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Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 5:47 pm
by StormWolfstone

I don't say anything as I rush in behind my brother and father, wanting nothing more then to see Alienation in person. However, as we walk in through the back, I see the crowd that's grown even larger and can't keep from thinking that there was no way this would work. Then, before my eyes, they seem to begin attempting to move in our direction and I can't keep from smiling. Micah seemed to move from my mom's side through the crowd at the same time as my dad when something seemed to catch attention.

I glanced over toward the kitchen, "Jayden, help clear people out." I called out to the big burly guy that worked in the kitchen at times. "They are harrassing other customers, Alienation to be exact." I watch as he moves to assist dad and can't keep from smiling as I move through the crowd.

"Alright, settle down everyone. Anyone that decides to bother Alienation can get out of here now." I call out, surprised at myself but not about to let them be bothered while they are in my families restaurant.


“Who the hell do you think you are, you little faggot?” I hear one of the guy's from school ask, looking I see that it's Brad.

“I’m Zander Grey.” The lead singer of Alienation replies as he's been stopped by the jerk. “ Does it bother you more that this faggot could steal your girlfriend away or does it bother you more because you find you are strangely attracted to me?”

Brad raises his fist and I move forward, Uncle Max is closer and I watch as he stops the fist, “Stop it!” I move up to his side, preparing to assist, though I'm not really certain why. Thing was, no way in hell was I going to let my Aunt and Uncle have their restaurant ruined. Not to mention, my sister and Natalie would kill me.

“There’s no fighting in here. Are you going to be good or do I have to get someone to escort you out of here?” I look over and Nate's on his father's other side a well.

“Are you okay?” Uncle Max asks Zander, and I wait for his response before I glance toward Natalie seeing that she's moving forward and beginning to work through the crowd.

"Uncle Max, why don't we guide them into the break room until we can see to it they can safely leave here without incident?" I can't keep from asking, thinking that maybe once Alienation can't be seen so easily, we might be able to get the other customers out of here or at least under control. I can't stop myself from glancing over at the singer, letting my gaze linger for only a moment because despite the fact that he was attractive, I wasn't about to let my family know that I felt that way.

Not to mention, I had read enough about how the games work with those that had 'status'. I'm not planning to be another notch for anyone.

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 9:49 pm
by isabelle

I hear Natalie start trying to clear the diner. That's not what we need. We don't want everyone to leave. They're paying customers, afterall. If they would calm down and eat, we'd be fine. If not, then just this trouble maker and his friends need to go.

"Easy. Let's stay calm," I manage to say, although it's hard to keep my mind going now that I've seen Zan. Who is he?

"Uncle Max, why don't we guide them into the break room until we can see to it they can safely leave here without incident?" Micah suggests.

I nod. The boy could have been reading my mind because that's just what I was thinking. We get Zan and his friends somewhere quiet and the rest of this crowd of gawkers will go when there's nothing to watch -- and those who actually are dining can eat in peace.

"This way," I say, gesturing Zan and his friend towards the back. The girl also has a strangely familiar look to her.


I smiled, feeling oddly shy, as the girl with Zander looked away. I've never seen any girl anything like her before. As I watch, she and Zan get up and start heading towards the back and suddenly there's an altercation. I see Dad look in my direction and I move to his side.

In a few moments, Micah and Natalie join in, trying to calm things. I won't say things are under control, but it's better than it was a moment ago. Everyone's still straining to see Zan and to figure out what happened.

When Natalie suggests going into the back, I turn to look at the exotic girl again. Who is she? I need to talk to her. "It's okay. We'll get you out," I promise her as Dad tries to guide the group back out the way he and I just came in.

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 10:44 am
by Athenea
I know, you love the song but not the singer
I know, you've got me wrapped around your finger
I know, you want the sin without the sinner
I know

I know, the past will catch you up as you run faster
I know, the last in line is always called a bastard
I know, the past will catch you up as you run faster
I know


Before the ugly homophobe can hit me someone steps in the way. “Stop it! There’s no fighting in here. Are you going to be good or do I have to get someone to escort you out of here?” he says and his back is facing me as he talks to the guy.

“Are you okay?” he asks turning around to face me and for once in my life I am unable to say anything. There is something eerily familiar but I can’t seem to place him. I just nod my head yes as I bend down to pick up my sunglasses that had fallen off during the scuffle. I place them on the top of my head as the cute guy from before speaks. "Uncle Max, why don't we guide them into the break room until we can see to it they can safely leave here without incident?"

The familiar man nods and says “This way.” before guiding us to the back room. I am first grabbed by Danny who seems to be looking me over for any damage before turning the man that kept me from getting bludgeoned.

“Thanks man I really appreciate it. I lost hold of him in the crowd and the boy just seems to attract trouble.” And I scowl at Danny for referring to me as a boy. “I’m Danny Williams and this is Sam Sullivan, Dominique Royals, and Zander Grey.” He says introducing everybody and as the man’s brown eyes fall on me again I look away feeling extremely uncomfortable under his gaze for some reason.

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 11:06 am
by Loxyanissa14

We walk into the small back room with lockers on one wall and a couch on the other. I stand there with my arms crossed furious at Zan. I hear Danny introduced us, Then I explode. I turn to Zan glaring at his cocky self centered arrogant face.

“What the fuck is your problem Zanie? Why can’t you just keep you fucking mouth shut every once and a while. Don’t you fucking get it Zan? That guy was bigger than you he could have hurt you. He could have had a gun. You could be dead right now and you don’t even fucking care.” I step closer to Zan. We’re eye leave and I’m very close to his face. Still screaming I continue.

“And another thing if you fucking care so much about what people think of you why the hell don’t you stop fucking guys then maybe you could live a fucking normal life and I wouldn’t have to bury some one else I love.” I turn away from Zan knowing I shouldn’t have said all those things in front of strangers. I’m so angry I’m shaking. It’s really not Zan’s fault that he attracts trouble. I thought screaming all the things I am thinking would make me feel better it doesn’t. I turn around to Zanie throwing my arms around his waist and bury my head in the nape of his neck. We hardly ever hug. Zan doesn’t really like to be touched but I need comfort and sense Zan has already been selfish today it’s my turn.

“Sorry Zanie.” I whisper for his ears only. I know Zan doesn’t care about what people think of him but maybe if he didn’t announce it to the world Danny wouldn’t have to save his ass all the time.

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 11:56 am
by Athenea
I know, you cut me loose in contradiction
I know, I'm all wrapped up in sweet attrition
I know, it's asking for your benediction


Dominque practically explodes and I don’t really understand why. It’s not like I haven’t been in tons of worse situations in the past. Luckily she hasn’t seen most of those but she has heard about them later I am sure since Sam talks too much. Since she is underage she can’t get into the same places we go and Ava probably wouldn’t let her go anyway (even if we have snuck Dom into a couple of clubs in Amsterdam before).

But this time I didn’t even start anything, I was just defending myself! I am starting to get really pissed off when she screams “And another thing if you fucking care so much about what people think of you why the hell don’t you stop fucking guys then maybe you could live a fucking normal life and I wouldn’t have to bury some one else I love.”

The first part of that sentence I wanted to slap her. I don’t care what people think of me! Would I act the way I do if I did? And I’ll fuck whoever I damn well please! And Normal life! I’ve never been normal. Always a little freak, even when I was too young to understand what that meant. The only thing that stays my hand is the end of her sentence.

She turns away from me and I stand there trying to calm my breathing when she practically flings herself at me. I am startled at first. I don’t like to be touched when I’m not expecting it but I like to touch other people I just like to be the instigator I guess. Yes, I know how fucked up that sounds.

“Sorry Zanie.” She whispers into my neck and I wrap my arms around her. I’m not very good with emotional stuff but these people are the closest thing to family I have so I try my best. I’m also awful at apologizing. I usually just go buy the person something and that’s it. So I just squeeze her tight before letting her go and she just nods. Dom knows me to well.

I take her face in my hands and wipe away an angry tear on her face before tucking a lose strand of hair behind her ear. Then I kiss her lightly on the lips before saying. “You know, you puff up like a cat when you get angry."

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 1:40 pm
by isabelle

Dominique Royals. Of course. I should have realized who she was as soon as I saw her. I’ve seen her mentioned a at least two articles about the band. She’s the daughter of the producer. They said she was pretty but that doesn’t do her justice. She’s completely incredible.

I’m still basking in my amazement when Dominique suddenly blows up at Zan, blaming him for what happened out there. I didn’t see how it started, so I don’t know, but she sure is on a rampage. For a moment, I’m stunned and then, oddly impressed. This girl is a real fire-cracker.

“Hey, calm down. It’s okay,” I start to say, although I know I have no right to get in the middle of this. But she’s already falling into a hug with Zan and he’s comforting her The anger she shows and then the intense hug, are almost enough to make me think that she and Zan are together. but I just heard her on the radio calling him her brother and I can see how much she cares about him. Still, I find myself feeling jealous of Zan. I want her to be hugging me like that.

I wish I could do more to help. I move closer and put a hand on her shoulder briefly, pulling it away before she or Danny can be mad at me for getting to close. Zan comments about her puffing up like a cat and all I can think is that she's is beautiful.

“You too want a glass of water or something?" I ask.


I take in Danny’s introductions but I find myself focused almost entirely on Zan. Could it be a co-incidence? Maybe it’’s just chance that he looks so much like her – and that there’s someone called Ava in the group and that his name is Zan … No, I can’t believe that. This is connected somehow. I can feel it. Dominique, too, maybe, but mostly Zan. I feel like there’s a connection there. Something important. It’s more than his resemblance to Tess. It’s like I know this boy. Have I met him before?

When Dominque starts yelling at him, I want to jump between them to break up the fight, much the same way I would if it were Nat and Natalie going after one another. But I don’t move and Nat’s the one who steps forward. It’s over almost as soon as it starts, The fight turning into comforting. She’s lost someone she’s loved. I wonder who it was.

Looking at Zan, the same three words keep going round in my head. Who are you? I want to ask, but I can’t say it. I know his name. I know who he is. But there’s something more. I know there is. Suddenly I wish I’d paid attention instead of tuning out whenever Natalie started going on about Alienation….

Zan. Zan. Zan. My son's name is Zan. This boy is Zan. But it can't be. It can't be. Zan was adopted. They changed his name. He's had a good life. A normal life. This Zan ... My mind blanks, remembering my conclusion that he'd been abused. My son? Or Ava's? If somebody has hurt my son...

I need Liz. I know she’s still out front, calming things and I should be there helping her, but I can’t leave Zan. Not until I understand what I’m feeling. I want Liz to be here with me. I hope she comes soon.

"Sorry about that. Not everyone in Roswell is such a jerk, I hope you know. We're here to help you," I say, trying to be calming, hoping that my voice isn't shaking. "I'm Max Evans, by the way. My wife out there is the manager of this diner. That's my daughter Natalie, my son Nathaniel and my nephew, Micah Geurin."

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 2:31 pm
by Athenea
I'll describe the way I feel
Weeping wounds that never heal
Can the savior be for real
Or are you just my seventh seal?


I feel his eyes on me again but I try to ignore them at the moment. One of the other boys is now talking to Dominique and I slip my sunglasses back over my eyes. I realize I am inside but I’m a rock star if I want the on I’ll wear them. It has nothing to do with the fact its easier to hide how your feeling if people can’t see your eyes.

"Sorry about that. Not everyone in Roswell is such a jerk, I hope you know. We're here to help you, I'm Max Evans, by the way. My wife out there is the manager of this diner. That's my daughter Natalie, my son Nathaniel and my nephew, Micah Geurin." He says and now I feel I can’t avoid him any longer.

I look to the people he introduced, a pretty girl with a red steak through her hair in a way that reminds me of Dom, a boy that looks a lot like Mr. Evans and then there is the hottie from before and I let my eyes linger over this Micah boy before looking directly at him and saying, “Pleasure.” giving him a sexy smile before turning back to Max.

I practically squirm when I notice he is still watching me. I am definitely getting very, very drunk tonight. There seems to be sort of an awkward silence and I start fiddling with my cigarette packet. Thankfully Danny notices my nervousness and says, “Well I guess we should be getting back, Ava is already going to be pissed at us. And we still need to find a place to stay for tonight.”

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 3:08 pm
by Loxyanissa14

I shiver when I feel a hand brush against my bare shoulder. I back away from Zanie quickly and stand beside him. The boy who had touched me was the same boy who had been staring at me in the cafe. He asks if we want any water and I nod no. What I really want is to lick him from head to toe. A wicked grin spreads across my face.

I listen intently as the older male introduces everyone. Nathaniel son of Max brother to Natalie and cousin to Micah Geurin. I don't pay much attention to the rest of the conversation. My mind is still on Nathaniel and how much I would love nothing more than to undress him right here in front of everyone. My thoughts are interrupted when I hear Zanie's voice. I know that tone.

The tone of lust and desire. I look away from Nathaniel only to see who Zanie is speaking to. Of course, the boy he had seen in the cafe, Micah I believe is his name. For a moment I almost pity him. Zanie always gets what he wants and from his tone Zanie wants Micah. I return to my mentally undressing Nathaniel.

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 5:04 pm
by KatnotKath
OOC: Liz first, I'll try and get Anya out tomorrow but right now I'm nearly ready for bed I'm afraid, sorry I'm not posting as much as the rest of you guys, but work is manic at the moment, and I've been really tired. Hope this is okay, tell me if anything needs changing?



"Elly, I think table eight is needing their bill..." I resist the urge to say something more as I realise that yet again she's stopped. I know of course it's easy to get distracted, and I'm sure I did on occassion when I was younger and working, but right now I need to see my customers getting served, and that's not happening...

Noting that a couple of recently vacated tables have yet to be cleared, I move to try and deal with that, while trying to keep an eye on the spectical which the diner seems to have become. By now of course I've realised who these poeple are - Alienation - that band the girls are always going crazy over... I can't say the music does anything for me though, and I could certainly do without the screaming kids in here right now even if the extra custom isn't so bad... That is of course if my waitresses were doing their jobs... "Kelly no, you can't take a break right now, can't you see we're flat out!"

"Hey mom..."

I turn around to find Nathanial walking up with Max and the other kids pretty close behind. "Hey honey...good day...?" I question with a smile, although I realise soon enough he's more interested in the band than me, much like the other kids, which probably shouldn't surprise me...

Looking over, I'm about to try and catch Max's eye when suddenly it seems all hell lets loose as the band gets up, presumably intending to leave. Within moments, there's raised voices and shouting, and then a fist flies through the air, stopped within inches of it's target of one of the band members by Max as he steps forward.

I don't know if I've ever been happier to see he's there, because you can't exactly say my stature is tall or impressive really can you...? Still, I should try and do something since I'm supposed to be in charge here. "Can everyone please sit down!" I request, having to raise my voice significantly to even be heard as I move to a number of kids who are continuing to push forward, repeating the request in a not-so-gentle manner.

Unfortunately, Natalie now tries to step in too, telling Jaden to clear people out...? I frown as I hear her comments, shaking my head, looking over at Jaden quickly. "I think we can manage it thanks...if EVERYONE will just SIT DOWN!"

Max and the kids guide the band through to the back room, which seems like a pretty good idea, but while I might like to go with, unfortunately at the moment I have other things to do, like trying to reinstate some kind of order to this place. "OKAY, if anyone wants serving please be patient and we'll try and get around you as quickly as possible...Anyone who is thinking of trying to follow them can think again, and any trouble and you're out okay?" I look over at Elly and Kelly, both of whom look like they want to follow my family into the back, and I'm guessing not because they need their break.

"I know you've been working hard girls, and I appreciate it, but right now I need just a little bit more okay...?" I tell them quickly, outlining exactly what order we're going to do things and handing out other instructions as we try to get the diner back to normal.

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 6:07 pm
by isabelle

Dominque says nothing and I can’t help but feel disappointed. I want to hear her voice again so much, but she only nods. Still as Dad introduces us, I see how she looks at me. It’s a look I’ve never seen before – at least, not directed at me. It makes me feel … great. I want to get her alone so we can talk. I want to know her.

But how can I get close to her? She’s part of a hot band and I’m -- well, I’m the star quarterback. That usually works well at school but she doesn’t know that. Still, I just need a chance to talk to her.

Suddenly Danny starts talking about leaving.

“No. You can’t go yet. A few more minutes,” I say. She can’t leave me already. I need more time!


Wait. Zan’s flirting with Micah? Zan’s made no secret about being bi-sexual, but Micah? I know he hasn’t been much for dating but I’ve never wondered t about if he could be gay. How is he going to take this? I hope he doesn’t freak out. Even if he is gay, someone’s going to have to keep an eye on that. Zan’s older and obviously a lot more experienced. I guess I should be glad it’s not Natalie, or even Nathaniel. They’re still only 16. And he might be their brother…

I don't even know if I am hoping it is him or if I hope it's not. My son was supposed to be safe.

“Well I guess we should be getting back, Ava is already going to be pissed at us. And we still need to find a place to stay for tonight.” Danny says. Nathaniel immediately objects to that plan, saying that they should stay a bit longer.

“He’s right. Those kids are still out there waiting for you. Give them a chance to disperse,” I suggest. The mention of Ava has my mind racing. If only we were home. I’m only inches from the bulletin board and there was a photo there, under Liz’s latest reminder for the employees. “There are several nice hotels in town. I could give you a ride. Or you could even stay with me,” I say as I turn around. Using my body to block the groups view, I lift the page and get the photo of two of Liz’s waitresses taken in the Crashdown at the last Crash festival. Touching the picture, I quickly change their faces to be Ava’s and Liz’s – as they were twenty years ago. Then I smoothly remove the picture from the board and turn back.

“As for Ava, if she’s who I think she is, I don’t think she’ll mind. She and my wife were good friends before any of you were born. Is this her?” I ask, showing Zan the altered photo. Ava never wore a Crashdown uniform, but that’s not important right now. I just want to know if Zan will recognize her.