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Re: Lips of an Angel (M/L, CC, TEEN) Ch 29 6/3/08

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 3:02 am
by Oz
Thanks for the FB, and welcome to the newcomers.

Felt inspired this week ... don't get used to the quick updates!

The song is 'In another life' by The Veronicas.



“Who was that?” Tess asked, the moment I stepped back inside.

“Liz…” I whispered, my finger still resting on the switch for the porch light. I could feel Liz walk away, and it was tearing me up inside. I had been harsh – way too harsh. It was her mother we had been talking about for goodness sake. But I had wanted to hurt her – the way she did to me all those years ago.

“What did she want?” Tess asked hesitantly.

“She – she wants me to heal her mother.” I replied.

“Are you going to do it?” Tess asked nervously.

“I told her no. But – I don’t know…” God, why had I told her no? What kind of person does that make me?

“Are you okay?” Tess asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.

“No.” I replied.

Seeing Liz again had brought back so many emotions that I thought I had buried long ago. She had been the love of my life, but she left without saying goodbye – in person anyway…

“Max? What are you doing here?” Tess asked, as we bumped into each other at the doors to the Crash Down. “I thought Liz’s dad banned you from the restaurant?”

“He did.” I replied. “But Liz told me to meet her here. I guess she spoke to him and made sure it would be okay…”

“That’s funny. Liz told me to meet her here too.” Tess replied.

“Well then … after you.” I said, holding the door open for Tess and then following her inside. I cast my eyes around the diner but could not see Liz anywhere. Instead, I saw Jeff Parker glance up from the counter and frown in my direction. I guess Liz didn’t sweet talk him after all.

I took a seat in my usual booth, waiting for Liz, and out of the corner of my eye I kept my eye on her father, fearing he would kick me out in an embarrassing scene like he did last time.

“So … the two of you are back together?” Tess asked as we waited for Liz.

“Yeah – I think so.” I replied optimistically. Granted – Liz wasn’t there when I had woken up the next morning after we had spent the night talking, but she had told me that she wanted to try ‘us’ again.

“That’s great Max. I’m really happy for you.” Tess replied, actually sounding genuinely happy.

“You’ll find someone one day, I’m sure of it.” I smiled, placing a hand on hers.

“Yeah right – alien kings are hard to come by on this planet.” Tess smiled.

“You could, oh I don’t know, find a human to date.” I smiled at the grimace that spread over Tess’ face at the thought, as though the mere thought of it made her skin crawl.

“She’s late.” Tess pointed out, changing the subject.

“She’ll be here.” I replied confidently.

I looked around for Jeff, wanting to keep an eye on him, and I found him, hovering by the jukebox. I then continued to watch as Jeff started heading in our direction. This couldn’t be good, and I prayed that at that moment, Liz would swoop in and save me from her father.

“Max. Tess. Liz left these for you.” Jeff said, throwing a couple of letters onto the middle of the table, one with my name on it, and one with Tess’. “Once you read them, I would appreciate never to see you back here ever again.”

It was then I noticed Jeff’s bloodshot eyes.

“Where’s Liz?” I asked.

But Jeff just shook his head and walked away.

Ripping open the letter, I began reading what my heart told me could only be bad news.


By the time you read this, I will have already left Roswell, without any intention of ever coming back.’

I have known you my whole life
When you were ten, you said you'd make me your wife
Eight years later you won me over
Just as I took the world on my shoulders

‘That day you saved my life in the Crashdown was both the best and worst day of my life. For a while I felt like it was the day that my life began, because it was the day our separate lives crashed into each other, forever destined to continue on the same path. It was the day I met the real Max, not the one that you pretended to be. That was the day that I fell in love… but it was also the day that I lost myself.

The Liz Parker I used to be disappeared forever that day – I just didn’t realise it at the time. And it wasn’t just the fact that I became part alien, but that my power of choice was taken away from me. I was taken on a path where I lost my innocence, my trust and I almost lost my life.’

I got used to living without you
Endless phone calls and dreaming about you
Always said that you were my man to be
But I guess I was in love with your memory

‘I know that we have been through some bad times lately, but no matter what our differences have been – I never stopped loving you. Meeting Zan in New York showed me just how much I still needed you in my life – how irreplaceable you were to me. What I didn’t realise though, until last night, is that the Max I once knew is gone. I guess, in a way, so is the Liz you once knew.’

You know I love you, I really do
But I can't fight anymore for you
And I don't know, maybe we'll be together again
Sometime, in another life
In another life

I know I said that I would keep my word
I wished that I could save you from the hurt
But things will never go back to how we were
I'm sorry I can't be your world

‘I know I said that I wanted to try ‘us’ again, but as I lay next to you last night, watching you sleep, I knew that I just couldn’t do it. We couldn’t go back to the way we used to be. I have changed … we have changed too much to ever be those innocent young teenagers we were before you saved my life in the Crashdown that day.'

You know I love you, I really do
But I can't fight anymore for you
And I don't know, maybe we'll be together again
Sometime, in another life
In another life (another life)

‘I really wish things could have been different. I wish that we could both be two normal teenagers that had no more to worry about than passing our finals and what we would wear to the prom. But our lives aren’t like that. You’re an alien, and I’m … well, I don’t know what I am anymore.’

The way you're holding on to me
Makes me feel like I can't breathe
Just let me go, just let me go
It just won't feel right inside
God knows I've tried

‘I need space to find myself again. I need time to grieve the loss of Zan. I need time to come to terms with my responsibilities. I thought I could do that in Roswell, with you, but I know that I can’t. There are more important things in this world than you and me, and I don’t want to hold either of us back from what we are destined to become. I know that this bond we have will join us forever, but knowing what it will eventually do to us is suffocating me.’

You know I love you, you know I do
But I can't fight anymore for you
And I don't know, maybe we'll be together again
Sometime, in another life
In another life, in another life
In another life ...

‘I promise that whenever I hear the song that is now playing, I’ll think of you, of us, and what might have been if I hadn’t been forced to take this step. In another life I know we would have been brilliant together.

I will miss you, and I hope that one day you may remember me with fondness rather than bitterness. I hope that one day you will understand.

Yours forever,


I had read that note a thousand times over the past 7 years, until the paper wore thin and one day tore in two. I took that as a sign to move on and forget about Liz. If only she had kept her promise never to come back to Roswell, then I would never have had to open that part of my soul that I thought I had finally managed to close forever.

“What are you going to do?” Tess asked.

“There’s only one thing I can do.” I replied, turning towards Tess. “And I’m going to need your help.”

* * * * *

“Max? What are you doing here?” Nancy asked, waking from sleep to find me at her bedside.

“What if I said that I had a way of curing your cancer, but that it is what you would call ‘experimental’? Would you want to try?” I asked.

“Of course.” She replied. “If you think it would work.”

“What if I was sure that it would work, but that the side effects could change your life forever?” I asked.

“If it meant that I could live to see my daughter’s wedding, her children, even just to see her happy …” Nancy replied.

“Okay, but you have to promise me something…” I said, as I tentatively lifted my hands towards her abdomen. “You can’t tell anyone – especially Liz.”

Re: Lips of an Angel (M/L, CC, TEEN) Ch 30 12/3/08

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 3:31 am
by Oz
Well, that muse stuck around for another couple of days, so here's the update... enjoy!



“Hey mum, how are you feeling today?” I asked, putting on the bravest face I could after Max had taken away my only hope of seeing my mother live to a ripe old age.

I still couldn’t believe that Max would refuse to help me. I know I only had myself to blame, leaving, and staying away, the way I did, but I could never believe that he would refuse to save one of my parents when he had the power to do it. It just sank home to me how little he must think of me and what we had together – a massive fall from what we once were to each other.

Truth was, I lay as much blame and guilt on my own shoulders as I did on Max. This was just one more thing to add to the every growing list of evidence of how much I had royally screwed everything up. I wondered how my actions would have changed if I had known that preventing the future meant that I would lose one of my own parents. I wondered if I would ever be able to look at myself in the mirror again without hating the person that looked back at me.

Despite crying myself to sleep on my bedroom floor last night, I was now determined to think optimistically. I’ve heard of people recovering from cancer just by locking themselves away for a month with nothing but a truckload of comedy movies. Who’s to say I couldn’t help my mother achieve the same result through a positive attitude and a confidence that she would pull through. Right…?

“I’m actually feeling really great today.” My mother replied, sitting up in bed at the sight of me entering the room.

“Really?” I asked. Sure, I was thinking positively, but I really didn’t think it would work – at least not that quickly.

“Yeah. I think the treatment must be working.” My mother replied, although I couldn’t help but notice that she was struggling to meet my eyes as she said it.

And that made me wonder … he wouldn’t have, would he? Not after downright refusing to help me.

“Liz? What are you doing?” My mother asked as I tore back the sheets of her bed, and pulled back her hospital gown, scouring her stomach for a silver handprint. There wasn’t one. “Are you okay? What has gotten into you?”

“Nothing.” I replied, pulling the blankets back over her.

I could see my mother look at me curiously, and I wondered how I was going to explain my weird behaviour, when I was saved by the door opening.

“Nancy, how are you feeling today?” Max asked, stepping towards my mother’s bed and completely ignoring the fact that I was in the room. I couldn’t tell what he was feeling through our connection, but I could sense that he was a lot more guarded around me. Not surprising I guess – I just wished I knew how to turn off the connection from my end too.

“Great.” My mother beamed, not noticing the sudden chill in the air between Max and I.

“No thanks to you.” I muttered under my breath, knowing full well that Max would hear.

“Liz!” My mother admonished me. “That’s no way to speak to Dr Evans. He has been doing all he can to treat me, and I’m sure it’s thanks to his … good work that I’m feeling better today.”

“I think I’m just going to grab a coffee. Excuse me.” I excused myself and stepped out of the room. Truth was, being in the same room as Max and feeling so much animosity towards him, was making the sparks in my arms return with a vengeance, and I had to get out of there before I blew something up. I also had the beginning of a raging headache.

I had managed to stay ‘clean’ for almost 6 years, learning how to control the energy within me so I wouldn’t light up like the Fourth of July whenever I experienced heated emotions. I guess I was only successful when Max wasn’t in my vicinity to infuriate me. Now I was going to have to go into the desert and blow up some rocks to get the energy back to a manageable level. And today, I was actually looking forward to the opportunity to vent.


“Not that I don’t appreciate what you have done for me…” Nancy began. “But why keep it from Liz? She does know about your … abilities, doesn’t she?”

“Because I don’t want her to feel like she owes me anything.” I replied.

“She checked for the handprint, but didn’t seem to see it. How is that possible?” Nancy asked confused.

“I have someone who is taking care of it.” I replied. “Like I said last night, if anybody looks you over, they won’t see anything. It will disappear within a day or so in any event, and then there will be almost no record of what I have done.”

“Almost no record?” Nancy queried.

“You may experience some … changes in the next few weeks, months, years, I don’t know. In the meantime, if you have so much as a cold, it would be best if you came to me rather than your regular doctor. I can ensure that any evidence of your bloodwork, tissue, etcetera, are handled appropriately.”

“How can I ever thank you for what you have done?” Nancy asked.

“Well… I’ve been craving an ‘Alien Blast’ smoothie from the Crashdown for about seven years now…” I smiled.

“I’m sure I could hook you up.” Nancy smiled in return.

* * * * *

“What’s this I hear about you healing Liz’s mum?” Michael asked as he bustled me into a darkened hallway of the hospital as I did my rounds.

“How did you find out?” I asked. Word really does travel fast.

“Tess.” Michael replied.


“Look Michael, whatever you do, you cannot tell Maria. I really don’t want Liz to know.” I begged.

“Why not?” Michael asked, confused.

“I just don’t, okay?” I replied defensively.

“Are you sure you know what you are doing?” Michael asked. “You do realise that you could be putting Isabel, Tess and myself in danger by this little stunt. Remember what happened last time…”

“I remember Michael. I’m being more careful this time. I’ve explained to Nancy how important it is that she stays quiet. I’m her doctor so I can fix her tests and I’ve got Tess mind-warping anyone who comes close to seeing the handprint. Once that disappears, we’ll be home free.”

“Until she starts lighting up like fireworks.” Michael pointed out. “Like mother like daughter.”

“We don’t know whether that is going to happen.” I replied. “For all we know Liz’s ability is unique.”

“For all we know her mother’s ‘ability’ could be a lot worse.”

“It will be fine Michael.” I promised.

“Yeah, that’s what you said last time too and I’ve still got the scars.” Michael replied before storming off.

He was right. The last time I had pulled a stunt like this, we had the FBI tailing us for months. One day, Michael got between me and one of their bullets, a fact he would always remind me of whenever he wanted to win an argument. It generally worked.


“Hiding out?” Maria asked, kicking up the dust as she walked over to where I was aiming at defenceless rocks in the desert.

“Just letting off some steam.” I replied, blowing a rock to smithereens.

“I take it things didn’t go so well with Max last night?” Maria asked.

“Max refused to heal her.” I replied, not taking my eyes off my next target and letting go of a huge surge of power.

“Do you want me to talk to him?” Maria asked.

“There’s no point. He’s being his usual stubborn self. Besides, it looks like my mum might be responding to the radiation therapy.”

“That’s great Liz!” Maria said. “I’d hug you, but you’re kinda scaring me at the moment.”

I blasted one more rock before dropping my arm.

“Sorry Maria.” I apologised, and when I was sure the surge of energy was no longer lingering in my arms, I gave Maria a hug.

“So, what are your plans Liz?” Maria asked. “Are you staying this time?”

“I don’t know.” I replied, dropping the hug. “It depends on how fast my mother recovers. Until she gets better, my father will need some help running the Crashdown. And if she doesn’t…”

“She’ll be fine.” Maria assured me, seeing how choked up I was getting at the thought.

“So you’ll be donning the uniform again then.” Maria pointed out. “You’re going to make so many male fantasies come true for the West Roswell Alumni.”

“Firstly - shut up.” I gabbed Maria in the ribs. “And secondly, please don’t tell me that my father still makes the waitresses wear those things.”

“Yep – even the antenna.” Maria smiled.

“Remind me to have a talk with my father someday soon.” I said, rolling my eyes.

“Speaking of old school friends…” Maria began. “What do you say with a catch up with some of the old gang tonight? I could give Alex and Kyle a call…”

“I don’t know…” I replied. Was it really acceptable to be having a good time with my old friends when my mother was still lying in the hospital.

“C’mon. Your mum wouldn’t want you sitting around moping.” Maria pointed out.

“Okay… but only if it’s just a small gathering.” I agreed.

“Yay!” Maria jumped up and down clapping. “See you at my place around eight.”

“Will do.” I promised, giving Maria a kiss goodbye and heading for the car. I wanted to pay my mum another visit before visiting hours were over.

* * * * *

“Your mother seems much better.” My father said as I ran into him also walking into the hospital. It was late afternoon, so he was fitting in visits between shifts at the restaurant.

“I know. I guess the treatment is working.” I replied.

“It’s an absolute miracle – after the doctor said that she was not responding to treatment, to be so much better the following day…”

Miracle, huh. It made me wonder again, had Max healed her? There was no silver handprint when I checked before, but maybe I missed it? I shook my head at the thought. No, if Max had healed my mother, she would have said something. I had personal first-hand experience of being healed by an alien – you felt like shouting it from the rooftops. But then again… I didn’t tell a soul either, well, excluding Maria who pestered me until I thought I would die from nagging.

“Hey Love.” My father greeted my mother as we entered the room, and gave her a kiss. I stood back and watched this outward display of affection between my parents, not feeling grossed out, but in awe that their love had lasted so many years. I wished that … no, it was useless, my life was already set on a different path.

“Hey Mum.” I said, giving her a quick kiss after my father had moved to the other side of the room to water the flowers that were beginning to accumulate. I half suspected that most of them had been sent from him. “Still feeling okay?”

“Better than ever. The doctor thinks that I might be able to go home soon. He’s just running a few more tests…” She answered.

“So soon? You’ve only been feeling better for less than a day. What if it’s a temporary improvement?” I asked concerned.

“Then I’ll come straight back in again. We only live 5 minutes away, and besides, I’d be more comfortable at home anyway, rather than being in this drab room.”

“If you’re sure.” I replied, although I couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable at the rate at which it was all happening. I was about to say something along those lines to my father, when we were interrupted by a nurse walking into the room.

“Time for your bath.” She addressed my mother. “Do you want to ask your visitors to wait outside for ten minutes?”

“No, that’s okay, they can stay.” My mother replied, sitting up in bed to get ready to be wiped down.

I was relieved as it gave me one more opportunity to check my mother’s abdomen for any signs of a silver handprint. Something was still bothering me about it all. No one recovers that fast…

Dad and I stood together, pretending to study the flowers to give my mother some privacy, but I would sneak the occasional look over. After five minutes, I was convinced that there was definitely no silver handprint. It didn’t make any sense.

“I think I’ll go and get something to eat from the cafeteria – I’m famished. Want anything?” I asked my father.

“No thanks, I’ll grab something at the Crashdown when I get back.” He answered, and I excused myself from the room.

The moment I stepped into the hallway, there was a thud to my left, and I turned to find Tess collapsed on the floor and a number of nurses rushing over to her. I stood back and watched as she came to, and they slowly lifted her to her feet.

“Are you okay Dr Harding?” One of the nurses asked.

“Yeah, just feeling a little faint, that’s all.” Tess replied, pressing her hand to her head.

“You’re not pregnant are you?” One of the nurses joked. “You and that dreamy Dr Evans have been seeing each other for a while now.”

“I’m sure I’m just tired, that’s all.” Tess replied, before excusing herself and heading in the other direction down the hallway.

I turned and headed in the other direction, the opposite direction to the cafeteria, but really not wanting to risk bumping into Tess. Once in the stairwell, I put my hand up and blasted the wall with a bolt of energy, needing to let off steam before I exploded. Tess pregnant? Whether it was true or not, the very thought of it made me feel sick to the stomach.

* * * * *

“Hey Maria, sorry I’m l…late…” I said as I let myself into Maria’s apartment, to find myself face to face with not only Alex, Kyle and Maria, but the entire pod squad as well. Looking around the room for Maria, I gave her a look that could kill. This was a set up, an intervention of sorts I guess.

“Hey Liz.” Maria replied, getting up of the sofa and taking my bag and the bottle of wine I had brought, completely ignoring the fact that I was seething at her. “Why don’t you take my seat on the sofa between Alex and Max?”

“No, that’s okay, I’m fine here on the floor.” I replied, indicating that I would sit down where I was.

“You can both sit there.” Max said, getting up off the sofa and taking a seat next to where Tess was sitting cross legged on the floor.

I couldn’t decide what was worse – sitting so close to Max that our skin would touch, or seeing him cosy-ing up to Tess. Reluctantly I took his place on the sofa and Maria sat back down where she had been sitting.

“Well isn’t this nice…” Maria said, after a few minutes of complete and utterly awkward silence.

“So … how have you been Liz?” Alex asked.

“Fine.” I replied nervously, feeling every eye on the room on me as though I was about to sprout another head.

“That’s it?!” Max spluttered. “You’ve been gone for seven and a half years with no word and all you can say for yourself is that your have been ‘fine’?! Didn’t you care about what the rest of us have been going through wondering where you were and if you were okay? We were your friends Liz.”

I cringed at the use of past tense, but then immediately remembered how mad I was at Max for not wanting to help my mother – I wasn’t the only culpable one in the room for not living up to expectations of what ‘friends’ would do for each other.

“Of course I cared.” I retaliated. “But you don’t realise how hard it was for me to leave in the first place or how home sick I’ve been. Calling would have only made it harder…”

“Then why did you leave? And don’t give me some bullshit about having to go and ‘find yourself’.” Max demanded.

“I didn’t come here to be interrogated.” I replied, getting of the sofa and heading for the door.

“Then why did you come?” Max asked, also getting up.

“Because I wanted to see my friends – I didn’t know that you would be here.” I replied, hoping he would catch my inference that I no longer included him in my circle of friends.

“Why now? Why suddenly care about seeing your friends now after all this time?” Max asked.

“Maybe because my mother’s illness has hit home to me about how little time we have on this planet and how important friends and family are.” I replied, not able to suppress the images from my visions of leaving Earth for Antar. “Not that that would mean anything to you.”

“You don’t know what you are talking about…” Tess piped up, jumping to her feet in Max’s defence at my accusation, and then suddenly collapsing for the second time that day.

“Tess!” Max shouted, grabbing her before she hit the floor. “Tess, are you okay?”

Tess’ eyes fluttered open and immediately met Max’s and her face softened.

“I’m fine.” She smiled at him.

I couldn’t help but wonder if that smile meant more than it seemed. Was she just grateful that he was looking out for her, or was she thinking about their unborn baby? Max looked up at me a smirked, and I knew instantly that he could sense the emotion that was quickly bubbling to the surface – jealousy. I tried to suppress it, but I wasn’t sure how successful I was being, so I immediately began thinking about how much I despised Max at that moment for refusing to help my mother. Max’s smirk turned into a frown and he turned away.

“Is Tess okay?” Maria asked, oblivious to what was passing between myself and Max. I noted that only Maria, Alex and Kyle seemed to be overly concerned about her wellbeing, and I could only assume that the rest of the pod squad knew exactly what was wrong with Tess.

“She’s just exhausted, that’s all.” Max replied. “She’s been working really hard at the hospital lately.”

“You can go and put her down on my bed if you like.” Maria offered.

“Thanks Maria.” Max smiled, picking up Tess with little effort and carrying her to Maria’s room.

“I think I’m going to get going…” I announced once Max and Tess were out of the room. “This was a bad idea.”

“Are you sure? I made cake…” Maria said.

I raised my eyebrows.

“Okay, I bought cake…” Maria corrected.

“Thanks anyway, but I should go.” I replied.

“That’s what you do best.” Max geared, walking back into the room and seeing me head for the door.

“What do you want from me?!” I snapped, unable to stop the tears welling up in my eyes. “I know I’m not perfect, but I’m trying here.”

I could feel the electricity start to build up in my arms, and I knew that everyone in the room could see it too. The human freak show was on view for everyone to see.

“I want the truth Liz. For once, I want the truth.” Max said.

“Yeah? Well I wanted you to heal my mother. Sometimes we don’t get what we want.” I replied before storming out of the room, singeing the door handle on my way out.

Re: Lips of an Angel (M/L, CC, TEEN) Ch 31 16/3/08

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 11:38 pm
by Oz
My muse has stuck around for at least one more chapter... Unfortunately my muse doesn't also do my housework for me...



“Nice work Max.” Maria said to me sarcastically after Liz had slammed the door.

“Yeah, well done Max.” Alex added. “Some of us were actually looking forward to catching up with Liz tonight. Couldn’t you have sorted out your issues on your own time?”

“Apparently not.” I replied, thinking about the conversation I had with Liz the previous night, and now. We were no where near a place where we could ‘sort out our issues’. We wouldn’t even know where to start. And what was the point anyway? I expected Liz to leave Roswell the moment she realised that her mum was no longer in danger of dying.

And if I wanted to be honest with myself, I was enjoying this far too much. I knew she was feeling jealous of my relationship with Tess – she betrayed her emotions enough tonight to show it, and I was enjoying being able to torment her. I wanted, no I needed, to be able to hurt her like she had hurt me all of those years ago. Tess was one person that could always guarantee to come between us, and particularly now …

“I’m going to go.” I announced.

“What about your girlfriend?” Maria asked, referring to Tess who was still laid up on Maria’s bed.

I just rolled my eyes at Maria and went to go and get Tess.

“How are you feeling?” I asked, having navigated my way from the door to the bed in the darkened bedroom.

“Like I’ve been hit by a bus.” Tess replied.

“I’m sorry.” I apologised, feeling responsible for Tess’ condition.

“It’s okay.” Tess smiled. “You know I would do anything for you, right Max? All you have to do is ask.”

“I know.” I smiled. “I don’t know what I have done to deserve you.”

“You are a great man Max Evans. Don’t let any body try and tell you otherwise.” Tess replied, referring to my encounter with Liz and her suggestion that I don’t care about my friends.

“Thanks Tess.” I smiled gratefully, but I found it hard to believe. I mean, if I was so great, why did Liz leave all those years ago? Thanks to Tess, I’ve come a long way from where I was then, but I still have days of self-loathing and guilt over what I have done. Giving Liz alien abilities, creating the bond without her permission, Pierce, the FBI, the white room… Zan.

“Ready to go home?” I asked.

“Absolutely.” Tess smiled, taking my hand.


One week later…

“Welcome to the Crashdown, may I take your order?” I said, amazed at how those words still rolled off my tongue after all this time. I was back in the Crashdown, minus the awful uniform thanks to some brilliant negotiating, taking over from my dad who was currently at the hospital getting my mother ready to come home.

“Coffee to go… Liz Parker?” The Sherriff said in surprise. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen around these parts. What brings you back?”

“My mother’s been unwell. I’ll be helping out until she gets back on her feet.” I replied.

“Yeah, Kyle said that your mum was in the hospital. Give her my best, won’t you?”

“Of course Sherriff.” I smiled, filling up his thermos and handing it back to him.

There was a time that I would have been nervous talking to the Sherriff. After Max healed me in the Crashdown that day, Sherriff Valenti had been determined to find out the truth about what happened. Now, he treated me as just another ordinary person. I guess some things can change after all.

Or maybe not …

“Tess?!” I said in surprise as she approached the counter.

“Can we talk?” Tess asked, indicating that we needed to talk in private.

“Sure.” I replied, asking one of the waitresses to cover my section before leading Tess out into the back room.

“How are you feeling?” I asked, referring to her recent collapses – and possible pregnancy.

“Much better, thanks.” Tess replied, a little taken back that I was asking about her welfare. “I’ve just been working too hard, that’s all.”

“As long as it is nothing more … serious.” I added, wondering if she would pick up what I was insinuating. She didn’t.

“Oh no… I’m fine now.” Tess smiled.

“So, what brings you here?” I asked. I hadn’t spoken to Tess since the day I left Roswell, and I was more than a little surprised by her visit.

“I wanted to know how long you are planning on staying in Roswell?” Tess cut to the chase.

“Way to make me feel welcome…” I replied, picking up that Tess really wanted me gone.

“I didn’t mean it like that.” Tess replied. “I just … well, you said in your letter that it was imperative that I stay in Roswell - you made it sound like the end of the world if I didn’t. You also told me that you needed me to look after Max, to help him get over you. I’ve been trying, and in the last few years I really feel like we’ve made progress. But now that you’re back …”

“Max can’t stand the sight of me.” I replied. “I really don’t think you have anything to worry about.”

“I’m not so sure.” Tess replied. “The reason he is coming across so confrontationally, is because he’s trying to protect himself. He was really hurt by you leaving, and he obviously feels that you still have the ability to do it again. He’s still in love with you.”

“Why are you telling me this?” I asked, confused that Max’s girlfriend would tell me that he was still in love with me.

“Because you asked me to look after him, so that is what I’m doing. I know that you must have had a reason for leaving in the first place, and I’m wondering whether that reason still exists. If it does, then you need to leave Max alone.” Tess replied.

“Look. I didn’t come back to Roswell to mess with you and Max and whatever baby-making factory you’ve got going on over here. I’m here for my mother – period. The only thing I wanted of Max was to heal her, and he refused. As far as I’m concerned – you can have him. He’s not the same guy I used to know. He’s not the guy I fell in love with. So frankly - he’s all yours.”

“Glad to hear it.” Tess replied with a hint of a smirk.

“Good. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have customers to attend to.” I announced, showing Tess out of the back room and watched as she left the restaurant.

My skin was crawling from our conversation. Everything I said was true – I wasn’t here for Max. Even if I wanted to, I just couldn’t see how it was ever possible for us to return to some semblance of friendship after his refusal to heal my mother. But I still felt uneasy for some reason. It had to be the bond – even if I could let go, the bond couldn’t.


“So Maria tells me that Liz is staying in Roswell indefinitely.” Michael said, grabbing the basketball I’d been dribbling and sinking a three-pointer.

I didn’t say anything. Truth was, I couldn’t tell if I was more annoyed or elated by the news. On the one hand, I was still so angry at what happened in the past, and of how she had waltzed back into my life expecting me to drop everything for her. On the other hand … it was Liz. The love of my life, my soul mate. How could I ever wish for her to go away again?

“Since her mother’s miraculous recovery, Liz’s parents have bought an RV and are planning on travelling around the country - something about seeing more of the world before it is too late. Liz has agreed to run the Crashdown while they are gone.” Michael explained, before waiting for me to respond. “Aren’t you going to say anything?”

“What do you want me to say?” I asked, during a jump-shot. “It’s a free country – Liz can do what she wants. It doesn’t have to affect me.”

“Yeah right.” Michael replied. “So her being back in Roswell hasn’t affected you in any way? No sleepless nights, no wandering the streets thinking about what might have been? I’ve spoken to Tess – she says that you are out to the early hours of the morning, or you are picking up more shifts at the hospital to keep your mind off the fact that Liz is back.”

“So what?” I said defensively. “What should I be doing Michael?”

“You should talk to her – properly. Get everything out in the open without picking a fight.”

“Maybe. I’ll think about it.” I replied.


“Are you sure you are going to be okay?” My father asked for the millionth time.

“Of course.” I replied.

“You know that if you need anything we are only a phone call away and can drive right back.” He persisted.

“I’ll be fine.” I smiled. “I have looked after the Crashdown before you know.”

“That was a long time ago Liz. The rosters are now computerised, the kitchen has been updated …”

“Quit worrying… I’ve got it all under control.”

“What if we run through it all one more time…” My father suggested.

“Jeff, Liz is a big girl - she can handle it.” My mother interjected, saving me from another lecture on how the Crashdown should be run. “Besides, she has a customer in her section.”

My father and I both turned to see Max take a seat at a booth in my section of the restaurant.

“What is he doing here?” My father hissed to my mother.

“This feud has gone on long enough.” My mother replied. “Max Evans was my doctor and we should show our appreciation for all that he did for me.”

“But mum…” I tried to argue.

“No Liz, he is a paying customer and he will be treated like any other.” My mother put her foot down. “The two of you will stop behaving like children right now.”

I turned away in a huff and stormed over to where Max was perusing the menu.

“What do you want?” I asked, skipping the pleasantries.

“I can’t believe that nothing has changed …” Max said, referring to the menu. “You still have ‘Will Smith Burgers’ – a little outdated don’t you think? Half you patrons were in pre-school when the movie was released.”

“Some things change… but why mess with a good thing.” I replied.

“That’s a good question Liz, why would you mess with a good thing?” Max replied, his eyes drilling into mine.

“You really want to start this argument again? Here?” I sighed.

“No. But we need to talk about everything, especially if you are planning on sticking around like the rumours are saying.” Max replied.

“Fine. Come to my balcony at midnight.” I reluctantly offered, although not entirely convinced that I could give him any answers that he would be happy with. “Will that be all?”

“Since I’m here, I think I’ll order something. I’ll have a Will Smith and a Blood-of-Alien Smoothie.”

“To go?” I hoped.

“No. I think I’ll eat it right here.” Max replied with a smirk, knowing how much it was annoying me that he was there.

“I’ll be right back with your meal.” I smiled sweetly and battered my eyelids for affect before storming off to the kitchen.

“See, that wasn’t so bad was it?” My mother asked.

“I would have preferred sticking pins in my eyeballs.” I replied before heading for the backroom to give myself a few minutes to recuperate before heading back out.

Okay, maybe it was a bit of an exaggeration, but Max had refused to save my mother. Granted, it appeared that my mother didn’t need saving after all as she responded to the treatment on her own, but it is still the principle of the thing – I asked Max for help me and he said ‘no’. I could have lost my mother. How was I supposed to get over something like that?

Oh, and did I mention that being around him still managed to make my heart flutter even though I was so determined to hate him?

* * * * *

“Hey.” Max said as he reached the top of the ladder leading up to my balcony. I was sitting on one of the banana lounge chairs re-reading my old journal, amazing myself with how naïve I was back then. “It’s been a while since I’ve had to climb up that. I think the last time was when I found you in bed with Zan.”

“So that’s how it is going to be?” I seethed. “You’re going to bring up all my past misdemeanours one by one? Anything else you want to bring up while you’re at it?”

“Since you’re offering… Lets see, there’s running away to New York, attacking the Skins’ harvest causing them to retaliate, leading the Skins straight to us, going back to New York, not telling us about our dupes, getting involved with Zan, and leaving Roswell again after telling me that you wanted to get back together. Does that cover everything?” Max retaliated.

“You’re not so perfect either Hot Shot.” I glowered. “You kissed Tess, you let me be taken by the Special Unit and left me to rescue myself, you gave me these weird alien powers, you created a bond with me that means I can’t ever have a relationship with another man - although you seem to be able to dip your pen in Tess’ inkpot as much as you like, you are the reason that Zan was taken back to Antar, and you refused to save my mother from a terminal illness. You are selfish and cowardly. Did I leave anything out?”

“First of all, I did come to rescue you from the White Room, but you had already managed to escape, thanks to those handy powers that I gave you by the way. Secondly, you know nothing about my relationship with Tess, and thirdly…” Max trailed off.

“Thirdly?” I prompted. I really wanted to hear what he had to say for himself.

“Nevermind. Why did I think that there was a possibility that you and I could sort out our differences so that we could at least be civil to each other in the future?” Max replied.

“That’s a good question.” I smirked.

“I can’t believe how much you have changed.” Max observed. “What did I do that was so bad that made you hate me so much that you had to leave?”

“I didn’t leave because I hated you. The hatred only developed recently.” I replied.

“Then why did you leave Liz?” Max begged for an answer.

“Because I loved you too much.” I admitted.

“You have a funny way of showing it.” Max scoffed. “Do you realise how tortured I was when you left me with only that cryptic note? Do you realise how many hours I laid awake at night wondering what I had done to make you leave again? Do you realise how many years I have been looking for you, wondering if you were okay?”

“Probably the same amount of time that I spent wondering how you were doing, and wondering whether I had made the right decision to leave.” I replied, before adding, “But over the last couple of days, I now wonder why I wasted all that time worrying about you – you were so not worth it.”

“Yeah? Well neither were you.” Max retorted.

We both stood glaring at each other within inches of each others face, the veins on our neck popping from the release of so much pent up emotion. The next thing I knew Max’s lips were crashing into mine with the force of seven and a half years worth of unused passion. When the kiss broke, we both stepped back panting, trying to make sense of what had just happened – who had started it, and why the other hadn’t stopped it.

“I have to go.” Max said, looking for the ladder, unable to meet my eye.

I watched him leave, not wanting to stop him. I was so mad at him at this moment – for dredging up so much of the past, for telling me I was not worthy, and for making me feel alive for the first time in seven and a half years.

* * * * *

“Well I guess we’re off.” My father announced, picking up the last case to put in the car.

“Have a good trip.” I said, giving him a hug. “I’ll miss you.”

“I’ll miss you too Lizzie-Bear.” My father replied, returning the hug, before turning to my mother. “Ready honey?”

“You go and put the case in the car and I’ll be down in a minute.” My mother replied. She waited for my father to leave before continuing.

“Liz, there’s something I have to tell you.” She began.

“What is it?” I asked, hoping that she wasn’t about to tell me that the cancer had come back - or something worse.

“It’s about Max Evans.”

“What about him?” I asked cautiously.

“I’ve seen how you’ve been acting around him since you’ve been back, and I know that something happened between you in the past that made you leave Roswell…” She began.

“Go on…” I prompted.

“You have been so hostile toward him, and I just, I can’t go away knowing that you will continue to treat him that way while I’m gone.” She continued.

“Mum, you don’t understand … if you only knew the whole story…” I interjected.

“No, if you only knew the whole story…” My mother shook her head.

“What do you mean?” I asked nervously.

“It’s thanks to Max that I’m alive right now.” My mother replied.

“He’s a good doctor.” I admitted. “The treatment…”

“No. It’s thanks to Max alone. He healed me Liz.” My mother blurted.

“He – he what?” I had to hear it again before I would believe what I was hearing.

“He healed me. He placed his hands on me and took away the cancer. He’s a miracle worker.”

“No. No.” I replied, shaking my head and refusing to believe it. “That’s not possible. I checked for the silver handprint. There was no silver handprint.”

“Yes there was Liz. He just made sure that no one else could see it.” My mother explained.

“How?” I asked.

“He just said he had someone taking care of it.”

Tess. It all made sense now. Tess had been collapsing from exhaustion because she had been busy mindwarping any body who came close to seeing evidence of Max’s handiwork. That’s why she had been outside my mother’s room that day.

Oh, God. I had been mindwarped and I didn’t even know it. The thought made me feel sick to the stomach.

“But I had asked Max to heal you and he had refused…” I argued, still finding it hard to believe.

“He was scared.” My mother replied. “I could tell from the look on his face when he came to my room.”

“Why didn’t you say something sooner?” I asked. So many things could have remained unsaid…

“Because he begged me not to.”

“Why?” I asked confused.

“He said he didn’t want you to feel as though you owed him anything.” My mother explained. That is about the most opposite of selfish that you could get…

“Then why tell me now?”

“Because I would do anything to defend the man who saved my life, even if it means defending him from my own daughter.” My mother replied. “If you only knew what it was like to have someone bring you back to life – it changes everything.”

“I do know.” I replied.

“How do you know?” My mother asked, now it was her turn to be confused.

“Because that day in the Crashdown when the gun went off … I was shot. I died and Max brought me back to life.

“Oh honey…” My mother gasped, and pulled me into a hug. “How can you then be so hurtful towards him?”

“There’s more to the story than you could ever know.” I replied. “And I thought … I thought he had changed. Oh, why didn’t he tell me that he had done it? I have been so horrible to him…” I carried on, thinking about the awful things I have said…

“You can fix it Liz. You can make it right.” My mother said. “I have to go, but promise me that you’ll fix things and give the man who saved our lives the respect he deserves.”

“I – I promise.” I replied before saying farewell to my mother.


“I’ll get it!” I called out, hearing a banging coming from the front door.

As I opened the door, I saw Liz standing before me with tears in her eyes. Before I had the chance to say anything, I felt her arms wrap around my neck and her face bury into my shoulder.

“Thank you.” She whispered. “Thank you.”

Re: Lips of an Angel (M/L, CC, TEEN) Ch 32 17/3/08

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 5:24 am
by Oz
This is just a teaser - short but hopefully very sweet. My muse has skipped town, so this is all I have for the moment...



“She told you…” I sighed.

“Yes.” Liz replied, pulling away and again showing me the tears in her eyes – this time I recognised them for being from happiness, not sadness.

“I wish she hadn’t.” I said, stepping out of Liz’s arm’s reach.

“Why? Why were you so desperate to keep it a secret?” Liz asked.

“Because I didn’t want you to feel as though you had a debt to me. I didn’t want to influence how you behaved around me. You left me for a reason, and I didn’t want you to feel as though you had to treat me any differently than you would have, just because I saved your mother’s life.” Max replied.

“But don’t you see? My behaviour did change. I’ve said so many horrible things to you because I was so mad at you for refusing to help her.” Liz pointed out.

“You wouldn’t have anyway?” I clarified.

“Of course not. Like I told you last night – I didn’t leave because I hated you, I left because I loved you.”

“You know that makes absolutely no sense.” I remarked.

“I know. You just have to trust me – it was for the best.” Liz replied.

“The best for whom?”

“Everyone. You, me, Michael, Isabel, your people.”

“You didn’t mention Tess.” I observed.

“Well, I think that goes without saying doesn’t it? … She has you.” Liz replied, and I caught a tone of sadness in her voice.

“Tess and I … we’re …” I tried to explain.

“I’d rather not talk about you and Tess.” Liz stopped me. “The point is - you and I, we could never have been, and so I had to leave Roswell so I didn’t have to see you every day and have you wear down my resolve.”

“I don’t know … I don’t think you are that easy to wear down once you have your mind set on something Liz Parker.” I smiled – relaxing for the first time in her presence.

“What about you?” Liz asked, and for a moment I thought she was referring to my relationship with Tess after I had promised Liz that there could never be anything between Tess and me. She wasn’t. “Why did you decide to help my mum after being so adamant that you couldn’t?”

I hesitated for a moment, wondering if I could really trust her with the truth.

“Because you asked me to.” I replied honestly.

Liz’s eyes were locked onto mine and I could see them soften by my admission. We were beginning to head towards dangerous territory, and I had to put a stop to it before it went too far.

“I should get back inside.” I said, glancing away and staring rather intently at a broken floorboard on the porch – anything but Liz.

“Oh, okay.” Liz replied, picking up on my desire to end the conversation. “I just need to know something.”

“What?” I asked, looking up at the sound of the fear in her voice.

“I need to know where this leaves us? Are we friends? Acquaintances? Enemies?”

“We’re talking again. That’s all I know right now.” I replied, before stepping though the threshold and closing the door behind me.

Re: Lips of an Angel (M/L, CC, TEEN) Ch 33 27/3/08

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 11:03 pm
by Oz
Another smallish part for you. Unfortunately I think that's becoming the norm - something to do with a 3 1/2 month olds 3 hour eat/play/sleep cycle - it has shortened my attention span!




“So what’s the deal with you and Maxie-boy anyway?” Maria asked, sitting at the counter of the Crashdown while I refilled the sugar containers. “Have you guys sorted out your crap or what?”

“We’re working on it.” I replied.

“You know I always knew there was no way he would have refused to save your mum when she was dying… It’s just not something he would do.” Maria continued. “I mean he was unbelievably hurt by the way you left Roswell – again, but I know deep down he still loves you, even if he is with Tess.”

I couldn’t help but smile at the way Maria said Tess’ name as though she had just thrown up in her mouth.

“What is the deal with those two anyway?” I asked casually. “How long have they been together?”

“Speak of the devil…” Maria replied, watching Max and Tess walk into the Crashdown and take a seat at one of the booths. I glanced over, and noticed the way Max’s hand touched the small of Tess’ back, leading her to their table. It gave me goosebumps at the memory of how it used to feel when Max would do that to me.

“Oh, I don’t know… They’ve been living in each other’s pockets for a while now, but if you ask Max he’ll tell you that they…” Maria explained.

At that point Maria’s sentence was cut short by the sound of screeching tyres and an awful thud immediately outside the Crashdown.

“Someone call an ambulance!” Someone called from the street. Maria immediately dived for the phone, while I stepped cautiously towards the scene. On the side of the road was a young child, covered in blood and bruises from being hit by a car. The driver was obviously in shock, distraught at being unable to stop before the child ran onto the road.

Then I noticed a sole purple balloon floating high into the air above us.

My eyes popped open and I rolled over to glance at the alarm clock. It was only 3am, but there was no way I could close my eyes again after seeing the devastating scene in my dream. I groaned – wishing that, for once, the visions of the future could come after I had at least eight hours sleep …

* * * * *

“Morning!” Maria said brightly. “Wow, you look like crap!”

“Thanks Maria. It’s nice to see you too.” I replied, pouring her a cup of coffee. “I didn’t sleep well last night.”

“More visions?” Maria asked. “Let me guess… You have seen in the future that I’m going to get my big break and sell more records than Michael Jackson?”

“Close, but no.” I replied.

“Darn.” Maria smiled, then turned to me seriously. “Please don’t tell me it had something to do with Max and yet another reason why you don’t think you can be together? It wasn’t one of those ‘Execution on Antar’ visions was it?”

“No. Nothing like that.” I replied.

“Good, cause they really suck.” Maria replied. “So what’s the deal with you and Maxie-boy anyway? Have you guys sorted out your crap or what?”

I didn’t answer, but promptly droped the sugar container I had been holding and darted through the restaurant and onto the street.

“What’s the emergency?” Max asked startled as I practically crashed into him and Tess walking into the Crashdown.

“N-nothing.” I replied distractedly, searching the sidewalk for the child. I saw him, walking down the street with his hand in his mother’s, and the other holding onto a purple balloon on a string.

I sighed with relief that he was in good hands, until I noticed the mother stop to look in a shop window, and the boy step out of her grasp as he tried to chase the balloon that had slipped out of his hand.

Running towards the street before the boy had even stepped off the pavement, I grabbed him moments before the on coming car reached the spot where the boy had been heading, and pulled him to safety. The screech of the car tyres caught the attention of the mother, and of everyone else on the street, and they gasped as the car narrowly missed the both of us.

“Johnny!” The mother called, racing over to us.

“He’s okay.” I said, reuniting the scared boy with his mother.

“Thank you so much. I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t been here.” The mother replied, face pale and reeling from the shock of having almost lost her son.

“I was just in the right place at the right time, that’s all.” I replied modestly, before heading back to the Crashdown. It was then that I noticed for the first time that Max and Tess had watched the whole thing unfold.

“Well done Liz.” Max said, although with not quite a smile. “It was a good thing that you were there. You’re a real hero.”

“I was just lucky, that’s all.” I replied, not meeting his eye, and quickly heading back into the Crashdown.

“Well, I guess there’s no need to ask any more about what the vision was about.” Maria raised her eyebrow as I headed back behind the counter.


“So … Jeff Parker has let you back into the Crashdown. I guess we’ll be coming here a lot from now on…” Tess began.

“I guess…” I replied distractedly, looking over in Liz’s direction. Something just wasn’t sitting right with what had just happened outside, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

“It’s started already.” Tess sighed with effect.

“What has started already?” I asked, still watching as Liz moved back and forth between the kitchen and customers’ tables. What had she been doing outside anyway? There weren’t any customers seated out there due to the colder than normal weather.

“The ‘I-only-have-eyes-for-Liz-Parker-thing’. It’s like we’re back in high school.” Tess rolled her eyes.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I replied, quickly snapping my eyes back to Tess and ignoring the brush of Liz’s arm on mine as she walked passed with the meals for the people in the booth behind us. God I hope she didn’t overhear Tess’ comment.

“Don’t try and deny it Max Evans. I know you too well. What’s the deal between the two of you anyway? I thought you still weren’t talking.” Tess asked.

“She knows about what we did for her mum.” I explained.

“What you did, don’t you mean.” Tess replied. “All I did was cover your tracks.”

“Okay, what I did.” I replied. Tess was always caught up on the details.

“So I guess next you’ll be confessing your undying love for each other and I’ll be back on the street.” Tess said, picking up the local classifieds from the paper she had with her. “Let’s see, one bedroom apartment, slightly flea infested, only $500 a week. Bargain. I’d better give them a call - it will probably go fast.”

“No one is going to be confessing anything anytime soon, and no one is getting kicked out onto the street. It’s your home too you know.” I replied, taking the paper from her to end the discussion. “Besides, I’d miss you too much if you left.”

“Ahh, that’s sweet.” Tess smiled.

“Who else would do the dishes and clean up after me?” I grinned.

Tess promptly grabbed a menu and swatted me with it.

“Just kidding.” I replied, defending her attack and taking her hand in mine and giving it a gentle squeeze. “I’m serious. I’d miss you.”

Tess just blushed and turned her attention the menu. I used that opportunity to glance over in Liz’s direction.

It suddenly dawned on me why I felt so uneasy about what I had seen outside. It was as though Liz knew what was going to happen before it did happen. There was seriously something going on – one of the many unexplained mysteries surrounding Liz Parker that I would have to get to the bottom of.


I was officially nervous.

For the past hour, Max had been stealing glances in my direction. Normally it would have put a spring in my step, but not with the scowl that accompanied them. I had no doubt that Max was piecing things together in his brain and trying to work out exactly what I was doing out on the street, and how I was lucky enough to be ready to catch the boy before he even knew he needed saving.

This could only lead to trouble.

Re: Lips of an Angel (M/L, CC, TEEN) Ch 34 30/3/08

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 6:25 pm
by Oz
Thanks for all the FB!

Here's the next part...



One week later

“What can I get you Max?” I asked, order pad at the ready.

“Just a cherry coke thanks. I’m actually meeting Tess, so I’ll wait for her before I order some food.” Max replied.

“Coming right up.” I replied, rolling my eyes as I walked away – my perfectly good night was going to be ruined by watching Max and Tess make goo-goo eyes at each other across the table all night. I’d go home sick if I wasn’t the boss.

“One cherry coke…” I said, putting the drink down in front of Max and turning to walk away.

“Have you heard from your parents lately?” Max asked, obviously keen to strike up a conversation. “How’s your mother doing?”

“Fine. She’s doing fine. Last I heard they were in Salt Lake City and heading to Nevada.”

“That’s great.” Max replied, taking a sip of his drink. “So, how are you finding being back home and working at the Crashdown? Just like the old days?”

“I don’t think things will ever be like the old days…” I replied. I didn’t have my favourite alien watching me from across the room like he used to, well, not in the same way anyway. “But it is nice to be back home again and see my friends.”

“I know this is probably very overdue, but what I should have said from the beginning is that it’s good to have you back Liz.” Max smiled. “Everyone here has really missed you.”

“Thanks.” I blushed. I couldn’t believe that we were actually having a civil conversation.

“Max, I…” “Liz, I…” We both said at the same time.

“You go first.” I offered.

“Excuse me, Miss?” A female customer called from across the room.

I inwardly groaned – of all the times…

“I’ll be right back.” I sighed, heading across the room to sort out the customer’s payment for her meal.

“Thank you.” The customer said, handing over some cash before proceeding to walk out of the Crashdown.

As I touched the woman’s hand when I took her money, I felt the world around me go foggy as images began to flash before me.

The woman walking out of the Crashdown and along the street, fumbling through her purse for her car keys …

A man putting his hand over the woman’s mouth and pulling her into the alley behind the Crashdown…

The man demanding money from the woman…

A shot being fired and the woman falling in a heap…

Blood… so much blood…

As the world around me came back into focus, I stumbled backwards as I tried to make sense of what I had seen.

“Hey. Hey, what’s wrong?” Max asked, having come over to me from where he had been sitting across the room.

“That woman…” I replied, before bolting out of the Crashdown doors and around into the alley.

“Let her go!” I cried to the man with a gun pointed at the woman’s head.

The man looked up in a panic at being caught in the act, and I used that moment to blast the gun out of his hand with my powers. He cried out in fright and turned and ran in the other direction. With another shot of power, I hit the ground in front of him, causing a pot hole that made him trip and hit his head, rendering him unconscious.

The woman looked in my direction and I started backing out of the alley. The last thing I needed was word getting out about my abilities.

Unfortunately my exit was halted by the brick wall that I had backed into. I turned around to find the ‘brick wall’ was Max’s chest, and from the look on his face I knew that he had seen the entire thing.

“Max, sorry I’m late…” Tess said, coming up behind him. “What are you doing out here?”

Max just continued to look at me until I was unable to meet his gaze any longer. Lowering my head, I stepped around him and headed back into the Crashdown.


“Tess. We need your help.” I said once Liz had gone back inside. I then indicated towards the woman who was still standing petrified, her back up against the wall, and the man lying on the ground. “The last five minutes should do it.”

I then watched as Tess moved towards the woman, put out her hand to guide the woman away from the wall, and then use her powers to erase her memory of what had just happened. I dialled the number for the police and gave an anonymous tip off about the whereabouts of the man and the gun. I wasn’t concerned about him telling anyone about Liz – from the stench of his breath I could tell that he was a drunk and no one would believe his story even if he managed to remember what had happened.

“What was that all about?” Tess asked, once the woman had gone.

“Liz used her powers to save that woman from being shot.” I explained.

“What was Liz doing out in the alley?” Tess asked.

“That is a very good question.” I replied. A very good question, and one I think I was beginning to understand the answer to.


I paced the floor of my bedroom. Max was close by, and I could feel his determination to get answers from me. The moment I had made the quick decision to go into the alley to save the woman’s life, I knew that my extra abilities would become more apparent to Max, to the point that he would be left with no doubt as to why I was always in the right place at the right time. But I couldn’t let that woman die knowing that I could have saved her. As I continued to pace, I tried to run through in my mind whether there was any possible way that I could get out of telling Max the truth – but I couldn’t think of any.

“Liz?” Max’s voice came from my bedroom window. I dropped my shoulders and head in defeat.

“Yes.” I replied, slowly turning around to face him. The fate of us, and Max’s people would be determined by what happened in the next five minutes.


“I need to talk to you about what happened downstairs earlier.” I began.

“I know I put you in danger by using my powers in front of other people. It won’t happen again…” Liz rattled off.

“It’s not that.” I replied. “I mean, yeah it was dangerous, but Tess was able to make everything right again.”

“Of course she did.” Liz replied, and I thought I detected a hint of a sneer.

“What I want to talk about is how you knew to go into the alley in the first place, and how you knew to save that boy last week.”

“I was just in the right…”

“… right place at the right time?” I finished. “I don’t buy that Liz. Both times you were there with intent – as though you knew what was going to happen before it did.”

Liz didn’t say anything, but I knew that she knew exactly what I was talking about.

“Did you have a flash Liz?” I asked straight out. “When you touched the woman, did you get a flash from her?”

“Something like that.” Liz admitted.

“Does it happen often?” I asked. Why was I suddenly jealous that I wasn’t the only one who could give Liz flashes? Did it mean that the woman was an alien?

“Not usually.” Liz replied.

“What do you mean ‘not usually’?” I asked hesitantly. It was something in the way Liz chose the word ‘usually’ rather than simply saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’. “What’s ‘usual’?”

Usually it comes to me in a dream - sometimes the night before, and sometimes many years before.”

“How long has this been happening?” I asked.

“About seven and a half years.” Liz replied.

I did the math – that was around the time Liz left Roswell.

“Liz… Did you see something to make you leave Roswell all those years ago? Did you see something to make you leave me?” I tried not to falter on the second question.

Liz turned away and I knew that I was right.

“What could have been so bad that it made you walk away from us? From our bond?” I choked, no longer able to stop my voice shake at the question.

“I saw my death, okay.” Liz turned around, the tears streaming down her face. “I saw my lifeless body hanging from a noose.”

“No…” I gasped.

“I also saw Zan.” Liz continued. “And he told me that after my death, you, Michael and Isabel were slaughtered and your people were condemned to slavery under the rule of Kivar. I couldn’t let that happen.”

My head was spinning. This was so much more than I had expected Liz’s explanation to be. My people? I had to admit, I was so wrapped up in my life on Earth that it had been a while since I had given my home planet more than a second’s thought.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked in a voice so low I could barely tell that it came from me.

“Because no matter what scenario I played out in my mind, the same vision of the future remained. It was as though any decision I made which meant staying in Roswell or staying with you, ended up with my death, and the death of everyone I love. The only thing that made the visions stop was leaving Roswell and leaving you to hate me.” Liz explained. “So many times I have thought about coming back to my friends and family, but the visions would return with a vengeance, like a warning that the future I saw could still come to pass.”

“What about now? Now that you’re back, have you had any visions?” I asked.

“No.” Liz replied.

“Then how can you say that you had to stay away all these years? You’re here now and the world isn’t coming to an end.” I argued.

“Because you’re with Tess.” Liz replied. “The vision will not come true if you choose to be with Tess rather than...”

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

“In seven years, you, Michael and Isabel return to Antar. If I go with you – I die. If I go with you – Tess doesn’t. Without me or Tess, the four-square is not complete and you die.” Liz explained.

Did I say before that my head was spinning? Now it definitely was.

“And if you stay behind?” I asked.

“Well, I guess that depends on what Tess does. If she goes with you the four-square is complete.”

“Of course she would go with us. Why wouldn’t she?” I replied defensively.

“She wouldn’t have seven and a half years ago.” Liz replied.

“How do you know that?” I asked curiously.

“Because the day I received the first vision, the day I left Roswell, I went to visit Tess first.” Liz declared.

“She never mentioned that…” I said, my brows narrowing. Why would she have never mentioned that?

“When I found her, she had already packed her bags ready to leave Roswell. She said that she didn’t fit in, especially with me back. She loved you too much to see you with me so she was leaving.” Liz explained.

“You could have convinced her to stay, regardless of whether you and I were back together or not, you should have tried.” I replied.

“I did. I convinced her to stay at least until the end of the school year. But then I had another vision…”

“What did you see?” I asked hesitantly.

“I saw Tess die while you were trying to protect me. Tess died because you were forced to choose between saving my life or hers. I couldn’t let that happen – not with everything that was at stake.”

I gulped. Tess died because of my love for Liz? I couldn’t even fathom having to make that choice – not after being so close to Tess over the past seven years. If I had to make that choice now, what would I do? I shook my head – knowing exactly what I would do, and it made me feel sick to think about the consequences of ever having to go through with it.

“So you left, without telling me all of this because you wanted me to get closer to Tess?” I clarified.

“Yes. It was the only way.” Liz replied.

“So what now?” I asked. “Now that you have told me, what does it mean for the future?”

“I don’t know.” Liz shook her head. “I really didn’t mean to tell you as much as I have. Now I’m scared that the past seven years have been for nothing…”

“No, they haven’t.” I disagreed. “Tess is still here. The four-square is still complete.”

“But for how long?” Liz asked.

I didn’t reply. I couldn’t see anything changing in the future from how we were right now.


“Can I touch you?” I asked.

“What? What for?” Max replied, seeming defensive. I guess he still held a lot of hurt about me leaving the way I did.

“Maybe I’ll get a flash, and we can see what the future has in store.”

“Oh … okay.” Max replied, taking a step closer as I did the same.

I slowly reached out my hand and cupped the side of his face. I wondered if he could also feel the tingling sensation running through his veins as I did.

Then the flashes began …

“We’re going back Liz.” Max announced solemnly.

“Back where?” I asked confused.

“Home.” Max replied, pointing to the sky.

“No … not yet.” I replied shaking my head. “I’m not ready to let you go just yet.”

“We don’t have a choice.” Max replied. “And I won’t ask you to come with me.”

“I’m willing to die for you.” I promised earnestly.

“I’m not willing to let you.” Max replied.

“Without Tess or I, the four square will be incomplete.”

“That can’t be helped. Tess is gone. It’s just the three of us now – that has to be enough.”

“What about me?” I asked. “We’ve seen the future – we can make sure that it doesn’t happen. You need me.”

“I need you to live… our son needs you to live.” Max replied, placing a hand on my stomach. “But I will come back to you – I promise.”

The flashes sped up until they showed an older version of myself and a man who looked the spitting image of his father.

“Tell me again about my father.” The man asked.

“He was just like you… Tall and handsome, strong and … stubborn.” I smiled.

“What happened to him?” He asked. “And don’t tell me that he died in a car accident. I’ve never found the police report, and you’ve never shown me his grave.”

“He had to go away. A long way from here.” I replied, looking up at the stars and pulling my shawl tighter around me, attempting to keep ward against the chill on my old bones.

“Have you tried to contact him? Is he still alive?” My son asked.

“Many times. And no, he is dead.” I replied, trying to hide the tear in my eye.

“How do you know?”

“Because I can feel it.” I replied, aching from the half of my soul that had been missing for so many years.

“Do you regret not going with him?” My son asked.

“Sometimes…” I replied. “But then I think of you, and the only regret is that your father never had the chance to meet you.”

The flashes stopped the second I pulled away.

A child?

Holy crap.


“What did you see?” I asked searchingly. I couldn’t quite read from Liz’s expression whether it was good or bad. She seemed more, I don’t know… confused? Shocked? Bewildered?

“You need to make sure Tess doesn’t leave Roswell.” Liz replied with determination in her eyes that I haven’t seen for a while.

“I told you before… I don’t think Tess would leave.” I replied.

Liz shook her head. “You’re wrong. You have to promise me that you’ll do whatever it takes to make sure she stays. The four-square must remain intact.”

“Of course I will. What’s wrong Liz? What did you see?” I asked again.

“Nothing has changed. Without the four-square – you die.”

“What about you?” I asked.

Liz averted her eyes before saying. “As I said before … nothing has changed.”

Re: Lips of an Angel (M/L, CC, TEEN) Ch 35 2/4/08

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 7:03 am
by Oz
Hey, thanks everyone. Was that two weeks? Time flies when you're having fun...



“I’m so confused…” I sighed, flopping onto Maria’s bed. I had gone over to her apartment hoping to get some clarity.

“What’s up honey?” Maria asked, taking a seat on the bed next to me. “Tell Dr Maria what the problem is.”

“I had another vision.” I replied.

“Okay … before you say any more, I think we need supplies.” Maria interrupted before running out of the room, only to return minutes later with my favourite Ben & Jerry’s.

“Continue.” Maria prompted, before devouring a spoonful of Chunky Monkey. Me? I had the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream - soooo good. Anyway, back to the topic at hand…

“Remember how I said that I go back with Max, Michael and Isabel to Antar, where I’m executed and Max, Michael and Isabel all perish, blah, blah, blah?”

Maria nodded. “Don’t remind me. I’m still seeing a therapist about my abandonment issues…”

“Well, in the latest vision, Max, Michael and Isabel still go to Antar and don’t return. The thing is … I don’t go with them.” I continued.

“That’s the plan right? Tess goes with Max and they all live happily ever after.” Maria shrugged.

“No. Tess doesn’t go with them. For some reason she is no longer around.”

“So why don’t you go? Don’t you need to worry about this four-square thing?” Maria asked.

“Something more important came up – and Max refused to let me go with him.”

“What could be more important than saving his life, Michael and Isabel’s lives – and the lives of all of his people?”

“Our child.” I stated, at which point Maria almost chocked on a mouthful of Chunky Monkey.

“Your what?!” Maria spluttered.

“Apparently, seven years in the future, I’m pregnant with Max’s child. We have a son.”


“I’ll say…” I sighed. “I don’t know what to do.”

“Well obviously this is a sign that things are far from over between you and Maxie-boy. I wonder how he gets rid of Tess… Oh, this is so exciting.” Then Maria looked at me confused. “This is exciting … right?”

“Did I mention the part where Max, Michael and Isabel still die?” I reiterated. “If I stay in Roswell, everyone dies, except me and my unborn child, who never gets to see his father. If I leave Roswell, Tess and Max live happily ever after and everyone lives – except our unborn child who is never created. We lose either way, no matter what I do.”

“Hmmm. I see your dilemma.” Maria nodded. “What are you going to do?”

I thought about it for a moment, savouring on the Ben & Jerry’s and how I felt at that moment, being back in Roswell. It was home and I was sick of running from my future.

“Screw it.” I blurted. “I’m going to do what ever the hell I feel like doing and damn the consequences!”

“Yay!” Maria clapped.

“I’m going to stay in Roswell and let whatever is going to happen between me and Max happen. I’m not going to focus on what is going to happen in the future, but I’m going to live for today. And I’m sure that we can handle whatever future is thrown at us.”

“Hear, hear!” Maria applauded.

“And I’m going to do whatever I can to convince Tess to stay in Roswell, and maybe, just maybe, we can all come out of this unscathed.” I finished.

“I’m so proud of you.” Maria said, throwing her arms around me. “Now, what are you going to tell Max? Are you going to tell him about your son?”

I gulped. Trust Maria to put my new found resolve to the test so soon.

“I don’t know…” I replied. “Do you really think he’ll want to here that right now? ‘Hey Max, I know that we’re only just becoming friends again, but I just wanted you to know that in the future we have a son together, so why don’t you break up with that skanky girlfriend of yours and take me back?’ I’m sure that will go down real well.”

“Okay … maybe not in those words…” Maria shrugged.

“I think I’ll just have to let his actions be my guide.” I decided.


“They always think its Lupis. It’s never Lupis.” Tess rolled her eyes, heckling the television screen.

I was sitting on the opposite sofa, watching Tess as she watched TV, wondering what I would have done if she had left all those years ago as Liz suggested she had been about to. Contemplating how different my life would have turned out. Wondering what I would do if she left now? She wouldn’t, would she? Even though Liz was back? At this moment she seemed so relaxed and carefree, but in Liz’s vision she was gone. When does she leave? Why does she leave?

“Sorry, what?” I asked, realising that Tess had said something.

“Every week they think the patient has Lupis. Every single week. I don’t know what the script writers are thinking. Maybe they get paid for the amount of times they can fit the symptoms to those of Lupis.” Tess continued.

I glanced at the television screen and it all made sense. She was watching ‘House’ again. It was the only medical show that she would allow herself to watch. ‘ER’ and ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ just made her cringe with how unbelievably unreal it was compared to what goes on in a real hospital. Okay, who am I kidding, I don’t let her watch ‘Grey’s’ because of the way she gushes over McDreamy or McSteamy or whoever he is.

“Why do you continue to watch this show if you don’t like it?” I sighed.

“Because Hugh Laurie cracks me up.” Tess grinned devilishly. “I wish I could get away with some of the things he does. If I have to pretend to feel sympathy for an alcoholic, who gets behind the wheel so far over the alcohol limit he could have flown home, one more time, I’m going to quit. But House, he just tells it how it is. Calls people idiots, tells them to get over themselves, doesn’t have to deal with patients if he doesn’t want to … I wish I had his job.”

“Why don’t you just quit?” I asked.

“Huh?” Tess looked at me confused.

“If you don’t like your job, why don’t you quit?” I repeated.

“I never said I didn’t like me job.” Tess replied.

“You just said you didn’t like having to deal with patients. You’re a doctor, that’s your job.”

“What’s with the twenty questions? It was just a throw-away comment.” Tess frowned.

“Nothing. I just… I just wonder what you would be doing if you weren’t here in Roswell with me.” I admitted.

“Why would I be anywhere else?” Tess asked confused.

“I don’t know. You tell me.” I replied.

“Are you on drugs? You are making absolutely no sense.” Tess replied, getting up to pour herself a glass of water in the kitchen.

“I spoke to Liz tonight. She told me that you were going to leave Roswell seven years ago.” I announced, and watched as Tess fumbled with her glass, knocked it over and spilled water all over the kitchen floor.

“She, she did?” Tess asked nervously.

“Why didn’t you ever tell me?” I asked, grabbing some paper towel and helping Tess clean up the water spill.

“I guess it never came up.”

“It never came up that Liz just happened to go and visit you on the day she left Roswell. All of those years I spent pining for her, crying on your shoulder, and you never thought to mention it.” I didn’t mean to get angry, but I could feel my voice rising. I had never raised my voice to Tess in the past seven years, and I hated myself for doing it now. I just couldn’t help myself.

“Why are you being like this?” Tess asked, taken aback.

“I just want to know the truth. I want to know what else you haven’t told me.”

“N-nothing.” Tess replied. “I swear. Liz came to me that day to make sure I would stay in Roswell. She told me that it was necessary for me to complete the four-square.”

“…because she wouldn’t be here.” I finished.

“No. Yes. She said that one day she wouldn’t be there, but I thought she meant a long time in the future. I was as shocked as you were when she left like that.”

“Where would you have gone, if Liz hadn’t asked you to stay?” I asked, returning from our little detour to the topic at hand.

“I don’t know. I hadn’t really thought about it.” Tess shrugged.

“Do you think you would ever leave? Would you ever leave me?” I asked.

“I don’t think so. What’s going on Max? Is this about Liz coming back? Do you want to get back together with Liz?” Tess gulped.

“Would it make a difference?” I asked.

“Of course it would make a difference.” Tess replied.

“So you would leave.” I stated.

“I didn’t say that.” Tess replied. “Things would just change forever between us.”

“I could never change how I feel about you.” I replied.

“Neither could I. Which is why I don’t know that I could stand seeing you with Liz.” Tess replied solemnly, before turning to walk away.

“Tess.” I said, reaching out for her hand, stopping her from walking away from me. I tried to turn her face to mine but she kept her eyes averted. I could see the tears in her eyes and it killed me that I had put them there.

“You don’t know how much I wish I could return the feelings.” I breathed. “But the bond…”

“I know.” Tess nodded sadly, before heading to her bedroom and closing the door behind her.

I was about to follow her, and knock down her door if I had to if it would get her to talk to me, when there was a knock at the front door.

“What it is?” I yelled, opening the front door in a huff, only to find Liz Parker on my doorstep, looking a little taken aback.

“Max? We need to talk.” Liz said meekly.

Re: Lips of an Angel (M/L, CC, TEEN) Ch 37 21/4/08

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 8:36 am
by Oz
Not sure if I'm completely happy with this part, but here it is anyway.

As always, thanks for all the feedback!



Max closed the door behind him as he stepped out onto the porch. I wondered if there would ever come a day that I would be let into his home. I guess it wasn’t surprising that he was still closing off his life from me, like I had done to him for all of those years.

“What’s up?” Max asked abruptly. I didn’t need the bond to tell me that he wasn’t in the best mood – it was written all over his face.

“Have I caught you at a bad time?” I asked apologetically, now regretting that I had chosen this moment to come to see him. Why, oh, why didn’t I go straight home to bed from Maria’s?

“No it’s fine.” Max replied, but I could tell he was lying. “What is it?”

“There was something I need to tell you, and I don’t know whether I should or not, because we are only just starting to talk again, and because I don’t know how you are going to take it, and I was planning on just going straight home rather than coming here, in fact I don’t know how I ended up at your doorstep, but I guess that’s fate right? telling me that I really need to tell you this thing, even though the timing might be off, so for the sake of full and open disclosure, I’m here …”

“Liz?” Max interrupted me, and it was only then that I realised I had been rambling. “What is it?”

I took a breath.

“When I told you before that nothing had changed for me in my vision of the future – that wasn’t exactly the total and complete truth.” I admitted.

“Okay…” Max steeled himself for my admission.

“In the future I no longer go with you to Antar.” I replied.

“Why not?” Max asked hesitantly, expecting me to tell him that it was because I had left Roswell again. How does the saying go? A leopard can’t change its spots? Not in Max’s eyes anyway.

“It’s not what you think. I don’t go to Antar because you asked me not to. I don’t go because I have to stay on Earth to give birth to our son.” I explained.

“O-our son?” Max repeated incredulously.

I couldn’t help but feel a little hurt by his reaction. Sure I didn’t expect him to jump for joy at the news, but did he really have to make it sound so completely farfetched? As though it would never, could never, happen.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have told you.” I apologised, ready to back away. This was such a bad idea.

“A son?” Max repeated again, still stuck on my admission.

“Yes.” I replied.

“I don’t know what to say.” Max stated. “What do you want me to say?”

“Nothing. You don’t need to say anything. I just thought you should know.” I replied, turning to leave, wishing I could just find a hole in the ground to swallow me up – where was quick sand when you needed it.

“Liz, I’m sorry. You just caught me off guard.” Max replied, sensing my discomfort, and touching my arm to halt my departure.

At that moment images of Max and I making love flashed through my mind. I couldn’t help but let out a gasp.

“Sorry.” Max dropped my arm, and I looked at him searchingly – did he just see what I just saw? Or was he just worried that he had invaded my personal space?

“I just … I’m still getting used to the idea that you’re back, and I’m just not ready to even contemplate being in that kind of relationship with you again.”

I still wasn’t sure if he was talking about the news of our son, or the vision I had just seen. Either way, it didn’t matter, because they were both a slap in the face. I understood that it was too soon for either of us to be thinking about renewing any kind of relationship, but did he have to say it as though the mere thought of it left a bad taste in his mouth?

“That’s fine Max. I’m not expecting anything of you…” I replied honestly. I knew his feelings were completely valid. I had hurt him immeasurably, and now I’m telling him that we have a child together seven years in the future? Who knows what it will take for us to get from where we are now, to then. It was a hard enough concept for me to grasp, let alone Max who had had to deal with an information overload from me in the last 24 hours. Not to mention how horribly I have treated him since returning to Roswell which, incidentally, caused me to add “… and I never will.”

“Don’t be like that.” Max replied defensively.

“Like what? It’s the truth. You healed my mother even when you didn’t want to. You did it because I asked you to, and I will be forever grateful. And that is why I don’t want anything else from you that you are not willing to give. I will never put you in that kind of position again. I’ve taken enough. I’ve hurt you enough.” I replied. “You know what? I’m done trying to save the world. There will be no more secrets, no more lies. I’m sick of carrying this heavy, heavy weight on my shoulders and I can’t do it anymore. You’re the King Max. You’re a little more qualified than I am. I’ve now told you everything I know, and I’ll support whatever you decide to do with it.”

“You … you told me last night that I had to do whatever it takes to keep Tess in Roswell – whatever it takes – they were your words. Now you are telling me that you and I have a child together? How can I reconcile those two things?” Max asked. “I don’t know what you want from me.”

“The most important thing to me is that you live, that Michael, Isbael and your people all live. And if you have to be with Tess for that to happen, then I’m okay with it. Even if it means …” I trailed off. Even if it means our son would never be born.

A tear formed in the corner of my eye, and I quickly walked away – determined not to let Max Evans see me cry.


So I must deserve an award or something. I was successfully able to make two different women cry in the space of ten minutes. I felt like crawling into a hole right now, but I really needed to check on Tess.

I know that Liz did the right thing by telling me. At least now I have the full story and can understand some of what she is going through, but a child? Her and I? We are only just back on speaking terms after seven years of separation - which she inflicted on us. How could I even begin to contemplate a reality in which she and I are back together? I can’t even let myself believe that she’s actually back in Roswell – or that she’ll stay for longer than a blink of an eye. The last time I believed that things were finally going right for us, she was gone while I was still basking in the afterglow of having her back in my life. Now? Now I’m so desperate not to open my heart to be hurt again. She’s not an easy person to get over – I’ve already had to do it once.

“Tess.” I said, knocking on her bedroom door.

“Tess. Let me in – please?” I begged when I was met with silence.

“I’m coming in.” I announced, attempting to turn the doorhandle. It wouldn’t budge.

Funny thing is … I knew damn well there wasn’t a lock on the door. Tess was using her powers to shut me out.

“I’m sorry.” I whispered, before heading down the hallway to my own room.

What would Tess do if she knew that Liz and I were destined to have a child together? She would leave, that’s what she would do. Her reaction tonight to the mere suggestion that I would contemplate renewing a relationship with Liz said it all. Tess felt more for me than I could ever return, but she had stayed anyway. But that was then, when there was no Liz to compete with.

I had told Tess from the very beginning, all those years ago, that I would always be in love with Liz, and there could never be room for anyone else in my heart. Tess had told me that she had accepted that, but would be there for me if I needed her – regardless. And she lived up to that promise. After Liz left, I was half the man I used to be, but with Tess’ help, I managed to get myself back together and start living again – start breathing again. Over the years Tess had become my confidant, my rock, my best friend. We had shared everything together. I loved her almost as much as my own sister – but never like I had loved Liz.

Now with Liz back in Roswell, I guess it was going to test how much Tess would put up with from me. She had sat shot-gun in my life for all of these years, and was now obviously worried that she would be relegated to the back seat. And I guess she had every right to be. A child … I still couldn’t believe it.

It couldn’t happen though, right? A child with Liz meant Tess leaving Roswell. A child with Liz meant Liz not going to Antar. A child with Liz meant my ultimate death, and the death of Michael and Isabel. How could I ever let that happen and be able to live with myself?

The path forward was clear. Tess had to stay. Liz and I had to stay apart. Our child would never come to be. I had to do whatever it took to keep Tess in Roswell.


I couldn’t shake the images of making love to Liz that I had seen when I had touched her – the ones that I had pretended not to see - the ones that made my heart soar just thinking about being that close to her again. The thought of having a perfect, beautiful child with her…

Yep. The path forward was crystal clear.

Re: Lips of an Angel (M/L, CC, TEEN) Ch 37 21/4/08

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 2:51 am
by Oz
Thanks everyone. Here's the next instalment for your reading pleasure...



“How’d it go with Maxie-Boy?” Maria asked walking into the Crashdown the following morning. “I half expected to see him here for breakfast, regaining his strength if you know what I mean.” Maria added with a wink.

“I don’t know what you mean.” I replied disgruntled. “And even if I did, I can tell you that it is never going to happen.”

“Don’t tell me you chickened out and didn’t tell Max about your you-know-what together.” Maria said under her breath, seeing Isabel and Michael sitting in the corner booth.

“Oh no, I told him.” I replied. “And the reaction was not positive. In fact, I’ve probably just ruined any chance we may have had of returning to some sort of normalcy between us.”

“Are you sure?” Maria asked. “Maybe your little Max radar was off, and what he was really trying to tell you is that he is still in love with you and wants to have lots of tiny little Czechoslovakians with you.”

At that moment Max walked into the Crashdown, took one look over to where Maria and I were standing at the counter, frowned, and then made his way over to Michael and Isabel.

“Okay, maybe your right.” Maria continued, seeing his frosty glance. “Maybe he just needs a bit of time.”

“Well… I guess we’ve got 6 ½ years.” I replied, taking out my order pad and reluctantly heading over to the pod squad’s booth to take their orders.


“So what’s up Max? Why’d you call this little meeting so damn early in the morning?” Michael demanded – a little cranky, but nothing out of the ordinary.

“Something important has come up that I think we should talk about.” I began, looking around nervously to see who was in earshot. There was only a scattering of patrons at this time of the morning, but you never knew who was listening.

“Obviously it’s something you don’t want to talk about here.” Isabel observed. “So why don’t we go back to your place and grab breakfast there.”

“We can’t. Tess is there.” I replied.

“I knew something was missing. Where is the girl who is normally attached at your hip? And why don’t you want her there? It’s not like you to discuss ‘important issues’ without her input.” Michael jeered. Again, nothing that was out of the ordinary.

“She has the day off today so she’s at home, and what we need to discuss has to do with her.” I explained.

“Okay … so why didn’t you just get us to meet at Michael’s place?” Isabel asked.

“Yeah man – I could have had at least another 30 minutes of uninterrupted sleep.” Michael replied.

“Because what we need to discuss also has to do with Liz.” I replied.

“Of course it does.” Michael sneered. “She’s barely back in town for a week and we’re already back to obsessing over your little love triangle.”

“Nothing could be further from the truth.” I replied, just before I looked up to see Liz standing at our booth with her order pad ready.

“Liz, hey.” Isabel smiled, trying to divert Liz’s attention from the incredibly big foot in my mouth.

“A-are you guys ready to order?” Liz asked without her usual cheery voice.

“I think we’ve decided to eat at Michael’s place, right?” Isabel asked, looking nervously between Michael and myself.

“I don’t have any food in the cupboard. Besides, apparently we need to talk to Liz.” Michael stared pointedly at me.

“W-what about?” Liz asked.

“About what you told me the other night.” I replied, only looking at Liz for a second before looking away nervously.

“Oh, okay.” Liz replied. “Here’s probably not the right place. Why don’t I meet you at Michael’s after work? Say around 10pm?”

“I can’t.” I replied. “Tess will be home and wondering where I am.”

“Tell her you’re going for a run or something – make up some excuse for going out.” Michael rolled his eyes.

“Fine. 10 o’clock at Michael’s.” I agreed.


“She’s late.” Michael stated.

“Don’t be so impatient. She’s probably just stuck at the Crashdown. She’ll be here.” I replied.

“Can’t you just tell us what’s going on?” Isabel asked.

At that moment the front door open and Maria walked through it.

“What?” She asked, noticing three sets of eyes on her.

“Where’s Liz?” I asked, expecting Liz and Maria to come together. Sure, Maria hadn’t been invited, but it had been a given that she would be there. She and Michael practically lived together these days.

“She’s not here yet?” Maria asked concerned.

“No. You expected her to be?” I replied, now concerned myself.

“She left the Crashdown before me – she had to make a detour on the way here. I thought she would have been here by now.” Maria replied, pulling out her mobile and dialling Liz’s number. “C’mon Liz…”

“She’s not answering.” Maria announced, putting her phone away, and walking towards the door. “I’m going to go and find her.”

“She’s probably just running late.” Michael said, trying to appease Maria’s worry.

“Maybe.” Maria replied distractedly.

“What aren’t you telling us Maria?” I asked. Maria was far too concerned for Liz to just be just running an errand on her way home.

“She had to go and help someone, that’s all.” Maria replied, grabbing her coat.

“She had another vision?” I clarified.

Maria nodded.

“Okay, what are you two talking about?” Isabel asked.

At that moment Michael’s door opened and Liz stepped inside.

“Sorry I’m late. Maria, could you come with me for a minute?” Liz asked, heading down the hallway without even pausing.

“What’s going on Max?” Isabel asked after Maria and Liz were gone. “Why is Liz having visions?”

“We’ll explain everything shortly. I just need to go and check on Liz.” I replied, following Maria and Liz up the hallway.


Okay, so maybe stopping that bag snatcher by tripping him before he even snatched the bag wasn’t the best plan. Sure, it diverted his attention from that little old lady down the street, but it diverted it towards my direction.

“Hey! What the hell did you do that for?” The snatcher demanded, picking himself up off the ground.

“Sorry, it was an accident.” I replied, cautiously taking a step backwards.

“If you wanted my phone number, all you had to do was ask.” He smirked, taking a few steps forward.

“In your dreams pal.” I replied, before walking away.

“Hey, we haven’t finished talking. It’s rude to walk away in the middle of a conversation.” He said, reaching out an arm to grab me and spin me around to face him.

I retaliated by spitting in his face, which didn’t go down well to say the least. He pulled me by my wrist in to the nearby alley, at which point I felt something in my wrist snapped, causing me to scream. He slapped a hand over my mouth to block the sound, pinned me against the wall and then used the other hand to attempt to undo the button of my jeans.

I managed to pull myself away from underneath him, and with my good arm, I reached for my purse on the ground nearby.

“Oh no you don’t.” He replied, pulling me back, at which point I jabbed a personal taser into his back and fired. Okay, it was a stick of deodorant and I used my own energy to blast him, but he didn’t know that.

As he withered on the ground, I pulled myself up and ran, not stopping until I got to Michael’s.

“I think it’s broken.” Maria replied, examining my arm. “You need to go to the hospital and get it checked out.”

“No. No hospitals.” I replied adamantly. “There can’t be any tests.”

“Right, your blood thing…” Maria nodded understandingly. “But since when do they give blood tests for broken wrists?”

“Who says my blood is the only thing that has changed? It’s not worth the risk. I’ll just bandage it up myself.”

“What about Max? He could heal it for you.” Maria suggested.

“No.” I shook my head. “Last night I promised that I would never ask anything of him again – that was only 24 hours ago…”

“Well … he’s a doctor. He could at least strap it up for you properly.”

“Strap what up?” Max asked, stepping into the room.

“Nothing.” I replied, jumping off the counter where I had been sitting and placing my coat over my injured arm so he wouldn’t see it.

It didn’t work. He stepped over and gently took the coat away and let my arms rest in his hands. Within moments, I felt my arm heat up as the bones were fused back together, and my legs almost gave way as the same warm energy flooded through my whole body and I let out a gasp.

“The King and Queen are united as one. Let no man put asunder what has been joined together on this day.” Familiar words that I had heard once before now repeated in my head.

“There. You should be okay now.” Max said, dropping my arm.

“I’m sorry. I promised you I would never ask…” I apologised, holding my wrist with the other hand, as though trying to hold onto the sensation of warmth that Max had made me feel.

“You didn’t ask. I wanted to do this.” Max smiled shyly.

“Thank you.” I blushed in return.

“Can we get this little meeting started or what?” Michael yelled from the door. “It’s Thursday Night Football and you’re making me miss the kick off.”

Max nodded to Michael before leading me back into the living room, his hand on the small of my back.


We sat in silence as Michael and Isabel digested everything Liz and I had told them – about her visions, the future on Antar in which we all die, and Liz’s attempt at stopping that from happening by leaving Roswell.

Isabel eventually stood up and walked towards Liz. Fearing the worst, I stood up too in anticipation of what could fly out of Isabel’s mouth at that moment. But what Isabel did was completely unexpected.

“Thank you…” Isabel said to Liz as she gave her a hug. “Thank you for sacrificing your life for ours.”

“Uh, um… you’re welcome.” Liz replied embarrassed.

I began to feel a little embarrassed too. Thanks had not been the first emotion that I had shared with Liz when she had explained what she had done.

“I had always been so angry at you for hurting my brother by leaving the way I did, but now knowing that you left to save his life – to save all of our lives …” Isabel teared up. “I’m sorry.”

“I’m not going to thank her.” Michael said stubbornly when Isabel cast him a look as if to suggest he should join her in showing his gratitude.

“What?” Michael shrugged. “Liz is back in Roswell, which means she needn’t have bothered going away in the first place. Being back here has undone anything she might have achieved by staying away. Apparently our lives are back in danger – frigging fantastic.”

“Not necessarily.” I replied. “Not if we can ensure that Tess never leaves Roswell. We still have a chance to fix this.”

“And how do we do that? Once she sees you and Little Miss I-can-see-the-future have hooked up again, Tess is going to feel like the third wheel. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s packing her bags already.” Michael pointed out.

“Firstly, Liz and I are not back together…” I replied, but by the look on Liz’s face I could tell that I had said that a little too quickly.

“I thought you were supposed to be having a kid?” Michael clarified.

“Yeah, well, anyway, the point is that we all have to make sure that Tess feels included and not feel like she has to leave.” I replied, trying not to meet Liz’s eye as I deflected the question. “That includes you Michael.”

“Fine. Whatever.” Michael replied, picking up the remote and turning on the TV. I could tell he wasn’t too happy with the prospect of making nice with Tess – they had never really got along. I had never gotten a straight answer out of Michael as to why. I guess he’s never really trusted her.

“If we’re done here, then I’m going to take off.” Liz announced, grabbing her coat and heading for the door.

“Michael. Walk Liz home.” Maria ordered.

“What? Why?” Michael huffed on the couch.

“Because I said so, that’s why.” Maria replied, folding her arms. Michael gave her a look of resignation - we all knew that even he wasn’t game to cross Hurricane Deluca when she put her foot down.

“I’ll walk her.” I blurted, surprising even myself.

“Even better.” Maria replied, slapping Michael upside the head.

“That’s okay Max. I’ll be fine.” Liz dismissed my offer.

“Liz…” Maria warned sternly.

Liz took one look at Maria and one look at me before nodding at me to join her.

After a block or two of walking in silence, somebody had to say something.

“So why was Maria so adamant that somebody walk you home?” I asked.

“Just being overly paranoid I guess.” Liz replied.

“Really? Hmmm. So it has nothing to do with how you hurt your wrist?” I couldn’t help but ask.

Liz turned her head and looked away from me, not answering. That was all the answer I needed.

“I wish you wouldn’t keep putting your life at risk the way you do. You can’t help everybody.” I sighed.

“I can’t sit by and do nothing. I was given these abilities for a reason – I can’t just turn my back on them.” Liz replied.

“You were given these abilities because I healed you in the Crashdown – that’s the only reason. There is no higher cosmic force working here.” I retorted.

“How do you know? How do you know that it wasn’t some divine power that put you in the Crashdown that day so that you could save my life and transfer some of your powers to me?”

“How do I know? Because I used to go to the Crashdown every single day to be near you. But I guess you could call it a divine power … it was love that brought me to the Crashdown, and love that made me save your life.” I replied, before adding. “And I don’t want to see you throw that life away by putting yourself in danger all of the time. You are not invincible Liz.”

“Maybe not, but I’m closer than a lot of people are.” Liz said defiantly.

“I wish you wouldn’t be so stubborn.” I blurted.

“Yeah, well, I learnt from the best.” She replied giving me a smile. Okay, so she had a point.

There was silence again, and it was deafening. Was everything always going to be so awkward between us from now on?

“I-“ We both said at once.

“You go first.” I offered.

“I was just going to say, I need to ask to something…” Liz began.

“Sure.” I shrugged.

“I need to know whether, when you healed my wrist back there, did you … did you feel anything? See or hear anything?”

That was the million dollar question that I had hoped to avoid. Despite my calm exterior, the moment I had touched her skin my whole body felt like it was melting – not in a ‘vat of boiling oil’ type way, but it was a feeling of coming home – of being rejoined with the other half of my body that I hadn’t even realised was missing. A feeling of being made whole.

“The King and Queen are united as one. Let no man put asunder what has been joined together on this day.” I repeated the words that I had heard in my head.

“What does this mean for us?” Liz asked, her eyes searching mine.

“I don’t know.” I replied. “I guess our lives will forever be entwined – I just don’t know how.”

Liz nodded, returning her eyes to the pathway. I didn’t know what else to say, so I just took her hand in mine as we continued down the street in silence.

“This is my stop.” She said stopping, and indicating to the darkened Crashdown sign above us.

“I said I would walk you home. I may as well take you the rest of the way.” I smiled, accompanying Liz to the stairway up to her parent’s apartment above the Crashdown.

“Thanks Max.” Liz said as we reached the threshold.

“No problem.” I replied, reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. It had been so long since I had done that – since Zan had left in the Granolith. It felt like a lifetime away.

“I should go. Tess will be wondering where I am.” I blurted, and instantly wished that I hadn’t gone and ruined the moment. Not wanting to see the look on Liz’s face from the mention of Tess’ name, I quickly walked away and left Liz standing on her darkened front porch.

Re: Lips of an Angel (M/L, CC, TEEN) Ch 39 7/5/08

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 8:18 am
by Oz
Thanks for the feedback everyone!

The songs in this chapter are 'Smooth' by Santana ft. Rob Thomas and 'Turn Me On' by Norah Jones - both used more for the mood of the song rather than the lyrics.




“You’re home late.” Tess observed as I walked through the door, and then looked up from the gossip mag she was reading. “I thought you went for a run? Where are your sneakers?”

Crap. I knew I forgot something.

“I changed at the hospital. I wanted to go and see a patient who’s not doing too well.” I lied.

“I must have just missed you. I was at the hospital tonight too.” Tess went back to reading her magazine.

“Oh yeah? What for?” I asked casually.

“The emergency department was overrun tonight. Mainly broken bones and fractures. I must have applied at least a dozen plaster casts…”

Broken bones … healing Liz’s wrist … Liz …

“Uh, sounds like you had a busy night.” I replied, trying to clear my thoughts but unable to shake the image of Liz from my head. Since healing her wrist I had been unable to get her out of my mind.

“It was. It’s what I needed though – to get out of the house and clear my head.” Tess continued, and I knew she was referring to our conversation the previous night. Was it too much to hope that she had forgotten about that and we could go back to normal? Was that even possible with the amount Liz was managing to invade my every thought?

“Tess…” I began, wanting to apologise or do something to make things right between us.

“Don’t.” Tess stopped me. “It’s not necessary. I was obviously PMSing or something. Can we just forget about it?” Tess asked.

“Sure.” I nodded, relieved but cautious. I had expected Tess to still be upset at me - this was far too easy.

“I know that you would never get back with Liz, not after the way she hurt you, so I don’t know why I got so upset about it.” Tess said casually, as though she was merely telling me the weather.

Bingo. She was still upset and fishing for me to tell her that I would never be with Liz ever again. And I guess that was what I had to do – I had promised to do whatever it took to keep Tess in Roswell.

“Neither do I.” I agreed with a lump in my throat. “Too much has passed between us for Liz and I to ever return to what we once were.”

Tess looked up at me and smiled, and I was struck by the momentary glimmer of satisfaction on her face. It was the first time since Tess first arriving in Roswell that I had felt that Tess was being less than genuine in her friendship with me and it made me feel uneasy.

“So I guess we won’t be going to this shindig at the Crashdown tomorrow night then?” Tess asked casually. “That’s a shame. I was kinda looking forward to the chance to let my hair down.”

“What shindig?” I asked.

“I bumped into Alex and Kyle today and they said they are planning a welcome home party for Liz, since the last get-together had gone so well.” Tess replied with more than just a hint of sarcasm.

I inwardly groaned at the memory of how horrible I had been to Liz that night, and wished I had the chance to go back and do it all over again

“There’s no reason why we can’t go.” I replied casually. “I mean, all of our friends will be there.”

“Okay. If you’re sure.” Tess shrugged. “I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable…”

“It will be fine. We probably won’t even have to say more than three words to Liz the entire night.” I replied, heading for the kitchen so as to put an end to the conversation. Once alone, I started to think to myself what those three words could be…

Liz, welcome back…

How are you?...

You look beautiful…

I missed you…

And then out of nowhere…

… I love you?


“Do you guys want anything else from the kitchen? We’re about to close.” I asked Alex and Isabel who were the only patrons left in the Crashdown. I was absolutely beat, and looking forward to a night in front of the TV with a bag of popcorn and a good chick flick.

“Actually… why don’t you sit down and take a load off.” Alex suggested, ushering me into his recently vacated seat.

“Uh, I should probably start closing up…” I argued, attempting to rise.

“Let me do it.” Alex replied, walking to the front door and turning the sign from ‘open’ to ‘close’, but not locking the door. He then began moving the tables to the side of the room and picked out some tunes on the jukebox.

“What’s going on?” I asked hesitantly.

“Sorry we’re late.” Maria announced as she and Michael walked into the Crashdown.

“Right on time.” Alex greeted them, as he started helping himself to the soda machine behind the counter and began pouring some drinks.

“Hey everyone.” Kyle greeted us, closely followed by some old friends from high school who I hadn’t seen in years.

“What is this?” I asked no one in particular.

“It’s your official welcome home party.” Maria explained, giving me a hug. “Welcome home Chica.”

“Thanks Maria.” I smiled, returning the hug.

“Don’t thank me. It was Alex and Kyle’s idea.” Maria explained.

I immediately went off to find Alex and Kyle as more people poured into the Crashdown. I was surprised that so many people remembered me, let alone wanted to come and welcome me home.

The Crashdown was buzzing, and thanks to Alex and Kyle, I was able to quit worrying about making sure everyone had enough to drink, and just enjoy myself. Maria had even convinced Michael to don his apron one more time and cook up some finger food in the kitchen.

“Let’s dance Liz.” Maria said, pulling me away from a terribly boring conversation with Eddy Tyson about his dental practice, onto the makeshift dance floor in front of the jukebox. Some others soon joined us as we shimmied over the dance floor, having an absolute ball, dancing to the songs we used to listen to when we were all young and innocent and still in high school.

Man it’s a hot one
Like seven inches from the midday sun
I hear you whisper and the words melt everyone
But you stay so cool
My Munequita, my Spanish Harlem Mona Lisa
You’re my reason for reason
The step in my groove

“Can I cut in?” Kyle tapped me on the shoulder.

“One dance.” Maria waved her finger at Kyle in mock warning. “Just as long as you know she’s my girl and is going home with me tonight.”

“Guys, guys. There’s more than enough of me to go around.” I smiled, turning from Maria to Kyle as Maria went to see if she could convince Michael to take a break and join her on the dance floor.

And if you said this life ain’t good enough
I would give my world to lift you up
I could change my life to better suit your mood
Cause you’re so smooth

“So this brings back memories.” Kyle said.

“Kyle, we never …” I began, unable to recall a time that Kyle and I danced together like this. We were only together for one short summer all those years ago.

“No, I mean high school in general. So many of the people in this room I barely see one year to the next, even though we all still live in the same small town. But tonight it feels like nothing has changed.” Kyle explained.

And it’s just like the ocean under the moon
Well that’s the same as the emotion that I get from you
You got the kind of lovin that could be so smooth, yeah
Give me your heart make it real
Or else forget about it

“Some things change.” I replied despondently, knowing that Max was one person who I wouldn’t be dancing with tonight. Despite our small interlude the previous night, it just wasn’t in the cards for us – it couldn’t be.

“I don’t know about that…” Kyle said, indicating over my left shoulder. “Max Evans is still watching you from across the room – just like he did through most of high school.”

I turned just in time to see Max quickly look away and back to Tess. They were seated in the booth at the back, talking quietly. I hadn’t even seen them come in. Now that I had, I wished I hadn’t. I really didn’t need to see them cosying up in the corner.

Well I’ll tell you one thing
If you would leave it be a crying shame
In every breath and every word I hear your name calling me out
Out from the barrio, you hear my rhythm on your radio
You feel the turning of the world so soft and slow
Turning you round and round

“I guess, in a way, you’re right. Max is with Tess.” I replied, looking away. “That hasn’t changed.”

“If you really believe that, then you are more naïve than you were in high school.” Kyle said.

“Just shut up and dance.” I replied, punching him playfully on the arm.

And if you said this life ain’t good enough
I would give my world to lift you up
I could change my life to better suit your mood
Cause you’re so smooth

I stole another look over to Max’s booth and caught him looking at me – or more precisely – my hips as they swayed to the music. Tess was so engrossed in a conversation with Pam Troy that Max didn’t immediately look away. Catching Max’s eye, I gave him a smile before Kyle spun me around the dance floor. When I was able to catch my breath and scan my eyes over Max’s side of the room, I saw him and Tess getting up and heading to the dance floor.

And it’s just like the ocean under the moon
Well that’s the same as the emotion that I get from you
You got the kind of lovin that could be so smooth, yeah
Give me your heart make it real
Or else forget about it

The song changed to a slow number, and I could have killed whoever it was that had made that selection on the jukebox. I really didn’t need to see Max and Tess slow dancing together.

Like a flower waiting to bloom
Like a lightbulb in a dark room
I'm just sitting here waiting for you
To come home and turn me on

With my hands clasped around Kyle’s neck, and his hands on the small of my back, we swayed to the music, not talking. I think he realised that my thoughts were a million miles away, and he was content just to give me the time to block out the rest of the world.

Okay, maybe my thoughts weren’t a million miles away, but just a few yards to where Max was dancing with Tess and stealing glances in my direction.

Like the desert waiting for the rain
Like a school kid waiting for the spring
I'm just sitting here waiting for you
To come on home and turn me on

As I watched them dance, I realised something extraordinary. While Tess’ whole body was committed to the dance with Max, he was like a brick wall – not melting into her as you would expect lovers to be. He looked uncomfortable with her by his side.

My poor heart, it's been so dark since you been gone
After all, you're the one who turns me off
You're the only one who can turn me back on

I wondered why I hadn’t seen it before. I had been so quick to judge his relationship with Tess, that I hadn’t noticed what it really was – a friendship. So maybe they were friends with benefits, I really didn’t know, but the important thing was – they were just friends.

But how did that help us? That didn’t necessarily mean that Max would ever want to be with me again, and we still had to make sure that Tess didn’t leave Roswell. The fact that Max and Tess weren’t in a relationship only made our job harder.

… Still, it couldn’t help but put a smile on my face.

My hi-fi's waiting for a new tune
The glass is waiting for some fresh ice cubes
I'm just sitting here waiting for you
To come on home and turn me on
Turn me on

“You miss him don’t you?” Kyle said eventually.

“Yeah.” I admitted.

“Me too.” Kyle sighed, before ducking another playful punch from my right hook.