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Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 9 11/30/16

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 8:48 am
by keepsmiling7
Oh, please tell me someone is going to take out Thomas.......the sooner the better.
And that wall Liz has constructed around herself is going to be tough to tear down......

Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 9 11/30/16

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 9:01 pm
by SmileeUk
Juan & Thomas are so heartless & :twisted: :twisted:
:x :x

Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 9 11/30/16

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 5:16 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Yes Liz is having some bad nightmares.

Carolyn It won't be easy to get through Liz's wall. But sometimes all it takes is a crack to bring it down.

SmileeUk Oh yes Juan and Thomas are very heartless!

Part 10

Thomas walked into the house the hookers lived in. No clients were aloud in this house. The only men they could do in the house were those that worked for the family. Thomas had to admit he had taken pleasure a couple times from a hooker. Most of the trusted men in the family had help break in most of them. Frankie was one of the inforcers that made sure if a john roughed up a girl they paid the price.

"Frankie, boss needs you to take care of something." Said Thomas
"What is it Tommy?"
"What I got to do?"
"She is damaged goods. Crush her windpipe and snap her neck. Then dump her somewhere."
"Got it. Take it make sure I don't spill blood?"
"Yeah. I hate to see her go. She was very good at her job."
"Yeah I know I got to help break her in. That was like six years ago. She learned what to do faster than most."
"I got to go over the books. Boss thinks at least one of them isn't turning in all the cash from their tricks."
"If that is true then they dead. Boss don't take to no one stealing from him."
"No he don't."

Thomas headed for the office and Frankie went to take care of the slut.


Max watched as Liz slept in the chair. He got up from his chair and very gently lifted her up and carried her back to the room she was sharing with Serena. Both rooms had full size beds. So he and Kyle decided to sleep in shifts right now. When she came out Liz had left the door partly open. He used his foot to gently push it open wide enough to get through. He placed her down next to Serena on the bed. Serena stired opened her eyes and looked at him. He just placed his finger to his lips and pointed at Liz. She looked at her and then nodded her head. Max pulled the covers around Liz's slight body and made his way out of the room closing the door behind him.

Just before dawn Kyle came out of the bedroom and singled for Max to go get some rest. Kyle was drinking coffee when Serena came out of the girls room.

"You're up early." Said Kyle
"Liz is a covers hog."
"How is she doing?"
"She had a nightmare last night."
"Yeah heard her scream."
"She is being stubborn and won't talk about it."
"So we don't know if it is from the recent events or from her memories of her parents murder."
"My parents sent her to a shrink back then but she wouldn't talk about it with anyone."
"So she has never truly dealt with it?"
"Nope. I am worried about her. None of us have any training to really deal with things if she has a breakdown."
"You are the closest we have to a shrink."
"What I know on psychology was what I read in a book in nursing school."
"That is more than me. What I know is from when my partner shot me by accident. He hit me in the ass."
"Doesn't look like he did too much damage."
"Well maybe I can show you sometime."
"That might be fun."
"Please don't make me throw up." Mumbled Liz as she slowly made her way out of the bedroom.
"Liz, you should try and rest some more." Said Serena
"Fuck off Serena." Said Liz
"Don't tell me what to do!" Said Liz
"Damn it Liz! Don't you get that I love you! That I don't want anything bad to happen to you!" Said Serena
"Well let me tell you something Serena my life has been shit since my parents were killed right in front of me!"

Serena felt tears start to fall down her face.

"Liz, have you ever been happy with my family?"

Liz gently reached for Serena and wiped the tears from her face.

"You are the best thing in my life. I wouldn't agree to come here until I knew that you were safe too. You are more than my cousin, you are my best friend."

Serena pulled Liz into a hug. Kyle just watched the two cousins hold each other. He could see even after twenty years Liz was still really a scared little girl.


Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 10 12/1/16

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 9:15 am
by keepsmiling7
Liz will eventually understand's a high hill to climb though.
And the poor girls that have to work for the "family"'s a shame they don't have other choices.
So sad!

Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 10 12/1/16

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 1:01 pm
by L-J-L 76
So it seems Max is starting to care about Liz. That was really sweet of Max to carry Liz to bed. Kyle and Serena are cute when they flirt with each other. Finally Serena and Liz talked.
Love how Serena and Liz are with each other.

L-J-L 76

Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 10 12/1/16

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 5:25 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn I think that there is a cop in the cabin with Liz that might be willing to teach Liz about love. :wink:

L-J-L 76 Max does care about Liz. It was very sweet of him to carry her back to bed.

Part 11

Liz watched her cousin with Kyle. She knew Sererna was falling for the young cop. She wanted Serena to be happy. But she also didn't want to be alone. If Sererna did get involved in a relationship with Kyle then she would be alone. She could not bring herself to trust a man. First there had been Ryan who broke her heart. But in away it turned out to be a good thing. She later learned that he had been having sex with both Pam Troy and Gina Wake the whole time they dated. Then there was Jack. She knew that she hadn't had any real feelings for him. That the one night they spent together was about nothing but sex. But after that she vowed never to let any male use her again. If she chose to have sex it would be on her terms and she would be in charge. Liz turned away and went back to staring out the window at the falling snow.


Michael Guerin had been a cop for three years. This was far from the first time he had seen a dead hooker. They turned up a couple times a month. Most were killed by one of their johns. This one was a little different because of the tattoo that was found on the back of her neck. It was the mark worn by all who worked of the Gomez family. It had never been proven but it was believed that Juan Gomez had girls killed if they were getting to old, were not earning their keep, were stupid enough to steal from him or contracted an STD.

"Guerin, I would have to say she has been dead less then twelve hours." Said the medical examiner
"Got a cause of death?"
"Well it looks like her neck was broken and her windpipe crushed."
"So murder?"
"I have never seen a crush windpipe be anything else."
"Though I don't think a lot of time will be spent on her."
"True. Though she isn't the first hooker from the Gomez family to end up this way."
"We'll run her prints to see if we can get an I.D. on her."
"Right, I will order a full blood work up. See if there is anything there that could lean to why she was killed."


Juan walked into the room of the girl they had brought in the night before. The doctor he kept on staff had already examined her and said she was clean of dieses what was even better was that as far as he could tell she was a virgin as well. He liked virgins because they were easier to train to the way he wanted them to be. The girls he had working the streets were required to have all their clients use condoms. Though the ones that worked as escorts for a higher fee could be done without. But during the three month training period a condom was always used no matter what. Part of it had to do with having the birth control build up in them. Part of it was to make sure they grew use to the feel of the condom. This girl was a little younger then they normally went with. But that just meant she would be able to work longer. She was currently tried down and gaged as the tattoo artist was finishing marking her. The mark of the Gomez family was just an olde English G with wings in red ink. She tried to cry out through the gag but it was muffled. Once the tattoo artist was done it was time for her training to begin. Juan undressed and ripped the thin nightshirt off the girl. Under it she was already naked. He used his knee to force her legs apart and placed himself between them. He touched her face smiling.

"This is going to hurt. But before long you will be use to having a dick pound into you. Hell some of my girls grow to enjoy it."

He then rolled on a condom and rammed into her hard. Her scream was muffled by the gag. He pounded hard and fast into her. He wanted them to learn right from the start that it was sex. Nothing more. The girls who worked the street had to bring in two hundred dollars at least a night. It was a fee of fifty dollars for half an hour. Now the escorts who could act as dates it was two hundred an hour. If the client wanted to fuck without a condom there was an extra fee of five hundred dollars added on. Jada had been a street hooker. She had been bringing in six hundred dollars a night. He dressed and left the room.

"Frankie, give her half an hour then continue her training."
"Right father. You thinking street or escort for her?"
"Street. Oh and send Lacy to see me in the office."

Juan walked off to the office. That bitch Lacy better have the answers he wants from the slut. Or she will pay the price.


Liz looked up when she felt her cousin's hand on her shoulder.

"Come on let's get you a bath. I will clean and change your bandage too." Said Serena

Liz just nodded and headed into the bathroom with her.

"You still in a lot of pain?" Asked Serena
"Not as much."
"Liz, you know I don't like giving you those pills."
"I know. Rena, can I ask you something?"
"You like Kyle don't you?"
"If things were different he is the type of guy you would go for isn't he?"
"Liz, I am still trying to get to know him."
"Rena, I think you should go for it."
"What about you?"
"What do you mean?"
"There is something between you and Max."
"No there isn't. There will never be anything between me and him."
"Liz, you really should open your heart to someone."
"Why don't you just drop it? Men are nothing but assholes."
"Is this about Ryan?"
"No. Besides you don't know everything about me."

Serena knew better then to push. But that much told her that something had happened that Liz never told her about.


Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 11 12/2/16

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 5:59 am
by L-J-L 76
So Liz could see and tell Serena and Kyle are falling for each other. Poor Liz she has been hurt by 2 guys no wonder she closed her self off to love. Hopefully Max will be able to get Liz to open her heart to love again. Love how Liz and Serena are sisters towards each other. They are both so caring towards each other. So Serena noticing that there is something going on between Max and Liz. Liz needs to tell Serena about Jack and then maybe Serena will understand Liz a little better. Max may have his work cut out trying to get Liz to open her heart again.

L-J-L 76

Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 11 12/2/16

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 8:52 am
by keepsmiling7
It's a good thing that Liz and Ryan didn't work out.
Interesting about the Gomez family pattern of getting rid of girls no longer of use to them........and the old English G marking!
I'm glad Kyle and Serena are falling for each other.

Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 11 12/2/16

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 7:04 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Yes Liz can see that Serena and Kyle are falling for each other. Liz and Serena have a close relationship. Liz knew that it would only be a one night stand with Jack, she didn't tell Serena because she is not proud of it. Yes Max will not have an easy time opening Liz's heart.

Carolyn Yes it is a very good thing that Liz and Ryan didn't work out.

Part 12

Kivar drove into the parking lot of the store at the base of the mountain. He parked and walked in. He headed right for the counter.

"Help ya." Asked man behind the counter.
"Yeah looking for someone."
"Who that be?"
"My stepdaughter. I promised her mother I would look after her. She took off with her boyfriend."
"Seen a couple girls come through with guys."

Kivar pulled a picture of Liz out of his pocket and showed it to him.

"Nope didn't see her. She a cute young thing though."
"You sure? Maybe someone else who works here?"
"Ain't nobody else. I work here alone."
"You sure?"
"Yeah I sure! Not everyone stops here on there way up the mountain."
"Then I will just head up and hunt for her."
"Not a good idea. There are about thirty or forty cabins up there. On top of that a storm is moving in."
"Yeah well I am still going."

Kivar left and the shopkeeper cursed. Them cops and said to tell no one where they went. But to warn them as well if someone were to come looking. He grabbed the radio and tried to reach them. But it was useless with the storm moving in.


Liz sat staring out at the snow as the wind whipped it around. She hated the snow. It had been snowing the night her parents were killed. Tears felt down her cheeks as she thought about that night so long ago. She hated that she was stuck here in a mountain cabin hiding because she had the bad luck of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. That the monster who had taken her parents from her had to come back into her life that night. She rubbed her arms feeling the chill of the storm coming through the glass of the window. She didn't notice him until she felt a blanket being wrapped around her. She turned to see Max standing there.

"You looked cold." Said Max
"Liz, I don't know who the guy in your past is that hurt you so bad that you think all guys are scum. But I want you to know if I treated a lady like it seems you were, my mom would kick my ass."
"Look Max, I can tell that you are trying to show me that you are different. But I just can't bring myself to trust that easily."
"All I ask is that you try to let me be your friend. Last thing I want is to see you hurt."
"I will try."
"You might need to get use to me being close. Looks to me like something might be going on with Kyle and Serena."
"I want her to be happy. She has never met a guy that has made her smile like that."
"Don't you want to be happy?"
"Yeah sure. But I haven't for a long time."
"Staying bitter like you are, is preventing you from finding happiness."
"Look Max, you don't know me. So why don't you keep your opions to yourself."
"I don't know how Serena can live with you. You act like nothing but a bitch."

Liz got up and glared at him right in the eyes. Then she slapped him hard.

"Never call me a bitch asshole."

Liz headed for her room and slammed the door. Max rubbed his face. For such a small thing she hit really hard.

"Bad move Max."

Max turned to look at Serena.

"Yeah. Well she is acting like a bitch."
"True but that is the one thing that really pisses her off."
"Can't you tell me what happened?"
"She gave her heart to the wrong guy and he smashed it to pieces. She had already been in a fragile place. She has never really dealt with her parents deaths. So having Ryan hurt her the way he did she has been very cold."
"There has to be something that we can do."
"You already have."
"What do you mean?"
"That was the most emotion I have seen out of her in a long time."
"Yes. Max, you are some how breaking through the wall around her heart."

Max looked at Serena and then the closed door. He wondered if he was really making her feel something.


Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 12 12/3/16

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 10:00 am
by keepsmiling7
Guess it will be a long time before Liz can trust anyone....
But Serena was glad she at least showed some emotion. Maybe that is a start.
We hope so.