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Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 10:35 am
by DreamerLaure

“You have outdone yourself, Is. Enjoy what is sure to be the perfect evening, thanks to my wonderful sister,” Max compliments me and his words impact me, and my smile brightens even more. I don’t hesitate from adding, “As should you; I hope you enjoy this evening also,” and I mean those words from the bottom of my heart; I want the best for Max in every circumstance.

I know he dotes on me sometimes, giving me all that he can and since we have a wealthy background, matching what I want has never been a true problem. If I want a new dress such as the one I’m wearing now, he’ll oblige my wish. Luckily the dress and the cost of its making wasn’t too much of a burden this time around simply because of our location and where we are. Things are different here, and I’m starting to like the differences; they make life a little more interesting.

The pace of life is definitely different here; for one thing, I know what I could expect at any party I’d host in London, but this is something quite unexpected. The music adds the right element, lending a beautiful setting for our evening. While I know how our guests will be decked out in formal attire, I’m still uncertain of what might take place. And the one thought that gnaws on me from inside my chest is the one fear I do not want to voice: what if it’s not right?

I hear the hush of soft voices and the rush of tulle and satin swishing along the floor leading into the ballroom, and I lower my eyes so I may look demure when I do look up. I’m guilty of possessing my own charms and traits that have certain purposes but I only do so to propel the illusion that I am who I want to be. There’s an even more instinctual and familiar fear under the most present one, and it’s that my impressions might fall flat and someone might see everything that’s underneath it. I sincerely hope that I might be prepared for when that does happen, but sometimes I’m not so certain that I will be. And tonight is conjuring up that fear tenfold. I try to focus on the present one instead, the one that is singularly more related to tonight and where we are.

I raise my elbows a few inches but keep my hands by my hips, my fingers resting on and inside of the buoyant folds of my evening dress. It’s all about creating a picture, and tonight I want to be the glamorous new young woman to have moved in, gracing this presence with her presence, in turn. I see a few of our guests gathering together in small groups, the clusters people make with each other so they can feel more confident. I turn to my brother again, and I suggest, “Maybe we should start the introductions to get the evening off on a good start.” I extend my right hand beside me and balance it in the air, waiting for him to walk over with me. “It might be just what this party will need, and after all, how else will we acquaint ourselves with them very well if we don’t make the first gesture?”

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 4:36 pm
by DreamerLaure
{{OOC: temping for Maria...I hope this is ok...srry if I was holding anyone up}}


My sisters are so excited for tonight, and under any other circumstances, I might be too, but strangely enough, tonight feels different. It’s only a party, but the weight of significance Mother has placed on it has affected me. I’m the charming younger sister, whose personality speaks for itself. Where my sisters are quiet and docile, I am adventurous and curious; I like to see the world and take part in it. And life is made all the more interesting when I take part in it. My sisters are older than I am, and in any other family, it would be expected that the younger sister, the more inexperienced, would know how to hold bakc. That expectation normall falls through, and tonight, it's holding true for me too. I’m uncertain if this night will go well for me.

My sisters as uncomfortable as they are with Momma's classification of the evening - I've even heard her refer to it as a fox hunt once - they've done this sort of thing before. Add to that the albeit few years they have on me and you'll find that they are simply more prepared for this evening than I could ever hope to be.

As the carriage pulls up to the grand house, I peer out of the window in wide-eyed fascination. If I tilt my neck enough, I have a great view of the large two-story windows and the balconies on the second floor. This is so grand and beautiful. My sisters leave the carriage together, going up to the entrance hand in hand, talking animatedly. My cousin Alex is just a few paces ahead of me and my mother's words, whispered in haste, stay with me. She told us to stay out of trouble and from the way my heart has been pounding since last night, I doubt that'll even tempt me tonight.

Alex heads off to stand by my sisters and gathering my hands into small little fists and straightening my posture, just like Momma's taught us to over the years, I take small but purposeful steps over to where they are. Out of the corner of my eye I see the Evans making their way over to us and instead of bursting with glee, I feel the nervousness that's been building in my stomach over the past few days double. I shrink, almost, like into the wall, and I even hide a step behind my sister Liz. Maybe Maria on the sidelines is a good shoe to fit too.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 4:01 pm
by ~Ruby~
Gah, this is awful, but I have writer's block so it shall have to do.


"I don't know quite what to do with myself during these things."

“Nor do I,” I admit with a nervous laugh. “We should have stayed with mother and father to be received by our generous hosts. I believe that is how it is done in London.”

But this isn’t London, a small voice whispers in the back of my mind. This party is like no other that I have ever been to. It isn’t the normal small country affair that I am use to. I feel out of place. I’ve never been the bell of the ball. I’ve never felt the need to be anything different from the person that I am, but tonight I fear that I shall make a fool of myself.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spy Maria lurking behind Liz and feel slightly reassured. I am not the only one feeling out of place and aware of our differences.

“Perhaps we should rejoin mother and father for the moment. I do believe that they are about to be greeted by the Evans.”

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 12:02 am
by Dream Weaver

“As should you; I hope you enjoy this evening also.” Isabel says as she is scanning the crowd. I can see her instincts for the atmosphere filling her face and she is thinking about our plan of attack.

I quickly scan the crowd and notice one of the dignitaries for Sebastian’s company and wonder what could be keeping him. He knows more of these big wigs I need to schmooze and it’s hard for me to make my way through the crowd without knowing exactly who I need to great. My shyness gives me a tendency to meet with only the most necessary people and stay back slightly.

I have heard many people call me mysterious or snobbish but in reality I am just not the social butterfly like my sister Isabel. I glance up to watch her eyes sparkling with excitement. She is definitely in her element and I smile knowing that she is finally going to have the opportunity to do what she does best. Maybe she’ll make some acquaintances here that will allow her to begin her transition into their world.

I see a familiar face, a Mr. Parker. I have seen him a few times in passing and decide that it’s due time to make my way to introduce myself. I feel Isabel at my side. I know her thoughts as well as I know my own. It’s time to get the show on the road. She raises her elbows a few inches but keeps her hands by her hips. She turns to me and suggests, “Maybe we should start the introductions to get the evening off on a good start.”

She extends her right hand beside me, waiting for me to take it so we can make our rounds through the now growing crowd. She adds, “It might be just what this party will need, and after all, how else will we acquaint ourselves with them very well if we don’t make the first gesture?

I take her hand gracefully and smile down at her. "Ok my dear sister. It’s time to work the crowd." She begins to steer me in the direction of a group of young people standing at the buffet and drink tables. I recognize the taller gentleman as Alex Whitman. He is smiling at a petite blonde and I notice him shift and see another dark haired woman come into view.

The woman turns towards Mr. Whitman and her face comes into view. The brunette vision causes a tightness in my chest as the most amazing site I think I have ever seen takes my breath away. A feeling I have never experienced before overwhelms me and I find myself frozen to the floor as my shyness kicks in. I just can’t get my feet to move as I try to gain my composure before approaching further.


Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 7:28 am
by DreamerLaure
{{OOC: I added something specific here, but let me know if you want it changed…I thought it could make things interesting.}}



My sister says tentatively, “Perhaps we should rejoin mother and father for the moment. I do believe that they are about to be greeted by the Evans,” and I look up to see her face. She’s hiding it as best as she can but I wouldn’t be bold or too forward if I were to venture that she is just as fearful and uncertain as I am.

It’s strange how the night is turning out. Here I am fulfilling the role of the younger sister, one step behind her older sisters, one shot short of being confident and glamorous. And then what’s even more surprising is that my sister isn’t in her usual spirits tonight either. It seems as if the night has taken us apart and rearranged us in an entirely different fashion. The worst thing is that I’m not even sure I want to feel my usual self either. Is it better to be as nervous as I am now or as confident as I would have been on any other night?

“I think that’s a good idea,” I murmur, but as the host and hostess approach us I realize we’ve come to this realization too soon. The closer they get to us, the more I realize how different we are from them. It’s not as if my family is poor and we can’t afford much. I’m not Cinderella and this is not the prince’s ball for every eligible young woman in our little hamlet. No, this is different, but then again, if you were to change a few names, twist a few curls, and don a pair of shoes with a smaller heel, this might very well be.

I observe the two and they are very well dressed, and suddenly I feel extremely out of place. This never happens to me. I’ve always been confident about where I am and how I look. I know that I’m not beautiful in a conventional way, but I would like to think that I am somewhat impressive. Or, so I would like to think and I’ve always thought that, until tonight, and this moment. Her dress is extremely exquisite and as she moves more into our light, I can see the fine stitches of a careful dressmaker, perfectly deliberate. Our family can afford the odd couple of hours of a dressmaker’s time every so often, but then it’s to make tasteful yet functional everyday dresses. Somehow I can sense the dress that she’s wearing was made specifically for tonight only. Her brother has the same demeanor as her, and I have to admit, the rumors are true, he is awfully handosme.

I colour instantly when this thought enters my mind. Tonight isn’t really for me. This morning my Mother confided in me that tonight was for my sisters, and then as she was tying the ribbon around my hair, she whispered, “And even more for Tess.” I think my alarmed expression prompted her next confession. She continued tying my hair as she added, “I’ve heard this proprietor, a Mr. Maxwell Evans, is a bit uninfluenced by charms, but I hope your sister can garner his attention.” I looked at her in the mirror as I corrected her, “Sisters,” and she frowned, “No, sister.”

I see the eyes he’s giving her already though, and I find that my heart is instantly lighter once I piece together that the only charms Mr. Evans is at risk for is my own dear Elizabeth’s.

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 10:46 am
by ~Ruby~
Great post, Dreamerlaure. I really liked the idea of having Mrs. Middleton push Tess towards Max instead of Liz. I agree that it will make things more interesting, lol. :D

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 2:41 pm
by Dream Weaver
Laure- Love that idea......I agree with Ruby we shouldn't make it too easy on Max and Liz, hey? :wink:

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 4:49 pm
by DreamerLaure, looking back I should have pm'ed you guys first :? :) I'm glad you liked it though

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 9:15 pm
by Dreamer_Dreaming
A/N: First of all let me thank Becky and Lauren, you two are doing a wonderful job.

But I won't forget about Aliza and Ruby! You are both doing wonderfully as well. *claps*

Now I have bigger news to discuss. It is actually GREAT news. I was happily on yahoo messager, and was talking to an old friend. We were talking about G.A.C.E.'s RPG, and I asked her (Crystalbehr) to look at our rpg. She looked at it and agree to join our team. She will be our Michael (Finally). lol

YAY! *happy dance* The only problem is she will post in a few days, (A.S.A.P.). Crystalbehr welcome to our RPG! It will be a pleasure RPGing with you again! :wink:


Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 3:29 pm
by ~Ruby~
Oh yay, that's great news.

*is glad that she doesn't have to play Michael*