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Re: How was your day?

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 7:44 pm
by Earth2Mama
Today ... sucked!

Woke up with a killer migraine from which I couldn't even lift my head off my pillow. Had to crawl on my hands and knees to get to my cell in the kitchen to call in sick. Afterwards, I crawled back into bed and spent the next 8 hours sleeping in quiet and darkness. I hate it when these migraines just come outta nowhere. This is been going on for months and I'm sick of it.

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 1:41 am
by valentinebaby
Earth2Mama wrote:Today ... sucked!

Woke up with a killer migraine from which I couldn't even lift my head off my pillow. Had to crawl on my hands and knees to get to my cell in the kitchen to call in sick. Afterwards, I crawled back into bed and spent the next 8 hours sleeping in quiet and darkness. I hate it when these migraines just come outta nowhere. This is been going on for months and I'm sick of it.
Oh god I hate that. Excedrin seems to help if you're not on prescription meds. Which little known secret, if you pop 2 aleve, 2 asprin, and down a cup of coffee or a few glasses of soda it works pretty much the same way.

My day was decent, boring though.

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 6:49 pm
by valentinebaby
Today is just a lazy day, but I decided I was going to make a chicken in the crock pot. It's lemon pepper and my whole apartment smells like lemon pepper chicken. I'm in heaven, except that I can't eat it for another 2 hours.

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 7:37 pm
by Heavenli24
My day wasn't all that great today :(:

I had a dentist appointment scheduled for 10.25 a.m., so I got there at 10.20 and hoped that I would be done in time to catch the bus to work at 11 o'clock. No such luck... I finally got called into the dentist's examination room at 11.05! I was all done by 11.10, but had missed the bus and had to wait another 45 minutes for the next one :(. I got to work about 1 minute before my shift started at 12.30p.m. and then I didn't get home from work until almost 10 p.m.. Now it's after midnight, I'm still not ready for bed and I have stomach ache/indigestion :(.

When I was at the dentist, she informed me that I needed a filling and told me to book a 15-minute appointment for another day. However, I am leaving the country in 12 days and won't be back home until April... and my dentist only works on Tuesdays and Fridays :(. So, my options were to either take an appointment this Friday at 11 a.m. (when I'm supposed to be at work) or wait until after Easter to get the filling done! I took the Friday appointment and now I just have to hope my manager is okay with me coming in late and making up the time I'll miss.

Tomorrow should be fun too... it's my day off, but I have to go for a Yellow Fever vaccination at 9 a.m., which is going to cost me £45 (about $75), then I have to go into town to do some shopping and get some more travel supplies. After which, my mum want me to go swimming with her. Unfortunately, I still have an entire chapter of my current story to write by Thursday and I haven't even started it yet :(.

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 9:28 pm
by Earth2Mama
Surprisingly, today was ... alright.

Was able to go into work and get some things accomplished. Answered emails, answered phone calls, read some fan fiction :D

Sometimes, just sometimes ... it's good to be me. And to get paid for doing the above! :mrgreen:

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 11:17 pm
by NotYourChick
The Saints won, so I'm happy.

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 11:42 pm
by Earth2Mama
I had a good day. First in a while. My mom and baby sister spent the weekend with me at my place. We talked, laughed and were just ... friends. Which is weird, because my mother will be the first to say that parents and kids should never be friends. A line needs to be drawn! :lol:

It was nice though. I took my mom to a hair salon to get her highlights done and my sister & I talked about her her first days in college (she just started Montclair State this week). Best. Day. Ever. :D

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 12:34 am
by killjoy
Today sucked.....I went and sat by my grandmother's bedside earlier today.She was so doped up she never knew I was there.

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 2:34 am
by valentinebaby
Pretty good, made crock pot chicken only this time I stuffed it with apples. It was yum. Played Silent Hill Homecoming and after a year and a half of owning the damn stupid pos game from hell I should be able to beat it tomorrow. So yay!

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 3:08 am
by Heavenli24
I've had a bad time in general the last few days :(.

- Friday morning, I went to the dentist for a filling and now my mouth is full of ulcers and my glands are swollen :(.

- Friday afternoon, I checked my voicemail at work to find a message from the new company I was starting work with in April... to say that due to the economy and surplus workers, they were withdrawing my contract! I'd been preparing for this job for 6 months, I'd already handed in my notice at work and was about to go travelling for 2 months before I started and now I have no new job to come back to. They said they will give me one month's salary in compensation and will offer me the job again if it is available in the next 12-18 months, but I've just gone from having a graduate job and the next 2-3 years of my life planned out to not knowing what on earth to do now. I spent most of Friday in shock and most of the weekend begging for my current job back after I return from travelling (I couldn't cancel the trip because I would lose all the money I paid). Thankfully, I've managed to secure my current job, but there were eight others who also lost their jobs (it was a training course) and some have already left their previous companies. It took me a year to secure the training course job and now I have to start the job hunt all over again :(.

- I am leaving for my travels on Monday, heading to the US first and then down to South America... I'm due to hike the Lares Trek to Machu Piccu in about 4 weeks, but they've just had about 40 landslides there due to heavy rain and 2,000 tourists are stranded at Machu Piccu! My fingers are crossed that by the time I get there, the river levels will have decreased and it will be safe to do the trek.