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Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 8:04 pm
by OnDragonflyWings

When he asks me to sit down I take a deep breath and move into the booth, looking away from him, almost as quickly as I glanced up at him. The expression on his face was almost unreadable without time to study it. Time that I'm scared to put into studying it right now...because it could be bad.

His words calm me down a little. "But I know you don't want this either Michael..." I don't want him to regret saying that everything was okay down the road.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 8:21 pm
by Corina Star

Tara squeezes my hand one last time for letting go. We all walk in to face the doom we know we are about to face. When we enter Principal Gurdy's office we all sit down and wait for her to start speaking and have us bored with her lecture.

"Well Mr. Guerin and Miss Evans. I'm not suprised to see you here, but this time it seems you dragged your cousins into it. Now what is your excuse this time?" She asks.

"Well that depends...." I say.

"On what?" She replies impaitently.

"On weather you want the truth or not." I reply smartly.


Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 8:51 pm
by DreamerLaure
I smile as I watch the volley between Principal Gurdy and Drew. I wonder if this is their routine. How many times have Tara and Drew been here after all? If it's not one thing, it's another. From picking a fight because he's right to defending a friend who needs it most, I've heard their logic to ending up where we are now.

But it's not like we can even begin to tell the truth here - we'll face that problem when we get home, so it's only a matter of what to include and what to leave out. Like a clock's hand, her eyes meet each of ours briefly with a silent promise that things are very serious.

I cringe when she announces, "I want to hear from each of you what happened, and where you went."

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 6:11 pm
by DreamerLaure
Liz Evans
I like my job and I love my life. My life didn't turn out like I expected it to, but I've found happiness. I have a husband who I adore, and two kids who I've watched grow up and become strong and wonderful young adults.

I can only describe everything I've seen over the past years as incredible. We decided to stay in Roswell, and it wasn't an easy choice. After everything that happened with Alex and Tess, Roswell didn't feel like home still. It was hard to face all the things that had changed in it. And yet over the years, we've made it home again. I see my friends at the Crashdown, I feel my husband's hand in the small of my back when I fall asleep, and I listen to my kids recount their days at Roswell High.

It's a normal day at work when I get the call. I'm filing papers for a claims suit on the condition of the drinking water in Albuquerque. I ended up a lawyer, a specialist in environmental law. I've let go of some of my dreams, but at least I carry the best ones with me every day.

I know my kids well, and I also know they would never skip school unless there was a very good reason. So, I'm flabbergasted when I hear that they have skipped school, and that they came back in without any excuses.

I hang up with the secretary after she relays the news to me, and I call my husband right away.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 1:55 pm
by Liz_Parker
BUMP! Don't know what to do w/ my character right now....

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 8:39 pm
by DreamerLaure
I sat through the rest of physics worried intensely, how would this turn out? Would they not have a great excuse to only get detention? And, better yet, wow that was a close call...I need to know exactly what happened, because it's getting to me.

This is no longer just about simple find and uncover missions. It's becoming bigger.

Mr. Halfrin finished Physics by handing out a lab sheet. He lowered his eyes as he placed Drew's on his desk, and gave me a curt nod, I suppose to indicate that I need to get my brother in line. I know he means well though. Drew's really a good physics student. But he gets mixed up in stuff. If only Mr. Halfrin could know it's not the usual stuff, but I guess that's what life is like. We don't get to choose who to tell - the unmentioned rule is that we have to survive.

I left the room and went down the hallway to casually walk by the principal's office. On my way, I saw Ally by her locker.

I walk closer to her when the crowd in the hallway slowly moves off to seventh period, last class of the day.

I stand by her locker door, swing my bag down to the floor, and lean against the lockers beside hers. "Ally, did you hear what happened," I ask.

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 4:29 pm
by Liz_Parker

I look over as Angel walks over to me and nod.

"Yes. They all skipped.....", I tell him while taking one last look at the mirror in my locker then closing it.

"All I have to say they better have a good excuse for doing so or I know a bunch of parents who will be doing alot of yelling tonight".

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 11:52 pm
by OnDragonflyWings
((OOC: Not sure how much of a clsoe call you wanted it to be, but this is what came to mind. Let me know if you want it to change...trying to combine some thigns from other posts here too...))


The principal asks us to each tell her where we were and what we were doing. I grimace inwardly at just remembering it. Our missions have always been simple, easy. Search and find. We rarely even have to worry about close calls really. But now, now it's officially getting bigger. We saw things today. Things we can't even begin to understand yet. But we were almost caught. And I wonder if Drew had an idea. If that's why he brought us.

Long story short. We had Luna use her powers to go get the information, mostly papers, files, on our families as it turned out. And then Drew felt them coming, while she was still inside. We heard Luna yelp. She had to be hurt. And there was nothing we could do. Ryan helped...made a storm, lightening...inside...suspicious to say the least. Luna came out, she looked a mess, no telling what really happened. We ahd to get out, I had to try and heal her. She couldn't go backk to school looking like that. The only thing I remember was the picture I saw when she touched me. I'm sure Drew saw it too. Some man, in a mirror. I don't know what it means, if she saw it, if the idea was put there... And we didn't have time to tlak about it on the ride back. It took almost all of my energy to fix her.

And so we ahd the files, the information, but we weren't sure what we had lost, or exposed, and we all didn't know everything that happened. And we still ahd to tell our families without telling our parents.

Like I said I would trust Drew with my life. But right now, what are we suppsoed to say we did instead.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 12:06 am
by DreamerLaure
Ally has a good point ... our parents are going to be so mad. They might punish all of us, but most of all I'm not looking forward to the one quesiton they are going to ask and keep returning to: "Why did you do this?"

This time I don't think it will be easy to step away from the scene: it might involve all of us, all of the kids. And I'm not looking forward to another lecture on the importance of anonymity. I don't think we should ignore the truth when it's right in front of us. Isn't it better that we know as much as we can so we can protect ourselves when the time comes?

"Yeah, that's true, Ally," I say, "but this time it might not be so easy for us to get off the hook. They might talk to us too."

{OOC::I'll post something for Luna and Liz in the next 2 days}

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 7:17 pm
by Corina Star

"Look," I say leaning foward in the chair, "we were skipping. No big deal. It wasn't there fault. It was my idea. I begged them to go."

I know the principal is going to believe me. Mainly because I'm always the cause of the problem. I don't want Tara and everybody else to get in trouble for my mistake. I don't want them to regret going. I know she has to believe me.

"Is that true Tara?" She asks turning her attention towards Tara.