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Re: Between The Covers (AU, M/L, MATURE) Pt 30, pg 3, 11/4

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 3:12 am
by Heavenli24
Hey everyone, thank you for your feedback :):

Morning Dreamgirl
I'm going to consider this part a reward for when I vote today...

So I'll go read it and then give you my vote on it.
:P – what a day for voting though, huh? I tried to stay up for the results, but it was the middle of the night here… it was about 4 am here when the final results came through!
I have to say that I think that was the best thing that you could have written for a reward!

I loved every bit of it!
Thank you – glad you enjoyed it :).
Well, maybe not necessarily the part about Max and Sophie being so close those years ago (I would have volunteered for that job!) but I’m happy that he had someone to talk to and someone who could help him through his first bit at uni.
Yeah, it’s good to know that he’s not been completely alone.
I’m so glad that they’re talking and that Liz is sorting through her feelings. It’s going to be hard enough for Max to sort through his so it’s good for her to have everything straightened out beforehand.

Finally Liz is being honest with herself… let’s hope that the talk goes well for both of them.
I can’t wait to see what they talk about after the fashion show and if this “conversation” will go as well as the last one.
Let’s see, shall we? …
Because I'm excited about the update... I'm bumping this to the first page... you're welcome!
Thank you :P.

Natalie36 – Thanks :).

Talking? Yeah, talking's good, I suppose. There are other things that are good to do as well Just a thought.
There are other things they could do… but I think they’re in desperate need of a real talk too :).
I love Liz's reaction to his kiss. Max did very well--he didn't pout because she had to leave, nice, playful teasing, a very hot kiss--just perfect!
Thanks – I wanted to show that the cocky, flirty Max is still in there somewhere ;).

Wow Max has really great entrances. I can see him just standing there...
It is great that Sophie told all that to Liz, how she is different for Max.
I can't wait for them to talk.
Thanks :). It was about time someone pointed it out to Liz :P.

katydid – Thanks :).
Now, it seems that Liz seems to get all of her information about Max from others. The only time she actually got anything straight from him, she got all the family stuff. Of course, Max is going to have to deal more so with the family stuff with Iz being friends with Liz. It's definitely gonna be an interesting talk! I hope Liz can dance after that kiss!

Until now, Liz hasn’t been willing to talk to Max one-on-one, so she’s had to rely on info from others… but hopefully now she and Max can really talk without assumptions or family issues coming up :).

sarammlover – Thanks :).
Liz doesn't seem to have much of a sense of humor......she's a little up tight I would say....oh well. If she does it for max she must be ok. It was good to get a little more insight into Max from Sophie.
I just re-read the part and I’ll admit that Liz does come off as a little uptight, but that was totally not my intention, so blame it on the writing :roll: (all the times that she ‘frowns’ in part 30, it was meant to either be a confused frown (when Sophie was explaining about Max) or a playful frown (when Max was teasing her about leaving that morning) and was intended to be mostly light-hearted. At the moment she’s still confused and a little hesitant about starting something with Max, so she’s not going to be a big barrels of laughs right now.

In fact, I’ve edited the last part slightly to reflect this :).

Yes, you guessed right. I'm settling in alright, I'm happy but a busy girl. Thanks.
Glad you’re settling in well :).
Anyway about your update! Omg, loving it. Is it too much of me to ask you for more Liz and Max moments?

Thanks :). No, it’s not too much… read on for more ;).

DreamerM&L – Thanks :).
i was really hoping to read it today...had to go to my bro and sisters graduation
glad i could catch it in time..
Hope the graduation went well :).
So happy to see the interaction between Max and Liz
and its good to know that Liz got to know Max a little bit better
Yeah, things are finally starting to work themselves out for Max and Liz.

Alien_Friend – Thanks :).
So Max has liked Liz somewhat significantly this whole time. Very cool. It was interesting learning about Max from Sophie's perspective. He seems like a great guy.
Yeah – we definitely need to find out more about Max… let’s hope he can reinforce what Sophie was saying by talking to Liz himself :).
No wonder Max took things so defensively when Liz didn't remember their first kiss. It was an event that was building up all night for him.
It’s a tough one, that first kiss, because although Max had feelings for Liz and went and kissed her, he already knew that she had a boyfriend and really shouldn’t have done it. Technically, it shouldn’t have been building up all night because he really had no right to touch her when she was in a relationship and should have known better :roll:
Too bad Liz couldn't wait around at his place for Max to return. But I'm glad he found her though. I really wanna read this talk. I wonder just how much talking will actually get done. But I hope it's just enough to tell us more about Max, from Max himself.
Yeah, it was too bad… thing is, they both have their own lives to live at the same time as trying to figure out what’s going on between them – so it’s not always possible to talk or whatever when they want to.
I can't help thinking I wonder how Isabel will react if or when Liz and Max start dating. I hope she doesn't get mad at Liz or create too much tension for the couple.
That’s the big thing, isn’t it? Even if Max and Liz get together, there’s still the issue of his family and Isabel and we don’t know yet how that’s going to play out…

Oh wow! I'm so loving this. That chapter was great. Although it didn't have much Dreamer parts, what it did have was hot and sweet and I'm just happy.
Thanks :). Don’t worry – definitely more Dreamer parts to come ;).

UPDATED!! YES I <3 Tuesdays, I can't wait for max and liz to "talk"...I have to turn in a paper Tuesday so therefore this shall be my reward getting to read another one of your wonderful chapters.
Thanks :). Good luck with your paper.

Lairabehr4 – Thanks :).

roswell4life – Thank you :).

RiceKrispy – Thanks :).
I love Max's cockiness. Do you watch Grey's Anatomy? There's this episode where this gay man has this tumor on his brain and he has no inhibitions on what he says to people. So he asks one girl if one of the doctors is her boyfriend. And then he goes on to list the things that he thinks are sexy about this doctor. And one of the things he says is that he's arrogant in a way that's still sexy.

That's so Max.
I do watch Grey’s Anatomy and I must have seen that episode, although I can’t recall which one it was right now :roll:.
And I actually don't read fanfics on my laptop in class. I have a handy little thing called the Sidekick which makes me happy anywhere I go.
Ahh, that makes more sense, lol.

Talk, Max and Liz, actually talking....hmm that will be a shocker....I think they will only devour each other instead Loved the update. Can't wait for the "talk"
Thanks – we’ll have to see how the ‘talk’ goes :P.

veronica – Thanks :).

Egyptian_Kiss - Thanks :).

Hope she can dance after this kiss bc I certainly couldn't!!!
Lol - let's hope so!


Part Thirty-One

The first strains of Madonna filter through the speakers and the audience begin to cheer and catcall as the lights go up. I can’t suppress the smile that appears on my lowered face as the exhilaration of performing on stage in front of hundreds of people flows through my body. We’ve reached the third dance of the second half – the one in which Daniel and I have to perform our solo and I can barely contain my excitement.

The beat begins and I count silently for my cue, lifting my head in time with Daniel on beat number eight. Our eyes meet and he smiles at me, tightening his arm around my side slightly in encouragement. I grin back as we begin to move together, performing the choreographed steps in time with the seven other couples on stage. The dance starts off fairly slow-paced, but speeds up and gains energy towards the middle, and then slows again for our solo and the ending.

The outfits have been provided by Moss Bros, one of the high-street men’s suit shops and by Venus, a formal dress store just off the high street, so the choreography of the dance is very couples-oriented and elegant; in fact, it’s one of my favourites out of the whole show. I let the music flow through my body, as Daniel and I move in time to the tempo, putting my all into the steps that are almost second nature to me now.

Soon the music begins to slow, our cue that the solo is coming up and I suck in a deep, steadying breath as the other couples drift towards the back of the stage, leaving Dan and I alone in the centre of the catwalk section. We get into position, Dan standing behind me, his hands on my hips and his head resting my shoulder, and I lean back against him, as I mentally count the beats of the music.

The solo begins with Dan moving his hands from my hips, running them up my sides to my waist as he lifts his head. I turn in his arms, letting his hands slide around my stomach and come to rest on my waist again as I now come to face him, my hands on his upper arms. He sends me a quick smile before lifting me in the air for an elegant spin, my long, silky dress flowing out behind me as we move together. As Dan places me on my feet once more, we assume a ballroom-esque pose and perform a mixture of classical steps and modern moves to the music. I turn in his arms again, in preparation for the next lift in our routine, but as Dan trails his hand down my bare arm to my hip, my eyes lock with Max’s in the audience.

True to his word, he’s been sitting right there in the front row for the whole evening. I’ve noticed him there a couple of times during the show, but I’ve been doing my best to ignore him for fear that I might get distracted from the dance steps, but now, for some reason, I can’t look away. Maybe it’s because of the way he’s looking at me: his eyes dark and his stare penetrating, but I find myself pulled into his gaze. My eyes don’t leave his until Dan wraps his hand around my waist again and hoists me up into the complicated lift… the one where I hang upside-down briefly, Dan’s hands strategically holding my gown in place so that I don’t flash anyone, and then twist around his body. I hear shouts and cheers from the audience as we successfully complete the move and he gently lowers me to the ground.

We return to our original positions again, Daniel behind me his arms around me, his hands flat on my body as they move seductively over my hips and waist and to my stomach, and my gaze meets Max’s again. His expression is confusing… almost like he can’t decide whether to frown or smile, but even so, I feel my heart skip a beat as we stare at each other while Dan and I assume the final pose of the solo. The audience cheers and claps the end of our solo as the rest of the dancers join us on the catwalk part of the stage again for the last part of the dance and before I know it, we’re striking our ending positions and then running off the stage to get changed for the next dance.


“I can’t believe it’s all over!” exclaims Karen, one of the girls in my dance group as we gather on stage after the show.

“I know,” nods one of the dancers in the other group, whose name I’m not entirely sure of. “It’s like the end of an era or something. I’m really gonna miss everyone now that we won’t be rehearsing together anymore.”

“It was amazing,” I agree enthusiastically. “It would have been great if we could have done more performances.”

“Yeah, definitely,” says Karen, as a few of the other girls nod their agreement.

“Okay, guys,” announces Jackie as she appears from backstage. “Everything is sorted here, so what do you say we head to Warehouse for the after-show party?”

Everyone begins to move; the guys jumping off the stage in an effort to look cool, while us girls take the less risky approach of sitting on the edge and easing themselves down to the ground. However, as I start to follow everyone out, I notice Max standing in one of the other doorways, his hands casually shoved into his jeans pockets, and I come to a stop. He’s watching me with those beautiful eyes of his, lips curled up into a tiny half-smile as he tilts his head in the direction of the corridor and raises an eyebrow in invitation. I give a slight nod and take a step toward him.

“Hey, Liz, you coming?” calls Karen from the other doorway.

“I’ll meet you there,” I tell her. “There’s something I need to do first.”

She nods and leaves the hall with the last of the fashion show cast, leaving Max and I alone in the Great Hall. I feel slightly nervous as I make my way over to him, knowing that we’re about to have this big talk that could change things forever. But somehow, as soon as I reach him and he flashes me a grin filled with a combination of his usual cockiness and genuine warmth, the nerves quickly vanish and are replaced by excited butterflies in my stomach.

“Hi,” he says casually.

“Hi,” I murmur in reply, feeling my heart speed up at his close proximity.

He extracts a hand from his pocket and holds it out to me.

“Shall we go?”

I hesitate for a moment, not entirely sure what he means, “Go where?”

“Somewhere we can talk,” he clarifies.

“Oh,” I nod in understanding. “Okay, sure.”

I slip my hand in his and he guides me out of the Great Hall and down the stairs. As we walk, I can’t help but notice how nice his hand feels in mine, how his warm fingers clasp the back of my hand in a firm, yet gentle grip, and a wave of warmth begins to spread up my arm and through my body. We exit the building and Max leads me down the main hill of the campus, towards the building at the bottom that is home to the bar which makes up part of Breakers nightclub on the weekends.

As we walk, I can’t stop my gaze from travelling to Max’s face, taking in his profile as he strides determinedly along the path. I’ve spent so much time over the last few months trying to hate him, to convince myself that he was nothing but a player, that I’m not really sure what to make of this Max. With the exception of the odd slightly arrogant smirk or grin, lately I haven’t seen much of the cocky guy I met back in October, and I can’t decide whether I’m seeing the real Max right now or not.

“It’s pretty quiet in here,” he informs me as we enter the building and he leads me towards the bar. “We should be able to talk undisturbed.”

“Okay,” I nod as he releases my hand and opens the bar door for me to step through. “Thanks.”

“Where would you like to sit?” he asks.

I let my gaze drift around the bar: there are a few tables scattered around the room, only a couple of which are occupied, and then a section of small, semi-circular booths running along the wall by the large windows, which are mostly empty.

“How about by the window over there?” I suggest, pointing towards one of the booths near the far corner.

“Okay. Why don’t you go sit down and I’ll get us some drinks,” he says. “What are you having?”

“Oh, um, just a white wine, thanks,” I reply, the question catching me slightly off-guard.

“Coming up,” he nods, giving me a quick smile before heading over to the bar to order.

I make my way over to the booth and slide into it, pulling off my jacket and laying it on the seat beside me, before making myself comfortable. I turn my head to see Max leaning against the bar, one elbow propped up on the counter as he orders our drinks, and I can’t stop my eyes drifting from his unruly dark hair, down across his back and then to his rear. He certainly has a great body, I muse, as I watch him converse with the bartender, laughing at something the guy says as he places two glasses down in front of him. Max pays and then picks up the drinks to carry them. I quickly avert my eyes as he turns around and begins walking towards the booth, and instead reach for the small advertising leaflet in the middle of the table, studying it intently. My breath quickens as the nerves return once more, the prospect of really talking with him for the first time suddenly seeming rather overwhelming.

“Here you go,” he says, placing the glass of wine down on the round table in front of me.

“Thanks,” I put down the leaflet and reach for the glass, wrapping my fingers around it in a nervous gesture, as he puts his pint of beer down and slides into the other side of the booth so that we’re sitting almost opposite each other.

I watch as he lifts the pint glass to his lips, takes a gulp and then places it back down on the table before looking me directly in the eye.

“So,” he starts, resting his arms on the table as he leans forward slightly.

“So,” I echo softly.

“I’m sorry I left like that this morning,” he apologises. “I wouldn’t have gone, but it was this really important, mandatory meeting that I absolutely couldn’t miss.” he shakes his head. “I’d known about it for weeks, but I was just about to get ready to leave, when you showed up.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” I say hastily, suddenly feeling guilty for showing up unannounced like that. “I didn’t mean to–”

“No,” he interrupts quickly with a smile. “It’s okay… I just meant that you were so distracting that I totally forgot about the meeting.”

He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively and I lower my head a little as a smile tugs at my lips.

“Liz,” he says then, his tone soft and serious. “About this morning…”

“Yeah?” I ask, cringing slightly as my voice comes out higher than I was expecting.

“Did you… I mean, was it…?” he seems to be struggling for words and I frown in confusion. He’s usually so calm and collected and… pulled together.

“Was it what?” I ask softly, absently playing with the glass in my hand.

He shakes his head and lets out a slight chuckle, “I guess what I’m trying to say is that… I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time now… and I’m just wondering if we’re on the same page here?”

He has?

“You have?”

He shoots me a crooked smile, “Yeah.”

I nod, taking that in as I take a sip of wine, although I’m unsure what to think about it.

“So what ‘page’ are you on, exactly?”

He looks at me seriously, “The page where I like you and you’re just about all I can think about.”

“Huh?” I squeak in surprise. “I am?”

He shakes his head with a small smile, raising and then lowering his eyebrows.

“It’s crazy, isn’t it?” he shrugs. “I mean, you’ve spent the last six months hating my guts and making it clear that you don’t want to be anywhere near me, yet I can’t seem to stay away.”

“But…” I struggle to form words after what he’s just admitted. “But…what about all those other girls?”

He sighs, running a hand through his hair.

“The first time I saw you in that club in Fresher’s Week…” he starts, seemingly avoiding the question. “I had to talk to you, find out who you were, but you wouldn’t even give me the time of day.”

I can’t help but let out a soft snort at his words, “Max, you tried to get me to sleep with you!”

He rolls his eyes, “Yeah, okay, I probably shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry.”

“So you should be,” I retort, although my tone is light and a small smile graces my lips.

He shoots me a glare before continuing, “But it was obvious you weren’t interested and so I tried to forget about you, but then you kept turning up everywhere I went–”

“More like you turned up everywhere I went,” I can’t help interrupting as I raise my eyebrows in amusement.

“Yeah, whatever,” he dismisses. “Anyway, I found that I couldn’t stop thinking about you… even though I knew you hated me and didn’t want anything to do with me, so I flirted with other girls in the hope that they would make me forget… and perhaps possibly make you jealous in the process.”

“Max,” I whisper, as his words sink in and my heartbeat quickens. “I didn’t hate you.”

“No?” he turns to me again, his expression sceptical. “You certainly acted like it.”

“The first time I saw you,” I start, before I can wonder why I’m admitting this to him. “I thought you were the most gorgeous man I’d ever seen,” I confess, watching the sceptical look on his face become a shit-eating grin. “But when you started talking to me, I realised you were just another playboy and I’m not interested in being with a playboy.”

His face falls, “Liz–”

“At first, I tried to hate you; I thought you were just like all those other guys – only after one thing – so I convinced myself that you weren’t worth my time and instead I tried to be happy with…” I trail off, unsure if I should continue.

“With Jake,” he fills in with a nod of understanding.

“Yeah,” I admit. “It wasn’t like I was using him or anything – I liked Jake, I really did; he was a great guy and I had fun with him. It was just that… I didn’t feel for him the way…” I falter slightly and suck in a deep breath to steady myself, “the way that, deep down, I felt for you.”

“Yeah?” he murmurs softly.

“I didn’t want to admit it, but yeah,” I tell him. “More and more, I found myself thinking about you when I was with him. But I tried everything I could to forget about what I was feeling and be happy with him instead.” I sigh, looking down at my wine glass, “You were being so cocky and arrogant, that I couldn’t let myself like you. Every time I saw you, you were with another girl, and I was scared that if I gave into my feelings, I would end up just another notch on your bedpost.”

Max reaches across the table and takes my hand in his. I look up to find him gazing at me intently, his eyes full of regret.

“Liz, you could never be ‘just another notch on my bedpost’,” he shakes his head as he gently runs his thumb over the back of my hand. “In fact, I bet there are a lot less notches on there than you might think.”

“Right,” I nod, disbelievingly. “Okay.”

“I’m serious,” he counters. “I’ll admit that I’m not a saint – I have slept with a few girls, but it’s not like I sleep with every woman I meet.”

“No?” I raise an eyebrow, still not sure if he’s telling the complete truth. “What about the first time we met? What would you have done if I’d said yes?”

“Um, well,” he looks sheepish now, as he extracts his hand from mine. “I only said that because I knew you’d refuse… I was trying to wind you up.”

I roll my eyes. Well, that’s just perfect, isn’t it?

“Yeah, well you did a great job of that.”

“I’m sorry,” he apologises. “I guess I wasn’t thinking.”

“You got that right,” I retort, my tone slightly annoyed.

Although, I have to admit that I’m more annoyed at the fact that his ‘winding up’ was the main reason I’d decided he wasn’t worth my time and if he hadn’t done it, we might have gotten along much better from the start, than I am annoyed at him for admitting it.

Max shakes his head sadly, “God, I really screwed things up, didn’t I? If I hadn’t been trying to make you jealous with other girls, you might have actually liked me.”

I chuckle, conceding, “Well, I guess I didn’t help matters either. I was so determined to think the worst of you that I didn’t even give you a chance to change my mind.”

There’s a pause, as we look at each other for a moment.

“What about now?” asks Max then, his voice low. “Have you changed your mind?”

“Now…?” I sigh, reaching for my glass and taking a much-needed sip of wine. “Well, to be honest, now I’m really confused.”

“About what?” he wonders, sounding genuinely curious.

“About who you really are, Max,” I admit, with a shrug. “I thought I had you all figured out and then you went and said all that stuff at the beach…” I sigh, “I saw this completely different side of you that day, Max, and now I don’t know what to think.”

“I’m just me, Liz,” he shrugs, as if he’s not sure how else to explain it. “I’m twenty-one, I’m studying History, I play rugby and I’m president of the Athletic Union.”

“Max,” I shake my head, in slight amusement. “I already know all of that.”

He just holds up a hand, “I have a fairly extensive network of friends, quite a few of them female, I’ll admit, and I also have a few family issues that I’m trying to work through – of course you already know all of that too, so I guess you’re gonna have to spend some more time around me and find out the rest for yourself.”

He smirks at me suggestively and I let out a vaguely amused snort, “I guess I will, huh?”

“And anyway, Liz Parker, you’re not the only one confused here,” he adds. “I barely know anything about you either… well, other than the fact that you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met and you are an amazing kisser.”

My eyes go wide and I lower my head, feeling my face burning with embarrassment at the flattering words.

“Shut up,” I mumble awkwardly, fixing my eyes on my drink.

“Why? It’s true,” I see him shrug from beneath my eyelashes.

“Max…” I start, lifting my head again to see a twinkle in his eyes.

“So, come on, tell me something about you,” he says, leaning forward on his elbows. “I don’t even think I know what subject you’re doing.”

“Okay, fine,” I roll my eyes, lifting my glass to my lips and draining the remainder of the fluid from it before I speak. “I’m eighteen, I’m studying Biology, I’m a member of the Dance Society, and I’ve been studying Ballet since I was four.”

He nods, “And you’re pretty good at it too.”

“Huh?” I shoot him a puzzled look. “How do you know? You’ve never seen me do any Ballet.”

His eyes widen and he looks sheepish all of a sudden as he reaches up to scratch his neck in an almost nervous gesture.

“Oh, um, well, I…” he stutters. “I kind of saw you in one of your classes a few months ago.”

“You did?” I ask in surprise, my eyebrows rising quickly.

He shrugs, “I was in the union one evening and I happened to walk past the JCR when your class was on. I stopped to watch for a bit.”


“You’re really good, Liz,” his tone is one of appreciation and I smile.


He smiles and I feel a wave of heat spread through me as he reaches out to take my hand once more, his eyes warm and inviting as they lock with mine.

“So, now that we know a little more about each other, what do you say to giving this thing a go?”

“This thing?” I question innocently, although I know exactly what he’s talking about.

I just want to hear him say it.

“Us. You and me,” he clarifies. “I like you; you like me – I think we could be good together… don’t you?”

I take a moment to look at him, but it’s not easy to think straight with his thumb tracing enticing circles on the back of my hand.

“You know what?” I reply slowly, carefully. “I think I might just be willing to give it a try.”

“Yeah?” his eyes light up, making him look almost boyish. I smile.

“Yeah,” I nod. “Okay.”

“Great,” he grins, as he lets out an exhalation of what sounds like relief.

“Yeah,” I repeat, unable to stop a grin from spreading across my face too.

“Okay, then.”

He picks up his pint glass and drains it quickly, before placing it back down on the table and making a move to stand up, taking my hand, still encased within his, with him.

“Come on.”


“Let’s get out of here,” he tugs on my hand.

“Um… okay,” I reply, grabbing my jacket and sliding out of my seat as he pulls me upright. “Where are we going?”

“Away from here,” he murmurs close to my ear as we head out of the bar area and through the darkened hall that doubles up as Breakers.

I’m a little confused by his suddenly strange behaviour, but as I open my mouth to ask what’s going on, he stops and pulls me into a dark corner of the hall. He pushes me up against the wall, his hands pinning my wrists to the painted plaster as he leans in close, a small smirk on his face as his eyes lower to my lips.

“Sorry, I just couldn’t resist any longer,” he murmurs seductively, before fusing his mouth to mine, his tongue demanding entrance to my mouth as he traps me between himself and the wall.

I can feel the heat from his body pressed against mine and I can’t help but sigh with pleasure as I part my lips to grant him entrance. The kiss is urgent and almost frantic as his hands release my wrists and move down to clasp my waist. In response, my arms drop to his shoulders and then slide around his neck, holding him close as my head begins to spin. I feel his hands slide around to my lower back and then down to my jean-clad bottom, gently pressing my lower body against his and I shudder, moaning into his mouth in response to the sensations that shoot through me at the intimate contact.

“God, Max…” I manage when we finally part, oxygen becoming an issue.

He pulls back to look at me, his hands leaving my bottom and coming to rest on my hips instead. Our gazes lock and we just stare at each other, breathing heavily, for what seems like an eternity, before Max’s lips turn up into an indulgent smile and he leans in to capture my lips once more. This time it’s more of a gentle, tender kiss, but somehow no less passionate than the previous one and it makes me feel all light-headed and dizzy.

All too soon, it’s over and I can’t help but let out a whimper of protest when Max lets go of me and takes a step back, his chest rising and falling with laboured breaths.

“Don’t stop,” I hear myself murmur as I try to reorient myself to the surroundings.

He just sends me a half-smile and shakes his head, “I have to… if I don’t stop now, I won’t stop at all.”

My breath catches in my throat as his meaning registers in my mind.

“And don’t you have an after-show party to go to?” he continues, amused.

I stare at him in disbelief – as if I could go to that party now after everything that just happened.

“Come on,” he holds out his hand. “We’ll go together… well, not together if you don’t want… but we can at least walk down together.”

I push away from the wall, as I say teasingly, “But, Max, you weren’t in the show, I don’t think you’re actually supposed to be attending the party.”

“Don’t worry, I know the choreographer…” he shrugs, taking my hand in his as he leans down and then adds in a conspiratorial whisper, “And I think I might just have an ‘in’ with the best dancer on that stage tonight too. I’ll be fine.”

I can’t help but chuckle at his teasing words and I relax as he leads me out of the building, his arm slipping around my waist as we head towards the town centre. As we walk, I find myself replaying the evening’s events in my mind. I almost can’t believe it all really happened.

Max Evans and Liz Parker… it has a nice ring, don’t you think?


Re: Between The Covers (AU, M/L, MATURE) Pt 31, pg 6, 11/11

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 4:56 pm
by Heavenli24
A/N: It's not related to this story, but I just wanted to drop these off :):

Fanatics Awards Round 12


for Snowed In


for The Yule Log



Runner-Up for 'Fic For Which You'd Most Like to See A Sequel':

The Yule Log

Thank you to everyone who voted - I'm so happy :D!!

Re: Between The Covers (AU, M/L, MATURE) Pt31 p6 11/11, AN 11/13

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 4:33 am
by Heavenli24
Hey everyone, thank you for your feedback :):

Morning Dreamgirl

Yes, about that sequel thing...

Have I mentioned that it's my birthday on the 18th?

Not that the two should have anything to do with one another...

But, you know - if you feel like posting it, I just think that would be a great day to start!

No pressure. Just a thought.


You deserve them darlin'! (The awards and the hugs, that is.)
Happy Birthday, hun :). I’m getting there with the sequel… well, that is, I had 5 parts written back in March and I haven’t managed to get any more done since then! I’m fully intending to finish and post it eventually though :).
I loved the fact that Max was jealous while watching Liz dancing.
I just had to put that in :P.
I loved that they talked more. It was definitely a long time coming! I was surprised though that they seemed to get the majority of the things out in the open and talk without jumping each other. Part of me wanted them to, but I'm glad that they talked more.
I didn’t think it would prove very productive it they just jumped each other, lol.
It was interesting to read that Max was trying to get her wound up - he certainly did a good job of that!

Now we're just waiting for that spring to let loose.... sooo....
Didn’t he? I wonder when that spring will let loose…?
It was cute to see him being so sweet at the end when he was walking her to the party. I have to agree - it does have a nice ring!
I'm hoping that the couple gets a bit of time together before everything hits the fan with Izzy. And I hope that Liz can stand firm and not put herself into the middle of it all; and that neither of the two try and pull her into it. I don't think that's gonna happen though - one of the three (or perhaps all of them) - is going to get upset at the situation and cause trouble. Let's just hope it doesn't take too long for everything to work out.
Yeah, let’s hope that they can get some time first. We’ll have to see how the situation with Max and Izzy plays out…

begonia9508 – Thank you :).
Finally they found each other now but I have the feeling that it won't be always easy with Max cockiness and Liz stubborness (yes, she is a little bit bc she hated him all this time while she was already in love with him!)
Yeah, perhaps it won’t be easy for them…

DreamerM&L – Thanks :).

Natalie36 – Thanks :).

Queen Fee – Thanks :).

Lairabehr4 – Thanks, hun :)
BBC ("And now, let's check in aht Republican headquawtahs, wheeah I am su-ah we shahll see some unchee-ah-ful Republicans.")
Although I’m not too sure about that accent :roll: :P

Finally!! Sheesh! Now the real story can begin. LOL.
Lol – it’s a good thing I didn’t decide to end the story with Max and Liz getting together, isn’t it?
Seriously though, it's good to see them finally come to this point, putting aside the bs and being honest. I can't wait to see how they navigate their relationship. For sure it won't be all sunshine and roses, but I know they can do it. They have issues to work out, his familial conflict for one, but I'm looking forward to seeing them do it.
Yeah, they do have issues to work out, but let’s hope they can get through them all :).

I definitely think Liz was a LOT less uptight in this update. And I loved it. I love how hot they are together and I can't help but want to take Max and use him....YUM! I loved it! Update soon! Hugs, Sara
Thanks – I’m glad she didn’t come across as uptight here, :P.

Alien_Friend – Thanks :).
It sure does! Aww I loved it it was so cute. Aren't they quite the pair. Both trying to deny what's been happening between them all this time. I'm very glad they have decided to give it ago now and get to know each other more. Max seems like a nice fellow, just not very good about communicating that niceness when it comes to Liz. lol At least that's changing now. Their first encounter is definitely something to tell their grandkids. Lol
Lol – they just need to be honest with each other, don’t they?
I hope they find more time to spend together soon. And I hope Isabel doesn't become too much of an issue until they can get know each other a bit more.
Let’s hope not.
I'm jealous of you, your favorite Andy Murray beat my dear Andy Roddick in their round robin match yesterday. Murray is really earning that number 4 spot. Hehe
Yeah. Andy’s doing well at the moment, although I was disappointed that he lost his match the other day :(.

Yea!!! Ok-yes, they needed to talk, but at least there was a little making out. Maybe more next time???
We’ll have to see… ;)

Christable (x2)
They actually had a "talk" without devouring each other, well they devoured each other afterwards But anyways, glad they finally talked and are going to give each other a shot. Yay for that. Thanks for update.
Yep, they managed it!

Alien614 – Thanks :).

i've been really bad about leaving feedback. but yay at the last part!! max evans and liz parker definitely has a nice ring to it (:
the whole time i was reading about liz's sensual dance routine, i wondered if max would be jealous. i love that line of not knowing of whether to smile or frown. sounds about right!
Yeah, I’d say he was jealous all right :P.

I am so happy with this chapter. I so want to see them progress already.

But why do I get the feeling that some angst is about to head our way, more particularly with a certain Ms Stevens finding out about this relationship.
Thanks :). You could be right on the angst… let’s hope Izzy doesn’t make things too difficult for them.

LairaBehr4, I gotta say, I love your accent!
Lol – not sure how accurate that accent was though ;).
Now on with the show! This chapter was amazingly satisfying. I was afraid it was the end Heavenli24, the way you wrapped it all together in a nice big bow. But I don't want to miss the angst when Liz drives her new boyfriend bonkers by telling him what to do about his family.
I’ll admit that I did consider ending the story around this point, but I have lots of ideas for further ahead in the plot, so I’m continuing :P. We’ll have to see what goes on with Max’s family now.

veronica – Thanks :).

I think it has a ring to it, lol. This was an excellent chapter. I couldn't have written it better- wonderful job. Max is so sexy...*day-dreaming*. Update soon. EK!
Thank you :).

Thank god I noticed an update and replied just before you could update tommorow lol!

carolina_moon – More coming up :).

A/N: I apologise for this part being a bit shorter than normal, but hopefully next week’s part will make up for that :)


Part Thirty-Two

By the time Max and I arrive at the club, it’s almost eleven-thirty pm, but the party still seems to be in full swing. We decide not to draw unwanted attention to ourselves by showing up together, so I pop into the bathroom to freshen up quickly while he goes on up to the dance floor and bar area. When I make it up there a couple of minutes later, I quickly spot Max chatting to Jackie and Daniel over by the bar but resist the urge to join him there, instead heading over to the group of girls I can see on the crowded dance floor.

“Hey, guys,” I greet with a smile, raising my voice to be heard over the loud music.

“Liz, you made it!” exclaims Karen, as she wraps her arms around me in a drunken hug. “Let’s go get you a drink.”

I can’t help but chuckle as she drags me over to the bar and orders us a shot of sour apple vodka and a Bacardi and Coke each. When they arrive, we reach for the shots, clinking them together in a toast and down them simultaneously. I shudder and make a face at the sudden taste, but then relax as I feel the warm liquid flow down my throat. Placing the shot glass back down on the bar counter, I grab my glass of Bacardi and Coke and prepare to follow Karen back to the dance floor.

However, just then my eyes meet Max’s from where he’s standing at the other end of the bar and I stop, my feet frozen to the ground as he shoots me a grin, the intense look in his dark eyes causing my stomach to give a sudden flip-flop. I bite my lip and then grin back as we share a heated gaze, before turning back to the dance floor.

I try to let loose and enjoy myself as much as possible, but I spend the evening all too aware of the fact that Max is just a few feet away and that every time I glance over in the direction of the bar, our eyes meet. On one particular occasion, though, he’s no longer looking at me; instead his eyes are focused to my left and I tense slightly as his lips curl up into a genuine smile, one that’s directed at someone. However, I sigh with relief just a moment later when I realise that he’s just greeting Sophie as she joins him, Jackie and Daniel at the bar.

As I see them laughing together, my mind travels back to the conversation I had with Sophie this morning; she was right – Max was interested… and I’m so glad she made me see that I needed to talk to him. A smile appears on my lips as the two of them share a joke and I decide that, although I’m a teeny bit jealous that she knows all these things about him that I don’t, I’m glad Max has her for a friend.

Just then, both their heads turn and suddenly they’re both looking at me – Sophie’s wearing a triumphant grin and I’d bet anything that Max has just told her what happened between us tonight; while Max is looking at me with that same penetrating expression he’s been wearing all night. I send them a slightly embarrassed smile and then turn back to dancing with the girls.

A few minutes later someone taps me on the shoulder and I turn around to find Daniel standing behind me.

“Care for a dance, partner?” he invites, holding his hand out to me.

“Sure,” I agree eagerly, slipping my hand in his as he moves us slightly away from the others and then slips his hands around my waist.

“Thanks for putting up with me in the show, Liz,” he says as we move to the music. “Couldn’t have done it without you.”

“Thanks,” I reply with a smile. “Although I couldn’t have done it without you either.”

“Oh, yeah, we’re the best,” he says, his tone cocky as he gives a nod.

I laugh, “Yeah, we are, aren’t we?”

We dance together for a few more minutes, until the next song finishes and Dan suggests getting another drink. I agree and we head off the dance floor to the bar, where I find myself standing right in front of his friends: Jackie, Sophie and… Max. I smile self-consciously as Sophie raises an eyebrow and sends me a knowing grin, Max has this indulgent look on his face and Jackie just looks a little confused by the fact that everyone is looking at me.

“What’re you having, Liz?” asks Dan, as he moves to the bar.

“Another Bacardi and Coke, thanks, Dan,” I tell him with a smile.

He orders the drink for me and a lager for himself, but as he hands it to me and I take a gulp, I see Max frowning, his gaze flicking from me to Dan and then back to me again. I frown in puzzlement as he scowls and then looks away. But as Dan starts up a conversation with the girls, he turns towards me again, raising his eyebrows in silent communication as he gives a subtle nod towards the other side of the room. It takes a moment to realise what he means, but then my eyes widen slightly as I understand and I nod in response.

He excuses himself to go to the loo, shooting me a meaningful look as he brushes past me and heads for the door. I wait a few moments, using the time to quickly finish off my drink before I excuse myself too. I make my way across the room, not exactly sure where I’m supposed to be going, but just before I reach the door, he grabs me by the arm.

He pulls me through the crowd, away from everyone we know, until I find myself squashed into a dark corner of the dance floor with him. We’re standing so close together that I have to strain my neck to peer up at him in the dark, but just as I open my mouth to speak, he swoops down and kisses me, pressing his warm body against mine as he urges me backwards to the wall. His hands tangle in my hair and I lose myself in the feel of his eager mouth on mine.

“Max,” I gasp, when he finally pulls back for air. “Not that I’m not enjoying this, but what’s it in aid of?”

He smirks, reaching up to gently brush a strand of hair away from my forehead, “Sorry, couldn’t help it.”

I raise an eyebrow, not completely buying it. Then it clicks; the reason he’s suddenly acting this way…

“You’re not… jealous are you, Max?”

He snorts, “Jealous? Me? I don’t think so.”

“You are, aren’t you?” a mischievous smile tugs at my lips. “You’re jealous that I was dancing with Dan just now.”

“No, I’m not,” he denies unconvincingly.

“Max,” I shake my head, “he’s just my dance partner.”

“I’m not jealous,” he insists.

He so is.

I roll my eyes, humouring him, “Okay, fine. You’re not jealous.”

“You got that right,” he mutters.

There’s a few seconds of silence between us, the loud pounding of the dance music from the DJ booth vaguely registering in my mind as we just stare at each other. Just then, Max leans forward, his mouth close to my ear as he speaks.

“Go out with me tomorrow night?”

“What?” I ask, partly in surprise and partly because the music is so loud that I’m not entirely sure I heard him correctly.

“You, me… tomorrow night?” he repeats simply, a smile playing on his lips.

He’s really asking me out… on an actual date? It catches me off-guard and my mouth opens and closes a couple of times before I can speak.

“Oh, um, sure,” I finally find my voice. “I’d love to.”

He grins, “Great.”

“Okay,” I nod, my heart pounding nervously at the thought of going on a formal date with him. “What time.”

“Maybe around half-seven or eight?” he suggests and I nod, as he leans in again, demanding softly, “Give me your number and I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“Right, okay,” I agree, as he pulls out his phone.

I reel off the number I was forced to learn by heart at the beginning of the year… I had to enter it on so many forms that I had no choice but to learn it… and he enters it into his mobile. As he saves it, I ask if I can get his number and he’s quick to call my phone and leave a missed call so that I can save it to my phone book. We talk briefly for a couple more minutes before I realise that we’ve been gone a while and gently suggest that we head back to the others. He gives me one last breathtaking kiss before releasing me and then discretely disappearing into the crowd.

By unspoken agreement, we keep our distance for the remainder of the night, as I hang around with the girls on the dance floor again and Max resumes his position at the bar. At the end of the night, I end up sharing a taxi with another girl who lives in the hall of residence next to mine, while Max leaves with his housemates. It doesn’t matter though, because I’m going to be seeing him again in a few hours’ time anyway… for our date.


The hall is dark, the only light coming from the open doorway at the back of the room. Soft music drifts from the small CD player on the stage to my ears, but I barely hear it, my mind instead focused on the close proximity of the man standing behind me. He’s so close that his chest presses against my back, his thighs touching the back of mine and I shudder as he slides one hand round to my stomach, pulling me back against him. The fingers of his other hand drifting tantalisingly down my bare arm, sending shivers down my spine at the contact.

I inhale sharply, feeling his warm breath against my neck as he presses a kiss to the sensitive spot just below my ear and my hand moves to cover his on my stomach. In a move reminiscent of that scene in
Dirty Dancing he turns his hand, taking it in mine, spinning me away from him briefly, before tugging me back into his warm embrace. I’m facing him now, my hands braced on his chest, as he smiles down at me, his deep, dark gaze capturing mine while his arms wrap around me, holding me tight.

“Dance with me, Liz,” he whispers, his voice so low I have to strain to hear it.

“With pleasure,” I murmur, as I slide my arms around his neck..

A grin spreads across my face as I revel in the feel of his touch and I can’t resist rising up onto my tiptoes to kiss him full on the lips. My heart skips a beat as he responds eagerly, hands sliding down to my bottom, pulling me closer. I slip my arms around his neck, burying my fingers in his hair as we move erratically across the floor. Without warning, Max tightens his grip on me, encouraging me to wrap my legs around his hips. I eagerly comply and I suddenly find myself perched on the edge of the stage.

He pulls me flush against him as he deepens the kiss, gently urging me backward, moving with me so that our upper bodies are lying together on the stage floor. I let my head fall back against the painted wood and bury my hands further into his hair as he kisses a hot trail down my neck and to my chest. I let out an excited gasp as his hands slide beneath my top and cup my breasts, caressing them lightly as his mouth continues its scorching journey southwards.

“Liz…” he mutters against my skin. “Liz.”




“Mmm?” I mumble again, snuggling further under the warm duvet as I try to get back to my quality time with Max.

“Oi, Liz!” comes the sharp voice again. “Wake up!”

“What?” I mutter irritably, unwilling to open my eyes and acknowledge that I am in fact alone in bed and not being seduced by Max Evans on the fashion show stage. “Go ‘way.”

“Nope. Not until you tell me what you were just dreaming about.”

“Huh?” I finally pry my eyes open to find Maria standing over me, her arms crossed and her foot tapping in either impatience or annoyance… I can’t tell which. “Maria, what are you doing?”

“Okay, here’s the thing, Lizzie,” she starts as I pull myself up into a sitting position and try to clear the very real dream from my mind. “It seems you were having a rather interesting dream over here and I had to wake you up for fear that you might do or say something very embarrassing during it.”

I blink, “Um, okay…”

She suddenly grins, “Plus, I have a lecture in about thirty minutes and there’s no way that I’m leaving this room until you spill the beans about exactly what… or who you were dreaming about.”

“’Ria,” I roll my eyes. “There’s nothing to tell.”

“Hmm,” she says in a suspicious tone.

“Really,” I insist, hoping that my voice doesn’t betray me.

I don’t like to lie, but I’m really not ready to discuss anything Max-related with Maria just yet.

“Liz…” she shoots me a look that says she doesn’t believe me.

“Maria,” I return, trying to keep my expression straight as I suppress the urge to smile. “I’m serious.”

She sighs, “Okay, fine. You just keep your little secret for now. But just you wait – I’ll get it out of you one way or another.”

“Whatever, Maria,” it’s my turn to sigh as I flop back down on the bed again in relief. “Just go to your lecture, okay?”

She shoots me a slightly dubious glare, but thankfully turns, picks up her coat and bag and decides to leave the room.


As soon as she’s gone, I press my hand to my forehead as I look up at the ceiling, a grin making its way onto my face as I recall the events of the night before. I still can’t quite believe that Max wants to be with me. Max Evans himself, one of the most sought-after guys on campus, likes me… and I’m finally at a place where I can admit to myself that I want to be him too.

I’m not sure how long I lie there in bed, replaying last night over and over in my mind, my heart pounding excitedly as I remember the feeling of Max’s lips on mine, his hands on my body, but the next thing I know, there’s a pounding on the door and I hear Izzy’s voice shouting at me to get out of bed and go for breakfast with her and the others. I let out a sigh and tell her I’ll be out in a minute, as I tug off the covers and climb out of bed, grabbing some jeans and a T-shirt and quickly getting ready before Izzy breaks down the door.

Breakfast is somewhat a strange affair, Izzy and Alex sitting together on one side of the table, talking quietly in between taking sips of orange juice and feeding each other bites of toast, and James and I on the other side, attempting to hold a conversation while trying to tactfully ignore their extremely couple-y behaviour. I also feel a bit awkward being around Izzy after what happened with Max yesterday. On the one hand, she’s one of my best friends and I love her to bits; but on the other, Max is… well, I’m not sure exactly what we are to each other just yet, but I want try it and see where it goes with him.

As if on cue, my mobile suddenly beeps with a message alert and I pull it out of my pocket to find a text message from the very person I was just thinking about. With a discrete glance towards the others to make sure they’re not looking, I open it.

‘Still on for tonight? I’ll meet you outside your hall at seven-thirty. Max’

I smile happily as I nod to myself and then type out a short reply and press ‘send’, before turning back to my breakfast. I bite my lip in an attempt to stop smiling, but it doesn’t seem to work… I have a date with Max Evans tonight!


Re: Between The Covers (AU, M/L, MATURE) Pt 32, pg 8, 11/18

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 4:03 am
by Heavenli24
Hey, everyone, thank you for your feedback :):

Morning Dreamgirl – Hope you had a great birthday :).
At least I'm not the only one who has trouble finishing a story at times! I have so many bits and pieces (as well as chapters) for so many stories it's not even funny! But having enough to actually start posting one seems to be something that just doesn't happen. That wonderful writer's block and perfectionist streak in me. *Sigh* I am glad to hear that it's at least 5 chapters though! That makes me very happy!
Usually I do manage to finish the stories that I’m working on, although I have about 3 or 4 that I started a couple of years ago and haven’t worked on since (one of which I stopped writing halfway through a scene and now I can’t remember what was going to happen next, :P), but I do get stuck occasionally, like with this sequel and also with All’s Fair… a few months ago :(. There are at least 5 chapters though, but I just have to figure out what I want to happen next.
Aww! And poor Max's jealousy obviously didn't end after the show! It was cute to see him get jealous but not admit to it. He's going to have to at one point. Especially if they want to keep their relationships low-key for awhile until they get to know one another. After all, there will be guys who approach Liz given that they don't exactly know that she's going out with Max of all people!
Yeah, you’re right about the jealousy ;), but he is going to have to deal with it eventually, lol.
Sophie is probably more than pleased with herself! *Laughs* I can see her being a really good friend to Liz and a really big supporter of M/L. I'm glad that she'll be there to see things objectively from both sides. I'm sure that Max and Liz will need it later on.
Remind me to let you control all my sleeping thoughts if they're anything like that! And that was even with being interrupted by Maria! The girl never was very good on timing, was she? Or perhaps she had perfect timing, depending on who you were.
No, Maria was never good on timing, but this time it could have been a good thing… you never know what Liz might have started saying in her sleep, :lol:.
It was cute (and hot) to see Liz dreaming about Max though; while not feeling as though she had to deny it afterwards. And her thoughts that 'It's Max Evans and he wants to be with me' were so cute! You just wanted to do the little girlie-squeal-thing with her. But given that it takes place in a fantasy land and we live in reality, I thought that scaring the neighbors (and my family) by randomly squealing wouldn't be a smart move. At least it didn't seem like it at around four in the morning!
Lol – no, not a good idea at four am!
It's so sweet to see Izzy and Alex be all couple-like! I hope that he can help her through the hard times to come and that this doesn't tear the group up. I like the fact that Isabel can be so comfortable and cute around him - it really sets the tone for their whole relationship without having to go into a long description about the two of them.
Let’s hope they can all work through everything and that it turns out well in the end for everyone :).
Thanks for the wishes and this was an excellent part! I can honestly say that I didn't even mind the length 'cause I was just so happy to read the interaction between all the characters and how our different couples act around each other. So perfect!
Thanks :).
Okay, I'm off to bed and I'm sure you're off to do incredible things!

Hmm, not sure about incredible things… more like grocery shopping and then going to work until 10pm!

DreamerM&L – Thanks :).
Wow Date with Max Evans! thats like a dream come
Great part..good to know that Max and Liz are getting there

Cant wait to see how the date goes!!
Yeah, it’s finally happening :)… date coming up in this part…

OMG. I LOVED IT! This was AWESOME. I am so happy they are starting to loosen up in front of each other and I love that Liz had a sex dream about Max. So scandalous. And I can't wait for their date. I hope for once they don't run into anyone, like Iz, so they can have one good date
Let’s hope the date goes well and that they don’t have any unwanted interruptions. They are definitely getting more comfortable around each other now though :).

Had to laugh about Maria the nosy girl! Incredible that a girl can't have her own dream!
Lol – she just had to interrupt, didn’t she?
I guess Liz is going to get some little problems being between Max and Izzy!....
Izzy is certainly going to try to influence her for help with Max!....
Yeah, we’re going to have to see what happens with Izzy :roll:

Alien_Friend – Thanks :)
Awww that was very sweet. I share in on Liz's excitement to be going out on a date with Max. It's about time.
It certainly is :).
I understand Liz and Max keeping there new found relationship as quiet as possible. Max is very widely known on campus and not to mention if anything ever goes back to Iz before they had a chance to define things.
Yeah – very few people know that Max and Liz even know each other and I’m not sure Liz is ready to be the centre of attention as the new girl on Max’s arm.
At least Liz has Serena and Kyle to share things with if she ever needed someone. They both are far enough away from the situation not to be biased.
Very true.
I kind of figured Max was jealous of Danny for a while now, with the whole way he looked at her during their solo. As old fashion as it is, it's nice to see Max staking his claim on Liz.
And don’t forget the time that he discovered Liz knew Dan when she was in his room… I’d say the jealousy has been brewing for a while :P.
Yeah, Andy did lose in the semis didn't he. I'm disappointed too that he lost. (I saw his match again Roger, though. That was fun to watch) I rather him win than Novak. I can't believe he's 2 points shy of ending the season #2. That would have been something. It's been an exciting tennis season though. I'm always sad to see it end. Andy Murray is ending #4. That's pretty good considering. I can't wait for the Aussies and to see what the new season brings.
Andy’s been doing pretty well lately – I’m looking forward to seeing how he does in the Australian Open and also the other Grand Slams next year :).
Awesome chapter! Looking forward to what you have in store for us for their first date.
Read on to find out…

Wonderful chapter as always, dearie Congrats on the big move!!
Thanks, hun :). I’ve been getting settled in, but now I'm getting really excited about our new place :D! We should be moving in on about the 19th of December.

i can't wait for their date it is either going to aww so cute/sweet or very hot. both will work for me.
I wonder which… ;)

Can't wait for the big date!! How about they live out Liz's dream??? That could be interesting!
It certainly would be interesting ;)


yay! i was hoping liz and max would be all couply at tghe club, but this is cute too. haha to max being jealous

is it going to liz and izzy's relationship going to be awkward now?? i wonder what would happen if things continue to be bad for max and isabel, and liz is forced into the middle of it. i wonder how isabel will react to liz dating her brother

I'm so glad that they are actually together. Hot kisses. Sexy dreams. Sizzling looks. Yeah!
It’s finally happening for them :).
I actually found it strange that they would want to be so secretive about their new relationship.

Taking it slow does not mean that other people can't find out.
Why would they do this?
Maria will be hurt that Liz didn't confide in her.
Iz will be hurt that Liz went behind her back.
Max will have to be jealous of every guy who talks to her.
Liz will wonder why he wants to keep it a secret. Is he really still boffing other girls while she dreams of him?
It’s only been a few hours since they admitted their feelings for each other, so it’s not completely surprising that they’d rather keep it to themselves for now – after all, very few people even realise that Max and Liz know each other, so them turning up to the party as a couple would come as quite a shock!

But who says that it’s Max who wants to keep things a secret? ;) I’m not sure that Liz would be too comfortable being the centre of attention as ‘Max’s Latest Squeeze’ while they are still figuring out their relationship. Also, from Max’s POV, all those other girls were just a bit of fun and a distraction, but Liz is different – as soon as they start being a couple in public, everyone will be talking about them and possibly not in a good way.

One other thing though, all we’ve seen in the last few parts is what has happened within a 24-hour period of time. It’s a bit early in the relationship for Maria and Izzy to feel hurt because Liz didn’t tell them about Max… Liz and Max made out at his house at about 9am on Thursday, but then didn’t see each other again until the evening. They had their talk at about 10.30pm on Thursday night and then arrived at the party an hour later… now it’s Friday morning and Liz and Max have only been ‘together’ for about 10 hours!

Maybe it’s a British thing, I don’t know, but I would find it a bit strange if they suddenly declared their relationship to the world so soon. Two of my best friends here in the UK got together about 2 years ago… I saw them every day and shared an office with them at uni and we even spent a month in Central America together along with our other coursemates, yet it took almost 5 months for them to admit to us that they were a couple, even though it was so obvious that they were (I have never actually seen them hug, kiss or even hold hands in front of me – they’re just private people) :P.

Things appear to be developing quite nicely. Hopefully no more obstacles for them!
It would be nice if there were no more obstacles, but I have a feeling that might not be the case :(.

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII want a date with Max Evans!!!!! sssssssssiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Lol – don’t we all?

Hunter – Thanks :). Yes, they are finally together; we’ll have to see what happens next though…

Tamashii – Thanks :). Sorry you missed a part – you’re all caught up now though :).


Part Thirty-Three

The remainder of the day passes frustratingly slowly. I try to make myself busy by attending my morning lecture, meeting up with Maria, Michael and James for lunch and then heading back to the lecture hall for my afternoon classes, but I keep getting distracted by the thought of seeing Max tonight.

I have to admit that I’m kind of nervous about it. I know that we talked yesterday and things went well, but at the same time I can’t help but wonder if we’re really all that compatible after all. I mean, what if we try to have a normal conversation and find that it’s just awkward and uncomfortable?

I end up getting so worked up about it that I start getting ready more than an hour before Max is due to pick me up and I spend so much time agonising over what to wear and how to style my hair that Maria, who is preparing for her own date with Michael that evening, starts getting suspicious.

“So, where did you say you were going tonight?” she asks not so subtly, looking over at me from where she’s doing her make-up in the mirror.

“I didn’t,” I reply, knowing full well that she’s fishing for information… all I’ve told her is that I’m going out tonight, but I haven’t mentioned where (not that I even know yet, anyway) or with whom.

“Hmm,” she frowns thoughtfully.

“I’m just going out, Maria,” I tell her, trying not to betray my nervousness to her. “No different from any other night.”

“Really,” she states disbelievingly. “So, if it’s just a normal night out, why have you tried on and then discarded five outfits already? You usually go with the first thing you try on.”

“Maria,” I warn, although I can’t keep my face straight as I try to deny it.

“You know, you’ve been acting weird all day,” she narrows her eyes thoughtfully. “This doesn’t have anything to do with that interesting dream you were having this morning, does it?”

She waggles her eyebrows suggestively and I roll my eyes, shaking my head.

Part of me wants to tell her everything – about Max and how I feel about him – but doing so would mean telling her the truth, that he’s Izzy’s brother, and I already know whose side she’ll take on that issue.

No, I can’t tell her, not yet.

“Of course it doesn’t, ‘Ria,” I shake my head, although I’m not sure how convincing my denial is.

“It so does,” she insists. “You have a date tonight, don’t you?”

“No,” I deny weakly, turning to my wardrobe, as I search for a suitable jacket to wear.

“Come on, Liz,” she grins. “Spill. Who is he and why haven’t you mentioned him before?”

“Maria,” I say warningly.

I find the jacket I was looking for, pull it out and then close the wardrobe door. I turn to find her watching me, an eyebrow raised. I sigh.

“Okay, fine, I have a date tonight,” I concede, hoping that she’ll leave it at that, but at the same time knowing it won’t be enough to satisfy her. “He’s a third-year.”


“And what?” I retort, but she just levels me with a probing stare and I find myself replying. “All right, fine. I’ve known him for a while and recently I’ve begun to have feelings for him. It turns out that he feels the same way and so yesterday he asked me out. Tonight’s our first date.”

Maria grins, “See, that wasn’t so hard now, was it.”

I shoot her a look and then continue getting ready, putting the final touches to my outfit and then moving on to my hair and make-up. At seven-twenty, Michael knocks on the door, asking if Maria is ready to go yet and they head out a couple of minutes later, leaving me standing alone in front of the small mirror above the sink.

I suck in a couple of deep breaths, exhaling slowly with each one in an attempt to calm myself down as I study my reflection in the mirror. I’ve curled my hair a little so that it falls over my shoulders in soft waves and I’ve pinned back one side with a sparkly butterfly clip. Make-up wise, I’ve opted for subtle eyes – brown and beige on my eyelids, with a hint of brown eyeliner and then followed with my favourite black mascara – and a light pink lip-gloss. All in all, I feel pretty pleased with my appearance; now if only I could feel as positive about this upcoming date.

I have butterflies going on a rampage in my stomach and my heart is pounding nervously as numerous questions run through my mind; What if I screw this up? What if, after all this, we don’t get on at all? What if the date is a disaster and this is it for us?

Just then, my phone beeps with an incoming message and I turn from the mirror, crossing the room and picking up my phone. My heart lurches as I open the message and skim the contents; it’s from Max; he’s here.

Oh, God, I don’t think I can do this.

Yes you can, whispers a voice in my subconscious. I close my eyes and take a calming breath. Okay, right; I can do this. I grab my jacket and purse, check that I have my keys and then make my way out of the room. I can feel my heart pounding anxiously as I descend the three flights of stairs to the ground floor and I suddenly worry that Max will take one look at me, see how nervous I am and then walk away. I try to shake the thought from my head as I open the door leading out of A block and step out into the cold March air.

It only takes a second for my eyes to land on Max. He looks relaxed as he leans against the wall next to the door, dressed in a pair of nice jeans and a button-down striped shirt, accompanied by a beige jacket and a pair of brown shoes, looking as if he doesn’t have a care in the world. For a minute, I wonder how he can be so calm and collected when I’m such a nervous wreck, but then he smiles, a slow, languid smile, which causes my insides to melt and all of the previous nervousness suddenly disappears. I gulp when he pushes away from the wall and saunters over, coming to a stop in front of me.


“Hi, Max,” I manage, my head spinning as the intoxicating scent of his aftershave assaults my senses.

His eyes drop from my face, down to my body and then back up again, “You look great.”

“Thanks,” I reply, as I glance down at the green, sparkly top, smart jeans and heeled boots that I finally decided on. I feel myself blushing and am suddenly grateful that there’s only dim lighting out here. “You don’t look so bad yourself.”

No, you look mouth-watering, the little voice in my head speaks up.

He grins, “You ready to go?”

“Yep,” I reply with a small smile.

“Great,” he gives me a lopsided grin. “Let’s go.”

We start walking down the long driveway out of the hall grounds. Max has his hands casually shoved into his jeans pocket and I marvel at his ability to be so calm.

“So… where are we going exactly?” I ask, as we reach the end of the driveway and turn onto the main road.

He shoots me an enigmatic smile, “You’ll have to wait and see.”

“Max...” I protest, sending him a playful pout. “Please?”

“No,” he replies, his tone amused.

“Come on; can’t you at least give me a hint?” I probe. “I mean, how do I know if I’m even dressed for the occasion if you won’t tell me where we’re going?”

He stops and turns to me, “You’re dressed perfectly, Liz. Don’t worry about it.”

“Okay,” I nod, accepting his words with a smile and we start walking again.

We head into town in semi-comfortable silence, as I find myself running through in my mind some of the different possibilities of where Max could be taking me tonight. Beside me, Max still looks like he’s as pulled-together as ever, although when I look over at him after a few minutes of walking, I notice that he seems to be deep in thought. I keep my eyes on him for a moment, marvelling at his strong jaw-line and chiselled, handsome features, before I smile and boldly reach for his arm. He looks up in surprise as I slip my hand between his elbow and his side and curl my fingers around his warm jacket-covered arm, but then he relaxes and smiles warmly.

We continue to walk in silence for a couple more minutes, until I decide to blurt out the first thing that comes to mind.

“So, are you sure you won’t tell me where we’re going?”

He laughs, “Liz, come on, stop it. It’s supposed to be a surprise, okay? Don’t ruin it.”

“Spoilsport,” I mumble, even though I am just a little bit excited about this so-called surprise.

“Wow, if I’d known you were gonna be like this about it, I never would’ve asked you out,” he teases.

“Hey!” I dig my fingers into his arm in response.

“Sorry,” he apologises quickly, although I can see a hint of mischievousness in his eyes.

There’s another moment of silence, before he says, “So, I didn’t get to ask just now, how are you?”

“I’m good, thanks,” I tell him with a smile. “You?”

“I’m great,” he grins. “Perfect, in fact, now that I’m here with you.”

I roll my eyes, “Geez, Max.”

“What?” he questions in mock-surprise.

“That was so corny.”

“Was not,” he retorts.

“Was too.”

“Well, what if it’s true?” he questions.

My heart skips a beat, “Is it?”

He pretends to think for a moment, before shaking his head, “Nah, not really.”

“Oi,” I nudge him with my elbow. “Thanks a lot!”

He chuckles, glancing down at me, “Oh, sorry, was that the wrong thing to say? What I meant was, ‘Of course it’s true, Liz. You are the light of my life and I wish I could spend all day, every day basking in your presence’.”

“Shut up,” I say good-naturedly, fully enjoying this playful banter between us.

It’s nice to just be with him without him making his usual arrogant comments or smirking at me in that unnerving way that makes me feel so self-conscious and I wonder if this the real Max Evans I’m seeing right now, the one I haven’t allowed myself to believe existed until very recently.

“Fine,” he sighs. “God, you try to compliment a girl and she tells you to shut up. What’s up with that?”

“Maybe she’s just messing with you,” I suggest coyly.

He raises an eyebrow, “Is that so? And here I thought you were a good girl, Liz Parker.”

“Then you obviously don’t know me as well as you think you do, Max Evans,” I retort and he laughs.

“Well, in that case, I fully intend on getting to know you much better,” he says suggestively, sending a thrill through my body as I hug his arm closer.

As we continue on down the high street, a warm feeling of contentment begins to spread through my body and I let myself revel in the feeling as I allow Max to guide me through the streets until we arrive at our destination.

“Okay, here we are,” he announces as we come to a stop outside a small row of shops.

“And where is ‘here’ exactly?” I wonder, looking around for a clue as to what he has planned.

“Right in here,” he nods, indicating a glass door to my left.

I frown in puzzlement as he pulls the door open and I step through, but as soon as I get inside, I realise where we are. I turn to Max in surprise, who is now standing just behind me.

“This is an art gallery?”

“Yeah,” he sends me a crooked smile. “A friend of mine is an artist and he has a showing in here tonight. I wasn’t sure if you’d be interested, but I thought we might give it a try.”

“No, it’s great, Max,” I tell him quickly, as I take a look around at the gorgeous paintings and sculptures scattered around the room. “This is so cool.”

“You like art?”

“Well, I’m not an obsessive fan or anything, but yeah, I like it.”

“Great,” he grins, taking my hand. “You wanna check it out?”


He leads me across the room, stopping briefly along the way to pick up a free glass of champagne from one of the tables near the wall, handing it to me and then taking one for himself, before we start making our way around the gallery. I find myself pleasantly surprised when Max begins discussing some of the paintings, asking what I think of them and then giving his own opinions on the work, and I get a glimpse of the Max that Sophie was hinting at yesterday morning. He spends the evening courteously guiding me around the gallery and making humorous small talk, which creates this really warm, comfortable atmosphere between us and makes me feel so content that I can barely stop smiling.

“You wanna go get some food after this?” asks Max close to my ear, as we reach the end of the exhibition.

“Sure,” I reply with a nod. “I’d love to.”

“Okay,” he smiles. “Let me just go congratulate John on his exhibition and then we’ll get out of here.”

I nod as he flashes me a grin before heading across the room to where his artist friend is talking to an elderly couple. I watch, a small smile on my face, as he greets John with a friendly handshake and then pats him on the back. They talk for a couple of minutes, during which time I see them glance in my direction briefly, and then Max pats him on the back again and he makes his way back to me.

“You ready to go?”

I nod and then feel a tingle go down my back as he places his hand on my lower back and guides me out of the gallery.

“So, what did you think?” he asks as we walk along the road, towards the high street.

“It was amazing, Max,” I say enthusiastically. “Your friend is an incredible artist.”

“Yeah, he is,” agrees Max with a nod. “But he’s been really lucky to get this opportunity – it’s really hard for artists to get good recognition these days.”

“Yeah,” I nod.

We walk in silence for a few moments, until Max says, “So, what do you fancy to eat? There’s this really great tapas place just up the road; what do you think?”

“Sounds great,” I grin. “I love tapas.”

“Me too,” he glances down at me and we share a smile as he directs me towards the restaurant.

Despite the fact that it’s Friday night and we don’t have a reservation, we’re shown to a small table right away. I smile and nod politely as the waitress hands us some menus and tells us she’ll be back in a minute.

“So, what do you fancy?” asks Max as he pulls off his jacket and drapes it over the back of his chair.

“Hmm, I’m not sure,” I murmur, averting my eyes from the tanned expanse of forearm that peeks out from the slightly rolled-up sleeves of his shirt and forcing myself to scan the menu instead. “There’s so much choice.”

“Well, if you want, we could order a couple of dishes each and share them,” he suggests.

I look up at him and smile, “Yeah, I’d like that.”

“Great,” he flashes me a grin that makes my heart skip a beat.

Just then, the waitress returns to take our drinks order. Max orders a Spanish beer, while I decide on a glass of Sangria and she tells us she’ll be back soon to take our food order.

“Okay, then,” says Max once she’s gone, as he places his menu flat on the table so we can both see it. “What shall we order?”

“Well, I quite fancy the Croquetas de Pollo,” I say, leaning forward so that I can point it out on the menu. “And the Patatas Bravas con Queso dish looks nice too.”

“Sounds good,” murmurs Max, as he peruses the menu himself. “Hmm, how about the Champiñones al Ajillo and the Albóndigas a la Jardinera?”

I take a quick look at which dishes he means and then nod approvingly, “Good choice. And maybe we can get a side dish or two as well… how about the Ensalada de Tomate y Queso de Cabra and maybe… the Pan a la Catalana?”

“Wonderful,” grins Max, just as the waitress returns with our drinks and asks if we’re ready to order.

I relax back in my seat and take a sip of my Sangria as Max reels off our choices in what sounds like perfect Spanish and I can’t help the small thrill that goes through me as I listen to his smooth voice pronouncing the foreign words.

As the waitress leaves once more, leaving the menus on the table in case we decide to order more dishes later on, I can’t resist mentioning that, “I didn’t know you could speak Spanish.”

Max shrugs, “I don’t, really – I just picked some up on my gap year after A-levels.”

“You took a gap year?”

I don’t know why that surprises me, but it does. After all, he is three years older than me, which would mean that he didn’t start university until he was at least nineteen.

“Yeah,” he smiles. “I did.”

“Wow, where did you go?”

He shrugs again, playing with the fork in front of him as he answers, “All over really. I taught English to schoolchildren in Nepal for six months and then I travelled for the next five months… I started in Asia, visiting India, China and Japan, then it was on to Australia and New Zealand for about three weeks and after that I flew to Chile and toured around South America for the last couple of months – that’s where I picked up the Spanish.”

“Wow,” I repeat, my eyes wide. “That sounds amazing.”

“Yeah,” he smiles wistfully. “It really was. Best year of my life.”

“God, I wish I’d done something like that,” I muse. “My best friend from back home has just left to go on a round-the-world tour with her boyfriend, but I just came here right after finishing school.”

“I’m sure you’ll have plenty of chances to go travelling, Liz,” he assures me. “You could even take a gap year after uni if you wanted.”

“Yeah,” I murmur thoughtfully. “I guess so.”

He sends me an encouraging smile, which I return before glancing down at my menu again, frowning as I realise something.

“Hey, Max…?”


“You do realise that almost every dish we’ve ordered contains garlic, right?”

He raises an eyebrow, glancing down at his own menu, before shrugging and giving me a smirk, “Well, I won’t complain if you don’t.”

I chuckle lightly, “Okay, we’ll just have garlic breath together… we probably won’t even notice it anyway if we both have it.”

“Why, Miss Parker, are you implying that we might end up in a position where having garlic breath could be an issue?” he wonders, a twinkle in his eye.

I shrug, unable to keep the smirk off my face, “Well, you never know…”

He laughs then, a deep, warm laugh that causes a familiar heat to swirl in my belly and I can’t tear my eyes away from his face as I take in his amused features. I totally underestimated him, I realise then. All this time I was too shit-scared to open up to him and let him in, and look what I’ve been missing out on.

The waitress returns a moment later with our food and some plates and we dig in, halving each of the dishes between us. As we eat, the conversation turns to small talk, as we take the opportunity to learn more about each other.

“So, why History?” I ask, taking a bite of salad, interested to know more about his choice of degree subject.

“It’s fascinating,” he says simply. “You know, to discover how people lived all those years ago. I think that understanding how things worked in the past is key in planning for the future.”

“That makes sense,” I nod, impressed by his articulate description.

“And, of course, I’m good at it,” he adds with a half-smile. “History was one of my best subjects at school.”

“Really?” I ask curiously, before making a face, “I didn’t really like it. I mean, it wasn’t that bad, but it never really interested me all that much.”

“I’m guessing your interests are more in the science area, though?”

“Yeah,” I nod. “I took Biology, Chemistry and Sociology for my A-levels, although I’ve always been more interested in Biology than the others.”

“Impressive,” nods Max. “I almost feel inadequate compared to you. I only did History, English Lit. and French for my A-levels.”

“Doesn’t sound very inadequate to me,” I respond, secretly impressed by his subjects too. “What grades did you get?”

He looks sheepish then, “Three A’s.”

“Wow,” I blink in surprise. I had no idea he was that smart. “Well you did better than me, then.”

He frowns, “Why, what did you get?”

“An A in Biology and Bs in Chemistry and Sociology,” I admit.

“That’s still pretty good.”

I grin, “Not compared to you, Mr. Academic.”

He shoots me a half-annoyed, half-amused look and then turns back to his food, digging his fork into a Croqueta de Pollo, dipping it into the garlic sauce and then taking a bite.

We talk a little more as we finish off the food, our forks meeting occasionally as we reach across the table to dip into the small dishes, and I quickly discover that although he likes action movies, he won’t object to the odd drama or foreign film, and that actually he prefers hanging out with his friends in the pub over big social events (although he could’ve fooled me, with all the times I’ve seen him out and about over the last few months); while I reveal that even though I mostly like to listen to indie and alternative music, I’m a sucker for dancing to cheesy pop music on occasion.

When all the food is gone, Max picks up the menu again and asks if I want any dessert. I tell him that I’m torn, because I’m already full, but at the same time, the Tarta con Queso, Chocolate y Naranja – a chocolate and orange cheesecake – is calling my name and I don’t think I can resist. After a couple of minutes of debating, in the end we decide to share the dessert and Max calls the waitress over again to order it.

About five minutes later, she returns with the dessert and two spoons and with a shared grin, we tuck in eagerly. The cheesecake is absolutely delicious: creamy white-chocolate topping flavoured with orange and accompanied by a gorgeous biscuit base. Unfortunately, though by the time we’ve finished it, I am absolutely stuffed and I feel a bit guilty that I’ve eaten so much. But as we ask for the bill a few minutes later, Max comments that he’s glad I’m not one of those girls who is afraid to eat what she wants for fear of getting fat and I can’t help but grin at the compliment.

When the bill arrives, Max insists on paying and although I feel a bit guilty about it, he won’t even consider the possibility of me contributing to the cost and pulls the bill folder out of my reach, deftly slipping his credit card in, before handing it back to our waitress to process.

As we leave the restaurant a few minutes later and begin walking back towards campus, Max takes my hand in his warm one, linking his fingers with mine and I revel in the feel of it. We talk a little on the way back, although it’s not an in-depth discussion, but mostly just meaningless small talk, although by the time we reach my hall again, the conversation has lapsed into comfortable silence. We come to a stop just outside A block and Max releases my hand, turning to me with a breathtaking half-smile.

“Thanks for a great night, Liz.”

I smile, feeling a blush heating my cheeks, “Shouldn’t I be the one saying that to you? I had an amazing time tonight, Max. Thank you.”

He grins, “Well, that’s good to know. Glad you had fun.”

I smile, but then my heart starts beating faster at the intense look he’s suddenly giving me.

“Max..?” I wonder, my voice soft.

He steps close, his gaze unwavering and I shiver as he lifts his hand to my face, sliding it round to cup the back of my neck as he leans in, tilting my head to capture my lips with his. I sink into the kiss, my hands coming up to clasp his upper arms as my head begins to spin. I gasp into his mouth as his tongue slips inside, tangling with mine, causing tingles to shoot through my entire body.

I have no idea how long we stand together like that, our mouths devouring each other as if our lives depend on it, but before I know it, he’s pulling away, lowering his hand to his side.

“Good night, Liz,” he murmurs, shooting me a small, indulgent smirk as he steps backwards, away from me. “I’ll see you soon, okay?”

“Bye, Max,” I whisper faintly, my eyes following him intently as he turns and walks away. “See you.”

I let out a contended sigh as I head toward the A block door and dig out my keys. My legs are shaky as I climb the stairs to the top floor and walk along the corridor to my room. I open the door to find the room empty – Maria must not be back from her date with Michael yet – and as I close it behind me, I let my head fall back against the door with a dreamy sigh.

“Oh my God.”

I think I’m in love.


Re: Between The Covers (AU, M/L, MATURE) Pt 33, pg 10, 11/25

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 3:14 am
by Heavenli24
Hey, everyone, thank you for your feedback :):

Morning Dreamgirl
Okay, I'll leave the rest of my feedback later, but I have to say - loved the first date!
Thanks :).

Me too

that had to be the perfect date
I did my best to make it as perfect as I could without it being really cheesy or predictable :).

Well who wouldn't be if you went out with one Max Evans?!
Lol – very true!
I so can't wait for more of their relationship but I have this feeling that some angst is headed our way.
Possibly… we’ll have to see how things progress. Let’s hope they can get some happy time in first though :).

Oh Yeah most definatley and who wouldnt be after that date!
it was like the perfect date!

yay happy dance

sunrise102 – Thanks :).
*dreamy sigh* what a great date! I'm jealous. lol. Well, it's very refreshing to see Max and Liz enjoy themselves and show their real selves to each other! Long overdue in my opinion.
Yeah, it probably was overdue – I’ve deliberately taken my time with writing this story :).
Well I can certainly see why they want to keep things quiet though. Let's face it, Max does have a bit of a reputation with the ladies. There is no way to avoid the talk that will spread and I want to think Max is just trying to protect Liz from it. As much as he is able to. I wonder if he will come to regret at least a part of his reputation, because while it didn't really affect him before now there is someone whom he really cares about is going to get caught in the crossfire. Most of that will die down I imagine as time goes on and they continue to see each other (assuming they do!), people will see it's not business as usual for Player Max Evans.

Perhaps he will start to regret his reputation now that he’s with Liz. The problem is that with other girls he was deliberately playing it up in public, for the attention – making sure that everyone saw him as the sociable flirt; but now that he’s embarking on a real relationship with Liz, it’s not likely to be something he wants to flaunt in public.
As for Liz, sheesh, can't a girl go out on a date without facing the spanish inquisition? lol. She's stronger than I to have divulged what she did to Maria. I would have dug my heels out of pure stubbornness. "I have a date with a guy" wasn't enough for her? She doesn't need to know every detail.
I guess there’s two sides to it – of course Liz would prefer to keep things to herself at the moment, and Maria is being very nosy, but at the same time, apart from Jake, Liz hasn’t been with anyone else in the last few months and she hasn’t dated since she and Jake broke up, so Maria is understandably curious that Liz has a date :P.

begonia9508 – Thanks :).
Nothing is greater as a first date, when your heart is beating thousand beats and you're so feverish that you run every minute to the loo!


Christable – Thanks :).
Got to see a side of Max that I haven't seen before. Love the way you are writing him. I like how they are getting to know each other. They are taking things slow.
I’m glad you like this Max – I sometimes worry that he might be doing or saying something out of character as the story progresses, so it’s great to know that you’re enjoying him ;) :P.

I'm so glad she talked to Maria about going out. She didn't reveal who it was but I saw no reason to be so secretive.
The Liz on the show always held her friends very close. And Maria is a good detective. Liz might as well give it up.
I guess the main thing here is that I’m not writing about Liz from the show – Liz and Maria in this story do not have exactly the same personalities as Liz and Maria in the show. If I was trying to stick to canon characterisations, then this story would have been very different right from part one!
I was a little worried at first, when Max left Liz alone and never introduced her to the artist whose work they were viewing.
I hope things go smoothly for them. Sometimes the little things can add up all the wrong way.
I didn’t include it, but I was assuming here that Max would have already introduced Liz and John at some point earlier in the evening and so Max’s goodbye at the end was just a quick acknowledgement to his friend that they were leaving.
The dinner was wonderful. And the kiss was the perfect ending.
It is very interesting to see the different cultural practices.
We are pretty casual here in the U.S. Midwest and I am always surprised at some of the interesting things I read by the wonderful authors on the other side of the big pond.
Thanks :). Part of the reason I decided to set this story in England was because so many stories are set in the US (for obvious reasons) and while I can try to write about the US dating scene, it’s not really what I know (i.e. everything about it is picked up from TV shows, films and books!). I’d be interested to know what things you and other readers from the US find different in the UK-based stories compared to the US ones :).

Awww she's in love!
:P – her comment at the end there was kind of an exaggerated, almost throw away exclamation… although I’m sure she’s well on her way to being in love, I don’t think she’s fully acknowledged what her feelings mean yet ;).
That was so lovely! Perfect first date for those two. Max sure knows what he's doing. I can't help but wonder if he'll reveal later he was just as nervous as she was. He was so calm, cool, and collected. It's a nice thing he has going though, that persona.
Thanks :). We’ll have to see if Max reveals how he was feeling that night ;).
Max gets more and more fascinating. He did the traveling thing she wanted to do. He's smart. He's into history and he speaks different languages. It's all very intriguing. They had a nice warm flow between them. It was very pleasant to read.
That was the thing about Max – he has lots of layers and is much more complex than Liz labelled him to be at first… he isn’t just a playboy and a flirt.
I spent a lot of time on the part, trying to get that warm atmosphere just right, so I’m very glad that it came across the way I intended it to :).

It's nice Liz didn't have to worry about explaining anything to Maria when she got back and she could just enjoy the moment.
Yeah, it was nice, wasn’t it? I wanted to give Liz some time for it all to sink in, lol.
Looking forward to more Max and Liz moments.
Don’t worry, you’ll get them ;).

Yea for the big date. Everything was just perfect! (Of course, I'm keenly aware that this kind of perfection is short-lived , but I can dream can't I? ).
Yeah, it was pretty perfect – let’s just hope it can stay that way for a bit longer :).

Thanks :).
That was a perfect scene with them. I loved the nervousness in anticipation and once the actual date started she was totally calm. And I am loving this liz. Much more open and honest and fun to be around. I think she even joked a few times in there. I am loving it!!!
The thing with Liz up until now was that she wasn’t all that happy. She found Max to be annoying and arrogant and everything she didn’t want in a man, while she was only content with Jake, but not in love with him. Then more recently, she’s been battling her true feelings with what she thinks she should feel for Max (i.e. hate). So all in all, she hasn’t had all that much to smile about :P!

Now that she’s finally opening up to Max and accepting her feelings for him, she’s much more positive and in the mood for joking around :).

bella_svetlana – Thanks :).

Hunter – Thanks :).
Yeah what she said! Lol.



Part Thirty-Four

Monday morning seems to take forever to arrive. Not that I didn’t have a fun weekend though, it’s just it’s been two long days since I’ve seen Max.

On Saturday afternoon, Maria and I went into town with James and Michael to do some shopping and hang out in a couple of the student cafés. Maria surprised me though, because all afternoon she barely mentioned my date the night before, only briefly asking how it was, before dropping the subject. I’m guessing that she had other things on her mind though, since she didn’t even sleep in her bed Friday night… I found James sleeping there instead when I woke up on Saturday morning!

In the evening, everyone went down to Breakers for the weekly Saturday club night on campus and then on Sunday we spent the day hanging out at the hall, just watching DVDs, pigging out on chocolate and generally mucking around – but the whole time I was totally distracted by thoughts of Max and our date on Friday night. Of course, it didn’t help that I could barely keep the excited smile off my face all weekend.

However, by the time I walk up to campus on Monday morning, the excitement is starting to turn into anxiousness as to what the day… the whole week, in fact… will bring. I haven’t had any contact with Max since we said goodbye on Friday night and I don’t know if we’ll see each other again soon or not. A few times over the weekend, I was tempted to either text or call him, but something stopped me… nervousness, perhaps, I’m not entirely sure. Or maybe it was because I was waiting and hoping that he would be the one to call first, in case I seemed too eager or something; I don’t know.

I can’t concentrate on my morning lectures today; my thoughts are completely distracted as I replay the events of last week over and over in my mind. A couple of times in Plant Diversity, I notice Kyle glancing at me with a strange expression, but I send him a shrug, shaking my head to indicate that I’ll explain everything later. He still looks a little confused, but accepts it and gives me a quick nod. As soon as the lecture ends he catches up with me as we leave the lecture hall.

“So, what’s going on?” he asks directly as we head out of the building. “You seem really distracted today.”

For a moment I’m tempted to lie and say that I’m just tired, but I quickly realise that right now, Kyle is one of only two of my friends with whom I can talk freely about Max. So, I take a deep breath and prepare to tell him about everything that happened between us last week.

“Remember the other day when we had lunch in the union with Serena and we were talking about Max Evans?”

“Yeah,” he nods with a slight frown, as if he’s not sure where I’m going with this.

“And you guys basically said I should go for it?” He nods again. “Well, last week, I-”

Suddenly his face lights up in a grin, “You went for it?”

I shrug, “Well, sorta…”

Because if I’m being pedantic, technically he was the one who went for it.

“So, do I take it that you and Max Evans are… together, then?”

“Well…” I fidget with the bag on my shoulder as we walk down the hill. “I guess so… I mean, we talked and stuff, and on Friday we went out…”

“That’s great, Liz,” says Kyle then, turning to me and grinning.

“Well, I hope so.”

He frowns, “Why, did something happen?”

I shrug, “I don’t think so… it’s just that I had a great time with him on Friday night, but, you know, I haven’t seen or spoken to him since then and I’m not sure where we stand now.”

Kyle shakes his head, a small smirk playing on his lips, “Liz, I doubt you have anything to worry about.”

“I hope not.”

We walk in silence for a few moments, before Kyle stops and turns to me.

“Liz, I’m really glad for you and Max. You deserve to be happy.”

I smile, touched, “Thanks, Kyle.”

We part ways then, as Kyle has somewhere to be and I’ve arranged to have lunch with Alex and James, since we have similar lecture times today, so I head down to the student union bar to meet them.


Only James is there when I arrive; he’s sitting in one of the booths, with a half-pint of beer in front of him. As I approach, I notice that he looks distracted – he’s fiddling with a sugar packet from the small bowl in the middle of the table and his expression is serious… almost forlorn, in fact.

“Hey,” I greet softly, as I slide in next to him, shifting on the bench to get comfortable.

He looks up, startled, “Oh, hey, Liz.”

“What’s up?” I ask. “You don’t look too happy.”

He shrugs, his fingers still turning the sugar packet over and over, “Nothin’”


But it doesn’t seem like nothing to me. James is one of the most laidback, easygoing guys I know; he doesn’t really do ‘moody’, which is why I’m a little concerned right now.

“This doesn’t have anything to do with our mission to find you a girlfriend, does it?” I venture a guess. “’Cause I know we’ve been kind of annoying you with it.”

He just shrugs again and rolls his eyes; he’s not looking at me. I frown; did I just hit a nerve or something?

“James?” I nudge his elbow concern. “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know,” he shakes his head, as if at a loss for what to say. “It’s just… “ he sighs, “Well… I mean, the thing is… the reason I haven’t been very enthusiastic about your plan is because I kinda met someone; but–”

“You did?” I interrupt, almost squeaking as my eyes widen in shocked surprise. “Wow…When? Who?”

He shoots me a glare, obviously annoyed by the interruption, “But, there’s a problem; she’s kind of older than me and I just don’t think she’s interested.”

“What makes you say that?” I wonder.

“I dunno, “ he shrugs helplessly. “I mean, we get on well together – we both go to the socials for our departments, but she’s a postgrad and I kinda get the impression that I’m too young or not academic enough for her or something.”

“Have you talked to her about it?” I ask.

He looks sheepish, “Well, no, not exactly.”

“Maybe you should,” I suggest. “After all, you’ll never know if you don’t try.”

As I say it, I recall the similar words that both Serena and Sophie said to me only a few days ago and I can’t help the tiny smile that appears on my face as I realise just how right they were.

“I guess… but what if she turns me down? I don’t think I could handle being around her anymore if she said no. I don’t know what to do, Liz,” he looks at me, his expression distraught and my heart goes out to him.

“Hey, it’s gonna be okay,” I tell him softly, reaching out to place a comforting hand on his lower arm. “I’m sure of it.”

He doesn’t look convinced, his gaze wandering across the room. I look up too, just in time to see Max entering the bar area. My breath catches in my throat at the sight of him and I feel my cheeks begin to heat up. But then my face falls as I realise that he’s not alone; he’s with a girl – a cute blonde. I watch with a small frown as they reach the bar and order some drinks. Max leans against it, propping his elbow up on the counter as he turns toward the girl and laughs at something she’s saying. Just then, his head turns and his eyes meet mine. For a moment, his lips curl up into a warm smile, which makes my heart skip a beat, but then his eyes narrow slightly and the moment passes.

I’m tempted to go over to him and ask what’s wrong, but a new voice catches my attention.

“Hey, guys, sorry I’m late,” says Alex cheerily, as he drops his bag onto the bench on the other side of the table, leaning over to give me a quick peck on the cheek in greeting, before nodding at James.

“That’s okay, Alex,” I smile, tearing my gaze away from Max to focus on him. “So, how about some food, then?”

Shaking himself out of his trance, James turns to face us, “I’ll go order it. What do you guys want?”

I opt for a lasagne, while Alex and James both decide on burger and chips and James heads over to the food counter. While we’re waiting for him to order our food, Alex and I chat about his and Izzy’s plans for meeting up over the Easter holidays – Friday is the last day of term before the Easter vacation and we all have to move out of our rooms again and head back home for a month. However, as involved as I am with our conversation, I can’t stop my gaze from wandering across the room to Max on more than one occasion. A couple of times he’s still looking at me, but then other times he seems engrossed in whatever joke he’s sharing with the blonde and I feel my heart lurch in response.

I turn to Alex with determination, “Hey, do you want a drink?”

“Sure,” he smiles. “A coke would be great.”

“Coming right up,” I grin, before sliding out of the booth and heading over to where Max is stood by the bar.

Luckily, the counter is fairly crowded – it’s lunchtime – and so there aren’t many free areas to choose from. In a deliberate move, I opt for the small space between Max and the blonde she’s talking to.

“Excuse me,” I murmur politely, as I saunter over and plant myself in front of him, leaning forward on the bar as I attempt to get the bartender’s attention.

Just then, I feel his hand brush my hip and I glance up at him mischievously. His lips are curled up into a small smirk as he looks down at me.

“Go ahead,” he murmurs.

“Um, hello?” the blonde interrupts a moment later. “You can’t just barge in… we were talking here.”

I raise an eyebrow at Max, who continues to smirk, giving me an almost imperceptible shrug, and then turn to face the girl.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t realise,” I say sweetly. “It’s just that this was the only free space at the bar.”

She shoots me an evil glare, but I ignore it and turn to face the bartender.

“What’ll it be?” he asks.

“Two Cokes and… half a Carlsberg, please,” I tell him.

Beside me, I feel Max stiffen and I cast a curious glance in his direction. He’s not looking at me anymore, but his expression gives nothing away. I frown, but don’t have time to dwell on it further because the bartender places the drinks in front of me and I have to pay for them. I pick up one of the Cokes and the lager and then smile at Max.

“Would you mind watching my drink for me? I’ll be back for it in a sec.”

“Sure,” he grins. “Take your time.”

I bite my lip to keep from grinning as I turn and carry the two drinks over to Alex and James. I place them down on the table and then turn back to retrieve my own glass. As I approach the bar again, I feel Max’s gaze on me, but when I look up to meet it, I see the blonde shoving his chest with her hand in annoyance, while he just holds his hands out in bewilderment. I hide a smirk as I step between them again and reach for my Coke.

“Thanks, guys,” I say, first smiling quickly at the blonde and then sharing a longer gaze with Max. “Really appreciate it.”

He nods again, saying smoothly, “My pleasure.”

I smile, my heart suddenly beating faster at the flirtatious look in his eyes.

“See you around,” I murmur, before heading back over to where Alex and James are waiting for me with the food.

I try to concentrate on enjoying my lunch with them, but my body is all too aware of the fact that Max is nearby and my mind keeps wandering to him instead. James is the first to leave for his next lecture, although he seems to go suspiciously early and I wonder if he’s trying to avoid discussing this ‘older girl’ of his with me again. Alex and I hang around and chat for a bit longer, until he has to get going for his weekly tutorial meeting. He gives me a quick hug goodbye and disappears as well, leaving me to finish off the last of the salad that was served with my lasagne.

“So,” comes Max’s voice seemingly out of nowhere, as he casually slides into the booth beside me, placing his half-full glass of beer down on the table and sliding his arm along the back of the seat. “You three looked very chummy over here.”

I raise an eyebrow, turning to face him with a smirk, “Max, they’re my friends.”

“You had your hand on the blond guy’s arm and the other one kissed you,” he reminds me, with a grumpy frown.

I have to bite my lip to keep from laughing at his annoyed expression. Not jealous, my arse! It seems as though Max Evans is very much the jealous type. I wonder what it’ll take to get him to actually admit it, though.

“The ‘blond guy’ is James, he’s one of my closest friends,” I inform him, with a roll of my eyes. “Nothing to worry about there, though, okay? And the ‘other guy’ is just Alex.”

His eyes narrow, “‘Just Alex’? What the hell does that mean? Who is he to you?”

“God, Max; jealous much?!” I exclaim then, in mock annoyance. “For your information, Alex is in no way interested in me whatsoever.”

“Hmph,” he grumbles, obviously not convinced.

I sigh, “Fine, if you must know, Alex is your sister’s boyfriend.”

“What?” he jerks his head up, his expression a mixture of surprise and irritation.

“You heard me,” I retort. “So you can get off my back about him, okay? And you know, you’re one to talk… who was that blonde you were just with at the bar?”

“Oh, that was just Gemma,” he dismisses casually. “She’s a friend of mine.”

I snort incredulously, “Okay, so let me get this straight: you think you can come over here and get all jealous because I was having lunch with two of my friends, yet you seem to think it’s no big deal that you were doing exactly the same thing over there?”

He sighs, slumping in the seat, “Okay, fine. I’m sorry.”

I frown as I really look at him. I didn’t notice it before but he looks tired.

“Are you okay?”

He exhales, “Sorry, it’s just been a long weekend.”


“Yeah,” he nods. “I meant to call you, but it was one thing after another and I didn’t get a chance. I’m sorry.”

“That’s okay,” I breathe an internal sigh of relief that it wasn’t anything more serious than that – like he’s lost interest in me or something. “Don’t worry.”

He smirks again then, leaning closer, “I notice you didn’t call me either.” He looks down at me, his expression softer now, “You could have, you know.”

I smile softly, “I thought about it, but then I wasn’t sure if we were doing things the traditional way… you know, when the guy calls first.”

“Well, I’ve never been one for tradition,” he shrugs, shifting so that his thigh is touching mine. “I wouldn’t have minded.”

I smile in response as we share a heated look, “Well then, next time I guess I’ll call.”

“Yeah, you do that.”

My breathing becomes heavier as I stare up into his eyes; I can feel the heat from his body against my leg and I tilt my chin up towards his. His eyes drift to my lips and I shiver in anticipation as he lowers his head… but then I realise where we are – in the middle of a crowded pub at lunchtime and I force myself to pull back.

“Wait,” I murmur. “Not here.”

“No?” he looks like he doesn’t care about our surroundings all that much.

“No,” I shake my head. “I’m not really that keen on public displays of affection.”

“Okay,” he smiles. “Let’s get out of here.”

He slides out of the booth, stepping back to let me stand up too, before nodding to the exit and discretely grabbing my hand, guiding me out of the bar. We round the corner into a small, empty corridor, where he suddenly presses me against the wall and captures my lips in a greedy kiss. I lose myself in the feel of his warm, enticing mouth on mine, his hands gripping my hips, holding me close to him as we kiss; and then I sigh with disappointment when he pulls away a few moments later.

He looks down at me with hooded eyes, “You busy tonight?”

I nod sadly, “I’m sorry, I have street dance class and then I promised my friends we’d do a DVD night tonight.”

He nods, “Okay, never mind; how about tomorrow instead?”

“I’m free after ballet class,” I tell him with a small smile.

“Great,” he grins. “I’ll meet you here in the union after your class and we’ll do something.”

“Okay,” I agree happily.

“I gotta go now, but I’ll see you tomorrow then.”


He leans down and kisses me once more, before releasing his grasp on my hips.

“Bye, Liz,” he says, giving me a quick wink and then turning to leave.


I let my head rest against the wall for a moment, as I attempt to calm my racing heart before I go to my next lecture and try to make it through the rest of the day without squealing with happiness.


Re: Between The Covers (AU, M/L, MATURE) Pt 34, pg 11, 12/2

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 1:10 pm
by Heavenli24
Hey, everyone, thank you for your feedback :):

In my opinion, Liz and Max need to have some time in between the covers lol

yes they do. They certaintly most do need to get in between the sheets. Lol, I'm surprised why Max or Liz haven't made a move yet.

Please please make me happy and throw in something saucy here lol.
We’re getting there, I promise. Hopefully this part will help ;)
I always get happy when I read this. I just can't wait for that to happen, lol
Lol – thanks.

Natalie36 – Thanks :).

They are right to be discret.... there are always too many people who want to get involved in between a relationship, especially with a guy like Max who has an important place in this school!!!

It’s really kind of an unspoken agreement between them that they are being discreet – they are just finding their feet in their relationship and so it’s automatic at this point that they are keeping things quiet to start with.

DreamerM&L – Thanks :).
Funny how he got all jealous of James and
aww...he really likes her!
He does!
well its good to see they have another date...well sort of....
Don’t worry this is kind of ‘the chapter of dates’, lol…

haha liz got it right- not jealous??? yeah right!!
Totally jealous, lol!
they're so cute together but i agree... i wish one of them would make a move already
We’re getting there, honest :).

Gee Max, that's the pot calling the kettle black. I'm glad Liz called him on it though! lol. Looking forward to more quality time between the two. They need it for sure!
Yeah, Liz wasn’t gonna let that one fly :P. More quality time coming up…

Gah, I'm really lagging on this feedback stuff. Been obsessing over Rob Pattinson too much I guess.
I love these two, they're just too funny. Both of them have so much pride but are so vulnerable at the same time. I was starting to get very annoyed at Max and the way he was trying to make Liz jealous but I think he redeemed himself a little at the end there.
Was he trying to make her jealous? I envisioned it as him just being himself with ‘Gemma’ and momentarily forgetting that he had a girlfriend now and that he should tone it down… so Liz made it her mission to remind him of that fact ;). Perhaps there was some reaction from him to seeing Liz with two unknown guys, but it wasn’t a deliberate ‘let’s make Liz jealous’ thing.
I swear, if they had a category in the Awards for "Most Inconsistent Feedbacker" I would so win it.

Alien_Friend – Thanks :).
hehe that was cute! Loved the whole jealousy scene. Green is not Max's colour. lol But it's good know he cares so much. I like the way Liz played her part. She definitely successfully got his attention. It's good that she can remain so calm. Max does seem to have a lot of female friends.

Yeah, Max is just one of those guys who gets on well with women… and believe it or not, most of it is innocent – at least where his friends are concerned (i.e. not the girls he’s trying to pick up). I think Liz realises this too… which is why she chose to subtly ‘stake her claim’ rather than chew him out for it.
I'm glad Liz confided in Kyle about Max. It's always nice to have an objective prospective. It's interesting seeing Liz react this way to Max. You can tell how much she cares already. I don't remember her being like this for Jake.
And that’s the big difference, really. Jake was just a nice guy who Liz thought she should be with because that’s part of what university is about. But Max is something completely different for her – she’s falling in love with him and perhaps he’s even the one she’s meant to be with… so it’s a much bigger deal this time.
Awesome chapter as always! I'm glad Max and Liz are going to be spending some more time together soon.
A whole chapter of Max and Liz spending time together coming right up…:P

Christable – Thanks :).
Max was so jealous. Loved how mischievous Liz was. All walking up and squeezing in between Max and the girl. Great part. Like others have said, green is not Max's color. Glad that Liz pointed it out to him.
Methinks Liz was staking her claim when she squeezed in between them ;). Max is definitely a jealous one though, lol… let’s hope he can stop it from clouding his judgement though.
Wondering what happened to Max over the weekend. It was probably something to do with his family.
At this point, we may or may not find out what happened over the weekend… we’ll have to see :).
Can't wait to see what happens on their next date.
Coming up … :).

destinyc – Thanks :).
I'm with Hunter--they're due for something a lttle saucy.
Not too long now…

Tamashii – Thanks :).
Those last two parts were great. I loved the date, I think I am falling in love with Max Evans too, and I can´t believe that he came to Chile and I didn't see him.
I know, I’m sorry… he should have come to see you ;).

pookie76 – Thanks :).
lol Well I THINK I can live with that.. Just kidding..
I'm just happy to hear we can expect an update this week. You are doing a great job. I'm still amazed that there are so many talented people out there and that there are still people out there getting inspired by Roswell, keeping the characters alive so to speak. Thanks for doing that... It means the world to me.
Thank you :). It’s great that there are so many people still writing – I just hope that we can all continue to do so for a long time :).


Part Thirty-Five

I’m full of nervous energy during my ballet class the following evening, my concentration flying out of the window completely towards the end, when I notice a familiar face through the small glass window in the door. Max is watching me. My heart skips a beat as my eyes meet his from across the room and I have to blink and shake my head to keep my mind on the dance steps and not on him. I breathe a sigh of relief when the class finally finishes and we all file out of the junior common room.

“Hi,” he greets with a smile, as I come to a stop in front of him, letting the other girls move past me.

I take a moment to admire his appearance; he’s dressed in well-fitting jeans, a simple grey-striped polo shirt and the same beige jacket he wore on Friday night. He looks really good. I, on the other hand, am not looking my best – my hair is pulled back in a haphazard bun and I’m still dressed my dance gear – leggings and an oversized sweater.


“Good class?”

“Yeah,” I nod. “Not bad.”

“Great,” he replies.


There’s a moment of silence as we look at each other before I feel my lips twitch and I can’t help but let out a small chuckle at the one-syllable nature of our conversation. Apparently Max notices it too, because he shakes his head and rolls his eyes as he gives me a smirk.

“You ready to go?” he asks a few seconds later, when I’ve composed myself.

“Yeah,” I reply. “Although I could do with getting changed first. Let me just pop to the loo, okay?”

I nod in the direction of the toilets located down the corridor.

“Sure,” he nods. “Go ahead. I’ll wait here for you.”


Hoisting my dance bag onto my shoulder, I head over to the loos and quickly change out of my sweaty dance gear and into a pair of jeans, a blue top with sequinned decoration and my favourite pair of heeled boots. Shoving the leggings and sweater into my bag, I tug on my coat and then stop in front of one of the mirrors above the sinks. I pull my hair from its bun, shaking my head and letting it fall around my shoulders. I reach into my bag and pull out the small cosmetics purse I keep there for emergencies such as this one. I run a brush through my hair and then quickly powder my nose before adding a touch of pale pink gloss to my lips. Placing the purse back into my bag, I take a step back, letting out a calming breath as I survey my reflection in the mirror, running my fingers through my hair one last time to make sure it’s presentable before I head back out to Max.

A smile breaks out onto my face as I leave the ladies toilet and spot Max standing in the corridor, hands shoved in his jeans pockets – something I’ve noticed that he does a lot – as he peruses the notes and posters tacked up on one of the notice boards.

”Okay, I’m ready,” I announce as I approach him. He turns his head, a small half-smile touching his lips as his gaze meets mine. “So, what’s the plan?”

He hesitates for a second, “Well, we have a couple of options…”


“If you’re up for it, we could join my housemates for a few drinks in the pub tonight, or we could go to the cinema perhaps… but if you’d rather do something else, we can.”

I shake my head, “No, that sounds good – meeting your friends, I mean.”

“You sure?” he looks a little surprised.

“Yeah,” I nod. “It’ll be fun.”

“Okay, great,” he says, holding out a hand to me. “Shall we?”

I smile, shifting my dance bag onto my other shoulder as I slip my hand into his and we head downstairs and out of the student union. As we walk, Max adjusts his hand slightly, letting his fingers entwine with mine, and a thrill runs through me at the contact. I love the feel of his hands, all large and warm; rough, yet somehow soft at the same time. A brief image of how those hands might feel on other parts of my body flits through my minds and I feel heat rise to my cheeks in response.

“So, it’s the end of term this week,” Max’s voice breaks me out of my thoughts and brings me back to the present. “Will you be going home for the holidays?”

I gasp, a sharp intake of breath, as I suddenly realise what the end of the spring term will mean: I won’t see Max for several weeks.

“Yeah, I will,” I sigh with disappointment. “We have to move all our stuff out of our rooms on Friday – and my dad is coming to pick me up in the evening.”

He nods, but doesn’t say anything. I look up to find a small frown on his face.

“What about you?” I ask then. “I’m guessing you’ll be staying here for Easter?”

“Yeah,” he mutters, his fingers tightening around my hand for a second. “Well, I’m not going home, that’s for sure.”

“Max…” I murmur, as I remember exactly why he won’t be going anywhere near his parents’ house anytime soon – those family issues of his have kind of slipped my mind over the last few days.

“Don’t, Liz,” he shakes his head, looking down at me, his expression suddenly wary.

“I wasn’t going to,” I tell him with a shake of my head and his stance relaxes slightly. I change the subject, “So, I guess we won’t see each other for a while, then.”

“Guess not.”

His tone is soft and I can’t help but wonder what he’s thinking. Is he as disappointed as I am that we’ll be living in different parts of the country for an entire month, or does it not matter much to him? I open my mouth to ask, but he cuts me off with a question of his own.

“So, where’s home?” he wonders. “Where are you from?”

“Oh,” I blink at the unexpected question. “Um, about two hours away. I live in a fairly small town on the outskirts of Reading. What about you?”

Of course, I already know where he’s from – because of Izzy – but it’s only polite to reciprocate the question.

“Well, I was born in Cardiff, but we moved up to Nottingham when I was a kid.”

My eyebrows rise in surprise, “You’re Welsh?”

He gives a slight snort and then grins down at me, “That’s generally what being born in Wales means.”

“Shut up,” I roll my eyes at his teasing and nudge him with my elbow. “I just didn’t know that.”

“Yeah, I’m Welsh,” he says. “Feel free to rub it in.”

“Why would I do that?” I wonder with a grin. “I like Welsh people.”

“You do, huh?” he wonders, his tone suggestive.

“Yep,” I nod in confirmation.

“I’ll have to remember that.”

I shake my head and let out a small chuckle. He grins down at me in response as we continue to walk. It takes about ten minutes or so to reach the pub where Max’s friends are and on the way, we share a fun, light-hearted conversation about… well, just about random things, really.

When we get there, Max opens the door for me and I step through with a grateful smile. The pub is crowded, but apparently Max is a regular because he leads me straight through the throng towards a large table in the corner where I can see Sophie laughing with Dan, while the blond guy who opened the door to me when I went to Max’s house last week is talking with two people I don’t know, – a guy and a girl – but I assume either live with them as well or are other friends of theirs.

“Hey, guys,” greets Max when we reach the table.

“Evans, you made it!” exclaims the blond guy, standing up to give him a quick high-five.

“Hey, Max,” smiles Sophie. “Liz, nice to see you. Come sit down.”

“Hi, Sophie,” I give her a small wave, acutely aware of the fact that Dan is staring at me in confusion. “Hey, Dan.”

“I’m going to get us some drinks,” says Max, close to my ear. “What would you like?”

“White wine would be great, thanks,” I smile.

“Coming right up,” he grins, letting go of my hand as he moves away.

Sophie pats the spot next to her at the table and I slide into the seat, shrugging off my coat as I get settled.

Dan is still looking confused, his eyebrows knitted together in a frown.

“You and Max?” he questions, almost incredulously.

“Um, yeah,” I shrug sheepishly. “I guess.”

“How… I mean, when did that happen?” he questions. “I didn’t think you even knew the guy.”

I exhale, as I think about how much of an understatement that is, “No, I’ve known Max for quite a while; it’s just that nothing really happened until a few days ago.”

He nods, rolling his eyes slightly, “So, I’m guessing you weren’t really discussing where he’d put those boxes during the fashion show last week.”

“No, we weren’t,” I deadpan.

“Wow,” he blinks. “Okay, I think this might take a bit of getting used to.”

“Dan,” Sophie smirks and nudges him. “It’s not that big a deal, okay.”

He opens his mouth to reply, but Max chooses that moment to arrive back at the table.

“Okay, here we go,” he announces, as he places a glass of wine and a pint of beer down on the table and then slides into the seat beside me, turning to Sophie and Dan. “How’s it going, guys?”

“It’s going,” replies Sophie with a roll of her eyes.

Dan just gives a hint of a nod, his gaze seemingly transfixed on Max as he slips his jacket off and then leans back in his chair, resting his arm along the top of my seat. I pick up my glass and relax back in my seat, feeling the bare flesh of his strong arm resting against my neck as I get comfortable. Max casually reaches for his beer, taking a sip and placing it back down on the table before lowering his head to my ear.

“I think Dan’s jealous,” he murmurs.

“Huh?” I turn my head to him in surprise as I mutter softly. “What are you talking about?”

“He likes you,” he whispers back. “And who could blame him, really? You’re very attractive.”

I blush, both at his words and also at the fact that Sophie and Dan are now watching us curiously. I elbow Max in the side, sending him a glare.

“Stop it,” I murmur quietly. “You’re embarrassing me.”

He just shrugs, a smirk playing on his lips as he takes another gulp of beer. I roll my eyes in mock-annoyance, turning to Sophie instead to ask her about the possibility of being on the Dance Soc committee next year.

Max’s friends are very welcoming and everyone is really nice. There’s a lot of joking around – mostly from the blond guy (whose name I discover is Craig) and Max’s other housemate, Ollie (the other guy at the table) – but at the same time, the conversation is intelligent and interesting. It’s almost strange, however, to see how Max interacts with his friends; it’s almost like he’s this totally different person from the image he projects on campus. He’s funny and warm and, as I remember Sophie saying once before, genuine. As I sit at the table, surrounded by the laughter and cosy atmosphere, I feel my heart swell with emotion. This is where I belong, right here with Max.

At the end of the evening, Max walks me back home and as I curl up against his side, clinging to his warmth in response to the chilly night air, I let out a contented sigh.

“What?” he smiles down at me.

“I had a great time. I really like your friends.”

“That’s good to know,” he jokes. “’Cause if you didn’t, I’m afraid I’d have to let you go.”

“Thanks a lot!” I say in mock-offence, although I can’t help but chuckle a little.

“They like you too,” he adds.


“Uh huh,” he nods. “Although I think Dan might have ulterior motives where you’re concerned.”

“Don’t say that,” I shake my head self-consciously. “It’s embarrassing.”

“Whew…” he lets out a relieved sigh. “And here I thought I’d have to fight for you.”

“Max,” I roll my eyes. “I don’t like Dan, okay? I like you.”

He stops walking and turns to me, his dark eyes suddenly intense, “Feeling’s mutual.”

And then his mouth is on mine, his hands in my hair as he kisses me deeply. I sigh against his lips, feeling my knees go weak, and I wonder if I’ll ever get enough of his talented mouth. Now that we’re together and getting to know each other better than ever, I have no idea how I’m going to manage without seeing him for the entire Easter break.


I don’t see Max again until Thursday –Wednesday was busy due to my long morning of lectures, Max’s rugby practice in the afternoon and the fact that I already had plans for the evening (it was Michael’s birthday and we all went out in a big group to celebrate), but after the debate meeting on Thursday night, we end up at his place. Everyone else is out, so it’s just us.

“Okay, one large pepperoni pizza, as per your request,” grins Max as he places the Domino’s box down on the coffee table in front of the sofa. “One box of potato wedges and two portions of garlic bread.”

“Hmm,” I murmur, shifting so that my feet are tucked beneath me and I am facing him as he returns to his seat on the couch beside me. “Do you get the feeling that garlic is becoming a theme with us?”

He frowns as he glances at the steaming box on the table and then his lips turn up in a mischievous grin, “You could be right about that.”

“Oh, well,” I shrug as I reach into the box for a piece of the bread.

“Okay, so what’s did I miss?” he asks as he picks up a slice of pizza and settles back against the sofa cushions.

“Well,” I start, nodding towards the TV screen. “Warren is trying to pick up the quarters that AJ stuck to the carpet.”

He chuckles, “This film is a classic.”

“I know,” I agree. “I can’t believe that none of my friends have ever heard of Empire Records before. It’s one of my favourites.”

“Mine too,” he flashes me a grin, before taking a huge bite of pizza.

As the movie continues to play, we dig into the food and then wash it down with a couple of bottles of beer. By the time Empire Records is finished and we get started on the next film, the first of the Indiana Jones movies, I’m starting to feel a little drowsy. I relax into the sofa more fully and rest my head against Max’s shoulder, a contented smile drifting onto my face when he rests his arm around my shoulders and pulls me close.

However, as his fingers trace gentle patterns on my arm and my leg brushes against his when he shifts in his seat, I feel the tiredness begin to fade, replaced by a different, but not unfamiliar feeling in the pit of my stomach. I try to concentrate on the film, but I’m acutely aware of Max’s heart beating rhythmically just a few centimetres away from my cheek and how the heat from his body is seeping through his clothing and flowing into me. I lift my head slightly to look up at his handsome profile, only to find that he’s gazing down at me too. Our eyes meet, my heart speeding up in response to the way he’s looking at me, as if he can see right into my soul, and something inside me just snaps.

Barely a second later, my lips are on his, kissing him frantically as he pulls me into his lap. I straddle his thighs, wrapping my arms around his neck, burying my fingers in his hair as his hands firmly grasp my hips and he slips his tongue into my mouth. My head spins as waves of tingling sensation flow along my arms and down my legs, and heat pools in my belly. His hands slide round to my lower back and under my thin top and I shudder as he presses his warm palms flat against the bare, heated skin there. I moan into his mouth at the sensation.

As we kiss, I feel Max’s hands move higher, his fingers caressing my back, creating delicious feelings that I can feel right to my core. I let out a small gasp when he reaches my bra, deftly unhooking the clasp before sliding his hand round to cup my breast in his palm and gently stroking across my nipple with his thumb.

“God,” I mutter, tearing my lips from his in response as I let my head fall back slightly.

I feel him grin as he nuzzles my neck, pressing his lips to my skin over and over again. His fingers continue to caress my breast, while his other hand flattens on my lower back and pulls me against him so that my hips are flush against his.

“Max,” I sigh with pleasure, his arousal pressing against me deliciously as his lips and hands wreak complete havoc on my senses.

“Liz,” he murmurs, shifting me again so that I’m lying flat on my back on the sofa as he hovers above me and then settles between my legs.

With a soft smile, he reaches for my top, pulling it and my bra up over my head and then absently dropping them to the floor. I don’t have time to be self-conscious about being half-naked in front of him because before I can even take a breath, he’s kissing me again. His lips attack mine and I let my hands slip beneath his t-shirt, running my fingers over his taught, smooth skin. I move higher, the shirt moving with my wandering hands, until I reach his shoulder blades. I shiver as I feel his muscles flex enticingly beneath my fingers.

Max’s mouth leaves mine and my head falls back against the armrest as he kisses a teasing trail over my throat, along my collarbone and down to my chest. I gasp, a mixture of pleasure and surprise, when his mouth covers my left breast, and my hips lift involuntarily in response, colliding with his in a desperate attempt to ease the tension that is rapidly building up inside of me.

“Max…” I murmur, my voice coming out needier than I intended, as I dig my fingers into his shoulders. “God, Max.”

The unexpected sound of the front door slamming shut makes me jump, and just as suddenly as he started, Max stops. He releases me, lifting his mouth from my breast and then letting his head drop down to my bare shoulder as he tries to control his harsh breathing.

“Hey, I’m back… anyone here?” calls a deep male tone from the hallway – probably either Ollie or Craig.

“Shit,” he mutters against my skin. “Someone’s home.”

He quickly climbs off me and reaches down to pick up my bra and top, “Here, put these back on.”

I sit up and grab them from him, pulling the top over my head and then shoving the bra into my pocket just as the living room door opens to reveal Craig looking a little shocked.

“Oh, um… sorry, guys,” he apologises quickly, as Max straightens his clothes and runs a hand through his hair in an attempt to look more normal. “Didn’t mean to interrupt.”

Max’s lips curl up in a tight smile, “Don’t worry about it, mate.”

“I’ll… uh,” mutters Craig, looking a little embarrassed. “I’ll just go; leave you two alone.”

Max sighs with relief as his housemate leaves the room, closing the door behind him. He rolls his eyes as he relaxes back against the sofa again and lifts his hands to his face, cupping his nose as he exhales heavily. Then, lowering his hands again, he looks over at me.

“Shit, I’m sorry about that,” he apologises. “I didn’t think anyone would come home this early.”

I shrug, suppressing a smile at the interesting situation we’ve found ourselves in, “Don’t worry about it. It was probably a good thing anyway – I think we were getting a little carried away there.”

He chuckles then, “Yeah, maybe just a bit.”

“Not that I wasn’t enjoying it though…” I murmur, a mischievous grin gracing my lips.

“Yeah?” he raises a suggestive eyebrow.

“Yeah,” I reply. “Although maybe your living room sofa isn’t the best place for it.”

“Perhaps not,” he laughs, reaching out an arm and tugging me toward him. “It’s not the most ideal situation, is it? Especially not with leftover pizza and garlic bread boxes lying around.”

“Definitely not,” I agree playfully as I snuggle up against his side. “So, what’s the plan now then?”

“I guess it’s back to the adventures of Indiana Jones for us tonight,” he flashes me a half-smile as he tightens his arm around me, murmuring an unnecessary, “Come here.”

I rest my head on his shoulder as I turn my attention back to the movie and try not to think of the fact that just moments ago, I was getting down and dirty with the gorgeous man beside me… and I was loving it.

“God,” he mutters a few seconds later. “It’s a good thing we did get interrupted just now, ‘cause I don’t even want to think about who in this house might have done what on this couch before!”

I laugh, although barely a split second later, the meaning of his words hit me and I sit up straight, hands in the air, “Oh, eww… that’s gross, Max!”

He chuckles and reaches out to pull me back down to his side again, lowering his head.

“Sorry,” he murmurs, right before his lips meet mine once more.

The kiss is softer, more luxurious, this time and afterwards Max rests his forehead against mine.

“I can’t believe you’re leaving tomorrow,” he says softly. “What great timing we have, huh?”

“Got that right,” I reply, a gentle smile gracing my lips. “I guess you’ll just have to call me lots instead.”

“Yeah,” he reaches up to my cheek to tuck a stray strand of hair behind my ear. “I think I will.”

As we turn back to the film again, I can’t help but feel annoyed that I have to leave, that the halls are making us move out and return our room keys for the entire vacation period, and that they won’t let us stay over the holidays instead.

I think it’s going to be one very long month.


Re: Between The Covers (AU, M/L, MATURE) Pt 35, pg 13, 12/9

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 12:50 pm
by Heavenli24
Hey, everyone, thank you for your feedback :). Sorry the part is so late today – I had to work the early shift at work and didn’t have time to post before I left this morning. I am aiming for a regular update next Tuesday, but unfortunately I have not even started writing the next part yet and I have a busy week ahead, so I can’t guarantee it. Tomorrow is my day off and normally I would get the part written then, but I am going shopping in Exeter for the day and won’t have time to write; then I am moving apartments over the weekend and have to go to work Thurs, Fri, Mon, Tues and Wed!! Not to mention the fact that I am trying to get a Christmas story written and finished by the end of the week too :P!

I will try my best to have an update ready next week, but you may have to wait until after Christmas for a new part :(.

LilLoucfer – Thank you :).
Loving this story. I'm enjoying the interaction between Max and Liz! Can't wait to see what happens during that month apart.
We’ll have to see what happens…

Alien_Friend – Thanks :).
Aww they are going to be a part for a whole month. What great timing they have indeed. At least they are finally together.
Yes, at least they did get together in the end :).
I didn't think Dan liked Liz in that way.
I don’t think he did either :P – I’d say it’s more of a reaction for him… he didn’t see Liz that way when they were just dance partners, but now that Max is on the scene, he’s realised that perhaps he does like Liz after all!
That was pretty funny though how he found out about the two of them. Max's friends seem very nice and welcoming to Liz.
I just had to put that in there :P. I thought it was only right that Liz got on well with Max’s friends, since there’s a good chance that Liz’s friends won’t exactly have a warm reaction to Max – especially with the whole Isabel thing :roll:.
You know, I didn't know you guys had Dominos there. I found that very interesting lol.

Lol – Domino’s has been in the UK for several years now… I think there are about 500 branches in total – in fact, there’s one less than 5 minutes’ walk from where I currently live! In fact, they have been the sponsors of The Simpsons on cable TV for 10 years now :P.
I know I probably have said this a lot lately but I love seeing Max and Liz together like this. I love the tone and pace you've set from them so far. It feels natural and it's fun to read.
Thanks :) – I’m so glad that you’re liking it and that it seems natural… I’ve been worried about making sure they stay in character and everything :roll:
Looking forward to seeing how you let the month a part affect them.I hope they don't take any steps back. They are moving so nicely as it is.
Let’s hope things don’t go backward for them :).
Awesome chapter! I forgot it was Tuesday until I saw that you updated and I got very excited. lol You make the day for me.
:D – unfortunately, the updates last week and today are later than usual because I’ve been working the early morning shift (8am-5pm) instead of the late shift (1pm-10pm), so I haven’t had time to post until late evening.

Eagerly awaiting more!

Methinks one of two things will happen. One is that separation will make the hearts grown fonder. *insert romantic sigh here* Or two, they'll break down and see each other at least a few times in the coming month. I mean, what's 2 hours distance when you're in love?! I vote for option number 2.
Option number 2 does seem pretty great :D… let’s see what happens over the break…

Kitten88 – Thanks :).

Alysluv – Thank you :).

pookie76 – Thanks :).
Oh no!! I can't believe they got interupted...again! And now the MONTH long vacation. Man..their timing really sucks.

It does suck, doesn’t it? :(.
I hope you came up with something that changes the plans for Max and Liz. I mean, they have to see each other during the holidays. 4 weeks that's such so long. And I'm just the reader here. Imagine how it must be for Liz and Max?

Let’s hope they can figure something out for the holidays… :).

DreamerM&L – Thanks :).
just what i needed after working on coursework!! but now its all done!! yay!! lol
Glad you got it done :).
Aw.. i cant believe they gonna be apart for a month...they just got together!!
I know – damn those Easter holidays!!

It's really great that Liz gets along so well with Max's friends.
It was a great chapter, It made me smile.
Thanks :).

It's good that Liz lives so close, if Mas stays he can go visit, it's only two hours away.[/quote]

Let’s hope they can see each other during the break :).

sarammlover – Thanks :).
why doesn't she just stay with max and why don't they EVER move it to Max's room. THis is twice that they have been interrupted correct? AHHHHH!! But I am loving it. It was super hot and super cute!!
She’s not gonna stay with him ‘cause it’s a bit too early in the relationship for that :P. But don’t worry, they will move it to Max’s room soon, I promise ;). They have been interrupted twice now, but let’s hope it won’t happen again :).

Christable – Thanks :).
Ahh I loved the update. I think this holiday will be good for them. I think them talking on the phone throughout the month is what they need. I know it will be hard but they can find out about each other a whole lot more. Maybe throwing in a few visits throughout the break could do them some good as well Love the update and can't wait to see what happens next.
It would be good for them to talk on the phone and find out more about each other, but perhaps they’ll manage a visit or two as well :)

a whole friggin month.
i have a feeling dan is going to be up to no good. like get max drunk and stage some bad stuff for our lizzie.
Not sure about that… we’ll have to see though.

Yeah I agree! Ohh you love torturing us don't you heavenli? lol. But I will wait for the next update and hopefully..fingers crossed these two can do their thang in peace.

It was hot though!
Lol – I’m not trying to torture you, I promise :P… it’s just that I have everything planned out for the storyline and them getting it on right now will kinda ruin things :(.

One month without each other???? he can still visit her... she lives a few hours far away so it isn't so dramatic!
Yeah, let’s hope they can get together during the break :).

katydid – Thank you :).
I love how they've hooked up with a couple of different people...had other relationships, but still keep holding back with each other. You must have them visit each other some how during the break!
The thing with those other people was that their relationships weren’t as ‘important’ as Max and Liz’s… in terms of their feelings for the other person etc. For Liz, with Jake, she didn’t feel all that strongly for him and so it wasn’t as important to make sure everything went ‘just right’ as it is with Max. And for Max, this is his first really meaningful relationship – he can’t just treat Liz as he would one of his flings and so by holding back and taking things slow, they are ensuring that their relationship with each other is special.

I'm with sunrise, but if I was Liz, I'd just invite Max home with me. I mean come on, Max Evans, with you 24/7, what could be greater than that?
It would be great, although I think it’s just a little too soon in the relationship to be spending an entire month together :P. Plus, I’m not sure how thrilled Liz’s parents would be if she brought home a stranger to live with them for a month, lol!

destinyc – Thanks :).
A month apart? Ugh! They're so close. Agghh! Get them back together soon!
The are close – let’s hope they can sort something out for the vacation…

Lairabehr4 – Thanks, hun :).

Dreamerlaure – Thanks :).
They were too cute in this chapter, going hot and heavy in his apartment. I wish they hadn't been interrupted either
It’s probably a good thing they did get interrupted… I don’t think they were quite ready for more just yet :).
It's nice how he met her at her dance studio, and he was really surprised when she said she wanted to meet his friends, but it was a great opportunity for her to see another side of him.

He was probably thinking that she’d think his friends were similar to how she thought of him at first and wouldn’t want to meet them… but he was wrong though ;).
Max whispering to Liz at the table about Dan - it was so funny to see him getting a little jealous, for once from the beginning, since this is Liz's POV, we've been able to tell right away when she's jealous of the girls he was hanging with, even if she wasn't really aware of it or wanted to deny how she felt. It was nice getting a glimpse of how he sees her.
You know, I really didn’t think of it that way when I wrote it, but you’re right :).
A month is a long time, however, being apart might be a good thing here. I only hope Max doesn't act...indifferent to her when he gets back. He's gorgeous when he broods and pouts, but he should treat her right this time, and kiss her like he means it when they get back.
We’ll have to see how the month apart goes… and hope that nothing comes along to screw up what they have going at the moment :).


Part Thirty-Six

All of my lectures are over by early afternoon on Friday, so I grab some lunch from the sandwich bar on campus and head back to my room to get everything packed up and ready for when Dad comes to pick me up later. When I arrive back, I find the place in chaos, with everyone packing and moving at the same time. I pass Alex and his parents on the stairway, carrying boxes and clothes down to their car and as I walk along the corridor, I hear Izzy on the phone to her mum, discussing what time her parents are going to get here. In our room, Maria is trying to frantically shove clothes into her suitcase at the same time as piling books and DVDs into an open cardboard box.

“How’s the packing going?” I ask with a smile as I gingerly step over her things to my side of the room.

“Oh, hey, Liz,” she looks up from her suitcase in surprise, and then frowns down at the overflowing material. “I think this is going to be harder than I thought.”

I laugh at her bewildered expression, but then stop abruptly as I look over at my side of the room and remember all the packing I have ahead of me over the next few hours. It’s really going to be a fun afternoon, I can just tell.

“Tell me about it,” I mumble, placing my lunch down on my desk.

I kneel down and reach under my bed for the suitcase and broken-down boxes that have been living there all term. I place them on the bed and then pull open my wardrobe door in preparation for packing.

“Ah ha!” comes Maria’s triumphant exclamation a few moments later. “Did it!”

I look round to see that she has now successfully managed to zip the bulging suitcase closed and is now grinning at it in jubilation.

“Congratulations,” I chuckle, reaching into my wardrobe and pulling out some of my shoes.

“Hmm,” she nods with satisfaction, before lifting the heavy case off the bed and standing it down on the floor as she takes a breather, perching on the end of her bed. “So, then, Lizzie, I believe you have something to tell me before I leave.”


“I do?”

“Yes, you do,” she sends me a pointed look. “I’ve been trying to keep my mouth shut all week, but I just can’t do it anymore.”

“Huh?” I’m confused. “Do what?”

“Sit here and not ask about your new boyfriend,” she reveals, as her lips shape into a pleading pout. “You’ve been mysteriously out almost all week. So, come on, the suspense is killing me here: who is he and how did he capture your attention like this?”

I sigh, turning back to the wardrobe for a moment, as I make a face. What should I tell her? And where on Earth do I start?

“Maria…” I turn to look at her again. “Can we not–?”

“Nuh uh, Lizzie, you’re not getting out of it this time,” she shakes her head firmly. “Spill.”

I exhale slowly, before standing up and taking a seat on the side of my bed, so that I’m facing Maria.

“Okay, fine, I’ll tell you,” I say. “His name is Max.”

“Max, huh? Nice name.”

I shoot her a look as I continue, “We met… well, actually we met in Fresher’s Week– ”

Fresher’s Week?!” she exclaims in shock. “You can’t mean that all this time…?”

“No, of course not,” I retort. “We met first in Fresher’s Week, but I pretty much hated him back then. Of course, he had to keep showing up wherever I went,” I roll my eyes, “but even though I thought he was really good-looking, he just seemed to be this total ladies’ man and I didn’t want anything to do with him.”

“Plus, you were with Jake,” she points out, not-so-subtly.

“Yeah, I was,” I nod. “Only problem was, he somehow managed to worm his way into my heart.”

“Really?” her expression is a mixture of surprise and suspicion.

“I think Jake realised that even though I liked him, my feelings for him weren’t as strong as his for me, and so he made the decision and we broke up.”

“So nothing happened with this Max guy while you were with Jake?”

“No,” I tell her, although it’s not the complete truth… but that’s not really important right now. “Nothing happened until last week, when we talked and realised that we both had feelings for each other.”

“And now you’re together? As in a couple?”

I shrug, “I guess so… we haven’t really discussed the specifics yet; I mean, we’re still getting to know each other, but, you know, I really like spending time with him.”

“Yeah?” wonders Maria, an indulgent grin on her face as she raises an eyebrow.

“Yeah,” I smile. “When I’m around him, I just feel so… God, I can’t even describe it. He makes me feel things I’ve never felt before.”

“Wow,” she exhales. “So you two get it on yet?”

“Maria!” I exclaim in mock-outrage at her bluntness.

She just smirks at me and gives a shrug as she holds her hands up in surrender, “Okay, I guess that’s a ‘no’, then.”

“No, we haven’t yet,” I confess. “But I really want to.”

“Oh, I bet you do,” she wiggles her eyebrows. “So when do I get to meet this great guy, then?”

I shrug, “Well, at the moment, we’re just keeping things low-key, you know, while we figure everything out, but I’ll see if I can get you an introduction soon.”

“You’d better, Lizzie,” she warns. “I’m dying to meet the man who’s suddenly captured your heart.”

She starts talking about arranging a double date and I smile faintly, trying not to think about the fact that now Maria knows, it’s only a matter of time before Izzy finds out about my new ‘boyfriend’ too… and I have no idea how I’m going to deal with that. I’ve already promised Max that I wouldn’t say anything to Isabel about why he acts the way he does towards their family and it’s obvious that he’s not going to be willing to talk to her truthfully about it anytime soon. I wish there was a way to make him understand that perhaps being honest with her might just help.


By the time Dad arrives to pick me up at seven-fifteen pm, almost everyone else has already left. Alex and his parents drove off about an hour after I got back to the hall this afternoon, while Maria’s mum arrived just after four and offered to drive Michael back too. Izzy left around five-thirty and after that it was only James and I still waiting for our parents to get here. Since he hadn’t packed his TV up yet, the two of us hung out in his room and watched a DVD while we waited. It takes about thirty minutes for Dad and I to fill the car with my things and we finally leave campus and head for home just before eight o’clock.

At first, it’s a little strange to be back home again after so long – I didn’t make it back for a visit all term, what with the fashion show rehearsals and everything else taking up my time; but after only few hours, I feel like nothing has changed at all. Well, that is, nothing except the fact that part of me feels empty this time – the part that’s totally missing Max. And speaking of Max, as I’m lazing in bed on Saturday morning, my phone beeps with an incoming message…

‘Kill me now – family decided to drop in and stay for the weekend. Come rescue me? Please?’

I’m torn between chuckling and frowning at the message… chuckling because of his pleading words, but frowning because I can understand how hard it must be for him to have his parents and Izzy staying in his house – his one haven from them. With a sympathetic sigh, I start typing a reply:

‘Sorry to hear that. U know I’d come if I could but I’m stuck at home :(. Good luck – I know u can handle it xx’

I smile softly as I send the message, hoping that I’ve managed to put his mind at ease… and sure enough my phone beeps with another reply just a few seconds later…

‘Thanks. Not easy but I’m trying. Wish u were here to distract me… u’re very distracting u know ;).

I feel myself blushing as I read the text and my hands shake slightly as I type back.

‘U distract me too :). Missing u already… can’t wait til the hols are over xx’

Again, the reply comes almost immediately and I grin as I open it and read his words…

Really wanna kiss u right now… u sure u can’t get back here? Shit – have to go out for lunch with them. Talk later x’

I let the phone drop to my side as I settle back against my pillows with a dreamy sigh. There’s nothing I want more than to run right back to uni and see him. But alas, I can’t… I already arranged to work some shifts at my old job over the vacation and it doesn’t look like I’ll have much time off. I just hope Max doesn’t do or say anything he’ll regret while his family are there.


The next few days seem kind of surreal as they pass by – it’s almost as if I’m living in a different world here at home. I’ve got so used to being at university and living my life there… with my friends and with Max… that it’s like I don’t really fit in with my old life at home anymore. Max did call me on Sunday night, after his parents and Isabel had gone back home, which definitely helped; even if he spent most of the conversation ranting about his family and how angry they made him, at least we got to talk for a while.

I don’t have much contact with him on Monday or Tuesday because I’m at work all day and in the evenings my parents persuade me to keep them company, first by taking me out to dinner as a ‘welcome home’ gesture and then by getting me to accompany them on a visit to my grandparents’ house in the next town. On Wednesday night after work, I meet up with some of my old friends in the pub. Unfortunately, my best friend, Jess and her boyfriend, Tom aren’t there because they are off gallivanting around India or somewhere at the moment; but I still get to catch up with some of the others.

I meet my friend, Kate outside the pub at seven-thirty and we head inside together, choosing a large table in the middle of the bar room, taking the chance to catch up with each other while we wait for the others to arrive. Within half an hour, there are five of us, as three other friends from school, Jenny, Anne and Rebecca join us and it actually doesn’t take long for me to feel right at home with them again. That is, until an unwelcome interruption puts a dampener on things about two hours into the evening…

“Hello, ladies,” comes a smug-sounding male voice from behind me. “I must say you are all looking very lovely this fine evening.”

I close my eyes briefly, before rolling them at Kate and then turning to face the voice. Sure enough, Chris – my ex – and two of his friends are standing by our table, looking very full of themselves.

“What do you want?” I demand warily, narrowing my eyes at Chris.

He shrugs with a self-satisfied smirk, “Saw you over here and just thought I’d say hi.”

I raise an eyebrow, “Well, now that you have, why don’t you just go back to whatever it was you were doing and leave us alone?”

“Come on, Liz,” he tuts. “Is that any way to treat your ex?”

“Umm… yeah, actually it is,” I mutter sarcastically. “Go away, Chris.”

For a moment, he looks as if he’s going to turn and leave, but then he takes a step forward and leans down to my ear.

“Can we talk?”

“No,” I say firmly, shaking my head, as I shoot him an incredulous glare.

I don’t think so, buddy

“Look, I’m not leaving until I talk to you, so you might as well say yes, okay?”

“Chris,” I shake my head again in protest, but then I see his expression and quickly realise that he really won’t leave me alone unless I agree. I sigh, “Okay, fine. But make it quick.”

I stare at him expectantly, but he doesn’t say anything; instead, he just nods towards the door. I roll my eyes in annoyance and reluctantly stand up, “Fine.”

I walk to the door and step out into the cold night air, Chris just behind me as I turn to face him, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Liz,” he starts, his expression suddenly softer now. “Lizzie, I’ve missed you.”

I raise an eyebrow, “Really?”

He frowns, running a quick hand through his light brown locks, “Of course I have; you’ve been gone for months.”

“We’re not together anymore, Chris,” I sigh. It’s like trying to explain this to a four-year-old. “You have no right to be missing me. In fact, if I remember correctly, didn’t seem to mind all that much when I broke up with you… since you were sleeping with Carrie Smith at the time!”

“Lizzie,” he frowns. “You know that wasn’t what it looked like.”

“Wasn’t it?” I question. “I seem to remember walking in on the two of you in bed together. Are you gonna tell me now that that was all just an illusion?”

“Come on,” he puts on his best little-boy expression. I scoff. “We were good together. Really good. I miss your company.”

I snort, trying not to burst out laughing, “You mean, you miss the sex, right? Well, let me just tell you now: it wasn’t that great.”

“But you loved it… I could tell,” he protests, his expression suddenly unsure.

This time I do laugh, “It’s called faking, Chris. Sorry, but it really wasn’t all that wonderful.”


I cut him off, “Look, it’s never gonna happen, okay? I’m not interested. Plus, I have a new boyfriend now anyway.”

“Liz…” he shakes his head, his expression almost pleading now.

“Sorry,” I say, although I feel anything but. He deserves it, the bastard. “I don’t date cheaters.” I pause for a second as his face falls further. “I have to go back in now. I trust you can find your own way out.”

I turn and head back inside the pub, my heart beating frantically in my chest – a response to very confrontation I was hoping never to have with my ex-boyfriend. When I join Kate and the others at the table again, I’m greeted with curious looks and questions about Chris, but I just give them the short version – that he wanted to get back together and I said no – and then steer the conversation back to more interesting things… like what everyone has been getting up to at uni. Kate tells me about her involvement with her university’s Footlights stage production, while Jenny and Anne reel off funny stories about the antics of their flatmates (Jenny and Anne attend the same university and are even living in the same on-campus apartment there) and Rebecca raves about her degree course at Cambridge. I tell them all about my cheerleading and fashion show adventures, as well as a brief overview of the doomed relationship with Jake and a slightly more in-depth overview of my blossoming one with Max.

As I walk home from the pub at the end of the night, I find my thoughts wandering back to the confrontation I had with Chris earlier. I still can’t understand how things ended up so sour with him. After all, a year ago, I would never have believed that I could hate him like this. We were together for almost seven months in our last year at school and four of those seven months were pretty great. Chris had seemed like a great guy at first – he was fun to hang out with and back then I thought he was gorgeous. I’d sort of had a thing for him for about two years before we got together, but I was too chicken to say anything to him; that was until we had to work together on a Chemistry project and he ended up asking me out.

The first few weeks we were together were really good, but after a while he started hinting that he wanted to take the relationship further. I wasn’t really ready for it – I’d always felt that I should be really sure about my feelings for someone before taking that next step, which was why I was with my first boyfriend, Mark, for several months before I slept with him – but he was so charming and persuasive that I convinced myself that I loved him and so I gave in to his request. But, after a while, it became more of a chore than a pleasure and in the end, it turned out that Chris had looked elsewhere for pleasure that apparently I wasn’t giving him. I found out one night last summer when I’d dropped by his house unannounced and had found him in bed with Carrie, a girl I’d once thought of as my best friend. Needless to say, after that night, Chris and I were no more.

Afterwards, I told myself that I was over it and over him, but I guess I was more affected by his cheating than I was determined to believe… maybe if there had been no Chris in the picture to shatter my confidence and my belief in faithful guys, I might not have been so eager to jump right into bed with Jake that night, after only knowing him for a few hours. I think that I convinced myself that being with a stranger – no feelings involved – was safer than sleeping with someone I had strong feelings for. I guess that really didn’t turn out as I’d planned though, huh?

And speaking of Max… the minute I leave the pub, I have this overwhelming urge to call him and so the second I reach my bedroom at home, I dial his mobile number, smiling when he answers on only the second ring.

“Hey,” I greet, with a smile on my face.

“Hey,” comes his warm tone on the other end. “How’s it going?”

“Wishing I was there,” I say with a chuckle.

“Me too,” he returns softly and I can hear the smile in his voice. “So, how’ve you been the last couple of days?”

“Ugh,” I make a frustrated noise in my throat. “It’s been busy – I’ve been at work every day.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Yeah,” I nod. “But I met some of my old friends at the pub tonight, which was mostly good…”

“Why only mostly?” he asks curiously.

“You don’t wanna know.”

“Tell me,” he insists, sounding concerned.

“My ex showed up,” I admit.

There’s a moment of silence before a hesitant, “Your ex?”

“Yeah,” I roll my eyes, even though he can’t see me. “Chris. He told me he wanted to get back together.”

“And what did you say?” he sounds a little worried now.

I snort incredulously, “God, Max, don’t tell me you’re jealous of Chris now?! There’s a reason he’s my ex, you know.”

“So you told him no?”

“Of course I told him no,” I say slowly. “The guy fucking cheated on me with my now ex-best friend. There’s no way in hell I’m taking that loser back.”


I pretend I don’t hear the sigh of relief from the other end of the line.

“I’m really sorry he did that to you, Liz.”

“Yeah…” I mumble.

“And don’t worry, I’ll protect you from him and all other guys from now on.”

“You will, huh?” I ask with a smile.

“Of course,” he confirms. “It’s part of my duty as a boyfriend.”

My breath catches in my throat, “Boyfriend?”

“Yeah. Why, is something wrong with that?”

“N-no,” I stutter, my heart beating a mile a minute now. “It’s just that we haven’t officially clarified… that… yet.”

“Oh,” he murmurs softly. “Well, then, I guess now’s as good a time as any to make it official.”

“Okay,” I say faintly, although my face lights up in a grin.


“So, I’m sorry,” I add a moment later. “I didn’t meant to rant about Chris to you, it’s just that he really wound me up tonight.”

“Don’t worry about it,” he tells me. “How about we talk about something more interesting instead… like what you’re wearing right now…?”

“Max!” I roll my eyes, although I can’t help but smile at the warmth that creeps up my spine at his words. “Is that all you men ever think about?”

“Um, well… yeah, it is,” he deadpans and I find myself chuckling in response.

We talk for almost an hour, discussing everything from what we’re both wearing (jeans and a cardigan for me and a T-shirt and jogging bottoms for him… so not all that interesting, really) and what our plans are for the next few days, to how much we miss not being able to see each other when we’ve only just started to get to know each other. At the end of the phone call, as I’m getting ready for bed, I decide that there’s no way I’m going to be able to last an entire four weeks without seeing him in person.

I have a few days off work next week… I think I’m going to have to pay a little visit to Max in that time…


Re: Between The Covers (AU, M/L, MATURE) Pt 36, pg 15, 12/16

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 3:16 pm
by Heavenli24
Merry Christmas, guys :)!

You’ll be pleased to know that I have an update for today :)! I managed to find some time to write between work shifts last week and moving house over the weekend :).

Thank you for your feedback :):

Alien_Friend – Thanks :).
Yay she's going to visit him! I didn't think they could last the whole month without any face to face time, especially since they are just at the beginning stages. I'm glad things are going so well while they are a part though and they have kept in contact. And now they are official!
Yep, a visit is on the cards… I think we knew they weren’t going to last the month ;), especially since they’ve now defined the relationship :).
Chris is a piece of work. Poor Liz seems like Jake was they safe guy before she was ready to fully put her heart in another relationship again. He was definitely a nice transition guy. Now there won't be as much baggage carried over into her relationship with Max. The whole Chris thing kind of explains why she was so turned off by Max's ladies man persona.
Yeah, Jake was the safe, transition guy for Liz… and her experience with Chris definitely put her off the possibility of getting together with Max.

[quoteI wonder how long after the holidays it will take Maria to put the pieces together about Max. I feel bad for Max. He's not going to have a easy time when things get out in the open. It's good that he and Liz don't have any problems talking about anything so far. That will come in handy i'm sure.[/quote]

We’ll have to see what happens with Maria – at the moment, all she knows is that Liz’s boyfriend is called Max and she doesn’t yet know what Izzy’s brother’s name is. I agree that Max won’t have an easy time of it, though when the truth comes out.
Awesome chapter!! Sounds like you are going to have a busy week.
Thanks – the week has been busy… Saturday and Sunday were crazy – we had to move 2 vans of furniture between apartments, then carry everything up about 20 steep, uneven, stone steps going up along the outside wall of the new place and then get it inside! Unfortunately my wardrobe wouldn’t fit up the stairs to my room, so I had to let my roommate’s mum take it home (it’s technically hers because I was going to buy it off her) and then my parents and I spent the rest of the day furniture shopping! When we got back, I spent Saturday night and most of Sunday putting together my new flat-packed furniture and then I had my Christmas work party on Sunday night!

Luckily I found some time on Sunday morning to finish off this part :).
Even though you might not be able to update this next week, I'm excited to read your Christmas story. I love your Christmas stories! I hope it's the sequel to The Yule Log hehe.
Thanks :). Unfortunately, it won’t be the sequel to The Yule Log – for two reasons: 1) I still have writer’s block for it and am still stuck on the same part I was writing back in March :( and 2) it’s not going to be a Christmas-themed story and I wanted to write something festive again this year :).

Queen Fee
Great part. I'm glad Max and Liz are still in contact with each other during their time apart. And now they're officially boyfriend and girlfriend *happy dance* yay!
Yeah, they’re still in contact… and official ;).
Can't wait for more of this and if you're not back before, have a good Christmas!
Luckily, I made it back, but Merry Christmas to you too :).

Finally they are official...
and shes gonna go visit him!! yay!! Lol
Yep, finally :).

Natalie36 – Thanks :).

destinyc – Thanks :).
It's time to go back for a visit!!!
Definitely ;).

Liloucfer – Thanks :).
Yeah! I enjoy the interaction b/w those two. Can't wait for her visit! Hope those two will get "quality" time
Let’s hope so… read on to find out…

Christable – Thanks :).
Awesome update. I didn't think they would last the whole break without seeing each other
Yeah, it wasn’t gonna happen, was it? :P

begonia9508 – Thanks :).
Chris should be even happy that she talked to him bc I wouldn't!
Well, she knew that he wouldn’t leave her alone unless she talked to him, so she went along with it to get rid of him.
Must be a guy thing to believe that she wants to be with him after she catched him in "activity" with her best friend! His ego is bigger than his intelligence anyway.....
Yeah, he’s a bit of an arse, isn’t he ;).
Loved how she decided to visit him: hope everything goes well when she meet the family....
Luckily she won’t be meeting the family any time soon… his parents and Isabel are up in Nottingham – about 3.5 or 4 hours drive from where Max is, at his student house (they only stayed with him for the weekend and it’s been several days since then) ;)
Thanks for the great new part and Merry Xmas to you! I undestand that you're stressed about Xmas and there are so much to do..... and I'm going to wait until you're ready to post anyway!
Thanks :). Fortunately, I did manage to write a little this week, so I have a new update for you today :).

carolina_moon – Thanks :).
I'll come too!!!

Wow! I can't wait to read the next update now and see how this little trip goes.
Read on to find out ;)

It's official! Yay. But gee Max, how about a little more ceremony than blurting out over the phone? At least wait until they were face to face. lol.
Well, I guess it’s better to say it then and blurt it out over the phone than to wait several more weeks to discuss in it person… that would have been a month of not really knowing where they stood with each other.
I'm not surprised though, it's possible he was thinking in those terms since their first date.

It’s very possible :).
And Chris?? Umm, can we say scumbag? He certainly explains why Liz was fighting her attraction to Max for so long. I hope she's coming to realize that he and Chris are nothing alike.
Yeah, he wasn’t a nice guy – and definitely not good for Liz. I’m sure he gave her self-confidence a bashing when he cheated on her, so it’s no wonder she went for the easy, safe option with Jake.
Though I worry she still has strong feelings towards him, albeit negative ones in the form of hate, but you know what they say about love and hate... Would make me feel better if she had no feelings for him at all! He's just not worth it in my opinion.
Don’t worry, there’s nothing to worry about with Chris. Yes, Liz hates him at the moment and really, who could blame her, but it has only been a few months since it happened and things are still fairly fresh for her – she’s been doing a good job of not thinking about him since she’s been at uni though. Over time, I’m sure she’ll forget about Chris altogether :).
And another Yay for the upcoming surprise trip! I knew she would crumble like a cookie.
Lol – yeah, we knew she wouldn’t make it a month, didn’t we? :P

Hi, I am so happy that you are doing a holiday fic but I kind of sad that we will have to wait a little for the next update because She is going to see him Yay
The good news is that I’m back with a new update – yay :) – so you won’t have to wait. The bad news is that the holiday fic isn’t quite ready yet though…
I love the messages between them. They are so good together that it doesn't seem like they have been dating for just a few days.
Yeah, it’s like now they’ve let the barriers down between them and are being honest with each other, they’re free to be themselves around each other :).
It's really sad the situation between Max and his parents, I am sure it was hard for him to have them in his house, but it must be hard for Izzy too.

Yeah, I think it’s hard for everyone in the family… his parents are trying so hard to make amends, but without knowing why he’s avoiding them, it’s not going to do any good. Which is why Liz is trying to persuade him to talk to them – if he tells them the truth, then they can work towards making things right.
I think that maybe if Maria and Michael (since it's a double date) can meet Max before knowing that he is Izzy's brother and all the drama about it, they could get along with him and see that he isn't really a bad guy, that he just have issues.
That’s a great suggestion :).

sarammlover – Thanks :).
I am sad they are holiday and away from each other.
Yeah, me too :).
But it seems Liz has gotten a little bolder now that she is more comfortable in her relationship with Max. I mean she really told off Chris which was perfect and she came clean about Max to Maria....loved it!
Yes, she’s definitely speaking out a bit more now, and since things are going well with Max, she’s becoming more confident that it’s for real.

This story is so great! It's sweet and sassy and frustrating at the same time.
Thank you :).
I'm so glad that Liz decided to go see Max.

I think its wonderful that he told her ASAP how he feels. Phone calls are good.

A little reassurance goes a long, long way.

Can't wait for more.
Yeah, we just knew they wouldn’t last the whole month apart, didn’t we :P? Phone calls are good – imagine if Max waited the whole month to make things official… anything could happen in that time and Liz wouldn’t know that he was serious.
P.S. Chris is SCUM.
You got that right, lol!


Part Thirty-Seven

One week later, on Wednesday morning, I find myself sitting on a train going down to uni. Not quite ready to tell them about Max yet, I told Mum and Dad that I was going to see one of my uni friends. I know I should tell them, especially now that he’s actually my boyfriend and not just a guy I might, perhaps, be sort-of seeing, but I just know that as soon as I let it slip that I’m seeing someone, Mum will insist on meeting him. And I don’t think I’m ready for a ‘meet the parents’ adventure just yet.

Thing is though, just as my parents don’t know that I’m going to see him, Max doesn’t actually know yet either – I’ve decided to surprise him. Although I spent a little time debating whether or not I should discuss it with him, the spontaneous side of me wants to keep it a secret until I arrive… I just hope that everything goes to plan and that he’s actually at home when I get there. Thankfully, I happen to know that he’s not doing much this week other than some uni work, so with any luck, he’ll be there.

I let out a half-excited, half-nervous sigh when the train finally pulls into my station and I grab my bag, ready to disembark. With a slight spring in my step, I exit the station and head for the bus stop just outside the building. Twenty minutes and a bus ride later, reach the end of Max’s street and I feel a rush of adrenaline go through me as I start walking toward his house. Stopping in front of number twenty-eight, I exhale heavily, biting my lip to stop from grinning like an idiot as I knock on the door. It seems to take forever for it to open, but when it finally does, I’m a little disappointed to see Sophie on the other side and not Max.

“Liz?” she wonders in confusion when she sees me standing in front of the door. “I thought you’d gone home for the holidays.”

“Oh, I did,” I say with a grin. “But I had some free time and I thought I’d surprise Max with a visit. Is he here?”

“Yeah, he is,” she smiles warmly as she opens the door further to let me in. “He should be in his room – he said he had a lot of work to do today. But feel free to go on up anyway… I’m sure he won’t mind the interruption.”

“Thanks, Sophie,” I reply, stepping into the house and heading into the hall.

“It’s the second door on the right,” she offers as I start climbing the stairs, my heart pounding anxiously, despite the grin on my face, as I head towards his bedroom.

When I reach his door, I knock twice and then bite my lip in anticipation as I hear his muffled voice telling me to come in. I gently open the door and slide into his room, sucking in a silent breath as I shut the door behind me and he comes into view. He’s sitting at his desk, his back toward me as he types on his laptop.

“What’s going on, Soph?” he asks, without turning around.

I grin mischievously as I cross the room and slide my arms around his neck from behind.

“It’s not Soph,” I murmur next to his ear, chuckling softly when he stiffens and his head shoots up.

“Liz?!” his tone is incredulous as he turns his head to look at me. “What are you doing here?”

I loosen my arms and take a step back and he swivels around in his desk chair to face my fully, his eyes wide in shocked surprise.

“Surprise!” I grin, raising my eyebrows in a teasing gesture as I lean down to kiss his lips.

The contact sends a thrill of excitement through me and what was meant to just be a brief ‘hello’ kiss, suddenly ends up being a very thorough ‘I’ve missed you’ kiss instead.

“No, seriously,” he says, with a full smile when we finally break apart. “What are you doing here?”

“Well,” I start as I take a seat on the edge of his bed. “I had a couple of free days and since it’s been almost two weeks since I last saw you, I thought I might surprise my boyfriend with a visit.”

“Well, in that case,” he grins. “I’m very glad you’re here.”


“Yeah,” he replies, gesturing to his laptop. “You can come and save me from this tedious task of dissertation-writing.”

“You’re writing your dissertation?” I ask, curiously.

“Yeah,” he nods, with a roll of his eyes. “The deadline is about five weeks away and I still only have about two thousand of the ten thousand words I have to write for it.”

“What’s it on?” I ask curiously.

“It focuses on the relationship between Churchill and Roosevelt during World War II and discusses what might have happened had Roosevelt’s plans for the US to help the UK out been successful.”

“Wow,” I murmur in awe. “Sounds very… in depth.”

“Yeah,” he grins. “But it’s mostly just long and boring… well, the boring part, at least – the length isn’t quite there yet.”

“Well, it’s a good thing I’ve come to save you from it, then,” I decide.

“Yeah, about that… can you give me a few minutes to finish up here?” he asks. “I just want to get this section written while I have it fresh in my mind.”

“Sure,” I smile. “Go ahead. I’ll just make myself comfortable over here.”

I pat the mattress as I speak and then reach over to grab the car magazine that is lying haphazardly on the edge of his desk, before getting comfortable on his bed.

He doesn’t turn back to his work right away, but instead watches me with an amused smirk as I stretch out with the magazine.

“What?” I wonder, raising an eyebrow at him.

He just shakes his head, before finally turning to face his laptop again, “Nothing.”

I spend the next few minutes perusing the magazine, trying to avoid looking at the pictures of half-naked women posing with the cars that seem to be on just about every other page, while Max works diligently at his computer. However, I can’t stop myself from lifting my head to watch him hard at work every now and then. It’s amazing what a difference a few weeks can make, I think as I observe the way his fingers fly deftly across the keyboard, his brow furrowed in concentration as he writes. The Max I’ve gotten to know over the last couple of weeks is so different from the Max I’ve seen for the last few months. It’s so strange; it’s like he’s made this complete u-turn from arrogant, flirty ladies’ man to fun, caring boyfriend overnight. Not that I’m complaining, but it still leaves me wondering which attitude is closest to the real Max.

“Okay, done,” he says a few minutes later, shutting the laptop lid and turning to me. “I’m all yours.”

“Really?” I cock an eyebrow and shoot him a grin as I discard the magazine and sit up, crossing my legs. “Whatever will I do with you?”

“Well, that’s up to you,” he teases, scooting the chair forward so that he comes to a stop right in front of me, reaching out to gently stroke my legs with his palms. “What do you want to do?”

I gulp, my body suddenly reacting to his close proximity, “I can think of a few things.”

“Really?” he repeats my earlier words, before leaning in to capture my lips with his once again.

I start to lose myself in the kiss, but then reality suddenly hits and I pull away, “This isn’t why I came here, you know.”

“No?” his grin is teasing.

“No,” I say firmly. “I came here to spend some time with you.”

“This looks like ‘spending time’ to me.”

“Shh,” I admonish, giving him a mock-stern glare, as I reach down and gently remove his hands from my legs. “You know what I mean.”

“Okay, so what do you want to do?” he wonders.

“I thought maybe we could do something fun, you know, like go out for the day,” I suggest. “Or maybe we could go back down to the beach or something.”

“No,” he suddenly cuts in sharply, sitting up straight in his chair. “Not the beach.”

I frown in confusion, “Why not?”

He shakes his head, “The beach is where I go when I feel depressed or angry and just want to get away for a while. I don’t want to go there today, when we’re trying to have fun.”

“Oh,” I nod in understanding. “Okay, no problem, we won’t go to the beach.”

“Thanks,” he nods in appreciation.

“So, what do you fancy doing then?”

He looks thoughtful for a moment, before looking me straight in the eye again, “Have you seen much of the city since you’ve been here?”

“Not a lot,” I admit. “Apart from the shops and things.”

“Okay, great,” he smiles, his expression pleased in an almost smug way. “That’s what we’ll do then.”

“Huh?” he’s lost me.

He grins, standing up from the chair and holding his hand out to me, “Liz Parker, you and I are taking in the city sights today.”

“We are?” I wonder with a smile as I stand as well and take his hand.

“Of course,” he nods. “There’s so much to see that so many people overlook when they come here; like the cathedral and cathedral green, the ‘haunted’ walkways and underground tunnels, the quayside and the river… I think it’s time I gave you the tour.”

“Wow,” that does sound pretty cool. “Okay.”

He flashes me another grin and I feel my knees go weak at his pleased expression. We head downstairs and he lets go of my hand for a moment to grab his jacket and shoes and then we head out of the house. We begin the walk towards the high street hand-in-hand, but about halfway there, Max extracts his hand from mine in order to pull out a cigarette and light it.

“Ugh,” I make a disgusted sound in my throat as I watch him take a drag.

“What?” he turns to me. “You want one?”

“No, thanks,” I make a face. “It’s a disgusting habit.”

He frowns, looking puzzled, “I don’t seem to remember you finding it disgusting at that party the other week. In fact, you spent most of the night smoking with me.”

“Don’t remind me,” I mutter, remembering how I shared cigarettes and beer with him that night. “As a rule, I hate smoking – it’s gross and unhealthy and just generally yucky.”

“O-kay,” he still looks confused, as he takes another drag.

“I don’t even smoke, really,” I sigh. “It was just that I’d had a bit to drink that night and sometimes when I’ve been drinking I fancy a cigarette. That was the only time I’ve smoked in three years. Plus, I can’t stand the smell of cigarette smoke normally; it makes me feel sick.”

“Oh,” he murmurs, looking down at the fag in his hand. “Would you like me put this out?”

“Well, I really don’t fancy the idea of kissing an ashtray, so if you wouldn’t mind…”

“Okay,” he nods, although I notice him looking down at the cigarette with a look of longing before disposing of it and I resist the urge to roll my eyes. “There, it’s done.”

“Thank you,” I murmur in appreciation, as I slide my arm around his waist and hug him close for a moment.

Although I can tell he’s slightly annoyed at losing his cigarette, he still smiles down at me and reciprocates the gesture as we continue the walk into town.


For once, it’s actually a lovely day – warm, with not a cloud in sight – which makes it perfect weather for seeing the sights. Max shows me all around the city centre, pointing out the old buildings and intricate brickwork above the shop fronts that I would never have noticed otherwise. We paid to visit the underground passageways that run beneath the city and then took a tour round the cathedral. For lunch, we bought toasted baguettes, chocolate muffins and coffee from one of the small bakeries in the high street and then settled down on the grass on the cathedral green to eat them.

Max is great company, joking about our eccentric passageways tour guide who was convinced that the entire city was haunted by sixteenth century soldiers, but then also being very serious and focused as he explains the history behind some of the things we see during the day. By late afternoon, we end up down at the river and spend some time walking along the quay, taking in the beauty of the water and the greenery surrounding it and then we stop off at one of the quayside pubs for a quick drink before making our way back to his place in the early evening.

“Okay, I should probably go back home now,” I murmur between kisses, as we stand together just outside his house. “I have a train to catch.”

He pulls back and looks down at me, his eyes searching, “You don’t have to go to work tomorrow, do you? Why don’t you stay?”

“Max…” I shake my head. “My parents will probably start wondering where I am soon.”

“So? Call them and tell them you’ve decided to stay with your friend instead,” he suggests – I told him about my cover story during lunch. “I’m sure they won’t mind.”

His expression is pleading and so adorable that I just can’t say no, “Okay, fine, you’ve convinced me.”

“Great,” he grins, leaning down to capture my lips in an enthusiastic kiss. “Come on, let’s get inside.”

He leads me into the house and through to the kitchen, where he announces that he’s cooking me dinner. As first I feel very touched and flattered that he would do that for me, but then I realise that by ‘dinner’ he means easy-cook pasta and ready-made tomato sauce and I can’t help but give a chuckle… it’s such a typical student dish. However, the meal does get slightly classier when he produces a bottle of white wine from the fridge and two wine glasses – the perfect complement to Italian food.

When we’ve finished eating, Max suggests watching a DVD or something in the living room, to which I happily agree, but then we discover that Sophie is in there with a guy and so we decide to go upstairs and watch in his room instead. I perch myself on the bed while Max starts the movie running – it’s one I haven’t seen before and I’m eager to finally watch it – but when he turns and makes his way over to the bed, I feel my breath catch in my throat and my heart constrict in my chest at the look in his eyes.

Neither of us speaks as he advances towards me and then leans down, bracing his hands on the bed on either side of me, and kisses my lips with an intense passion that makes my head spin. I wrap my arms around his neck and sink into the kiss as he lowers me to the mattress. Suddenly hands are everywhere as the DVD playing in the background is forgotten and I give in to the to the wonderful feelings of tension that have gradually been building up inside of me for the last few weeks… last few months, even.

As he kisses me, his hands sliding beneath my top and caressing my fevered, bare skin, I feel this amazing rush of emotion flow through me. For so long, I ignored the pull I felt toward him, resisted my ever-growing attraction for him because I was scared; scared that he would turn out just like another Chris, that I would give into my feelings for him and that he would hurt me. But what I didn’t realise was how good it would feel to be in Max Evans’ arms, how right we would be together. If I’d known then that Max could make me feel things that no one else could ever make me feel, I’m not sure I would have ever resisted him… well, actually, that’s not quite true; I’m sure I would have resisted him at first, but perhaps not for as long as I did.

We undress each other frantically, pulling and tugging at every possible scrap of clothing in an attempt to free ourselves from their restrictive bindings and when all clothing except our underwear is gone, Max begins an explosive assault of hands and lips on my body. My head falls back against the pillows as he kisses a hot trail down to my bare chest, gently nipping at my hardening nipples and making my back arch in response. I feel a rush of heat pooling between my thighs as he moves lower still, and I cling to his shoulders, gasping in barely-concealed impatience at the feel of his mouth on my stomach, my hips… and lower still.

My breathing becomes harsh, my chest rising and falling heavily as he tugs my knickers down over my hips and deftly pulls them off, before settling his shoulders between my legs. I gasp with desire and bury my fingers in his hair, my back arching again as he gently traces a finger over my clit, sending thrills of pleasure shooting through my body and I cry out in satisfaction when he finally lowers his mouth to the juncture of my thighs. As the waves of orgasm crash over my body just seconds later and I find myself gasping for air, I wonder how I could have gone this long without knowing what this would feel like with him. Nothing I have ever experienced can compare to the feelings coursing through my body right now, as Max Evans kisses his way back up my body again and settles between my legs.

I let my hands slide down over the smooth, bare skin of his back and round to his waist as I reach for the waistband of his boxers and tug them down. He has to help me because my arms are shorter than his and I feel slightly embarrassed, but then I feel the full length of his naked body pressed flush against mine and all feelings of embarrassment fly right out of the window.

“Do you have anything?” I murmur into his ear, as he nuzzles my neck, peppering it with dozens of tiny kisses. “I’m on the pill, but better safe than sorry.”

He lifts his head to look at me and I’m struck my how handsome he looks, cheeks slightly flushed, longish dark hair mussed and untidy, deep, penetrative eyes watching me intently as his lips curl up into a smile.

“Right here,” he murmurs, lifting his upper body slightly and reaching into his beside table drawer.

In a matter of seconds, we’re protected and my mind clears of all rational thought as I feel him pressing enticingly against my entrance. I shudder with desire, my heart pounding at the sensations ripping through my body as he enters me carefully, gently building up an agonisingly slow rhythm, before finally increasing the pace as we get more comfortable with each other. I wrap my legs around his waist as our movements become more frantic and reach for the wooden headboard behind my head with both hands so that I can lift my hips to meet his thrusts. The pleasure is overwhelming and my harsh breaths soon become gasping moans as I near completion.

The tension in my stomach builds and mounts as we move together and I can feel myself on the edge of orgasm. Frustration begins to rise in my chest when I can’t quite get there, but then I feel Max’s fingers on my clit and my hips jerk in response, the climax rushing over me in intense waves, leaving me gasping for breath as I cry out his name. The feelings are so powerful that it barely registers when Max lets go with a deep groan and then collapses above me moments later. With a huge, contented smile on my face, I relish in the heat of his sweaty body against mine. I don’t want to move from this position at all.

“Oh my God,” I sigh, releasing the headboard and burying my fingers in his hair. “That was amazing.”

I feel him smile against my flushed skin and then he lifts his head, a cocky grin on his face and a twinkle in his eye, “It was, wasn’t it?”

“I think we should do it again,” I announce matter-of-factly.

He chuckles, shaking his head, “Give me a minute to recover, why don’t you?”

“Well, okay, if I must,” I sigh. “But I’m counting the seconds… sixty, fifty-nine, fifty-eight, fifty-sev–”

He cuts me off with a kiss and I grin against his lips as we get caught up in each other all over again. The movie is now completely forgotten as I get ready for round two of the best sex of my life.


Re: Between The Covers (AU, M/L, MATURE) Pt 37, pg 16, 12/23

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 6:47 am
by Heavenli24
Hey everyone, thank you for your feedback :). I hope you all had a great Christmas and wishing you a Happy New Year :).

Morning Dreamgirl
I like your Christmas presents... I like them a lot!
Thanks :).

katydid – Thanks :).
Kick ass update! I'm glad Liz surprised her actually getting back home is another story.
Yeah, will she ever make it back now? ;)

Hunter – Thank you :).


OMG! I LOVE THIS! wow! I'm speechless heavenli!

I loved reading this! More!

You made me so happy with this update
Glad you liked it, lol.

Tamashii – Thanks :).
This is a great early xmas present
That was a great date, I am so glad that she decided to stay with him
I loved the update
Thank you :).

That was an awesome Christmas present. Excellent update, as always!
Thanks :).

Thanks :).
and max should quit smoking. smoking is gross. and Liz doesn't like it either.
He totally should… I’m with Liz on this one :P.

Wow, I just got around to reading your most recent updates- like the last five- and I can't believe how much I missed! I'm so thrilled that Max and Liz are doing so good, and that last update was incredibly hot. I can't wait for more. I hope you have a fantastic Christmas/New Year's. Update ASAP. EK!
Thanks – hope you had a great Christmas too and have a Happy New Year :).

I'm very pleased you got a chance to update. That was awesome! Merry Christmas to you too!!
Thanks :).
I was wondering when they were going to give into what they both already desperately wanna do. I'm so glad to see things are progressing nicely. I'm glad Liz decided to surprise Max. I love how easily spending time together for them is so far. They don't have to do too much to enjoy each others company.

Yeah, things are going well for Max and Liz at the moment… but how long will that last?
I don't know how you found time to write between all the stuff you did but I'm glad you did.
I’m not entirely sure, either, :lol:
I'm eager to read what new Christmas story you've dreamt up for us this year then. I hope your writers block lifts for sequel to The Yule Log, I think it would be great to read about their lives outside of a Christmas setting.
Well, I finally managed to start posting the Christmas story, although it’s more of a ‘holiday’ story than specifically Christmas :). And I’m really hoping I can get working on the Yule Log sequel again soon… I’ve just been so busy lately that I’ve barely had time to get Between the Covers written. Hopefully things will slow down a bit in the New Year :).

Awesome update!!
great xmas present!! Lol
Thanks :).

Oh, YES!!!! .... me too!!!.....
That's what make the difference between casual sex and sex being deeply in love!....
Definitely :).
Thanks for it and have a nice Xmas and New Year time
You too :).

Yea! Finally!!! What a lovely Christmas present you have delivered!
Thanks :).

WOW.....that was HOT! HOT HOT!!!!
Thanks :).
The only issue I had was Liz being annoying with the cigarette....but some people do have the aversion to it but I felt like she could have been a little less uptight about it.....that's just me!
Liz’s aversion to smoking mostly comes from my own experience… I don’t smoke, no one in my family smokes, none of my friends smoke and I’ve never lived with anyone who smokes (of the 16 of us sharing a floor in my first year of university, not one of us smoked)… so pretty much everyone I know has an aversion to smoking (myself included).

In terms of Liz’s reaction, I think sometimes how I intend for a scene to come across as I write it and how you guys read it can be a little different (which II think might be partly to do with UK/US culture differences too)… a lot of the stuff Liz says is supposed to come across as not all that harsh, but more sarcastic/humorous… so when she makes the disgusted sound over him smoking, it’s more of a not-so-serious dig at him than a full-on disparaging remark… but then she got into a bit of a rant, which made it seem worse :roll:.

Dziumka -
I think I have found a new love in Christmas with all the updates as presents
This was amazing I seriously love them together
Thank you :).

Natalie36 – Thanks :).

veronica – Thanks :).

Lairabehr4 – Thanks, hun :).

carolina_moon – Thanks :).

paper – Thanks :).
I was a little worried that Max wasn't gonna give up the ciggie, but he was a trooper!
Yeah, he was… I have to go with Liz on this one though – I’m not a fan of smoking at all.
So glad they finally got together. Maybe Max should go home with her if she can't stay longer?

Worthy of a cigarette. Definitely.
Lol ;)
There are still a few more weeks until Liz goes back to school right? Oh how ever will they get through it? If I were Liz I would have a problem, addiction comes swiftly. Then again, celibacy can be good foreplay right? In the meantime, there's always phone sex.
Yeah, they’ve got a couple more weeks to go after this week :roll: - we’ll have to see how Liz deals with that ;).


Part Thirty-Eight

“Mmm,” I murmur as I snuggle up against Max’s side beneath his bedcovers, my right leg slung over his and my fingers tracing the small sprinkling of hair on his chest. “I could just stay here forever.”

His arm tightens around me as he chuckles softly and I feel the vibrations of his response beneath my ear.

“You know, I’ve wanted to do this with you for a long time,” he says softly, his fingers playing with my hair.

“You have?” I lift my head to look up at him and he smiles down at me warmly.

“Yep,” he nods. “Ever since you shot me down in that club the first time we met. I might have just been trying to get a reaction out of you that night, but I still wanted you anyway.”

“Wow,” I murmur with a smile. “Well, if we’re being totally honest here, I kind of wanted you too.”

“Really?” he raises an eyebrow. “Why didn’t you say so?”

“You know why,” I shove against his chest playfully.

He chuckles again for a moment, but then a comfortable silence settles between us.

“I was so jealous, you know,” he murmurs a few moments later.

“Jealous? When?” I question, as several possible instances run through my mind.

“Of Jake.”

“Jake?” I almost squeak in surprise. “Really?”

As if Jake could hold a candle to Max.

“Yeah,” he nods. “That morning I saw you together outside your hall, it hit home for me that you really were unavailable… I wanted to march right up to him and tear him limb from limb just for touching you.”

“Wow… okay,” I blink, taking that in. But then my lips curl up in a teasing smile, “Don’t you think that would have been going just a bit far, though… especially since you’d just spent the night with Tess from my hall… you weren’t exactly Mr. Celibate yourself, remember?”

He doesn’t seem to have heard me, his brow furrowed in recollection, “When I opened the shower door that morning and you were standing there in those barely-there pyjamas… well, it was all I could do not to shove you against the wall and have my way with you right then and there.” He pauses to look down at me, his eyes dark, and my heart skips a beat in my chest. “I just about got myself under control then, but when I saw you with him later, I almost lost it again.”

“Max…” I murmur, shaking my head with slight amusement. “You had nothing to be jealous of.”

“Really?” he raises a disbelieving eyebrow. “You seemed pretty damn happy with your new boyfriend.”

I shake my head again, propping myself up on my elbow so I can look down at him, “Do you know why Jake and I broke up?” He nods, opening his mouth to speak, but I continue before he can say anything. “The real reason?”

“No, I guess not,” he frowns slightly, shaking his head.

“He saw us together – that day in the union when I was having trouble studying and you… helped me to… relax,” I reveal.

He looks at me in alarm, “He thought you were cheating on him… with me?”

“No,” I deny. “Well, not exactly; he asked if there was anything going on between us – I told him no, but he had already realised that I wasn’t as…” I stop, trying to search for the best word, “… as invested in the relationship as he was and so he decided it would be better if we broke up.”

“Oh… I’m sorry,” he looks genuinely regretful.

“No,” I shake my head, reaching out to run my fingers through his mussed hair as I smile down at him. “He was right. I was still hurting from my break-up with Chris and Jake was the nice, safe rebound guy, you know? He was sweet and funny and someone I knew wouldn’t hurt me… but at the same time… there was no passion, no spark, between us either. He made the right decision to end it… I couldn’t give him what he needed from me.”

“And it sounds like he didn’t give you what you needed, either,” murmurs Max, as he captures my hand in his and brings it down to gently press a kiss to my fingertips. “It sounds like that passion, that spark, is exactly what you were in need of all along…”

He trails off as a heart-stopping grin spreads across his face and he tugs on my hand, causing my body to fall against his as he captures my lips with his eagerly.

“Oh absolutely,” I murmur, when we pull apart briefly, several long seconds later. “And there is definitely passion and spark here right now, Max Evans.”

I kiss him again and he grins against my lips as he tugs me on top of him. I straddle his hips, bracing my hands on his shoulders as his fingers creep down my sides and grab onto my waist. But just as things start heating up between us again, an unwelcome interruption comes in the form of a ringing mobile phone. I groan as I recognise the ringtone.

“It’s mine,” I mutter against his mouth.

“Ignore it,” he replies, releasing my lips and nibbling at my ear instead.

I try, I really do, but I’m not someone who can just sit back and ignore a ringing phone. I climb off him and reach down to the floor to reach my purse. I sit up in the bed, the sheet curled around my waist as I pull the phone out and glance at the caller ID.

“Shit, it’s my mum,” I hiss at him. “I forgot to call her.” I slide the phone open, “Hi, Mum.”

He rolls his eyes, letting out a sigh and lets his head fall back against the pillows as I talk.

“Sorry, I haven’t had a chance to call,” I explain. “But I’ve decided to stay over at my friend’s tonight. I’ll be back soon… in time for Easter, I promise.”

I try to listen to what she is saying on the other end, but I can feel Max’s hands on my bare back, his fingers tracing light circles on my skin and all concentration flies out of the window.

“Uh huh,” I nod absently, having no idea what she just said because Max is now sitting right behind me, his bare chest pressed against my back as his warm hands cup and squeeze my breasts sensually, sending little curls of heat through my belly and causing my voice to falter, “Y-yes, Ma… uh, Mum.”

I hear Max give a little snigger behind me and I glare at him over my shoulder.

“Sure,” I nod, in reply to a question from Mum… what question it was, I have no clue, though.

Max’s fingers creep lower now, over my stomach and down to bury between my legs. I suck in a breath, my stomach contracting in response to his intimate caresses.

“Mmm,” I sigh, forgetting where I am for a moment… “No, no, I’m fine, Mum… just… uh, thinking about what we’ll be having for Easter Sunday lunch this year.”

Max sniggers again, dropping his head to my shoulder to muffle the noise. I frown, attempting to slap his wandering hand away, but he only increases the movement of his fingers. I feel my breath come faster and realise that if I don’t get off the phone right this minute, my mum is going to figure out that something is up.

“Sounds great, Mum,” I tell her as she finishes telling me about the weekend plans. “But I have to go now – we’re, uh… we’re off to watch a movie.”

I nod impatiently as she says something in reply and as soon as I can, I end the call with an, “Okay, bye.”

With a sigh, I let the phone fall to the floor with a soft thump and I turn to glare at Max, pulling his hand away from my skin. He just looks at me with an impish grin.

“That was not funny,” I scold, although his mischievous expression is difficult to be mad at. “That was my Mum!”

He shrugs, smirking unapologetically as he lays back down and stretches out against the pillows, cocking an eyebrow at me in invitation.

“Nuh uh,” I shake my head, trying desperately to ignore the tempting expanse of tanned skin exposed to my gaze. Of their own accord, my eyes travel down his stomach to the trail of dark hair that disappears beneath the thin sheet… I shake my head again, clearing my thoughts as I force my gaze back to his face. “No way. I’m mad at you.”

“Is that so?” he questions disbelievingly.


“Well, then, if you won’t come to me, I’ll have to come get you.”

Before I have time to react, he’s sitting up, his hands gripping my waist tightly as he pulls me down beside him, his hands moving to pin my arms to the bed.

“Max–,” I try to protest, but then his mouth covers mine in a fervent kiss.

And I forget everything but the delicious feeling of our bodies moving together as one.


I wake up the next morning feeling very relaxed, very satisfied and, I realise as I stretch my slightly sore muscles, very desperate for the toilet. Very carefully, so as not to disturb Max who is fast asleep behind me, his arm curled around my waist, I slide out from under the covers and sit up on the edge of the bed. I look around for my clothes, but they’re all the way on the other side of the room, so instead I reach down for Max’s discarded T-shirt and pull it over my head. I stand up and am glad to find that the shirt reaches mid-thigh and covers me sufficiently. Grabbing my socks from the floor at the end of the bed, I pull them on too and tiptoe out of the room.

When I am done in the bathroom, I realise that now I’m awake, there’s no way I’ll get back to sleep again, so instead of going back into Max’s room and risking waking him up, I decide to head downstairs to the kitchen for a cup of tea. When I get there, my eyes widen in surprise to find Sophie sitting at the kitchen table in her dressing gown.

“Morning, Liz,” she smiles. “Sleep well?”

Her tone suggests that she knows exactly what Max and I were doing last night and I feel my face flush with embarrassment.

“Uh, hi, Sophie,” I mumble, looking anywhere else but at her.

“Cup of tea?” she asks, holding up her mug and nodding towards the steaming kettle on the counter.

“Yeah,” I nod. “Thanks.”

She gets up to pour me a cup and I slide onto one of the kitchen chairs, tugging at Max’s shirt, making sure that I remain decent.

“Here you go,” she says, as she places the mug down in front of me and sits back down again.


“So, good night?” she asks, raising her eyebrows suggestively.

I can’t help but grin, suddenly grateful that I have someone I can confide in about what’s going on between Max and I… even if she is one of his best friends and former flame.

“The best,” I admit, biting my lip to stop myself from squealing out loud with happiness.

“Good for you,” she grins. “I’m not surprised though, this is Max we’re talking about here.”

“It was pretty amazing,” I confess.

“Amazing, huh?” comes a new voice from behind me

My eyes widen at Sophie, who sits up straight in her seat, before I turn to find Max standing in the doorway dressed in nothing but grey sweatpants, a grin on his face. He crosses the room and leans down to kiss my lips briefly.

“I think I like the sound of that.”

“I uh, I think I’ll just leave you two alone now,” pipes up Sophie then.

I’m so preoccupied by Max’s proximity that I barely hear her leave.

“I woke up and you weren’t there,” he murmurs, as he slips into Sophie’s vacated chair and pulls it up so that he’s sitting right beside me.

“Sorry,” I murmur, reaching out to tangle my fingers in his messy hair. “Nature called and I then knew I wasn’t going back to sleep once I was up, so I came down here and Sophie offered me tea.”

He nods, “Sleep well?”

“Better than ever,” I grin, raising my eyebrows to illustrate my meaning.

“Good to know,” he smirks, before glancing down at my attire. “You know, I think I like you in my clothes.”

“Yeah?” I murmur. “I like you in your clothes too.”

“Also good to know.”

I grin as he pulls me to him, capturing my lips with his own, and I sink into his kiss… only for it to end much too soon when he pulls away.

“Come on, let’s go get ready for the day,” he suggests, standing up and holding out his hand to me. “We don’t have much time before you have to get back home and I want to make the most of it.”

With a grin, I take his hand and allow him to lead me out of the kitchen and back upstairs. As I take a shower and then get dressed, I can’t stop the bubble of excitement from threatening to burst in my chest… I am so happy right now that I almost can’t believe all this is real.

Max and I spend the day together, first heading to Wetherspoon’s for lunch and then catching an afternoon film at the cinema, but the day still seems to pass way too quickly and before I know it, he’s standing at the station with me as I wait for my train home. Saying goodbye to him is much harder than I thought it would be, even though I know we’ll see each other again in just a couple of weeks.

However, I have a feeling those couple of weeks are going to seem like an eternity. He promises that he’ll phone whenever he can and even offers to come and stay with me for a few days next week. However, as tempted as I am to take him up on the offer, he’s mentioned more than once over the last couple of days how much work he still has to do for his dissertation and upcoming finals and so I refuse to let him sacrifice his valuable study time for me.

So, it is with several long, dizzying kisses that we say our goodbyes and I force myself to step away from him and head for the platform where my train is waiting. Just before I turn the corner, I take one last glance back at him and smile when I see that he’s watching me, those gorgeous dark eyes peeking out from beneath the shaggy hair covering his forehead, a warm smirk gracing his lips, his hands once again shoved into his pockets. My heart gives a lurch in my chest as I turn away again and make my way to the train; Max Evans is all mine.


I was right; the next two weeks seem to crawl by at an agonisingly slow pace. Half the time, I seem to just be going through the motions of work and studying, simply to pass the time and the only times that I wish I could slow things down and savour the moment are when I’m talking to Max on the phone. We speak almost every night, unless one or both of us is busy, and we talk about everything from what we watched on TV that day to our opinions on current world affairs… and of course, there’s the occasional ‘if I were there, this is what I’d be doing to you’ conversation in there too.

I end up being so distracted and spending so much time on the phone that in the last week of the holidays, my parents get curious and I have to tell them about my new boyfriend. They seem pretty cool about it – they know how much my relationship with Chris hurt me last year and are understandably a little wary about guys that I meet now – although as I’d predicted, one of the first things out of Mum’s mouth is an invitation to have Max over for dinner sometime… something I reluctantly agree to, but secretly plan for it not to happen for a while yet, as I explain to Max when we talk next.

“So, I told my parents about you today,” I inform him as I curl up on my bed, phone cradled against my ear, later that evening.

“Yeah?” his tone sounds half-curious and half-apprehensive.

“They were getting suspicious about the amount of time I’ve been spending on the phone, so I had to come clean.”

“And? What did they say?”

“Well, my dad is understandably worried about me after what happened with Chris last year, but Mum has already invited you round for dinner,” I admit.

“Really?” his voice takes on a mischievous edge, as if he’s plotting something. “So, when’s that gonna be?”

“Not anytime soon, if I can help it,” I mutter.

“Why not?” he almost sounds offended.

I shake my head, even though I know he can’t see it, “Nothing to do with you, I promise. It’s just that I’d rather not have to introduce you to the family yet, ‘cause Mum kind of has a tendency to want to be immediate friends with anyone I invite round – guys or girls – and I don’t want you to have to deal with that just yet. Call me selfish, but I kinda want to keep you to myself for a while.”

“Really?” now the word sounds suggestive. “And what exactly are you planning to do with me?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?”

“Hmm, does it involve you, me, a bed and total privacy for at least forty-eight hours?”

“Maybe,” I murmur, a mental image of that scenario suddenly popping into my head.

“In that case, just tell me when and where and I’ll be there.”

I chuckle at his eager tone and on the other end, I hear him laugh too. It feels so good to just talk and have fun with him like this, no arguments or angst or confusion over hidden meanings to his words. I fall silent as I contemplate what that means.

“You okay?” he asks a moment later, when he realises I’ve gone quiet.

“Yeah,” I murmur. “I’m fine.”




It’s on the tip of my tongue to say something, to admit how strong my feelings for him are becoming, but something stops me. I’m not sure whether it’s fear of rejection – that maybe he doesn’t feel the same way – or fear that if I say something, it will change this wonderful, playful atmosphere between us right now into something more… serious, but I just can’t bring myself to do it.

“Oh, um, never mind,” I chicken out.

“You sure? What were you gonna say?”

“Oh, it was nothing important,” I dismiss.

“Okay,” he sounds a little confused, but lets it drop and instead changes the subject. “So, what are your plans for this weekend? When are you moving back into your hall?”

“Well, they won’t let us move back in until Sunday, so I probably won’t be back until that afternoon,” I tell him. “Dad’s gonna drive me down, so it really depends what time he wants to leave.”


“Yeah, but I should hopefully be back and unpacked by early evening… at least that’s my current plan.”

“Great,” he replies. “You wanna come round to mine Sunday night? I’ll cook.”

“You’ll cook?” I wonder, chuckling as I remember that his idea of cooking the other week involved ready-made pasta and sauce. “Really?”

“Hey, I’ll have you know I can cook more than spaghetti bolognese and beans on toast,” he retorts. “I have, in fact, been known to make a great stir-fry on occasion.”

“Yeah, ‘cause stir-fry is so hard to make,” I tease.

“Whatever,” he dismisses good-naturedly. “So, you comin’ round, or what?”

“I’d love to,” I start, “but I also don’t want it to seem like I’m abandoning my friends. After all, I’ve seen you a lot more often than I’ve seen them in the last few weeks.”

“Fine, blow me off for your friends then, see if I care,” he jokes, although I can detect a hint of annoyance in his tone and I sigh.

“Look, I really would love to and I’ll do my best, okay?” I tell him. “But my friends are probably going to want to do something together and if it’s going to be too awkward, we might have to postpone it and I’ll come round another night, okay?”

“Okay, that’s fine,” he murmurs, his tone still light, although I can tell that he’s still a bit miffed. “Look, I, uh, I have to go now.”

“Oh, okay,” I frown, wondering if it was something I said.

“Good luck with the move on Sunday and I’ll see you soon, okay?”

“Sure,” I murmur. “Okay.”

“Bye, Liz.”

“Bye…” I reply, but he’s already gone.

I let the phone drop down onto the bedcovers as I sink down against the pillows with a sigh. Why do I get the feeling that I’ve just stuck my foot in it? I didn’t mean to offend him or anything, it’s just that my friends are important to me too and I can’t just blow them off to spend time with Max when I haven’t even seen them for a month. Surely, he understands that, right?


Re: Between The Covers (AU, M/L, MATURE) Pt 38, pg 4, 12/30

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 4:25 am
by Heavenli24
Hey everyone, thank you for your feedback :):

Queen Fee – Thanks :).
Love Max tormenting Liz when she was on the phone
I couldn’t resist putting that part in ;).
Uh-oh, I hope that Liz's friends don't become an issue between them (although given the Isabel situation I have a feeling that it is inevitable). I know from experience that when you are torn between your friends and a guy it's hard to please everybody.
Yeah, I have a feeling things are going to get rocky with Liz’s friends and Max… let’s just hope they can all work it out :).

DreamerM&L – Thanks :).
I really hope Max can understand..and Liz's friends do not come in between them but then it cud be that Liz doesnt want Max to meet them because Isabel
would be there...
Well, Liz is entitled to spend time with her friends on her own, without Max, and I think it’s pretty reasonable that she wants to do so. After all, she’s not going to stop Max going out with his friends and she’s not trying to tag along with him either. Perhaps there is a slight element of Liz not wanting to stir things up between Max and Isabel too, but at the same time, she does want to spend some time with her friends on their first night back when they’re all available and she can always see Max the next night anyway :roll:.

mary mary – Thank you :).

It was a great morning after, and I really like Sophie.
Thanks – Sophie is pretty cool, isn’t she?
It was a great part, I am happy that they got along so well in their weeks apart (and that the time past quickly).
Yeah, things are going well for them at the moment… after all the months it took them to get together, they deserve it. Let’s just hope it lasts…
Until next part, I wonder what will happen that night, maybe Max has a nice surprise.
We’ll have to see…

I totally understand that. I think that is why emoticons were can't tell the tone of someone's email or text messages or anything written.....its kind of funny the interpretations we all have.
Yeah, it is :).
Loved the new part. I can understand both of where Max and Liz are coming from...and I think its wise of Liz to not ditch her friends...I have been on that receiving end...and it suck, so good for her. max will just have to deal!!!
Yeah, Liz still has a life outside of Max and I’m sure she’s eager to see her friends again after the holidays. It’s not like she can’t see Max another day.

Hmm that's a pickle on Liz's part. I respect her for not wanting to be one of those friends that ditch their friends for their boyfriends but it's a tough balance making sure your boyfriend doesn't feel left out too I suppose. But I get what Max might be thinking, he finally got her and wants to spend as much time with her as possible. Which is perfectly understandable.
Really, I think it’s understandable for both of them. Liz shouldn’t ditch her friends, and to be honest, she wants to spend time with them anyway and Max needs to understand that. But at the same time, Max wants to spend time with her too.
I knew something was going to happen when you said how long will the good moments last. I guess it was about time. lol But I loved the chapter though of course.
If I’m being totally honest, that last scene wasn’t supposed to be the start of things going wrong at all… even when I started writing the scene, I didn’t intend for it to finish with Max feeling annoyed – it just turned out that way at the end. So don’t worry – this mini-upset is not going to cause trouble between them :).
I thought that it was kind of sweet of Max being jealous of Jake. I figured he might have been.
Max is just jealous of ‘guys who like Liz’ in general :P ;).
I love how he totally skipped over the fact that he was with Tess when she brought up that fact. Lol
I'm beginning to think that perhaps all his family problems has made him have some trust issues. He appears to get jealous a lot instinctively. He likes having Liz to himself. Which I find understandable as well. I'm not big on sharing the things I like a lot either. But I can see how that might lead to some problems for them.
It seems as though Max is much more of a jealous type than I’d originally intended him to be :P… but don’t worry (in case you were), he’s not going to turn out like some obsessive boyfriend who won’t let Liz do anything without him… we’ve just seen him be a bit jealous on a few occasions and we haven’t seen much of him the rest of the time yet ;).
I liked the Sophie and Liz moment. I think it's great Liz has her to talk to.
Thanks :). It’s amazing how much characters can develop and become involved in the story as it progresses… Sophie wasn’t meant to play a big part in it at all, yet here she is, Max’s best friend and Liz’s new confidant ;).
Awesome chapter! Can't wait to see what bumps are head for M/L.
We’ll have to see what happens…

Natalie36 – Thanks :).

Great sex with the hot boyfriend who is willing to cook--this should be a no-brainer. Come on...

I gotta agree. I'm sure the friends will understand.

And if they don't, then they arent' true friends.
I’m thinking more that it’s Max who needs to understand… that he can’t have Liz to himself all the time ;). Liz hasn’t seen her friends in weeks… she deserves to spend some time with them. And she and Max can get together the next night, if they want :).
Why doesn't she invite Max along on the jaunt with the buds?
Because Isabel will be there and Max has made it clear that he wants nothing to do with her… putting them in a room together for the night is not going to bode well for them… and Liz knows that.

Lairabehr4 – Thanks, hun :).


Fantastic part again! They are so in tune with each other that they just have to discuss this little problem about Liz's friends to find peace!
Happy New Year 2009 to you and waiting for more next year!
Happy New Year to you too :).


Part Thirty-Nine

On moving day, it seems that everything that could go wrong, does. First off, I wake up Sunday morning to discover that I am nowhere near ready to move back to uni… half of my clothes are still in the wash and I can’t seem to find the box of textbooks that I brought back with me anywhere. Then, when I finally get all my clothes dry and packed again, I come downstairs to find my dad with his head under the car bonnet, muttering curse words under his breath. It turns out that the car won’t start. By the time he’s got it up and running again and all of my stuff has been piled into the car, it’s well past two o’clock and we’re three hours late leaving.

Everyone else has already arrived back at the hall and is almost completely unpacked by the time Dad and I pull up almost three hours later at five pm… after spending an hour stuck in traffic on the motorway… and I am feeling pretty stressed by the time I have my keys and we start moving things back into my room.

“Hey, Liz, you made it back,” greets Maria, holding her arms out with a huge smile as I enter our room for the first time in a month.

“Maria, great to see you again,” I smile – my first of the day – as I put down the box I’m carrying to give her a hug. “How was your Easter?”

“It was great,” she grins, as she helps me bring the box all the way into the room. “Mike came to stay for a few days and we had an amazing time.”

“Sounds wonderful,” I grin back. “Glad you had fun. I’ll be back in a sec… I should probably help my dad with some more stuff.”

It takes Dad and I about another twenty minutes to lug everything from the car and up to my room, even though we’re working quickly… well, Dad is at least; I, on the other hand, keep getting stopped by one person after another welcoming me back and I end up get just a little too caught up in talking to them. Of course, Dad just has to keep nagging me about hurrying up a little so that he can get on the road and back home and by the time we’re finished, I find myself getting tired and a bit irritable. At six pm, he wishes me good luck for the upcoming term and gives me a tight hug before climbing back into the car again and setting off for home.

Almost worn-out, I stumble back up the three flights of stairs to my room, cursing when my phone rings unexpectedly in my pocket and I jump, tripping on one of the steps and go flying, landing heavily on the concrete.

“Hello?” I mutter into the phone as I pick myself up.

“Hi, honey, it’s me.”

“Hey, Dad,” I reply, as I wonder why he’s calling me now, less than five minutes after he left.

“Just wanted to check you had everything,” he says cheerfully. “I just had an awful thought that you might have left something behind.”

“No, I’m pretty sure we got everything, Dad,” I tell him. “Have a good trip home.”

“Okay, just checking,” he repeats. “Sorry to bother you.”

“Bye, Dad.”

I roll my eyes good-naturedly as I hang up and return the phone to my pocket, making my way back to my room.

“Wow, look at this mess,” I sigh, as I take sight of all of my boxes and suitcases strewn about the floor. “This is going to take me ages to unpack.”

“I can help you if you like,” offers Maria, as she organises her bookshelf. “Or, if you don’t fancy trawling through all that lot right now, we were all thinking of having some fun tonight… you up for it?”

“After the day I’ve had… definitely,” I grin, momentarily ignoring the clutter on my side of the room. “What’s the plan?”

“Well, Alex and Izzy say they’re up for dancing, which I’m definitely interested in too, while Mike and James just want to go somewhere that sells beer, so I thought we could go to the World Music dance night that they do in Warehouse on Sunday nights.”

“Sounds good to me,” I agree wholeheartedly. I’ve been meaning to go to one of the World Music nights for ages. “Although I’d better get at least some unpacking done first though.”

“Sure, no problem,” nods Maria. “We probably won’t be going for a while yet anyway.”

With an unenthusiastic sigh, I turn back to the pile of stuff on my bed, but just as I start working on it, my phone rings again.

“Hello?” I answer as soon as I’ve wrestled it out of my pocket again.

“Sorry, sweetie, it’s me again,” comes Dad’s voice.

I frown in puzzlement, “Hey, Dad… aren’t you supposed to be driving at the moment? You know it’s illegal to use your mobile when you’re driving.”

“Oh, I just pulled into the service station for a moment,” he assures me. “The car is stopped.”

“Oh, okay, good,” I nod. “What’s up?”

“I just realised we forgot to pack the rug for your floor this morning… it’s still in the house.”

“Ok-ay,” I say slowly, not really sure why he’s telling me this now… it’s not like there’s anything I can do about the fact that we didn’t bring the rug.

“Well, I just wanted to let you know that you don’t have it.”

“Right, okay,” I nod a little impatiently. So I don’t have it, big deal – I’ll survive. Doesn’t he realise I’m trying to unpack here? “Well, I’ll just have to do without it for a while, I guess.”

“Are you sure?”

“It’s not like there’s anything I can do about it, is there?” I retort, the stress of the day’s events finally catching up with me.

“There’s no need to snap at me, sweetie,” comes Dad’s warning tone on the other end. “I don’t like that tone of voice.”

“Whatever, Dad,” I reply childishly with a roll my eyes, although I’m starting to feel frustrated with myself that I’m getting annoyed with him.

“Okay, well, your mother and I will try to bring it down to you when we’re in the area, okay?”

“Sure, Dad,” I reply. “You should go now though, because you’ve still got two hours of driving to do and Mum’ll worry if you don’t get home soon.”

“Okay, sweetie,” he says, in a more pleasant voice, making me feel guilty for snapping at him. “I’ll talk to you soon, okay?”

“Okay, Dad,” I nod. “Bye.”

No sooner have I shut my phone and placed it down on my bed, when it starts ringing again. With a sigh of annoyance I grab it and flip it open. Doesn’t he ever give it a rest?

“What?!” I grind out down the phone, not in the mood to talk with him again right now. “What is it now?”

“Liz?” comes a different voice than the one I was expecting. “Is this a bad time? I can call back.”

“Oh my God, I’m sorry, Max,” I gasp in surprise, apologising quickly. “I thought you were my dad.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Maria turning to face me, her eyebrows raised with interest.

“Nope, definitely not your dad,” he quips, making me smile in response. “How’s the moving going?”

“Ugh, not well,” I admit. “I’m not having a good day today.”

“I’m sorry,” he says sincerely. “I was just calling to see what your plans were for tonight.”

“Oh, we’re having a ‘floor’ night out tonight,” I tell him, hoping that he doesn’t mind that I can’t come round. “You know, to catch up with everyone after the holidays. So I won’t be coming by, I’m sorry.”

“Okay, that’s fine, no problem,” he assures me. “I just wanted to check. Have fun.”

“Yeah?” I wonder, wanting to make sure that he’s fine about it.

“Yeah,” he says and I can hear the smile in his voice. “I’ll just go to the pub with the guys tonight, so you go and enjoy yourself.”

“Okay,” I smile. “But I’m gonna hold you to that dinner, okay? We’ll just do it another night… how about tomorrow? You free?”

“I think I can just about squeeze you in,” he jokes.

“You can, huh?” I murmur in response to his suggestive reply.



“Well, I’d better let you get back to your moving,” he says then. “Can’t wait to see you tomorrow… you know, it’s been way too long since I had you in my bed.”

“Max!” I exclaim, momentarily scandalised, although I can’t help but grin at the mental image that flits through my mind at his words.

He chuckles, “What can I say? I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you too,” I reply softly. “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”

“Tomorrow,” he confirms.


“Bye, Liz.”

This time, I hang up the phone and put it down on the bed with a happy sigh. However, my happiness is short-lived when I turn to find Maria watching me with her arms folded, looking as if she’s about to burst, her foot tapping on the ground impatiently.

“Okay, Lizzie,” she announces, her face lighting up with excitement as she unfolds her arms and grabs my hand, pulling me down onto the bed. “You need to tell me everything about this Max guy.”


The next night, after street dance class, I head back to the hall to change and take a quick shower before I go over to Max’s place for our postponed dinner date.

“Hi,” he greets with a grin, when he opens the door to me twenty minutes later.

“Hey,” I reply happily, stepping through the door and into his hallway.

He closes the door behind me, but before I can take a step further, his arm curls around my waist and his lips brush against mine gently, touching for the briefest of moments, before he deepens the kiss slightly and then pulls back again, leaving me wanting more.

“So, I have to apologise,” he says, as he leads me down the hall to the kitchen. “As a result of having to spend all morning in lectures and all afternoon working on my dissertation, I haven’t had time to get any food in to make dinner.”

“Okay,” I say with a small, amused smile, as he opens and closes various cupboards to show me the lack of food.

“Do you mind if we order in tonight? How does Chinese sound?”

“Sure,” I nod, involuntarily letting my gaze run up and down his body. I bite my lip as I make my way over to him slowly. “Sounds great, actually… I was just craving Chinese food this afternoon.”

“Great,” he lets out a sigh of relief and shoots me a grin as I reach his side. “What do you fancy?”

“What’s the choice?” I ask coyly, as I come to a stop right in front of him and hook my fingers through two of his belt loops, rising up on my tiptoes to brush my lips against his briefly.

When I pull back, I find him smiling down at me and in response, I lean in to kiss him again, but before I get the chance, a sudden crashing noise from upstairs makes me jump and my head whips round to the door in surprise.

In front of me, Max chuckles, “That’s just Dan, Ollie and Craig being idiots and most likely getting themselves drunk up upstairs. Don’t worry, they’re going out soon anyway…” He smiles softly, lifting his hand to cup the back of my head, so he can draw me closer, as he murmurs, “And they won’t be back ‘til the early hours.”

“Really?” I raise an eyebrow at his insinuation. “And, uh, what about Sophie? Will she be gone tonight too?”

“Yeah, actually, she will,” he grins. “Apparently she’s spending the night with that guy who was here the other week.”

“So… we have the house all to ourselves for the night?”

“Yep,” he grins wickedly. “What will we do with all that alone time?”

“I can think of a few things…”

I can’t say anything more because he’s the one kissing me now, his lips just barely caressing mine at first, and then gradually building the tension as he captures my bottom lip, suckling it gently, his tongue sneaking out to sample a taste, before sneaking inside, making my head spin in response.

“Oi, you two, get a room,” comes Craig’s booming voice from the hallway.

We spring apart and I groan, letting my head fall against his chest when I realise that the kitchen door is wide open and now all three of Max’s male housemates are standing in the doorway, watching us.

“Bugger off, Craig,” retorts Max. “Aren’t you lot supposed to be going out about now?”

“Nah,” replies Craig. “We thought we might just stay here and catch the show you two are putting on.”

“Get the fuck on out of here and give us some privacy, why don’t you, mate?” warns Max. “That goes for you guys too.”

There’s a few seconds of debate between the guys, but sure enough the three of them finally decide to head out, the front door slamming loudly behind them as they go.

“God, I’m sorry about that,” sighs Max as I lift my head and he looks down at me. “My housemates are idiots.”

“That was embarrassing,” I mutter, rolling my eyes.

“Well, they’re gone now,” he reminds me. “Thank God.”

“Yeah,” I agree.

“So, where were we before… all of that?”

“You were gonna tell me the choice of food for dinner,” I remind him, sliding my hands up over his chest, as I rise up to kiss him again.

God, his mouth is like an addiction for me today… it feels like I haven’t kissed him in forever.

“Ah, yes, um…” he murmurs when we part, his eyes dark and intense as he gazes down at me, “I’ll just have to find the, uh,” he licks his lips, “the…”

“The menu?” I supply with a smile, enjoying watching him squirm as I run my fingers down over his torso to his stomach and then hook them into his belt loops once more, pulling him close to me.

“Yeah,” he exhales, his eyes fixed on me as he braces his hands on the counter behind him. “The menu. That’s it.”

“So…” I murmur, getting lost in his incredible eyes as I tug on his belt loops, urging him closer to me. “…where is it?”

“Where’s what?” he seems confused.

“The menu,” I clarify, trying not to giggle at his non-syllabic reaction.

His eyes darken further, as he grinds out, “Fuck the menu.”

“Wha-?” I start, but his hot mouth is suddenly on mine, cutting off my words as he grabs my waist and hoists me up onto the counter.

His hands are suddenly everywhere, on my back, cupping my breasts, tangling in my hair and my heart begins to race in response. The feel of his lips against mine, and his hips encased between my thighs causes electricity to shoot up my spine and I shiver in response. Then, when his fingers drift down my spine to my lower back, I can’t help but tear my mouth from his in a surprised gasp at the wonderful feelings flowing through me. He doesn’t stop kissing me though, immediately pressing his lips to my neck, just behind my ear, his tongue darting out to tease the sensitive skin there.

“God,” I mutter under my breath, before forcing out, “What happened to ordering food?” in an attempt to keep myself focused.

“Food can wait,” he states determinedly his hands now sliding round to grab my hips, bringing them closer so that our lower bodies are touching. “I want you.”

I shudder, my eyes sliding closed as I feel him pressing against me. My breathing becomes laboured and a pool of heat begins to build in my belly in anticipation. He reaches for the hem of my top and I quickly slide my arms out of my jacket, letting it fall to the counter top, allowing him better access. He pulls the top over my head while I reach for his polo shirt and tug it off. As his gaze fixes on my chest and his thumbs come up to brush across my nipples, I feel them begin to harden beneath the pale pink, lacy bra I’m wearing and my stomach clenches involuntarily. Of their own accord, my hands reach for him, my fingers tracing the defined lines of his chest and stomach before coming to rest at his jeans waistband.

Then everything comes to a stop as our gazes lock and we stare at each other, our breathing heavy. It’s as if we’re stuck at the top of a vertical roller coaster, waiting anxiously for the car to tip over the edge and fall, reaching the climax of the ride. There’s a moment of stillness… one second, two seconds, three seconds… and then almost as if a switch has been pressed to start the ride up again, we’re suddenly in each other’s arms again and hurtling down towards the ground. It’s fast and impassioned… and absolutely mind-blowing. It’s as if we can’t get enough of each other. I find my upper body pressed against the cabinet above the counter, one hand gripping onto the edge while the other is locked around Max’s neck as he kisses me greedily.

Almost impatiently, I move my hips in time with his, yearning for that inevitable peak of pleasure… and then when it does finally come, my whole body goes rigid as I let out a gasping cry of release. Max follows shortly, lowering his head to my chest, his mouth covering my breast as he finds his own release.

“Wow…” I sigh, clinging to his shoulders as my breathing begins to return to normal. “Just… wow.”

“Yeah,” he breathes, a grin spreading across his face.

He leans in and kisses me hungrily as he gently brushes his fingers against my clit, causing me to inhale sharply at the sensations that rip through my body.

“God, don’t do that,” I utter breathlessly. “I can’t…”

He chuckles, but thankfully moves his hand, resting it on my hip instead.

Then, his expression turning semi-serious, he says, “So, how about that food, then?”


“Knock, knock,” I tap my knuckles on the open door of James and Mike’s room two days later on Wednesday afternoon. James is sitting at his desk, typing something on his laptop. “Can I come in?”

“Oh, hey, Liz,” he smiles as he looks up. “Sure come on in. What’s up?”

“Just wanted to see how you were doing,” I tell him as I perch on the edge of his bed. “I’ve hardly seen you lately, what with the holidays and everything.”

“I’m okay,” he nods. “Busy with all this work though. I can’t believe we only have three-and-a-half weeks left of the semester… it’s crazy. I have so many essays to write that I’m not even going to get a chance to revise for exams until after the semester’s ended.”

“Do you know when your exams are yet?”

“Yeah, I just got my timetable this morning… they’re all in the first two weeks of June,” he says. “Which means I’ll have two or three weeks to prepare for them after lectures are finished.”

“That’s good,” I nod. “Mine seem to be all scattered around… I have one exam in the last week of May, two in the first week of June and then I have a week-and-a-half until the last one.”

“Ouch,” he winces. “Not so good.”

“Yeah,” I nod. “So, what’s been going on with you lately? Any progress with that girl?”

He tries to hide it, but I can see the small smile that crosses his lips.

“Ooh, did something happen?” I can’t help but ask eagerly.

“Well, sort of,” he says self-consciously. “We had a department social the night before we all went home for Easter and I kinda got talking to her.”

“Really? That’s great,” I grin.

“Yeah, well, nothing’s happened or anything yet, but… we get on really well together, Liz,” he tells me. “And it’s so frustrating because there’s this big, obvious age-gap between us. I mean, she’s only three years older than me, but it’s like the gap seems so much wider because she already has a degree and now she’s studying for her masters… I almost feel like a little school kid compared to her.”

“I’m sorry, James,” I sympathise. “Maybe you should try to spend some time with her outside of all the academic stuff? That way you can be on more equal footing with each other. You know, just forget that you’re a first-year and she’s a post-grad and just have some fun together.”

“Yeah, maybe,” he murmurs thoughtfully.

“After all,” I continue. “Max is three years older than me and we get along great.”

James frowns, his head snapping up to look at me in confusion, “Max? Who on Earth is Max?”

“Oh!” I exclaim in surprise, my eyes widening as I realise that I haven’t told James about Max yet. “Oops. Sorry. You remember that guy I told you about a while ago, the one Jake thought I was involved with?”

He thinks for a moment, “The guy who took advantage of you when you were drunk?”

“He didn’t ‘take advantage’,” I protest. “But, yeah. Well, I kind of got to know him better in the last few weeks and just before Easter, we got together.”

“Got together, as in…?”

“As in, we’re a couple now.”

“Wow…” he whistles. “That’s uh… okay. So, his name is Max?”

“Yeah, Max Evans,” I admit. “He’s a third-year.”

James frowns thoughtfully, before looking at me seriously, “Not… Max Evans, the AU president?”

“Um, well… yeah.”

“Isn’t he like a total womaniser?”

“No,” I say defensively, but then decide to amend my statement slightly. “Well… maybe he was a bit, but not anymore. He’s a great guy.”

“Are you sure you know what you’re doing here, Liz?”

“Of course I do,” I respond, a little annoyed that he seems to think that I can’t take care of myself. “He’s an amazing guy.”

“Yeah, an amazing guy who forces himself on women when they’re drunk and when he knows they already have a boyfriend,” he mutters distastefully.

“It wasn’t like that,” I protest, although as I say it I realise that Max and I haven’t spoken about those kisses since we’ve been together. “It was just a… a misunderstanding.”

“Okay,” he says, humouring me, although his tone implies ‘if you say so’. “I’m just looking out for you here, Liz. You’re one of my best friends and I would hate to see you get hurt by this guy.”

“And I appreciate your concern, James,” I tell him. “But I know what I’m doing.”

Of course I do… Max Evans is the best thing that’s ever happened to me; I’m not gonna let anything screw this up.

However, as I leave James to his work a few minutes later and head back to my room, I get a niggling feeling in the back of my mind that makes me wonder if everything really is as wonderful as it seems After all, there’s still a lot that Max and I haven’t even discussed yet, not least the issue of those kisses we shared back in the Autumn, things like: his family problems… and the fact that Isabel doesn’t even know that I have a new boyfriend yet, let alone his identity – and I have no idea how I’m going to tell her about it.