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Re: Calendar Girls (MATURE) Chapter: 27 5/30/12

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 12:42 am
by mary mary
Okay guys, that sales report was in perfect form... columns lined up perfectly and this web site wouldn't even allow me to edit and make it right so so I'm sorry if there's any confusion but the bottom line is they made over a million dollars...ahhhh if life was only that easy.... :lol:

Oh, and for you grammatical buffs, was is correct...Life is singular therefore was is right not were, being a plural verb.

Re: Calendar Girls (MATURE) Chapter: 28 6/6/12

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 12:33 am
by mary mary
Michelle: I agree about the two business men, but in small towns that does for the laundry room, remember Maria and Michael went across the river to NJ to find a cheaper place to live. More for your bucks and according to my granddaughter she's only two more subway stops from her place of employement. Actually I think the girl doesn't do anything but wash clothes, you should hear her. :roll:
Eve: Ithink you might be disappointed in my analogy of the parents in this chapter...enjoy. :D
Carolyn: My granddaugter and three friends actually rented a four bedroom place her sophomore year and our UC Chico has all kinds of four bedroom condos and rentals for kids. I think it's great myself, as long as they behave themselves... :roll:
Michelle: 2X Hey, I forgot to tell you that I totally agree with your "dear old mither", bless her heart.... :)
Smilee: Here you go...oh, and this is the last chapter but there's an epilogue next week. Enjoy... :)

Chapter: 28

So After Tess and all the families arrived in Las Cruces and saw the apartment the kids had rented and moved all of their furniture in the parents took all of them out to dinner to celebrate. The parents were all very impressed with the way things had gone and not one of them actually minded that the kids had cleaned out their bedrooms.

Actually, all of the mothers had plans to redecorate and Jim just smiled; now he had a private study. He would buy one of those hide-a-beds or a futon for in Kyle’s room and he could get rid of all the paperwork he had stuck in his room and maybe, even maybe, have a guest over once in a while. The kids had no idea that this had been going through their parent’s minds while they thought they were conniving furniture from them. Oh little ones are you in for a surprise.


Max and Michael stopped early in the evening of the 16th when they had had enough bouncing around in the U-haul and Liz and Maria were right behind them. They found a nice Best Western right off the main highway and went in and rented one room with two doubles. The clerk just looked at the four youths and smiled, college must be just around the corner. He noticed the U-Haul; he smiled at the young men and women and had them figured out in no time at all.

The kids took their overnight bags out of Liz’s trunk and made their way to their rooms where they hit the bathroom and then went to find something to eat. They were all road weary by now and it was only their first day out. They planned on stopping again tomorrow planning to hit Max and Liz’s by Sunday.

Michael and Maria would spend the night with Max and Liz and then make the last leg of their journey to New Jersey on Monday where Michael would return the truck to the u-haul as soon as he and Maria had it unloaded. Liz had it all figured out before they ever left Roswell and Max and Michael just laughed. She never thought about asking anybody else what they thought at the time, she just presented her ‘plan’, but they were all in agreement.

Soon they were all showered and ready for bed and Maria and Michael just stood there looking at each other…they didn’t know what was expected of them by the other two and Max just smiled as he turned down one of the beds. Liz never said a word; Max was sleeping there that’s where she headed. Michael looked at Maria and grinned and headed on over to the other bed without saying a word. ‘I guess Lizzie was growing up’ he thought to himself and not another word was spoken until 7:00 a.m. when the alarm went off.

They all took their showers, packed up their belongings and hit the road one more time. So far things had been going very well for everyone, even the Las Cruces group. Liz and Maria each called their moms and checked in to let them know that they were on their way again and would be in Massachusetts by tomorrow; both mothers were very relieved to find out that they were safe.

And so they continued on.

Michael looked over at Max and grinned…Max noticed this and asked,

“What’s on you mind Michael?”

“You and Liz. Sleeping together?”

“Michael, I’m not discussing that information with you ever and as far as sleeping together, that’s exactly what it is, nothing more.”

Michael just grinned…and said,

“Well, Max, it’s about time whether we talk about it or not.”

And Max just kept on driving…


On Saturday morning Tess and Isabelle went in to Wells Fargo to get four cashiers checks in the amount of $250,000.00 each. John was the first to get up from his desk upon seeing the two young women enter the bank and he greeted them with a great big smile and a hand shake and wanted to know what he could do to help them. Of course he was a little disappointed when he heard what they wanted; their company was one of its biggest depositors.

“We want to divide the funds four ways and leave enough to pay our income tax liability at the end of the quarter. That should leave us with about $2200.00 plus a little in order to keep the account open. Can you freeze it or something for us until next June?” Tess wanted to know.

She and Isabelle had to be there together because anything in the form of a check for that amount took two signatures.

“Yes, we can do that for you. Do you still want to have seventy five dollars per month put into a savings account?”

Tess and Isabelle both laughed… and Tess answered…

“No John, put the $250.00 back into the main account and close that little maximizer thing you set up for us. I really don’t think it’s that advantageous to us, do you Isabelle?”

“No, not really. It just means more bookkeeping and we won’t have time for that now.” Isabelle smiled and looked at John.

“Well, okay then, let me get you a teller and she can make the cashiers checks out for you. Enjoy your freshman year ladies. When are you headed to Albuquerque Isabelle?”

“Oh, I decided to go to Las Cruces. My boyfriend couldn’t see the advantage of going to Albuquerque for the next couple of years. This way we can be together during the school year and I won’t be so lonesome.”

“I see. Well, have a good year then ladies and I’ll see you next June?”

“That you will John. And thank you so much for all of your help.”

And so Tess and Isabelle got their four cashier checks and went to the post office and got two of them set up to be delivered registered mail to Maria and Liz. They should all be in their respective places by now. At least they hadn’t heard anything to the contrary.


When Liz and Max got up on Monday morning they had a mountain of unpacking to do. They had boxes upon boxes of stuff and they had no idea what was in them. Their parents had packed them anything and everything they thought they could use as far as kitchen and bathrooms were concerned and anything they wanted to get rid of actually.

Liz opened one box and stood their laughing…

“What’s that Liz?” Max asked with a sort of quizzical look on his face…

“Max, my mother packed up all the shit she couldn’t bring herself to give away or throw away and sent it here with us. Honest to God, I can’t believe it.”

“Well, let’s go through it, maybe we might want some of it. You never know, maybe we can use it.”

“No Max, if I go through this then I won’t be able to get rid of it either. It goes to the Salvation Army tomorrow and anything else she stuck in that truck she didn’t want. I’m not going through it.”

And Max laughed. Then he opened one of his boxes and stood there and shook his head…

“What Max?”

“Your mom and my mom must have gotten together, my little league
Trophies are in here and I don’t even want to think of what else.”

Now Liz was the one who wanted to go through the box. Max laughed.

“I’ll make you a deal. You go through my boxes and I’ll go through yours. We’ll keep anything you want to keep and I’ll do the same, okay?” Max said…

“Okay…now give me your box.” And Liz shoved her mother’s box over to Max.

By the time they were done sorting through the stuff Liz had a couple of framed childhood pictures of Max sitting next to her and the rest of the box she labeled Max’s childhood memories and put them in the top of one of the spare bedroom closets. Max laughed; he was doing the same thing with her stuff. So neither of them threw anything away of the others and they just sighed and continued to unpack.

By Wednesday Liz had received her check from Tess and she stood there in shock. Max looked at her face and wondered what had her so speechless and then she showed him what was in the envelope she had just signed for. Max was just as awe struck as Liz. Shit, that paid for half of the condo he thought to himself…Liz felt the same way…damn! Next year she might ‘take it all off’…and then she giggled; she’d see about that.

So, on Wednesday Max and Liz headed on out to find a Wells Fargo bank to open an account and Liz deposited $50,000.00 to a joint checking account with Max Evans who deposited a like amount that would cover any expenses they might have during the year and then Liz purchased a cashiers check in the amount of $200,000.00 made payable to her trust fund that held her grandmothers money. At this rate she would have the money paid back in no time.

In New Jersey a young couple were busy cleaning their apartment and unpacking boxes as well and although Michael didn’t have as much as Maria he discovered that a lot of Maria’s stuff was stuff her mother sent just like the rest of the parents had done.

Maria answered the door when the bell rang and she couldn’t for the life of her figure out who would be calling on her or Michael since they knew no one but when she looked out the peephole she saw the mailman with an envelope in his hand. She opened the door, was handed the clipboard to sign her name to and then the mailman gave her the envelope and was on his way. She was just as shocked as Liz had been and Michael just stood there dumb founded…

“Maria, is that from those calendars?”

“Yep, it sure is Michael. Now, do you still think that my idea of a boy calendar is dumb?”

“Hell no Maria…I think we’re going into the wrong damn business is what I think.”

“Oh Michael, I think this was just a fluke. We’ll do it again next June and see what happens but I doubt anyone will want to buy these again.”

“Hell Maria, did you think anybody would buy them this time?”

“Not like this I didn’t…that’s for sure Michael, I’m still having trouble believing it. Why us…I mean there are all of these movie stars out there on the Internet for free; they didn’t have to pay us 25.00 plus postage for these things.”

“No they didn’t but they did. Who knows why people do what they do. Maybe they just liked what they saw.”

“I guess. Well, can we go to the bank and get this thing taken care of before it gets lost in the shuffle. I’m almost afraid to take it outside.”

“Oh, come on, I’ll protect you. We’ll even call a cab. Get on the Internet and find you a bank.”

“Good idea, I’ll just put it in a Wells Fargo here and that way it will be nation wide. What do you think?”

“I think that’s a damned good idea. Didn’t you say that the accountant you guys hired wanted to get you to invest some of your money? Maybe you should contact him and ask him about that. Liz has her money tied up in property but maybe you could do something else with yours.”

“Yeah, I’ll e-mail him later. First I want to take this to the bank.” And so she did. She got on the Internet, found what she was looking for close by, and called a cab to take her there. Oh life was good today.


Tess and Isabelle each opened an account at the Las Cruces bank that Limelight Inc. was at and then Tess called and made an appointment with Les as did Isabelle. They each needed some investment advice and figured Les would be the best person to go to.

And so went our eight young people; each with their own agendas but still a close-knit group.

Liz did surprise Max with her news of the prescription she had been taking for the past month and he was one happy camper to say the least…Liz was just as happy if you want to know the truth and life was wonderful. They used the money they were saving on room and board at school to shop for furniture for their home and when Thanksgiving rolled around the Evans and the Parkers were all very happy to be spending the holidays with the kids in the Boston suburbs.

They had a big Thanksgiving celebration at Liz and Max’s and then they toured the campus on Friday, toured the historical section of Boston on Saturday and on Sunday they returned their rental car at the airport check in and were on their way home.

Not one word was mentioned about the sleeping arrangements in the house and not one eyebrow was raised. It was like the parents had expected it…and in all honesty they had; it didn’t bother them one iota. The kids had made some very responsible decisions for eighteen year olds and they felt they didn’t have anything to add so they just sat back, relaxed and enjoyed themselves.

All eight of the kids were going home for Christmas and then they would converge on Max and Liz for spring break. The parents were all in tune for that since they all would be returning home in June for the summer and life was good.

Liz and Max had sent their photo’s to Maria the first part of May the following year and Liz’s favorite was one she had taken of Max while he was removing his shirt…this happened to be one of Maria’s also.

The four in Las Cruces had submitted theirs to Maria via e-mail a day after Liz and Max’s had arrived and Maria had them all laid out and ready for printing by May 31st. Maria had taken one of Michael lying on his back after his shower just resting his eyes; she absolutely loved it, she used it as one of the front-page prints for the boys’ calendar.

Isabelle had a cute photo of Alex that she had taken when he was unaware of her presence; he was playing strip pool with a group of frat boys and she giggled like a school girl when Alex saw the picture. He was so cute!!!

Tess caught Kyle coming from the shower and snapped one of him in one of his more playful moments and Maria was pleased with the entire layout. Some of the pages were a little more risqué than last years calendar was but they decided that the success of the previous calendar warranted a little more skin than they showed last year. Liz even allowed Max to catch her in a tub of bubbles with her hair high on her head and Max loved it. He even had that one framed and set it on his nightstand; Liz just smiled, he was so cute.

Tess had her initial order submitted to Kinko’s in Las Cruces as promised and this year she presented them with two discs; one for Calendar Boys and one for Calendar Girls. Kinko’s didn’t mind one bit…they were actually prepared for the onslaught, counting on last year’s business as a repeat. As a matter of fact they asked Tess how long she would be placing orders and she said ‘the same as last year, right up until Aug. 1st with the possibility of doubling last years orders’, and the clerk smiled.

Business was good for everybody.


Here’s a preview of the 2003 Calendar Boys for you…Something for the ladies!


Re: Calendar Girls (MATURE) Epilogue June 14/12

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 1:08 pm
by mary mary
Eve: Sorry to hear about your son, but just think, now you can do whatever you want to!!! And the girls continue on.
Natalie36: Moving right along here, they continue to prosper!!! :wink:
Michele: Dont' even tell me about stuff, I keep trying to give my kids "stuff' and they keep tellin me they have their own stuff...which is true and now my granddaughter are amassing stuff. Oh well, the only thing my daughter wanst is my solid wood furniture which I'm still using, so I tell her to just keep using her own stuff. :)
Carolyn: I donated my kids trophies to the underpriviledged ....

The girls continued with their calendar business right on through their senior years of college and Tess did change her major from nursing to business. She found the business world fascinating, especially the handling of money. She learned to read and understand the Wall Street Journal like a pro. She could pick the stocks with potential, she was able to make wise investments with the money they earned with their calendar business and eventually Limelight, Inc. became very well known.

Isabelle found her little niche in Business Law and Limelight, Inc. became one of her major clients. She took on very few others except of course Alex’s music business, he had his degree in computer science but music was always his first love. He managed to make quite a name for himself in the music world not only as a musician but a very well known song writer as well. He and Isabelle both moved into the same high rise as Michael and Maria; each purchasing very nice apartments right across from Central Park in New York city.

Michael was a very well known chef in the greater New York area and he and Maria had just purchased a very nice fine dining restaurant in one of the nicer parts of the city. Michael insisted that the money Maria had invested in the restaurant be considered a loan and the restaurant would pay them back since the majority of the funds had been earned by Limelight, Inc. Maria was okay with it since it all belonged to the two of them anyway and after all, Michael’s picture was right in there with the rest of them.

Maria had majored in music at Julliard but she also took some night courses in photography and graphic arts and she still photographed for their calendar business although the photographs changed through the years.

They went from cheese cake to animals and then on to babies. Their own babies to be exact and some of the pictures were absolutely priceless. All four couples contributed to the layouts with Maria making the final decisions on what would be used for the calendar each year. Everyone was happy with the end results and the extra money provided many hours of free time for the eight friends to get together and enjoy life.

Max decided that he really enjoyed children and after he received his doctorate in medicine he went into research, working on cures for children’s diseases.

Liz stuck to her love of biology and became a micro-biologist just as she had planned.

She and Max remained in Boston and eventually sold the condominium, just as they had planned, for a nice estate on the outskirts of town. It was a great place to raise the two boys and two girls they eventually had before stopping.

Tess and Kyle were the only two to remain in New Mexico, but they managed to visit New York and Boston quite often and the parents met up with them just as often as their busy lives would allow. Tess and Kyle had two children, one boy and one girl, and they adored them. They were the apple of their mommy and daddy’s eyes that was for certain.

The four girls never did go public with their calendars, they only sold them on the internet during June, July and August and they never gave it up. It was too much fun and for those three months they met in Las Cruces and stamped, stuffed and shipped while they visited and had a girl’s extended visit. Their parents eventually found out their little secret and only shook their heads at the four of them. What could they say, the calendar business made them millionaires. And although sales diminished slightly when the nudie cuties went to other venues they still made money, but the first four years were the coups de gras so to speak. They were well healed and ready for anything by the time their first four years were up.

Liz, Max and Isabelle were the only three to go on to graduate school but it was possible for the other five as well if they wanted to. Tess didn’t feel the need and neither did the rest. Michael continued to attend various classes around the world for his culinary skills but for the most part the man was a natural in the kitchen, any kitchen.

And so our Limelighters did quite well for themselves, quite by accident actually, when one of them suggested they sell porn on the internet. Who could have known it would have turned out the way it did. They surely hadn’t.

So, until the second generation of Evans’, Guerins’, Whitman’s and Valenti’s start on their adventures we will leave the little ones to ponder something fun when they graduate from high school, let’s hope they don’t turn their parents hair grey doing it.

Good luck to all of them….

The End.

Re: Calendar Girls (MATURE) Epilogue June 14/12

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 7:14 pm
by mary mary
I usually don't reply to the final fb's on my fics but some of these bear acknowledgements... :)

Lizza: I'm so glad you liked the story, it was a fun one to write. :)

Carolyn: As I mentioned in my responses before the epilogue: it's almost enough for a sequel just to see what their kids would come up with. God knows their mom's were pretty successful at keeping a secret, maybe the kids would be as well. :wink:

Natilie36: Thank you, I had fun with it. :)

Eve: Let's hope the stories don't get too sparse. I realize RL gets in the way sometime but there's always time for a little Roswell here and there. I know it keeps me "off the streets" ... :lol: Check out "I Wake Up Screaming" was fun to do also. Sounds awful, but not really. :wink:

Michele: :lol: :lol: :lol: Let me know how that works out for you, I might try it myself. Have you seen the movie with the old gals from England that raised all of the money for a charity or some damned thing with a calendar? I wouldn't even qualify for that one. After the pictures my daughter-in-law took at my grandson's graduation I've decided to go into mourning with a black hat and long veil. :roll: Talk to you later...

Smilee: Thank you and see you at the Wake Up call. :P :P :P

Thank you all for reading and God bless.


Re: Calendar Girls (MATURE) Epilogue June 14/12

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 1:50 am
by mary mary

You know what? I'm not sure why I didn't give Kyle a career...let's make him a football coach. It's been so long since I wrote that it seems unreal that I didn't mention it. Damn, it's hell to get old!!!
