, Izzy. Where´s Liz, I have her homework here for her"?
Both Jacob and Isabel greeted Michael and Maria, then Isabel replied to her. "Oh she getting dressed upstairs".
Maria was about to say something, but was then Alex walked inside the kitchen.
"Hey, hey full-house or what"? Alex said, slapping Michaels hand in greeting.
"Yeah nothing passed the usual". Isabel smiled at him, and then laughed when Kyle grabbed Alex´s head in a head-lock, ruffling his hair, and trying to turn around in Kyle´s grip, Alex dropped his pack onto the floor.
"Don´t let this guy disturb you Jacob, he´s just been released from a mental institute". Kyle laughed once more before ruffling Alex´s hair up again and pushed Alex jokingly away.
"Ok then". Jacob chuckled out. "I´ll watch my step with him". He said light-heartedly.
"Hey my hair is my pride and joy". Alex feigned a hurt face, gently pushing his hair into place.
"Whatever". Isabel shook her head in disbelief.
"Hey where is Max anyway". Alex said picking up his pack off of the floor.
"I´ve got one big fat assignment to deliver to him". Alex rummaged through his pack, then finding the assignment, lay it on the bench.
"Oh he´s probably upstairs again". Isabel responded casually.
Kyle scanning the room, noticed he hadn´t seen Liz in the kitchen either, and nodding his head innocently, then said "anyway, and this is for you Mam". Kyle pulled his pack off of his back, and then dumped some homework on the table before Isabel.
"Don´t call me Mam". Isabel scolded him.
"I know, I only do that to tick you off". Kyle chuckled to her.
"How come I got stuck with you picking up my homework"? Isabel asked throwing her hands up in the air.
"Because when the Principal asked me to pick your homework up for you Isabel, he wanted to send you an Angel".
"Oh man I think I´m going puke". Alex said humourously running to the kitchen sink and pretended to dry-retch into the sink.
"Your such a fat-head Kyle". Maria shook her head at him.
"Who wants to be nominated for King Turd for a week". Michael then added.
"Yeah that was the biggest piece of crap that I´ve heard in ages". Jacob then said, everyone in the room stopped what they were saying and silence loomed in the room
"What? What? What did I say"? Jacob shrugged his shoulders in the air innocenty, before the room broke out into a booming laughter.

Once the laughter had died down, Kyle then said very seriously.
"I think I ought to tell you´s while Max isn´t in the room" Kyle looked between all of their faces.
"Yeah what"? Isabel asked him, literally looking like the wind was about to knock her off of her feet.
"We think we know who wrote the card". Kyle said bravely, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
"Who was it Kyle"? Isabel demanded to know, then she looked over to Jacob unconsciously seeking support from him, Jacob put his hand on her shoulder.
"We think it was Courtney". Michael then gazed trepidly over to Kyle, breaking the attention that all eyes had on him.
"What Courtney"! Isabel spat out. Only Jacobs supporting her shoulder down stopping Isabel from flying from her seat.
"But don´t Courtney and Tracy run in the same circles together outside of school"? Maria then asked not really knowing to much about Courtney at all, only that she was the girl that was alway trying to get into her Spaceboys pants.
"Yeah they do actually Maria". Jacob confirmed Maria´s suspicions.
"The bitch"! Isabel then broke out into tears, leaning over into Jacob, who encircled her in his arms.
"Izzy, come on girl don´t let those bitches get the better of you". Alex said sympathetically, not being able to see his ex-girlfriend in tears.
"Alex is right Iz, you can´t let them get to you like that"- Kyle then replied.
"Can´t let them get to you like what Kyle"? Max asked confused as he and Liz walked into the kitchen.
"Isabel what´s the matter now"? Liz moved over to her step-sister, then seeing Jacob mouth out. "The card". Liz knew immediately that they had to have known who wrote the card.
"Max maybe you better sit down first". Kyle notioned to Max to take a seat.
"No I wanna hear this standing up". Max gazed around the faces of shock that adorned the room.
As Kyle and Michael explained what had happened Max stared down at his feet, unable to move a single muscle, only once both Michael and Kyle had finished telling him the details did Max then ask.
"Are you sure it was Courtney"?
"About 99% sure, Pams been asking the girls around school, you know how popular Pam is, it was easy for her to get the information we needed". Kyle explained to Max.
"Say thanks to her, next time you see her". Max grimaced his face tiredly, thankful though that Pam was on the look out for him.
"Max what are you going to do about it"? Liz interupted Max´s thoughts, seeing how defeated he looked.
"Nothing, I guess. Until we´re 100% it was Courtney we are going to do nothing". Max then said his voice emotionless.
"How can you say that Max"? Maria angrily asked looking to Michael unbelievably.
"It´s just my Dad told me that if we found out any evidence that could put a tarnishing light on Tracy not to use it against her until the trial begins. He only said to inform him on anything we do gather, and he will handle it from there". Max said replied to them all.
"Look I really hate having to break up everything here". Liz then stood and walked towards Max. "But Max and I really have to get going, we´re got an appointment at the therapist in another 20 minutes". Liz said spotting the time on the clock that hung on the kitchen wall.
"Yeah, we´re better get going before we´re too late". Max managed to smile bravely.
Then saying good-bye to the others Liz and Max left the house walking side by side down the outside stairs.
"You OK Max"? Liz asked him seeing the defeativeness in his eyes.
"Not really Liz, but we´re get through this together". Max replied hopefully.
"We´re in this one together". Liz encouraged him.
"I love you Liz". Max whispered only for her ears.
"I love you too Max". Liz pursed her lips together. "Here you drive". She handed Max her car keys. Max´s fingers grazing gently over her fingers.
Feeling the warmth radiating from Max´s light touch, Liz halted to a stop.
Then for a last few seconds they gazed into each others eyes, seeing the love that both of them had for one another.
Then clearing her throat Liz then said softly. "We better get going Babe".
"Yeah we better". Max replied gently and without taking his eyes away from Liz he walked to the side of the driver, only breaking his hypnotised eyes from her, when he went to sit down inside the car.


Did you´s like that last part? Hope so! Thanks for reading once again, and catch you´s all again.

Take care all


Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 4:37 pm
by Maia
Hey everyone, thanks again for the fb. Sorry I wanted to update yesterday, but for those of you´s that don´t know, I had major probs with my mouse, and I lost a part to Love In The Elevator because of it.

I would really love to thank you´s all for being patient, now lets move onto the next post


Next Part

That evening while the Parker/Evans family sat in the lounge the telephone rung.
"I got it". Isabel jumped up from her spot, hoping it was Jacob on the line.
"Hello". She answered the phone hopefully.
"Hey Izzy, hows my girl"? Phillip asked her cheerfully.
"Dad". Isabel tried not to sound disappointed that it wasn´t Jacob. "I´m fine I guess". She replied.
The rest of the family looked between themselves, Jeff patted Max on his shoulder, seeing Max tense up.
"Yeah, yeah, OK then Dad I´ll put Mom on the phone...yeah I love you too. I will Dad. Bye". Isabel looked over to Dianne who was already standing next to her, then passed her Mom the phone.
"Hi Phillip". Dianne grinned despite feeling somewhat negative about what Phillip had to say to her.
"Di, I just wanted to let you´s all know that the trials been set for another months time".
"Oh". Dianne replied turning her back on everyone who were nervously waiting to hear the news.
"I´ve already talked to Max a few times about what to expect at the trial and all, but I want to prepare him properly before he testifies". Phillip said very seriously.
"So what does that mean"? Dianne asked him.
"It just means that I´m going to be flying down to Roswell in another few days. My partner said that he will handle my cases here while I´m gone, he knows how important it is for me to be there for Max and Isabel". Phillip explained to his ex-wife.
"I see". Dianne inhaled deeply. Thinking about the last time she had seen her ex-husband.
"Di I´m going to be staying in a hotel once I get to Roswell, so you don´t have to worry about me treading over yours or Jeffs feet". Phillip could tell that Dianne wasn´t 100% happy about him going down to Roswell so soon. "But this isn´t about us, this is about the two of us being their to support both of our children".
"You picked a fine time to realise that". Dianne said unforgiving remembering how Phillips drive to be a successful lawyer caused their marriage to break-up.
"Di, I could tell you once again that I´m sorry for putting my career before my family, but this time just let me do the best at making things up to yous all". Phillip wiped his hand in frustration through the soft curls of his grey hair.
"I just hope that for all your efforts at becoming the best lawyer in town it pays off finally for this family". Dianne crossed her arm across her chest also frustrated.
"I do too. Now I´ll give you another call before I arrive. Don´t worry about picking me up at the airport. I´m buying a car once I get there. I haven´t told Isabel yet, but once I go I´m going to give the car to her".
"Oh Phillip you shouldn´t have". Dianne replied not pleased with Phillip art of spoiling their children with lavish gifts.
"I know, but I thought that since she didn´t have a car well, it´s just my way of saying that she still plays a major roll in my life, and that I love her". Phillip admitted pursing his lips together.
"Well if your going to be doing things like that, you have to be fair to both of them". Dianne eyeballed the phone literally, choosing her words carefully so no one in the room would really know what she was talking about.
"Yes I know, I have something for Max too, but it´s a surprise". Phillip held back the information from her. "Anyway, just to let you know, that I have a copy of the card that Max found in his locker. From what I know, the kids have a 99% reason to believe they know who sent the card to Max". Phillip related the news back to Dianne.
"Oh really, they didn´t say anything to me about it". Dianne turned to see her children and Liz talking quietly to Jeff.
"I already told Max that any evidence or details they find out before the trial that they are not to act on it at all. I trust them to be on their best behaviours before the trial". Phillip added confidently.
Then talking for another few minutes, Dianne then farewelled Phillip before she sat down with her family again.
"So when were you´s going to tell Jeff and myself that you´s found out who wrote the card"? Dianne looked disappointedly at the 3 teenagers.
"Sorry Mom, it slipped my mind after I got back from therapy". Max apologised to her.
"Max I want to know who it was too, because if I hear that anyone has touched a hair on whoevers head it is, they will have me to speak too". Dianned crossed her arms angrily over her chest again.
"It was Courtney Welsh". Liz then replied, taking a bit of the heat onto herself.
"You mean John Welshs daughter"? Jeff then replied in utter shock.
"But she used to be that nice young girl that used to play the part of Mary in the Christmas plays". Dianne said in dismay.
"She´s no Mother Mary anymore Mom". Isabel responded sarcastically.
"That´s the truth". Max agreed with his sister.
"But I wonder what would make her do something that despicable"? Dianne added. "She was always such a nice young girl".
"She grew up Mom". Isabel said blankly, "look I would really like to carry on this family talk, but if this is going to be about Courtney, I think I have better things to do". Isabel stood up and stretched her arms in the air.
"I think I´m going to turn in now". Isabel feigned a yawn. "Night". She said before going out of the room.
"Night". She heard as she walked away.
"But are you´s sure it really was her"? Jeff then asked.
"About as sure as we can be". Max the replied.
"Anyway, that´s enough about Courtney Welsh. Tell us Max and Liz how was the therapy today"? Dianned then asked.

Going upstairs, Isabel went straight to her bedroom, picking up her telephone she dialled Jacobs number.
Hearing the dialling tone, Isabel smiled into the phone when she heard Jacobs voice.
"Hey Jacob it´s me". Isabel voice sweetened.
"Hows my favourite girl"? Jacob swiped his fingers throught the sandy coloured locks at the back of his head.
"I´m fine". Isabel laughed into the reciever.
"I can´t believe we´re a couple now". Isabel said still in disbelief from when Jacob asked her to go out with him today.
"I can". Jacob blushed crimson red, remembering how bold he had been this afternoon.
Then as they talked on the phone for the next hour, Isabel had relaxed on top of her bed after she had blew a kiss to Jacob goodnight before she hung the phone up. Now making herself on the soft pillows underneath her Isabel stared up at the ceiling, thinking how good it had actually turned out for her in the end.


Hope you´s liked that last piece. Thanks for reading again.


Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2003 4:03 pm
by Maia
Hi everyone, I´m back again!!!

Hey Liz, yeah there´s more installed for Isabel and Jacob ahead. Lets just say more good things. No major secrets, no major trials to face, no major hangups about each other. Althought between Dianne and Phillip there is still the ex wife, ex husband conflict between them still, there will have there odd little tiff but nothing that´s going to affect Max or Isabel majorly. I think your like the next part too. Thanks for the fb.

Hi cherie, nothing major will happen between Dianne and Phillip as I said to Liz, just the odd disagreement. For your question about the kids having to be careful, more will be explained when Phillip arrives in Roswell. As for Isabel and Jacob there are only good things installed for the two of them for the rest of the fic. Coming back soon.

roswellluver, yes Phillip is confident about the trial, that has more to do with his believing 100% in Max´s claims, and other things will be explained as the story progresses. Thank-you for reading.

VeronicB, thanks again for reading and sending me your fb, glad you liked the last part.

Pegleg, only happy that I am pleasing you´s all. Isabel and Jacob are cute together, Jacob will be the stronghold in the relationship for Izzy, giving her all the support she will need. Phillips surprise for Max will be a huge surprise for everyone including Max. I´m being cryptic aren´t I.

Hi Katie, yeah that was the reason I bought Jacob into the fic, although I know the Stargazers will be staying away from my fic. LOL. I wish I could spill the secret, but all in good time. Your definately like the next part. Thank-you for the kind words.


Next Part

With no school to go to once again today, Max glanced over to Liz as they and Isabel ate breakfast together.
Isabel had been chatting none stop all morning, and neither Max or Liz could figure out why she was in such a good mood. Either way they had more than a sneaking suspicion that it had something to do with Jacob, because of the untimely way Isabel had mentioned his name so often.
Standing up from the table, Max went to pour himself another cup of coffee, rolling his eyes as he heard Isabel buzzing cheerfully about Jacob once again.
"I think I´m going to clean up the house today". Isabel waved her hand in the air. "Jacobs coming around today after school and I want to have the house clean before he gets here". She said dazzedly, smiling to Liz.
"Oh I can help you if you want me too". Liz offered standing up to bring her empty cereal bowl and utensils to the sink.
"No your not". Max interjected, sipping from his cup.
"Why not Max"? Liz widened her brown doe like eyes at him.
"Izzy you wanna clean the house up, that´s your problem, but I´m taking Liz out today". Max stated waiting for his sister to wipe lash him with her forked tongue.
"You are such a Caveman Max". Isabel spat at Max, not disappointing his suspicions.
"Why Iz"? Max smiled at her sarcastically.
"I know you and Liz are back together again, and although I was quite happy to clean the house up by myself, I don´t like the Liz no you can´t do this, Liz you can do this, shit Max". Isabel snarled at him.
"Fine maybe you wanna get your hands dirty for your boyfriend, but I´m not going to watch my girlfriend get her hands dirty for him or for me". Max said to Isabel, drinking calmly from his coffee cup again.
"Who told you that Jacob and I are going out together". Isabel pushed herself from her chair, with her hands on her hips.
"No one did. But your´ve just confirmed my thoughts". Max smiled like he had won a little victory against his sister.
"Arrghh, your so irritating". Isabel threw her hands up into the air.
"But your irritating 24 hours a day". Max shot at her.
"Stop it! Stop it the both of you´s". Liz motioned a time-out hand signal. Both Evans kids wiping there heads towards Liz in silence.

"Max really I don´t mind helping Isabel clean up around here. I live here too you know. After Isabel and I have finished cleaning then we can go to where ever you want too". Liz said to him with a pout on her face. "I´ll do the bathroom, and the washing". Liz volunteered next. "Also I´ll vacuum upstairs. OK then if that´s OK with you´s both"? She questioned the two, Max and Isabel nodding in agreement with her.
"Now if you´s will both excuse me, I have some work to do". Liz spoke before she walked out of the kitchen.

"Isabel you better not say anything to anybody about Liz and I . We´ve had this conversation before, I don´t think we have to have it out against one another again about us, but if you wanna clean then good". Slamming his cup down onto the sink. "You can start with the dishes. I´m going up to my room and don´t disturb me". Max then stormed out of the room too.
"Touchy, touchy". Isabel shook her head in dismay, watching the back of her brother disappear out of the lounge, she picked up her dishes and began clearing the dishes.

Running up the stairs, Max was surprised when Liz jumped on his back.
"Right your going to get it now". Max walked Liz towards his bedroom, while her arms encircled his neck and she leaned her head on his shoulder.
"So do you think I´m a Caveman"? Max pushed the door to his bedroom open.
"No, actually I thought it was cute how you don´t want me to do any house-work". Liz laughed as Max slammed the door behind him.
"That´s because I wanted to take you out today". Max claimed as Liz slide down his back.
As her feet touched down on the floor again Liz then asked Max.
"Although we´ve always known that Isabel knew about us, it just feels strange having her say it out in the open. Do you think she would just let it slip with anyone else"? Liz circled her arms around Max´s neck.
"She better not, or I may be going up to trial for murder". Max said jokingly.
"Max be serious". Liz rolled her eyes at him.
"I am". Max said nonchantly. "Babe don´t worry about her, I don´t think we have anything to worry about truly". Max kissed her softly on the crown of her head. "Do you want me to give you a hand with the house-work because the sooner we get outta here the better". Max said as he rubbed his nose against Liz´s nose.
"No it´s fine Max, I know your´ve got some homework to catch up on anyway. It won´t take long, honestly. I put the washing on and do the vaccuming while the washings going. Just give me about 2 hours and then you can have all of my undying attention". Liz smiled leaning her head gently against Max´s chin.
"If your sure". Max replied. "You can go now". Max chuckled as he released Liz who poked her tongue out to him as she walked towards the door.
"Yes sir, no sir, straight away sir". Liz laughed at him closing the door to Max´s bedroom when she walked out into the hallway.

After she had finished doing her chores, Liz and Max left the house and went to Liz´s car parked in the driveway.
"Max I´m surprised that you wanna go out of the house to tell you the truth". Liz mentioned as she opened the side of the passenger door.
"Well seeing as everyone we know are in school at the moment, and most people are at work, I don´t mind so much going out during the day". Max said as he sat inside the car. "And besides". Max said softly as he closed the door. "I had to think of a way so we can spend some time together without anyone finding out about us". He admitted pulling his seat belt over his shoulder.
"Your so sneaky". Liz said mischievously, grinning at Max´s idea.
"It´s either that or get caught by our parents". Max said as he started up the car.

Leaving the City limits of Roswell Liz smiled over to Max, he moved his hand from the gear-stick holding Liz´s hand in his.
She entwined her fingers in Max´s, placing her hand over the gear-stick, revelling in the the clasped manner Max squeezed her tiny hand.
"I really needed this". Max admitted, smiling as he watched the road ahead of him.
"Me too". Liz mused enthusiastically. "I don´t know why I didn´t think of this any sooner". Liz flicked her eyes over to watch the concentrated effort Max was making trying to drive and hold onto her hand at the same time.
"It´s probably because I´m the one who´s always horny, and not you". Max revealed casually, as he continued to drive.
"Oh believe me I am too, only I just don´t say it out loud like you do". Liz flushed a brilliant shade of red at her admission.
"I´m not going to jump you though, if your not ready for it yet". Max replied, watching the way Liz was licking the bottom of her lip with her tongue.
Squashing all thoughts of sex out of his mind, Max silently said to himself.
"Keep you hormones in check, keep your hormones in check". As he squirmed in the seat of the car.
"Max it´s not that I don´t want to do it with you". Liz said nervously. "It´s just that I´m scared that when we do do it, we might not be able to handle the consquences afterwards". She fidgetted her fingers in his hand.
"What do you mean Liz"? Max asked curiously.
"Max firstly, if we do make love to one another, I´m worried that it may consume us so much, that we could become careless, and that someone may discover our secret because of it. Lets admit it. When we first started going out with each other, we had come so close to actually doing it that we took alot of risks. We could have quite easily had been caught if we didn´t break up the first time". Liz responded saddened.
"But we weren´t caught Liz". Max reminded her, slowing the engine down as the car left the road and carried on driving over the desert surface.
"It´s just not that Max. Also I´m thinking I could become pregnant if we do start making love regularly. I´m on the pill and everything, but I´ve known girls back in New York that were on the pill as well and got pregnant anyway". Liz pressed her lips together, knowing she was probably expecting to much from Max by not sleeping with him.

"Liz all I know is that I love you. Sure your right, if we had a sexual relationship the possibilities of you becoming pregnant are there. But all I know is that I can only see myself being with you for the rest of my life, despite us being step brother and sister. I don´t really care if our parents find out about us eventually, really for me it would be more of a relief, knowing that our relationship would be out in the open at last. But don´t think that if you did get pregnant one day that I would up and leave you. I couldn´t even if I tried". Max looked seriously over towards Liz.
"But please don´t let the idea of us not having children together one day be a hindrance in the relationship we have now". Max slowed the car, bringing the vehicle to a halt in the middle of nowhere.
"Wow, I´m astounded". Liz pulled Max´s hand to her soft lips, kissing his hand dearly, before moving Max´s hand to the side of her face.
"I love you too, but I never realised that you could see yourself with me for the rest of your life". Liz closed her eyes as Max´s caressed the suppleness of her skin.
"I do Liz, I really do". Max whispered softly.
"Max you know I´ve never done it before". Liz opened her doe eyes to him, revealing some of the fear that she had in her eyes.
"I know your haven´t Baby, and I don´t expect you to be giving yourself up for me just yet". Max replied honestly.
"It´s just with the trial and everything, are you even sure your ready to be with me yet after what Tracy done to you"? She asked him sincerely.
"Liz you know the truth about what happened between Tracy and myself, I have absolutely only a vague recollection of that night, and in the car, I remember absolutely nothing. I only remember waking up and finding Tracy on top of me.....well you know the rest. But Liz, Tracy has got nothing to do with the way I feel about you". Max rested his fingers throught the softness of Liz´s hair. The sensation of thin strands of silk running between his fingers.
In total awe of being with Max like this, Liz leaned forward kissing Max´s lips with her own. As his own lips tasted the sweetness of Liz´s lips Max pulled Liz over into his lap.
"Max". Liz voiced rasped out as she fingers grazed over the light stubble of Max´s face.
"Yeah Babe". Max replied becoming completely intoxicated by the fragrance of Liz´s perfume.
Pulling her lips away from Max. Staring into his amber eyes, Liz then said.
"Max would you make love to me"? Liz then asked nervously.
"Are you sure that´s what you want Liz"? Max asked her hesitant about whether Liz was really ready for this yet.
"I don´t know to tell you the truth. I only know that I love you". Her eyes not being able to disguise how unsure she was of venturing any further.
"No Liz, I´m not going to take your first time away like this". Max responded leaning his head against Liz´s shoulder.
"But why not Max"? Liz asked in remorse at her rebuttle from Max.
"Because Babe even I can see your not ready to take the next step yet". Max replied holding onto Liz´s beautiful face in his strong hand.
"Max, I just want to make you happy". Liz stuttered as her voice became choked in her throat.
"But you already do". Max replied leaning his lips forward so he could kiss across the jaw-line of Liz´s face.
"I do". Liz answered as he head leaned backwards, and Max´s lips lead a trail of blazing kisses down the soft skin of her neck.
"Yeah you do". Max assaulted her skin with his lips, ravishing her neck with his gently kisses.
"Max could we experiment a little instead of going the whole way"? Liz asked feeling the burning desire fuel in her soul.
"Do you want me to experiment a few things with you then"? Max pulled his lips away from Liz wanting to be absolutely sure she was ready for what he had in mind.
"Yeah I think I am". Liz answered confidently.


Hope you´s liked that last part, it felt like forever before I got this far, I will try to post tomorrow again. Thanks for reading


Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2003 1:47 pm
by Maia
Boy oh boy oh boy! I can´t believe I left yous all there as well. Thanks for being so patient for this next post, and thanks everyone for he fb. After thinking my mouse was fixed it went out on me again. New mouse and all. I have no idea what happened. I´ve been having probs with my emoticons, and it may have been that I could have gotten a bug or something in my computer. No idea what the prob is exactly. But a few techies on the board have been helping me figure out whats wrong.

Thanks again everyone, I´m moving my mouse as carefully as possible, although I did have someone look at my computer as well.


Next part

Going outside of the car, Max grabbed a blanket from the back of the car, laying the blanket on the ground of the desert.
Liz stood there blushing, her head reeling at what was to happen next, unsure what to do, she leaned down and slipped her feet from out of her sandals, feeling somewhat apprehensive because of her lack of experience in this area.
Watching Liz looking awkwardly towards the ground, Max went to Liz taking her by the hand, Max lead Liz over to the blanket, his whole body on a anxious high to show just how much he intented on experimenting with her.
Lowering Liz´s body to the ground, Max eyes hooded over as his senses overwhelmed his heated body.
Liz licked at her lips nervously, making Max think he was going to lose himself right there on the spot.
"Max what do I do"? Liz asked naively, her brown pools watched as a gentle grin covered Max´s face.
Kneeling before Liz, Max slowly peeled his t-shirt from his body, revealing every inch of his well toned, muscled torso to Liz.
With Max´s muscles invitingly asking her to touch them, Liz instinctively grazed her fingers gently over Max´s shoulder.
The bile in the back of Max´s mouth caused him to gulp, and his eyes closed as Liz´s fingers softly traced down the from his shoulder, and then lowered down to his hardened nipple.
"I´ve never done anything like this before". Liz stared over Max´s rippled body. Her fingers becoming intrigued by the hardened shaped of Max´s six pack abs.
"I thought I was going to experiment with you first". Max smiled, and as his amber eyes opened they were met with chocolate pools.
"I...I...just wanted to see what it felt like to touch you like this". Liz admitted, finding herself drawn in by Max´s beautiful musculanity.
Then gracing his fingers gently over the softness of the skin from Liz´s face Max whispered, "I want to see you, can I take your top off"?
Pursing her lips together, Liz´s eyes searched Max´s pools for the love she needed to feel.
Finding the reassurance in his depths, Liz nodded her head silently. Max´s fingers lay on the edge of Liz´s top, hyponised by her eyes, Max lifted the piece of material, his fingers grazing over ample amounts of silky soft skin as he slid the top from Liz´s body.
Timidly raising her arms in the air, Liz sucks her stomach her face reddening as the hot air of the desert touched her skin.
As the top rolled from her head, Liz raised her arms to cover her semi-nakedness, and she lowered her head to her crouched legs.
Max lay his hands over Liz´s crossed hands.
"Don´t cover yourself, I want to see you". The soft tone of Max´s voice filled Liz´s soul.
Seperating Liz´s hands, Max held Liz´s hands to her side, seeing as Liz wouldn´t raise her face to his Max then said to her.
"Liz look at me".
Raising her head slowly upwards, Max noticed the edge of fear in the back of Liz´s eyes.
"Are you sure you want me to do this"? He asked her again. "You know you don´t have to be scared of me. I´m not going to hurt you, and if there´s anything I do that you don´t like, just tell me and I will stop".
Liz remained silent, somewhat embarassed at what was about to occur. she shrinked her hands away from Max´s trying to cover herself half nakedness again.
Leaning forward, Max placed his soft lips on the flawless skin of Liz´s collar-bone.
"Max it´s just that.." Liz said bashfully.
"What Liz"? Max answered with his eyes closed, as he tasted the softness of Liz´s skin.
"I kinda feel exposed here like this". Liz admitted worriedly.
"I hope you do, cause I wanna expose you as much as I can". Max moved his hands behind Liz´s back, his fingers seeking to undo the piece of material that seperated his mouth from the skin of Liz´s body.
Unclasping the pieces of material, Max´s mouth lingered over the ample skin that abundantly awaited him, and as Liz lay her back onto the blanket, her head began to spin as Max´s lips began to work magic on the top of her breast.
With his hands tugging at the bra, Liz gave into Max´s efforts to undress her, and she wriggled her arms loose from the garment of the bra.
Feeling the bra slip from underneath him, Max leaned on his hands, pushing himself upwards so that he could see Liz´s naked torso.
When Liz´s hands tried to cup her breasts, Max gently held her hands down at her side.
"I want to see you Liz". Max´s eyes pleaded to her, and blushing, Liz nodded in agreement, to see Max´s eyes lower to her two moulds.
"Your so beautiful". Max whispered in absolute approval at the sight his eyes were met with, and lowered his lips down to the suppleness of one of Liz´s hardened nipples while his hand moulded around Liz´s other breast.
While his lips marvelled at the nipple that he rolled onto his tongue, Max was in awe, at how perfectly Liz´s breast fitted into his hand.
As Liz´s body heated up she arched herself deeper into Max´s mouth, that was playing havoc with her mind.
"Max, oh yes", slipped from Liz´s lips as Max´s tongue slide down from her swollen nipple and slowly down over the flatness of her stomach.
Pinching Liz´s skin softly with his lips, Max became emblazed in absolute wonder, something he had never felt before with any other girl he had been with.
Wanting to taste as much of Liz as he could, he hands rolled from her breasts and lingered down to the top edge of her jeans.
"Liz can I take you jeans off"? Max questioned Liz quietly.
Leaning onto her elbows, Liz rose her head from the ground until she saw Max´s eyes pleading her for more.
With her mind overwhelmed by the sensations she had felt from Max´s torturous onslaught of her body, Liz nodded her head, ´yes`.
"OK Max". She responded giving him the go ahead.
Unbottoning the dome of Liz´s jeans, Max´s eyes were transfixed to Liz´s doe eyes, and he pulled the zip down gently between his thumb and forefinger.
Positioning himself between Liz´s legs, Max gently tugged at the denim of the jeans, his eyes feasting on the tiny panties that covered Liz´s nestle of hair.
She rested her head back down to the ground below, her hands clenching in nervous anticipation at her sides.
Feeling Max pulling her jeans to the ankles of her legs, Liz moved her legs so Max was able to free her feet from the jeans finally, while her chest heaved deep breaths of warm air.
With an almost naked Liz lying before him, Max leaned down, holding her tiny hand in his.
"Liz Baby". Max called to her.
"Yeah Max". Liz rolled her head to the side, all of a sudden finding the wheels of the parked car interesting.
"Are you sure you want me to do this"? Max asked leaning down so he could brazen the perfect skin of the back of her hand with his lips.
Adverting her head so she could face Max, she replied nervously.
"Yes Max, I think I´m ready".
"Like I said, if you find anything I do uncomfortable tell me, and I´ll stop". Max asked of her, grazing his hand over the flatness of Liz´s stomach.
"I will". Liz answered, fingering the fabric of the blanket as she attempted to will herself from not trembling.
Resting his soft lips on the top edge of Liz´s panties, Max kissed along the lenght of the undergarment, becoming more and more aroused as his fingers hooked her panties slowly moving them down. His lips pulled the skin of Liz´s thigh and as he inched Liz´s panties down the length of her legs, his mouth moved in downwards too.
Revelling in the taste of Liz´s skin, he kissed down to the tip of Liz´s big toe and moving his lips only when he pulled her panties finally away from her body.
"Oh Max, oh that feels so good". Liz whispered softly.
Slowly opening Liz´s legs apart, a grin of satisfaction covered Max´s lips as Liz´s sweetness was revealed to his eyes.
The insides of Liz´s stomachs started to do little flips, at being in this precarious position for the first time in her life.
She tried to draw her knees together, somewhat surprised that Max was watching her like this, but to no avail because Max planted his hands down of Liz´s knees, stopping her from closing her legs together.
"Liz please, I wanna see you, all of you". Max´s voice begged her in anticipation of having his mouth covering her shortly.
"Max this is so embarassing for me, really you have no idea". Liz opened her eyes staring at the clear blue sky above her.
"There´s no need to be embarassed really, you have nothing to be ashamed of - your beautiful, absolutely beautiful. Every single inch of your body".
Leaning back down again, Max started to kiss at the inner side of Liz´s leg.
A shiver of delight run through her body in a wave of excitement, as Max´s mouth moved closer towards her womanhood.
As his lips pattied Liz´s inner thigh with soft kisses, Max´s senses became intoxicated by the sweet scent of Liz´s muskiness.
When tip of Max´s tongue dipped into the slicks of Liz´s womanhood, Liz´s body arched upwards, as a wave of ectacsy consumed her.
Working his tongue through Liz´s slickness, Max feasted at first slowly, teasing Liz with tentative little flicks.
"Oh Max, please...oh yes". Liz pushed herself higher, wanting Max to fulfil this urge to be searched all over. She bit down on the back of her teeth, when Max lazily langered his tongue over her wetness, knowing that definitely was riling Liz to her need to released.
But when Liz´s thighs tightened around head, Max knew he couldn´t deny his Love anymore, and began feasting greedily, slipping his tongue over her hardened nub.
"Max.. oh yes, don´t stop oh yes". Liz´s eyes rolled in the back of her head, and she pulled down tighter onto the blanket, his fists clenched so tightly her knuckles had whitened.
Max worked his magically tongue over Liz´s nub, adding enough pressure downwards that he could hear a razzled Liz calling and moaning his name in a frenzied maddening rush.
"Max, yes oh yes, Max". He heard, and then gently inserting a finger inside of Liz´s wall, he pushed a second finger inside, her tight walls clasping around his digits.
As his tongue tapped at Liz´s nub, he slid his fingers slowly inside of Liz, totally in one with the motions of Liz´s body.
"MAX, OH I LOVE IT"! Liz screamed out as she reached her edge and cum in Max´s welcoming mouth.
"Oh my God, oh my God.....". Liz repeated the mantra as her body became soaked from Max´s love-making. Her hands went to the hair on the back of Max´s head, as her body wracked over in sexual fulfillment.
Wiping at his mouth with his hand, Max then crawled his body upwards to Liz, laying down next to her, he pulled Liz into his arms.
Feeling the softness of her chest heaving against his body, Max pulled Liz closer against him body until she was resting her head against his chest.
"How do you feel now"? Max asked leaning the back of his head against his folded arm, now placed underneath.
"Max that was.......amazing, I never knew how good this experimenting could feel". Liz tried to explain as well as she could what kind of feelings Max had been able to inspire from her body.
"No Baby, your amazing". Max admitted as he kissed the flawless skin of Liz´s face.


Have to finish it there for now, hope you´s enjoyed the long overdue post.


Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2003 3:50 am
by Maia
Hey everyone, thanks again for reading, and sending the fb, loved reading through everyones comments.
I´m really stuck for time today, but wanted to update on this fic really badly. It´s only a teaser, but nonetheless I hope you´s all enjoy reading it.

Also, beautiful Jackie thanks for joining us all on the board and welcome to this fic. (Big smileys).

Next part

While Liz is lying in all her naked glory, cuddling into Max, she sits up trying once again to cover her body.
"Baby, I wish you would stop doing that. Really you have the most beautiful body I have ever seen before on anyone". Max says honestly, and then bites his tongue wishing he hadn´t have said the last few words.
Liz´s face almost crumples, and Max seeing his mistake sits up and rests his hand against the soft skin of Liz´s face.
Her breath catches in her chest, as her mind is fazzled at what Max has just said and she reaches her hand to the side of herself, grappling for some clothes to cover her nudity.
"Liz, please look at me". Max mentally kicks himself for being a dumb ass.
"Please Liz, I didn´t mean to say that. But you know what kind of person I was before I met you...but I thank whoever it was who sent you to me". He pads the warmth of her skin with the pad of her thumb.
"Because if it wasn´t for you, I would still be that same guy who would be chasing skirts. But now I have you in my life, I´ve been able to realise how short I was really selling myself when I was playing every chick I could".
Raising the eye-lids over her big doe eyes, her pupils searched the deepness of Max´s eyes, finding honesty and love in their depths
"Max, this is just all new for me, this being my first time that I´ve ever done anything like this. I´m just so subconscious about my body....and oh I don´t know what I´m trying to say here". Liz replied, bringing her knee into her chest and surrounding her legs with her arms.
"Baby, really believe me. Your the most beautiful woman I´ve ever met before, and nothing and no one is going to change how I feel about you". Max shuffled his body so that he could hold Liz in his strong arms.
"If I had my chance I would make love to you all day long, until the wee same hours of the next morning". Max confessed, his soft lips kissing his Liz´s wonderful face.
"Max, your wanna try to kill me or something"? Liz replied, not being to imagine herself being able to last any long marathons of love-making like Max had suggested.
"Well did you like what I did to you before"? Max raised his eye-brow upwards as a smug grin encased his soft lips.
"I did actually, as in yeah that was just, WOW"! Liz blushed a darkened crimson colour not finding any better words to explain her explosive orgasm.
"So could you then honestly say that you wouldn´t want to experience those kinda sensations during hours and hours of love-making"? Max nuzzled his head against Liz´s, as his own arousal began to envelop his own body.
"Yeah I could actually". Liz admitted, the caressing sensations of Max´s hands, making the blood in her veins prick up on edge in a spontaneous arousal of her own.
"Liz could I ask you something"? Max whispered as his hand began to waver on the side of Liz´s body.
"What"? Liz replied as her body began to want to melt into Max´s hard musculanity.
"Baby I gotta have some release". Max gritted onto the back of his teeth, as her manhood began to squeeze tightly in his jeans. "Would you mind helping me out on this one"? Max asked in a softened tone.
"Will you tell me what to do"? Liz asked naively, although she had already turned to face Max, and her fingers were already resting on the bottom edge of Max´s t-shirt, tugging the black cotton material gently upwards.
"Oh fuck". Max spat out, wrestling the offending piece of material from his body.
"Your really horny huh"? Liz´s eyes widened as her brown pools rested on Max´s die to touch upper torso. In a trance from the muscles that were begging her to touch then, Liz grazed her fingers over Max´s rippling body.
"Your so ripped". Liz commented in wonder, as her fingers traced around the hard muscles of Max´s abs.
"Glad you like what you see". Max grinned almost in agony, as he undone his jeans and wriggled his tight butt and legs out from his jeans and boxers.
"Oh fuck, my shoes". Max said impatiently kicking his shoes off then kicking his clothes finally off with his feet.
As his manhood sprung out of Liz´s eyes widened as wide as they possibly could her eyes inspecting Max´s unbelievable huge speciman.
"He´s a horn dog". Max chuckled seeing the expression on Liz´s face. "Don´t worry he don´t bite". Max teased Liz, as his body became revealed to Liz.
"Sorry I´m so rushed, but Liz really sometimes I wonder how I kept so in control of myself this long". Max then enwrapped his arms around Liz´s tiny frame, leaning her gently to the ground below.
"Because this is what you do to me"? Max leaned his face downwards, feeling the warm breath of Liz´s against his heated skin, before his lips bridged the gap and his lips rested passionately against Liz´s glossened lips.
With his hands moving down the sides of Liz´s body, she inched her hand between their spirited bodies, revelling at the manly softness of Max´s skin. Max pushed his hardened erection against the flat of Liz´s stomach, pumping himself against her.
Liz´s hand grazed over the curves of Max´s hip, inching down over Max´s rounded cheek of his butt, she arched her back, her front pressing against Max´s erections.
"Liz please, touch me". Max begged her, the touch of her tiny hand against his skin elicitating him, so that his muscles in his ass tensed in Liz´s hand.
With her lips grasping the skin on the crook of Max´s neck, Liz complied to Max´s wishes reaching her hand downwards and finding the hardened erection in her tiny hand.
"Oh shit Liz, that´s so good". Max hissed out in pleasure as Liz began to move her hand over the head of his manhood.
Hearing the words of pleasure seep through Max´s lips, her hand ventured down his shaft, and she found herself in a total bliss at the smoothness of skin.
Feeling adventurous, Liz nudged Max´s body off from hers, he rolled himself onto his back, his eyes closing as the momentum of of Liz´s hand held onto him.
"Max is this alright"? Liz asked watching how the expression on Max´s satisfying face, clenched his facial muscles.
"Yeah Baby, your doing fine". Max reassured her, feeling how she straddled her body over the top of his thighs. "That´s just perfect". Max replied, relaxing his body against the hardened ground.
Liz bit down on the bottom of her lip despite Max´s reassurances, as her hand worked Max´s member.
While in the back of her mind Liz thought how beautiful Max was as he lay naked under her body.
"Liz not to hard". Max flinched somewhat, when her hand tightened. "Just nice and easy....yeah like that". Max coaxed Liz on, his body tensing as her hand moved a tad faster.
Wanting to experiment on Max some more, Liz´s bought her other hand to Max´s sac, her fingers very softly playing with him.
"Oh shit Baby, do you know what your doing to me"? Max whispered as his whole body began to respond to the soft caresses of Liz´s searching fingers.
As both hands worked Max, Liz shuffled her tush further down Max´s legs, and leaning downwards Liz said through hooded eyes.
"I wanna taste you Max, just like you tasted me". Leaning forward, she took a small intake of the desert air, and applied her lips tenderly to the head of Max´s head.
"Liz, fuck"! Max cursed as her soft lips surrounded the top of his penis, his head in an absolute whirl of ecstacy.
Tasting a man for the first time, Liz was stunned to realise that Max tasted absolutely intoxicating. She worked one hand over Max, as her tongue darted out to encircle his tip.
"Liz I´m going to cum". Max body buckled upwards, as he began to reach his edge. "Oh Liz yeah Baby, oh that feels so good". Max´s words coming out in a quickened flurry.
She tenderly applied her lips around his tip, as the momentum of Max´s short thrashes urged Liz on with her foreplay, and as Max´s cum began to trickle into her mouth in hot wads, Liz licked at Max´s juices hungrily.
"Liz....oh Liz". Max practically screamed her name out in the open desert, as he reached his orgasmic high and released into Liz´s magically mouth.
Liz swallowed Max´s cum, and sitting upwards again, she wiped at her lips with her forearm, watching Max´s face.
His eyes opened and he tugged at Liz´s fingers with his hand, pulling Liz on top of his body.
Sinking her head to Max´s chest, Liz asked. "Max was I OK"?
"Baby, OK was not the word for what you just did. Ummm how about you knocked my brains out". Max kissed the top of Liz´s head, as his hands wrapped around her.
"I knocked your brains out"? Liz jerked her body upwards, leaning the palms of her hands on Max´s chest so she could look into his amber eyes once more.
"Yeah totally and utterly knocked my brains out". Max replied grinning at her in absolute satisfaction.
Then giggling at Max´s description at her efforts at making love to him she repeated the words. "So I knocked your brains out then".
"Not just my brains Babe, you knock my body out"- Max eyes gleamed in a surreal honest, "but most of all you knock my heart out". Max replied leaning his face upwards, so he could kiss Liz on those lips he so loved to taste.


Oh hope that was OK, it felt so rushed typing this up. I´ll leave the final verdict in my readers hands. Thanks again for reading, and take care all.
